# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # game.py - main module, starts game and main loop # Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Nguyễn Gia Phong # # This file is part of Brutal Maze. # # Brutal Maze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Brutal Maze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Brutal Maze. If not, see . __version__ = '0.7.4' import re from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType, RawTextHelpFormatter from collections import deque try: # Python 3 from configparser import ConfigParser except ImportError: # Python 2 from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from math import atan2, radians, pi from os.path import join, pathsep from socket import socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR from sys import stdout from threading import Thread import pygame from pygame import KEYDOWN, QUIT, VIDEORESIZE from pygame.time import Clock, get_ticks from appdirs import AppDirs from .constants import ( SETTINGS, ICON, MUSIC, NOISE, HERO_SPEED, COLORS, MIDDLE, WALL) from .maze import Maze from .misc import deg, round2, sign class ConfigReader: """Object reading and processing INI configuration file for Brutal Maze. """ CONTROL_ALIASES = (('New game', 'new'), ('Toggle pause', 'pause'), ('Toggle mute', 'mute'), ('Move left', 'left'), ('Move right', 'right'), ('Move up', 'up'), ('Move down', 'down'), ('Auto move', 'autove'), ('Long-range attack', 'shot'), ('Close-range attack', 'slash')) WEIRD_MOUSE_ERR = '{}: Mouse is not a suitable control' INVALID_CONTROL_ERR = '{}: {} is not recognized as a valid control key' def __init__(self, filenames): self.config = ConfigParser() self.config.read(SETTINGS) # default configuration self.config.read(filenames) # Fallback to None when attribute is missing def __getattr__(self, name): return None def parse(self): """Parse configurations.""" self.size = (self.config.getint('Graphics', 'Screen width'), self.config.getint('Graphics', 'Screen height')) self.max_fps = self.config.getint('Graphics', 'Maximum FPS') self.muted = self.config.getboolean('Sound', 'Muted') self.musicvol = self.config.getfloat('Sound', 'Music volume') self.space = self.config.getboolean('Sound', 'Space theme') self.server = self.config.getboolean('Server', 'Enable') self.host = self.config.get('Server', 'Host') self.port = self.config.getint('Server', 'Port') self.timeout = self.config.getfloat('Server', 'Timeout') self.headless = self.config.getboolean('Server', 'Headless') if self.server: return self.key, self.mouse = {}, {} for cmd, alias in self.CONTROL_ALIASES: i = self.config.get('Control', cmd) if re.match('mouse[1-3]$', i.lower()): if alias not in ('autove', 'shot', 'slash'): raise ValueError(self.WEIRD_MOUSE_ERR.format(cmd)) self.mouse[alias] = int(i[-1]) - 1 continue if len(i) == 1: self.key[alias] = ord(i.lower()) continue try: self.key[alias] = getattr(pygame, 'K_{}'.format(i.upper())) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(self.INVALID_CONTROL_ERR.format(cmd, i)) def read_args(self, arguments): """Read and parse a ArgumentParser.Namespace.""" for option in ('size', 'max_fps', 'muted', 'musicvol', 'space', 'server', 'host', 'port', 'timeout', 'headless'): value = getattr(arguments, option) if value is not None: setattr(self, option, value) class Game: """Object handling main loop and IO.""" def __init__(self, config): pygame.mixer.pre_init(frequency=44100) pygame.init() self.headless = config.headless and config.server if config.muted or self.headless: pygame.mixer.quit() else: pygame.mixer.music.load(NOISE if config.space else MUSIC) pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(config.musicvol) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) pygame.display.set_icon(ICON) pygame.fastevent.init() if config.server: self.server = socket() self.server.