1 00:00:00,120 --> 00:00:02,000 Now we get to the final part of the lesson. 2 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,810 And in this part I want to talk about well known, 3 00:00:04,810 --> 00:00:09,230 ineffective development practices. These practices, when followed, tend to lead 4 00:00:09,230 --> 00:00:13,245 to predictably bad results. So let's look at some examples of 5 00:00:13,245 --> 00:00:17,130 these classic mistakes. And we're going to start with mistakes 6 00:00:17,130 --> 00:00:20,660 involving people. And notice that there is a long list. So 7 00:00:20,660 --> 00:00:23,100 I'm going to discuss just a few of those mistakes. 8 00:00:23,100 --> 00:00:25,215 And I'm going to point you to more information on this 9 00:00:25,215 --> 00:00:27,550 topic in the class notes. And some of these mistakes are 10 00:00:27,550 --> 00:00:30,020 actually kind of entertaining. So I'll recommend that you look at 11 00:00:30,020 --> 00:00:33,210 the class notes and go in more depth in this list. 12 00:00:33,210 --> 00:00:35,550 So the first people mistake I want to mention is the 13 00:00:35,550 --> 00:00:38,945 one that I define, heroics. And this refers to too much 14 00:00:38,945 --> 00:00:43,480 emphasis on can do attitudes, so this idea that one person 15 00:00:43,480 --> 00:00:46,330 by himself or by herself can do everything and can make 16 00:00:46,330 --> 00:00:50,422 the difference in the whole project. And unfortunately, this encourages extreme 17 00:00:50,422 --> 00:00:53,950 risk taking and discourages cooperation, which is plain bad for 18 00:00:53,950 --> 00:00:56,610 the project. For example, it might force people not to 19 00:00:56,610 --> 00:00:59,600 report schedule slips. It might force people to take on 20 00:00:59,600 --> 00:01:02,210 on too much responsibility. And normally, and I saw it 21 00:01:02,210 --> 00:01:05,600 happen many times, the final result is a failure. So 22 00:01:05,600 --> 00:01:08,410 what you want when you're developing a larger project, is 23 00:01:08,410 --> 00:01:11,710 actually to apply soft engineering principles. Have teams, have team 24 00:01:11,710 --> 00:01:15,580 work, and have cooperation among the different team members, without pointing 25 00:01:15,580 --> 00:01:18,830 too much on single individuals. Another classic mistake 26 00:01:18,830 --> 00:01:22,140 is to not create the right working environment. We 27 00:01:22,140 --> 00:01:24,900 all like to work in nice environments. And there 28 00:01:24,900 --> 00:01:27,790 is strong evidence that the working environments can play 29 00:01:27,790 --> 00:01:30,670 a big role in productivity. There is evidence 30 00:01:30,670 --> 00:01:34,280 that productivity increases when the workplace is nice, quiet, 31 00:01:34,280 --> 00:01:37,950 warm, and welcoming. Finally, some of the most important 32 00:01:37,950 --> 00:01:41,480 people relating mistakes are due to poor people management. 33 00:01:41,480 --> 00:01:44,540 For example, lack of leaderships, or leadership that is 34 00:01:44,540 --> 00:01:47,920 exercised using the wrong means in the wrong way, which 35 00:01:47,920 --> 00:01:50,280 can lead to very unhappy personnel and therefore, low 36 00:01:50,280 --> 00:01:54,190 productivity, or even people leaving teams. Another classic example of 37 00:01:54,190 --> 00:01:57,370 poor management is adding people to a project that 38 00:01:57,370 --> 00:02:01,600 is behind schedule, which never works. Why it doesn't work? 39 00:02:01,600 --> 00:02:03,440 Because these new people need to be brought up to 40 00:02:03,440 --> 00:02:06,520 speed, and that causes further delays rather than improving the 41 00:02:06,520 --> 00:02:08,280 situation with the project schedule.