1 00:00:00,100 --> 00:00:02,200 So I want to conclude this lesson by providing a high 2 00:00:02,200 --> 00:00:05,790 level view of this scrum process. The process is represented here, 3 00:00:05,790 --> 00:00:07,939 and as you can see it has several components. We're going to 4 00:00:07,939 --> 00:00:09,860 go through all of them one at a time. We're going to 5 00:00:09,860 --> 00:00:13,110 start with a product backlog. Product backlog is the single source 6 00:00:13,110 --> 00:00:17,420 of requirements, for the process. They're order by value raised priority 7 00:00:17,420 --> 00:00:21,110 necessity, so that all of this characteristics can be taken into 8 00:00:21,110 --> 00:00:25,920 account when selecting which backlog items to consider for the next iteration. 9 00:00:25,920 --> 00:00:28,710 It's a living list in the sense that backlog items 10 00:00:28,710 --> 00:00:31,020 can be added or removed. And it's not really defined 11 00:00:31,020 --> 00:00:33,200 as we just said, by the product owner. In the 12 00:00:33,200 --> 00:00:36,260 sprint planning, what happens is that the next increment or 13 00:00:36,260 --> 00:00:40,180 the next sprint is defined. So basically, the backlog items 14 00:00:40,180 --> 00:00:43,348 of interest are selected based on the characteristics we just 15 00:00:43,348 --> 00:00:46,890 mentioned: value, [UNKNOWN], priority, and necessity. And the items are 16 00:00:46,890 --> 00:00:50,950 converted into tasks and estimated. So the result is this sprint 17 00:00:50,950 --> 00:00:54,240 backlog, which is the set of backlog items that will 18 00:00:54,240 --> 00:00:57,650 be completed during the next sprint. The sprint is an actual 19 00:00:57,650 --> 00:01:01,040 iteration of this scrum process. It's got a main part 20 00:01:01,040 --> 00:01:04,730 that lasts two to four weeks, and within this main part, 21 00:01:04,730 --> 00:01:08,150 there are many daily scrums that last 24 hours. So 22 00:01:08,150 --> 00:01:11,260 let's see how this work. A daily scrum is typically characterized 23 00:01:11,260 --> 00:01:13,960 by a 50-minute meeting at the beginning of the day 24 00:01:13,960 --> 00:01:16,220 for the team to sync, and what happens during the meeting 25 00:01:16,220 --> 00:01:19,010 is that there is a discussion of the accomplishments since 26 00:01:19,010 --> 00:01:21,210 the last meeting. A to do list for the next 27 00:01:21,210 --> 00:01:24,210 meeting is produced, and there is also an obstacle analysis. 28 00:01:24,210 --> 00:01:27,690 So if some problem appear, they're discussing the daily scrum, and 29 00:01:27,690 --> 00:01:30,905 possible solutions are proposed. At the end of the two 30 00:01:30,905 --> 00:01:34,840 four-week cycle, there is a sprint review and retrospective. The sprint 31 00:01:34,840 --> 00:01:37,440 review normally consists of a four hour meeting. In the 32 00:01:37,440 --> 00:01:41,270 meeting, the product owner assesses the accomplishment for the specific sprint, 33 00:01:41,270 --> 00:01:44,020 and the team discusses issues that were encountered and solved. 34 00:01:44,020 --> 00:01:46,530 There is typically a demo of the deliverable for that 35 00:01:46,530 --> 00:01:48,810 sprint. And at that point, the product owner will also 36 00:01:48,810 --> 00:01:52,610 discuss the backlogs. And together with the team they will decide 37 00:01:52,610 --> 00:01:56,230 what to do next. In the retrospective conversely what happens 38 00:01:56,230 --> 00:01:59,140 is there is more focus on the process. So the 39 00:01:59,140 --> 00:02:02,010 goal of that part of the meeting is discussing possible 40 00:02:02,010 --> 00:02:04,850 process improvements. To identify them 41 00:02:04,850 --> 00:02:07,140 and if promising improvements are identified 42 00:02:07,140 --> 00:02:10,810 try to plan how to implement those improvements and use them 43 00:02:10,810 --> 00:02:13,790 in the next iterations. And something else that might happen at 44 00:02:13,790 --> 00:02:16,720 the end of a sprint is that if the product increment 45 00:02:16,720 --> 00:02:19,210 is good enough as it reach the state in which it 46 00:02:19,210 --> 00:02:22,660 can be actually shipped that will result in a release that 47 00:02:22,660 --> 00:02:25,730 is not just internal. To show the product owner the progress 48 00:02:25,730 --> 00:02:28,510 that can also be deployed and actually used in production. So 49 00:02:28,510 --> 00:02:32,650 one final consideration is that as you can see, XP and scrum 50 00:02:32,650 --> 00:02:35,340 are fairly similar, and that's because they're both agile development 51 00:02:35,340 --> 00:02:37,930 processes. So the main thing to keep in mind is that 52 00:02:37,930 --> 00:02:40,620 they both implement and enforce 53 00:02:40,620 --> 00:02:44,380 those ideas, values, practices, and characteristics 54 00:02:44,380 --> 00:02:47,600 that we saw when we discussed agile development process in general.