summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/gnu/packages/patches
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches')
12 files changed, 135 insertions, 2560 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/fcgi-2.4.0-gcc44-fixes.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/fcgi-2.4.0-gcc44-fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f921b120b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/fcgi-2.4.0-gcc44-fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Taken from
+Fixes compilation with GCC 4.4 and later.
+diff -up fcgi-2.4.0/libfcgi/fcgio.cpp.gcc44_fixes fcgi-2.4.0/libfcgi/fcgio.cpp
+--- fcgi-2.4.0/libfcgi/fcgio.cpp.gcc44_fixes	2002-02-24 21:12:22.000000000 +0100
++++ fcgi-2.4.0/libfcgi/fcgio.cpp	2009-02-15 11:35:18.000000000 +0100
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #endif
+ #include <limits.h>
++#include <cstdio>
+ #include "fcgio.h"
+ using std::streambuf;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/fcgi-2.4.0-poll.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/fcgi-2.4.0-poll.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73be6a0a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/fcgi-2.4.0-poll.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Taken from
+Fixes CVE-2012-6687.
+Author: Anton Kortunov <>
+Description: use poll in os_unix.c instead of select to avoid problem with > 1024 connections
+Forwarded: yes,
+diff --git a/libfcgi/os_unix.c b/libfcgi/os_unix.c
+index 73e6a7f..af35aee 100755
+--- a/libfcgi/os_unix.c
++++ b/libfcgi/os_unix.c
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: os_unix.c,v 1.37 2002/03/05 19:14:49 robs Exp
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <sys/un.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
++#include <poll.h>
+ #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
+ #include <netdb.h>
+@@ -103,6 +104,9 @@ static int volatile maxFd = -1;
+ static int shutdownPending = FALSE;
+ static int shutdownNow = FALSE;
++static int libfcgiOsClosePollTimeout = 2000;
++static int libfcgiIsAfUnixKeeperPollTimeout = 2000;
+ void OS_ShutdownPending()
+ {
+     shutdownPending = TRUE;
+@@ -168,6 +172,16 @@ int OS_LibInit(int stdioFds[3])
+     if(libInitialized)
+         return 0;
++    char *libfcgiOsClosePollTimeoutStr = getenv( "LIBFCGI_OS_CLOSE_POLL_TIMEOUT" );
++    if(libfcgiOsClosePollTimeoutStr) {
++        libfcgiOsClosePollTimeout = atoi(libfcgiOsClosePollTimeoutStr);
++    }
++    char *libfcgiIsAfUnixKeeperPollTimeoutStr = getenv( "LIBFCGI_IS_AF_UNIX_KEEPER_POLL_TIMEOUT" );
++    if(libfcgiIsAfUnixKeeperPollTimeoutStr) {
++        libfcgiIsAfUnixKeeperPollTimeout = atoi(libfcgiIsAfUnixKeeperPollTimeoutStr);
++    }
+     asyncIoTable = (AioInfo *)malloc(asyncIoTableSize * sizeof(AioInfo));
+     if(asyncIoTable == NULL) {
+         errno = ENOMEM;
+@@ -755,19 +769,16 @@ int OS_Close(int fd)
+     if (shutdown(fd, 1) == 0)
+     {
+-        struct timeval tv;
+-        fd_set rfds;
++        struct pollfd pfd;
+         int rv;
+         char trash[1024];
+-        FD_ZERO(&rfds);
++        pfd.fd = fd;
++ = POLLIN;
+         do 
+         {
+-            FD_SET(fd, &rfds);
+-            tv.tv_sec = 2;
+-            tv.tv_usec = 0;
+-            rv = select(fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
++            rv = poll(&pfd, 1, libfcgiOsClosePollTimeout);
+         }
+         while (rv > 0 && read(fd, trash, sizeof(trash)) > 0);
+     }
+@@ -1116,13 +1127,11 @@ static int is_reasonable_accept_errno (const int error)
+  */
+ static int is_af_unix_keeper(const int fd)
+ {
+-    struct timeval tval = { READABLE_UNIX_FD_DROP_DEAD_TIMEVAL };
+-    fd_set read_fds;
+-    FD_ZERO(&read_fds);
+-    FD_SET(fd, &read_fds);
++    struct pollfd pfd;
++    pfd.fd = fd;
++ = POLLIN;
+-    return select(fd + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &tval) >= 0 && FD_ISSET(fd, &read_fds);
++    return poll(&pfd, 1, libfcgiIsAfUnixKeeperPollTimeout) >= 0 && (pfd.revents & POLLIN);
+ }
+ /*
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-crashes.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-crashes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c36a595608..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-crashes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1047 +0,0 @@
-Fixes upstream bug #774859 (flic decoder: Invalid memory read in
-Patch copied from upstream source repository:
-From be670f0daf67304fb92c76aa09c30cae0bfd1fe4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matthew Waters <>
-Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 07:09:06 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH] flxdec: rewrite logic based on GstByteReader/Writer
-Solves overreading/writing the given arrays and will error out if the
-streams asks to do that.
-Also does more error checking that the stream is valid and won't
-overrun any allocated arrays.  Also mitigate integer overflow errors
-calculating allocation sizes.
- gst/flx/flx_color.c |   1 -
- gst/flx/flx_fmt.h   |  72 -------
- gst/flx/gstflxdec.c | 610 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
- gst/flx/gstflxdec.h |   4 +-
- 4 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/gst/flx/flx_color.c b/gst/flx/flx_color.c
-index 047bfdf..3a58135 100644
---- a/gst/flx/flx_color.c
-+++ b/gst/flx/flx_color.c
-@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ flx_set_palette_vector (FlxColorSpaceConverter * flxpal, guint start, guint num,
-   } else {
-     memcpy (&flxpal->palvec[start * 3], newpal, grab * 3);
-   }
- }
- void
-diff --git a/gst/flx/flx_fmt.h b/gst/flx/flx_fmt.h
-index 9ab31ba..abff200 100644
---- a/gst/flx/flx_fmt.h
-+++ b/gst/flx/flx_fmt.h
-@@ -123,78 +123,6 @@ typedef struct _FlxFrameType
- } FlxFrameType;
- #define FlxFrameTypeSize 10
--#define LE_TO_BE_16(i16) ((guint16) (((i16) << 8) | ((i16) >> 8)))
--#define LE_TO_BE_32(i32) \
--    (((guint32) (LE_TO_BE_16((guint16) (i32))) << 16) | (LE_TO_BE_16((i32) >> 16)))
--#define FLX_FRAME_TYPE_FIX_ENDIANNESS(frm_type_p) \
--    do { \
--     (frm_type_p)->chunks = LE_TO_BE_16((frm_type_p)->chunks); \
--     (frm_type_p)->delay = LE_TO_BE_16((frm_type_p)->delay); \
--    } while(0)
--#define FLX_HUFFMAN_TABLE_FIX_ENDIANNESS(hffmn_table_p) \
--    do { \
--     (hffmn_table_p)->codelength = \
--	LE_TO_BE_16((hffmn_table_p)->codelength); \
--     (hffmn_table_p)->numcodes = LE_TO_BE_16((hffmn_table_p)->numcodes); \
--    } while(0)
--#define FLX_SEGMENT_TABLE_FIX_ENDIANNESS(sgmnt_table_p) \
--     ((sgmnt_table_p)->segments = LE_TO_BE_16((sgmnt_table_p)->segments))
--#define FLX_PREFIX_CHUNK_FIX_ENDIANNESS(prfx_chnk_p) \
--    do { \
--     (prfx_chnk_p)->chunks = LE_TO_BE_16((prfx_chnk_p)->chunks); \
--    } while(0)
--#define FLX_FRAME_CHUNK_FIX_ENDIANNESS(frm_chnk_p) \
--    do { \
--     (frm_chnk_p)->size = LE_TO_BE_32((frm_chnk_p)->size); \
--     (frm_chnk_p)->id = LE_TO_BE_16((frm_chnk_p)->id); \
--    } while(0)
--#define FLX_HDR_FIX_ENDIANNESS(hdr_p) \
--    do { \
--     (hdr_p)->size = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->size); \
--     (hdr_p)->type = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->type); \
--     (hdr_p)->frames = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->frames); \
--     (hdr_p)->width = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->width); \
--     (hdr_p)->height = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->height); \
--     (hdr_p)->depth = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->depth); \
--     (hdr_p)->flags = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->flags); \
--     (hdr_p)->speed = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->speed); \
--     (hdr_p)->reserved1 = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->reserved1); \
--     (hdr_p)->created = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->created); \
--     (hdr_p)->creator = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->creator); \
--     (hdr_p)->updated = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->updated); \
--     (hdr_p)->updater = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->updater); \
--     (hdr_p)->aspect_dx = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->aspect_dx); \
--     (hdr_p)->aspect_dy = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->aspect_dy); \
--     (hdr_p)->ext_flags = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->ext_flags); \
--     (hdr_p)->keyframes = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->keyframes); \
--     (hdr_p)->totalframes = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->totalframes); \
--     (hdr_p)->req_memory = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->req_memory); \
--     (hdr_p)->max_regions = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->max_regions); \
--     (hdr_p)->transp_num = LE_TO_BE_16((hdr_p)->transp_num); \
--     (hdr_p)->oframe1 = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->oframe1); \
