summary refs log tree commit diff
diff options
5 files changed, 224 insertions, 1251 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/ b/gnu/
index 2fb0f55d8f..1fc4f4245b 100644
--- a/gnu/
+++ b/gnu/
@@ -1599,11 +1599,9 @@ dist_patch_DATA =						\
   %D%/packages/patches/ruby-sanitize-system-libxml.patch	\
   %D%/packages/patches/runc-CVE-2019-5736.patch			\
-  %D%/packages/patches/rust-1.19-mrustc.patch			\
   %D%/packages/patches/rust-1.25-accept-more-detailed-gdb-lines.patch \
   %D%/packages/patches/rust-1.45-linker-locale.patch		\
   %D%/packages/patches/rust-1.48-linker-locale.patch		\
-  %D%/packages/patches/rust-bootstrap-stage0-test.patch		\
   %D%/packages/patches/rust-coresimd-doctest.patch		\
   %D%/packages/patches/rust-ndarray-remove-blas-src-dep.patch	\
   %D%/packages/patches/rust-nettle-disable-vendor.patch		 \
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/rust-1.19-mrustc.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/rust-1.19-mrustc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 261162172e..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/rust-1.19-mrustc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- rustc-1.19.0-src-orig/src/libcore/
-+++ rustc-1.19.0-src/src/libcore/
-@@ -678,5 +678,9 @@
-     pub fn min_align_of_val<T: ?Sized>(_: &T) -> usize;
-+    /// Obtain the length of a slice pointer
-+    #[cfg(rust_compiler="mrustc")]
-+    pub fn mrustc_slice_len<T>(pointer: *const [T]) -> usize;
-     /// Gets a static string slice containing the name of a type.
-     pub fn type_name<T: ?Sized>() -> &'static str;
---- rustc-1.19.0-src-orig/src/libcore/slice/
-+++ rustc-1.19.0-src/src/libcore/slice/
-@@ -413,6 +413,8 @@
-     #[inline]
-     fn len(&self) -> usize {
--        unsafe {
--            mem::transmute::<&[T], Repr<T>>(self).len
--        }
-+        #[cfg(not(rust_compiler="mrustc"))]
-+        let rv = unsafe { mem::transmute::<&[T], Repr<T>>(self).len };
-+        #[cfg(rust_compiler="mrustc")]
-+        let rv = unsafe { ::intrinsics::mrustc_slice_len(self) };
-+        rv
-     }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/rust-1.30-gdb-llvm.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/rust-1.30-gdb-llvm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e8f0acc8b4..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/rust-1.30-gdb-llvm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-Tweak some gdb tests which were broken during LLVM upgrades.
-This has been subsequently fixed upstream in later rustc versions,
-but still needed to bootstrap some earlier versions of the compiler.
-diff -r -u rustc-1.30.1-src-orig/src/test/debuginfo/ rustc-1.30.1-src/src/test/debuginfo/
---- rustc-1.30.1-src-orig/src/test/debuginfo/	2019-02-04 12:49:34.055483896 -0800
-+++ rustc-1.30.1-src/src/test/debuginfo/	2019-02-04 13:01:10.915950356 -0800
-@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
- // gdb-command:print *the_a_ref
- // gdbg-check:$1 = TheA
--// gdbr-check:$1 = borrowed_c_style_enum::ABC::TheA
-+// gdbr-check:$1 = borrowed_c_style_enum::TheA
- // gdb-command:print *the_b_ref
- // gdbg-check:$2 = TheB
--// gdbr-check:$2 = borrowed_c_style_enum::ABC::TheB
-+// gdbr-check:$2 = borrowed_c_style_enum::TheB
- // gdb-command:print *the_c_ref
- // gdbg-check:$3 = TheC
--// gdbr-check:$3 = borrowed_c_style_enum::ABC::TheC
-+// gdbr-check:$3 = borrowed_c_style_enum::TheC
- // === LLDB TESTS ==================================================================================
-diff -r -u rustc-1.30.1-src-orig/src/test/debuginfo/ rustc-1.30.1-src/src/test/debuginfo/
---- rustc-1.30.1-src-orig/src/test/debuginfo/	2019-02-04 12:49:34.051483727 -0800
-+++ rustc-1.30.1-src/src/test/debuginfo/	2019-02-04 13:02:00.981997525 -0800
-@@ -19,31 +19,31 @@
- // gdb-command:print tuple_interior_padding
- // gdbg-check:$1 = {__0 = 0, __1 = OneHundred}
--// gdbr-check:$1 = (0, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneHundred)
-+// gdbr-check:$1 = (0, c_style_enum_in_composite::OneHundred)
- // gdb-command:print tuple_padding_at_end
- // gdbg-check:$2 = {__0 = {__0 = 1, __1 = OneThousand}, __1 = 2}
--// gdbr-check:$2 = ((1, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneThousand), 2)
-+// gdbr-check:$2 = ((1, c_style_enum_in_composite::OneThousand), 2)
- // gdb-command:print tuple_different_enums
- // gdbg-check:$3 = {__0 = OneThousand, __1 = MountainView, __2 = OneMillion, __3 = Vienna}
--// gdbr-check:$3 = (c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneThousand, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::MountainView, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Vienna)
-+// gdbr-check:$3 = (c_style_enum_in_composite::OneThousand, c_style_enum_in_composite::MountainView, c_style_enum_in_composite::OneMillion, c_style_enum_in_composite::Vienna)
- // gdb-command:print padded_struct
- // gdbg-check:$4 = {a = 3, b = OneMillion, c = 4, d = Toronto, e = 5}
--// gdbr-check:$4 = c_style_enum_in_composite::PaddedStruct {a: 3, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion, c: 4, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Toronto, e: 5}
-+// gdbr-check:$4 = c_style_enum_in_composite::PaddedStruct {a: 3, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::OneMillion, c: 4, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::Toronto, e: 5}
- // gdb-command:print packed_struct
- // gdbg-check:$5 = {a = 6, b = OneHundred, c = 7, d = Vienna, e = 8}
--// gdbr-check:$5 = c_style_enum_in_composite::PackedStruct {a: 6, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneHundred, c: 7, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Vienna, e: 8}
-+// gdbr-check:$5 = c_style_enum_in_composite::PackedStruct {a: 6, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::OneHundred, c: 7, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::Vienna, e: 8}
- // gdb-command:print non_padded_struct
- // gdbg-check:$6 = {a = OneMillion, b = MountainView, c = OneThousand, d = Toronto}
--// gdbr-check:$6 = c_style_enum_in_composite::NonPaddedStruct {a: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::MountainView, c: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneThousand, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Toronto}
-+// gdbr-check:$6 = c_style_enum_in_composite::NonPaddedStruct {a: c_style_enum_in_composite::OneMillion, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::MountainView, c: c_style_enum_in_composite::OneThousand, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::Toronto}
- // gdb-command:print struct_with_drop
- // gdbg-check:$7 = {__0 = {a = OneHundred, b = Vienna}, __1 = 9}
--// gdbr-check:$7 = (c_style_enum_in_composite::StructWithDrop {a: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneHundred, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Vienna}, 9)
-+// gdbr-check:$7 = (c_style_enum_in_composite::StructWithDrop {a: c_style_enum_in_composite::OneHundred, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::Vienna}, 9)
- // === LLDB TESTS ==================================================================================
-diff -r -u rustc-1.30.1-src-orig/src/test/debuginfo/ rustc-1.30.1-src/src/test/debuginfo/
---- rustc-1.30.1-src-orig/src/test/debuginfo/	2019-02-04 12:49:34.043483393 -0800
-+++ rustc-1.30.1-src/src/test/debuginfo/	2019-02-04 13:02:17.954691634 -0800
-@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
- // gdb-command: print c_style_enum1
- // gdbg-check:$3 = CStyleEnumVar1
--// gdbr-check:$3 = gdb_pretty_struct_and_enums_pre_gdb_7_7::CStyleEnum::CStyleEnumVar1
-+// gdbr-check:$3 = gdb_pretty_struct_and_enums_pre_gdb_7_7::CStyleEnumVar1
- // gdb-command: print c_style_enum2
- // gdbg-check:$4 = CStyleEnumVar2
--// gdbr-check:$4 = gdb_pretty_struct_and_enums_pre_gdb_7_7::CStyleEnum::CStyleEnumVar2
-+// gdbr-check:$4 = gdb_pretty_struct_and_enums_pre_gdb_7_7::CStyleEnumVar2
- // gdb-command: print c_style_enum3
- // gdbg-check:$5 = CStyleEnumVar3
--// gdbr-check:$5 = gdb_pretty_struct_and_enums_pre_gdb_7_7::CStyleEnum::CStyleEnumVar3
-+// gdbr-check:$5 = gdb_pretty_struct_and_enums_pre_gdb_7_7::CStyleEnumVar3
- #![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)]
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/rust-bootstrap-stage0-test.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/rust-bootstrap-stage0-test.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e8484903e5..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/rust-bootstrap-stage0-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Bootstrap tests failed with local stage0 cargo and rustc
-Backported changes from
-From 0834d9d771e912f51deca6c25699e44734624546 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Nikolai Merinov <>
-Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2018 01:45:35 +0500
-Subject: [PATCH] bootstrap: tests should use rustc from config.toml
-Tests should always use "rustc" and "cargo" from config.toml instead
-of assuming that stage0 binaries was downloaded to build directory.
