summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/gnu/packages/patches
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2023-01-15 10:09:44 +0100
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2023-02-26 10:26:07 +0100
commit49a320aaa6fb4c20d6b30c56c35a8c7ffceed822 (patch)
tree3b05df103e8fbccfcab2011dca32adbb43bf01b9 /gnu/packages/patches
parent9262c14d73b4b216bb9c1f76fb6b3a9709da1de3 (diff)
Upgrade Haskell packages.
Script-aided bulk change.
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches')
7 files changed, 382 insertions, 516 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/cabal-install-base16-bytestring1.0.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/cabal-install-base16-bytestring1.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 998bf08718..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/cabal-install-base16-bytestring1.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Restore compatibility with newer version of base16-bytestring.
-Taken from
-diff --git a/Distribution/Client/HashValue.hs b/Distribution/Client/HashValue.hs
-index 54b8aee9e..11e647c1c 100644
---- a/Distribution/Client/HashValue.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Client/HashValue.hs
-@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP          #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
- module Distribution.Client.HashValue (
-@@ -72,10 +73,14 @@ hashFromTUF (Sec.Hash hashstr) =
-     --TODO: [code cleanup] either we should get TUF to use raw bytestrings or
-     -- perhaps we should also just use a base16 string as the internal rep.
-     case Base16.decode (BS.pack hashstr) of
-+#if MIN_VERSION_base16_bytestring(1,0,0)
-+      Right hash -> HashValue hash
-+      Left _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16"
-       (hash, trailing) | not (BS.null hash) && BS.null trailing
-         -> HashValue hash
-       _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16 hash"
- -- | Truncate a 32 byte SHA256 hash to
- --
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/cabal-install-ghc8.10.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/cabal-install-ghc8.10.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c0953058..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/cabal-install-ghc8.10.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-From ac9b41eef3c781ce188ded2551f98fe75152e30c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Oleg Grenrus <>
-Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 11:31:34 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH] GHC-8.10 support for 3.2
-Includes cherry-picked commits:
-- Test cabal-install with GHC-8.10 #6709
-- Add GHC-8.10.1 job. Only tests Cabal-the-lib part atm. #6617
-Also add topHandler' signature.
- .docker/validate-8.10.1.dockerfile            |  60 ++++++
- .github/workflows/artifacts.yml               |   6 +-
- .github/workflows/bootstrap.yml               |   4 +-
- .github/workflows/linux.yml                   | 179 ++++++++++++------
- .github/workflows/macos.yml                   |  40 ++--
- .github/workflows/quick-jobs.yml              |   4 +-
- .github/workflows/windows.yml                 | 117 +++++++++++-
- .../Distribution/PackageDescription/Quirks.hs |  19 +-
- Makefile                                      |   4 +
- boot/ci-artifacts.template.yml                |   6 +-
- boot/ci-bootstrap.template.yml                |   4 +-
- boot/ci-linux.template.yml                    |   8 +-
- boot/ci-macos.template.yml                    |   7 +-
- boot/ci-quick-jobs.template.yml               |   4 +-
- boot/ci-windows.template.yml                  |   8 +-
- cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenValidate.hs          |  33 ++--
- Distribution/Client/CmdSdist.hs |   3 +
- .../Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs         |   4 +-
- .../Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs         |   2 +-
- Distribution/Client/Sandbox.hs  |   5 +-
- .../Distribution/Client/TargetSelector.hs     |   2 +-
- Distribution/Client/Update.hs   |   4 +-
- .../Distribution/Client/Utils/Json.hs         |  13 +-
- .../Distribution/Solver/Modular/Assignment.hs |  11 +-
- .../Distribution/Solver/Modular/Builder.hs    |  10 +-
- .../Distribution/Solver/Modular/Index.hs      |   6 +-
- .../Solver/Modular/IndexConversion.hs         |   8 +-
- .../Distribution/Solver/Modular/Solver.hs     |  12 +-
- .../Distribution/Solver/Modular/Validate.hs   |   5 +-
-                    |   6 +-
- cabal-install.cabal             |   4 +-
- cabal-install.cabal.pp          |   4 +-
- .../targets/complex/q/q.cabal                 |   3 +-
- cabal-testsuite/cabal-testsuite.cabal         |   4 +-
-                                   |  21 +-
- 35 files changed, 461 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 .docker/validate-8.10.1.dockerfile
-diff --git a/Distribution/Client/CmdSdist.hs b/Distribution/Client/CmdSdist.hs
-index 9ce0c80100e..a22317004c4 100644
---- a/Distribution/Client/CmdSdist.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Client/CmdSdist.hs
-@@ -237,7 +237,10 @@ packageToSdist verbosity projectRootDir format outputFile pkg = do
-         (norm NoExec -> nonexec, norm Exec -> exec) <-
-            listPackageSources verbosity (flattenPackageDescription $ packageDescription pkg) knownSuffixHandlers
-+        print $ map snd exec
-+        print $ map snd nonexec
-         let files =  nub . sortOn snd $ nonexec ++ exec
-+        print files
-         case format of
-             SourceList nulSep -> do
-diff --git a/Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs b/Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs
-index e9a31a91f84..4e5e581f9ec 100644
---- a/Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs
-@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ fetchRepoTarball verbosity' repoCtxt repo pkgid = do
-     verbosity = verboseUnmarkOutput verbosity'
-     downloadRepoPackage = case repo of
--      RepoLocal{..} -> return (packageFile repo pkgid)
--      RepoLocalNoIndex{..} -> return (packageFile repo pkgid)
-+      RepoLocal{} -> return (packageFile repo pkgid)
