summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/gnu/packages/patches
diff options
authorLeo Prikler <>2020-06-29 12:06:50 +0200
committerNicolas Goaziou <>2020-06-30 16:47:58 +0200
commit10543ef8e148f5329b41568f92e83dac3930f02b (patch)
treecda4ab8e625f767a469c24fd516a6980fef4ff90 /gnu/packages/patches
parent0bc6a5796ab75183f658cf4b216b43c33a7801f3 (diff)
gnu: Add ppsspp.
* gnu/packages/emulators.scm (ppsspp): New variable.
* gnu/packages/patches/ppsspp-disable-upgrade-and-gold.patch: New file.
* gnu/ Register it.

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Goaziou <>
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ppsspp-disable-upgrade-and-gold.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ppsspp-disable-upgrade-and-gold.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9503ab6f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/ppsspp-disable-upgrade-and-gold.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+From 951f2269f67d618d376656db831796c119f4f6b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Leo Prikler <>
+Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 18:20:04 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ppsspp: disable upgrade and gold
+ Core/Config.cpp             | 11 -------
+ Core/Config.h               |  2 --
+ Qt/QtMain.cpp               |  6 ----
+ SDL/SDLMain.cpp             |  6 ----
+ UI/DevScreens.cpp           |  3 --
+ UI/GameSettingsScreen.cpp   |  1 -
+ UI/MainScreen.cpp           | 63 +------------------------------------
+ UI/MiscScreens.cpp          | 31 ++----------------
+ UWP/PPSSPP_UWPMain.cpp      |  6 ----
+ Windows/MainWindowMenu.cpp  |  2 +-
+ Windows/main.cpp            |  6 ----
+ android/jni/app-android.cpp |  6 ----
+ 12 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Core/Config.cpp b/Core/Config.cpp
+index 214aeb433..04e3b151d 100644
+--- a/Core/Config.cpp
++++ b/Core/Config.cpp
+@@ -428,7 +428,6 @@ static ConfigSetting generalSettings[] = {
+ 	ConfigSetting("IgnoreBadMemAccess", &g_Config.bIgnoreBadMemAccess, true, true),
+ 	ConfigSetting("CurrentDirectory", &g_Config.currentDirectory, ""),
+ 	ConfigSetting("ShowDebuggerOnLoad", &g_Config.bShowDebuggerOnLoad, false),
+-	ConfigSetting("CheckForNewVersion", &g_Config.bCheckForNewVersion, true),
+ 	ConfigSetting("Language", &g_Config.sLanguageIni, &DefaultLangRegion),
+ 	ConfigSetting("ForceLagSync2", &g_Config.bForceLagSync, false, true, true),
+ 	ConfigSetting("DiscordPresence", &g_Config.bDiscordPresence, true, true, false),  // Or maybe it makes sense to have it per-game? Race conditions abound...
+@@ -1229,16 +1228,6 @@ void Config::Load(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) {
+ 		upgradeMessage = "";
+ 	}
+-	// Check for new version on every 10 runs.
+-	// Sometimes the download may not be finished when the main screen shows (if the user dismisses the
+-	// splash screen quickly), but then we'll just show the notification next time instead, we store the
+-	// upgrade number in the ini.
+-	if (iRunCount % 10 == 0 && bCheckForNewVersion) {
+-		std::shared_ptr<http::Download> dl = g_DownloadManager.StartDownloadWithCallback(
+-			"", "", &DownloadCompletedCallback);
+-		dl->SetHidden(true);
+-	}
+ 	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading controller config: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
+ 	bSaveSettings = true;
+diff --git a/Core/Config.h b/Core/Config.h
+index 084eacc94..e7134cab5 100644
+--- a/Core/Config.h
++++ b/Core/Config.h
+@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ struct Config {
+ 	bool bIgnoreBadMemAccess;
+ 	bool bFastMemory;
+ 	int iCpuCore;
+-	bool bCheckForNewVersion;
+ 	bool bForceLagSync;
+ 	bool bFuncReplacements;
+ 	bool bHideSlowWarnings;
+@@ -521,4 +520,3 @@ std::string CreateRandMAC();
+ // TODO: Find a better place for this.
