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path: root/gnu/packages/patches/unzip-fix-recmatch.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches/unzip-fix-recmatch.patch')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/unzip-fix-recmatch.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/unzip-fix-recmatch.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a8583c8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/unzip-fix-recmatch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+diff -up unzip60/match.c.recmatch unzip60/match.c
+--- unzip60/match.c.recmatch	2005-08-14 13:00:36.000000000 -0400
++++ unzip60/match.c	2013-05-28 10:29:57.949077543 -0400
+@@ -27,16 +27,14 @@
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-  Copyright on recmatch() from Zip's util.c (although recmatch() was almost
+-  certainly written by Mark Adler...ask me how I can tell :-) ):
++  Copyright on recmatch() from Zip's util.c
++	 Copyright (c) 1990-2005 Info-ZIP.  All rights reserved.
+-     Copyright (C) 1990-1992 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup Gailly,
+-     Kai Uwe Rommel and Igor Mandrichenko.
++	 See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2004-May-22 or later
++	 for terms of use.
++	 If, for some reason, both of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
++	 also may be found at:  
+-     Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy,
+-     or redistribute this software so long as all of the original files are
+-     included unmodified, that it is not sold for profit, and that this copy-
+-     right notice is retained.
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -53,7 +51,7 @@
+   A set is composed of characters or ranges; a range looks like ``character
+   hyphen character'' (as in 0-9 or A-Z).  [0-9a-zA-Z_] is the minimal set of
+-  characters allowed in the [..] pattern construct.  Other characters are
++  characters ALlowed in the [..] pattern construct.  Other characters are
+   allowed (i.e., 8-bit characters) if your system will support them.
+   To suppress the special syntactic significance of any of ``[]*?!^-\'', in-
+@@ -101,8 +99,32 @@
+ #  define WILDCHAR   '?'
+ #  define BEG_RANGE  '['
+ #  define END_RANGE  ']'
++#  define WILDCHR_SINGLE '?'
++#  define DIRSEP_CHR '/'
++#  define WILDCHR_MULTI '*'
+ #endif
++   int wild_stop_at_dir = 1; /* default wildcards do not include / in matches */
++   int wild_stop_at_dir = 0; /* default wildcards do include / in matches */
++ * case mapping functions. case_map is used to ignore case in comparisons,
++ * to_up is used to force upper case even on Unix (for dosify option).
++ */
++#ifdef USE_CASE_MAP
++#  define case_map(c) upper[(c) & 0xff]
++#  define to_up(c)    upper[(c) & 0xff]
++#  define case_map(c) (c)
++#  define to_up(c)    ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z' ? (c)-'a'+'A' : (c))
++#endif /* USE_CASE_MAP */
+ #if 0                /* GRR:  add this to unzip.h someday... */
+ #if !(defined(MSDOS) && defined(DOSWILD))
+@@ -114,8 +136,8 @@ int recmatch OF((ZCONST uch *pattern, ZC
+                  int ignore_case __WDLPRO));
+ #endif
+ #endif /* 0 */
+-static int recmatch OF((ZCONST uch *pattern, ZCONST uch *string,
+-                        int ignore_case __WDLPRO));
++static int recmatch OF((ZCONST char *, ZCONST char *, 
++                        int));
+ static char *isshexp OF((ZCONST char *p));
+ static int namecmp OF((ZCONST char *s1, ZCONST char *s2));
+@@ -154,192 +176,240 @@ int match(string, pattern, ignore_case _
+             }
+             dospattern[j-1] = '\0';                    /* nuke the end "." */
+         }
+-        j = recmatch((uch *)dospattern, (uch *)string, ignore_case __WDL);
++        j = recmatch(dospattern, string, ignore_case);
+         free(dospattern);
+         return j == 1;
+     } else
