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path: root/gnu/installer/connman.scm
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1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/installer/connman.scm b/gnu/installer/connman.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..740df7424a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/installer/connman.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2018 Mathieu Othacehe <>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (gnu installer connman)
+  #:use-module (gnu installer utils)
+  #:use-module (guix records)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
+  #:export (<technology>
+            technology
+            technology?
+            technology-name
+            technology-type
+            technology-powered?
+            technology-connected?
+            <service>
+            service
+            service?
+            service-name
+            service-type
+            service-path
+            service-strength
+            service-state
+            &connman-error
+            connman-error?
+            connman-error-command
+            connman-error-output
+            connman-error-status
+            &connman-connection-error
+            connman-connection-error?
+            connman-connection-error-service
+            connman-connection-error-output
+            &connman-password-error
+            connman-password-error?
+            &connman-already-connected-error
+            connman-already-connected-error?
+            connman-state
+            connman-technologies
+            connman-enable-technology
+            connman-disable-technology
+            connman-scan-technology
+            connman-services
+            connman-connect
+            connman-disconnect
+            connman-online?
+            connman-connect-with-auth))
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This module provides procedures for talking with the connman daemon.
+;;; The best approach would have been using connman dbus interface.
+;;; However, as Guile dbus bindings are not available yet, the console client
+;;; "connmanctl" is used to talk with the daemon.
+;;; Technology record.
+;; The <technology> record encapsulates the "Technology" object of connman.
+;; Technology type will be typically "ethernet", "wifi" or "bluetooth".
+(define-record-type* <technology>
+  technology make-technology
+  technology?
+  (name            technology-name) ; string
+  (type            technology-type) ; string
+  (powered?        technology-powered?) ; boolean
+  (connected?      technology-connected?)) ; boolean
+;;; Service record.
+;; The <service> record encapsulates the "Service" object of connman.
+;; Service type is the same as the technology it is associated to, path is a
+;; unique identifier given by connman, strength describes the signal quality
+;; if applicable. Finally, state is "idle", "failure", "association",
+;; "configuration", "ready", "disconnect" or "online".
+(define-record-type* <service>
+  service make-service
+  service?
+  (name            service-name) ; string
+  (type            service-type) ; string
+  (path            service-path) ; string
+  (strength        service-strength) ; integer
+  (state           service-state)) ; string
+;;; Condition types.
+(define-condition-type &connman-error &error
+  connman-error?
+  (command connman-error-command)
+  (output connman-error-output)
+  (status connman-error-status))
+(define-condition-type &connman-connection-error &error
+  connman-connection-error?
+  (service connman-connection-error-service)
+  (output  connman-connection-error-output))
+(define-condition-type &connman-password-error &connman-connection-error
+  connman-password-error?)
+(define-condition-type &connman-already-connected-error
+  &connman-connection-error connman-already-connected-error?)
+;;; Procedures.
+(define (connman-run command env arguments)
+  "Run the given COMMAND, with the specified ENV and ARGUMENTS.  The error
+output is discarded and &connman-error condition is raised if the command
+returns a non zero exit code."
+  (let* ((command `("env" ,env ,command ,@arguments "2>" "/dev/null"))
+         (command-string (string-join command " "))
+         (pipe (open-input-pipe command-string))
+         (output (read-lines pipe))
+         (ret (close-pipe pipe)))
+    (case (status:exit-val ret)
+      ((0) output)
+      (else (raise (condition (&connman-error
+                               (command command)
+                               (output output)
+                               (status ret))))))))
+(define (connman . arguments)
+  "Run connmanctl with the specified ARGUMENTS. Set the LANG environment
+variable to C because the command output will be parsed and we don't want it
+to be translated."
+  (connman-run "connmanctl" "LANG=C" arguments))
+(define (parse-keys keys)
+  "Parse the given list of strings KEYS, under the following format:
+     '((\"KEY = VALUE\") (\"KEY2 = VALUE2\") ...)
+Return the corresponding association list of '((KEY . VALUE) (KEY2 . VALUE2)
+...)  elements."
