1 00:00:00,110 --> 00:00:02,212 Now that we are done with our demo, I just want 2 00:00:02,212 --> 00:00:05,910 to go through a quick GIT recap to remind you of the 3 00:00:05,910 --> 00:00:08,720 main commands that we saw, and what they do. And you can 4 00:00:08,720 --> 00:00:11,290 also use these as sort of a reference when you work with 5 00:00:11,290 --> 00:00:13,940 GIT. And by the way, if you look around and you do 6 00:00:13,940 --> 00:00:16,960 a search, you can see that there's tons of examples on the 7 00:00:16,960 --> 00:00:22,170 web of GitHub tutorials, videos, examples, manuals. So feel free to 8 00:00:22,170 --> 00:00:25,910 explore. And I'm actually going to put some references to tutorials and 9 00:00:25,910 --> 00:00:29,100 videos that I found particularly useful in the notes for the class.