-+      RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> return (packageFile repo pkgid)
-       RepoRemote{..} -> do
-         transport <- repoContextGetTransport repoCtxt
-diff --git a/Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs b/Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs
-index a76becc05ba..bf0ff7cf5ba 100644
---- a/Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs
-@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ withIndexEntries
-     -> ([IndexCacheEntry] -> IO a)
-     -> ([NoIndexCacheEntry] -> IO a)
-     -> IO a
--withIndexEntries _ (RepoIndex repoCtxt repo@RepoSecure{..}) callback _ =
-+withIndexEntries _ (RepoIndex repoCtxt repo@RepoSecure{}) callback _ =
-     repoContextWithSecureRepo repoCtxt repo $ \repoSecure ->
-       Sec.withIndex repoSecure $ \Sec.IndexCallbacks{..} -> do
-         -- Incrementally (lazily) read all the entries in the tar file in order,
-diff --git a/Distribution/Client/Sandbox.hs b/Distribution/Client/Sandbox.hs
-index 66b415d7239..14bad3f2135 100644
---- a/Distribution/Client/Sandbox.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Client/Sandbox.hs
-@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ reinstallAddSourceDeps :: Verbosity
-                           -> FilePath
-                           -> IO WereDepsReinstalled
- reinstallAddSourceDeps verbosity configFlags' configExFlags
--                       installFlags globalFlags sandboxDir = topHandler' $ do
-+                       installFlags globalFlags sandboxDir = topHandlerWith errorMsg $ do
-   let sandboxDistPref     = sandboxBuildDir sandboxDir
-       configFlags         = configFlags'
-                             { configDistPref  = Flag sandboxDistPref }
-@@ -710,7 +710,8 @@ reinstallAddSourceDeps verbosity configFlags' configExFlags
-         ++ "offending packages or recreating the sandbox."
-       logMsg message rest = debugNoWrap verbosity message >> rest
--      topHandler' = topHandlerWith $ \_ -> do
-+      errorMsg :: a -> IO WereDepsReinstalled
-+      errorMsg _ = do
-         warn verbosity "Couldn't reinstall some add-source dependencies."
-         -- Here we can't know whether any deps have been reinstalled, so we have
-         -- to be conservative.
-diff --git a/Distribution/Client/TargetSelector.hs b/Distribution/Client/TargetSelector.hs
-index 23d92f580fd..f8f683d9875 100644
---- a/Distribution/Client/TargetSelector.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Client/TargetSelector.hs
-@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ readTargetSelectorsWith :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => DirActions m
-                         -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
-                         -> [String]
-                         -> m (Either [TargetSelectorProblem] [TargetSelector])
--readTargetSelectorsWith dirActions@DirActions{..} pkgs mfilter targetStrs =
-+readTargetSelectorsWith dirActions@DirActions{} pkgs mfilter targetStrs =
-     case parseTargetStrings targetStrs of
-       ([], usertargets) -> do
-         usertargets' <- mapM (getTargetStringFileStatus dirActions) usertargets
-diff --git a/Distribution/Client/Update.hs b/Distribution/Client/Update.hs
-index 52bb1f76c96..8ded78b9d2e 100644
---- a/Distribution/Client/Update.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Client/Update.hs
-@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ updateRepo :: Verbosity -> UpdateFlags -> RepoContext -> Repo -> IO ()
- updateRepo verbosity updateFlags repoCtxt repo = do
-   transport <- repoContextGetTransport repoCtxt
-   case repo of
--    RepoLocal{..} -> return ()
--    RepoLocalNoIndex{..} -> return ()
-+    RepoLocal{} -> return ()
-+    RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> return ()
-     RepoRemote{..} -> do
-       downloadResult <- downloadIndex transport verbosity repoRemote repoLocalDir
-       case downloadResult of
-diff --git a/Distribution/Client/Utils/Json.hs b/Distribution/Client/Utils/Json.hs
-index 89a13af87a4..01d5753136b 100644
---- a/Distribution/Client/Utils/Json.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Client/Utils/Json.hs
-@@ -15,12 +15,9 @@ module Distribution.Client.Utils.Json
-     )
-     where
--import Data.Char
--import Data.Int
--import Data.String
--import Data.Word
--import Data.List
--import Data.Monoid
-+import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
-+import Data.Char (intToDigit)
- import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
- import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
-@@ -135,13 +132,13 @@ encodeArrayBB :: [Value] -> Builder
- encodeArrayBB [] = "[]"
- encodeArrayBB jvs = BB.char8 '[' <> go jvs <> BB.char8 ']'
-   where
--    go = Data.Monoid.mconcat . intersperse (BB.char8 ',') . map encodeValueBB
-+    go = mconcat . intersperse (BB.char8 ',') . map encodeValueBB
- encodeObjectBB :: Object -> Builder
- encodeObjectBB [] = "{}"
- encodeObjectBB jvs = BB.char8 '{' <> go jvs <> BB.char8 '}'
-   where
--    go = Data.Monoid.mconcat . intersperse (BB.char8 ',') . map encPair
-+    go = mconcat . intersperse (BB.char8 ',') . map encPair
-     encPair (l,x) = encodeStringBB l <> BB.char8 ':' <> encodeValueBB x
- encodeStringBB :: String -> Builder
-diff --git a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Assignment.hs b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Assignment.hs
-index be5e63bfbc1..b05a099ec5a 100644
---- a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Assignment.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Assignment.hs
-@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Assignment
- import Prelude ()
- import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude hiding (pi)
--import Data.Array as A
--import Data.List as L
--import Data.Map as M
--import Data.Maybe
-+import qualified Data.Array as A
-+import qualified Data.List as L
-+import qualified Data.Map as M
-+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
- import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagAssignment, mkFlagAssignment) -- from Cabal
-@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ toCPs (A pa fa sa) rdm =
-     -- Dependencies per package.
