summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/gnu/packages/patches
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 816 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2015-8665+CVE-2015-8683.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2015-8665+CVE-2015-8683.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 811516dbe9..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2015-8665+CVE-2015-8683.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-2015-12-26  Even Rouault <even.rouault at>
-	* libtiff/tif_getimage.c: fix out-of-bound reads in TIFFRGBAImage
-	interface in case of unsupported values of SamplesPerPixel/ExtraSamples
-	for LogLUV / CIELab. Add explicit call to TIFFRGBAImageOK() in
-	TIFFRGBAImageBegin(). Fix CVE-2015-8665 reported by limingxing and
-	CVE-2015-8683 reported by zzf of Alibaba.
-diff -u -r1.93 -r1.94
---- libtiff/libtiff/tif_getimage.c	22 Nov 2015 15:31:03 -0000	1.93
-+++ libtiff/libtiff/tif_getimage.c	26 Dec 2015 17:32:03 -0000	1.94
-@@ -182,20 +182,22 @@
- 				    "Planarconfiguration", td->td_planarconfig);
- 				return (0);
- 			}
--			if( td->td_samplesperpixel != 3 )
-+			if( td->td_samplesperpixel != 3 || colorchannels != 3 )
-             {
-                 sprintf(emsg,
--                        "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d",
--                        "Samples/pixel", td->td_samplesperpixel);
-+                        "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d, %s=%d",
-+                        "Samples/pixel", td->td_samplesperpixel,
-+                        "colorchannels", colorchannels);
-                 return 0;
-             }
- 			break;
--            if( td->td_samplesperpixel != 3 || td->td_bitspersample != 8 )
-+            if( td->td_samplesperpixel != 3 || colorchannels != 3 || td->td_bitspersample != 8 )
-             {
-                 sprintf(emsg,
--                        "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d and %s=%d",
-+                        "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d, %s=%d and %s=%d",
-                         "Samples/pixel", td->td_samplesperpixel,
-+                        "colorchannels", colorchannels,
-                         "Bits/sample", td->td_bitspersample);
-                 return 0;
-             }
-@@ -255,6 +257,9 @@
- 	int colorchannels;
- 	uint16 *red_orig, *green_orig, *blue_orig;
- 	int n_color;
-+	if( !TIFFRGBAImageOK(tif, emsg) )
-+		return 0;
- 	/* Initialize to normal values */
- 	img->row_offset = 0;
-@@ -2509,29 +2514,33 @@
- 			switch (img->bitspersample) {
- 				case 8:
--					if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA)
-+					if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA &&
-+						img->samplesperpixel >= 4)
- 						img->put.contig = putRGBAAcontig8bittile;
--					else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA)
-+					else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA &&
-+							 img->samplesperpixel >= 4)
- 					{
- 						if (BuildMapUaToAa(img))
- 							img->put.contig = putRGBUAcontig8bittile;
- 					}
--					else
-+					else if( img->samplesperpixel >= 3 )
- 						img->put.contig = putRGBcontig8bittile;
- 					break;
- 				case 16:
--					if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA)
-+					if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA &&
-+						img->samplesperpixel >=4 )
- 					{
- 						if (BuildMapBitdepth16To8(img))
- 							img->put.contig = putRGBAAcontig16bittile;
- 					}
--					else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA)
-+					else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA &&
-+							 img->samplesperpixel >=4 )
- 					{
- 						if (BuildMapBitdepth16To8(img) &&
- 						    BuildMapUaToAa(img))
- 							img->put.contig = putRGBUAcontig16bittile;
- 					}
--					else
-+					else if( img->samplesperpixel >=3 )
- 					{
- 						if (BuildMapBitdepth16To8(img))
- 							img->put.contig = putRGBcontig16bittile;
-@@ -2540,7 +2549,7 @@
- 			}
- 			break;
--			if (buildMap(img)) {
-+			if (img->samplesperpixel >=4 && buildMap(img)) {
- 				if (img->bitspersample == 8) {
- 					if (!img->Map)
- 						img->put.contig = putRGBcontig8bitCMYKtile;
-@@ -2636,7 +2645,7 @@
- 			}
- 			break;
--			if (buildMap(img)) {
-+			if (img->samplesperpixel == 3 && buildMap(img)) {
- 				if (img->bitspersample == 8)
- 					img->put.contig = initCIELabConversion(img);
- 				break;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3623.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3623.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 08705861e3..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3623.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2016-3623.