+ extern http::Downloader g_DownloadManager;
+ extern Config g_Config;
+diff --git a/Qt/QtMain.cpp b/Qt/QtMain.cpp
+index 7713b6587..1d92d1175 100644
+--- a/Qt/QtMain.cpp
++++ b/Qt/QtMain.cpp
+@@ -194,12 +194,6 @@ bool System_GetPropertyBool(SystemProperty prop) {
+ 		return true;
+ 		return true;
+-#ifdef GOLD
+-		return true;
+-		return false;
+ 	default:
+ 		return false;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/SDL/SDLMain.cpp b/SDL/SDLMain.cpp
+index 52028d087..d8697d210 100644
+--- a/SDL/SDLMain.cpp
++++ b/SDL/SDLMain.cpp
+@@ -356,12 +356,6 @@ bool System_GetPropertyBool(SystemProperty prop) {
+ 	switch (prop) {
+ 		return true;
+-#ifdef GOLD
+-		return true;
+-		return false;
+ 	default:
+ 		return false;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/UI/DevScreens.cpp b/UI/DevScreens.cpp
+index f146d099e..625ee124c 100644
+--- a/UI/DevScreens.cpp
++++ b/UI/DevScreens.cpp
+@@ -603,9 +603,6 @@ void SystemInfoScreen::CreateViews() {
+ #ifdef _M_SSE
+ 	buildConfig->Add(new InfoItem("_M_SSE", StringFromFormat("0x%x", _M_SSE)));
+ #endif
+-	if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) {
+-		buildConfig->Add(new InfoItem("GOLD", ""));
+-	}
+ 	ViewGroup *cpuExtensionsScroll = new ScrollView(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT));
+ 	cpuExtensionsScroll->SetTag("DevSystemInfoCPUExt");
+diff --git a/UI/GameSettingsScreen.cpp b/UI/GameSettingsScreen.cpp
+index 8202870c7..81112f822 100644
+--- a/UI/GameSettingsScreen.cpp
++++ b/UI/GameSettingsScreen.cpp
+@@ -796,7 +796,6 @@ void GameSettingsScreen::CreateViews() {
+ 	}
+ #endif
+-	systemSettings->Add(new CheckBox(&g_Config.bCheckForNewVersion, sy->T("VersionCheck", "Check for new versions of PPSSPP")));
+ 	const std::string bgPng = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM) + "background.png";
+ 	const std::string bgJpg = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM) + "background.jpg";
+ 	if (File::Exists(bgPng) || File::Exists(bgJpg)) {
+diff --git a/UI/MainScreen.cpp b/UI/MainScreen.cpp
+index 43535913d..36834020d 100644
+--- a/UI/MainScreen.cpp
++++ b/UI/MainScreen.cpp
+@@ -1054,11 +1054,7 @@ void MainScreen::CreateViews() {
+ 	sprintf(versionString, "%s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION);
+ 	rightColumnItems->SetSpacing(0.0f);
+ 	LinearLayout *logos = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL);
+-	if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) {
+-		logos->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_ICONGOLD"), IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(64, 64, 10, 10, NONE, NONE, false)));
+-	} else {
+-		logos->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_ICON"), IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(64, 64, 10, 10, NONE, NONE, false)));
+-	}
++	logos->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_ICON"), IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(64, 64, 10, 10, NONE, NONE, false)));
+ 	logos->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_LOGO"), IS_DEFAULT, new LinearLayoutParams(Margins(-12, 0, 0, 0))));
+ 	rightColumnItems->Add(logos);
+ 	TextView *ver = rightColumnItems->Add(new TextView(versionString, new LinearLayoutParams(Margins(70, -6, 0, 0))));
+@@ -1070,11 +1066,6 @@ void MainScreen::CreateViews() {
+ 	rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Game Settings", "Settings")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnGameSettings);
+ 	rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Credits")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnCredits);
+ 	rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(mm->T("")))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnPPSSPPOrg);
+-	if (!System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) {
+-		Choice *gold = rightColumnItems->Add(new Choice(mm->T("Buy PPSSPP Gold")));
+-		gold->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnSupport);
+-		gold->SetIcon(ImageID("I_ICONGOLD"));
+-	}
+ 	// Having an exit button is against UWP guidelines.