-     depp :: QPN -> [(Component, PI QPN)]
-     depp qpn = let v :: Vertex
--                   v   = fromJust (cvm qpn)
-+                   v   = fromJust (cvm qpn) -- TODO: why this is safe?
-                    dvs :: [(Component, Vertex)]
-                    dvs = tg A.! v
-                in (\ (comp, dv) -> case vm dv of (_, x, _) -> (comp, PI x (pa M.! x))) dvs
-diff --git a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Builder.hs b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Builder.hs
-index eb11a36aa16..5d196f4fd9f 100644
---- a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Builder.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Builder.hs
-@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Builder (
- -- flag-guarded dependencies, we cannot introduce them immediately. Instead, we
- -- store the entire dependency.
--import Data.List as L
--import Data.Map as M
--import Data.Set as S
--import Prelude hiding (sequence, mapM)
-+import qualified Data.List as L
-+import qualified Data.Map as M
-+import qualified Data.Set as S
-+import Prelude
- import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
- import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
-@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ data BuildState = BS {
- }
- -- | Map of available linking targets.
--type LinkingState = Map (PN, I) [PackagePath]
-+type LinkingState = M.Map (PN, I) [PackagePath]
- -- | Extend the set of open goals with the new goals listed.
- --
-diff --git a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Index.hs b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Index.hs
-index fdddfc8237a..ac60fec7d65 100644
---- a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Index.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Index.hs
-@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index
-     , mkIndex
-     ) where
--import Data.List as L
--import Data.Map as M
- import Prelude hiding (pi)
-+import Data.Map (Map)
-+import qualified Data.List as L
-+import qualified Data.Map as M
- import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
- import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
- import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
-diff --git a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/IndexConversion.hs b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/IndexConversion.hs
-index c9565c80dba..8e9ef614184 100644
---- a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/IndexConversion.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/IndexConversion.hs
-@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular.IndexConversion
-     ( convPIs
-     ) where
--import Data.List as L
-+import qualified Data.List as L
- import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
- import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
--import Data.Maybe
-+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, maybeToList)
- import Data.Monoid as Mon
--import Data.Set as S
-+import qualified Data.Set as S
- import Distribution.Compiler
- import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI
-@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ flagInfo (StrongFlags strfl) =
- -- | Internal package names, which should not be interpreted as true
- -- dependencies.
--type IPNs = Set PN
-+type IPNs = S.Set PN
- -- | Convenience function to delete a 'Dependency' if it's
- -- for a 'PN' that isn't actually real.
-diff --git a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Solver.hs b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Solver.hs
-index 32452550556..e6aa1fb4374 100644
---- a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Solver.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Solver.hs
-@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Solver
-     , PruneAfterFirstSuccess(..)
-     ) where
--import Data.Map as M
--import Data.List as L
--import Data.Set as S
-+import qualified Data.Map as M
-+import qualified Data.List as L
-+import qualified Data.Set as S
- import Distribution.Verbosity
- import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerInfo)
-@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ solve :: SolverConfig                         -- ^ solver parameters
-       -> Index                                -- ^ all available packages as an index
-       -> PkgConfigDb                          -- ^ available pkg-config pkgs
-       -> (PN -> PackagePreferences)           -- ^ preferences
--      -> Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint]    -- ^ global constraints
--      -> Set PN                               -- ^ global goals
-+      -> M.Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint]  -- ^ global constraints
-+      -> S.Set PN                             -- ^ global goals
-       -> RetryLog Message SolverFailure (Assignment, RevDepMap)
- solve sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB userPrefs userConstraints userGoals =
-   explorePhase     $
-@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ instance GSimpleTree (Tree d c) where
-       -- Show conflict set
-       goCS :: ConflictSet -> String
--      goCS cs = "{" ++ (intercalate "," . showVar . CS.toList $ cs) ++ "}"
-+      goCS cs = "{" ++ (L.intercalate "," . showVar . CS.toList $ cs) ++ "}"
- #endif
- -- | Replace all goal reasons with a dummy goal reason in the tree
-diff --git a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Validate.hs b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Validate.hs
-index 6195d101b02..a3dec6e1f67 100644
---- a/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Validate.hs
-+++ b/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Validate.hs
-@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Validate (validateTree) where
- import Control.Applicative
- import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (sequence)
- import Data.Function (on)
--import Data.List as L
--import Data.Set as S
- import Data.Traversable
- import Prelude hiding (sequence)
-+import qualified Data.List as L
-+import qualified Data.Set as S
- import Language.Haskell.Extension (Extension, Language)
- import Data.Map.Strict as M
-diff --git a/ b/
-index 077d7f4efd2..d5141660474 100755
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ EDIT_DISTANCE_VER=""; EDIT_DISTANCE_VER_REGEXP="0\.2\.2\.?"
