summary refs log tree commit diff
diff options
5 files changed, 256 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/ b/gnu/
index 4b453f3b73..05b787ac9b 100644
--- a/gnu/
+++ b/gnu/
@@ -1709,8 +1709,8 @@ dist_patch_DATA =						\
   %D%/packages/patches/python-pytorch-runpath.patch		\
   %D%/packages/patches/python-pytorch-system-libraries.patch	\
   %D%/packages/patches/python-pytorch-1.9.0-system-libraries.patch \
+  %D%/packages/patches/python-robotframework-atest.patch	\
   %D%/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch \
-  %D%/packages/patches/python-robotframework-ug2html.patch	\
   %D%/packages/patches/python-robotframework-sshlibrary-rf5-compat.patch \
   %D%/packages/patches/python-seaborn-kde-test.patch		\
   %D%/packages/patches/python-seaborn-2690.patch		\
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-atest.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-atest.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..619ed61b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-atest.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Patch submitted upstream:
+diff --git a/atest/robot/standard_libraries/operating_system/modified_time.robot b/atest/robot/standard_libraries/operating_system/modified_time.robot
+index d144ffd34..c7681e61d 100644
+--- a/atest/robot/standard_libraries/operating_system/modified_time.robot
++++ b/atest/robot/standard_libraries/operating_system/modified_time.robot
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ${TESTFILE}       %{TEMPDIR}${/}robot-os-tests${/}f1.txt
+ *** Test Cases ***
+ Get Modified Time As Timestamp
+     ${tc} =    Check Test Case    ${TESTNAME}
+-    Should Match Regexp    ${tc.kws[0].msgs[0].message}    Last modified time of '<a href=.*</a>' is 20\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d
++    Should Match Regexp    ${tc.kws[0].msgs[0].message}    Last modified time of '<a href=.*</a>' is \\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d
+ Get Modified Time As Seconds After Epoch
+     ${tc} =    Check Test Case    ${TESTNAME}
+diff --git a/atest/testdata/standard_libraries/builtin/get_time.robot b/atest/testdata/standard_libraries/builtin/get_time.robot
+index 9847d8c42..24ce732ca 100644
+--- a/atest/testdata/standard_libraries/builtin/get_time.robot
++++ b/atest/testdata/standard_libraries/builtin/get_time.robot
+@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ Get Time As Timestamp
+ Get Time As Seconds After Epoch
+     ${time} =    Get Time    epoch
+-    Should Be True    1000000000 < ${time} < 2000000000
++    Should Be True    0 < ${time}
+ Get Time As Parts
+     @{time} =    Get Time    year, month, day, hour, min, sec
+-    Should Be True    2000 < ${time}[0] < 2100
++    Should Match Regexp    ${time}[0]    \\d{4}
+     Should Be True    1 <= int('${time}[1]') <= 12
+     Should Be True    1 <= int('${time}[2]') <= 31
+     Should Be True    0 <= int('${time}[3]') <= 23
+     Should Be True    0 <= int('${time}[4]') <= 59
+     Should Be True    0 <= int('${time}[5]') <= 59
+     ${year}    ${min}    ${sec} =    Get Time    seconds and minutes and year and whatnot
+-    Should Be True    2000 < ${year} < 2100
++    Should Match Regexp    ${year}    \\d{4}
+     Should Be True    0 <= int('${min}') <= 59
+     Should Be True    0 <= int('${sec}') <= 59
+diff --git a/atest/testdata/standard_libraries/operating_system/modified_time.robot b/atest/testdata/standard_libraries/operating_system/modified_time.robot
+index 9489b3c9c..c712ebaed 100644
+--- a/atest/testdata/standard_libraries/operating_system/modified_time.robot
++++ b/atest/testdata/standard_libraries/operating_system/modified_time.robot
+@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ Get Modified Time As Timestamp
+ Get Modified Time As Seconds After Epoch
+     ${dirtime} =    Get Modified Time    ${CURDIR}    epoch
+-    Should Be True    1000000000 < ${dirtime} < 2000000000
++    Should Be True    ${dirtime} > 0
+     ${current} =    Get Time    epoch
+     Should Be True    ${current} >= ${dirtime}
+ Get Modified Time As Parts
+     ${year} =    Get Modified Time    ${CURDIR}    year
+-    Should Be True    2000 < ${year} < 2100
++    Should Match Regexp    ${year}    \\d{4}
+     ${yyyy}    ${mm}    ${dd} =    Get Modified Time    ${CURDIR}    year, month, day
+     Should Be Equal    ${yyyy}    ${year}
+     # Must use `int('x')` because otherwise 08 and 09 are considered octal
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch
index 11424bf4db..7f00d82061 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch
@@ -1,12 +1,64 @@
-Do not embed any timestamp in the built documentation.
