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path: root/emacs/guix-utils.el
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authorLeo Famulari <>2017-01-06 17:14:41 -0500
committerLeo Famulari <>2017-01-06 17:14:41 -0500
commit74288230ea8b2310495dc2739f39ceadcc143fd0 (patch)
tree73ba6c7c13d59c5f92b409c94dccfff159e08f4d /emacs/guix-utils.el
parent92e779592d269ca1924f184496eb4ca832997b12 (diff)
parentaa21c764d65068783ae31febee2a92eb3d138a24 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into core-updates
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs/guix-utils.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 609 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/guix-utils.el b/emacs/guix-utils.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e4ecc36ab..0000000000
--- a/emacs/guix-utils.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-;;; guix-utils.el --- General utility functions  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016 Alex Kost <>
-;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
-;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This file provides auxiliary general functions for guix.el package.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(defvar guix-true-string "Yes")
-(defvar guix-false-string "–")
-(defvar guix-list-separator ", ")
-(defvar guix-time-format "%F %T"
-  "String used to format time values.
-For possible formats, see `format-time-string'.")
-(defun guix-get-string (val &optional face)
-  "Convert VAL into a string and return it.
-VAL can be an expression of any type.
-If VAL is t/nil, it is replaced with
-If VAL is list, its elements are concatenated using
-If FACE is non-nil, propertize returned string with this FACE."
-  (let ((str (cond
-              ((stringp val) val)
-              ((null val) guix-false-string)
-              ((eq t val) guix-true-string)
-              ((numberp val) (number-to-string val))
-              ((listp val) (mapconcat #'guix-get-string
-                                      val guix-list-separator))
-              (t (prin1-to-string val)))))
-    (if (and val face)
-        (propertize str 'font-lock-face face)
-      str)))
-(defun guix-get-time-string (seconds)
-  "Return formatted time string from SECONDS.
-Use `guix-time-format'."
-  (format-time-string guix-time-format (seconds-to-time seconds)))
-(defun guix-get-one-line (str)
-  "Return one-line string from a multi-line STR."
-  (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " str))
-(defmacro guix-with-indent (indent &rest body)
-  "Evaluate BODY and indent inserted text by INDENT number of spaces."
-  (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
-  (let ((region-beg-var (make-symbol "region-beg"))
-        (indent-var     (make-symbol "indent")))
-    `(let ((,region-beg-var (point))
-           (,indent-var     ,indent))
-       ,@body
-       (unless (zerop ,indent-var)
-         (indent-rigidly ,region-beg-var (point) ,indent-var)))))
-(defun guix-format-insert (val &optional face format)
-  "Convert VAL into a string and insert it at point.
-If FACE is non-nil, propertize VAL with FACE.
-If FORMAT is non-nil, format VAL with FORMAT."
-  (let ((str (guix-get-string val face)))
-    (insert (if format
-                (format format str)
-              str))))
-(cl-defun guix-mapinsert (function sequence separator &key indent column)
-  "Like `mapconcat' but for inserting text.
-Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE, and insert SEPARATOR
-at point between each FUNCTION call.
-If INDENT is non-nil, it should be a number of spaces used to
-indent each line of the inserted text.
-If COLUMN is non-nil, it should be a column number which
-shouldn't be exceeded by the inserted text."
-  (pcase sequence
-    (`(,first . ,rest)
-     (let* ((indent (or indent 0))
-            (max-column (and column (- column indent))))
-       (guix-with-indent indent
-         (funcall function first)
-         (dolist (element rest)
-           (let ((before-sep-pos (and column (point))))
-             (insert separator)
-             (let ((after-sep-pos (and column (point))))
-               (funcall function element)
-               (when (and column
-                          (> (current-column) max-column))
-                 (save-excursion
-                   (delete-region before-sep-pos after-sep-pos)
-                   (goto-char before-sep-pos)
-                   (insert "\n")))))))))))
-(defun guix-insert-button (label &optional type &rest properties)
-  "Make button of TYPE with LABEL and insert it at point.
-See `insert-text-button' for the meaning of PROPERTIES."
-  (if (null label)
-      (guix-format-insert nil)
-    (apply #'insert-text-button label
-           :type (or type 'button)
-           properties)))
-(defun guix-buttonize (value button-type separator &rest properties)
-  "Make BUTTON-TYPE button(s) from VALUE.