--     (hdr_p)->oframe2 = LE_TO_BE_32((hdr_p)->oframe2); \
--    } while(0)
--#define LE_TO_BE_16(i16) ((i16))
--#define LE_TO_BE_32(i32) ((i32))
--#define FLX_FRAME_TYPE_FIX_ENDIANNESS(frm_type_p)
--#define FLX_HUFFMAN_TABLE_FIX_ENDIANNESS(hffmn_table_p)
--#define FLX_SEGMENT_TABLE_FIX_ENDIANNESS(sgmnt_table_p)
--#define FLX_PREFIX_CHUNK_FIX_ENDIANNESS(prfx_chnk_p)
--#define FLX_FRAME_CHUNK_FIX_ENDIANNESS(frm_chnk_p)
--#define FLX_HDR_FIX_ENDIANNESS(hdr_p)
--#endif /* G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN */
- #endif /* __GST_FLX_FMT_H__ */
-diff --git a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-index a237976..aa1bed5 100644
---- a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-+++ b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- /* GStreamer
-  * Copyright (C) <1999> Erik Walthinsen <>
-+ * Copyright (C) <2016> Matthew Waters <>
-  *
-  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
- /*
-  *
-  *
-+ *
-  */
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
-@@ -73,10 +75,14 @@ static GstStateChangeReturn gst_flxdec_change_state (GstElement * element,
- static gboolean gst_flxdec_src_query_handler (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent,
-     GstQuery * query);
--static void flx_decode_color (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *, gint);
--static gboolean flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
--static gboolean flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
--static gboolean flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
-+static gboolean flx_decode_color (GstFlxDec * flxdec, GstByteReader * reader,
-+    GstByteWriter * writer, gint scale);
-+static gboolean flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec,
-+    GstByteReader * reader, GstByteWriter * writer);
-+static gboolean flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec,
-+    GstByteReader * reader, GstByteWriter * writer);
-+static gboolean flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec,
-+    GstByteReader * reader, GstByteWriter * writer);
- #define rndalign(off) ((off) + ((off) & 1))
-@@ -204,57 +210,59 @@ gst_flxdec_sink_event_handler (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent,
- }
- static gboolean
--flx_decode_chunks (GstFlxDec * flxdec, gulong count, guchar * data,
--    guchar * dest)
-+flx_decode_chunks (GstFlxDec * flxdec, gulong n_chunks, GstByteReader * reader,
-+    GstByteWriter * writer)
- {
--  FlxFrameChunk *hdr;
-   gboolean ret = TRUE;
--  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
--  while (count--) {
--    hdr = (FlxFrameChunk *) data;
--    data += FlxFrameChunkSize;
-+  while (n_chunks--) {
-+    GstByteReader chunk;
-+    guint32 size;
-+    guint16 type;
-+    if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &size))
-+      goto parse_error;
-+    if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &type))
-+      goto parse_error;
-+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "chunk has type 0x%02x size %d", type, size);
-+    if (!gst_byte_reader_get_sub_reader (reader, &chunk,
-+            size - FlxFrameChunkSize)) {
-+      GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Incorrect size in the chunk header");
-+      goto error;
-+    }
--    switch (hdr->id) {
-+    switch (type) {
-       case FLX_COLOR64:
--        flx_decode_color (flxdec, data, dest, 2);
--        data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-+        ret = flx_decode_color (flxdec, &chunk, writer, 2);
-         break;
-       case FLX_COLOR256:
--        flx_decode_color (flxdec, data, dest, 0);
--        data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-+        ret = flx_decode_color (flxdec, &chunk, writer, 0);
-         break;
-       case FLX_BRUN:
--        ret = flx_decode_brun (flxdec, data, dest);
--        data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-+        ret = flx_decode_brun (flxdec, &chunk, writer);
-         break;
-       case FLX_LC:
--        ret = flx_decode_delta_fli (flxdec, data, dest);
--        data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-+        ret = flx_decode_delta_fli (flxdec, &chunk, writer);
-         break;
-       case FLX_SS2:
--        ret = flx_decode_delta_flc (flxdec, data, dest);
--        data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-+        ret = flx_decode_delta_flc (flxdec, &chunk, writer);
-         break;
-       case FLX_BLACK:
--        memset (dest, 0, flxdec->size);
-+        ret = gst_byte_writer_fill (writer, 0, flxdec->size);
-         break;
-       case FLX_MINI:
--        data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-         break;
-       default:
--        GST_WARNING ("Unimplented chunk type: 0x%02x size: %d - skipping",
--            hdr->id, hdr->size);
--        data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-+        GST_WARNING ("Unimplemented chunk type: 0x%02x size: %d - skipping",
-+            type, size);
-         break;
-     }
-@@ -263,43 +271,60 @@ flx_decode_chunks (GstFlxDec * flxdec, gulong count, guchar * data,
-   }
-   return ret;
-+  GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Failed to decode chunk");
-+  return FALSE;
- }
--static void
--flx_decode_color (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest, gint scale)
-+static gboolean
-+flx_decode_color (GstFlxDec * flxdec, GstByteReader * reader,
-+    GstByteWriter * writer, gint scale)
- {
--  guint packs, count, indx;
-+  guint8 count, indx;
-+  guint16 packs;
--  g_return_if_fail (flxdec != NULL);
--  packs = (data[0] + (data[1] << 8));
--  data += 2;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &packs))
-+    goto error;
-   indx = 0;
--  GST_LOG ("GstFlxDec: cmap packs: %d", packs);
-+  GST_LOG ("GstFlxDec: cmap packs: %d", (guint) packs);
-   while (packs--) {
-+    const guint8 *data;
-+    guint16 actual_count;
-     /* color map index + skip count */
--    indx += *data++;
-+    if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint8 (reader, &indx))
-+      goto error;
-     /* number of rgb triplets */
--    count = *data++ & 0xff;
--    if (count == 0)
--      count = 256;
-+    if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint8 (reader, &count))
-+      goto error;
--    GST_LOG ("GstFlxDec: cmap count: %d (indx: %d)", count, indx);
--    flx_set_palette_vector (flxdec->converter, indx, count, data, scale);
-+    actual_count = count == 0 ? 256 : count;
--    data += (count * 3);
-+    if (!gst_byte_reader_get_data (reader, count * 3, &data))
-+      goto error;
-+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "cmap count: %d (indx: %d)", actual_count, indx);
-+    flx_set_palette_vector (flxdec->converter, indx, actual_count,
-+        (guchar *) data, scale);
-   }
-+  return TRUE;
-+  GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Error decoding color palette");
-+  return FALSE;
- }
- static gboolean
--flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-+flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec, GstByteReader * reader,
-+    GstByteWriter * writer)
- {
--  gulong count, lines, row;
--  guchar x;
-+  gulong lines, row;
-   g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec != NULL, FALSE);
-@@ -310,82 +335,125 @@ flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-      * contain more then 255 RLE packets. we use the frame 
-      * width instead. 
-      */
--    data++;
-+    if (!gst_byte_reader_skip (reader, 1))
-+      goto error;
-     row = flxdec->hdr.width;
-     while (row) {
--      count = *data++;
-+      gint8 count;
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_int8 (reader, &count))
-+        goto error;
-+      if (count <= 0) {
-+        const guint8 *data;
--      if (count > 0x7f) {
-         /* literal run */
--        count = 0x100 - count;
--        if ((glong) row - (glong) count < 0) {
--          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid BRUN packet detected.");
-+        count = ABS (count);
-+        GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "have literal run of size %d", count);
-+        if (count > row) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid BRUN line detected. "
-+              "bytes to write exceeds the end of the row");
-           return FALSE;
-         }
-         row -= count;
--        while (count--)
--          *dest++ = *data++;
-+        if (!gst_byte_reader_get_data (reader, count, &data))
-+          goto error;
-+        if (!gst_byte_writer_put_data (writer, data, count))
-+          goto error;
-       } else {
--        if ((glong) row - (glong) count < 0) {
--          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid BRUN packet detected.");
-+        guint8 x;
-+        GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "have replicate run of size %d", count);
-+        if (count > row) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid BRUN packet detected."