-Patch extracted from upstream CVS repo with:
-$ cvs diff -u -r1.16 -r1.17 tools/rgb2ycbcr.c
-Index: tools/rgb2ycbcr.c
-RCS file: /cvs/maptools/cvsroot/libtiff/tools/rgb2ycbcr.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.16
-retrieving revision 1.17
-diff -u -r1.16 -r1.17
---- libtiff/tools/rgb2ycbcr.c	21 Jun 2015 01:09:10 -0000	1.16
-+++ libtiff/tools/rgb2ycbcr.c	15 Aug 2016 21:26:56 -0000	1.17
-@@ -95,9 +95,13 @@
- 			break;
- 		case 'h':
- 			horizSubSampling = atoi(optarg);
-+            if( horizSubSampling != 1 && horizSubSampling != 2 && horizSubSampling != 4 )
-+                usage(-1);
- 			break;
- 		case 'v':
- 			vertSubSampling = atoi(optarg);
-+            if( vertSubSampling != 1 && vertSubSampling != 2 && vertSubSampling != 4 )
-+                usage(-1);
- 			break;
- 		case 'r':
- 			rowsperstrip = atoi(optarg);
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3945.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3945.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ec62bab99..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3945.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2016-3945 (integer overflow in size of allocated
-buffer, when -b mode is enabled, that could result in out-of-bounds
-Patch extracted from upstream CVS repo with:
-$ cvs diff -u -r1.21 -r1.22 tools/tiff2rgba.c
-Index: tools/tiff2rgba.c
-RCS file: /cvs/maptools/cvsroot/libtiff/tools/tiff2rgba.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.21
-retrieving revision 1.22
-diff -u -r1.21 -r1.22
---- libtiff/tools/tiff2rgba.c	21 Jun 2015 01:09:10 -0000	1.21
-+++ libtiff/tools/tiff2rgba.c	15 Aug 2016 20:06:41 -0000	1.22
-@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
-     uint32  row, col;
-     uint32  *wrk_line;
-     int	    ok = 1;
-+    uint32  rastersize, wrk_linesize;
-     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width);
-     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height);
-@@ -163,7 +164,13 @@
-     /*
-      * Allocate tile buffer
-      */
--    raster = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(tile_width * tile_height * sizeof (uint32));
-+    rastersize = tile_width * tile_height * sizeof (uint32);
-+    if (tile_width != (rastersize / tile_height) / sizeof( uint32))
-+    {
-+	TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Integer overflow when calculating raster buffer");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-+    raster = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(rastersize);
-     if (raster == 0) {
-         TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "No space for raster buffer");
-         return (0);
-@@ -173,7 +180,13 @@
-      * Allocate a scanline buffer for swapping during the vertical
-      * mirroring pass.
-      */
--    wrk_line = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(tile_width * sizeof (uint32));
-+    wrk_linesize = tile_width * sizeof (uint32);
-+    if (tile_width != wrk_linesize / sizeof (uint32))
-+    {
-+        TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Integer overflow when calculating wrk_line buffer");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-+    wrk_line = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(wrk_linesize);
-     if (!wrk_line) {
-         TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "No space for raster scanline buffer");
-         ok = 0;
-@@ -249,6 +262,7 @@
-     uint32  row;
-     uint32  *wrk_line;
-     int	    ok = 1;
-+    uint32  rastersize, wrk_linesize;
-     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width);
-     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height);
-@@ -263,7 +277,13 @@
-     /*
-      * Allocate strip buffer
-      */
--    raster = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(width * rowsperstrip * sizeof (uint32));
-+    rastersize = width * rowsperstrip * sizeof (uint32);
-+    if (width != (rastersize / rowsperstrip) / sizeof( uint32))
-+    {
-+	TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Integer overflow when calculating raster buffer");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-+    raster = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(rastersize);
-     if (raster == 0) {
-         TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "No space for raster buffer");
-         return (0);
-@@ -273,7 +293,13 @@
-      * Allocate a scanline buffer for swapping during the vertical
-      * mirroring pass.