+  (let ((key-regex (make-regexp "([^ ]+) = ([^$]+)")))
+    (map (lambda (key)
+           (let ((match-key (regexp-exec key-regex key)))
+             (cons (match:substring match-key 1)
+                   (match:substring match-key 2))))
+         keys)))
+(define (connman-state)
+  "Return the state of connman. The nominal states are 'offline, 'idle,
+'ready, 'oneline.  If an unexpected state is read, 'unknown is
+returned. Finally, an error is raised if the comman output could not be
+parsed, usually because the connman daemon is not responding."
+  (let* ((output (connman "state"))
+         (state-keys (parse-keys output)))
+    (let ((state (assoc-ref state-keys "State")))
+      (if state
+          (cond ((string=? state "offline") 'offline)
+                ((string=? state "idle") 'idle)
+                ((string=? state "ready") 'ready)
+                ((string=? state "online") 'online)
+                (else 'unknown))
+          (raise (condition
+                  (&message
+                   (message "Could not determine the state of connman."))))))))
+(define (split-technology-list technologies)
+  "Parse the given strings list TECHNOLOGIES, under the following format:
+	'((\"/net/connman/technology/xxx\")
+          (\"KEY = VALUE\")
+          ...
+          (\"/net/connman/technology/yyy\")
+          (\"KEY2 = VALUE2\")
+          ...)
+ Return the corresponding '(((\"KEY = VALUE\") ...) ((\"KEY2 = VALUE2\") ...))
+list so that each keys of a given technology are gathered in a separate list."
+  (let loop ((result '())
+             (cur-list '())
+             (input (reverse technologies)))
+    (if (null? input)
+        result
+        (let ((item (car input)))
+          (if (string-match "/net/connman/technology" item)
+              (loop (cons cur-list result) '() (cdr input))
+              (loop result (cons item cur-list) (cdr input)))))))
+(define (string->boolean string)
+  (equal? string "True"))
+(define (connman-technologies)
+  "Return a list of available <technology> records."
+  (define (technology-output->technology output)
+    (let ((keys (parse-keys output)))
+      (technology
+       (name (assoc-ref keys "Name"))
+       (type (assoc-ref keys "Type"))
+       (powered? (string->boolean (assoc-ref keys "Powered")))
+       (connected? (string->boolean (assoc-ref keys "Connected"))))))
+  (let* ((output (connman "technologies"))
+         (technologies (split-technology-list output)))
+    (map technology-output->technology technologies)))
+(define (connman-enable-technology technology)
+  "Enable the given TECHNOLOGY."
+  (let ((type (technology-type technology)))
+    (connman "enable" type)))
+(define (connman-disable-technology technology)
+  "Disable the given TECHNOLOGY."
+  (let ((type (technology-type technology)))
+    (connman "disable" type)))
+(define (connman-scan-technology technology)
+  "Run a scan for the given TECHNOLOGY."
+  (let ((type (technology-type technology)))
+    (connman "scan" type)))
+(define (connman-services)
+  "Return a list of available <services> records."
+  (define (service-output->service path output)
+    (let* ((service-keys
+            (match output
+              ((_ . rest) rest)))
+           (keys (parse-keys service-keys)))
+      (service
+       (name (assoc-ref keys "Name"))
+       (type (assoc-ref keys "Type"))
+       (path path)
+       (strength (and=> (assoc-ref keys "Strength") string->number))
+       (state (assoc-ref keys "State")))))
+  (let* ((out (connman "services"))
+         (out-filtered (delete "" out))
+         (services-path (map (lambda (service)
+                               (match (string-split service #\ )
+                                 ((_ ... path) path)))
+                             out-filtered))
+         (services-output (map (lambda (service)
+                                 (connman "services" service))
+                               services-path)))
+    (map service-output->service services-path services-output)))
+(define (connman-connect service)
+  "Connect to the given SERVICE."
+  (let ((path (service-path service)))
+    (connman "connect" path)))
+(define (connman-disconnect service)
+  "Disconnect from the given SERVICE."
+  (let ((path (service-path service)))
+    (connman "disconnect" path)))
+(define (connman-online?)
+  (let ((state (connman-state)))
+    (eq? state 'online)))
+(define (connman-connect-with-auth service password-proc)
+  "Connect to the given SERVICE with the password returned by calling
+PASSWORD-PROC. This is only possible in the interactive mode of connmanctl
+because authentication is done by communicating with an agent.
