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path: root/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-0801.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-0801.patch')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-0801.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-0801.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d858523b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-0801.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+From 4ca86283a71427f27e810d77c8e75418f6428457 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Olli Pettay <>
+Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 22:23:53 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] Bug 1146339 - Do anchor scrolling right before dispatching
+ popstate/hashchange. r=bz, a=lmandel
+ docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
+ docshell/base/nsDocShell.h   |  1 -
+ 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp b/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp
+index bdf88a5cf..efb6a6e 100644
+--- a/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp
++++ b/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp
+@@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ nsDocShell::LoadURI(nsIURI * aURI,
+     // Note: we allow loads to get through here even if mFiredUnloadEvent is
+     // true; that case will get handled in LoadInternal or LoadHistoryEntry.
+-    if (IsPrintingOrPP() || mBlockNavigation) {
++    if (IsPrintingOrPP()) {
+       return NS_OK; // JS may not handle returning of an error code
+     }
+@@ -4206,7 +4206,8 @@ bool
+ nsDocShell::IsNavigationAllowed(bool aDisplayPrintErrorDialog)
+ {
+   bool isAllowed = !IsPrintingOrPP(aDisplayPrintErrorDialog) &&
+-                   !mFiredUnloadEvent && !mBlockNavigation;  if (!isAllowed) {
++                   !mFiredUnloadEvent;
++  if (!isAllowed) {
+     return false;
+   }
+   if (!mContentViewer) {
+@@ -8901,8 +8902,6 @@ nsDocShell::InternalLoad(nsIURI * aURI,
+     // wyciwyg urls can only be loaded through history. Any normal load of
+     // wyciwyg through docshell is  illegal. Disallow such loads.
+     if (aLoadType & LOAD_CMD_NORMAL) {
+@@ -9324,19 +9323,6 @@ nsDocShell::InternalLoad(nsIURI * aURI,
+             GetCurScrollPos(ScrollOrientation_X, &cx);
+             GetCurScrollPos(ScrollOrientation_Y, &cy);
+-            {
+-                AutoRestore<bool> scrollingToAnchor(mBlockNavigation);
+-                mBlockNavigation = true;
+-                // ScrollToAnchor doesn't necessarily cause us to scroll the window;
+-                // the function decides whether a scroll is appropriate based on the
+-                // arguments it receives.  But even if we don't end up scrolling,
+-                // ScrollToAnchor performs other important tasks, such as informing
+-                // the presShell that we have a new hash.  See bug 680257.
+-                rv = ScrollToAnchor(curHash, newHash, aLoadType);
+-                NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
+-            }
+             // Reset mLoadType to its original value once we exit this block,
+             // because this short-circuited load might have started after a
+             // normal, network load, and we don't want to clobber its load type.
+@@ -9424,16 +9410,6 @@ nsDocShell::InternalLoad(nsIURI * aURI,
+                     mOSHE->SetCacheKey(cacheKey);
+             }
+-            /* restore previous position of scroller(s), if we're moving
+-             * back in history (bug 59774)
+-             */
+-            if (mOSHE && (aLoadType == LOAD_HISTORY || aLoadType == LOAD_RELOAD_NORMAL))
+-            {
+-                nscoord bx, by;
+-                mOSHE->GetScrollPosition(&bx, &by);
+-                SetCurScrollPosEx(bx, by);
+-            }
+             /* Restore the original LSHE if we were loading something
+              * while short-circuited load was initiated.
+              */
+@@ -9471,12 +9447,36 @@ nsDocShell::InternalLoad(nsIURI * aURI,
+             SetDocCurrentStateObj(mOSHE);
++            // Inform the favicon service that the favicon for oldURI also
++            // applies to aURI.
++            CopyFavicon(currentURI, aURI, mInPrivateBrowsing);
++            nsRefPtr<nsGlobalWindow> win = mScriptGlobal ?
++              mScriptGlobal->GetCurrentInnerWindowInternal() : nullptr;
++            // ScrollToAnchor doesn't necessarily cause us to scroll the window;
++            // the function decides whether a scroll is appropriate based on the
++            // arguments it receives.  But even if we don't end up scrolling,
++            // ScrollToAnchor performs other important tasks, such as informing
++            // the presShell that we have a new hash.  See bug 680257.
++            rv = ScrollToAnchor(curHash, newHash, aLoadType);
++            NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
++            /* restore previous position of scroller(s), if we're moving
++             * back in history (bug 59774)
++             */
++            if (mOSHE && (aLoadType == LOAD_HISTORY ||
++                          aLoadType == LOAD_RELOAD_NORMAL)) {
++              nscoord bx, by;
++              mOSHE->GetScrollPosition(&bx, &by);
++              SetCurScrollPosEx(bx, by);
++            }
+             // Dispatch the popstate and hashchange events, as appropriate.
+             //
+             // The event dispatch below can cause us to re-enter script and
+             // destroy the docshell, nulling out mScriptGlobal. Hold a stack
+             // reference to avoid null derefs. See bug 914521.
+-            nsRefPtr<nsGlobalWindow> win = mScriptGlobal;
+             if (win) {
+                 // Fire a hashchange event URIs differ, and only in their hashes.
+                 bool doHashchange = sameExceptHashes && !curHash.Equals(newHash);
+@@ -9492,10 +9492,6 @@ nsDocShell::InternalLoad(nsIURI * aURI,
+                 }
+             }
+-            // Inform the favicon service that the favicon for oldURI also
+-            // applies to aURI.
+-            CopyFavicon(currentURI, aURI, mInPrivateBrowsing);
+             return NS_OK;
+         }
+     }
+@@ -12573,7 +12569,7 @@ nsDocShell::OnLinkClick(nsIContent* aContent,
+ {
+   NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "wrong thread");
+-  if (!IsOKToLoadURI(aURI) || mBlockNavigation) {
++  if (!IsOKToLoadURI(aURI)) {
+     return NS_OK;
+   }
+@@ -12629,7 +12625,7 @@ nsDocShell::OnLinkClickSync(nsIContent *aContent,
+     *aRequest = nullptr;
+   }
+-  if (!IsOKToLoadURI(aURI) || mBlockNavigation) {
++  if (!IsOKToLoadURI(aURI)) {
+     return NS_OK;
+   }
+diff --git a/docshell/base/nsDocShell.h b/docshell/base/nsDocShell.h
+index be353ee..c191777 100644
+--- a/docshell/base/nsDocShell.h
++++ b/docshell/base/nsDocShell.h
+@@ -835,7 +835,6 @@ protected:
+     bool                       mInPrivateBrowsing;
+     bool                       mUseRemoteTabs;
+     bool                       mDeviceSizeIsPageSize;
+-    bool                       mBlockNavigation;
+     // Because scriptability depends on the mAllowJavascript values of our
+     // ancestors, we cache the effective scriptability and recompute it when