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path: root/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-2738.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-2738.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-2738.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-2738.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index beb784c615..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2015-2738.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-From cda807c21650d0678761d6af8fd324ce622962d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Comminos <>
-Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 11:32:17 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Bug 1167356 - Handle return value of DataSourceSurface::Map
- wherever possible. r=Bas, a=abillings CLOSED TREE
- gfx/2d/SourceSurfaceD2D1.cpp            | 11 +++++++++--
- gfx/gl/GLScreenBuffer.cpp               |  5 ++++-
- gfx/gl/SharedSurfaceGL.cpp              |  5 ++++-
- gfx/layers/YCbCrImageDataSerializer.cpp |  4 +++-
- gfx/layers/opengl/CompositorOGL.cpp     |  6 +++++-
- gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.cpp              |  6 ++++--
- widget/gtk/nsImageToPixbuf.cpp          |  4 +++-
- 7 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/gfx/2d/SourceSurfaceD2D1.cpp b/gfx/2d/SourceSurfaceD2D1.cpp
-index fc64327..01f3a67 100644
---- a/gfx/2d/SourceSurfaceD2D1.cpp
-+++ b/gfx/2d/SourceSurfaceD2D1.cpp
-@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
- #include "SourceSurfaceD2D1.h"
- #include "DrawTargetD2D1.h"
-+#include "Logging.h"
- #include "Tools.h"
- namespace mozilla {
-@@ -156,7 +157,10 @@ DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::Map(MapType aMapType, MappedSurface *aMappedSurface)
-   }
-   D2D1_MAPPED_RECT map;
--  mBitmap->Map(D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ, &map);
-+  if (FAILED(mBitmap->Map(D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ, &map))) {
-+    gfxCriticalError() << "Failed to map bitmap.";
-+    return false;
-+  }
-   aMappedSurface->mData = map.bits;
-   aMappedSurface->mStride = map.pitch;
-@@ -189,7 +193,10 @@ DataSourceSurfaceD2D1::EnsureMapped()
-   if (mMapped) {
-     return;
-   }
--  mBitmap->Map(D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ, &mMap);
-+  if (FAILED(mBitmap->Map(D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ, &mMap))) {
-+    gfxCriticalError() << "Failed to map bitmap.";
-+    return;
-+  }
-   mMapped = true;
- }
-diff --git a/gfx/gl/GLScreenBuffer.cpp b/gfx/gl/GLScreenBuffer.cpp
-index 432bdbc..d31e848 100755
---- a/gfx/gl/GLScreenBuffer.cpp
-+++ b/gfx/gl/GLScreenBuffer.cpp
-@@ -483,7 +483,10 @@ GLScreenBuffer::Readback(SharedSurface_GL* src, DataSourceSurface* dest)
- {
-   MOZ_ASSERT(src && dest);
-   DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface ms;
--  dest->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::READ, &ms);
-+  if (!dest->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::READ, &ms)) {
-+    NS_ERROR("Failed to map surface for reading.");
-+    return;
-+  }
-   nsRefPtr<gfxImageSurface> wrappedDest =
-     new gfxImageSurface(ms.mData,
-                         ThebesIntSize(dest->GetSize()),
-diff --git a/gfx/gl/SharedSurfaceGL.cpp b/gfx/gl/SharedSurfaceGL.cpp
-index 1aab56f..1f80c28 100644
---- a/gfx/gl/SharedSurfaceGL.cpp
-+++ b/gfx/gl/SharedSurfaceGL.cpp
-@@ -326,7 +326,10 @@ SharedSurface_Basic::Fence()
-     ScopedBindFramebuffer autoFB(mGL, mFB);
-     DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map;
--    mData->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::WRITE, &map);
-+    if (!mData->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::WRITE, &map)) {
-+      NS_ERROR("Failed to map surface for writing.");
-+      return;
-+    }
-     nsRefPtr<gfxImageSurface> wrappedData =
-       new gfxImageSurface(map.mData,
-                           ThebesIntSize(mData->GetSize()),
-diff --git a/gfx/layers/YCbCrImageDataSerializer.cpp b/gfx/layers/YCbCrImageDataSerializer.cpp
-index e16db18..6e7a908 100644
---- a/gfx/layers/YCbCrImageDataSerializer.cpp
-+++ b/gfx/layers/YCbCrImageDataSerializer.cpp
-@@ -278,7 +278,9 @@ YCbCrImageDataDeserializer::ToDataSourceSurface()
-     Factory::CreateDataSourceSurface(GetYSize(), gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8);
-   DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map;
--  result->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::WRITE, &map);
-+  if (NS_WARN_IF(!result->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::WRITE, &map))) {
-+    return nullptr;
-+  }
-   gfx::ConvertYCbCrToRGB32(GetYData(), GetCbData(), GetCrData(),
-                            map.mData,
-diff --git a/gfx/layers/opengl/CompositorOGL.cpp b/gfx/layers/opengl/CompositorOGL.cpp
-index 92432c3..2e0b51e 100644
---- a/gfx/layers/opengl/CompositorOGL.cpp
-+++ b/gfx/layers/opengl/CompositorOGL.cpp
-@@ -1346,7 +1346,11 @@ CompositorOGL::CopyToTarget(DrawTarget *aTarget, const gfx::Matrix& aTransform)
-         Factory::CreateDataSourceSurface(rect.Size(), gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8);
-   DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map;
--  source->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::WRITE, &map);
-+  if (!source->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::WRITE, &map)) {
-+    NS_ERROR("Failed to map surface for writing!");
-+    return;
-+  }
-   // XXX we should do this properly one day without using the gfxImageSurface
-   nsRefPtr<gfxImageSurface> surf =
-     new gfxImageSurface(map.mData,
-diff --git a/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.cpp b/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.cpp
-index c869e53..8a2122c 100644
---- a/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.cpp
-+++ b/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.cpp
-@@ -662,8 +662,10 @@ CopySurface(gfxASurface* aSurface)
-   }
-   DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map;
--  DebugOnly<bool> result = data->Map(DataSourceSurface::WRITE, &map);
--  MOZ_ASSERT(result, "Should always succeed mapping raw data surfaces!");
-+  if (!data->Map(DataSourceSurface::WRITE, &map)) {
-+    NS_ERROR("Failed to map surface for reading!");
-+    return nullptr;
-+  }
-   nsRefPtr<gfxImageSurface> image = new gfxImageSurface(map.mData, size, map.mStride, format);
-   nsRefPtr<gfxContext> ctx = new gfxContext(image);
-diff --git a/widget/gtk/nsImageToPixbuf.cpp b/widget/gtk/nsImageToPixbuf.cpp
-index ca05b3b..a83a570 100644
---- a/widget/gtk/nsImageToPixbuf.cpp
-+++ b/widget/gtk/nsImageToPixbuf.cpp
-@@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ nsImageToPixbuf::SourceSurfaceToPixbuf(SourceSurface* aSurface,
-     RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> dataSurface = aSurface->GetDataSurface();
-     DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map;
--    dataSurface->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::READ, &map);
-+    if (!dataSurface->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::READ, &map))
-+        return nullptr;
-     uint8_t* srcData = map.mData;
-     int32_t srcStride = map.mStride;