-+              "bytes to write exceeds the end of the row");
-           return FALSE;
-         }
-         /* replicate run */
-         row -= count;
--        x = *data++;
--        while (count--)
--          *dest++ = x;
-+        if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint8 (reader, &x))
-+          goto error;
-+        if (!gst_byte_writer_fill (writer, x, count))
-+          goto error;
-       }
-     }
-   }
-   return TRUE;
-+  GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Failed to decode BRUN packet");
-+  return FALSE;
- }
- static gboolean
--flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-+flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec, GstByteReader * reader,
-+    GstByteWriter * writer)
- {
--  gulong count, packets, lines, start_line;
--  guchar *start_p, x;
-+  guint16 start_line, lines;
-+  guint line_start_i;
-   g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec != NULL, FALSE);
-   g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec->delta_data != NULL, FALSE);
-   /* use last frame for delta */
--  memcpy (dest, flxdec->delta_data, flxdec->size);
-+  if (!gst_byte_writer_put_data (writer, flxdec->delta_data, flxdec->size))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &start_line))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &lines))
-+    goto error;
-+  GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "height %d start line %d line count %d",
-+      flxdec->hdr.height, start_line, lines);
--  start_line = (data[0] + (data[1] << 8));
--  lines = (data[2] + (data[3] << 8));
-   if (start_line + lines > flxdec->hdr.height) {
-     GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLI packet detected. too many lines.");
-     return FALSE;
-   }
--  data += 4;
--  /* start position of delta */
--  dest += (flxdec->hdr.width * start_line);
--  start_p = dest;
-+  line_start_i = flxdec->hdr.width * start_line;
-+  if (!gst_byte_writer_set_pos (writer, line_start_i))
-+    goto error;
-   while (lines--) {
-+    guint8 packets;
-     /* packet count */
--    packets = *data++;
-+    if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint8 (reader, &packets))
-+      goto error;
-+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "have %d packets", packets);
-     while (packets--) {
-       /* skip count */
--      guchar skip = *data++;
--      dest += skip;
-+      guint8 skip;
-+      gint8 count;
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint8 (reader, &skip))
-+        goto error;
-+      /* skip bytes */
-+      if (!gst_byte_writer_set_pos (writer,
-+              gst_byte_writer_get_pos (writer) + skip))
-+        goto error;
-       /* RLE count */
--      count = *data++;
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_int8 (reader, &count))
-+        goto error;
-+      if (count < 0) {
-+        guint8 x;
--      if (count > 0x7f) {
-         /* literal run */
--        count = 0x100 - count;
-+        count = ABS (count);
-+        GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "have literal run of size %d at offset %d",
-+            count, skip);
-         if (skip + count > flxdec->hdr.width) {
-           GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLI packet detected. "
-@@ -393,11 +461,16 @@ flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-           return FALSE;
-         }
--        x = *data++;
--        while (count--)
--          *dest++ = x;
-+        if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint8 (reader, &x))
-+          goto error;
-+        if (!gst_byte_writer_fill (writer, x, count))
-+          goto error;
-       } else {
-+        const guint8 *data;
-+        GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "have replicate run of size %d at offset %d",
-+            count, skip);
-         if (skip + count > flxdec->hdr.width) {
-           GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLI packet detected. "
-               "line too long.");
-@@ -405,45 +478,60 @@ flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-         }
-         /* replicate run */
--        while (count--)
--          *dest++ = *data++;
-+        if (!gst_byte_reader_get_data (reader, count, &data))
-+          goto error;
-+        if (!gst_byte_writer_put_data (writer, data, count))
-+          goto error;
-       }
-     }
--    start_p += flxdec->hdr.width;
--    dest = start_p;
-+    line_start_i += flxdec->hdr.width;
-+    if (!gst_byte_writer_set_pos (writer, line_start_i))
-+      goto error;
-   }
-   return TRUE;
-+  GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Failed to decode FLI packet");
-+  return FALSE;
- }
- static gboolean
--flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-+flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, GstByteReader * reader,
-+    GstByteWriter * writer)
- {
--  gulong count, lines, start_l, opcode;
--  guchar *start_p;
-+  guint16 lines, start_l;
-   g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec != NULL, FALSE);
-   g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec->delta_data != NULL, FALSE);
-   /* use last frame for delta */
--  memcpy (dest, flxdec->delta_data, flxdec->size);
-+  if (!gst_byte_writer_put_data (writer, flxdec->delta_data, flxdec->size))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &lines))
-+    goto error;
--  lines = (data[0] + (data[1] << 8));
-   if (lines > flxdec->hdr.height) {
-     GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLC packet detected. too many lines.");
-     return FALSE;
-   }
--  data += 2;
--  start_p = dest;
-   start_l = lines;
-   while (lines) {
--    dest = start_p + (flxdec->hdr.width * (start_l - lines));
-+    guint16 opcode;
-+    if (!gst_byte_writer_set_pos (writer,
-+            flxdec->hdr.width * (start_l - lines)))
-+      goto error;
-     /* process opcode(s) */
--    while ((opcode = (data[0] + (data[1] << 8))) & 0xc000) {
--      data += 2;
-+    while (TRUE) {
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &opcode))
-+        goto error;
-+      if ((opcode & 0xc000) == 0)
-+        break;
-       if ((opcode & 0xc000) == 0xc000) {
-         /* line skip count */
-         gulong skip = (0x10000 - opcode);
-@@ -453,27 +541,44 @@ flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-           return FALSE;
-         }
-         start_l += skip;
--        dest += flxdec->hdr.width * skip;
-+        if (!gst_byte_writer_set_pos (writer,
-+                gst_byte_writer_get_pos (writer) + flxdec->hdr.width * skip))
-+          goto error;
-       } else {
-         /* last pixel */
--        dest += flxdec->hdr.width;
--        *dest++ = (opcode & 0xff);
-+        if (!gst_byte_writer_set_pos (writer,
-+                gst_byte_writer_get_pos (writer) + flxdec->hdr.width))
-+          goto error;
-+        if (!gst_byte_writer_put_uint8 (writer, opcode & 0xff))
-+          goto error;
-       }
-     }
--    data += 2;
-     /* last opcode is the packet count */
-+    GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "have %d packets", opcode);
-     while (opcode--) {
-       /* skip count */
--      guchar skip = *data++;
--      dest += skip;
-+      guint8 skip;
-+      gint8 count;
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint8 (reader, &skip))
-+        goto error;
-+      if (!gst_byte_writer_set_pos (writer,
-+              gst_byte_writer_get_pos (writer) + skip))
-+        goto error;
-       /* RLE count */
--      count = *data++;
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_int8 (reader, &count))
-+        goto error;
-+      if (count < 0) {
-+        guint16 x;
--      if (count > 0x7f) {
-         /* replicate word run */
--        count = 0x100 - count;
-+        count = ABS (count);
-+        GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "have replicate run of size %d at offset %d",
-+            count, skip);
-         if (skip + count > flxdec->hdr.width) {
-           GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLC packet detected. "
-@@ -481,22 +586,31 @@ flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-           return FALSE;
-         }
-+        if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &x))
-+          goto error;
-         while (count--) {
--          *dest++ = data[0];
--          *dest++ = data[1];
-+          if (!gst_byte_writer_put_uint16_le (writer, x)) {
-+            goto error;
-+          }
-         }
--        data += 2;
-       } else {
-+        GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "have literal run of size %d at offset %d",
-+            count, skip);
-         if (skip + count > flxdec->hdr.width) {
-           GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLC packet detected. "
-               "line too long.");
-           return FALSE;
-         }
--        /* literal word run */
-         while (count--) {
--          *dest++ = *data++;
--          *dest++ = *data++;
-+          guint16 x;
-+          if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &x))
-+            goto error;
-+          if (!gst_byte_writer_put_uint16_le (writer, x))
-+            goto error;
-         }
-       }
-     }
-@@ -504,13 +618,91 @@ flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-   }
-   return TRUE;
-+  GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Failed to decode FLI packet");
-+  return FALSE;
-+static gboolean
-+_read_flx_header (GstFlxDec * flxdec, GstByteReader * reader, FlxHeader * flxh)
-+  memset (flxh, 0, sizeof (*flxh));
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->size))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (flxh->size < FlxHeaderSize) {
-+    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid file size in the header");
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->type))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->frames))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->width))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->height))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->depth))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->flags))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->speed))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_skip (reader, 2))        /* reserved */
-+    goto error;
-+  /* FLC */
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->created))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->creator))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->updated))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->updater))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->aspect_dx))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->aspect_dy))
-+    goto error;
-+  /* EGI */
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->ext_flags))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->keyframes))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->totalframes))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->req_memory))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->max_regions))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (reader, &flxh->transp_num))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_skip (reader, 24))       /* reserved */
-+    goto error;
-+  /* FLC */
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->oframe1))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (reader, &flxh->oframe2))
-+    goto error;
-+  if (!gst_byte_reader_skip (reader, 40))       /* reserved */
-+    goto error;
-+  return TRUE;
-+  GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Error reading file header");
-+  return FALSE;
- }
- static GstFlowReturn
