disp ("Question 3:"); disp ("(a)"); function y = f (x) y = 2 + x.^2 + exp(x.*2 + 1); endfunction h = 0.005; printf ("By forward difference with h = 0.05, f'(1.35) = %g\n", (f (1.35 + h) - f (1.35)) / h); disp ("(b)"); disp ("I am unsure if diff is different on Matlab, but on octave,"); disp ("it's simply taking differences between consecutive elements."); x = [1.35, 1.35+h]; printf ("Using diff with h = 0.05, we get same result, f'(1.35) = %g\n", (diff (f (x)) / h)); disp ("Using symbolical methods, f'(1.35) = 83.5946 which is quite close.");