- src/bootstrap/ | 2 ++
- src/bootstrap/    | 6 ++----
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/bootstrap/ b/src/bootstrap/
-index 487440becf..1701f7b83a 100644
---- a/src/bootstrap/
-+++ b/src/bootstrap/
-@@ -788,6 +788,8 @@ def bootstrap(help_triggered):
-     env["BOOTSTRAP_PARENT_ID"] = str(os.getpid())
-     env["BOOTSTRAP_PYTHON"] = sys.executable
-     env["BUILD_DIR"] = build.build_dir
-+    env["CARGO"] = build.cargo()
-+    env["RUSTC"] = build.rustc()
-     run(args, env=env, verbose=build.verbose)
-diff --git a/src/bootstrap/ b/src/bootstrap/
-index 6dd6291be2..d1a0deb583 100644
---- a/src/bootstrap/
-+++ b/src/bootstrap/
-@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ use std::cmp;
- use num_cpus;
- use toml;
--use util::exe;
- use cache::{INTERNER, Interned};
- use flags::Flags;
- pub use flags::Subcommand;
-@@ -362,9 +361,8 @@ impl Config {
-         config.src = Config::path_from_python("SRC");
-         config.out = Config::path_from_python("BUILD_DIR");
--        let stage0_root = config.out.join(&"stage0/bin");
--        config.initial_rustc = stage0_root.join(exe("rustc", &;
--        config.initial_cargo = stage0_root.join(exe("cargo", &;
-+        config.initial_rustc = Config::path_from_python("RUSTC");
-+        config.initial_cargo = Config::path_from_python("CARGO");
-         config
-     }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/rust.scm b/gnu/packages/rust.scm
index e646cd0091..66c1522735 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/rust.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/rust.scm
@@ -107,876 +107,39 @@
     (inherit base-rust)
     (version version)
-      (origin
-        (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-        (uri (rust-uri version))
-        (sha256 (base32 checksum))))
+     (origin
+       (inherit (package-source base-rust))
+       (uri (rust-uri version))
+       (sha256 (base32 checksum))))
      (alist-replace "cargo-bootstrap" (list base-rust "cargo")
                     (alist-replace "rustc-bootstrap" (list base-rust)
                                    (package-native-inputs base-rust))))))
-(define-public mrustc
-  (let ((rustc-version "1.19.0"))
-    (package
-      (name "mrustc")
-      (version "0.9")
-      (source (origin
-                (method git-fetch)
-                (uri (git-reference
-                      (url "")
-                      (commit (string-append "v" version))))
-                (file-name (git-file-name name version))
-                (sha256
-                 (base32
-                  "194ny7vsks5ygiw7d8yxjmp1qwigd71ilchis6xjl6bb2sj97rd2"))))
-      (outputs '("out" "cargo"))
-      (build-system gnu-build-system)
-      (inputs
-       `(("zlib" ,zlib)))
-      (native-inputs
-       `(("bison" ,bison)
-         ("flex" ,flex)
-         ;; Required for the libstd sources.
-         ("rustc" ,(package-source rust-1.19))))
-      (arguments
-       `(#:test-target "test"
-         #:make-flags
-         (list ,(string-append "RUSTC_TARGET="
-                               (or (%current-target-system)
-                                   (nix-system->gnu-triplet-for-rust))))
-         #:phases
-         (modify-phases %standard-phases
-          (add-after 'unpack 'patch-date
-            (lambda _
-              (substitute* "Makefile"
-               (("shell date") "shell date -d @1"))
-              (substitute* "run_rustc/Makefile"
-               (("[$]Vtime ") "$V "))
-              #t))
-           (add-after 'patch-date 'unpack-target-compiler
-             (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-               (invoke "tar" "xf" (assoc-ref inputs "rustc"))
-               (chdir ,(string-append "rustc-" rustc-version "-src"))
-               (invoke "patch" "-p0" ,(string-append "../rustc-" rustc-version
-                                                     "-src.patch"))
-               (chdir "..")
-               (setenv "RUSTC_VERSION" ,rustc-version)
-               (setenv "MRUSTC_TARGET_VER"
-                ,(version-major+minor rustc-version))
-               (setenv "OUTDIR_SUF" "")
-               #t))
-           (replace 'configure
-             (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-               (setenv "CC" (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "gcc")
-                                           "/bin/gcc"))
-               (setenv "CXX" (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "gcc")
-                                            "/bin/g++"))
-               #t))
-           (add-after 'build 'build-minicargo
-             (lambda* (#:key make-flags #:allow-other-keys)
-               (apply invoke "make" "-f" "" "LIBS" make-flags)
-               (apply invoke "make" "-C" "tools/minicargo" make-flags)))
-           ;(add-after 'check 'check-locally
-           ;  (lambda* (#:key make-flags #:allow-other-keys)
-           ;    ;; The enum test wouldn't work otherwise.
-           ;    ;; See <>.
-           ;    (setenv "MRUSTC_TARGET_VER" ,(version-major+minor rustc-version))
-           ;    (apply invoke "make" "local_tests" make-flags)))
-           (replace 'install
-             (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-               (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
-                      (bin (string-append out "/bin"))
-                      (tools-bin (string-append out "/tools/bin"))
-                      (cargo-out (assoc-ref outputs "cargo"))
-                      (cargo-bin (string-append cargo-out "/bin"))
-                      (lib (string-append out "/lib"))
-                      (lib/rust (string-append lib "/mrust"))
-                      (gcc (assoc-ref inputs "gcc"))
-                      (run_rustc (string-append out
-                                                "/share/mrustc/run_rustc")))
-                 ;; These files are not reproducible.
-                 (for-each delete-file (find-files "output" "\\.txt$"))
-                 ;(delete-file-recursively "output/local_tests")
-                 (mkdir-p (dirname lib/rust))
-                 (copy-recursively "output" lib/rust)
-                 (mkdir-p bin)
-                 (mkdir-p tools-bin)
-                 (install-file "bin/mrustc" bin)
-                 ;; minicargo uses relative paths to resolve mrustc.
-                 (install-file "tools/bin/minicargo" tools-bin)
-                 (install-file "tools/bin/minicargo" cargo-bin)
-                 (mkdir-p run_rustc)
-                 (copy-file "run_rustc/Makefile"
-                            (string-append run_rustc "/Makefile"))
-                 #t))))))
-      (synopsis "Compiler for the Rust programming language")
-      (description "Rust is a systems programming language that provides memory
-safety and thread safety guarantees.")
-      (home-page "")
-      ;; Dual licensed.
-      (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat)))))
-(define rust-1.19
-  (package
-    (name "rust")
-    (version "1.19.0")
-    (source
-      (origin
-        (method url-fetch)
-        (uri (rust-uri "1.19.0"))
-        (sha256 (base32 "0l8c14qsf42rmkqy92ahij4vf356dbyspxcips1aswpvad81y8qm"))
-        (modules '((guix build utils)))
-        (snippet '(begin (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm") #t))
-        (patches (search-patches "rust-1.19-mrustc.patch"))))
-    (outputs '("out" "cargo"))
-    (properties '((timeout . 72000)               ;20 hours
-                  (max-silent-time . 18000)))     ;5 hours (for armel)
-    (arguments
-     `(#:imported-modules ,%cargo-utils-modules ;for `generate-all-checksums'
-       #:modules ((guix build utils) (ice-9 match) (guix build gnu-build-system))
-       #:phases
-       (modify-phases %standard-phases
-         (add-after 'unpack 'set-env
-           (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-             ;; Disable test for cross compilation support.
-             (setenv "CFG_DISABLE_CROSS_TESTS" "1")
-             (setenv "SHELL" (which "sh"))
-             (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" (which "sh"))
-             (setenv "CC" (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "gcc") "/bin/gcc"))
-             ;; guix llvm-3.9.1 package installs only shared libraries
-             (setenv "LLVM_LINK_SHARED" "1")
-             #t))
-         (add-after 'unpack 'patch-cargo-tomls
-           (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-             (substitute* "src/librustc_errors/Cargo.toml"
-               (("[[]dependencies[]]") "
-term = \"0.4.4\"
-             (substitute* "src/librustc/Cargo.toml"
-               (("[[]dependencies[]]") "
-getopts = { path = \"../libgetopts\" }
-             (substitute* "src/librustdoc/Cargo.toml"
-               (("[[]dependencies[]]") "
-test = { path = \"../libtest\" }
-             #t))
-         (add-after 'unpack 'patch-tests
-           (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-             (let ((bash (assoc-ref inputs "bash")))
-               (substitute* "src/libstd/"
-                 ;; The newline is intentional.
