unit dic; interface function count_char(c: char): longint; function get_char_at_pos(x: longint): char; procedure answer(s: string); implementation var secret_word: string; words: array [1..1000000] of string; total_cost, n: longint; procedure answer(s: string); begin if s = secret_word then begin writeln('Chuc mung ban da tim ra dap an chinh xac la "', s, '"'); writeln('Chi phi ban da su dung la ', total_cost); end else begin writeln('Dap an ban dua ra la "', s, '"'); writeln('Dap an chinh xac la "', secret_word, '"'); end; halt; end; procedure cost_limit_exceed; begin writeln('Chi phi ban da su dung vuot qua chi phi toi da cho phep'); halt; end; function count_char(c: char): longint; var i, res: longint; begin total_cost := total_cost + 1; if (total_cost > 1000) then cost_limit_exceed; res := 0; for i := 1 to length(secret_word) do if secret_word[i] = c then inc(res); exit(res); end; function get_char_at_pos(x: longint): char; begin total_cost := total_cost + 10; if (total_cost > 1000) then cost_limit_exceed; if (x < 1) or (x > length(secret_word)) then exit('#'); exit(secret_word[x]); end; procedure check_secret_word; var f: text; i: longint; ok: boolean; begin assign(f, 'dic.dat'); reset(f); while not seekeof(f) do begin inc(n); readln(f, words[n]); end; close(f); ok := false; for i := 1 to n do if words[i] = secret_word then ok := true; if not ok then begin writeln('Du lieu duoc khoi tao khong chinh xac. Dap an can tim khong nam trong tu dien'); halt; end; end; procedure init; begin writeln; writeln(' TU DIEN '); writeln('*****************'); writeln; secret_word := 'cat'; total_cost := 0; check_secret_word; end; initialization init; end.