-                        # 0.2.2.*
- ED25519_VER=""; ED25519_VER_REGEXP="0\.0\.?"
-                        # 0.0.*
--                       # >= && < 0.7
--TAR_VER="";     TAR_VER_REGEXP="0\.5\.([1-9]|1[0-9]|0\.[3-9]|0\.1[0-9])\.?"
-+                       # >= && < 0.7
-+TAR_VER="";     TAR_VER_REGEXP="0\.5\.([1-9]|1[0-9]|0\.[3-9]|0\.1[0-9])\.?"
-                        # >=  && < 0.6
- DIGEST_VER=""; DIGEST_REGEXP="0\.0\.(1\.[2-9]|[2-9]\.?)"
-                        # >= && < 0.1
-diff --git a/cabal-install.cabal b/cabal-install.cabal
-index 985ea9a5a69..c9d713c29fe 100644
---- a/cabal-install.cabal
-+++ b/cabal-install.cabal
-@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ executable cabal
-     build-depends:
-         async      >= 2.0      && < 2.3,
-         array      >= 0.4      && < 0.6,
--        base       >= 4.8      && < 4.14,
-+        base       >= 4.8      && < 4.15,
-         base16-bytestring >= 0.1.1 && < 0.2,
-         binary     >= 0.7.3    && < 0.9,
-         bytestring >= && < 0.11,
-@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ executable cabal
-         time       >=  && < 1.10,
-         transformers >= && < 0.6,
-         zlib       >= 0.5.3    && < 0.7,
--        hackage-security >= && < 0.7,
-+        hackage-security >= && < 0.7,
-         text       >= 1.2.3    && < 1.3,
-         parsec     >= && < 3.2
-diff --git a/tests/IntegrationTests2/targets/complex/q/q.cabal b/tests/IntegrationTests2/targets/complex/q/q.cabal
-index 556fa4a4202..7ee22fcb28d 100644
---- a/tests/IntegrationTests2/targets/complex/q/q.cabal
-+++ b/tests/IntegrationTests2/targets/complex/q/q.cabal
-@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ cabal-version: >= 1.2
- library
-   exposed-modules: Q
--  build-depends: base, filepath
-+  -- we rely that filepath has filepath-tests component
-+  build-depends: base, filepath >=
- executable buildable-false
-   main-is: Main.hs
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-bloomfilter-ghc9.2.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-bloomfilter-ghc9.2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97caf2cc9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-bloomfilter-ghc9.2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+Taken from
+From fb79b39c44404fd791a3bed973e9d844fb084f1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Simon Jakobi <>
+Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 01:37:36 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix build with GHC 9.2
+The `FastShift.shift{L,R}` methods are replaced with `unsafeShift{L,R}`
+introduced in base-4.5.
+Fixes #19.
+ Data/BloomFilter.hs         | 16 +++++------
+ Data/BloomFilter/Hash.hs    | 15 +++++-----
+ Data/BloomFilter/Mutable.hs | 20 +++++++-------
+ Data/BloomFilter/Util.hs    | 55 ++++++-------------------------------
+ bloomfilter.cabal           |  2 +-
+ 5 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Data/BloomFilter.hs b/Data/BloomFilter.hs
+index 2210cef..6b47c21 100644
+--- a/Data/BloomFilter.hs
++++ b/Data/BloomFilter.hs
+@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
+ import Data.Array.Base (unsafeAt)
+ import qualified Data.Array.Base as ST
+ import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
+-import Data.Bits ((.&.))
+-import Data.BloomFilter.Util (FastShift(..), (:*)(..))
++import Data.Bits ((.&.), unsafeShiftL, unsafeShiftR)
++import Data.BloomFilter.Util ((:*)(..))
+ import qualified Data.BloomFilter.Mutable as MB
+ import qualified Data.BloomFilter.Mutable.Internal as MB
+ import Data.BloomFilter.Mutable.Internal (Hash, MBloom)
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ data Bloom a = B {
+     }
+ instance Show (Bloom a) where
+-    show ub = "Bloom { " ++ show ((1::Int) `shiftL` shift ub) ++ " bits } "
++    show ub = "Bloom { " ++ show ((1::Int) `unsafeShiftL` shift ub) ++ " bits } "
+ instance NFData (Bloom a) where
+     rnf !_ = ()
+@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ singleton hash numBits elt = create hash numBits (\mb -> MB.insert mb elt)
+ -- | Given a filter's mask and a hash value, compute an offset into
+ -- a word array and a bit offset within that word.
