# loang.net loang is a shared [nix](https://nixos.org) system with [vietnamese](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/loang#Vietnamese) naming convention it exists to promote [software freedom](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html), interoperability, privacy and [reproducibility](https://reproducible-builds.org) ## services * alps (mail client) at [tem.loang.net](https://tem.loang.net) * cgit (git web frontend) at [trong.loang.net](https://trong.loang.net) * dendrite (matrix server) at [loang.net](https://loang.net/_matrix/static) * element (matrix client) at [than.loang.net](https://than.loang.net) * knot (authoritative name server) at danh.loang.net * laminar (automation logs) at [xong.loang.net](https://xong.loang.net) * maddy (mail server) at loang.net * molly brown (gemini server) at [loang.net](gemini://loang.net) * nginx (web server) at [loang.net](https://loang.net) * nix environment (through ssh) at [loang.net](ssh://loang.net:2211) * ntfy (notification server) at [tin.loang.net](https://tin.loang.net) * 소주 (irc bouncer) at [loang.net](ircs://loang.net:6697) ## contacts * matrix room: [#chung:loang.net](matrix:r/chung:loang.net) * mailing list: [~cnx/loang@lists.sr.ht](https://lists.sr.ht/~cnx/loang) * tickets: [~cnx/loang@todo.sr.ht](https://todo.sr.ht/~cnx/loang) ## members * ~axl * ~ckie * [~cnx](/~cnx) (admin) * [~epoch](/~epoch) * ~int2k * [~mingnho](/~mingnho) * [~owocean](/~owocean) * [~xarvos](/~xarvos) (admin) ## joining if you can get a member to vouch for you, send an admin * your desired username * your ssh public key * your referrer's username upon approval access for the following services are granted * remote shell * static web hosting under /var/lib/www/loang.net/~$USER * gemini hosting under /var/lib/gemini/loang.net/users/$USER * git hosting under /var/lib/git/~$USER * laminar jobs under /var/lib/laminar/cfg/jobs the following are available upon request * reverse proxy * subdomain of loang.net * authoritative dns * email account * matrix account * irc bouncer nick ## finance the [vps](https://vpsfree.org) costs 12 eur a month and the annual renewal fee for loang.net is 11.79 usd