-Return a string with button(s).
-VALUE should be a string or a list of strings.  If it is a list
-of strings, buttons are separated with SEPARATOR string.
-PROPERTIES are passed to `guix-insert-button'."
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((labels (if (listp value) value (list value))))
-      (guix-mapinsert (lambda (label)
-                        (apply #'guix-insert-button
-                               label button-type properties))
-                      labels
-                      separator))
-    (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
-(defun guix-button-type? (symbol)
-  "Return non-nil, if SYMBOL is a button type."
-  (and symbol
-       (get symbol 'button-category-symbol)))
-(defun guix-split-insert (val &optional face col separator)
-  "Convert VAL into a string, split it and insert at point.
-If FACE is non-nil, propertize returned string with this FACE.
-If COL is non-nil and result string is a one-line string longer
-than COL, split it into several short lines.
-Separate inserted lines with SEPARATOR."
-  (if (null val)
-      (guix-format-insert nil)
-    (let ((strings (guix-split-string (guix-get-string val) col)))
-      (guix-mapinsert (lambda (str) (guix-format-insert str face))
-                      strings
-                      (or separator "")))))
-(defun guix-split-string (str &optional col)
-  "Split string STR by lines and return list of result strings.
-If COL is non-nil, fill STR to this column."
-  (let ((str (if col
-                 (guix-get-filled-string str col)
-               str)))
-    (split-string str "\n *" t)))
-(defun guix-get-filled-string (str col)
-  "Return string by filling STR to column COL."
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert str)
-    (let ((fill-column col))
-      (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
-    (buffer-string)))
-(defun guix-concat-strings (strings separator &optional location)
-  "Return new string by concatenating STRINGS with SEPARATOR.
-If LOCATION is a symbol `head', add another SEPARATOR to the
-beginning of the returned string; if `tail' - add SEPARATOR to
-the end of the string; if nil, do not add SEPARATOR; otherwise
-add both to the end and to the beginning."
-  (let ((str (mapconcat #'identity strings separator)))
-    (cond ((null location)
-           str)
-          ((eq location 'head)
-           (concat separator str))
-          ((eq location 'tail)
-           (concat str separator))
-          (t
-           (concat separator str separator)))))
-(defun guix-hexify (value)
-  "Convert VALUE to string and hexify it."
-  (url-hexify-string (guix-get-string value)))
-(defun guix-number->bool (number)
-  "Convert NUMBER to boolean value.
-Return nil, if NUMBER is 0; return t otherwise."
-  (not (zerop number)))
-(defun guix-shell-quote-argument (argument)
-  "Quote shell command ARGUMENT.
-This function is similar to `shell-quote-argument', but less strict."
-  (if (equal argument "")
-      "''"
-    (replace-regexp-in-string
-     "\n" "'\n'"
-     (replace-regexp-in-string
-      (rx (not (any alnum "-=,./\n"))) "\\\\\\&" argument))))
-(defun guix-symbol-title (symbol)
-  "Return SYMBOL's name, a string.
-This is like `symbol-name', but fancier."
-  (if (eq symbol 'id)
-      "ID"
-    (let ((str (replace-regexp-in-string "-" " " (symbol-name symbol))))
-      (concat (capitalize (substring str 0 1))
-              (substring str 1)))))
-(defun guix-command-symbol (&optional args)
-  "Return symbol by concatenating 'guix' and ARGS (strings)."
-  (intern (guix-concat-strings (cons "guix" args) "-")))
-(defun guix-command-string (&optional args)
-  "Return 'guix ARGS ...' string with quoted shell arguments."
-  (let ((args (mapcar #'guix-shell-quote-argument args)))
-    (guix-concat-strings (cons "guix" args) " ")))
-(defun guix-copy-as-kill (string &optional no-message?)
-  "Put STRING into `kill-ring'.
-If NO-MESSAGE? is non-nil, do not display a message about it."
-  (kill-new string)
-  (unless no-message?
-    (message "'%s' has been added to kill ring." string)))
-(defun guix-copy-command-as-kill (args &optional no-message?)