+ hashIdx :: Int -> Word32 -> (Int :* Int)
+-hashIdx mask x = (y `shiftR` logBitsInHash) :* (y .&. hashMask)
++hashIdx mask x = (y `unsafeShiftR` logBitsInHash) :* (y .&. hashMask)
+   where hashMask = 31 -- bitsInHash - 1
+         y = fromIntegral x .&. mask
+@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ hashesU ub elt = hashIdx (mask ub) `map` hashes ub elt
+ -- /still/ some possibility that @True@ will be returned.
+ elem :: a -> Bloom a -> Bool
+ elem elt ub = all test (hashesU ub elt)
+-  where test (off :* bit) = (bitArray ub `unsafeAt` off) .&. (1 `shiftL` bit) /= 0
++  where test (off :* bit) = (bitArray ub `unsafeAt` off) .&. (1 `unsafeShiftL` bit) /= 0
+ modify :: (forall s. (MBloom s a -> ST s z))  -- ^ mutation function (result is discarded)
+         -> Bloom a
+@@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ insertList elts = modify $ \mb -> mapM_ (MB.insert mb) elts
+ -- is /still/ some possibility that @True@ will be returned.
+ notElem :: a -> Bloom a -> Bool
+ notElem elt ub = any test (hashesU ub elt)
+-  where test (off :* bit) = (bitArray ub `unsafeAt` off) .&. (1 `shiftL` bit) == 0
++  where test (off :* bit) = (bitArray ub `unsafeAt` off) .&. (1 `unsafeShiftL` bit) == 0
+ -- | Return the size of an immutable Bloom filter, in bits.
+ length :: Bloom a -> Int
+-length = shiftL 1 . shift
++length = unsafeShiftL 1 . shift
+ -- | Build an immutable Bloom filter from a seed value.  The seeding
+ -- function populates the filter as follows.
+@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ fromList hashes numBits = unfold hashes numBits convert
+ logPower2 :: Int -> Int
+ logPower2 k = go 0 k
+     where go j 1 = j
+-          go j n = go (j+1) (n `shiftR` 1)
++          go j n = go (j+1) (n `unsafeShiftR` 1)
+ -- $overview
+ --
+diff --git a/Data/BloomFilter/Hash.hs b/Data/BloomFilter/Hash.hs
+index 132a3a4..d071fd4 100644
+--- a/Data/BloomFilter/Hash.hs
++++ b/Data/BloomFilter/Hash.hs
+@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ module Data.BloomFilter.Hash
+     ) where
+ import Control.Monad (foldM)
+-import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), xor)
+-import Data.BloomFilter.Util (FastShift(..))
++import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), unsafeShiftL, unsafeShiftR, xor)
+ import Data.List (unfoldr)
+ import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
+ import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
+@@ -91,11 +90,11 @@ class Hashable a where
+              -> Word64           -- ^ salt
+              -> IO Word64
+     hashIO64 v salt = do
+-                   let s1 = fromIntegral (salt `shiftR` 32) .&. maxBound
++                   let s1 = fromIntegral (salt `unsafeShiftR` 32) .&. maxBound
+                        s2 = fromIntegral salt
+                    h1 <- hashIO32 v s1
+                    h2 <- hashIO32 v s2
+-                   return $ (fromIntegral h1 `shiftL` 32) .|. fromIntegral h2
++                   return $ (fromIntegral h1 `unsafeShiftL` 32) .|. fromIntegral h2
+ -- | Compute a 32-bit hash.
+ hash32 :: Hashable a => a -> Word32
+@@ -149,8 +148,8 @@ cheapHashes :: Hashable a => Int -- ^ number of hashes to compute
+ cheapHashes k v = go 0
+     where go i | i == j = []
+                | otherwise = hash : go (i + 1)
+-               where !hash = h1 + (h2 `shiftR` i)
+-          h1 = fromIntegral (h `shiftR` 32)
++               where !hash = h1 + (h2 `unsafeShiftR` i)
++          h1 = fromIntegral (h `unsafeShiftR` 32)
+           h2 = fromIntegral h
+           h = hashSalt64 0x9150a946c4a8966e v
+           j = fromIntegral k
+@@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ instance Hashable Integer where
+                                    (salt `xor` 0x3ece731e)
+                   | otherwise = hashIO32 (unfoldr go k) salt
+         where go 0 = Nothing
+-              go i = Just (fromIntegral i :: Word32, i `shiftR` 32)
++              go i = Just (fromIntegral i :: Word32, i `unsafeShiftR` 32)
+ instance Hashable Bool where
+     hashIO32 = hashOne32
+@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ instance Hashable Word64 where
+ -- | A fast unchecked shift.  Nasty, but otherwise GHC 6.8.2 does a
+ -- test and branch on every shift.
+ div4 :: CSize -> CSize
+-div4 k = fromIntegral ((fromIntegral k :: HTYPE_SIZE_T) `shiftR` 2)
++div4 k = fromIntegral ((fromIntegral k :: HTYPE_SIZE_T) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
+ alignedHash :: Ptr a -> CSize -> Word32 -> IO Word32
+ alignedHash ptr bytes salt
+diff --git a/Data/BloomFilter/Mutable.hs b/Data/BloomFilter/Mutable.hs
+index edff1fc..0bb5cc9 100644
+--- a/Data/BloomFilter/Mutable.hs
++++ b/Data/BloomFilter/Mutable.hs
+@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ module Data.BloomFilter.Mutable
+ import Control.Monad (liftM, forM_)
+ import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
+ import Data.Array.Base (unsafeRead, unsafeWrite)
+-import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.))
