const inp = 'xepviec.inp'; out = 'xepviec.out'; type int200 = 0..200; var f : text; n, i, j, k, l, tmp : int200; a : array[0..200, 0..200] of int200; function next(m : int200) : boolean; var i0, j0 : int200; begin for i0 := 1 to a[0, 0] do for j0 := 2 to a[i0, 0] do if m = a[i0, j0] then exit(false); next := true; end; begin assign(f, inp); reset(f); readln(f, n); i := 0; repeat inc(i); j := 0; repeat inc(j); read(f, a[i, j]) until eoln(f); a[i, 0] := j until eof(f); close(f); a[0, 0] := i - 1; for i := 1 to n do for j := 1 to a[0, 0] do if (a[j, 0] > 0) and next(a[j, 1]) then begin tmp := a[j, 1]; a[0, i] := tmp; for k := 1 to a[0, 0] do if a[k, 1] = tmp then begin dec(a[k, 0]); for l := 1 to a[k, 0] do a[k, l] := a[k, l + 1] end; break end; assign(f, out); rewrite(f); for i := 1 to n do write(f, a[0, i], ' '); close(f) end.