1 00:00:00,350 --> 00:00:02,400 Now that we've discussed the inception phase, let's move 2 00:00:02,400 --> 00:00:04,180 on to the second phase of RUP, which is 3 00:00:04,180 --> 00:00:07,280 the elaboration phase. And there are four main goals 4 00:00:07,280 --> 00:00:10,900 and activities for the elaboration phase. Analyzing the problem domain 5 00:00:10,900 --> 00:00:13,690 to get a better understanding of the domain. Establishing 6 00:00:13,690 --> 00:00:17,840 a solid architectural foundation for the project. Eliminating the highest 7 00:00:17,840 --> 00:00:21,454 risk elements which basically means addressing the most critical 8 00:00:21,454 --> 00:00:25,590 use cases. And finally, refine the plan of activities and estimates 9 00:00:25,590 --> 00:00:28,250 of resources to complete the project. The outcome 10 00:00:28,250 --> 00:00:31,310 of the elaboration phase reflects these activities and also 11 00:00:31,310 --> 00:00:34,440 in this case produces several artifacts. The first one 12 00:00:34,440 --> 00:00:38,700 is an almost complete use case model with all use cases 13 00:00:38,700 --> 00:00:42,560 and actors identified and most use case descriptions developed. 14 00:00:42,560 --> 00:00:44,070 As part of this phase we also identify a 15 00:00:44,070 --> 00:00:47,550 set of what we called supplementary requirements. So these 16 00:00:47,550 --> 00:00:50,685 are basically all the requirements that are not associated 17 00:00:50,685 --> 00:00:53,483 with a use case. And these sets includes in particular all 18 00:00:53,483 --> 00:00:56,110 non-functional requirements such as security, 19 00:00:56,110 --> 00:00:58,630 reliability, maintainability and so on. So 20 00:00:58,630 --> 00:01:00,770 all the ones that are relevant for the system that 21 00:01:00,770 --> 00:01:02,280 you're developing. We mentioned before 22 00:01:02,280 --> 00:01:04,410 that the software architecture is developed 23 00:01:04,410 --> 00:01:07,220 in an incremental way, so it's not created at once. 24 00:01:07,220 --> 00:01:09,650 And this is exactly what happens in the elaboration phase, that 25 00:01:09,650 --> 00:01:12,990 we take the initial architecture that was defined in the inception 26 00:01:12,990 --> 00:01:16,280 phase and we refine it until we get to a software 27 00:01:16,280 --> 00:01:19,400 architecture which is complete. And that is part of the 28 00:01:19,400 --> 00:01:22,410 deliverables for this phase. And the list continues, so let 29 00:01:22,410 --> 00:01:25,020 me make some room. In addition to producing a complete 30 00:01:25,020 --> 00:01:28,270 architecture for our system, in the elaboration phase we also 31 00:01:28,270 --> 00:01:32,130 define the lower-level design for the system. And, therefore, as 32 00:01:32,130 --> 00:01:35,560 part of this phase, we produce as deliverables a design 33 00:01:35,560 --> 00:01:38,000 model, and together with that, a complete set of test 34 00:01:38,000 --> 00:01:41,770 cases, and an executable prototype. We also produce a revised 35 00:01:41,770 --> 00:01:44,390 project plan. Now that we have more information about the 36 00:01:44,390 --> 00:01:47,120 project we can refine the various estimates and the various 37 00:01:47,120 --> 00:01:50,020 pieces of information in the project plan. And also an 38 00:01:50,020 --> 00:01:54,160 updated risk assessment document. Finally, in this phase we also generate 39 00:01:54,160 --> 00:01:57,680 a preliminary user manual that describes to the users how 40 00:01:57,680 --> 00:02:00,350 the system can be used and should be used. So now 41 00:02:00,350 --> 00:02:03,630 let's see what are the evaluation criteria for the elaboration 42 00:02:03,630 --> 00:02:06,880 phase which is our second milestone. So I'm just going to list 43 00:02:06,880 --> 00:02:09,400 them here. The first one is whether the vision 44 00:02:09,400 --> 00:02:12,620 and the architecture are stable or they're still changing so 45 00:02:12,620 --> 00:02:15,680 did we converge into a final complete vision for the 46 00:02:15,680 --> 00:02:18,620 system? Does the prototype show that the major risks that 47 00:02:18,620 --> 00:02:22,090 we have identified have been resolved or at least addressed 48 00:02:22,090 --> 00:02:25,390 in this phase? Is the project plan sufficiently detailed and 49 00:02:25,390 --> 00:02:29,030 accurate? Do all stakeholders agree that the vision can be 50 00:02:29,030 --> 00:02:32,320 achieved with the current plan? Is the actual resource expenditure 51 00:02:32,320 --> 00:02:35,840 versus the planned expenditure acceptable? So now we study consumer 52 00:02:35,840 --> 00:02:39,120 resources and therefore we can check whether our estimates were 53 00:02:39,120 --> 00:02:41,964 correct. And also in this case the project might be 54 00:02:41,964 --> 00:02:45,730 cancelled or considerably reshaped if it fails to pass this milestone.