++import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), unsafeShiftL, unsafeShiftR)
+ import Data.BloomFilter.Array (newArray)
+-import Data.BloomFilter.Util (FastShift(..), (:*)(..), nextPowerOfTwo)
++import Data.BloomFilter.Util ((:*)(..), nextPowerOfTwo)
+ import Data.Word (Word32)
+ import Data.BloomFilter.Mutable.Internal
+@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ new hash numBits = MB hash shft msk `liftM` newArray numElems numBytes
+                 | numBits > maxHash = maxHash
+                 | isPowerOfTwo numBits = numBits
+                 | otherwise = nextPowerOfTwo numBits
+-        numElems = max 2 (twoBits `shiftR` logBitsInHash)
+-        numBytes = numElems `shiftL` logBytesInHash
+-        trueBits = numElems `shiftL` logBitsInHash
++        numElems = max 2 (twoBits `unsafeShiftR` logBitsInHash)
++        numBytes = numElems `unsafeShiftL` logBytesInHash
++        trueBits = numElems `unsafeShiftL` logBitsInHash
+         shft     = logPower2 trueBits
+         msk      = trueBits - 1
+         isPowerOfTwo n = n .&. (n - 1) == 0
+@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ logBytesInHash = 2 -- logPower2 (sizeOf (undefined :: Hash))
+ -- | Given a filter's mask and a hash value, compute an offset into
+ -- a word array and a bit offset within that word.
+ hashIdx :: Int -> Word32 -> (Int :* Int)
+-hashIdx msk x = (y `shiftR` logBitsInHash) :* (y .&. hashMask)
++hashIdx msk x = (y `unsafeShiftR` logBitsInHash) :* (y .&. hashMask)
+   where hashMask = 31 -- bitsInHash - 1
+         y = fromIntegral x .&. msk
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ insert mb elt = do
+   let mu = bitArray mb
+   forM_ (hashesM mb elt) $ \(word :* bit) -> do
+       old <- unsafeRead mu word
+-      unsafeWrite mu word (old .|. (1 `shiftL` bit))
++      unsafeWrite mu word (old .|. (1 `unsafeShiftL` bit))
+ -- | Query a mutable Bloom filter for membership.  If the value is
+ -- present, return @True@.  If the value is not present, there is
+@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ elem elt mb = loop (hashesM mb elt)
+   where mu = bitArray mb
+         loop ((word :* bit):wbs) = do
+           i <- unsafeRead mu word
+-          if i .&. (1 `shiftL` bit) == 0
++          if i .&. (1 `unsafeShiftL` bit) == 0
+             then return False
+             else loop wbs
+         loop _ = return True
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ elem elt mb = loop (hashesM mb elt)
+ -- | Return the size of a mutable Bloom filter, in bits.
+ length :: MBloom s a -> Int
+-length = shiftL 1 . shift
++length = unsafeShiftL 1 . shift
+ -- | Slow, crummy way of computing the integer log of an integer known
+@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ length = shiftL 1 . shift
+ logPower2 :: Int -> Int
+ logPower2 k = go 0 k
+     where go j 1 = j
+-          go j n = go (j+1) (n `shiftR` 1)
++          go j n = go (j+1) (n `unsafeShiftR` 1)
+ -- $overview
+ --
+diff --git a/Data/BloomFilter/Util.hs b/Data/BloomFilter/Util.hs
+index 7f695dc..6ade6e5 100644
+--- a/Data/BloomFilter/Util.hs
++++ b/Data/BloomFilter/Util.hs
+@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
+ module Data.BloomFilter.Util
+     (
+-      FastShift(..)
+-    , nextPowerOfTwo
++      nextPowerOfTwo
+     , (:*)(..)
+     ) where
+-import Data.Bits ((.|.))
+-import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
+-import GHC.Base
+-import GHC.Word
++import Data.Bits ((.|.), unsafeShiftR)
+ -- | A strict pair type.
+ data a :* b = !a :* !b
+@@ -22,46 +18,11 @@ nextPowerOfTwo :: Int -> Int
+ {-# INLINE nextPowerOfTwo #-}
+ nextPowerOfTwo n =
+     let a = n - 1
+-        b = a .|. (a `shiftR` 1)
+-        c = b .|. (b `shiftR` 2)
+-        d = c .|. (c `shiftR` 4)
+-        e = d .|. (d `shiftR` 8)
+-        f = e .|. (e `shiftR` 16)
+-        g = f .|. (f `shiftR` 32)  -- in case we're on a 64-bit host
++        b = a .|. (a `unsafeShiftR` 1)
++        c = b .|. (b `unsafeShiftR` 2)
++        d = c .|. (c `unsafeShiftR` 4)
++        e = d .|. (d `unsafeShiftR` 8)
++        f = e .|. (e `unsafeShiftR` 16)
++        g = f .|. (f `unsafeShiftR` 32)  -- in case we're on a 64-bit host
+         !h = g + 1
+     in h
+--- | This is a workaround for poor optimisation in GHC 6.8.2.  It
+--- fails to notice constant-width shifts, and adds a test and branch
+--- to every shift.  This imposes about a 10% performance hit.