-                 ;; There's a line length "tidy" check in Rust which would
-                 ;; fail otherwise.
-                 (("\"/bin/sh\"") (string-append "\n\"" bash "/bin/sh\"")))
-               (substitute* "src/libstd/net/"
-                 ;; There is no network in build environment
-                 (("fn connect_timeout_unroutable")
-                  "#[ignore]\nfn connect_timeout_unroutable"))
-               ;; <>
-               (substitute* "src/libstd/sys/unix/process/"
-                (("fn test_process_mask") "#[allow(unused_attributes)]
-    #[ignore]
-    fn test_process_mask"))
-               #t)))
-         (add-after 'patch-tests 'patch-aarch64-test
-           (lambda* _
-             (substitute* "src/librustc_back/"
-               ;; This test is known to fail on aarch64 and powerpc64le:
-               ;;
-               (("fn test_loading_cosine") "#[ignore]\nfn test_loading_cosine"))
-             #t))
-         (add-after 'patch-tests 'use-readelf-for-tests
-           (lambda* _
-             ;; nm doesn't recognize the file format because of the
-             ;; nonstandard sections used by the Rust compiler, but readelf
-             ;; ignores them.
-             (substitute* "src/test/run-make/atomic-lock-free/Makefile"
-               (("\tnm ")
-                "\treadelf -c "))
-             #t))
-         (add-after 'patch-tests 'remove-unsupported-tests
-           (lambda* _
-             ;; Our ld-wrapper cannot process non-UTF8 bytes in LIBRARY_PATH.
-             ;; <>
-             (delete-file-recursively "src/test/run-make/linker-output-non-utf8")
-             #t))
-         (add-after 'patch-source-shebangs 'patch-cargo-checksums
-           (lambda* _
-             (use-modules (guix build cargo-utils))
-             (substitute* "src/Cargo.lock"
-               (("(\"checksum .* = )\".*\"" all name)
-                (string-append name "\"" ,%cargo-reference-hash "\"")))
-             (generate-all-checksums "src/vendor")
-             #t))
-         ;; This phase is overridden by newer versions.
-         (replace 'configure
-           (const #t))
-         ;; This phase is overridden by newer versions.
-         (replace 'build
-           (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-             (let ((rustc-bootstrap (assoc-ref inputs "rustc-bootstrap")))
-               (setenv "CFG_COMPILER_HOST_TRIPLE"
-                ,(nix-system->gnu-triplet (%current-system)))
-               (setenv "CFG_RELEASE" "")
-               (setenv "CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL" "stable")
-               (setenv "CFG_LIBDIR_RELATIVE" "lib")
-               (setenv "CFG_VERSION" "1.19.0-stable-mrustc")
-               (setenv "MRUSTC_TARGET_VER" ,(version-major+minor version))
-               ; bad: (setenv "CFG_PREFIX" "mrustc") ; FIXME output path.
-               (mkdir-p "output")
-               ;; mrustc 0.9 doesn't check the search paths for crates anymore.
-               (copy-recursively (string-append rustc-bootstrap "/lib/mrust")
-                                 "output")
-               (invoke (string-append rustc-bootstrap "/tools/bin/minicargo")
-                       "src/rustc" "--vendor-dir" "src/vendor"
-                       "--output-dir" "output/rustc-build"
-                       "-L" (string-append rustc-bootstrap "/lib/mrust")
-                       "-j" "1")
-               (setenv "CFG_COMPILER_HOST_TRIPLE" #f)
-               (setenv "CFG_RELEASE" #f)
-               (setenv "CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL" #f)
-               (setenv "CFG_VERSION" #f)
-               (setenv "CFG_PREFIX" #f)
-               (setenv "CFG_LIBDIR_RELATIVE" #f)
-               (invoke (string-append rustc-bootstrap "/tools/bin/minicargo")
-                       "src/tools/cargo" "--vendor-dir" "src/vendor"
-                       "--output-dir" "output/cargo-build"
-                       "-L" "output/"
-                       "-L" (string-append rustc-bootstrap "/lib/mrust")
-                       "-j" "1")
-               ;; Now use the newly-built rustc to build the libraries.
-               ;; One day that could be replaced by:
-               ;; (invoke "output/cargo-build/cargo" "build"
-               ;;         "--manifest-path" "src/bootstrap/Cargo.toml"
-               ;;         "--verbose") ; "--locked" "--frozen"
-               ;; but right now, Cargo has problems with libstd's circular
-               ;; dependencies.
-               (mkdir-p "output/target-libs")
-               (for-each (match-lambda
-                          ((name . flags)
-                            (write name)
-                            (newline)
-                            (apply invoke
-                                   "output/rustc-build/rustc"
-                                   "-C" (string-append "linker="
-                                                       (getenv "CC"))
-                                   ;; Required for libterm.
-                                   "-Z" "force-unstable-if-unmarked"
-                                   "-L" "output/target-libs"
-                                   (string-append "src/" name "/")
-                                   "-o"
-                                   (string-append "output/target-libs/"
-                                                  (car (string-split name #\/))
-                                                  ".rlib")
-                                   flags)))
-                         '(("libcore")
-                           ("libstd_unicode")
-                           ("liballoc")
-                           ("libcollections")
-                           ("librand")
-                           ("liblibc/src" "--cfg" "stdbuild")
-                           ("libunwind" "-l" "gcc_s")
-                           ("libcompiler_builtins")
-                           ("liballoc_system")
-                           ("libpanic_unwind")
-                           ;; Uses "cc" to link.
-                           ("libstd" "-l" "dl" "-l" "rt" "-l" "pthread")
-                           ("libarena")
-                           ;; Test dependencies:
-                           ("libgetopts")
-                           ("libterm")
-                           ("libtest")))
-               #t)))
-         ;; This phase is overridden by newer versions.
-         (replace 'check
-           (const #t))
-         ;; This phase is overridden by newer versions.
-         (replace 'install
-           (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-             (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
-                    (target-system ,(or (%current-target-system)
-                                        (nix-system->gnu-triplet
-                                         (%current-system))))
-                    (out-libs (string-append out "/lib/rustlib/"
-                                             target-system "/lib")))
-                                        ;(setenv "CFG_PREFIX" out)
-               (mkdir-p out-libs)
-               (copy-recursively "output/target-libs" out-libs)
-               (install-file "output/rustc-build/rustc"
-                             (string-append out "/bin"))
-               (install-file "output/rustc-build/rustdoc"
-                             (string-append out "/bin"))
-               (install-file "output/cargo-build/cargo"
-                             (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "cargo")
-                                            "/bin")))
-             #t)))))
-    (build-system gnu-build-system)
-    (native-inputs
-     `(("bison" ,bison) ; For the tests
-       ("cmake" ,cmake-minimal)
-       ("flex" ,flex) ; For the tests
-       ;; FIXME: Rust 1.27 and some later versions require GDB 8.2 specifically.
-       ;; See <>.  Use it on all Rusts for simplicity.
-       ("gdb" ,gdb-8.2) ; For the tests
-       ("procps" ,procps) ; For the tests
-       ("python-2" ,python-2)
-       ("rustc-bootstrap" ,mrustc)
-       ("cargo-bootstrap" ,mrustc "cargo")
-       ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config) ; For "cargo"
-       ("which" ,which)))
-    (inputs
-     `(("jemalloc" ,jemalloc-4.5.0)
-       ("llvm" ,llvm-3.9.1)
-       ("openssl" ,openssl-1.0)
-       ("libssh2" ,libssh2) ; For "cargo"
-       ("libcurl" ,curl)))  ; For "cargo"
-    ;; rustc invokes gcc, so we need to set its search paths accordingly.
-    ;; Note: duplicate its value here to cope with circular dependencies among
-    ;; modules (see <>).
-    (native-search-paths
-     (list (search-path-specification
-            (variable "C_INCLUDE_PATH")
-            (files '("include")))
-           (search-path-specification
-            (variable "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH")
-            (files '("include/c++" "include")))
-           (search-path-specification
-            (variable "LIBRARY_PATH")
-            (files '("lib" "lib64")))))
-    (supported-systems '("x86_64-linux"))
-    (synopsis "Compiler for the Rust programming language")
-    (description "Rust is a systems programming language that provides memory
-safety and thread safety guarantees.")
-    (home-page "")
-    ;; Dual licensed.
-    (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
-(define-public rust-1.20
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.19 "1.20.0"
-          "0542y4rnzlsrricai130mqyxl8r6rd991frb4qsnwb27yigqg91a")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (source
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (snippet '(begin
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/jemalloc")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm")
-                      #t))
-          (patches '())))
-      (native-inputs
-       `(;; The tests fail with newer versions of GNU Make.
