### Table Turkish Alphabet ### ### Description Turkish Alphabet Table for IBus-Table. ### ### This file must be encoded into UTF-8. ### Begin Table definition. BEGIN_DEFINITION ### An unique id to distinguish this table among others. ### Use uuidgen to generate this kind of id. UUID = ee01f37e-216f-4140-abac-9998bf13e1a7 ### A unique number indicates the version of this file. ### For example the last modified date of this file. ### This number must be less than 2^32. SERIAL_NUMBER = 2014 ### The default name of this table NAME = 'Turkish' ### Supported languages of this table LANGUAGES = tr_TR ### Prompt string to be displayed in the status area. STATUS_PROMPT = tr ### The Keyboard Layout used by this table. Unset or set to "Unknown" to accept any kind of layouts. KEYBOARD_LAYOUT = Unknown ### If true then the first candidate phrase ### will be selected automatically during inputing. AUTO_SELECT = TRUE ### If true then a multi wildcard will be appended ### at the end of inputing string automatically. AUTO_WILDCARD = FALSE ### If true then the result string will be committed to client automatically. ### This should be used with AUTO_SELECT = TRUE. AUTO_COMMIT = TRUE ### If true then the inputted string will be automatically splitted during inputing. AUTO_SPLIT = TRUE ### If true then the phrases' frequencies will be adjusted dynamically. DYNAMIC_ADJUST = FALSE ### If true then the preedit area will be filled up by the current candidate phrase automatically. AUTO_FILL = TRUE ### If true then the lookup table will always be shown if there is any candidate phrase. ### Otherwise the lookup table won't be shown unless the user requires it by moving the preedit caret left. ALWAYS_SHOW_LOOKUP = FALSE ### Enable full width punctuation property USE_FULL_WIDTH_PUNCT = FALSE ### Use full width punctuation by default DEF_FULL_WIDTH_PUNCT = FALSE ### Enable full width letter property USE_FULL_WIDTH_LETTER = FALSE ### Use full width letter by default DEF_FULL_WIDTH_LETTER = FALSE ### The maxmium length of a key. MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 2 ### Valid input chars. VALID_INPUT_CHARS = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzßẞ· END_DEFINITION ### Begin Table data. BEGIN_TABLE ### straightforward a a 0 A A 0 b b 0 B B 0 d d 0 d d 0 E E 0 e e 0 F F 0 f f 0 G G 0 g g 0 H H 0 h h 0 K K 0 k k 0 L L 0 l l 0 M M 0 m m 0 N N 0 n n 0 O O 0 o o 0 P P 0 p p 0 R R 0 r r 0 S S 0 s s 0 T T 0 t t 0 U U 0 u u 0 V V 0 v v 0 Z Z 0 z z 0 ### ǧ is ok as a replacement for ğ, but here's a key for convenience's sake ß ğ 0 ẞ Ğ 0 ### questionable choices c c 0 C C 0 j j 0 J J 0 y y 0 Y Y 0 ### Pinyin to the rescue q ç 0 Q Ç 0 x ş 0 X Ş 0 ### dotless i madness I İ 0 i i 0 W I 0 w ı 0 END_TABLE