1 00:00:00,130 --> 00:00:02,420 So now that we know, we saw what happens under 2 00:00:02,420 --> 00:00:04,570 the hood, and as I said, don't worry about it if 3 00:00:04,570 --> 00:00:06,689 you don't care about that part. Now we can go back 4 00:00:06,689 --> 00:00:09,850 to Eclipse, and we can start creating a package. A package 5 00:00:09,850 --> 00:00:13,125 is basically a way of organizing your classes into a 6 00:00:13,125 --> 00:00:17,015 hierarchy. In this case, I'm going to specify the package name as 7 00:00:17,015 --> 00:00:21,350 edu.gatech, which means that I'm creating really two packages, a package 8 00:00:21,350 --> 00:00:25,480 gatech inside package edu. And I can start creating classes inside 9 00:00:25,480 --> 00:00:28,770 my packages. So here, I can use the contextual menu, select 10 00:00:28,770 --> 00:00:32,055 New>Class, and I'll get another wizard that will allow me to 11 00:00:32,055 --> 00:00:35,160 specify the name of the class. I'm not very creative here, 12 00:00:35,160 --> 00:00:38,250 so I'm just going to call it Hello World. There's many other parameters 13 00:00:38,250 --> 00:00:41,710 you can set, and in particular, you can define whether you 14 00:00:41,710 --> 00:00:45,450 want a main method in your class. Where having a main 15 00:00:45,450 --> 00:00:48,460 method means that your class can be the main class in 16 00:00:48,460 --> 00:00:50,850 your project, can be the one that is run when you run 17 00:00:50,850 --> 00:00:54,340 your project. After we click the button, the Finish button, we, 18 00:00:54,340 --> 00:00:56,859 we get the class. So we also get template code for the 19 00:00:56,859 --> 00:00:59,604 class, as you can see here, so we go to the editor 20 00:00:59,604 --> 00:01:02,120 function, you can see that there is a to do. Where you 21 00:01:02,120 --> 00:01:05,019 have to put your code, and here we are simply, basically printing, 22 00:01:05,019 --> 00:01:08,370 you know, the typical first program. We just going to print Hello World 23 00:01:08,370 --> 00:01:11,180 in Java. And something you can note is that as we are 24 00:01:11,180 --> 00:01:16,370 typing, Eclipse gives us a auto complete suggestions, which is very helpful. 25 00:01:16,370 --> 00:01:19,650 For example, in case you don't remember the exact syntax, 26 00:01:19,650 --> 00:01:22,190 or the method, or you don't remember the parameters of the 27 00:01:22,190 --> 00:01:24,470 method. Which is, you know, often the case especially where you 28 00:01:24,470 --> 00:01:27,590 work with large libraries. So having that feature can really, really 29 00:01:27,590 --> 00:01:30,050 help you. So now if we want to run our code 30 00:01:30,050 --> 00:01:33,380 we can either click on the button up here, or we 31 00:01:33,380 --> 00:01:37,960 can right-click in the Call window and select Run As Java 32 00:01:37,960 --> 00:01:41,370 Application. And if we do that, Eclipse will run our tool, 33 00:01:41,370 --> 00:01:45,650 and it will create, as you can see here, a console view that basically contains 34 00:01:45,650 --> 00:01:49,790 the textual output of my program. And as expected, the output is Hello World.