-         ("make" ,gnu-make-4.2)
-         ,@(package-native-inputs base-rust)))
-      (outputs '("out" "doc" "cargo"))
-      ;; Since rust-1.19 is local, it's quite probable that Hydra
-      ;; will build rust-1.19 only as a dependency of rust-1.20.
-      ;; But then Hydra will use the wrong properties, the ones here,
-      ;; for rust-1.19.  Therefore, we copied the properties of
-      ;; rust-1.19 here.
-      (properties '((timeout . 72000)               ;20 hours
-                    (max-silent-time . 18000)))     ;5 hours (for armel)
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments rust-1.19)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (add-after 'patch-tests 'patch-cargo-tests
-               (lambda _
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/"
-                  (("/usr/bin/env") (which "env"))
-                  ;; Guix llvm is compiled without asmjs-unknown-emscripten.
-                  (("fn wasm32_final_outputs") "#[ignore]\nfn wasm32_final_outputs"))
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/"
-                  ;; This is stuck when built in container.
-                  (("fn ctrl_c_kills_everyone") "#[ignore]\nfn ctrl_c_kills_everyone"))
-                 ;; Prints test output in the wrong order when built on
-                 ;; i686-linux.
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/"
-                   (("fn cargo_test_env") "#[ignore]\nfn cargo_test_env"))
-                 ;; These tests pull in a dependency on "git", which changes
-                 ;; too frequently take part in the Rust toolchain.
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/"
-                   (("fn author_prefers_cargo") "#[ignore]\nfn author_prefers_cargo")
-                   (("fn finds_author_git") "#[ignore]\nfn finds_author_git")
-                   (("fn finds_local_author_git") "#[ignore]\nfn finds_local_author_git"))
-                 #t))
-             (add-after 'patch-cargo-tests 'ignore-glibc-2.27-incompatible-test
-               ;;
-               (lambda _
-                 (substitute* "src/test/run-pass/"
-                   (("// ignore-android") "// ignore-test\n// ignore-android"))
-                 #t))
-             (replace 'configure
-               (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
-                        (doc (assoc-ref outputs "doc"))
-                        (gcc (assoc-ref inputs "gcc"))
-                        (gdb (assoc-ref inputs "gdb"))
-                        (binutils (assoc-ref inputs "binutils"))
-                        (python (assoc-ref inputs "python-2"))
-                        (rustc (assoc-ref inputs "rustc-bootstrap"))
-                        (cargo (assoc-ref inputs "cargo-bootstrap"))
-                        (llvm (assoc-ref inputs "llvm"))
-                        (jemalloc (assoc-ref inputs "jemalloc")))
-                   (call-with-output-file "config.toml"
-                     (lambda (port)
-                       (display (string-append "
-cargo = \"" cargo "/bin/cargo" "\"
-rustc = \"" rustc "/bin/rustc" "\"
-docs = true
-python = \"" python "/bin/python2" "\"
-gdb = \"" gdb "/bin/gdb" "\"
-vendor = true
-submodules = false
-prefix = \"" out "\"
-docdir = \"" doc "/share/doc/rust" "\"
-sysconfdir = \"etc\"
-default-linker = \"" gcc "/bin/gcc" "\"
-channel = \"stable\"
-rpath = true
-" ;; There are 2 failed codegen tests:
-;; codegen/ and codegen/
-;; These tests require a patched LLVM
-"codegen-tests = false
-[target." ,(nix-system->gnu-triplet-for-rust) "]
-llvm-config = \"" llvm "/bin/llvm-config" "\"
-cc = \"" gcc "/bin/gcc" "\"
-cxx = \"" gcc "/bin/g++" "\"
-ar = \"" binutils "/bin/ar" "\"
-jemalloc = \"" jemalloc "/lib/libjemalloc_pic.a" "\"
-") port)))
-                   #t)))
-             (add-after 'configure 'provide-cc
-               (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 (symlink (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "gcc") "/bin/gcc")
-                          "/tmp/cc")
-                 (setenv "PATH" (string-append "/tmp:" (getenv "PATH")))
-                 #t))
-             (add-after 'provide-cc 'configure-archiver
-               (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 (substitute* "src/build_helper/"
-                  ;; Make sure "ar" is always used as the archiver.
-                  (("\"musl\"") "\"\"")
-                  ;; Then substitute "ar" by our name.
-                  (("\"ar\"") (string-append "\""
-                               (assoc-ref inputs "binutils")
-                               "/bin/ar\"")))
-                 #t))
-             (delete 'patch-cargo-tomls)
-             (add-before 'build 'reset-timestamps-after-changes
-               (lambda* _
-                 (for-each
-                  (lambda (filename)
-                    ;; Rust 1.20.0 treats timestamp 0 as "file doesn't exist".
-                    ;; Therefore, use timestamp 1.
-                    (utime filename 1 1 1 1))
-                  (find-files "." #:directories? #t))
-                 #t))
-             (replace 'build
-               (lambda* _
-                 (invoke "./" "build")
-                 (invoke "./" "build" "src/tools/cargo")))
-             (replace 'check
-               (lambda* _
-                 ;; Disable parallel execution to prevent EAGAIN errors when
-                 ;; running tests.
-                 (invoke "./" "-j1" "test" "-vv")
-                 (invoke "./" "-j1" "test" "src/tools/cargo")
-                 #t))
-             (replace 'install
-               (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 (invoke "./" "install")
-                 (substitute* "config.toml"
-                   ;; replace prefix to specific output
-                   (("prefix = \"[^\"]*\"")
-                    (string-append "prefix = \"" (assoc-ref outputs "cargo") "\"")))
-                 (invoke "./" "install" "cargo")))
-             (add-after 'install 'delete-install-logs
-               (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 (define (delete-manifest-file out-path file)
-                   (delete-file (string-append out-path "/lib/rustlib/" file)))
-                 (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
-                       (cargo-out (assoc-ref outputs "cargo")))
-                   (for-each
-                     (lambda (file) (delete-manifest-file out file))
-                     '("install.log"
-                       "manifest-rust-docs"
-                       ,(string-append "manifest-rust-std-"
-                                       (nix-system->gnu-triplet-for-rust))
-                       "manifest-rustc"))
-                   (for-each
-                     (lambda (file) (delete-manifest-file cargo-out file))
-                     '("install.log"
-                       "manifest-cargo"))
-                   #t)))
-             (add-after 'install 'wrap-rustc
-               (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
-                       (libc (assoc-ref inputs "libc"))
-                       (ld-wrapper (assoc-ref inputs "ld-wrapper")))
-                   ;; Let gcc find ld and libc startup files.
-                   (wrap-program (string-append out "/bin/rustc")
-                     `("PATH" ":" prefix (,(string-append ld-wrapper "/bin")))
-                     `("LIBRARY_PATH" ":" suffix (,(string-append libc "/lib"))))
-                   #t))))))))))
-(define-public rust-1.21
-  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.20 "1.21.0"
-                    "1yj8lnxybjrybp00fqhxw8fpr641dh8wcn9mk44xjnsb4i1c21qp")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (add-after 'configure 'remove-ar
-               (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 ;; Remove because toml complains about "unknown field".
-                 (substitute* "config.toml"
-                  (("^ar =.*") "\n"))
-                 #t)))))))))
-(define-public rust-1.22
-  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.21 "1.22.1"
-                    "1lrzzp0nh7s61wgfs2h6ilaqi6iq89f1pd1yaf65l87bssyl4ylb")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (add-after 'unpack 'remove-flaky-test
-               (lambda _
-                 ;; See <>.
-                 (when (file-exists? "src/test/run-make/issue-26092")
-                   (delete-file-recursively "src/test/run-make/issue-26092"))
-                 #t)))))))))
-(define-public rust-1.23
-  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.22 "1.23.0"
-                    "14fb8vhjzsxlbi6yrn1r6fl5dlbdd1m92dn5zj5gmzfwf4w9ar3l")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (delete 'configure-archiver)
-             (delete 'remove-ar)
-             (add-after 'unpack 'dont-build-native
-               (lambda _
-                 ;; XXX: Revisit this when we use gcc 6.
-                 (substitute* "src/binaryen/CMakeLists.txt"
-                  (("ADD_COMPILE_FLAG\\(\\\"-march=native\\\"\\)") ""))
-                 #t)))))))))
-(define-public rust-1.24
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.23 "1.24.1"
-          "1vv10x2h9kq7fxh2v01damdq8pvlp5acyh1kzcda9sfjx12kv99y")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (delete 'use-readelf-for-tests)
-             (replace 'patch-aarch64-test
-               (lambda* _
-                 (substitute* "src/librustc_metadata/"
-                   ;; This test is known to fail on aarch64 and powerpc64le:
-                   ;;
-                   (("fn test_loading_cosine") "#[ignore]\nfn test_loading_cosine"))
-                 #t)))))))))
-;;; Rust 1.25 release support work with llvm 6--but build with llvm 6 is
-;;; not determenistic due to <>.