+@@ -1099,28 +1090,6 @@ void MainScreen::CreateViews() {
+ 	} else if (tabHolder_->GetVisibility() != V_GONE) {
+ 		root_->SetDefaultFocusView(tabHolder_);
+ 	}
+-	auto u = GetI18NCategory("Upgrade");
+-	upgradeBar_ = 0;
+-	if (!g_Config.upgradeMessage.empty()) {
+-		upgradeBar_ = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_HORIZONTAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT));
+-		UI::Margins textMargins(10, 5);
+-		UI::Margins buttonMargins(0, 0);
+-		UI::Drawable solid(0xFFbd9939);
+-		upgradeBar_->SetBG(solid);
+-		upgradeBar_->Add(new TextView(u->T("New version of PPSSPP available") + std::string(": ") + g_Config.upgradeVersion, new LinearLayoutParams(1.0f, textMargins)));
+-		upgradeBar_->Add(new Button(u->T("Download"), new LinearLayoutParams(buttonMargins)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnDownloadUpgrade);
+-		upgradeBar_->Add(new Button(u->T("Dismiss"), new LinearLayoutParams(buttonMargins)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &MainScreen::OnDismissUpgrade);
+-		// Slip in under root_
+-		LinearLayout *newRoot = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL);
+-		newRoot->Add(root_);
+-		newRoot->Add(upgradeBar_);
+-		root_->ReplaceLayoutParams(new LinearLayoutParams(1.0));
+-		root_ = newRoot;
+-	}
+ }
+ UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnAllowStorage(UI::EventParams &e) {
+@@ -1128,27 +1097,6 @@ UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnAllowStorage(UI::EventParams &e) {
+ 	return UI::EVENT_DONE;
+ }
+-UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnDownloadUpgrade(UI::EventParams &e) {
+-	// Go to app store
+-	if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) {
+-		LaunchBrowser("market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppssppgold");
+-	} else {
+-		LaunchBrowser("market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppsspp");
+-	}
+-	// Go directly to and let the user sort it out
+-	LaunchBrowser("");
+-	return UI::EVENT_DONE;
+-UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnDismissUpgrade(UI::EventParams &e) {
+-	g_Config.DismissUpgrade();
+-	upgradeBar_->SetVisibility(UI::V_GONE);
+-	return UI::EVENT_DONE;
+ void MainScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) {
+ 	// Always call the base class method first to handle the most common messages.
+ 	UIScreenWithBackground::sendMessage(message, value);
+@@ -1319,15 +1267,6 @@ UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnCredits(UI::EventParams &e) {
+ 	return UI::EVENT_DONE;
+ }
+-UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnSupport(UI::EventParams &e) {
+-#ifdef __ANDROID__
+-	LaunchBrowser("market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppssppgold");
+-	LaunchBrowser("");
+-	return UI::EVENT_DONE;
+ UI::EventReturn MainScreen::OnPPSSPPOrg(UI::EventParams &e) {
+ 	LaunchBrowser("");
+ 	return UI::EVENT_DONE;
+diff --git a/UI/MiscScreens.cpp b/UI/MiscScreens.cpp
+index a6542c65d..f5f101594 100644
+--- a/UI/MiscScreens.cpp
++++ b/UI/MiscScreens.cpp
+@@ -498,11 +498,7 @@ void LogoScreen::render() {
+ 	char temp[256];
+ 	// Manually formatting UTF-8 is fun.  \xXX doesn't work everywhere.
+ 	snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s Henrik Rydg%c%crd", cr->T("created", "Created by"), 0xC3, 0xA5);
+-	if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) {
+-		dc.Draw()->DrawImage(ImageID("I_ICONGOLD"), bounds.centerX() - 120, bounds.centerY() - 30, 1.2f, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
+-	} else {
+-		dc.Draw()->DrawImage(ImageID("I_ICON"), bounds.centerX() - 120, bounds.centerY() - 30, 1.2f, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
+-	}
++	dc.Draw()->DrawImage(ImageID("I_ICON"), bounds.centerX() - 120, bounds.centerY() - 30, 1.2f, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
+ 	dc.Draw()->DrawImage(ImageID("I_LOGO"), bounds.centerX() + 40, bounds.centerY() - 30, 1.5f, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
+ 	//dc.Draw()->DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU48, "PPSSPP", xres / 2, yres / 2 - 30, textColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
+ 	dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
+@@ -538,10 +534,6 @@ void CreditsScreen::CreateViews() {
+ 	// Really need to redo this whole layout with some linear layouts...