-Upstream issue:
+Patch submitted upstream:
+diff --git a/BUILD.rst b/BUILD.rst
+index 67902dd09..749c53fde 100644
+--- a/BUILD.rst
++++ b/BUILD.rst
+@@ -204,6 +204,9 @@ Creating distributions
+ 7. Documentation
++   - For a reproducible build, set the ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH``
++     environment variable to 1.
+    - Generate library documentation::
+        invoke library-docs all
+diff --git a/atest/robot/libdoc/html_output.robot b/atest/robot/libdoc/html_output.robot
+index f42a4b150..af428c967 100644
+--- a/atest/robot/libdoc/html_output.robot
++++ b/atest/robot/libdoc/html_output.robot
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Version
+ Generated
+     [Template]    Should Match Regexp
+-    ${MODEL}[generated]     \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}
++    ${MODEL}[generated]     \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}[+-]\\d{2}:\\d{2}
+ Scope
+     ${MODEL}[scope]         GLOBAL
+diff --git a/atest/robot/libdoc/json_output.robot b/atest/robot/libdoc/json_output.robot
+index 78305a458..654603704 100644
+--- a/atest/robot/libdoc/json_output.robot
++++ b/atest/robot/libdoc/json_output.robot
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Version
+ Generated
+     [Template]    Should Match Regexp
+-    ${MODEL}[generated]     \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}
++    ${MODEL}[generated]     \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}[+-]\\d{2}:\\d{2}
+ Scope
+     ${MODEL}[scope]         GLOBAL
+diff --git a/atest/robot/libdoc/libdoc_resource.robot b/atest/robot/libdoc/libdoc_resource.robot
+index bd7c10ecd..b7e06aacc 100644
+--- a/atest/robot/libdoc/libdoc_resource.robot
++++ b/atest/robot/libdoc/libdoc_resource.robot
+@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ Lineno Should Be
+     Element Attribute Should Be    ${LIBDOC}    lineno    ${lineno}
+ Generated Should Be Defined
+-    Element Attribute Should Match    ${LIBDOC}    generated    ????-??-??T??:??:??Z
++    # For example, '1970-01-01T00:00:01+00:00'.
++    Element Attribute Should Match    ${LIBDOC}    generated    ????-??-??T??:??:?????:??
+ Spec version should be correct
+     Element Attribute Should Be    ${LIBDOC}    specversion    4
 diff --git a/doc/userguide/ b/doc/userguide/
-index 43cdb31bd..550e74a79 100755
+index 033203552..b278c71c8 100755
 --- a/doc/userguide/
 +++ b/doc/userguide/
-@@ -158,8 +158,7 @@ def create_userguide():
+@@ -150,8 +150,7 @@ def create_userguide():
      install_file = _copy_installation_instructions()
      description = 'HTML generator for Robot Framework User Guide.'
@@ -17,48 +69,97 @@ index 43cdb31bd..550e74a79 100755
 diff --git a/src/robot/libdocpkg/ b/src/robot/libdocpkg/
-index 4d9ffd70b..5c276d1d6 100644
+index 5f44039ef..c36bf4a49 100644
 --- a/src/robot/libdocpkg/
 +++ b/src/robot/libdocpkg/
-@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- #  limitations under the License.