-      */
--    wrk_line = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(width * sizeof (uint32));
-+    wrk_linesize = width * sizeof (uint32);
-+    if (width != wrk_linesize / sizeof (uint32))
-+    {
-+        TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Integer overflow when calculating wrk_line buffer");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-+    wrk_line = (uint32*)_TIFFmalloc(wrk_linesize);
-     if (!wrk_line) {
-         TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "No space for raster scanline buffer");
-         ok = 0;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3990.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3990.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7641c3073b..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3990.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2016-3990 (write buffer overflow in PixarLogEncode if more input
-samples are provided than expected by PixarLogSetupEncode).
-Patch extracted from upstream CVS repo with:
-$ cvs diff -u -r1.45 -r1.46 libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
-Index: libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
-RCS file: /cvs/maptools/cvsroot/libtiff/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.45
-retrieving revision 1.46
-diff -u -r1.45 -r1.46
---- libtiff/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c	28 Jun 2016 15:37:33 -0000	1.45
-+++ libtiff/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c	15 Aug 2016 20:49:48 -0000	1.46
-@@ -1141,6 +1141,13 @@
- 	}
- 	llen = sp->stride * td->td_imagewidth;
-+    /* Check against the number of elements (of size uint16) of sp->tbuf */
-+    if( n > td->td_rowsperstrip * llen )
-+    {
-+        TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-+                     "Too many input bytes provided");
-+        return 0;
-+    }
- 	for (i = 0, up = sp->tbuf; i < n; i += llen, up += llen) {
- 		switch (sp->user_datafmt)  {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3991.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3991.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cb05f0007f..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-3991.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2016-3991 (out-of-bounds write in loadImage()).
-Patch extracted from upstream CVS repo with:
-$ cvs diff -u -r1.37 -r1.38 tools/tiffcrop.c
-Index: tools/tiffcrop.c
-RCS file: /cvs/maptools/cvsroot/libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.37
-retrieving revision 1.38
-diff -u -r1.37 -r1.38
---- libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c	11 Jul 2016 21:38:31 -0000	1.37
-+++ libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c	15 Aug 2016 21:05:40 -0000	1.38
-@@ -798,6 +798,11 @@
-     }
-   tile_buffsize = tilesize;
-+  if (tilesize == 0 || tile_rowsize == 0)
-+  {
-+     TIFFError("readContigTilesIntoBuffer", "Tile size or tile rowsize is zero");
-+     exit(-1);
-+  }
-   if (tilesize < (tsize_t)(tl * tile_rowsize))
-     {
-@@ -807,7 +812,12 @@
-               tilesize, tl * tile_rowsize);
- #endif
-     tile_buffsize = tl * tile_rowsize;
--    } 
-+    if (tl != (tile_buffsize / tile_rowsize))
-+    {
-+    	TIFFError("readContigTilesIntoBuffer", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size.");
-+        exit(-1);
-+    }
-+    }
-   tilebuf = _TIFFmalloc(tile_buffsize);
-   if (tilebuf == 0)
-@@ -1210,6 +1220,12 @@
-       !TIFFGetField(out, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bps) )
-       return 1;
-+  if (tilesize == 0 || tile_rowsize == 0 || tl == 0 || tw == 0)
-+  {
-+    TIFFError("writeBufferToContigTiles", "Tile size, tile row size, tile width, or tile length is zero");
-+    exit(-1);
-+  }
-   tile_buffsize = tilesize;
-   if (tilesize < (tsize_t)(tl * tile_rowsize))
-     {
-@@ -1219,6 +1235,11 @@
-               tilesize, tl * tile_rowsize);
- #endif
-     tile_buffsize = tl * tile_rowsize;
-+    if (tl != tile_buffsize / tile_rowsize)
-+    {
-+	TIFFError("writeBufferToContigTiles", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-     }
-   tilebuf = _TIFFmalloc(tile_buffsize);
-@@ -5945,12 +5966,27 @@
-     TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tl);
-     tile_rowsize  = TIFFTileRowSize(in);      
-+    if (ntiles == 0 || tlsize == 0 || tile_rowsize == 0)
-+    {
-+	TIFFError("loadImage", "File appears to be tiled, but the number of tiles, tile size, or tile rowsize is zero.");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-     buffsize = tlsize * ntiles;
-+    if (tlsize != (buffsize / ntiles))
-+    {
-+	TIFFError("loadImage", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-     if (buffsize < (uint32)(ntiles * tl * tile_rowsize))
-       {
-       buffsize = ntiles * tl * tile_rowsize;
