1 00:00:00,120 --> 00:00:02,600 The first statement is false. It is not true 2 00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:04,840 that because of pair programming, we need twice as many 3 00:00:04,840 --> 00:00:08,039 developers. In fact that there is some evidence that even 4 00:00:08,039 --> 00:00:11,700 though in pair programming we have two developers working together, 5 00:00:11,700 --> 00:00:15,175 that the overall efficiency of the programmers is not really 6 00:00:15,175 --> 00:00:19,080 affected by use of this practice. In XP, code is 7 00:00:19,080 --> 00:00:23,280 rarely changed after being written. This is also definitely false. 8 00:00:23,280 --> 00:00:25,233 In fact in XP there is a lot of emphasis 9 00:00:25,233 --> 00:00:27,879 on change on the fact that the code can be changed, 10 00:00:27,879 --> 00:00:30,462 it can be resigned, because of the fact when we do 11 00:00:30,462 --> 00:00:32,793 that, we have a set of these cases that we can 12 00:00:32,793 --> 00:00:35,439 use to check right away that the code still works as 13 00:00:35,439 --> 00:00:39,850 expected. So again in XP, it's all about steering rather than 14 00:00:39,850 --> 00:00:43,430 just driving down one fixed direction. And therefore, the code can 15 00:00:43,430 --> 00:00:46,580 be changed. So this statement is false. It is definitely true 16 00:00:46,580 --> 00:00:50,950 that XP follows the test driven development paradigm. In XP we first 17 00:00:50,950 --> 00:00:53,320 write tests, and then we write the code, which is 18 00:00:53,320 --> 00:00:55,980 exactly what TDD is about. It is not true that 19 00:00:55,980 --> 00:00:58,740 the customer does not need to provide requirements in XP. 20 00:00:58,740 --> 00:01:02,020 The customer does provide requirements in the form of user 21 00:01:02,020 --> 00:01:04,879 stories, and the user stories are the starting point of 22 00:01:04,879 --> 00:01:09,370 the development process. Finally, XP is definitely an iterative software 23 00:01:09,370 --> 00:01:12,500 development process. In fact, we saw that XP is based 24 00:01:12,500 --> 00:01:16,100 on subsequent iterations of the same cycle, in which we 25 00:01:16,100 --> 00:01:18,110 select from a set of story cards, or user 26 00:01:18,110 --> 00:01:21,270 stories, the stories that we want to implement in the 27 00:01:21,270 --> 00:01:24,250 next iteration. Based on that we develop task cards, 28 00:01:24,250 --> 00:01:26,060 and then we use the task cards to write this 29 00:01:26,060 --> 00:01:28,400 case and then to write code. And we continue 30 00:01:28,400 --> 00:01:31,140 this cycle in an iterative way until we are done 31 00:01:31,140 --> 00:01:33,030 with all the story cards, and all the user 32 00:01:33,030 --> 00:01:36,612 stories, so definitely XP is an iterative software development process.