+ #endif /* MSDOS && DOSWILD */
+-    return recmatch((uch *)pattern, (uch *)string, ignore_case __WDL) == 1;
++    return recmatch(pattern, string, ignore_case) == 1;
+ }
++#ifdef _MBCS
++char *___tmp_ptr;
+-static int recmatch(p, s, ic __WDL)
+-    ZCONST uch *p;        /* sh pattern to match */
+-    ZCONST uch *s;        /* string to which to match it */
+-    int ic;               /* true for case insensitivity */
+-    __WDLDEF              /* directory sepchar for WildStopAtDir mode, or 0 */
++static int recmatch(p, s, cs)
++ZCONST char *p;         /* sh pattern to match */
++ZCONST char *s;         /* string to match it to */
++int cs;                 /* flag: force case-sensitive matching */
+ /* Recursively compare the sh pattern p with the string s and return 1 if
+- * they match, and 0 or 2 if they don't or if there is a syntax error in the
+- * pattern.  This routine recurses on itself no more deeply than the number
+- * of characters in the pattern. */
++   they match, and 0 or 2 if they don't or if there is a syntax error in the
++   pattern.  This routine recurses on itself no deeper than the number of
++   characters in the pattern. */
+ {
+-    unsigned int c;       /* pattern char or start of range in [-] loop */
++  int c;                /* pattern char or start of range in [-] loop */
++  /* Get first character, the pattern for new recmatch calls follows */
++ /* borrowed from Zip's global.c */
++ int no_wild = 0; 
++ int allow_regex=1;
++  /* This fix provided by for Japanese.
++     See 21 July 2006 mail.
++     It only applies when p is pointing to a doublebyte character and
++     things like / and wildcards are not doublebyte.  This probably
++     should not be needed. */
+-    /* Get first character, the pattern for new recmatch calls follows */
+-    c = *p; INCSTR(p);
++#ifdef _MBCS
++  if (CLEN(p) == 2) {
++    if (CLEN(s) == 2) {
++      return (*p == *s && *(p+1) == *(s+1)) ?
++        recmatch(p + 2, s + 2, cs) : 0;
++    } else {
++      return 0;
++    }
++  }
++#endif /* ?_MBCS */
+-    /* If that was the end of the pattern, match if string empty too */
+-    if (c == 0)
+-        return *s == 0;
++  c = *POSTINCSTR(p);
+-    /* '?' (or '%') matches any character (but not an empty string). */
+-    if (c == WILDCHAR)
+-        /* If uO.W_flag is non-zero, it won't match '/' */
+-        return (*s && (!sepc || *s != (uch)sepc))
+-               ? recmatch(p, s + CLEN(s), ic, sepc) : 0;
+-        return *s ? recmatch(p, s + CLEN(s), ic) : 0;
++  /* If that was the end of the pattern, match if string empty too */
++  if (c == 0)
++    return *s == 0;
++  /* '?' (or '%' or '#') matches any character (but not an empty string) */
++  if (c == WILDCHR_SINGLE) {
++    if (wild_stop_at_dir)
++      return (*s && *s != DIRSEP_CHR) ? recmatch(p, s + CLEN(s), cs) : 0;
++    else
++      return *s ? recmatch(p, s + CLEN(s), cs) : 0;
++  }
+-    /* '*' matches any number of characters, including zero */
++  /* WILDCHR_MULTI ('*') matches any number of characters, including zero */
+ #ifdef AMIGA
+-    if (c == '#' && *p == '?')     /* "#?" is Amiga-ese for "*" */
+-        c = '*', p++;
++  if (!no_wild && c == '#' && *p == '?')            /* "#?" is Amiga-ese for "*" */
++    c = WILDCHR_MULTI, p++;
+ #endif /* AMIGA */
+-    if (c == '*') {
+-        if (sepc) {
+-          /* check for single "*" or double "**" */
+-#  ifdef AMIGA
+-          if ((c = p[0]) == '#' && p[1] == '?') /* "#?" is Amiga-ese for "*" */
+-            c = '*', p++;
+-          if (c != '*') {
+-#  else /* !AMIGA */
+-          if (*p != '*') {
+-#  endif /* ?AMIGA */
+-            /* single "*": this doesn't match the dirsep character */
+-            for (; *s && *s != (uch)sepc; INCSTR(s))
+-                if ((c = recmatch(p, s, ic, sepc)) != 0)
+-                    return (int)c;