-  "Put 'guix ARGS ...' string into `kill-ring'.
-See also `guix-copy-as-kill'."
-  (guix-copy-as-kill (guix-command-string args) no-message?))
-(defun guix-compose-buffer-name (base-name postfix)
-  "Return buffer name by appending BASE-NAME and POSTFIX.
-In a simple case the result is:
-If BASE-NAME is wrapped by '*', then the result is:
-  (let ((re (rx string-start
-                (group (? "*"))
-                (group (*? any))
-                (group (? "*"))
-                string-end)))
-    (or (string-match re base-name)
-        (error "Unexpected error in defining buffer name"))
-    (let ((first*    (match-string 1 base-name))
-          (name-body (match-string 2 base-name))
-          (last*     (match-string 3 base-name)))
-      ;; Handle the case when buffer name is wrapped by '*'.
-      (if (and (string= "*" first*)
-               (string= "*" last*))
-          (concat "*" name-body ": " postfix "*")
-        (concat base-name ": " postfix)))))
-(defun guix-completing-read (prompt table &optional predicate
-                             require-match initial-input
-                             hist def inherit-input-method)
-  "Same as `completing-read' but return nil instead of an empty string."
-  (let ((res (completing-read prompt table predicate
-                              require-match initial-input
-                              hist def inherit-input-method)))
-    (unless (string= "" res) res)))
-(defun guix-completing-read-multiple (prompt table &optional predicate
-                                      require-match initial-input
-                                      hist def inherit-input-method)
-  "Same as `completing-read-multiple' but remove duplicates in result."
-  (cl-remove-duplicates
-   (completing-read-multiple prompt table predicate
-                             require-match initial-input
-                             hist def inherit-input-method)
-   :test #'string=))
-(declare-function org-read-date "org" t)
-(defun guix-read-date (prompt)
-  "Prompt for a date or time using `org-read-date'.
-Return time value."
-  (require 'org)
-  (org-read-date nil t nil prompt))
-(defun guix-read-file-name (prompt &optional dir default-filename
-                                   mustmatch initial predicate)
-  "Read file name.
-This function is similar to `read-file-name' except it also
-expands the file name."
-  (expand-file-name (read-file-name prompt dir default-filename
-                                    mustmatch initial predicate)))
-(defcustom guix-find-file-function #'find-file
-  "Function used to find a file.
-The function is called by `guix-find-file' with a file name as a
-single argument."
-  :type '(choice (function-item find-file)
-                 (function-item org-open-file)
-                 (function :tag "Other function"))
-  :group 'guix)
-(defun guix-find-file (file)
-  "Find FILE if it exists."
-  (if (file-exists-p file)
-      (funcall guix-find-file-function file)
-    (message "File '%s' does not exist." file)))
-(defvar url-handler-regexp)
-(defun guix-find-file-or-url (file-or-url)
-  "Find FILE-OR-URL."
-  (require 'url-handlers)
-  (let ((file-name-handler-alist
-         (cons (cons url-handler-regexp 'url-file-handler)
-               file-name-handler-alist)))
-    (find-file file-or-url)))
-(defmacro guix-while-search (regexp &rest body)
-  "Evaluate BODY after each search for REGEXP in the current buffer."
-  (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
-  `(save-excursion
-     (goto-char (point-min))
-     (while (re-search-forward ,regexp nil t)
-       ,@body)))
-(defmacro guix-while-null (&rest body)
-  "Evaluate BODY until its result becomes non-nil."
-  (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
-  (let ((result-var (make-symbol "result")))
-    `(let (,result-var)
-       (while (null ,result-var)
-         (setq ,result-var ,@body))
-       ,result-var)))
-(defun guix-modify (object modifiers)
-OBJECT is passed as an argument to the first function from
-MODIFIERS list, the returned result is passed to the second
-function from the list and so on.  Return result of the last
-modifier call."
-  (if (null modifiers)
-      object
-    (guix-modify (funcall (car modifiers) object)
-                 (cdr modifiers))))
-(defmacro guix-keyword-args-let (args varlist &rest body)
-  "Parse ARGS, bind variables from VARLIST and eval BODY.
-Find keyword values in ARGS, bind them to variables according to
-VARLIST, then evaluate BODY.