- gst_flxdec_chain (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstBuffer * buf)
- {
-+  GstByteReader reader;
-+  GstBuffer *input;
-+  GstMapInfo map_info;
-   GstCaps *caps;
--  guint avail;
-+  guint available;
-   GstFlowReturn res = GST_FLOW_OK;
-   GstFlxDec *flxdec;
-@@ -521,31 +713,50 @@ gst_flxdec_chain (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstBuffer * buf)
-   g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
-   gst_adapter_push (flxdec->adapter, buf);
--  avail = gst_adapter_available (flxdec->adapter);
-+  available = gst_adapter_available (flxdec->adapter);
-+  input = gst_adapter_get_buffer (flxdec->adapter, available);
-+  if (!gst_buffer_map (input, &map_info, GST_MAP_READ)) {
-+        ("%s", "Failed to map buffer"), (NULL));
-+    goto error;
-+  }
-+  gst_byte_reader_init (&reader,, map_info.size);
-   if (flxdec->state == GST_FLXDEC_READ_HEADER) {
--    if (avail >= FlxHeaderSize) {
--      const guint8 *data = gst_adapter_map (flxdec->adapter, FlxHeaderSize);
-+    if (available >= FlxHeaderSize) {
-+      GstByteReader header;
-       GstCaps *templ;
--      memcpy ((gchar *) & flxdec->hdr, data, FlxHeaderSize);
--      FLX_HDR_FIX_ENDIANNESS (&(flxdec->hdr));
--      gst_adapter_unmap (flxdec->adapter);
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_sub_reader (&reader, &header, FlxHeaderSize)) {
-+            ("%s", "Could not read header"), (NULL));
-+        goto unmap_input_error;
-+      }
-       gst_adapter_flush (flxdec->adapter, FlxHeaderSize);
-+      available -= FlxHeaderSize;
-+      if (!_read_flx_header (flxdec, &header, &flxdec->hdr)) {
-+            ("%s", "Failed to parse header"), (NULL));
-+        goto unmap_input_error;
-+      }
-       flxh = &flxdec->hdr;
-       /* check header */
-       if (flxh->type != FLX_MAGICHDR_FLI &&
--          flxh->type != FLX_MAGICHDR_FLC && flxh->type != FLX_MAGICHDR_FLX)
--        goto wrong_type;
-+          flxh->type != FLX_MAGICHDR_FLC && flxh->type != FLX_MAGICHDR_FLX) {
-+            ("not a flx file (type %x)", flxh->type));
-+        goto unmap_input_error;
-+      }
--      GST_LOG ("size      :  %d", flxh->size);
--      GST_LOG ("frames    :  %d", flxh->frames);
--      GST_LOG ("width     :  %d", flxh->width);
--      GST_LOG ("height    :  %d", flxh->height);
--      GST_LOG ("depth     :  %d", flxh->depth);
--      GST_LOG ("speed     :  %d", flxh->speed);
-+      GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "size      :  %d", flxh->size);
-+      GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "frames    :  %d", flxh->frames);
-+      GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "width     :  %d", flxh->width);
-+      GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "height    :  %d", flxh->height);
-+      GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "depth     :  %d", flxh->depth);
-+      GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "speed     :  %d", flxh->speed);
-       flxdec->next_time = 0;
-@@ -573,18 +784,32 @@ gst_flxdec_chain (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstBuffer * buf)
-       gst_pad_set_caps (flxdec->srcpad, caps);
-       gst_caps_unref (caps);
--      if (flxh->depth <= 8)
--        flxdec->converter =
--            flx_colorspace_converter_new (flxh->width, flxh->height);
-+      /* zero means 8 */
-+      if (flxh->depth == 0)
-+        flxh->depth = 8;
-+      if (flxh->depth != 8) {
-+            ("%s", "Don't know how to decode non 8 bit depth streams"), (NULL));
-+        goto unmap_input_error;
-+      }
-+      flxdec->converter =
-+          flx_colorspace_converter_new (flxh->width, flxh->height);
-       if (flxh->type == FLX_MAGICHDR_FLC || flxh->type == FLX_MAGICHDR_FLX) {
--        GST_LOG ("(FLC) aspect_dx :  %d", flxh->aspect_dx);
--        GST_LOG ("(FLC) aspect_dy :  %d", flxh->aspect_dy);
--        GST_LOG ("(FLC) oframe1   :  0x%08x", flxh->oframe1);
--        GST_LOG ("(FLC) oframe2   :  0x%08x", flxh->oframe2);
-+        GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "(FLC) aspect_dx :  %d", flxh->aspect_dx);
-+        GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "(FLC) aspect_dy :  %d", flxh->aspect_dy);
-+        GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "(FLC) oframe1   :  0x%08x", flxh->oframe1);
-+        GST_INFO_OBJECT (flxdec, "(FLC) oframe2   :  0x%08x", flxh->oframe2);
-       }
-       flxdec->size = ((guint) flxh->width * (guint) flxh->height);
-+      if (flxdec->size >= G_MAXSIZE / 4) {
-+            ("%s", "Cannot allocate required memory"), (NULL));
-+        goto unmap_input_error;
-+      }
-       /* create delta and output frame */
-       flxdec->frame_data = g_malloc (flxdec->size);
-@@ -596,55 +821,66 @@ gst_flxdec_chain (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstBuffer * buf)
-     GstBuffer *out;
-     /* while we have enough data in the adapter */
--    while (avail >= FlxFrameChunkSize && res == GST_FLOW_OK) {
--      FlxFrameChunk flxfh;
--      guchar *chunk;
--      const guint8 *data;
--      GstMapInfo map;
--      chunk = NULL;
--      data = gst_adapter_map (flxdec->adapter, FlxFrameChunkSize);
--      memcpy (&flxfh, data, FlxFrameChunkSize);
--      gst_adapter_unmap (flxdec->adapter);
--      switch ( {
--        case FLX_FRAME_TYPE:
--          /* check if we have the complete frame */
--          if (avail < flxfh.size)
--            goto need_more_data;
--          /* flush header */
--          gst_adapter_flush (flxdec->adapter, FlxFrameChunkSize);
--          chunk = gst_adapter_take (flxdec->adapter,
--              flxfh.size - FlxFrameChunkSize);
--          FLX_FRAME_TYPE_FIX_ENDIANNESS ((FlxFrameType *) chunk);
--          if (((FlxFrameType *) chunk)->chunks == 0)
--            break;
-+    while (available >= FlxFrameChunkSize && res == GST_FLOW_OK) {
-+      guint32 size;
-+      guint16 type;
--          /* create 32 bits output frame */
--//          res = gst_pad_alloc_buffer_and_set_caps (flxdec->srcpad,
--//              GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE,
--//              flxdec->size * 4, GST_PAD_CAPS (flxdec->srcpad), &out);
--//          if (res != GST_FLOW_OK)
--//            break;
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint32_le (&reader, &size))
-+        goto parse_error;
-+      if (available < size)
-+        goto need_more_data;
--          out = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (flxdec->size * 4);
-+      available -= size;
-+      gst_adapter_flush (flxdec->adapter, size);
-+      if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (&reader, &type))
-+        goto parse_error;
-+      switch (type) {
-+        case FLX_FRAME_TYPE:{
-+          GstByteReader chunks;
-+          GstByteWriter writer;
-+          guint16 n_chunks;
-+          GstMapInfo map;
-+          GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "Have frame type 0x%02x of size %d", type,
-+              size);
-+          if (!gst_byte_reader_get_sub_reader (&reader, &chunks,
-+                  size - FlxFrameChunkSize))
-+            goto parse_error;
-+          if (!gst_byte_reader_get_uint16_le (&chunks, &n_chunks))
-+            goto parse_error;
-+          GST_LOG_OBJECT (flxdec, "Have %d chunks", n_chunks);
-+          if (n_chunks == 0)
-+            break;
-+          if (!gst_byte_reader_skip (&chunks, 8))       /* reserved */
-+            goto parse_error;
-+          gst_byte_writer_init_with_data (&writer, flxdec->frame_data,
-+              flxdec->size, TRUE);
-           /* decode chunks */
--          if (!flx_decode_chunks (flxdec,
--                  ((FlxFrameType *) chunk)->chunks,
--                  chunk + FlxFrameTypeSize, flxdec->frame_data)) {
-+          if (!flx_decode_chunks (flxdec, n_chunks, &chunks, &writer)) {
-             GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (flxdec, STREAM, DECODE,
-                 ("%s", "Could not decode chunk"), NULL);
--            return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
-+            goto unmap_input_error;
-           }
-+          gst_byte_writer_reset (&writer);
-           /* save copy of the current frame for possible delta. */
-           memcpy (flxdec->delta_data, flxdec->frame_data, flxdec->size);
--          gst_buffer_map (out, &map, GST_MAP_WRITE);
-+          out = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (flxdec->size * 4);
-+          if (!gst_buffer_map (out, &map, GST_MAP_WRITE)) {
-+            GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (flxdec, STREAM, DECODE,
-+                ("%s", "Could not map output buffer"), NULL);
-+            gst_buffer_unref (out);
-+            goto unmap_input_error;
-+          }
-           /* convert current frame. */
-           flx_colorspace_convert (flxdec->converter, flxdec->frame_data,
-     ;
-@@ -655,30 +891,32 @@ gst_flxdec_chain (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstBuffer * buf)
-           res = gst_pad_push (flxdec->srcpad, out);
-           break;
-+        }
-         default:
--          /* check if we have the complete frame */
--          if (avail < flxfh.size)
--            goto need_more_data;
--          gst_adapter_flush (flxdec->adapter, flxfh.size);
-+          GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (flxdec, "Unknown frame type 0x%02x, skipping %d",
-+              type, size);
-+          if (!gst_byte_reader_skip (&reader, size - FlxFrameChunkSize))
-+            goto parse_error;
-           break;
-       }
--      g_free (chunk);
--      avail = gst_adapter_available (flxdec->adapter);
-     }
-   }
-+  gst_buffer_unmap (input, &map_info);
-+  gst_buffer_unref (input);
- need_more_data:
-   return res;
-   /* ERRORS */
--  {
--        ("not a flx file (type %x)", flxh->type));
--    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
--  }
-+      ("%s", "Failed to parse stream"), (NULL));
-+  gst_buffer_unmap (input, &map_info);
-+  gst_buffer_unref (input);
-+  return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
- }
- static GstStateChangeReturn
-diff --git a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.h b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.h
-index 3f9a0aa..4fd8dfd 100644
---- a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.h
-+++ b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.h
-@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
- #include <gst/gst.h>
- #include <gst/base/gstadapter.h>
-+#include <gst/base/gstbytereader.h>
-+#include <gst/base/gstbytewriter.h>
- #include "flx_color.h"
-@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ struct _GstFlxDec {
-   guint8 *delta_data, *frame_data;
-   GstAdapter *adapter;
--  gulong size;
-+  gsize size;
-   GstFlxDecState state;
-   gint64 frame_time;
-   gint64 next_time;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-invalid-read.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-invalid-read.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1daaa2ae15..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-invalid-read.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Fixes upstream bug #774897 (flxdec: Unreferences itself one time too many on
-invalid files):
-Patch copied from upstream source repository:
-From b31c504645a814c59d91d49e4fe218acaf93f4ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Sebastian=20Dr=C3=B6ge?= <>
-Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 11:20:49 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] flxdec: Don't unref() parent in the chain function
-We don't own the reference here, it is owned by the caller and given to
-us for the scope of this function. Leftover mistake from 0.10 porting.
