# Description Nearly everyone is familiar with the factorial operator in math. 5! yields 120 because factorial means "multiply successive terms where each are one less than the previous": 5! -> 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 -> 120 Simple enough. Now let's reverse it. Could you write a function that tells us that "120" is "5!"? Hint: The strategy is pretty straightforward, just divide the term by successively larger terms until you get to "1" as the resultant: 120 -> 120/2 -> 60/3 -> 20/4 -> 5/5 -> 1 => 5! # Sample Input You'll be given a single integer, one per line. Examples: 120 150 # Sample Output Your program should report what each number is as a factorial, or "NONE" if it's not legitimately a factorial. Examples: 120 = 5! 150 NONE # Challenge Input 3628800 479001600 6 18 # Challenge Output 3628800 = 10! 479001600 = 12! 6 = 3! 18 NONE