-;;; Keep using llvm 3.9.1 until builds become determenistic
-(define-public rust-1.25
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.24 "1.25.0"
-          "0baxjr99311lvwdq0s38bipbnj72pn6fgbk6lcq7j555xq53mxpf")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (source
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (snippet '(begin
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/jemalloc")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm-emscripten")
-                      #t))
-          (patches (search-patches
-                     "rust-1.25-accept-more-detailed-gdb-lines.patch"))))
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (add-after 'patch-cargo-tests 'patch-cargo-index-update
-               (lambda _
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/"
-                   ;; This test wants to update the crate index.
-                   (("fn no_index_update") "#[ignore]\nfn no_index_update"))
-                 #t))
-             (replace 'patch-aarch64-test
-               (lambda _
-                 (substitute* "src/librustc_metadata/"
-                   ;; This test is known to fail on aarch64 and powerpc64le:
-                   ;;
-                   (("fn test_loading_cosine") "#[ignore]\nfn test_loading_cosine"))
-                 ;; This test fails on aarch64 with llvm@6.0:
-                 ;;
-                 ;; other possible solution:
-                 ;;
-                 (delete-file "src/test/debuginfo/")
-                 #t))
-             (delete 'ignore-glibc-2.27-incompatible-test))))))))
-(define-public rust-1.26
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.25 "1.26.2"
-          "0047ais0fvmqvngqkdsxgrzhb0kljg8wy85b01kbbjc88hqcz7pv")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (source
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (patches (search-patches
-                     "rust-coresimd-doctest.patch"
-                     "rust-1.25-accept-more-detailed-gdb-lines.patch"))))
-      (inputs
-       (alist-replace "openssl" (list openssl)
-                      (package-inputs base-rust)))
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             ;; binaryen was replaced with LLD project from LLVM
-             (delete 'dont-build-native)
-             (replace 'check
-               (lambda* _
-                 ;; Enable parallel execution.
-                 (let ((parallel-job-spec
-                        (string-append "-j" (number->string
-                                             (min 4
-                                                  (parallel-job-count))))))
-                   (invoke "./" parallel-job-spec "test" "-vv")
-                   (invoke "./" parallel-job-spec "test"
-                           "src/tools/cargo"))))
-             (replace 'remove-unsupported-tests
-               (lambda* _
-                 ;; Our ld-wrapper cannot process non-UTF8 bytes in LIBRARY_PATH.
-                 ;; <>
-                 (delete-file-recursively "src/test/run-make-fulldeps/linker-output-non-utf8")
-                 #t))
-             (replace 'patch-cargo-tests
-               (lambda* _
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                   (("/usr/bin/env") (which "env"))
-                   ;; Guix llvm is compiled without asmjs-unknown-emscripten.
-                   (("fn wasm32_final_outputs") "#[ignore]\nfn wasm32_final_outputs"))
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                   ;; This is stuck when built in container.
-                   (("fn ctrl_c_kills_everyone") "#[ignore]\nfn ctrl_c_kills_everyone"))
-                 ;; Prints test output in the wrong order when built on
-                 ;; i686-linux.
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                   (("fn cargo_test_env") "#[ignore]\nfn cargo_test_env"))
-                 ;; Avoid dependency on "git".
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                   (("fn author_prefers_cargo") "#[ignore]\nfn author_prefers_cargo")
-                   (("fn finds_author_git") "#[ignore]\nfn finds_author_git")
-                   (("fn finds_local_author_git") "#[ignore]\nfn finds_local_author_git"))
-                 #t))
-             (add-after 'patch-cargo-tests 'disable-cargo-test-for-nightly-channel
-               (lambda* _
-                 ;; This test failed to work on "nightly" channel builds
-                 ;;
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                   (("fn test_resolving_minimum_version_with_transitive_deps")
-                    "#[ignore]\nfn test_resolving_minimum_version_with_transitive_deps"))
-                 #t))
-             (replace 'patch-cargo-index-update
-               (lambda* _
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                   ;; This test wants to update the crate index.
-                   (("fn no_index_update") "#[ignore]\nfn no_index_update"))
-                 #t)))))))))
-(define-public rust-1.27
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.26 "1.27.2"
-          "0pg1s37bhx9zqbynxyydq5j6q7kij9vxkcv8maz0m25prm88r0cs")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (source
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (patches (search-patches "rust-coresimd-doctest.patch"
-                                   "rust-bootstrap-stage0-test.patch"
-                                   "rust-1.25-accept-more-detailed-gdb-lines.patch"
-                                   "rust-reproducible-builds.patch"))))
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (add-before 'install 'mkdir-prefix-paths
-               (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 ;; As result of
-                 ;; `prefix' directory should exist before `install' call
-                 (mkdir-p (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
-                 (mkdir-p (assoc-ref outputs "cargo"))
-                 #t))
-             (add-after 'patch-cargo-tests 'disable-thinlto-test
-               (lambda* _
-                 ;; thinlto required llvm 6.0 for work
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                   (("fn thin_lto_works") "#[ignore]\nfn thin_lto_works"))
-                 #t)))))))))
-(define-public rust-1.28
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.27 "1.28.0"
-          "11k4rn77bca2rikykkk9fmprrgjswd4x4kaq7fia08vgkir82nhx")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (source
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (patches (search-patches "rust-coresimd-doctest.patch"
-                                   "rust-bootstrap-stage0-test.patch"
-                                   "rust-1.25-accept-more-detailed-gdb-lines.patch"
-                                   "rust-reproducible-builds.patch"))))
-      (inputs
-       ;; Use LLVM 6.0
-       (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-6)
-                      (package-inputs base-rust)))
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (add-after 'configure 'enable-codegen-tests
-               ;; Codegen tests should pass with llvm 6, so enable them.
-               (lambda* _
-                 (substitute* "config.toml"
-                   (("codegen-tests = false") ""))
-                 #t))
-             (add-after 'patch-tests 'disable-amd64-avx-test
-               ;; That test would fail on x86_64 machines without avx.
-               (lambda* _
-                 (substitute* "src/test/run-pass/"
-                   (("only-x86_64") "ignore-test"))
-                 #t))
-             ;; This is no longer needed as of 1.28
-             (delete 'disable-cargo-test-for-nightly-channel)
-             ;; The thinlto test should pass with llvm 6.
-             (delete 'disable-thinlto-test))))))))
-(define-public rust-1.29
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.28 "1.29.2"
-          "1jb787080z754caa2w3w1amsygs4qlzj9rs1vy64firfmabfg22h")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (source
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (patches (search-patches "rust-1.25-accept-more-detailed-gdb-lines.patch"
-                                   "rust-reproducible-builds.patch")))))))
-(define-public rust-1.30
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.29 "1.30.1"
-          "0aavdc1lqv0cjzbqwl5n59yd0bqdlhn0zas61ljf38yrvc18k8rn")))
-    (package
-      (inherit base-rust)
-      (source
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (snippet '(begin
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/jemalloc")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm-emscripten")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/tools/clang")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/tools/lldb")
-                      #t))))
-      (arguments
-       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:phases phases)
-          `(modify-phases ,phases
-             (add-after 'patch-cargo-tests 'patch-cargo-env-shebang
-               (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 (let ((coreutils (assoc-ref inputs "coreutils")))
-                   (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                     ;; Cargo has a test which explicitly sets a
-                     ;; RUSTC_WRAPPER environment variable which points
-                     ;; to /usr/bin/env. Since it's not a shebang, it
-                     ;; needs to be manually patched
-                     (("\"/usr/bin/env\"")
-                      (string-append "\"" coreutils "/bin/env\"")))
-                   #t)))
-             (add-after 'patch-cargo-env-shebang 'ignore-cargo-package-tests
-               (lambda* _
-                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                   ;; These tests largely check that cargo outputs warning/error
-                   ;; messages as expected. It seems that cargo outputs an
-                   ;; absolute path to something in the store instead of the
-                   ;; expected relative path (e.g. `[..]`) so we'll ignore
-                   ;; these for now
-                   (("fn include") "#[ignore]\nfn include")
-                   (("fn exclude") "#[ignore]\nfn exclude"))
-                   #t))
-             ;; The test has been moved elsewhere.
-             (replace 'disable-amd64-avx-test
-               (lambda _
-                 (substitute* "src/test/ui/run-pass/issues/"
-                  (("only-x86_64") "ignore-test"))
-                  #t)))))))))
 (define (patch-command-exec-tests-phase test-path)
-  "The test moves around between releases.  We need to apply
+"The test moves around between releases.  We need to apply
 a Guix-specific patch to it for each release.  This function generates the phase
 that applies said patch, parametrized by the test-path.  This is done this way
 because the phase is more complex than the equivalents for other tests that
 move around."