-+      if (ntiles != (buffsize / tl / tile_rowsize))
-+      {
-+	TIFFError("loadImage", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size");
-+	exit(-1);
-+      }
- #ifdef DEBUG2
-       TIFFError("loadImage",
- 	        "Tilesize %u is too small, using ntiles * tilelength * tilerowsize %lu",
-@@ -5969,8 +6005,25 @@
-     TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(in, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rowsperstrip);
-     stsize = TIFFStripSize(in);
-     nstrips = TIFFNumberOfStrips(in);
-+    if (nstrips == 0 || stsize == 0)
-+    {
-+	TIFFError("loadImage", "File appears to be striped, but the number of stipes or stripe size is zero.");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-     buffsize = stsize * nstrips;
-+    if (stsize != (buffsize / nstrips))
-+    {
-+	TIFFError("loadImage", "Integer overflow when calculating buffer size");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-+    uint32 buffsize_check;
-+    buffsize_check = ((length * width * spp * bps) + 7);
-+    if (length != ((buffsize_check - 7) / width / spp / bps))
-+    {
-+	TIFFError("loadImage", "Integer overflow detected.");
-+	exit(-1);
-+    }
-     if (buffsize < (uint32) (((length * width * spp * bps) + 7) / 8))
-       {
-       buffsize =  ((length * width * spp * bps) + 7) / 8;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5314.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5314.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e5380f8639..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5314.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2016-5314.
-Patch extracted from upstream CVS repo with:
-$ cvs diff -u -r1.43 -r1.44 libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
-Index: libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
-RCS file: /cvs/maptools/cvsroot/libtiff/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.43
-retrieving revision 1.44
-diff -u -r1.43 -r1.44
---- libtiff/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c	27 Dec 2015 20:14:11 -0000	1.43
-+++ libtiff/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c	28 Jun 2016 15:12:19 -0000	1.44
-@@ -459,6 +459,7 @@
- typedef	struct {
- 	TIFFPredictorState	predict;
- 	z_stream		stream;
-+	tmsize_t		tbuf_size; /* only set/used on reading for now */
- 	uint16			*tbuf; 
- 	uint16			stride;
- 	int			state;
-@@ -694,6 +695,7 @@
- 	sp->tbuf = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(tbuf_size);
- 	if (sp->tbuf == NULL)
- 		return (0);
-+	sp->tbuf_size = tbuf_size;
- 	if (sp->user_datafmt == PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN)
- 		sp->user_datafmt = PixarLogGuessDataFmt(td);
- 	if (sp->user_datafmt == PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN) {
-@@ -783,6 +785,12 @@
- 		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "ZLib cannot deal with buffers this size");
- 		return (0);
- 	}
-+	/* Check that we will not fill more than what was allocated */
-+	if (sp->stream.avail_out > sp->tbuf_size)
-+	{
-+		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "sp->stream.avail_out > sp->tbuf_size");
-+		return (0);
-+	}
- 	do {
- 		int state = inflate(&sp->stream, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH);
- 		if (state == Z_STREAM_END) {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5321.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5321.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2afca18e1d..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5321.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2016-5321. 
-Patch extracted from upstream CVS repo with:
-$ cvs diff -u -r1.35 -r1.36 tools/tiffcrop.c
-Index: tools/tiffcrop.c
-RCS file: /cvs/maptools/cvsroot/libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.35
-retrieving revision 1.36
-diff -u -r1.35 -r1.36
---- libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c	19 Aug 2015 02:31:04 -0000	1.35
-+++ libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c	11 Jul 2016 21:26:03 -0000	1.36
-@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@
-     nrow = (row + tl > imagelength) ? imagelength - row : tl;
-     for (col = 0; col < imagewidth; col += tw)
-       {
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; s < spp && s < MAX_SAMPLES; s++)
-         {  /* Read each plane of a tile set into srcbuffs[s] */
- 	tbytes = TIFFReadTile(in, srcbuffs[s], col, row, 0, s);
-         if (tbytes < 0  && !ignore)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5323.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5323.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b2a043d29..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-CVE-2016-5323.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2016-5323.