+-class FastShift a where
+-    shiftL :: a -> Int -> a
+-    shiftR :: a -> Int -> a
+-instance FastShift Word32 where
+-    {-# INLINE shiftL #-}
+-    shiftL (W32# x#) (I# i#) = W32# (x# `uncheckedShiftL#` i#)
+-    {-# INLINE shiftR #-}
+-    shiftR (W32# x#) (I# i#) = W32# (x# `uncheckedShiftRL#` i#)
+-instance FastShift Word64 where
+-    {-# INLINE shiftL #-}
+-    shiftL (W64# x#) (I# i#) = W64# (x# `uncheckedShiftL64#` i#)
+-    {-# INLINE shiftR #-}
+-    shiftR (W64# x#) (I# i#) = W64# (x# `uncheckedShiftRL64#` i#)
+-instance FastShift Int where
+-    {-# INLINE shiftL #-}
+-    shiftL (I# x#) (I# i#) = I# (x# `iShiftL#` i#)
+-    {-# INLINE shiftR #-}
+-    shiftR (I# x#) (I# i#) = I# (x# `iShiftRA#` i#)
+-instance FastShift Integer where
+-    {-# INLINE shiftL #-}
+-    shiftL = Bits.shiftL
+-    {-# INLINE shiftR #-}
+-    shiftR = Bits.shiftR
+diff --git a/bloomfilter.cabal b/bloomfilter.cabal
+index 821a5d7..c621f7f 100644
+--- a/bloomfilter.cabal
++++ b/bloomfilter.cabal
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ extra-source-files: README.markdown cbits/lookup3.c cbits/lookup3.h
+ library
+   build-depends:
+     array,
+-    base       >= 4.4 && < 5,
++    base       >= 4.5 && < 5,
+     bytestring >= 0.9,
+     deepseq
+   exposed-modules:  Data.BloomFilter
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-bytestring-handle-ghc9.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-bytestring-handle-ghc9.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43dd472bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-bytestring-handle-ghc9.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Taken from
+--- bytestring-handle-	2021-06-21 14:54:12.217134401 +0800
++++ bytestring-handle-	2021-06-21 15:24:01.794796505 +0800
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ import GHC.IO.Buffer ( BufferState(..), emptyBuffer, Buffer(..) )
+ import GHC.IO.BufferedIO ( BufferedIO(..) )
+-import GHC.IO.Device ( IODevice(..), IODeviceType(..), SeekMode(..) )
++import GHC.IO.Device ( IODevice(..), IODeviceType(..), SeekMode(..), RawIO(..) )
+ #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
+ import GHC.IO.Encoding ( getLocaleEncoding )
+ #else
+@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
+                                 seek_base = error "seek_base needs to be updated"
+                    })
+         modifyIORef (write_size ws) (`max` newSeekPos)
++        pure newSeekPos
+     tell ws = do
+         ss <- readIORef (write_seek_state ws)
+@@ -152,6 +153,12 @@
+     devType _ = return RegularFile -- TODO: is this correct?
++instance RawIO WriteState where
++    read _ _ _ _ = return 0
++    readNonBlocking _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
++    write _ _ _ _ = return ()
++    writeNonBlocking _ _ _ _ = return 0
+ ioe_seekOutOfRange :: IO a
+ ioe_seekOutOfRange =
+     ioException $ IOError Nothing InvalidArgument ""
+--- bytestring-handle-	2021-06-21 14:53:55.433129276 +0800
++++ bytestring-handle-	2021-06-21 15:24:25.998784996 +0800
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+     , emptyBuffer, isEmptyBuffer, newBuffer, newByteBuffer
+     , bufferElems, withBuffer, withRawBuffer )
+ import GHC.IO.BufferedIO ( BufferedIO(..) )
+-import GHC.IO.Device ( IODevice(..), IODeviceType(..), SeekMode(..) )
++import GHC.IO.Device ( IODevice(..), IODeviceType(..), SeekMode(..), RawIO(..) )
+ #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
+ import GHC.IO.Encoding ( getLocaleEncoding )
+ #else
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
+                                                       (seek_before_length curSeekState)
+                                                       (fromIntegral (seek_pos curSeekState) + seekPos)
+                   SeekFromEnd -> normalisedSeekState (read_chunks_backwards rs) [] (read_length rs) seekPos
+-        maybe ioe_seekOutOfRange (writeIORef (read_seek_state rs)) newSeekState
++        maybe ioe_seekOutOfRange (\nss -> writeIORef (read_seek_state rs) nss >> pure (fromIntegral(seek_pos nss))) newSeekState
+     tell rs = do
+         ss <- readIORef (read_seek_state rs)
+@@ -166,6 +166,12 @@
+     devType _ = return RegularFile -- TODO: is this correct?