- `(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-    (let ((coreutils (assoc-ref inputs "coreutils")))
-      (substitute* ,test-path
-        ;; This test suite includes some tests that the stdlib's
-        ;; `Command` execution properly handles situations where
-        ;; the environment or PATH variable are empty, but this
-        ;; fails since we don't have `echo` available in the usual
-        ;; Linux directories.
-        ;; NB: the leading space is so we don't fail a tidy check
-        ;; for trailing whitespace, and the newlines are to ensure
-        ;; we don't exceed the 100 chars tidy check as well
-        ((" Command::new\\(\"echo\"\\)")
-         (string-append "\nCommand::new(\"" coreutils "/bin/echo\")\n")))
-      #t)))
+`(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+   (let ((coreutils (assoc-ref inputs "coreutils")))
+     (substitute* ,test-path
+       ;; This test suite includes some tests that the stdlib's
+       ;; `Command` execution properly handles situations where
+       ;; the environment or PATH variable are empty, but this
+       ;; fails since we don't have `echo` available in the usual
+       ;; Linux directories.
+       ;; NB: the leading space is so we don't fail a tidy check
+       ;; for trailing whitespace, and the newlines are to ensure
+       ;; we don't exceed the 100 chars tidy check as well
+       ((" Command::new\\(\"echo\"\\)")
+        (string-append "\nCommand::new(\"" coreutils "/bin/echo\")\n"))))))
 (define-public rust-1.31
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.30 "1.31.1"
-          "0sk84ff0cklybcp0jbbxcw7lk7mrm6kb6km5nzd6m64dy0igrlli")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.30 "1.31.1"
+                    "0sk84ff0cklybcp0jbbxcw7lk7mrm6kb6km5nzd6m64dy0igrlli")))
       (inherit base-rust)
@@ -985,44 +148,43 @@ move around."
           `(modify-phases ,phases
              (add-after 'patch-tests 'patch-command-exec-tests
-                  "src/test/run-pass/"))
+                 "src/test/run-pass/"))
              ;; The test has been moved elsewhere.
              (replace 'disable-amd64-avx-test
                (lambda _
                  (substitute* "src/test/ui/issues/"
-                  (("only-x86_64") "ignore-test"))
-                 #t))
+                   (("only-x86_64")
+                    "ignore-test"))))
              (add-after 'patch-tests 'patch-process-docs-rev-cmd
                (lambda* _
                  ;; Disable some doc tests which depend on the "rev" command
                  (substitute* "src/libstd/"
-                   (("```rust") "```rust,no_run"))
-                 #t)))))))))
+                   (("```rust")
+                    "```rust,no_run")))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.32
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.31 "1.32.0"
-          "0ji2l9xv53y27xy72qagggvq47gayr5lcv2jwvmfirx029vlqnac")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.31 "1.32.0"
+                    "0ji2l9xv53y27xy72qagggvq47gayr5lcv2jwvmfirx029vlqnac")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (snippet '(begin (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm")
-                           (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm-emscripten")
-                           (delete-file-recursively "src/tools/clang")
-                           (delete-file-recursively "src/tools/lldb")
-                           (delete-file-recursively "vendor/jemalloc-sys/jemalloc")
-                           #t))
-          (patches (search-patches "rust-reproducible-builds.patch"))
-          ;; the vendor directory has moved to the root of
-          ;; the tarball, so we have to strip an extra prefix
-          (patch-flags '("-p2"))))
+       (origin
+         (inherit (package-source base-rust))
+         (snippet '(for-each delete-file-recursively
+                             '("src/llvm"
+                               "src/llvm-emscripten"
+                               "src/tools/clang"
+                               "src/tools/lldb"
+                               "vendor/jemalloc-sys/jemalloc")))
+         (patches (search-patches "rust-reproducible-builds.patch"))
+         ;; the vendor directory has moved to the root of
+         ;; the tarball, so we have to strip an extra prefix
+         (patch-flags '("-p2"))))
        ;; Downgrade to LLVM 6, all LTO tests appear to fail with LLVM 7.0.1
-       (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-6)
-                      (package-inputs base-rust)))
+       (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-6) (package-inputs base-rust)))
        (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
          ((#:phases phases)
@@ -1035,8 +197,7 @@ move around."
                  (substitute* "Cargo.lock"
                    (("(\"checksum .* = )\".*\"" all name)
                     (string-append name "\"" ,%cargo-reference-hash "\"")))
-                 (generate-all-checksums "vendor")
-                 #t))
+                 (generate-all-checksums "vendor")))
              (add-after 'enable-codegen-tests 'override-jemalloc
                (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
                  ;; The compiler is no longer directly built against jemalloc,
@@ -1047,28 +208,27 @@ move around."
                  (substitute* "config.toml"
                    (("^jemalloc =.*$") "")
                    (("[[]rust[]]") "\n[rust]\njemalloc=true\n"))
-                 (setenv "JEMALLOC_OVERRIDE" (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "jemalloc")
-                                                            "/lib/libjemalloc_pic.a"))
-                 #t))
+                 (setenv "JEMALLOC_OVERRIDE" (string-append
+                                              (assoc-ref inputs "jemalloc")
+                                              "/lib/libjemalloc_pic.a"))))
              ;; Remove no longer relevant steps
              (delete 'remove-flaky-test)
              (delete 'patch-aarch64-test))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.33
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.32 "1.33.0"
-           "152x91mg7bz4ygligwjb05fgm1blwy2i70s2j03zc9jiwvbsh0as")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.32 "1.33.0"
+                    "152x91mg7bz4ygligwjb05fgm1blwy2i70s2j03zc9jiwvbsh0as")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (patches '())
-          (patch-flags '("-p1"))))
+       (origin
+         (inherit (package-source base-rust))
+         (patches '())
+         (patch-flags '("-p1"))))
        ;; Upgrade to jemalloc@5.1.0
-       (alist-replace "jemalloc" (list jemalloc)
-                      (package-inputs base-rust)))
+       (alist-replace "jemalloc" (list jemalloc) (package-inputs base-rust)))
        (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
          ((#:phases phases)
@@ -1080,33 +240,30 @@ move around."
                (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
-                 (setenv "RUST_TEST_THREADS" "2")
-                 #t)))))))))
+                 (setenv "RUST_TEST_THREADS" "2"))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.34
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.33 "1.34.1"
-           "19s09k7y5j6g3y4d2rk6kg9pvq6ml94c49w6b72dmq8p9lk8bixh")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.33 "1.34.1"
+                    "19s09k7y5j6g3y4d2rk6kg9pvq6ml94c49w6b72dmq8p9lk8bixh")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (snippet '(begin
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm-emscripten")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm-project")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "vendor/jemalloc-sys/jemalloc")
-                      #t)))))))
+       (origin
+         (inherit (package-source base-rust))
+         (snippet '(for-each delete-file-recursively
+                             '("src/llvm-emscripten"
+                               "src/llvm-project"
+                               "vendor/jemalloc-sys/jemalloc"))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.35
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.34 "1.35.0"
-           "0bbizy6b7002v1rdhrxrf5gijclbyizdhkglhp81ib3bf5x66kas")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.34 "1.35.0"
+                    "0bbizy6b7002v1rdhrxrf5gijclbyizdhkglhp81ib3bf5x66kas")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-       (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-8)
-                      (package-inputs base-rust)))
+       (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-8) (package-inputs base-rust)))
        (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
          ((#:phases phases)
@@ -1118,13 +275,13 @@ move around."
              (add-after 'configure 'disable-tidy-bins-check
                (lambda* _
                  (substitute* "src/tools/tidy/src/"
-                   (("bins::check") "//bins::check"))
-                 #t)))))))))
+                   (("bins::check")
+                    "//bins::check")))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.36
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.35 "1.36.0"
-           "06xv2p6zq03lidr0yaf029ii8wnjjqa894nkmrm6s0rx47by9i04")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.35 "1.36.0"
+                    "06xv2p6zq03lidr0yaf029ii8wnjjqa894nkmrm6s0rx47by9i04")))
       (inherit base-rust)
@@ -1134,9 +291,9 @@ move around."
              (delete 'patch-process-docs-rev-cmd))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.37
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.36 "1.37.0"
-           "1hrqprybhkhs6d9b5pjskfnc5z9v2l2gync7nb39qjb5s0h703hj")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.36 "1.37.0"
+                    "1hrqprybhkhs6d9b5pjskfnc5z9v2l2gync7nb39qjb5s0h703hj")))
       (inherit base-rust)
@@ -1147,36 +304,35 @@ move around."
