summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1962.patch
diff options
authorMark H Weaver <>2016-03-12 15:07:41 -0500
committerMark H Weaver <>2016-03-12 15:07:41 -0500
commit2c9f0b077018d2cac599bd2f466769cd5ffd3adc (patch)
tree57471e07a36c096bc9223b2fc76cced32eafa04b /gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1962.patch
parentf5a9103991531d17bd1d5a944dcec1c49fb9f395 (diff)
parent9591e11a4c87982943c9eb527b3b1d72aab8cc08 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into security-updates
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1962.patch')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1962.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1962.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7eb4e072a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1962.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Copied from upstream:
+# HG changeset patch
+# User Randell Jesup <>
+# Date 1455862087 18000
+# Node ID 221de852fda32714a9e484774ceafafb450ea73c
+# Parent  b03db72e32f6e3acdc9f8705371cb222d7e6c456
+Bug 1240760: Update DataChannel::Close() r=mcmanus, a=ritu
+MozReview-Commit-ID: 7nN9h3M3O8w
+diff --git a/netwerk/sctp/datachannel/DataChannel.cpp b/netwerk/sctp/datachannel/DataChannel.cpp
+--- a/netwerk/sctp/datachannel/DataChannel.cpp
++++ b/netwerk/sctp/datachannel/DataChannel.cpp
+@@ -1771,17 +1771,17 @@ DataChannelConnection::HandleStreamReset
+           }
+           NS_DispatchToMainThread(new DataChannelOnMessageAvailable(
+                                     DataChannelOnMessageAvailable::ON_CHANNEL_CLOSED, this,
+                                     channel));
+           mStreams[channel->mStream] = nullptr;
+           LOG(("Disconnected DataChannel %p from connection %p",
+                (void *) channel.get(), (void *) channel->mConnection.get()));
+-          channel->Destroy();
++          channel->DestroyLocked();
+           // At this point when we leave here, the object is a zombie held alive only by the DOM object
+         } else {
+           LOG(("Can't find incoming channel %d",i));
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   }
+@@ -2498,17 +2498,17 @@ DataChannelConnection::CloseInt(DataChan
+       mStreams[channel->mStream] = nullptr;
+     } else {
+       SendOutgoingStreamReset();
+     }
+   }
+   aChannel->mState = CLOSING;
+   if (mState == CLOSED) {
+     // we're not going to hang around waiting
+-    channel->Destroy();
++    channel->DestroyLocked();
+   }
+   // At this point when we leave here, the object is a zombie held alive only by the DOM object
+ }
+ void DataChannelConnection::CloseAll()
+ {
+   LOG(("Closing all channels (connection %p)", (void*) this));
+   // Don't need to lock here
+@@ -2552,23 +2552,25 @@ DataChannel::~DataChannel()
+   // wrong, nothing bad happens.  A worst it's a leak.
+   NS_ASSERTION(mState == CLOSED || mState == CLOSING, "unexpected state in ~DataChannel");
+ }
+ void
+ DataChannel::Close()
+ {
++  RefPtr<DataChannelConnection> connection(mConnection);
+   mConnection->Close(this);
+ }
+ // Used when disconnecting from the DataChannelConnection
+ void
+ {
++  mConnection->mLock.AssertCurrentThreadOwns();
+   LOG(("Destroying Data channel %u", mStream));
+                 !mConnection->FindChannelByStream(mStream));
+   mStream = INVALID_STREAM;
+   mState = CLOSED;
+   mConnection = nullptr;
+diff --git a/netwerk/sctp/datachannel/DataChannel.h b/netwerk/sctp/datachannel/DataChannel.h
+--- a/netwerk/sctp/datachannel/DataChannel.h
++++ b/netwerk/sctp/datachannel/DataChannel.h
+@@ -331,19 +331,20 @@ public:
+     {
+       NS_ASSERTION(mConnection,"NULL connection");
+     }
+ private:
+   ~DataChannel();
+ public:
+-  void Destroy(); // when we disconnect from the connection after stream RESET
++  // when we disconnect from the connection after stream RESET
++  void DestroyLocked();
+   // Close this DataChannel.  Can be called multiple times.  MUST be called
+   // before destroying the DataChannel (state must be CLOSED or CLOSING).
+   void Close();
+   // Set the listener (especially for channels created from the other side)
+   void SetListener(DataChannelListener *aListener, nsISupports *aContext);