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from itertools import chain
- import json
-+import os
- import re
- from itertools import chain
+ from robot.model import Tags
+ from robot.running import ArgumentSpec
+-from robot.utils import getshortdoc, get_timestamp, Sortable, setter
++from robot.utils import get_timestamp_for_doc, getshortdoc, Sortable, setter
-@@ -113,7 +114,8 @@ class LibraryDoc(object):
+ from .htmlutils import DocFormatter, DocToHtml, HtmlToText
+ from .writer import LibdocWriter
+@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class LibraryDoc:
              'doc': self.doc,
              'version': self.version,
 -            'generated': get_timestamp(daysep='-', millissep=None),
-+            'generated': ('' if os.environ['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH']
-+                          else get_timestamp(daysep='-', millissep=None)),
++            'generated': get_timestamp_for_doc(),
              'type': self.type,
              'scope': self.scope,
              'docFormat': self.doc_format,
 diff --git a/src/robot/libdocpkg/ b/src/robot/libdocpkg/
-index 3882e1219..4a84fb42e 100644
+index a765ebb2b..980debebb 100644
 --- a/src/robot/libdocpkg/
 +++ b/src/robot/libdocpkg/
-@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
+@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
+ #  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  #  limitations under the License.
- import os.path
-+import os
- from datetime import datetime
+-from datetime import datetime
+-from robot.utils import XmlWriter
++from robot.utils import XmlWriter, get_timestamp_for_doc
- from robot.utils import WINDOWS, XmlWriter, unicode
-@@ -30,7 +32,9 @@ class LibdocXmlWriter(object):
+ class LibdocXmlWriter:
+@@ -32,12 +30,11 @@ class LibdocXmlWriter:
      def _write_start(self, libdoc, writer):
 -        generated = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z'
-+        generated = (
-+            '' if os.environ['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH']
-+            else datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z')
          attrs = {'name':,
                   'type': libdoc.type,
                   'format': libdoc.doc_format,
+                  'scope': libdoc.scope,
+-                 'generated': generated,
++                 'generated': get_timestamp_for_doc(),
+                  'specversion': '4'}
+         self._add_source_info(attrs, libdoc)
+         writer.start('keywordspec', attrs)
+diff --git a/src/robot/utils/ b/src/robot/utils/
+index 442ffa4f3..80793ec29 100644
+--- a/src/robot/utils/
++++ b/src/robot/utils/
+@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ from .robotinspect import is_init
+ from .robotio import binary_file_writer, create_destination_directory, file_writer
+ from .robotpath import abspath, find_file, get_link_path, normpath
+ from .robottime import (elapsed_time_to_string, format_time, get_elapsed_time,
+-                        get_time, get_timestamp, secs_to_timestamp,
+-                        secs_to_timestr, timestamp_to_secs, timestr_to_secs,
+-                        parse_time)
++                        get_time, get_timestamp, get_timestamp_for_doc,
++                        secs_to_timestamp, secs_to_timestr, timestamp_to_secs,
++                        timestr_to_secs, parse_time)
+ from .robottypes import (FALSE_STRINGS, TRUE_STRINGS, is_bytes, is_dict_like, is_falsy,
+                          is_integer, is_list_like, is_number, is_pathlike, is_string,
+                          is_truthy, is_union, type_name, type_repr, typeddict_types)
+diff --git a/src/robot/utils/ b/src/robot/utils/
+index 97a7d1af0..4a0ba2d83 100644
+--- a/src/robot/utils/
++++ b/src/robot/utils/
+@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
+ #  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ #  limitations under the License.