                (lambda _
                  (let ((cargo-home (string-append (getcwd) "/.cargo")))
                    (mkdir-p cargo-home)
-                   (setenv "CARGO_HOME" cargo-home)
-                   #t))))))))))
+                   (setenv "CARGO_HOME" cargo-home)))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.38
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.37 "1.38.0"
-           "101dlpsfkq67p0hbwx4acqq6n90dj4bbprndizpgh1kigk566hk4")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.37 "1.38.0"
+                    "101dlpsfkq67p0hbwx4acqq6n90dj4bbprndizpgh1kigk566hk4")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-        (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-9)
-                       (package-inputs base-rust)))
+       (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-9) (package-inputs base-rust)))
        (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
          ((#:phases phases)
           `(modify-phases ,phases
              (replace 'patch-command-exec-tests
-                  "src/test/ui/"))
+                 "src/test/ui/"))
              (add-after 'patch-tests 'patch-command-uid-gid-test
                (lambda _
                  (substitute* "src/test/ui/"
-                   (("/bin/sh") (which "sh"))
-                   (("ignore-sgx") "ignore-sgx\n// ignore-tidy-linelength"))
-                 #t)))))))))
+                   (("/bin/sh")
+                    (which "sh"))
+                   (("ignore-sgx")
+                    "ignore-sgx\n// ignore-tidy-linelength")))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.39
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.38 "1.39.0"
-           "0mwkc1bnil2cfyf6nglpvbn2y0zfbv44zfhsd5qg4c9rm6vgd8dl")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.38 "1.39.0"
+                    "0mwkc1bnil2cfyf6nglpvbn2y0zfbv44zfhsd5qg4c9rm6vgd8dl")))
       (inherit base-rust)
@@ -1190,24 +346,22 @@ move around."
                  (substitute* "Cargo.lock"
                    (("(checksum = )\".*\"" all name)
                     (string-append name "\"" ,%cargo-reference-hash "\"")))
-                 (generate-all-checksums "vendor")
-                 #t)))))))))
+                 (generate-all-checksums "vendor"))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.40
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.39 "1.40.0"
-           "1ba9llwhqm49w7sz3z0gqscj039m53ky9wxzhaj11z6yg1ah15yx")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.39 "1.40.0"
+                    "1ba9llwhqm49w7sz3z0gqscj039m53ky9wxzhaj11z6yg1ah15yx")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          ;; llvm-emscripten is no longer bundled, as that codegen backend
-          ;; got removed.
-          (snippet '(begin
-                      (delete-file-recursively "src/llvm-project")
-                      (delete-file-recursively "vendor/jemalloc-sys/jemalloc")
-                      #t))))
+       (origin
+         (inherit (package-source base-rust))
+         ;; llvm-emscripten is no longer bundled, as that codegen backend
+         ;; got removed.
+         (snippet '(for-each delete-file-recursively
+                             '("src/llvm-project"
+                               "vendor/jemalloc-sys/jemalloc")))))
        ;; Rust 1.40 does not ship rustc-internal libraries by default
        ;; (see rustc-dev-split). This means that is no
@@ -1220,106 +374,103 @@ move around."
        ;; Rust 1.41 stopped putting the codegen backend in a separate library,
        ;; which makes this workaround only necessary for this release.
        (cons* #:validate-runpath? #f
-         (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-           ((#:phases phases)
-            `(modify-phases ,phases
-               ;; We often need to patch tests with various Guix-specific paths.
-               ;; This often increases the line length and makes tidy, rustc's
-               ;; style checker, complain. We could insert additional newlines
-               ;; or add an "// ignore-tidy-linelength" comment, but as an
-               ;; ignore comment must be used, both approaches are fragile due
-               ;; to upstream formatting changes. As such, disable running the
-               ;; linter during tests, since it's intended for rustc developers
-               ;; anyway.
-               ;;
-               ;; TODO(rebuild-rust): This phase could be added earlier to
-               ;; simplify a significant amount of code, but it would require
-               ;; rebuilding the entire rusty universe.
-               (add-after 'patch-tests 'neuter-tidy
-                 (lambda _
-                   (substitute* "src/bootstrap/"
-                     (("^.*::Tidy,") ""))
-                   #t))
-               ;; TODO(rebuild-rust): Adapt the find-files approach for
-               ;; earlier testsuite patches.
-               (replace 'patch-command-uid-gid-test
-                 (lambda _
-                   (match (find-files "src/test" "command-uid-gid\\.rs")
-                     ((file)
-                      (substitute* file
-                        (("/bin/sh") (which "sh")))))
-                   #t))
-               (replace 'patch-command-exec-tests
-                 ,(patch-command-exec-tests-phase
-                    '(match (find-files "src/test" "command-exec\\.rs")
-                       ((file) file))))
-               ;; The test got removed in commit 000fe63b6fc57b09828930cacbab20c2ee6e6d15
-               ;; "Remove painful test that is not pulling its weight"
-               (delete 'remove-unsupported-tests)))))))))
+              (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
+                ((#:phases phases)
+                 `(modify-phases ,phases
+                    ;; We often need to patch tests with various Guix-specific paths.
+                    ;; This often increases the line length and makes tidy, rustc's
+                    ;; style checker, complain. We could insert additional newlines
+                    ;; or add an "// ignore-tidy-linelength" comment, but as an
+                    ;; ignore comment must be used, both approaches are fragile due
+                    ;; to upstream formatting changes. As such, disable running the
+                    ;; linter during tests, since it's intended for rustc developers
+                    ;; anyway.
+                    ;;
+                    ;; TODO(rebuild-rust): This phase could be added earlier to
+                    ;; simplify a significant amount of code, but it would require
+                    ;; rebuilding the entire rusty universe.
+                    (add-after 'patch-tests 'neuter-tidy
+                      (lambda _
+                        (substitute* "src/bootstrap/"
+                          (("^.*::Tidy,")
+                           ""))))
+                    ;; TODO(rebuild-rust): Adapt the find-files approach for
+                    ;; earlier testsuite patches.
+                    (replace 'patch-command-uid-gid-test
+                      (lambda _
+                        (match (find-files "src/test" "command-uid-gid\\.rs")
+                          ((file)
+                           (substitute* file
+                             (("/bin/sh")
+                              (which "sh")))))))
+                    (replace 'patch-command-exec-tests
+                      ,(patch-command-exec-tests-phase
+                        '(match (find-files "src/test" "command-exec\\.rs")
+                           ((file) file))))
+                    ;; The test got removed in commit 000fe63b6fc57b09828930cacbab20c2ee6e6d15
+                    ;; "Remove painful test that is not pulling its weight"
+                    (delete 'remove-unsupported-tests)))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.41
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.40 "1.41.1"
-           "0ws5x0fxv57fyllsa6025h3q6j9v3m8nb3syl4x0hgkddq0kvj9q")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.40 "1.41.1"
+                    "0ws5x0fxv57fyllsa6025h3q6j9v3m8nb3syl4x0hgkddq0kvj9q")))
       (inherit base-rust)
        (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-         ((#:validate-runpath? _) #t))))))
+         ((#:validate-runpath? _ #f) #t))))))
 (define-public rust-1.42
-  (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.41 "1.42.0"
-    "0x9lxs82may6c0iln0b908cxyn1cv7h03n5cmbx3j1bas4qzks6j"))
+  (rust-bootstrapped-package
+   rust-1.41 "1.42.0" "0x9lxs82may6c0iln0b908cxyn1cv7h03n5cmbx3j1bas4qzks6j"))
 (define-public rust-1.43
-  (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.42 "1.43.0"
-    "18akhk0wz1my6y9vhardriy2ysc482z0fnjdcgs9gy59kmnarxkm"))
+  (rust-bootstrapped-package
+   rust-1.42 "1.43.0" "18akhk0wz1my6y9vhardriy2ysc482z0fnjdcgs9gy59kmnarxkm"))
 (define-public rust-1.44
-  (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.43 "1.44.1"
-    "0ww4z2v3gxgn3zddqzwqya1gln04p91ykbrflnpdbmcd575n8bky"))
+  (rust-bootstrapped-package
+   rust-1.43 "1.44.1" "0ww4z2v3gxgn3zddqzwqya1gln04p91ykbrflnpdbmcd575n8bky"))
 (define-public rust-1.45
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.44 "1.45.2"
-           "0273a1g3f59plyi1n0azf21qjzwml1yqdnj5z472crz37qggr8xp")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.44 "1.45.2"
+                    "0273a1g3f59plyi1n0azf21qjzwml1yqdnj5z472crz37qggr8xp")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          (patches (search-patches "rust-1.45-linker-locale.patch"))))
+       (origin
+         (inherit (package-source base-rust))
+         (patches (search-patches "rust-1.45-linker-locale.patch"))))
-        (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-10)
-                       (package-inputs base-rust)))
+       (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-10) (package-inputs base-rust)))
-        (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
-          ((#:phases phases)
-           `(modify-phases ,phases
-              ;; These tests make sure that the parser behaves properly when
-              ;; a source file starts with a shebang. Unfortunately,
-              ;; the patch-shebangs phase changes the meaning of these edge-cases.
-              ;; We skip the test since it's drastically unlikely Guix's packaging
-              ;; will introduce a bug here.