-ARGS is a keyword/value property list.
-Each element of VARLIST has a form:
-SYMBOL is a varible name.  KEYWORD is a symbol that will be
-searched in ARGS for an according value.  If the value of KEYWORD
-does not exist, bind SYMBOL to DEFAULT-VALUE or nil.
-The rest arguments (that present in ARGS but not in VARLIST) will
-be bound to `%foreign-args' variable.
-  (guix-keyword-args-let '(:two 8 :great ! :guix is)
-      ((one :one 1)
-       (two :two 2)
-       (foo :smth))
-    (list one two foo %foreign-args))
-  => (1 8 nil (:guix is :great !))"
-  (declare (indent 2))
-  (let ((args-var (make-symbol "args")))
-    `(let (,@(mapcar (lambda (spec)
-                       (pcase-let ((`(,name ,_ ,val) spec))
-                         (list name val)))
-                     varlist)
-           (,args-var ,args)
-           %foreign-args)
-       (while ,args-var
-         (pcase ,args-var
-           (`(,key ,val . ,rest-args)
-            (cl-case key
-              ,@(mapcar (lambda (spec)
-                          (pcase-let ((`(,name ,key ,_) spec))
-                            `(,key (setq ,name val))))
-                        varlist)
-              (t (setq %foreign-args
-                       (cl-list* key val %foreign-args))))
-            (setq ,args-var rest-args))))
-       ,@body)))
-;;; Alist procedures
-(defmacro guix-define-alist-accessor (name assoc-fun)
-  "Define NAME function to access alist values using ASSOC-FUN."
-  `(defun ,name (alist &rest keys)
-     ,(format "Return value from ALIST by KEYS using `%s'.
-ALIST is alist of alists of alists ... which can be consecutively
-accessed with KEYS."
-              assoc-fun)
-     (if (or (null alist) (null keys))
-         alist
-       (apply #',name
-              (cdr (,assoc-fun (car keys) alist))
-              (cdr keys)))))
-(guix-define-alist-accessor guix-assq-value assq)
-(guix-define-alist-accessor guix-assoc-value assoc)
-(defun guix-alist-put (value alist &rest keys)
-  "Put (add or replace if exists) VALUE to ALIST using KEYS.
-Return the new alist.
-ALIST is alist of alists of alists ... which can be consecutively
-accessed with KEYS.
-  (guix-alist-put
-   'foo
-   '((one (a . 1) (b . 2))
-     (two (m . 7) (n . 8)))
-   'one 'b)
-  => ((one (a . 1) (b . foo))
-      (two (m . 7) (n . 8)))"
-  (or keys (error "Keys should be specified"))
-  (guix-alist-put-1 value alist keys))
-(defun guix-alist-put-1 (value alist keys)
-  "Subroutine of `guix-alist-put'."
-  (cond
-   ((null keys)
-    value)
-   ((null alist)
-    (list (cons (car keys)
-                (guix-alist-put-1 value nil (cdr keys)))))
-   ((eq (car keys) (caar alist))
-    (cons (cons (car keys)
-                (guix-alist-put-1 value (cdar alist) (cdr keys)))
-          (cdr alist)))
-   (t
-    (cons (car alist)
-          (guix-alist-put-1 value (cdr alist) keys)))))
-(defun guix-alist-put! (value variable &rest keys)
-  "Modify alist VARIABLE (symbol) by putting VALUE using KEYS.
-See `guix-alist-put' for details."
-  (set variable
-       (apply #'guix-alist-put value (symbol-value variable) keys)))
-;;; Diff
-(defvar guix-diff-switches "-u"
-  "A string or list of strings specifying switches to be passed to diff.")
-(defun guix-diff (old new &optional switches no-async)
-  "Same as `diff', but use `guix-diff-switches' as default."
-  (diff old new (or switches guix-diff-switches) no-async))
-;;; Completing readers definers
-(defmacro guix-define-reader (name read-fun completions prompt)
-  "Define NAME function to read from minibuffer.
-READ-FUN may be `completing-read', `completing-read-multiple' or
-another function with the same arguments."