+-            /* end of pattern: matched if at end of string, else continue */
+-            if (*p == '\0')
+-                return (*s == 0);
+-            /* continue to match if at sepc in pattern, else give up */
+-            return (*p == (uch)sepc || (*p == '\\' && p[1] == (uch)sepc))
+-                   ? recmatch(p, s, ic, sepc) : 2;
+-          }
+-          /* "**": this matches slashes */
+-          ++p;        /* move p behind the second '*' */
+-          /* and continue with the non-W_flag code variant */
+-        }
+-#endif /* WILD_STOP_AT_DIR */
++  if (!no_wild && c == WILDCHR_MULTI)
++  {
++    if (wild_stop_at_dir) {
++      /* Check for an immediately following WILDCHR_MULTI */
++# ifdef AMIGA
++      if ((c = p[0]) == '#' && p[1] == '?') /* "#?" is Amiga-ese for "*" */
++        c = WILDCHR_MULTI, p++;
++      if (c != WILDCHR_MULTI) {
++# else /* !AMIGA */
++      if (*p != WILDCHR_MULTI) {
++# endif /* ?AMIGA */
++        /* Single WILDCHR_MULTI ('*'): this doesn't match slashes */
++        for (; *s && *s != DIRSEP_CHR; INCSTR(s))
++          if ((c = recmatch(p, s, cs)) != 0)
++            return c;
++        /* end of pattern: matched if at end of string, else continue */
+         if (*p == 0)
+-            return 1;
+-        if (isshexp((ZCONST char *)p) == NULL) {
+-            /* Optimization for rest of pattern being a literal string:
+-             * If there are no other shell expression chars in the rest
+-             * of the pattern behind the multi-char wildcard, then just
+-             * compare the literal string tail.
+-             */
+-            ZCONST uch *srest;
+-            srest = s + (strlen((ZCONST char *)s) - strlen((ZCONST char *)p));
+-            if (srest - s < 0)
+-                /* remaining literal string from pattern is longer than rest
+-                 * of test string, there can't be a match
+-                 */
+-                return 0;
+-            else
+-              /* compare the remaining literal pattern string with the last
+-               * bytes of the test string to check for a match
+-               */
++          return (*s == 0);
++        /* continue to match if at DIRSEP_CHR in pattern, else give up */
++        return (*p == DIRSEP_CHR || (*p == '\\' && p[1] == DIRSEP_CHR))
++               ? recmatch(p, s, cs) : 2;
++      }
++      /* Two consecutive WILDCHR_MULTI ("**"): this matches DIRSEP_CHR ('/') */
++      p++;        /* move p past the second WILDCHR_MULTI */
++      /* continue with the normal non-WILD_STOP_AT_DIR code */
++    } /* wild_stop_at_dir */
++    /* Not wild_stop_at_dir */
++    if (*p == 0)
++      return 1;
++    if (!isshexp((char *)p))
++    {
++      /* optimization for rest of pattern being a literal string */
++      /* optimization to handle patterns like *.txt */
++      /* if the first char in the pattern is '*' and there */
++      /* are no other shell expression chars, i.e. a literal string */
++      /* then just compare the literal string at the end */
++      ZCONST char *srest;
++      srest = s + (strlen(s) - strlen(p));
++      if (srest - s < 0)
++        /* remaining literal string from pattern is longer than rest of
++           test string, there can't be a match
++         */
++        return 0;
++      else
++        /* compare the remaining literal pattern string with the last bytes
++           of the test string to check for a match */
+ #ifdef _MBCS
+-            {
+-                ZCONST uch *q = s;
++      {
++        ZCONST char *q = s;
+-                /* MBCS-aware code must not scan backwards into a string from
+-                 * the end.
+-                 * So, we have to move forward by character from our well-known
+-                 * character position s in the test string until we have
+-                 * advanced to the srest position.