- gst/flx/gstflxdec.c | 1 -
- 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-index e675c99..a237976 100644
---- a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-+++ b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-@@ -677,7 +677,6 @@ wrong_type:
-   {
-         ("not a flx file (type %x)", flxh->type));
--    gst_object_unref (flxdec);
-     return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
-   }
- }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-signedness.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-signedness.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e20e19dd..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-fix-signedness.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-This is a followup fix for upstream bug #774834 (flic decoder: Buffer overflow
-in flx_decode_delta_fli):
-Patch copied from upstream source repository:
-From 1ab2b26193861b124426e2f8eb62b75b59ec5488 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matthew Waters <>
-Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2016 23:46:00 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH] flxdec: fix some warnings comparing unsigned < 0
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-bf43f44fcfada5ec4a3ce60cb374340486fe9fac was comparing an unsigned
-expression to be < 0 which was always false.
-gstflxdec.c: In function ‘flx_decode_brun’:
-gstflxdec.c:322:33: warning: comparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always false [-Wtype-limits]
-         if ((glong) row - count < 0) {
-                                 ^
-gstflxdec.c:332:33: warning: comparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always false [-Wtype-limits]
-         if ((glong) row - count < 0) {
-                                 ^
- gst/flx/gstflxdec.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-index d51a8e6..e675c99 100644
---- a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-+++ b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-       if (count > 0x7f) {
-         /* literal run */
-         count = 0x100 - count;
--        if ((glong) row - count < 0) {
-+        if ((glong) row - (glong) count < 0) {
-           GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid BRUN packet detected.");
-           return FALSE;
-         }
-@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-           *dest++ = *data++;
-       } else {
--        if ((glong) row - count < 0) {
-+        if ((glong) row - (glong) count < 0) {
-           GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid BRUN packet detected.");
-           return FALSE;
-         }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-flic-bounds-check.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-flic-bounds-check.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f77dca2cd6..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/gst-plugins-good-flic-bounds-check.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2016-{9634,9635,9636}.
-This fixes upstream bug #774834 (flic decoder: Buffer overflow in
-Patch copied from upstream source repository:
-From 2e203a79b7d9af4029307c1a845b3c148d5f5e62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matthew Waters <>
-Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2016 19:05:00 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH] flxdec: add some write bounds checking
-Without checking the bounds of the frame we are writing into, we can
-write off the end of the destination buffer.
- gst/flx/gstflxdec.c | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
- 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-index 604be2f..d51a8e6 100644
---- a/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-+++ b/gst/flx/gstflxdec.c
-@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ static gboolean gst_flxdec_src_query_handler (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent,
-     GstQuery * query);
- static void flx_decode_color (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *, gint);
--static void flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
--static void flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
--static void flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
-+static gboolean flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
-+static gboolean flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
-+static gboolean flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec *, guchar *, guchar *);
- #define rndalign(off) ((off) + ((off) & 1))
-@@ -203,13 +203,14 @@ gst_flxdec_sink_event_handler (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent,
-   return ret;
- }
--static void
-+static gboolean
- flx_decode_chunks (GstFlxDec * flxdec, gulong count, guchar * data,
-     guchar * dest)
- {
-   FlxFrameChunk *hdr;
-+  gboolean ret = TRUE;
--  g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE);
-   while (count--) {
-     hdr = (FlxFrameChunk *) data;
-@@ -228,17 +229,17 @@ flx_decode_chunks (GstFlxDec * flxdec, gulong count, guchar * data,
-         break;
-       case FLX_BRUN:
--        flx_decode_brun (flxdec, data, dest);
-+        ret = flx_decode_brun (flxdec, data, dest);
-         data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-         break;
-       case FLX_LC:
--        flx_decode_delta_fli (flxdec, data, dest);
-+        ret = flx_decode_delta_fli (flxdec, data, dest);
-         data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-         break;
-       case FLX_SS2:
--        flx_decode_delta_flc (flxdec, data, dest);
-+        ret = flx_decode_delta_flc (flxdec, data, dest);
-         data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-         break;
-@@ -256,7 +257,12 @@ flx_decode_chunks (GstFlxDec * flxdec, gulong count, guchar * data,
-         data += rndalign (hdr->size) - FlxFrameChunkSize;
-         break;
-     }
-+    if (!ret)
-+      break;
-   }
-+  return ret;
- }
-@@ -289,13 +295,13 @@ flx_decode_color (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest, gint scale)
-   }
- }
--static void
-+static gboolean
- flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
- {
-   gulong count, lines, row;
-   guchar x;
--  g_return_if_fail (flxdec != NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec != NULL, FALSE);
-   lines = flxdec->hdr.height;
-   while (lines--) {
-@@ -313,12 +319,21 @@ flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-       if (count > 0x7f) {
-         /* literal run */
-         count = 0x100 - count;
-+        if ((glong) row - count < 0) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid BRUN packet detected.");
-+          return FALSE;
-+        }
-         row -= count;
-         while (count--)
-           *dest++ = *data++;
-       } else {
-+        if ((glong) row - count < 0) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid BRUN packet detected.");
-+          return FALSE;
-+        }
-         /* replicate run */
-         row -= count;
-         x = *data++;
-@@ -328,22 +343,28 @@ flx_decode_brun (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-       }
-     }
-   }
-+  return TRUE;
- }
--static void
-+static gboolean
- flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
- {
-   gulong count, packets, lines, start_line;
-   guchar *start_p, x;
--  g_return_if_fail (flxdec != NULL);
--  g_return_if_fail (flxdec->delta_data != NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec != NULL, FALSE);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec->delta_data != NULL, FALSE);
-   /* use last frame for delta */
-   memcpy (dest, flxdec->delta_data, flxdec->size);
-   start_line = (data[0] + (data[1] << 8));
-   lines = (data[2] + (data[3] << 8));
-+  if (start_line + lines > flxdec->hdr.height) {
-+    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLI packet detected. too many lines.");
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-   data += 4;
-   /* start position of delta */
-@@ -356,7 +377,8 @@ flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-     while (packets--) {
-       /* skip count */
--      dest += *data++;
-+      guchar skip = *data++;
-+      dest += skip;
-       /* RLE count */
-       count = *data++;
-@@ -364,12 +386,24 @@ flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-       if (count > 0x7f) {
-         /* literal run */
-         count = 0x100 - count;
--        x = *data++;
-+        if (skip + count > flxdec->hdr.width) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLI packet detected. "
-+              "line too long.");
-+          return FALSE;
-+        }
-+        x = *data++;
-         while (count--)
-           *dest++ = x;
-       } else {
-+        if (skip + count > flxdec->hdr.width) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLI packet detected. "
-+              "line too long.");
-+          return FALSE;
-+        }
-         /* replicate run */
-         while (count--)
-           *dest++ = *data++;
-@@ -378,21 +412,27 @@ flx_decode_delta_fli (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-     start_p += flxdec->hdr.width;
-     dest = start_p;
-   }
-+  return TRUE;
- }
--static void
-+static gboolean
- flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
- {
-   gulong count, lines, start_l, opcode;
-   guchar *start_p;
--  g_return_if_fail (flxdec != NULL);
--  g_return_if_fail (flxdec->delta_data != NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec != NULL, FALSE);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (flxdec->delta_data != NULL, FALSE);
-   /* use last frame for delta */
-   memcpy (dest, flxdec->delta_data, flxdec->size);
-   lines = (data[0] + (data[1] << 8));
-+  if (lines > flxdec->hdr.height) {
-+    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLC packet detected. too many lines.");
-+    return FALSE;
-+  }
-   data += 2;
-   start_p = dest;
-@@ -405,9 +445,15 @@ flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-     while ((opcode = (data[0] + (data[1] << 8))) & 0xc000) {
-       data += 2;
-       if ((opcode & 0xc000) == 0xc000) {
--        /* skip count */
--        start_l += (0x10000 - opcode);
--        dest += flxdec->hdr.width * (0x10000 - opcode);
-+        /* line skip count */
-+        gulong skip = (0x10000 - opcode);
-+        if (skip > flxdec->hdr.height) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLC packet detected. "
-+              "skip line count too big.");
-+          return FALSE;
-+        }
-+        start_l += skip;
-+        dest += flxdec->hdr.width * skip;
-       } else {
-         /* last pixel */
-         dest += flxdec->hdr.width;
-@@ -419,7 +465,8 @@ flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-     /* last opcode is the packet count */
-     while (opcode--) {
-       /* skip count */
--      dest += *data++;
-+      guchar skip = *data++;
-+      dest += skip;
-       /* RLE count */
-       count = *data++;
-@@ -427,12 +474,25 @@ flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-       if (count > 0x7f) {
-         /* replicate word run */
-         count = 0x100 - count;
-+        if (skip + count > flxdec->hdr.width) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLC packet detected. "
-+              "line too long.");
-+          return FALSE;
-+        }
-         while (count--) {
-           *dest++ = data[0];
-           *dest++ = data[1];
-         }
-         data += 2;
-       } else {
-+        if (skip + count > flxdec->hdr.width) {
-+          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (flxdec, "Invalid FLC packet detected. "
-+              "line too long.");
-+          return FALSE;
-+        }
-         /* literal word run */
-         while (count--) {
-           *dest++ = *data++;
-@@ -442,6 +502,8 @@ flx_decode_delta_flc (GstFlxDec * flxdec, guchar * data, guchar * dest)
-     }
-     lines--;
-   }
-+  return TRUE;
- }
- static GstFlowReturn
-@@ -571,9 +633,13 @@ gst_flxdec_chain (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstBuffer * buf)
-           out = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (flxdec->size * 4);
-           /* decode chunks */
--          flx_decode_chunks (flxdec,
--              ((FlxFrameType *) chunk)->chunks,
--              chunk + FlxFrameTypeSize, flxdec->frame_data);
-+          if (!flx_decode_chunks (flxdec,
-+                  ((FlxFrameType *) chunk)->chunks,
-+                  chunk + FlxFrameTypeSize, flxdec->frame_data)) {
-+            GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (flxdec, STREAM, DECODE,
-+                ("%s", "Could not decode chunk"), NULL);
-+            return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
-+          }
-           /* save copy of the current frame for possible delta. */
-           memcpy (flxdec->delta_data, flxdec->frame_data, flxdec->size);
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-9064.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-9064.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a5393815e0..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-9064.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,996 +0,0 @@
-Copied from
-but with one hunk omitted: the git binary patch for
-which is not present in the IceCat sources.