+ 	int rightYOffset = 0;
+-	if (!System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) {
+-		root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("Buy Gold"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, NONE, NONE, 10, 84, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnSupport);
+-		rightYOffset = 74;
+-	}
+ 	root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("PPSSPP Forums"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, 10, NONE, NONE, 158, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnForums);
+ 	root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("Discord"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, 10, NONE, NONE, 232, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnDiscord);
+ 	root_->Add(new Button("", new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, 10, NONE, NONE, 10, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnPPSSPPOrg);
+@@ -550,20 +542,7 @@ void CreditsScreen::CreateViews() {
+ 	root_->Add(new Button(cr->T("Share PPSSPP"), new AnchorLayoutParams(260, 64, NONE, NONE, 10, rightYOffset + 158, false)))->OnClick.Handle(this, &CreditsScreen::OnShare);
+ #endif
+-	if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) {
+-		root_->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_ICONGOLD"), IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(100, 64, 10, 10, NONE, NONE, false)));
+-	} else {
+-		root_->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_ICON"), IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(100, 64, 10, 10, NONE, NONE, false)));
+-	}
+-UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnSupport(UI::EventParams &e) {
+-#ifdef __ANDROID__
+-	LaunchBrowser("market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppssppgold");
+-	LaunchBrowser("");
+-	return UI::EVENT_DONE;
++	root_->Add(new ImageView(ImageID("I_ICON"), IS_DEFAULT, new AnchorLayoutParams(100, 64, 10, 10, NONE, NONE, false)));
+ }
+ UI::EventReturn CreditsScreen::OnTwitter(UI::EventParams &e) {
+@@ -747,11 +726,7 @@ void CreditsScreen::render() {
+ 	// TODO: This is kinda ugly, done on every frame...
+ 	char temp[256];
+-	if (System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD)) {
+-		snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "PPSSPP Gold %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION);
+-	} else {
+-		snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "PPSSPP %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION);
+-	}
++	snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "PPSSPP %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION);
+ 	credits[0] = (const char *)temp;
+ 	UIContext &dc = *screenManager()->getUIContext();
+diff --git a/UWP/PPSSPP_UWPMain.cpp b/UWP/PPSSPP_UWPMain.cpp
+index 24f3b964d..1d66ba7ee 100644
+--- a/UWP/PPSSPP_UWPMain.cpp
++++ b/UWP/PPSSPP_UWPMain.cpp
+@@ -399,12 +399,6 @@ bool System_GetPropertyBool(SystemProperty prop) {
+ 		return false;
+ 		return true;
+-#ifdef GOLD
+-		return true;
+-		return false;
+ 	default:
+ 		return false;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/Windows/MainWindowMenu.cpp b/Windows/MainWindowMenu.cpp
+index b5e1bb0eb..71b29b48a 100644
+--- a/Windows/MainWindowMenu.cpp
++++ b/Windows/MainWindowMenu.cpp
+@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ namespace MainWindow {
+ 		{
+ 			W32Util::CenterWindow(hDlg);
+ 			HWND versionBox = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_VERSION);
+-			std::string windowText = System_GetPropertyBool(SYSPROP_APP_GOLD) ? "PPSSPP Gold " : "PPSSPP ";
++			std::string windowText = "PPSSPP ";
+ 			windowText.append(PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION);
+ 			SetWindowText(versionBox, ConvertUTF8ToWString(windowText).c_str());
+ 		}
+diff --git a/Windows/main.cpp b/Windows/main.cpp
+index 3795597e2..fd98d0453 100644
+--- a/Windows/main.cpp
++++ b/Windows/main.cpp
+@@ -268,12 +268,6 @@ bool System_GetPropertyBool(SystemProperty prop) {
+ 		return true;
+ 		return true;
+-#ifdef GOLD
+-		return true;
+-		return false;
+ 	default:
+ 		return false;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/android/jni/app-android.cpp b/android/jni/app-android.cpp
+index 086371085..0a340c0ae 100644
+--- a/android/jni/app-android.cpp
++++ b/android/jni/app-android.cpp
+@@ -372,12 +372,6 @@ bool System_GetPropertyBool(SystemProperty prop) {
+ 		return true;
+ 		return true;
+-#ifdef GOLD
+-		return true;
+-		return false;
+ 	default:
+ 		return false;
+ 	}