+-                 */
+-                while (q < srest)
+-                  INCSTR(q);
+-                /* In case the byte *srest is a trailing byte of a multibyte
+-                 * character in the test string s, we have actually advanced
+-                 * past the position (srest).
+-                 * For this case, the match has failed!
+-                 */
+-                if (q != srest)
+-                    return 0;
+-                return ((ic
+-                         ? namecmp((ZCONST char *)p, (ZCONST char *)q)
+-                         : strcmp((ZCONST char *)p, (ZCONST char *)q)
+-                        ) == 0);
+-            }
++        /* MBCS-aware code must not scan backwards into a string from
++         * the end.
++         * So, we have to move forward by character from our well-known
++         * character position s in the test string until we have advanced
++         * to the srest position.
++         */
++        while (q < srest)
++          INCSTR(q);
++        /* In case the byte *srest is a trailing byte of a multibyte
++         * character, we have actually advanced past the position (srest).
++         * For this case, the match has failed!
++         */
++        if (q != srest)
++          return 0;
++        return ((cs ? strcmp(p, q) : namecmp(p, q)) == 0);
++      }
+ #else /* !_MBCS */
+-                return ((ic
+-                         ? namecmp((ZCONST char *)p, (ZCONST char *)srest)
+-                         : strcmp((ZCONST char *)p, (ZCONST char *)srest)
+-                        ) == 0);
++        return ((cs ? strcmp(p, srest) : namecmp(p, srest)) == 0);
+ #endif /* ?_MBCS */
+-        } else {
+-            /* pattern contains more wildcards, continue with recursion... */
+-            for (; *s; INCSTR(s))
+-                if ((c = recmatch(p, s, ic __WDL)) != 0)
+-                    return (int)c;
+-            return 2;  /* 2 means give up--match will return false */
+-        }
+     }
+-    /* Parse and process the list of characters and ranges in brackets */
+-    if (c == BEG_RANGE) {
+-        int e;          /* flag true if next char to be taken literally */
+-        ZCONST uch *q;  /* pointer to end of [-] group */
+-        int r;          /* flag true to match anything but the range */
+-        if (*s == 0)                            /* need a character to match */
+-            return 0;
+-        p += (r = (*p == '!' || *p == '^'));    /* see if reverse */
+-        for (q = p, e = 0; *q; INCSTR(q))       /* find closing bracket */
+-            if (e)
+-                e = 0;
+-            else
+-                if (*q == '\\')      /* GRR:  change to ^ for MS-DOS, OS/2? */
+-                    e = 1;
+-                else if (*q == END_RANGE)
+-                    break;
+-        if (*q != END_RANGE)         /* nothing matches if bad syntax */
+-            return 0;
+-        for (c = 0, e = (*p == '-'); p < q; INCSTR(p)) {
+-            /* go through the list */
+-            if (!e && *p == '\\')               /* set escape flag if \ */
+-                e = 1;
+-            else if (!e && *p == '-')           /* set start of range if - */
+-                c = *(p-1);
+-            else {
+-                unsigned int cc = Case(*s);
+-                if (*(p+1) != '-')
+-                    for (c = c ? c : *p; c <= *p; c++)  /* compare range */
+-                        if ((unsigned)Case(c) == cc) /* typecast for MSC bug */
+-                            return r ? 0 : recmatch(q + 1, s + 1, ic __WDL);
+-                c = e = 0;   /* clear range, escape flags */
+-            }
+-        }
+-        return r ? recmatch(q + CLEN(q), s + CLEN(s), ic __WDL) : 0;
+-                                        /* bracket match failed */
++    else
++    {