-Patch extracted from upstream CVS repo with:
-$ cvs diff -u -r1.36  -r1.37 tools/tiffcrop.c
-Index: tools/tiffcrop.c
-RCS file: /cvs/maptools/cvsroot/libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.36
-retrieving revision 1.37
-diff -u -r1.36 -r1.37
---- libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c	11 Jul 2016 21:26:03 -0000	1.36
-+++ libtiff/tools/tiffcrop.c	11 Jul 2016 21:38:31 -0000	1.37
-@@ -3738,7 +3738,7 @@
-       matchbits = maskbits << (8 - src_bit - bps); 
-       /* load up next sample from each plane */
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; (s < spp) && (s < MAX_SAMPLES); s++)
-         {
- 	src = in[s] + src_offset + src_byte;
-         buff1 = ((*src) & matchbits) << (src_bit);
-@@ -3837,7 +3837,7 @@
-       src_bit  = bit_offset % 8;
-       matchbits = maskbits << (16 - src_bit - bps); 
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; (s < spp) && (s < MAX_SAMPLES); s++)
-         {
- 	src = in[s] + src_offset + src_byte;
-         if (little_endian)
-@@ -3947,7 +3947,7 @@
-       src_bit  = bit_offset % 8;
-       matchbits = maskbits << (32 - src_bit - bps); 
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; (s < spp) && (s < MAX_SAMPLES); s++)
-         {
- 	src = in[s] + src_offset + src_byte;
-         if (little_endian)
-@@ -4073,7 +4073,7 @@
-       src_bit  = bit_offset % 8;
-       matchbits = maskbits << (64 - src_bit - bps); 
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; (s < spp) && (s < MAX_SAMPLES); s++)
- 	{
- 	src = in[s] + src_offset + src_byte;
- 	if (little_endian)
-@@ -4263,7 +4263,7 @@
-       matchbits = maskbits << (8 - src_bit - bps); 
-       /* load up next sample from each plane */
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; (s < spp) && (s < MAX_SAMPLES); s++)
-         {
- 	src = in[s] + src_offset + src_byte;
-         buff1 = ((*src) & matchbits) << (src_bit);
-@@ -4362,7 +4362,7 @@
-       src_bit  = bit_offset % 8;
-       matchbits = maskbits << (16 - src_bit - bps); 
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; (s < spp) && (s < MAX_SAMPLES); s++)
-         {
- 	src = in[s] + src_offset + src_byte;
-         if (little_endian)
-@@ -4471,7 +4471,7 @@
-       src_bit  = bit_offset % 8;
-       matchbits = maskbits << (32 - src_bit - bps); 
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; (s < spp) && (s < MAX_SAMPLES); s++)
-         {
- 	src = in[s] + src_offset + src_byte;
-         if (little_endian)
-@@ -4597,7 +4597,7 @@
-       src_bit  = bit_offset % 8;
-       matchbits = maskbits << (64 - src_bit - bps); 
--      for (s = 0; s < spp; s++)
-+      for (s = 0; (s < spp) && (s < MAX_SAMPLES); s++)
- 	{
- 	src = in[s] + src_offset + src_byte;
- 	if (little_endian)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-oob-accesses-in-decode.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-oob-accesses-in-decode.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fea745056..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-oob-accesses-in-decode.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-2015-12-27  Even Rouault <even.rouault at>
-	* libtiff/tif_luv.c: fix potential out-of-bound writes in decode
-	functions in non debug builds by replacing assert()s by regular if
-	checks (bugzilla #2522).
-	Fix potential out-of-bound reads in case of short input data.
