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2 files changed, 40 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
index d2f6037afe..d0c25b867b 100644
--- a/.dir-locals.el
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
    (eval . (put 'manifest-pattern 'scheme-indent-function 0))
    (eval . (put 'substitute-keyword-arguments 'scheme-indent-function 1))
    (eval . (put 'with-store 'scheme-indent-function 1))
+   (eval . (put 'with-store/non-blocking 'scheme-indent-function 1))
    (eval . (put 'with-external-store 'scheme-indent-function 1))
    (eval . (put 'with-error-handling 'scheme-indent-function 0))
    (eval . (put 'with-mutex 'scheme-indent-function 1))
diff --git a/guix/store.scm b/guix/store.scm
index a238cb627a..58ddaa8d15 100644
--- a/guix/store.scm
+++ b/guix/store.scm
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
+            with-store/non-blocking
@@ -462,12 +463,17 @@
                            (file file)
                            (errno errno))))))))
-(define (open-unix-domain-socket file)
+(define* (open-unix-domain-socket file #:key non-blocking?)
   "Connect to the Unix-domain socket at FILE and return it.  Raise a
-'&store-connection-error' upon error."
+'&store-connection-error' upon error.  If NON-BLOCKING?, make the socket
   (let ((s (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding #f))
              ;; This trick allows use of the `scm_c_read' optimization.
-             (socket PF_UNIX (logior SOCK_STREAM SOCK_CLOEXEC) 0)))
+             (socket PF_UNIX
+                     (if non-blocking?
+                         (logior SOCK_STREAM SOCK_CLOEXEC SOCK_NONBLOCK)
+                         (logior SOCK_STREAM SOCK_CLOEXEC))
+                     0)))
         (a (make-socket-address PF_UNIX file)))
     (system-error-to-connection-error file
@@ -478,9 +484,10 @@
   ;; Default port when connecting to a daemon over TCP/IP.
-(define (open-inet-socket host port)
+(define* (open-inet-socket host port #:key non-blocking?)
   "Connect to the Unix-domain socket at HOST:PORT and return it.  Raise a
-'&store-connection-error' upon error."
+'&store-connection-error' upon error.  If NON-BLOCKING?, make the socket
   (define addresses
     (getaddrinfo host
                  (if (number? port) (number->string port) port)
@@ -495,7 +502,10 @@
       ((ai rest ...)
        (let ((s (socket (addrinfo:fam ai)
                         ;; TCP/IP only
-                        (logior SOCK_STREAM SOCK_CLOEXEC) IPPROTO_IP)))
+                        (if non-blocking?
+                            (logior SOCK_STREAM SOCK_CLOEXEC SOCK_NONBLOCK)
+                            (logior SOCK_STREAM SOCK_CLOEXEC))
+                        IPPROTO_IP)))
          (catch 'system-error
            (lambda ()
@@ -514,9 +524,10 @@
                                     (errno (system-error-errno args)))))
                  (loop rest)))))))))
-(define (connect-to-daemon uri)
+(define* (connect-to-daemon uri #:key non-blocking?)
   "Connect to the daemon at URI, a string that may be an actual URI or a file
-name, and return an input/output port.
+name, and return an input/output port.  If NON-BLOCKING?, use a non-blocking
+socket when using the file, unix or guix URI schemes.
 This is a low-level procedure that does not perform the initial handshake with
 the daemon.  Use 'open-connection' for that."
@@ -533,11 +544,13 @@ the daemon.  Use 'open-connection' for that."
        (match (uri-scheme uri)
          ((or #f 'file 'unix)
           (lambda (_)
-            (open-unix-domain-socket (uri-path uri))))
+            (open-unix-domain-socket (uri-path uri)
+                                     #:non-blocking? non-blocking?)))
           (lambda (_)
             (open-inet-socket (uri-host uri)
-                              (or (uri-port uri) %default-guix-port))))
+                              (or (uri-port uri) %default-guix-port)
+                              #:non-blocking? non-blocking?)))
          ((? symbol? scheme)
           ;; Try to dynamically load a module for SCHEME.
           ;; XXX: Errors are swallowed.
@@ -557,7 +570,8 @@ the daemon.  Use 'open-connection' for that."
   (connect uri))
 (define* (open-connection #:optional (uri (%daemon-socket-uri))
-                          #:key port (reserve-space? #t) cpu-affinity)
+                          #:key port (reserve-space? #t) cpu-affinity
+                          non-blocking?)
   "Connect to the daemon at URI (a string), or, if PORT is not #f, use it as
 the I/O port over which to communicate to a build daemon.
@@ -565,7 +579,9 @@ When RESERVE-SPACE? is true, instruct it to reserve a little bit of extra
 space on the file system so that the garbage collector can still operate,
 should the disk become full.  When CPU-AFFINITY is true, it must be an integer
 corresponding to an OS-level CPU number to which the daemon's worker process
-for this connection will be pinned.  Return a server object."
+for this connection will be pinned.  If NON-BLOCKING?, use a non-blocking
+socket when using the file, unix or guix URI schemes.  Return a server
   (define (handshake-error)
     (raise (condition
             (&store-connection-error (file (or port uri))
@@ -577,7 +593,8 @@ for this connection will be pinned.  Return a server object."
              ;; really a connection error.
     (let*-values (((port)
-                   (or port (connect-to-daemon uri)))
+                   (or port (connect-to-daemon
+                             uri #:non-blocking? non-blocking?)))
                   ((output flush)
                    (buffering-output-port port
                                           (make-bytevector 8192))))
@@ -657,9 +674,10 @@ connection.  Use with care."
   "Close the connection to SERVER."
   (close (store-connection-socket server)))
-(define (call-with-store proc)
-  "Call PROC with an open store connection."
-  (let ((store (open-connection)))
+(define* (call-with-store proc #:key non-blocking?)
+  "Call PROC with an open store connection.  Pass NON-BLOCKING? to
+  (let ((store (open-connection #:non-blocking? non-blocking?)))
     (define (thunk)
       (parameterize ((current-store-protocol-version
                       (store-connection-version store)))
@@ -678,6 +696,11 @@ connection.  Use with care."
 automatically close the store when the dynamic extent of EXP is left."
   (call-with-store (lambda (store) exp ...)))
+(define-syntax-rule (with-store/non-blocking store exp ...)
+  "Bind STORE to an non-blocking open connection to the store and evaluate
+EXPs; automatically close the store when the dynamic extent of EXP is left."
+  (call-with-store (lambda (store) exp ...) #:non-blocking? #t))
 (define current-store-protocol-version
   ;; Protocol version of the store currently used.  XXX: This is a hack to
   ;; communicate the protocol version to the build output port.  It's a hack