-              (add-after 'patch-tests 'skip-shebang-tests
-                (lambda _
-                  (with-directory-excursion "src/test/ui/parser/shebang"
-                    (delete-file "")
-                    (delete-file "")
-                    #t)))
-              ;; This test case synchronizes itself by starting a localhost TCP
-              ;; server. This doesn't work as networking is not available.
-              (add-after 'patch-tests 'skip-networking-test
-                (lambda _
-                  (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
-                    (("fn linking_interrupted" all)
-                     (string-append "#[ignore] " all)))
-                 #t)))))))))
+       (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
+         ((#:phases phases)
+          `(modify-phases ,phases
+             ;; These tests make sure that the parser behaves properly when
+             ;; a source file starts with a shebang. Unfortunately,
+             ;; the patch-shebangs phase changes the meaning of these edge-cases.
+             ;; We skip the test since it's drastically unlikely Guix's packaging
+             ;; will introduce a bug here.
+             (add-after 'patch-tests 'skip-shebang-tests
+               (lambda _
+                 (with-directory-excursion "src/test/ui/parser/shebang"
+                   (delete-file "")
+                   (delete-file ""))))
+             ;; This test case synchronizes itself by starting a localhost TCP
+             ;; server. This doesn't work as networking is not available.
+             (add-after 'patch-tests 'skip-networking-test
+               (lambda _
+                 (substitute* "src/tools/cargo/tests/testsuite/"
+                   (("fn linking_interrupted" all)
+                    (string-append "#[ignore] " all))))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.46
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.45 "1.46.0"
-           "0a17jby2pd050s24cy4dfc0gzvgcl585v3vvyfilniyvjrqknsid")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.45 "1.46.0"
+                    "0a17jby2pd050s24cy4dfc0gzvgcl585v3vvyfilniyvjrqknsid")))
       (inherit base-rust)
       (outputs (cons "rustfmt" (package-outputs base-rust)))
@@ -1328,34 +479,34 @@ move around."
          ((#:phases phases)
           `(modify-phases ,phases
              (replace 'build
+               ;; Phase overridden to also build rustfmt.
                (lambda* _
                  (invoke "./" "build")
                  (invoke "./" "build" "src/tools/cargo")
                  (invoke "./" "build" "src/tools/rustfmt")))
              (replace 'check
+               ;; Phase overridden to also test rustfmt.
                (lambda* _
-                 ;; Test rustfmt.
-                 (let ((parallel-job-spec
-                        (string-append "-j" (number->string
-                                             (min 4
-                                                  (parallel-job-count))))))
-                   (invoke "./" parallel-job-spec "test" "-vv")
-                   (invoke "./" parallel-job-spec "test"
-                           "src/tools/cargo")
-                   (invoke "./" parallel-job-spec "test"
-                           "src/tools/rustfmt"))))
+                 (let ((job-spec (string-append
+                                  "-j" (if parallel-build?
+                                           (number->string (parallel-job-count))
+                                           "1"))))
+                   (invoke "./" job-spec "test" "-vv")
+                   (invoke "./" job-spec "test" "src/tools/cargo")
+                   (invoke "./" job-spec "test" "src/tools/rustfmt"))))
              (replace 'install
+               ;; Phase overridden to also install rustfmt.
                (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
                  (invoke "./" "install")
                  (substitute* "config.toml"
-                   ;; replace prefix to specific output
+                   ;; Adjust the prefix to the 'cargo' output.
                    (("prefix = \"[^\"]*\"")
-                    (string-append "prefix = \"" (assoc-ref outputs "cargo") "\"")))
+                    (format #f "prefix = ~s" (assoc-ref outputs "cargo"))))
                  (invoke "./" "install" "cargo")
                  (substitute* "config.toml"
-                   ;; replace prefix to specific output
+                   ;; Adjust the prefix to the 'rustfmt' output.
                    (("prefix = \"[^\"]*\"")
-                    (string-append "prefix = \"" (assoc-ref outputs "rustfmt") "\"")))
+                    (format #f "prefix = ~s" (assoc-ref outputs "rustfmt"))))
                  (invoke "./" "install" "rustfmt")))
              (replace 'delete-install-logs
                (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
@@ -1366,31 +517,29 @@ move around."
                        (cargo-out (assoc-ref outputs "cargo"))
                        (rustfmt-out (assoc-ref outputs "rustfmt")))
-                     (lambda (file) (delete-manifest-file out file))
-                     '("install.log"
-                       "manifest-rust-docs"
-                       ,(string-append "manifest-rust-std-"
-                                       (nix-system->gnu-triplet-for-rust))
-                       "manifest-rustc"))
+                    (lambda (file) (delete-manifest-file out file))
+                    '("install.log"
+                      "manifest-rust-docs"
+                      ,(string-append "manifest-rust-std-"
+                                      (nix-system->gnu-triplet-for-rust))
+                      "manifest-rustc"))
-                     (lambda (file) (delete-manifest-file cargo-out file))
-                     '("install.log"
-                       "manifest-cargo"))
+                    (lambda (file) (delete-manifest-file cargo-out file))
+                    '("install.log"
+                      "manifest-cargo"))
-                     (lambda (file) (delete-manifest-file rustfmt-out file))
-                     '("install.log"
-                       "manifest-rustfmt-preview"))
-                   #t))))))))))
+                    (lambda (file) (delete-manifest-file rustfmt-out file))
+                    '("install.log"
+                      "manifest-rustfmt-preview"))))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.47
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.46 "1.47.0"
-          "07fqd2vp7cf1ka3hr207dnnz93ymxml4935vp74g4is79h3dz19i")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.46 "1.47.0"
+                    "07fqd2vp7cf1ka3hr207dnnz93ymxml4935vp74g4is79h3dz19i")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-        (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-11)
-                       (package-inputs base-rust)))
+       (alist-replace "llvm" (list llvm-11) (package-inputs base-rust)))
        (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
          ((#:phases phases)
@@ -1405,8 +554,7 @@ move around."
                    (substitute* "library/std/src/sys/unix/process/"
                      (("fn test_process_mask") "#[allow(unused_attributes)]
-    fn test_process_mask"))
-                   #t)))
+    fn test_process_mask")))))
              (delete 'patch-cargo-checksums)
              (add-after 'patch-generated-file-shebangs 'patch-cargo-checksums
                ;; Generate checksums after patching generated files (in
@@ -1416,21 +564,20 @@ move around."
                  (substitute* "Cargo.lock"
                    (("(checksum = )\".*\"" all name)
                     (string-append name "\"" ,%cargo-reference-hash "\"")))
-                 (generate-all-checksums "vendor")
-                 #t)))))))))
+                 (generate-all-checksums "vendor"))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.48
-  (let ((base-rust
-         (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.47 "1.48.0"
-           "0fz4gbb5hp5qalrl9lcl8yw4kk7ai7wx511jb28nypbxninkwxhf")))
+  (let ((base-rust (rust-bootstrapped-package
+                    rust-1.47 "1.48.0"
+                    "0fz4gbb5hp5qalrl9lcl8yw4kk7ai7wx511jb28nypbxninkwxhf")))
       (inherit base-rust)
-        (origin
-          (inherit (package-source base-rust))
-          ;; New patch required due to the second part of the source code rearrangement:
-          ;; the relevant source code is now in the compiler directory.
-          (patches (search-patches "rust-1.48-linker-locale.patch"))))
+       (origin
+         (inherit (package-source base-rust))
+         ;; New patch required due to the second part of the source code rearrangement:
+         ;; the relevant source code is now in the compiler directory.
+         (patches (search-patches "rust-1.48-linker-locale.patch"))))
        (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments base-rust)
          ((#:phases phases)
@@ -1440,16 +587,16 @@ move around."
                (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
                  (let ((bash (assoc-ref inputs "bash")))
                    (substitute* "library/std/src/process/"
-                     (("\"/bin/sh\"") (string-append "\"" bash "/bin/sh\"")))
+                     (("\"/bin/sh\"")
+                      (string-append "\"" bash "/bin/sh\"")))
                    (substitute* "library/std/src/sys/unix/process/process_common/"
-                     (("fn test_process_mask") "#[allow(unused_attributes)]
+                     (("fn test_process_mask")
+                      "#[allow(unused_attributes)]
-    fn test_process_mask"))
-                   #t))))))))))
+    fn test_process_mask"))))))))))))
 (define-public rust-1.49
-  (rust-bootstrapped-package rust-1.48 "1.49.0"
-    "0yf7kll517398dgqsr7m3gldzj0iwsp3ggzxrayckpqzvylfy2mm"))
+  (rust-bootstrapped-package
+   rust-1.48 "1.49.0" "0yf7kll517398dgqsr7m3gldzj0iwsp3ggzxrayckpqzvylfy2mm"))
-;; TODO(staging): Bump this variable to the latest packaged rust.
-(define-public rust rust-1.45)
+(define-public rust rust-1.49)