++      /* pattern contains more wildcards, continue with recursion... */
++      for (; *s; INCSTR(s))
++        if ((c = recmatch(p, s, cs)) != 0)
++          return c;
++      return 2;           /* 2 means give up--shmatch will return false */
+     }
++  }
+-    /* if escape ('\\'), just compare next character */
+-    if (c == '\\' && (c = *p++) == 0)     /* if \ at end, then syntax error */
+-        return 0;
++#ifndef VMS             /* No bracket matching in VMS */
++  /* Parse and process the list of characters and ranges in brackets */
++  if (!no_wild && allow_regex && c == '[')
++  {
++    int e;              /* flag true if next char to be taken literally */
++    ZCONST char *q;     /* pointer to end of [-] group */
++    int r;              /* flag true to match anything but the range */
++    if (*s == 0)                        /* need a character to match */
++      return 0;
++    p += (r = (*p == '!' || *p == '^')); /* see if reverse */
++    for (q = p, e = 0; *q; q++)         /* find closing bracket */
++      if (e)
++        e = 0;
++      else
++        if (*q == '\\')
++          e = 1;
++        else if (*q == ']')
++          break;
++    if (*q != ']')                      /* nothing matches if bad syntax */
++      return 0;
++    for (c = 0, e = *p == '-'; p < q; p++)      /* go through the list */
++    {
++      if (e == 0 && *p == '\\')         /* set escape flag if \ */
++        e = 1;
++      else if (e == 0 && *p == '-')     /* set start of range if - */
++        c = *(p-1);
++      else
++      {
++        uch cc = (cs ? (uch)*s : case_map((uch)*s));
++        uch uc = (uch) c;
++        if (*(p+1) != '-')
++          for (uc = uc ? uc : (uch)*p; uc <= (uch)*p; uc++)
++            /* compare range */
++            if ((cs ? uc : case_map(uc)) == cc)
++              return r ? 0 : recmatch(q + CLEN(q), s + CLEN(s), cs);
++        c = e = 0;                      /* clear range, escape flags */
++      }
++    }
++    return r ? recmatch(q + CLEN(q), s + CLEN(s), cs) : 0;
++                                        /* bracket match failed */
++  }
++#endif /* !VMS */
+-    /* just a character--compare it */
+-#ifdef QDOS
+-    return QMatch(Case((uch)c), Case(*s)) ?
+-           recmatch(p, s + CLEN(s), ic __WDL) : 0;
+-    return Case((uch)c) == Case(*s) ?
+-           recmatch(p, s + CLEN(s), ic __WDL) : 0;
++  /* If escape ('\'), just compare next character */
++  if (!no_wild && c == '\\')
++    if ((c = *p++) == '\0')             /* if \ at end, then syntax error */
++      return 0;
++#ifdef VMS
++  /* 2005-11-06 SMS.
++     Handle "..." wildcard in p with "." or "]" in s.
++  */
++  if ((c == '.') && (*p == '.') && (*(p+ CLEN( p)) == '.') &&
++   ((*s == '.') || (*s == ']')))
++  {
++    /* Match "...]" with "]".  Continue after "]" in both. */
++    if ((*(p+ 2* CLEN( p)) == ']') && (*s == ']'))
++      return recmatch( (p+ 3* CLEN( p)), (s+ CLEN( s)), cs);
++    /* Else, look for a reduced match in s, until "]" in or end of s. */
++    for (; *s && (*s != ']'); INCSTR(s))
++      if (*s == '.')
++        /* If reduced match, then continue after "..." in p, "." in s. */
++        if ((c = recmatch( (p+ CLEN( p)), s, cs)) != 0)
++          return (int)c;
++    /* Match "...]" with "]".  Continue after "]" in both. */
++    if ((*(p+ 2* CLEN( p)) == ']') && (*s == ']'))
++      return recmatch( (p+ 3* CLEN( p)), (s+ CLEN( s)), cs);
++    /* No reduced match.  Quit. */
++    return 2;
++  }
++#endif /* def VMS */
++  /* Just a character--compare it */
++  return (cs ? c == *s : case_map((uch)c) == case_map((uch)*s)) ?
++          recmatch(p, s + CLEN(s), cs) : 0;
+-} /* end function recmatch() */
+ static char *isshexp(p)
+ ZCONST char *p;
+ /* If p is a sh expression, a pointer to the first special character is