-diff -u -r1.40 -r1.41
---- libtiff/libtiff/tif_luv.c	21 Jun 2015 01:09:09 -0000	1.40
-+++ libtiff/libtiff/tif_luv.c	27 Dec 2015 16:25:11 -0000	1.41
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--/* $Id: tif_luv.c,v 1.40 2015-06-21 01:09:09 bfriesen Exp $ */
-+/* $Id: tif_luv.c,v 1.41 2015-12-27 16:25:11 erouault Exp $ */
- /*
-  * Copyright (c) 1997 Greg Ward Larson
-@@ -202,7 +202,11 @@
- 	if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT)
- 		tp = (int16*) op;
- 	else {
--		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
-+		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
-+			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-+						 "Translation buffer too short");
-+			return (0);
-+		}
- 		tp = (int16*) sp->tbuf;
- 	}
- 	_TIFFmemset((void*) tp, 0, npixels*sizeof (tp[0]));
-@@ -211,9 +215,11 @@
- 	cc = tif->tif_rawcc;
- 	/* get each byte string */
- 	for (shft = 2*8; (shft -= 8) >= 0; ) {
--		for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; )
-+		for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; ) {
- 			if (*bp >= 128) {		/* run */
--				rc = *bp++ + (2-128);   /* TODO: potential input buffer overrun when decoding corrupt or truncated data */
-+				if( cc < 2 )
-+					break;
-+				rc = *bp++ + (2-128);
- 				b = (int16)(*bp++ << shft);
- 				cc -= 2;
- 				while (rc-- && i < npixels)
-@@ -223,6 +229,7 @@
- 				while (--cc && rc-- && i < npixels)
- 					tp[i++] |= (int16)*bp++ << shft;
- 			}
-+		}
- 		if (i != npixels) {
- #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
- 			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-@@ -268,13 +275,17 @@
- 	if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW)
- 		tp = (uint32 *)op;
- 	else {
--		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
-+		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
-+			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-+						 "Translation buffer too short");
-+			return (0);
-+		}
- 		tp = (uint32 *) sp->tbuf;
- 	}
- 	/* copy to array of uint32 */
- 	bp = (unsigned char*) tif->tif_rawcp;
- 	cc = tif->tif_rawcc;
--	for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; i++) {
-+	for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc >= 3; i++) {
- 		tp[i] = bp[0] << 16 | bp[1] << 8 | bp[2];
- 		bp += 3;
- 		cc -= 3;
-@@ -325,7 +336,11 @@
- 	if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW)
- 		tp = (uint32*) op;
- 	else {
--		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
-+		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
-+			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-+						 "Translation buffer too short");
-+			return (0);
-+		}
- 		tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf;
- 	}
- 	_TIFFmemset((void*) tp, 0, npixels*sizeof (tp[0]));
-@@ -334,11 +349,13 @@
- 	cc = tif->tif_rawcc;
- 	/* get each byte string */
- 	for (shft = 4*8; (shft -= 8) >= 0; ) {
--		for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; )
-+		for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; ) {
- 			if (*bp >= 128) {		/* run */
-+				if( cc < 2 )
-+					break;
- 				rc = *bp++ + (2-128);
- 				b = (uint32)*bp++ << shft;
--				cc -= 2;                /* TODO: potential input buffer overrun when decoding corrupt or truncated data */
-+				cc -= 2;
- 				while (rc-- && i < npixels)
- 					tp[i++] |= b;
- 			} else {			/* non-run */
-@@ -346,6 +363,7 @@
- 				while (--cc && rc-- && i < npixels)
- 					tp[i++] |= (uint32)*bp++ << shft;
- 			}
-+		}
- 		if (i != npixels) {
- #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
- 			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-@@ -413,6 +431,7 @@
- static int
- LogL16Encode(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
- {
-+	static const char module[] = "LogL16Encode";
- 	LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif);
- 	int shft;
- 	tmsize_t i;
-@@ -433,7 +452,11 @@
- 		tp = (int16*) bp;
- 	else {
- 		tp = (int16*) sp->tbuf;
--		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
-+		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
-+			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-+						 "Translation buffer too short");
-+			return (0);
-+		}
- 		(*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels);
- 	}
- 	/* compress each byte string */
-@@ -506,6 +529,7 @@
- static int
- LogLuvEncode24(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
- {
-+	static const char module[] = "LogLuvEncode24";
- 	LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif);
- 	tmsize_t i;
- 	tmsize_t npixels;
-@@ -521,7 +545,11 @@
- 		tp = (uint32*) bp;
- 	else {
- 		tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf;
--		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
-+		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
-+			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-+						 "Translation buffer too short");
-+			return (0);
-+		}
- 		(*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels);
- 	}
- 	/* write out encoded pixels */
-@@ -553,6 +581,7 @@
- static int
- LogLuvEncode32(TIFF* tif, uint8* bp, tmsize_t cc, uint16 s)