-# HG changeset patch
-# User Andrew Swan <>
-# Date 1474063218 25200
-# Node ID 00c2b7baaa0b4bfb7d5f1aac31c094ea6b255e1f
-# Parent  46b07bdbf8b20cf3fdc28104add57ff58a55832b
-Bug 1303418 - Don't allow upgrades that change the addon ID. r=mossop, a=lizzard
-MozReview-Commit-ID: JHINo8ShmeI
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/AddonManager.jsm b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/AddonManager.jsm
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/AddonManager.jsm
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/AddonManager.jsm
-@@ -2956,16 +2956,18 @@ this.AddonManager = {
-   // The downloaded file seems to be corrupted in some way.
-   // An error occured trying to write to the filesystem.
-   // The add-on must be signed and isn't.
-   // The downloaded add-on had a different type than expected.
-+  // The addon did not have the expected ID
-   // These must be kept in sync with AddonUpdateChecker.
-   // No error was encountered.
-   // The update check timed out
-   // There was an error while downloading the update information.
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/XPIProvider.jsm b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/XPIProvider.jsm
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/XPIProvider.jsm
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/XPIProvider.jsm
-@@ -5473,16 +5473,37 @@ AddonInstall.prototype = {
-       // loadManifestFromZipReader performs the certificate verification for us
-       this.addon = yield loadManifestFromZipReader(zipreader, this.installLocation);
-     }
-     catch (e) {
-       zipreader.close();
-       return Promise.reject([AddonManager.ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE, e]);
-     }
-+    if (this.existingAddon) {
-+      // Check various conditions related to upgrades
-+      if ( != {
-+        zipreader.close();
-+        return Promise.reject([AddonManager.ERROR_INCORRECT_ID,
-+                               `Refusing to upgrade addon ${} to different ID ${}`]);
-+      }
-+      if (this.addon.type == "multipackage") {
-+        zipreader.close();
-+        return Promise.reject([AddonManager.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ADDON_TYPE,
-+                               `Refusing to upgrade addon ${} to a multi-package xpi`]);
-+      }
-+      if (this.existingAddon.type == "webextension" && this.addon.type != "webextension") {
-+        zipreader.close();
-+        return Promise.reject([AddonManager.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ADDON_TYPE,
-+                               "Webextensions may not be updated to other extension types"]);
-+      }
-+    }
-     if (mustSign(this.addon.type)) {
-       if (this.addon.signedState <= AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING) {
-         // This add-on isn't properly signed by a signature that chains to the
-         // trusted root.
-         let state = this.addon.signedState;
-         this.addon = null;
-         zipreader.close();
-@@ -5510,23 +5531,16 @@ AddonInstall.prototype = {
-         } else {
-           zipreader.close();
-           return Promise.reject([AddonManager.ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE,
-                                  "XPI is incorrectly signed"]);
-         }
-       }
-     }
--    if (this.existingAddon && this.existingAddon.type == "webextension" &&
--        this.addon.type != "webextension") {
--      zipreader.close();
--      return Promise.reject([AddonManager.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ADDON_TYPE,
--                             "WebExtensions may not be upated to other extension types"]);
--    }
-     if (this.addon.type == "multipackage")
-       return this._loadMultipackageManifests(zipreader);
-     zipreader.close();
-     this.updateAddonURIs();
-     this.addon._install = this;
-@@ -5791,16 +5805,17 @@ AddonInstall.prototype = {
-           else {
-             // TODO Should we send some event here (bug 557716)?
-             this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CHECKING;
-             new UpdateChecker(this.addon, {
-               onUpdateFinished: aAddon => this.downloadCompleted(),
-             }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_ADDON_INSTALLED);
-           }
-         }, ([error, message]) => {
-+          this.removeTemporaryFile();
-           this.downloadFailed(error, message);
-         });
-       }
-       else {
-         if (aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel)
-           this.downloadFailed(AddonManager.ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE,
-                               aRequest.responseStatus + " " +
-                               aRequest.responseStatusText);
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi1/bootstrap.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi1/bootstrap.js
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi1/bootstrap.js
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-+function install(data, reason) {}
-+function startup(data, reason) {}
-+function shutdown(data, reason) {}
-+function uninstall(data, reason) {}
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi1/install.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi1/install.rdf
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi1/install.rdf
-@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0"?>
-+<RDF xmlns=""
-+     xmlns:em="">
-+<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
-+  <em:id></em:id>
-+  <em:version>1.0</em:version>
-+  <em:updateURL>http://localhost:4444/data/test_update_multi.rdf</em:updateURL>
-+  <em:bootstrap>true</em:bootstrap>
-+  <em:name>Test Addon 1</em:name>
-+  <em:id></em:id>
-+  <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
-+  <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi2/install.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi2/install.rdf
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_update_multi2/install.rdf
-@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0"?>
-+<RDF xmlns=""
-+     xmlns:em="">
-+<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
-+  <em:id></em:id>
-+  <em:type>32</em:type>
-+  <em:version>2.0</em:version>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid1/bootstrap.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid1/bootstrap.js
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid1/bootstrap.js
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-+function install(data, reason) {}
-+function startup(data, reason) {}
-+function shutdown(data, reason) {}
-+function uninstall(data, reason) {}
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid1/install.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid1/install.rdf
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid1/install.rdf
-@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0"?>
-+<RDF xmlns=""
-+     xmlns:em="">
-+<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
-+  <em:id></em:id>
-+  <em:version>1.0</em:version>
-+  <em:updateURL>http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf</em:updateURL>
-+  <em:bootstrap>true</em:bootstrap>
-+  <em:name>Test Addon 1</em:name>
-+  <em:id></em:id>
-+  <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
-+  <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2/bootstrap.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2/bootstrap.js
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2/bootstrap.js
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-+function install(data, reason) {}
-+function startup(data, reason) {}
-+function shutdown(data, reason) {}
-+function uninstall(data, reason) {}
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2/install.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2/install.rdf
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2/install.rdf
-@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0"?>
-+<RDF xmlns=""
-+     xmlns:em="">
-+<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
-+  <em:id></em:id>
-+  <em:version>2.0</em:version>
-+  <em:updateURL>http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf</em:updateURL>
-+  <em:bootstrap>true</em:bootstrap>
-+  <em:name>Test Addon 1</em:name>
-+  <em:id></em:id>
-+  <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
-+  <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2_2/install.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2_2/install.rdf
-deleted file mode 100644
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2_2/install.rdf
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
--<?xml version="1.0"?>
--<RDF xmlns=""
--     xmlns:em="">
--  <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
--    <em:id></em:id>
--    <em:version>2.0</em:version>
--    <em:updateURL>http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf</em:updateURL>
--    <!-- Front End MetaData -->
--    <em:name>Test 2</em:name>
--    <em:description>Test Description</em:description>
--    <em:targetApplication>
--      <Description>
--        <em:id></em:id>
--        <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
--        <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
--      </Description>
--    </em:targetApplication>
--  </Description>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2_5/install.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2_5/install.rdf
-deleted file mode 100644
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid2_5/install.rdf
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
--<?xml version="1.0"?>
--<RDF xmlns=""
--     xmlns:em="">
--  <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
--    <em:id></em:id>
--    <em:version>5.0</em:version>
--    <em:updateURL>http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf</em:updateURL>
--    <!-- Front End MetaData -->
--    <em:name>Test 2</em:name>
--    <em:description>Test Description</em:description>
--    <em:targetApplication>
--      <Description>
--        <em:id></em:id>
--        <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
--        <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
--      </Description>
--    </em:targetApplication>
--  </Description>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid3_3/bootstrap.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid3_3/bootstrap.js
-deleted file mode 100644
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid3_3/bootstrap.js
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--function install(data, reason) {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.installed_version", 3);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.install_reason", reason);
--function startup(data, reason) {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.active_version", 3);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.startup_reason", reason);
--function shutdown(data, reason) {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.active_version", 0);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.shutdown_reason", reason);
--function uninstall(data, reason) {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.installed_version", 0);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.uninstall_reason", reason);
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid3_3/install.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid3_3/install.rdf
-deleted file mode 100644
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid3_3/install.rdf
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--<?xml version="1.0"?>
--<RDF xmlns=""
--     xmlns:em="">
--  <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
--    <em:id></em:id>
--    <em:version>3.0</em:version>
--    <em:updateURL>http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf</em:updateURL>
--    <em:bootstrap>true</em:bootstrap>
--    <!-- Front End MetaData -->
--    <em:name>Test 3</em:name>
--    <em:description>Test Description</em:description>
--    <em:targetApplication>
--      <Description>
--        <em:id></em:id>
--        <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
--        <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
--      </Description>
--    </em:targetApplication>
--  </Description>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid4_4/bootstrap.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid4_4/bootstrap.js
-deleted file mode 100644