++import datetime
++import os
+ import re
+ import time
+@@ -316,6 +318,13 @@ def get_timestamp(daysep='', daytimesep=' ', timesep=':', millissep='.'):
+     return TIMESTAMP_CACHE.get_timestamp(daysep, daytimesep, timesep, millissep)
++def get_timestamp_for_doc():
++    """Return a timestamp that honors `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`."""
++    ts = float(os.getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', time.time()))
++    dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(round(ts), datetime.timezone.utc)
++    return dt.isoformat()
+ def timestamp_to_secs(timestamp, seps=None):
+     try:
+         secs = _timestamp_to_millis(timestamp, seps) / 1000.0
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-ug2html.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-ug2html.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eea88e01f3..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-ug2html.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-Do not require the obsolete robotframeworklexer.
-Submitted upstream at:
-diff --git a/doc/userguide/ b/doc/userguide/
-index 43cdb31bd..033203552 100755
---- a/doc/userguide/
-+++ b/doc/userguide/
-@@ -93,34 +93,26 @@ from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
- from pygments import highlight, __version__ as pygments_version
- from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
--# Use latest version, not version bundled with Pygments
--import robotframeworklexer
- def too_old(version_string, minimum):
-     version = tuple(int(v) for v in version_string.split('.')[:2])
-     return version < minimum
--if too_old(getattr(robotframeworklexer, '__version__', '1.0'), (1, 1)):
--    sys.exit('robotframeworklexer >= 1.1 is required.')
--if too_old(pygments_version, (2, 1)):
--    sys.exit('Pygments >= 2.1 is required.')
-+if too_old(pygments_version, (2, 8)):
-+    sys.exit('Pygments >= 2.8 is required.')
- def pygments_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
-                        content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
-     try:
--        if arguments[0] == 'robotframework':
--            lexer = robotframeworklexer.RobotFrameworkLexer()
--        else:
--            lexer = get_lexer_by_name(arguments[0])
-+        lexer = get_lexer_by_name(arguments[0])
-     except ValueError as err:
-         raise ValueError(f'Invalid syntax highlighting language "{arguments[0]}".')
-     # take an arbitrary option if more than one is given
-     formatter = options and VARIANTS[options.keys()[0]] or DEFAULT
-     # possibility to read the content from an external file
--    filtered = [ line for line in content if line.strip() ]
-+    filtered = [line for line in content if line.strip()]
-     if len(filtered) == 1:
-         path = filtered[0].replace('/', os.sep)
-         if os.path.isfile(path):
-diff --git a/requirements-build.txt b/requirements-build.txt
-index e0f5e19a2..a2fcdcfd5 100644
---- a/requirements-build.txt
-+++ b/requirements-build.txt
-@@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ rellu >= 0.7
- twine >= 1.12
- wheel
- docutils
--pygments >= 2.1
--robotframeworklexer >= 1.1
-+pygments >= 2.8
diff --git a/gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm b/gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm
index 2b6051265f..b0224573f0 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm
@@ -4671,7 +4671,7 @@ ecosystem, but can naturally be used also by other projects.")
 (define-public python-robotframework
     (name "python-robotframework")
-    (version "4.1.3")
+    (version "5.0")
     ;; There are no tests in the PyPI archive.
@@ -4681,55 +4681,80 @@ ecosystem, but can naturally be used also by other projects.")
              (commit (string-append "v" version))))
        (file-name (git-file-name name version))
-        (base32 "0j71awmfkwk7prz82kr1zbcl3nrih3396sshrygnqlrdjmgivd3p"))
+        (base32 "0qcm36c8hachbv3bc05ky7cf63i3sj0y8dw3bwjvcln28i543f81"))
        (patches (search-patches
-                 "python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch"
-                 "python-robotframework-ug2html.patch"))))
+                 "python-robotframework-atest.patch"
+                 "python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch"))))
     (build-system python-build-system)
-     `(#:modules ((guix build python-build-system)
+     (list
+      #:modules '((guix build python-build-system)
                   (guix build utils)
                   (ice-9 ftw)
                   (ice-9 match)
                   (srfi srfi-26))
-       #:phases
-       (modify-phases %standard-phases
-         (add-before 'build 'build-and-install-doc
-           (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
-             (let ((doc (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
-                                       "/share/doc/robotframework")))
-               (invoke "invoke" "library-docs" "all")
-               (invoke "doc/userguide/" "dist") ;user guide
-               (mkdir-p doc)
-               (with-directory-excursion "dist"
-                 (define user-guide-dir
-                   (match (scandir "." (cut string-prefix?