- {
-+	static const char module[] = "LogLuvEncode32";
- 	LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif);
- 	int shft;
- 	tmsize_t i;
-@@ -574,7 +603,11 @@
- 		tp = (uint32*) bp;
- 	else {
- 		tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf;
--		assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels);
-+		if(sp->tbuflen < npixels) {
-+			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
-+						 "Translation buffer too short");
-+			return (0);
-+		}
- 		(*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels);
- 	}
- 	/* compress each byte string */
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-oob-write-in-nextdecode.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-oob-write-in-nextdecode.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 50657b667c..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libtiff-oob-write-in-nextdecode.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-2015-12-27  Even Rouault <even.rouault at>
-	* libtiff/tif_next.c: fix potential out-of-bound write in NeXTDecode()
-	triggered by
-	(bugzilla #2508)
-diff -u -r1.16 -r1.18
---- libtiff/libtiff/tif_next.c	29 Dec 2014 12:09:11 -0000	1.16
-+++ libtiff/libtiff/tif_next.c	27 Dec 2015 17:14:52 -0000	1.18
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--/* $Id: tif_next.c,v 1.16 2014-12-29 12:09:11 erouault Exp $ */
-+/* $Id: tif_next.c,v 1.18 2015-12-27 17:14:52 erouault Exp $ */
- /*
-  * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- 	case 0:	op[0]  = (unsigned char) ((v) << 6); break;	\
- 	case 1:	op[0] |= (v) << 4; break;	\
- 	case 2:	op[0] |= (v) << 2; break;	\
--	case 3:	*op++ |= (v);	   break;	\
-+	case 3:	*op++ |= (v);	   op_offset++; break;	\
- 	}					\
- }
-@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
- 		}
- 		default: {
- 			uint32 npixels = 0, grey;
-+			tmsize_t op_offset = 0;
- 			uint32 imagewidth = tif->tif_dir.td_imagewidth;
-             if( isTiled(tif) )
-                 imagewidth = tif->tif_dir.td_tilewidth;
-@@ -122,10 +123,15 @@
- 				 * bounds, potentially resulting in a security
- 				 * issue.
- 				 */
--				while (n-- > 0 && npixels < imagewidth)
-+				while (n-- > 0 && npixels < imagewidth && op_offset < scanline)
- 					SETPIXEL(op, grey);
- 				if (npixels >= imagewidth)
- 					break;
-+                if (op_offset >= scanline ) {
-+                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "Invalid data for scanline %ld",
-+                        (long) tif->tif_row);
-+                    return (0);
-+                }
- 				if (cc == 0)
- 					goto bad;
- 				n = *bp++, cc--;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ruby-symlinkfix.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ruby-symlinkfix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 16beecc97a..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ruby-symlinkfix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Fix symlinks to '..' to fix rubygems improperly expanding symlinked
-paths. Without this fix, some gems fail to install. This patch is applied in
-rubygems 2.5.2, but ruby version 2.3.1 bundles an older version of rubygems
---- a/lib/rubygems/package.rb
-+++ b/lib/rubygems/package.rb
-@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ def extract_tar_gz io, destination_dir, pattern = "*" # :nodoc:
-           FileUtils.chmod entry.header.mode, destination
-         end if entry.file?
--        File.symlink(install_location(entry.header.linkname, destination_dir), destination) if entry.symlink?
-+        File.symlink(entry.header.linkname, destination) if entry.symlink?
-         verbose destination
-       end
-diff --git a/test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb b/test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb
-index 7848bc2..f287bd3 100644
---- a/test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb
-+++ b/test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb
-@@ -428,19 +428,25 @@ def test_extract_tar_gz_absolute
-                  "#{@destination} is not allowed", e.message)
-   end
--  def test_extract_tar_gz_symlink_absolute
-+  def test_extract_tar_gz_symlink_relative_path
-+    skip 'symlink not supported' if Gem.win_platform?
-     package = @gem
-     tgz_io = util_tar_gz do |tar|
--      tar.add_symlink 'code.rb', '/absolute.rb', 0644
-+      tar.add_file    'relative.rb', 0644 do |io| io.write 'hi' end
-+      tar.mkdir       'lib',         0755
-+      tar.add_symlink 'lib/foo.rb', '../relative.rb', 0644
-     end
--    e = assert_raises Gem::Package::PathError do
--      package.extract_tar_gz tgz_io, @destination
--    end
-+    package.extract_tar_gz tgz_io, @destination
--    assert_equal("installing into parent path /absolute.rb of " +
--                 "#{@destination} is not allowed", e.message)
-+    extracted = File.join @destination, 'lib/foo.rb'
-+    assert_path_exists extracted
-+    assert_equal '../relative.rb',
-+                 File.readlink(extracted)
-+    assert_equal 'hi',
-   end
-   def test_extract_tar_gz_directory