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.server.bind((config.host, config.port)) self.server.listen(1) print('Socket server is listening on {}:{}'.format(config.host, config.port)) self.timeout = config.timeout self.sockinp = 0, 0, -pi * 3 / 4, 0, 0 # freeze and point to NW else: self.server = self.sockinp = None # self.fps is a float to make sure floordiv won't be used in Python 2 self.max_fps, self.fps = config.max_fps, float(config.max_fps) self.musicvol = config.musicvol self.key, self.mouse = config.key, config.mouse self.maze = Maze(config.max_fps, config.size, config.headless) self.hero = self.maze.hero self.clock, self.paused = Clock(), False def __enter__(self): return self def expos(self, x, y): """Return position of the given coordinates in rounded percent.""" cx = (x+self.maze.x-self.maze.centerx) / self.maze.distance * 100 cy = (y+self.maze.y-self.maze.centery) / self.maze.distance * 100 return round2(cx), round2(cy) def export(self): """Export maze data to a bytes object.""" maze, hero, = self.maze, self.hero lines = deque(['{0} {4} {5} {1} {2:d} {3:d}'.format( COLORS[hero.get_color()], deg(self.hero.angle), hero.next_strike <= 0, hero.next_heal <= 0, *self.expos(maze.x, maze.y))]) walls = [[1 if maze.map[x][y] == WALL else 0 for x in maze.rangex] for y in maze.rangey] if maze.next_move <= 0 else [] ne = nb = 0 for enemy in maze.enemies: # Check Chameleons if getattr(enemy, 'visible', 1) <= 0 and maze.next_move <= 0: continue lines.append('{0} {2} {3} {1:.0f}'.format( COLORS[enemy.get_color()], deg(enemy.angle), *self.expos(*enemy.get_pos()))) ne += 1 for bullet in maze.bullets: x, y = self.expos(bullet.x, bullet.y) color, angle = COLORS[bullet.get_color()], deg(bullet.angle) if color != '0': lines.append('{} {} {} {:.0f}'.format(color, x, y, angle)) nb += 1 if walls: lines.appendleft('\n'.join(''.join(str(cell) for cell in row) for row in walls)) lines.appendleft('{} {} {} {}'.format(len(walls), ne, nb, maze.get_score())) return '\n'.join(lines).encode() def update(self): """Draw and handle meta events on Pygame window. Return False if QUIT event is captured, True otherwise. """ events = pygame.fastevent.get() for event in events: if event.type == QUIT: return False elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE: self.maze.resize((event.w, event.h)) elif event.type == KEYDOWN and not self.server: if event.key == self.key['new']: self.maze.reinit() elif event.key == self.key['pause'] and not self.hero.dead: self.paused ^= True elif event.key == self.key['mute']: if pygame.mixer.get_init() is None: pygame.mixer.init(frequency=44100) pygame.mixer.music.load(MUSIC) pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(self.musicvol) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) else: pygame.mixer.quit() # Compare current FPS with the average of the last 10 frames new_fps = self.clock.get_fps() if new_fps < self.fps: self.fps -= 1 elif self.fps < self.max_fps and not self.paused: self.fps += 5 if not self.paused: self.maze.update(self.fps) if not self.headless: self.maze.draw() self.clock.tick(self.fps) return True def move(self, x, y): """Command the hero to move faster in the given direction.""" maze = self.maze velocity = maze.distance * HERO_SPEED / self.fps accel = velocity * HERO_SPEED / self.fps if x == y == 0: maze.set_step() x, y = maze.stepx, maze.stepy else: x, y = -x, -y # or move the maze in the reverse direction if maze.next_move > 0 or not x: maze.vx -= sign(maze.vx) * accel if abs(maze.vx) < accel * 2: maze.vx = 0.0 elif x * maze.vx < 0: maze.vx += x * 2 * accel else: maze.vx += x * accel if abs(maze.vx) > velocity: maze.vx = x * velocity if maze.next_move > 0 or not y: maze.vy -= sign(maze.vy) * accel if abs(maze.vy) < accel * 2: maze.vy = 0.0 elif y * maze.vy < 0: maze.vy += y * 2 * accel else: maze.vy += y * accel if abs(maze.vy) > velocity: maze.vy = y * velocity def control(self, x, y, angle, firing, slashing): """Control how the hero move and attack.""" self.move(x, y) self.hero.update_angle(angle) self.hero.firing = firing self.hero.slashing = slashing def remote_control(self): """Handle remote control though socket server. This function is supposed to be run in a Thread. """ clock = Clock() while True: connection, address = self.server.accept() connection.settimeout(self.timeout) time = get_ticks() print('[{}] Connected to {}:{}'.format(time, *address)) self.maze.reinit() while True: if self.hero.dead: connection.send('0000000'.encode()) break data = self.export() connection.send('{:07}'.format(len(data)).encode()) connection.send(data) try: buf = connection.recv(7) except: # client is closed or timed out break if not buf: break try: move, angle, attack = map(int, buf.decode().split()) except ValueError: # invalid input break y, x = (i - 1 for i in divmod(move, 3)) self.sockinp = x, y, radians(angle), attack & 1, attack >> 1 clock.tick(self.fps) self.sockinp = 0, 0, -pi * 3 / 4, 0, 0 new_time = get_ticks() print('[{0}] {3}:{4} scored {1} points in {2}ms'.format( new_time, self.maze.get_score(), new_time - time, *address)) connection.close() if