-  `(defun ,name (&optional prompt initial-contents)
-     (,read-fun ,(if prompt
-                     `(or prompt ,prompt)
-                   'prompt)
-                ,completions nil nil initial-contents)))
-(defmacro guix-define-readers (&rest args)
-  "Define reader functions.
-ARGS should have a form [KEYWORD VALUE] ...  The following
-keywords are available:
-  - `completions-var' - variable used to get completions.
-  - `completions-getter' - function used to get completions.
-  - `single-reader', `single-prompt' - name of a function to read
-    a single value, and a prompt for it.
-  - `multiple-reader', `multiple-prompt' - name of a function to
-    read multiple values, and a prompt for it.
-  - `multiple-separator' - if specified, another
-    `<multiple-reader-name>-string' function returning a string
-    of multiple values separated the specified separator will be
-    defined."
-  (guix-keyword-args-let args
-      ((completions-var    :completions-var)
-       (completions-getter :completions-getter)
-       (single-reader      :single-reader)
-       (single-prompt      :single-prompt)
-       (multiple-reader    :multiple-reader)
-       (multiple-prompt    :multiple-prompt)
-       (multiple-separator :multiple-separator))
-    (let ((completions
-           (cond ((and completions-var completions-getter)
-                  `(or ,completions-var
-                       (setq ,completions-var
-                             (funcall ',completions-getter))))
-                 (completions-var
-                  completions-var)
-                 (completions-getter
-                  `(funcall ',completions-getter)))))
-      `(progn
-         ,(when (and completions-var
-                     (not (boundp completions-var)))
-            `(defvar ,completions-var nil))
-         ,(when single-reader
-            `(guix-define-reader ,single-reader guix-completing-read
-                                 ,completions ,single-prompt))
-         ,(when multiple-reader
-            `(guix-define-reader ,multiple-reader completing-read-multiple
-                                 ,completions ,multiple-prompt))
-         ,(when (and multiple-reader multiple-separator)
-            (let ((name (intern (concat (symbol-name multiple-reader)
-                                        "-string"))))
-              `(defun ,name (&optional prompt initial-contents)
-                 (guix-concat-strings
-                  (,multiple-reader prompt initial-contents)
-                  ,multiple-separator))))))))
-;;; Memoizing
-(defun guix-memoize (function)
-  "Return a memoized version of FUNCTION."
-  (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-    (lambda (&rest args)
-      (let ((result (gethash args cache 'not-found)))
-        (if (eq result 'not-found)
-            (let ((result (apply function args)))
-              (puthash args result cache)
-              result)
-          result)))))
-(defmacro guix-memoized-defun (name arglist docstring &rest body)
-  "Define a memoized function NAME.
-See `defun' for the meaning of arguments."
-  (declare (doc-string 3) (indent 2))
-  `(defalias ',name
-     (guix-memoize (lambda ,arglist ,@body))
-     ;; Add '(name args ...)' string with real arglist to the docstring,
-     ;; because *Help* will display '(name &rest ARGS)' for a defined
-     ;; function (since `guix-memoize' returns a lambda with '(&rest
-     ;; args)').
-     ,(format "(%S %s)\n\n%s"
-              name
-              (mapconcat #'symbol-name arglist " ")
-              docstring)))
-(defmacro guix-memoized-defalias (symbol definition &optional docstring)
-  "Set SYMBOL's function definition to memoized version of DEFINITION."
-  (declare (doc-string 3) (indent 1))
-  `(defalias ',symbol
-     (guix-memoize #',definition)
-     ,(or docstring
-          (format "Memoized version of `%S'." definition))))
-(defvar guix-utils-font-lock-keywords
-  (eval-when-compile
-    `((,(rx "(" (group (or "guix-define-reader"
-                           "guix-define-readers"
-                           "guix-keyword-args-let"
-                           "guix-while-null"
-                           "guix-while-search"
-                           "guix-with-indent"))
-            symbol-end)
-       . 1)
-      (,(rx "("
-            (group "guix-memoized-" (or "defun" "defalias"))
-            symbol-end
-            (zero-or-more blank)
-            (zero-or-one
-             (group (one-or-more (or (syntax word) (syntax symbol))))))
-       (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
-       (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t)))))
-(font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode guix-utils-font-lock-keywords)
-(provide 'guix-utils)
-;;; guix-utils.el ends here