++instance RawIO ReadState where
++    read _ _ _ _ = return 0
++    readNonBlocking _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
++    write _ _ _ _ = return ()
++    writeNonBlocking _ _ _ _ = return 0
+ ioe_seekOutOfRange :: IO a
+ ioe_seekOutOfRange =
+     ioException $ IOError Nothing InvalidArgument ""
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ngless-unliftio.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ngless-unliftio.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 87f5e79fcf..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ngless-unliftio.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-From 919565adc1216b9d3108b3043e8d307292b37393 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Luis Pedro Coelho <>
-Date: Fri, 7 May 2021 11:42:56 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH] BLD Update to LTS-17.10
-- Updates the GHC version
-- Requires `extra-deps` for `diagrams` package
-- Simplifies code for NGLessIO monad as UnliftIO can now be auto-derived
- NGLess/NGLess/NGError.hs |  8 ++------
- stack.yaml               | 11 ++++++++---
- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/NGLess/NGLess/NGError.hs b/NGLess/NGLess/NGError.hs
-index a22e557f..c7eddf5b 100644
---- a/NGLess/NGLess/NGError.hs
-+++ b/NGLess/NGLess/NGError.hs
-@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ type NGLess = Either NGError
- newtype NGLessIO a = NGLessIO { unwrapNGLessIO :: ResourceT IO a }
-                         deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO,
--                        MonadResource, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask)
-+                        MonadResource, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask,
-+                        MonadUnliftIO)
- instance MonadError NGError NGLessIO where
-@@ -62,11 +63,6 @@ instance PrimMonad NGLessIO where
-     primitive act = NGLessIO (primitive act)
-     {-# INLINE primitive #-}
--instance MonadUnliftIO NGLessIO where
--    askUnliftIO = NGLessIO $ do
--        u <- askUnliftIO
--        return $ UnliftIO (\(NGLessIO act) -> unliftIO u act)
- instance MonadFail NGLessIO where
-     fail err = throwShouldNotOccur err
-diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
-index 051d973d..11b65887 100644
---- a/stack.yaml
-+++ b/stack.yaml
-@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
- # For more information, see:
--resolver: lts-14.20
-+resolver: lts-17.10
- compiler-check: newer-minor
- # Packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)
- extra-deps:
-   - git: ""
-     commit: "78289f6b48d41f7cc48169520ec9b77b050a0029"
-+  - diagrams-core-1.4.2@sha256:47de45658e8a805b7cb7f535e7b093daf7e861604fa3c70e25bd4ef481bf1571,2997
-+  - diagrams-lib-1.4.3@sha256:04f77778d4b550d3c8e54440800685f88467bef91075e82e009a8a6f45c51033,8232
-+  - diagrams-svg-1.4.3@sha256:36708b0b4cf35507ccf689f1a25f6f81b8f41c2c4c2900793de820f66d4e241c,3181
-+  - active-,1823
-+  - dual-tree-,2830
-+  - monoid-extras-0.5.1@sha256:438dbfd7b4dce47d8f0ca577f56caf94bd1e21391afa545cad09fe7cf2e5793d,2333
-+  - svg-builder-0.1.1@sha256:22de54d326a6b6912e461e1302edb9108b02aac0b6a6368fcdc3c4a224d487fd,1440
- allow-newer: true
- # Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/xmonad-dynamic-linking.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/xmonad-dynamic-linking.patch
index 4f3386e53a..a1d71825b6 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/xmonad-dynamic-linking.patch
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/xmonad-dynamic-linking.patch
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ This patch is required for xmonad to make use of shared libraries.
 Without it, xmonad will not work since we do not (by default) use
 statically linked Haskell libraries.
-diff -ruN xmonad-0.15-a/src/XMonad/Core.hs xmonad-0.15-b/src/XMonad/Core.hs
---- xmonad-0.15-a/src/XMonad/Core.hs	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
-+++ xmonad-0.15-b/src/XMonad/Core.hs	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
-@@ -681,6 +681,8 @@
-        compileGHC bin dir errHandle =
-          runProcess "ghc" ["--make"
-                           , "xmonad.hs"
-+                          , "-dynamic"
-+                          , "-fPIC"
-                           , "-i"
-                           , "-ilib"
-                           , "-fforce-recomp"
+index 46a0939..5ad4f8f 100644
+--- a/src/XMonad/Core.hs
++++ b/src/XMonad/Core.hs
+@@ -664,6 +664,8 @@ compile dirs method =
+   where
+     ghcArgs = [ "--make"
+               , "xmonad.hs"
++              , "-dynamic"
++              , "-fPIC"
+               , "-i" -- only look in @lib@
+               , "-ilib"
+               , "-fforce-recomp"
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/xmonad-next-dynamic-linking.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/xmonad-next-dynamic-linking.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d71825b6..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/xmonad-next-dynamic-linking.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-This patch is required for xmonad to make use of shared libraries.
-Without it, xmonad will not work since we do not (by default) use
-statically linked Haskell libraries.
-index 46a0939..5ad4f8f 100644
---- a/src/XMonad/Core.hs
-+++ b/src/XMonad/Core.hs
-@@ -664,6 +664,8 @@ compile dirs method =
-   where
-     ghcArgs = [ "--make"
-               , "xmonad.hs"
-+              , "-dynamic"
-+              , "-fPIC"
-               , "-i" -- only look in @lib@
-               , "-ilib"
-               , "-fforce-recomp"