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid4_4/bootstrap.js
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--function install(data, reason) {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.installed_version", 4);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.install_reason", reason);
--function startup(data, reason) {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.active_version", 4);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.startup_reason", reason);
--function shutdown(data, reason) {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.active_version", 0);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.shutdown_reason", reason);
--function uninstall(data, reason) {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.installed_version", 0);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.uninstall_reason", reason);
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid4_4/install.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid4_4/install.rdf
-deleted file mode 100644
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/addons/test_updateid4_4/install.rdf
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--<?xml version="1.0"?>
--<RDF xmlns=""
--     xmlns:em="">
--  <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
--    <em:id></em:id>
--    <em:version>4.0</em:version>
--    <em:updateURL>http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf</em:updateURL>
--    <em:bootstrap>true</em:bootstrap>
--    <!-- Front End MetaData -->
--    <em:name>Test 4</em:name>
--    <em:description>Test Description</em:description>
--    <em:targetApplication>
--      <Description>
--        <em:id></em:id>
--        <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
--        <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
--      </Description>
--    </em:targetApplication>
--  </Description>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_update_multi.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_update_multi.rdf
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_update_multi.rdf
-@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-+<RDF xmlns=""
-+     xmlns:em="">
-+  <Description about="">
-+    <em:updates>
-+      <Seq>
-+        <li>
-+          <Description>
-+            <em:version>2.0</em:version>
-+            <em:targetApplication>
-+              <Description>
-+                <em:id></em:id>
-+                <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
-+                <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
-+                <em:updateLink>http://localhost:4444/addons/test_update_multi2.xpi</em:updateLink>
-+              </Description>
-+            </em:targetApplication>
-+          </Description>
-+        </li>
-+      </Seq>
-+    </em:updates>
-+  </Description>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_updateid.rdf b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_updateid.rdf
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_updateid.rdf
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_updateid.rdf
-@@ -9,77 +9,17 @@
-         <li>
-           <Description>
-             <em:version>2.0</em:version>
-             <em:targetApplication>
-               <Description>
-                 <em:id></em:id>
-                 <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
-                 <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
--                <em:updateLink>http://localhost:4444/addons/test_updateid2_2.xpi</em:updateLink>
--              </Description>
--            </em:targetApplication>
--          </Description>
--        </li>
--      </Seq>
--    </em:updates>
--  </Description>
--  <Description about="">
--    <em:updates>
--      <Seq>
--        <li>
--          <Description>
--            <em:version>3.0</em:version>
--            <em:targetApplication>
--              <Description>
--                <em:id></em:id>
--                <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
--                <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
--                <em:updateLink>http://localhost:4444/addons/test_updateid3_3.xpi</em:updateLink>
--              </Description>
--            </em:targetApplication>
--          </Description>
--        </li>
--      </Seq>
--    </em:updates>
--  </Description>
--  <Description about="">
--    <em:updates>
--      <Seq>
--        <li>
--          <Description>
--            <em:version>4.0</em:version>
--            <em:targetApplication>
--              <Description>
--                <em:id></em:id>
--                <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
--                <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
--                <em:updateLink>http://localhost:4444/addons/test_updateid4_4.xpi</em:updateLink>
--              </Description>
--            </em:targetApplication>
--          </Description>
--        </li>
--      </Seq>
--    </em:updates>
--  </Description>
--  <Description about="">
--    <em:updates>
--      <Seq>
--        <li>
--          <Description>
--            <em:version>5.0</em:version>
--            <em:targetApplication>
--              <Description>
--                <em:id></em:id>
--                <em:minVersion>1</em:minVersion>
--                <em:maxVersion>1</em:maxVersion>
--                <em:updateLink>http://localhost:4444/addons/test_updateid2_5.xpi</em:updateLink>
-+                <em:updateLink>http://localhost:4444/addons/test_updateid2.xpi</em:updateLink>
-               </Description>
-             </em:targetApplication>
-           </Description>
-         </li>
-       </Seq>
-     </em:updates>
-   </Description>
-diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_updateid.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_updateid.js
---- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_updateid.js
-+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_updateid.js
-@@ -2,421 +2,85 @@
-  *
-  */
- // This verifies that updating an add-on to a new ID works
- // The test extension uses an insecure update url.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.checkUpdateSecurity", false);
--var testserver;
- const profileDir = gProfD.clone();
- profileDir.append("extensions");
--function resetPrefs() {
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.active_version", -1);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.installed_version", -1);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.startup_reason", -1);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.shutdown_reason", -1);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.install_reason", -1);
--  Services.prefs.setIntPref("bootstraptest.uninstall_reason", -1);
--function getActiveVersion() {
--  return Services.prefs.getIntPref("bootstraptest.active_version");
--function getInstalledVersion() {
--  return Services.prefs.getIntPref("bootstraptest.installed_version");
--function run_test() {
--  createAppInfo("", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9.2");
--  // Create and configure the HTTP server.
--  testserver = new HttpServer();
--  testserver.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data"));
--  testserver.registerDirectory("/addons/", do_get_file("addons"));
--  testserver.start(4444);
--  do_test_pending();
--  run_test_1();
--function end_test() {
--  testserver.stop(do_test_finished);
--function installUpdate(aInstall, aCallback) {
--  aInstall.addListener({
--    onInstallEnded: function(aInstall) {
--      // give the startup time to run
--      do_execute_soon(function() {
--        aCallback(aInstall);
--      });
--    }
--  });
--  aInstall.install();
--// Verify that an update to an add-on with a new ID uninstalls the old add-on
--function run_test_1() {
--  writeInstallRDFForExtension({
--    id: "",
--    version: "1.0",
--    updateURL: "http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf",
--    targetApplications: [{
--      id: "",
--      minVersion: "1",
--      maxVersion: "1"
--    }],
--    name: "Test Addon 1",
--  }, profileDir);
--  startupManager();
--  AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function(a1) {
--    do_check_neq(a1, null);
--    do_check_eq(a1.version, "1.0");
-+function promiseInstallUpdate(install) {
-+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-+    install.addListener({
-+      onDownloadFailed: () => {
-+        let err = new Error("download error");
-+        err.code = install.error;
-+        reject(err);
-+      },
-+      onInstallFailed: () => {
-+        let err = new Error("install error");
-+        err.code = install.error;
-+        reject(err);
-+      },
-+      onInstallEnded: resolve,
-+    });
--    a1.findUpdates({
--      onUpdateAvailable: function(addon, install) {
--        do_check_eq(,;
--        do_check_eq(install.version, "2.0");
--        do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE);
--        do_check_eq(install.existingAddon, a1);
--        installUpdate(install, check_test_1);
--      }
--    }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED);
--  });
--function check_test_1(install) {
--  AddonManager.getAddonByID("", callback_soon(function(a1) {
--    // Existing add-on should have a pending upgrade
--    do_check_neq(a1.pendingUpgrade, null);
--    do_check_eq(, "");
--    do_check_eq(a1.pendingUpgrade.install.existingAddon, a1);
--    do_check_neq(a1.syncGUID);
--    let a1SyncGUID = a1.syncGUID;
--    restartManager();
--    AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                                 ""], function([a1, a2]) {
--      // Should have uninstalled the old and installed the new
--      do_check_eq(a1, null);
--      do_check_neq(a2, null);
--      do_check_neq(a2.syncGUID, null);
--      // The Sync GUID should change when the ID changes
--      do_check_neq(a1SyncGUID, a2.syncGUID);
--      a2.uninstall();
--      do_execute_soon(run_test_2);
--    });
--  }));
--// Test that when the new add-on already exists we just upgrade that
--function run_test_2() {
--  restartManager();
--  shutdownManager();
--  writeInstallRDFForExtension({
--    id: "",
--    version: "1.0",
--    updateURL: "http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf",
--    targetApplications: [{
--      id: "",
--      minVersion: "1",
--      maxVersion: "1"
--    }],
--    name: "Test Addon 1",
--  }, profileDir);
--  writeInstallRDFForExtension({
--    id: "",
--    version: "1.0",
--    targetApplications: [{
--      id: "",
--      minVersion: "1",
--      maxVersion: "1"
--    }],
--    name: "Test Addon 2",
--  }, profileDir);
--  startupManager();
--  AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function(a1) {
--    do_check_neq(a1, null);
--    do_check_eq(a1.version, "1.0");
--    a1.findUpdates({
--      onUpdateAvailable: function(addon, install) {
--        installUpdate(install, check_test_2);
--      }
--    }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED);
-+    install.install();
-   });
- }
--function check_test_2(install) {
--  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                               ""],
--                               callback_soon(function([a1, a2]) {
--    do_check_eq(a1.pendingUpgrade, null);
--    // Existing add-on should have a pending upgrade
--    do_check_neq(a2.pendingUpgrade, null);
--    do_check_eq(, "");
--    do_check_eq(a2.pendingUpgrade.install.existingAddon, a2);
--    restartManager();
--    AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                                 ""], function([a1, a2]) {
--      // Should have uninstalled the old and installed the new
--      do_check_neq(a1, null);
--      do_check_neq(a2, null);
--      a1.uninstall();
--      a2.uninstall();
--      do_execute_soon(run_test_3);
--    });
--  }));
--// Test that we rollback correctly when removing the old add-on fails
--function run_test_3() {
--  restartManager();
--  shutdownManager();
--  // This test only works on Windows
--  if (!("nsIWindowsRegKey" in AM_Ci)) {
--    run_test_4();
--    return;
--  }
--  writeInstallRDFForExtension({
--    id: "",
--    version: "1.0",
--    updateURL: "http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf",
--    targetApplications: [{
--      id: "",
--      minVersion: "1",
--      maxVersion: "1"
--    }],
--    name: "Test Addon 1",
--  }, profileDir);
--  startupManager();
-+// Create and configure the HTTP server.