-                                            "robotframework-userguide-" <>))
-                     ((dir) dir)
-                     (_ (error "could not find the user guide directory"))))
-                 (copy-recursively user-guide-dir doc)))))
-         (replace 'check
-           (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs tests?
-                     #:allow-other-keys)
-             (when tests?
-               ;; Some tests require timezone data.  Otherwise, they
-               ;; look up /etc/localtime, which doesn't exist, and
-               ;; fail with:
-               ;;
-               ;; OverflowError: mktime argument out of range
-               (setenv "TZDIR"
-                       (search-input-directory
-                        (or native-inputs inputs) "share/zoneinfo"))
-               (setenv "TZ" "Europe/Paris")
-               (invoke "python" "utest/")))))))
+      #:phases
+      #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+          (add-after 'unpack 'delete-problematic-tests
+            (lambda _
+              ;; Tests such as 'Tilde and username in path' rely on HOME and
+              ;; USER being set, on top of the user's /etc/passwd home
+              ;; directory not being '/', as is the case in the Guix build
+              ;; container.
+              (delete-file "atest/robot/standard_libraries/\
+              ;; FIXME: The test 'Process.Sending Signal.By default signal
+              ;; is not sent to process running in shell' fails for unknown
+              ;; reason (see:
+              ;;
+              (delete-file "atest/robot/standard_libraries/\
+          (add-before 'build 'build-and-install-doc
+            (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+              (let ((doc (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+                                        "/share/doc/robotframework")))
+                (invoke "invoke" "library-docs" "all")
+                (invoke "doc/userguide/" "dist") ;user guide
+                (mkdir-p doc)
+                (with-directory-excursion "dist"
+                  (define user-guide-dir
+                    (match (scandir "." (cut string-prefix?
+                                             "robotframework-userguide-" <>))
+                      ((dir) dir)
+                      (_ (error "could not find the user guide directory"))))
+                  (copy-recursively user-guide-dir doc)))))
+          (replace 'check
+            (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs tests?
+                      #:allow-other-keys)
+              (when tests?
+                ;; Some tests require timezone data.  Otherwise, they
+                ;; look up /etc/localtime, which doesn't exist, and
+                ;; fail with:
+                ;;
+                ;; OverflowError: mktime argument out of range
+                (setenv "TZDIR"
+                        (search-input-directory
+                         (or native-inputs inputs) "share/zoneinfo"))
+                (setenv "TZ" "Europe/Paris")
+                (format #t "Running unit tests...~%")
+                (invoke "utest/")
+                (format #t "Running acceptance tests...~%")
+                (invoke "xvfb-run" "atest/")))))))
-     `(("python-docutils" ,python-docutils)
-       ("python-jsonschema" ,python-jsonschema)
-       ("python-invoke" ,python-invoke)
-       ("python-pygments" ,python-pygments)
-       ("python-rellu" ,python-rellu)
-       ("python:tk" ,python "tk")       ;used when building the HTML doc
-       ("tzdata" ,tzdata-for-tests)))
+     (list python-docutils
+           python-jsonschema
+           python-invoke
+           python-lxml
+           python-pygments
+           python-pyyaml
+           python-rellu
+           `(,python "tk")              ;used when building the HTML doc
+           python-xmlschema
+           scrot                        ;for taking screenshots
+           tzdata-for-tests
+           xvfb-run))
     (outputs '("out" "doc"))
     (home-page "")
     (synopsis "Generic automation framework")