(* uuencoding *) var fi, fo: text; s: string[3] = 'CnX'; n: cardinal = 0; i: cardinal; j: byte; function enc(s: string): string; var c1, c2, c3: byte; begin c1 := ord(s[1]); if length(s) < 2 then c2 := 0 else c2 := ord(s[2]); if length(s) < 3 then c3 := 0 else c3 := ord(s[3]); enc := chr(c1 div 4 + 32) + chr(c1 mod 4 * 16 + c2 div 16 + 32) + chr(c2 mod 16 * 4 + c3 div 64 + 32) + chr(c3 mod 64 + 32) end; begin assign(fi, '1enc.inp'); assign(fo, '1enc.out'); reset(fi); while not eof(fi) do begin read(fi, s[1]); inc(n) end; if n = 0 then writeln(fo, ' '); reset(fi); rewrite(fo); for i := 1 to n div 45 do begin write(fo, 'M'); for j := 1 to 15 do begin read(fi, s); write(fo, enc(s)) end; writeln(fo); end; n := n mod 45; if n > 0 then begin write(fo, chr(n + 32)); for i := 1 to n div 3 do begin read(fi, s); write(fo, enc(s)) end; if n mod 3 > 0 then begin read(fi, s); writeln(fo, enc(s)) end else writeln(fo) end; close(fi); close(fo) end.