+As the open-pipe procedure of Guile do not allow to read from stderr, we have
+to merge stdout and stderr using bash redirection. Then error messages are
+extracted from connmanctl output using a regexp. This makes the whole
+procedure even more unreliable.
+Raise &connman-connection-error if an error occured during connection. Raise
+&connman-password-error if the given password is incorrect."
+  (define connman-error-regexp (make-regexp "Error[ ]*([^\n]+)\n"))
+  (define (match-connman-error str)
+    (let ((match-error (regexp-exec connman-error-regexp str)))
+      (and match-error (match:substring match-error 1))))
+  (define* (read-regexps-or-error port regexps error-handler)
+    "Read characters from port until an error is detected, or one of the given
+REGEXPS is matched. If an error is detected, call ERROR-HANDLER with the error
+string as argument. Raise an error if the eof is reached before one of the
+regexps is matched."
+    (let loop ((res ""))
+      (let ((char (read-char port)))
+        (cond
+         ((eof-object? char)
+          (raise (condition
+                  (&message
+                   (message "Unable to find expected regexp.")))))
+         ((match-connman-error res)
+          =>
+          (lambda (match)
+            (error-handler match)))
+         ((or-map (lambda (regexp)
+                    (and (regexp-exec regexp res) regexp))
+                  regexps)
+          =>
+          (lambda (match)
+            match))
+         (else
+          (loop (string-append res (string char))))))))
+  (define* (read-regexp-or-error port regexp error-handler)
+    "Same as READ-REGEXPS-OR-ERROR above, but with a single REGEXP."
+    (read-regexps-or-error port (list regexp) error-handler))
+  (define (connman-error->condition path error)
+    (cond
+     ((string-match "Already connected" error)
+      (condition (&connman-already-connected-error
+                  (service path)
+                  (output error))))
+     (else
+      (condition (&connman-connection-error
+                  (service path)
+                  (output error))))))
+  (define (run-connection-sequence pipe)
+    "Run the connection sequence using PIPE as an opened port to an
+interactive connmanctl process."
+    (let* ((path (service-path service))
+           (error-handler (lambda (error)
+                            (raise
+                             (connman-error->condition path error)))))
+      ;; Start the agent.
+      (format pipe "agent on\n")
+      (read-regexp-or-error pipe (make-regexp "Agent registered") error-handler)
+      ;; Let's try to connect to the service. If the service does not require
+      ;; a password, the connection might succeed right after this call.
+      ;; Otherwise, connmanctl will prompt us for a password.
+      (format pipe "connect ~a\n" path)
+      (let* ((connected-regexp (make-regexp (format #f "Connected ~a" path)))
+             (passphrase-regexp (make-regexp "\nPassphrase\\?[ ]*"))
+             (regexps (list connected-regexp passphrase-regexp))
+             (result (read-regexps-or-error pipe regexps error-handler)))
+        ;; A password is required.
+        (when (eq? result passphrase-regexp)
+          (format pipe "~a~%" (password-proc))
+          ;; Now, we have to wait for the connection to succeed. If an error
+          ;; occurs, it is most likely because the password is incorrect.
+          ;; In that case, we escape from an eventual retry loop that would
+          ;; add complexity to this procedure, and raise a
+          ;; &connman-password-error condition.
+          (read-regexp-or-error pipe connected-regexp
+                                (lambda (error)
+                                  ;; Escape from retry loop.
+                                  (format pipe "no\n")
+                                  (raise
+                                   (condition (&connman-password-error
+                                               (service path)
+                                               (output error))))))))))
+  ;; XXX: Find a better way to read stderr, like with the "subprocess"
+  ;; procedure of racket that return input ports piped on the process stdin and
+  ;; stderr.
+  (let ((pipe (open-pipe "connmanctl 2>&1" OPEN_BOTH)))
+    (dynamic-wind
+      (const #t)
+      (lambda ()
+        (run-connection-sequence pipe)
+        #t)
+      (lambda ()
+        (format pipe "quit\n")
+        (close-pipe pipe)))))