disp ("Question 2:"); disp ("(a)"); pkg load symbolic; syms x real; solve (sqrt (x) - x + 1 == 0) % ans = (sym) % √5 3 % ── + ─ % 2 2 pkg unload symbolic; disp ("To get numerical solutions we can use fzero"); disp ("With the initial guess of 0, fzero (@(x) sqrt (x) - x + 1, 0) returns"); fzero (@(x) sqrt (x) - x + 1, 0) disp ("(b)"); hold on; ezplot (@(x) exp (-x)); ezplot (@(x) sin (x)); hold off; disp ("Press any key to continue..."); kbhit; disp ("(c)"); s = 0; for k = 1 : 1000 s += k^3; endfor printf ("The cubic sum of integers from 1 to 1000 is %d\n", s); disp ("(d)"); A = [2 1 4 1 2 -5 3 -2 4]; b = [10 1 8]'; disp ("Using mldivide, [x y z] = "); disp (mldivide (A, b)'); disp ("Using inv, [x y z] = "); disp ((inv (A) * b)');