not self.hero.dead: self.maze.lose() def user_control(self): """Handle direct control from user's mouse and keyboard.""" if not self.hero.dead: keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() right = keys[self.key['right']] - keys[self.key['left']] down = keys[self.key['down']] - keys[self.key['up']] buttons = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() try: autove = keys[self.key['autove']] except KeyError: autove = buttons[self.mouse['autove']] try: firing = keys[self.key['shot']] except KeyError: firing = buttons[self.mouse['shot']] try: slashing = keys[self.key['slash']] except KeyError: slashing = buttons[self.mouse['slash']] # Follow the mouse cursor x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() maze = self.maze if right or down: maze.destx = maze.desty = MIDDLE maze.stepx = maze.stepy = 0 elif autove: maze.destx, maze.desty = maze.get_grid(x, y) maze.set_step(maze.is_displayed) if maze.stepx == maze.stepy == 0: maze.destx = maze.desty = MIDDLE angle = atan2(y - self.hero.y, x - self.hero.x) self.control(right, down, angle, firing, slashing) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.server is not None: self.server.close() pygame.quit() def main(): """Start game and main loop.""" # Read configuration file dirs = AppDirs(appname='brutalmaze', appauthor=False, multipath=True) parents = dirs.site_config_dir.split(pathsep) parents.append(dirs.user_config_dir) filenames = [join(parent, 'settings.ini') for parent in parents] config = ConfigReader(filenames) config.parse() # Parse command-line arguments parser = ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options]', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='Brutal Maze {}'.format(__version__)) parser.add_argument( '--write-config', nargs='?', const=stdout, type=FileType('w'), metavar='PATH', dest='defaultcfg', help='write default config and exit, if PATH not specified use stdout') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', metavar='PATH', help='location of the configuration file (fallback: {})'.format( pathsep.join(filenames))) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--size', type=int, nargs=2, metavar=('X', 'Y'), help='the desired screen size (fallback: {}x{})'.format(*config.size)) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--max-fps', type=int, metavar='FPS', help='the desired maximum FPS (fallback: {})'.format(config.max_fps)) parser.add_argument( '--mute', '-m', action='store_true', default=None, dest='muted', help='mute all sounds (fallback: {})'.format(config.muted)) parser.add_argument('--unmute', action='store_false', dest='muted', help='unmute sound') parser.add_argument( '--music-volume', type=float, metavar='VOL', dest='musicvol', help='between 0.0 and 1.0 (fallback: {})'.format(config.musicvol)) parser.add_argument( '--space-music', action='store_true', default=None, dest='space', help='use space music background'.format(config.muted)) parser.add_argument('--default-music', action='store_false', dest='space', help='use default music background') parser.add_argument( '--server', action='store_true', default=None, help='enable server (fallback: {})'.format(config.server)) parser.add_argument('--no-server', action='store_false', dest='server', help='disable server') parser.add_argument( '--host', help='host to bind server to (fallback: {})'.format( config.host)) parser.add_argument( '--port', type=int, help='port for server to listen on (fallback: {})'.format(config.port)) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--timeout', type=float, help='socket operations timeout in seconds (fallback: {})'.format( config.timeout)) parser.add_argument( '--head', action='store_false', default=None, dest='headless', help='run server with graphics and sound (fallback: {})'.format( not config.headless)) parser.add_argument('--headless', action='store_true', help='run server without graphics or sound') args = parser.parse_args() if args.defaultcfg is not None: with open(SETTINGS) as settings: args.defaultcfg.write(settings.read()) args.defaultcfg.close() exit() # Manipulate config if args.config: config.config.read(args.config) config.parse() config.read_args(args) # Main loop with Game(config) as game: if config.server: socket_thread = Thread(target=game.remote_control) socket_thread.daemon = True # make it disposable socket_thread.start() while game.update(): game.control(*game.sockinp) else: while game.update(): game.user_control()