/* * Print the area of the rectangle constructed from a pair of 2D points * and check if a point it within this rectangle * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. */ #include #include /* Writing a header for just a simple struct would be overkill. */ struct point { double x, y; }; struct rect { struct point u, v; }; double area(struct rect r) { return fabs((r.u.x - r.v.x) * (r.u.y - r.v.y)); } int isin(struct point p, struct rect r) { return ((p.x - r.u.x) * (p.x - r.v.x) < 0 && (p.y - r.u.y) * (p.y - r.v.y) < 0); } int main() { struct point m, n; /* Don't bother logging errors, since it would pollute the pipe. */ do { scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &m.x, &m.y, &n.x, &n.y); } while (m.x == n.x || m.y == n.y); struct rect r = {m, n}; printf("%g\n", area(r)); struct point p; scanf("%lf %lf", &p.x, &p.y); printf("%d\n", isin(p, r)); return 0; }