[template] The template is used by Python str.format to generate each advert. It can contain the following fields, delimited by braces ('{' and '}'). source_title title of the web feed source_link URL to the feed's website title title of the feed item link URL to the item time publication time summary truncated content or description The publication time is a Python datetime.datetime object, which supports at least C89 format codes, e.g. {time:%Y-%m-%d}. [examples] Given the these URLs in a feeds file: https://adol.pw/index.xml https://cnx.gdn/feed.xml https://xrvs.net/index.xml Advertisement of the two latest blogs among them, along with articles by Drew DeVault, can be generated via the following command. echo "


{summary}—{source_title}, {time:%F}
" | fead -F feeds -f https://drewdevault.com/blog/index.xml -n 2 [reporting bugs] Issues should be reported to <~cnx/misc@lists.sr.ht>. [see also] python(1), strftime(3)