-+let testserver = createHttpServer(4444);
-+testserver.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data"));
-+testserver.registerDirectory("/addons/", do_get_file("addons"));
--  AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function(a1) {
--    do_check_neq(a1, null);
--    do_check_eq(a1.version, "1.0");
--    a1.findUpdates({
--      onUpdateAvailable: function(addon, install) {
--        installUpdate(install, check_test_3);
--      }
--    }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED);
--  });
--function check_test_3(install) {
--  AddonManager.getAddonByID("", callback_soon(function(a1) {
--    // Existing add-on should have a pending upgrade
--    do_check_neq(a1.pendingUpgrade, null);
--    do_check_eq(, "");
--    do_check_eq(a1.pendingUpgrade.install.existingAddon, a1);
--    // Lock the old add-on open so it can't be uninstalled
--    var file = profileDir.clone();
--    file.append("");
--    if (!file.exists())
--      file.leafName += ".xpi";
--    else
--      file.append("install.rdf");
--    var fstream = AM_Cc[";1"].
--                  createInstance(AM_Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
--    fstream.init(file, FileUtils.MODE_APPEND | FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0);
--    restartManager();
--    fstream.close();
--    AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                                 ""],
--                                 callback_soon(function([a1, a2]) {
--      // Should not have installed the new add-on but it should still be
--      // pending install
--      do_check_neq(a1, null);
--      do_check_eq(a2, null);
--      restartManager();
--      AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                                   ""], function([a1, a2]) {
--        // Should have installed the new add-on
--        do_check_eq(a1, null);
--        do_check_neq(a2, null);
--        a2.uninstall();
--        do_execute_soon(run_test_4);
--      });
--    }));
--  }));
-+function run_test() {
-+  createAppInfo("", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9.2");
-+  startupManager();
-+  run_next_test();
- }
--// Tests that upgrading to a bootstrapped add-on works but requires a restart
--function run_test_4() {
--  restartManager();
--  shutdownManager();
--  writeInstallRDFForExtension({
--    id: "",
--    version: "2.0",
--    updateURL: "http://localhost:4444/data/test_updateid.rdf",
--    targetApplications: [{
--      id: "",
--      minVersion: "1",
--      maxVersion: "1"
--    }],
--    name: "Test Addon 2",
--  }, profileDir);
--  startupManager();
--  resetPrefs();
--  AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function(a2) {
--    do_check_neq(a2, null);
--    do_check_neq(a2.syncGUID, null);
--    do_check_eq(a2.version, "2.0");
--    a2.findUpdates({
--      onUpdateAvailable: function(addon, install) {
--        installUpdate(install, check_test_4);
--      }
--    }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED);
--  });
--function check_test_4() {
--  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                               ""],
--                               callback_soon(function([a2, a3]) {
--    // Should still be pending install even though the new add-on is restartless
--    do_check_neq(a2, null);
--    do_check_eq(a3, null);
--    do_check_neq(a2.pendingUpgrade, null);
--    do_check_eq(, "");
--    do_check_eq(getInstalledVersion(), -1);
--    do_check_eq(getActiveVersion(), -1);
--    restartManager();
--    AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                                 ""], function([a2, a3]) {
--      // Should have updated
--      do_check_eq(a2, null);
--      do_check_neq(a3, null);
--      do_check_eq(getInstalledVersion(), 3);
--      do_check_eq(getActiveVersion(), 3);
--      do_execute_soon(run_test_5);
--    });
--  }));
--// Tests that upgrading to another bootstrapped add-on works without a restart
--function run_test_5() {
--  AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function(a3) {
--    do_check_neq(a3, null);
--    do_check_eq(a3.version, "3.0");
-+// Verify that an update to an add-on with a new ID fails
-+add_task(function* test_update_new_id() {
-+  yield promiseInstallAllFiles([do_get_addon("test_updateid1")]);
--    a3.findUpdates({
--      onUpdateAvailable: function(addon, install) {
--        installUpdate(install, check_test_5);
--      }
--    }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED);
--  });
--function check_test_5() {
--  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                               ""],
--                               callback_soon(function([a3, a4]) {
--    // Should have updated
--    do_check_eq(a3, null);
--    do_check_neq(a4, null);
--    do_check_eq(getInstalledVersion(), 4);
--    do_check_eq(getActiveVersion(), 4);
--    restartManager();
--    AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                                 ""], function([a3, a4]) {
--      // Should still be gone
--      do_check_eq(a3, null);
--      do_check_neq(a4, null);
--      do_check_eq(getInstalledVersion(), 4);
--      do_check_eq(getActiveVersion(), 4);
--      run_test_6();
--    });
--  }));
-+  let addon = yield promiseAddonByID("");
-+  do_check_neq(addon, null);
-+  do_check_eq(addon.version, "1.0");
--// Tests that upgrading to a non-bootstrapped add-on works but requires a restart
--function run_test_6() {
--  AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function(a4) {
--    do_check_neq(a4, null);
--    do_check_eq(a4.version, "4.0");
--    a4.findUpdates({
--      onUpdateAvailable: function(addon, install) {
--        installUpdate(install, check_test_6);
--      }
--    }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED);
--  });
-+  let update = yield promiseFindAddonUpdates(addon, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED);
-+  let install = update.updateAvailable;
-+  do_check_eq(,;
-+  do_check_eq(install.version, "2.0");
-+  do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE);
-+  do_check_eq(install.existingAddon, addon);
--function check_test_6() {
--  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                               ""],
--                               callback_soon(function([a4, a2]) {
--    // Should still be pending install even though the old add-on is restartless
--    do_check_neq(a4, null);
--    do_check_eq(a2, null);
--    do_check_neq(a4.pendingUpgrade, null);
--    do_check_eq(, "");
--    do_check_eq(getInstalledVersion(), 4);
--    do_check_eq(getActiveVersion(), 4);
-+  yield Assert.rejects(promiseInstallUpdate(install),
-+                       function(err) { return err.code == AddonManager.ERROR_INCORRECT_ID },
-+                       "Upgrade to a different ID fails");
--    restartManager();
-+  addon.uninstall();
--    AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(["",
--                                 ""], function([a4, a2]) {
--      // Should have updated
--      do_check_eq(a4, null);
--      do_check_neq(a2, null);
-+// Verify that an update to a multi-package xpi fails
-+add_task(function* test_update_new_id() {
-+  yield promiseInstallAllFiles([do_get_addon("test_update_multi1")]);
--      do_check_eq(getInstalledVersion(), 0);
--      do_check_eq(getActiveVersion(), 0);
-+  let addon = yield promiseAddonByID("");
-+  do_check_neq(addon, null);
-+  do_check_eq(addon.version, "1.0");
--      end_test();
--    });
--  }));
-+  let update = yield promiseFindAddonUpdates(addon, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED);
-+  let install = update.updateAvailable;
-+  do_check_eq(,;
-+  do_check_eq(install.version, "2.0");
-+  do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE);
-+  do_check_eq(install.existingAddon, addon);
-+  yield Assert.rejects(promiseInstallUpdate(install),
-+                       function(err) { return err.code == AddonManager.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ADDON_TYPE },
-+                       "Upgrade to a multipackage xpi fails");
-+  addon.uninstall();
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/nasm-no-ps-pdf.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/nasm-no-ps-pdf.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b03b57a6ed..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/nasm-no-ps-pdf.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Avoid building PS and PDF docs, which do not build bit-reproducible.  NASM
-already installs doc in info and html.
---- nasm-2.12.01/doc/	2016-06-21 18:02:59.483484829 +0200
-+++ nasm-2.12.01/doc/	2016-06-21 18:03:46.700151410 +0200
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- PS2PDF          = @PS2PDF@		# Part of GhostScript
- SRCS		= nasmdoc.src inslist.src changes.src
--OUT		= info html nasmdoc.txt nasmdoc.pdf
-+OUT		= info html nasmdoc.txt
- # exports
- export srcdir
-@@ -100,4 +100,4 @@
- 	$(INSTALL_DATA) info/* $(INSTALLROOT)$(infodir)
- 	mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(docdir)/html
- 	$(INSTALL_DATA) html/* $(INSTALLROOT)$(docdir)/html
--	$(INSTALL_DATA) nasmdoc.pdf nasmdoc.txt $(INSTALLROOT)$(docdir)
-+	$(INSTALL_DATA) nasmdoc.txt $(INSTALLROOT)$(docdir)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-config-date.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-config-date.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5054612e95..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-config-date.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Honor SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH when exporting configuration date.
-Autoconf-level patch submitted upstream on Fri Apr 15 23:07:42 UTC 2016
---- a/configure
-+++ b/configure
-@@ -2866,7 +2866,17 @@
- # Configuration Date
-- CONFIG_DATE="`date`"
-+ CONFIG_DATE="`date -u`"
-+if test -n "$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"; then
-+  CONFIG_DATE=`date -u -d "@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" 2>/dev/null \
-+               || date -u -r "$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" 2>/dev/null`
-+  if test -z "$CONFIG_DATE"; then
-+    as_fn_error $? "malformed SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" "$LINENO" 5
-+  fi
-+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
- # Find out about the host we're building on.
- ac_aux_dir=
---- a/libdispatch/derror.c
-+++ b/libdispatch/derror.c
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- #endif
- /* Tell the user the version of netCDF. */
--static const char nc_libvers[] = PACKAGE_VERSION " of "__DATE__" "__TIME__" $";
-+static const char nc_libvers[] = PACKAGE_VERSION " of "CONFIG_DATE" $";
- /**
- \defgroup lib_version Library Version
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -393,6 +393,9 @@
- /* Define to the version of this package. */
-+/* Define to the configuration date */
-+#undef CONFIG_DATE
- /* The size of `double', as computed by sizeof. */
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-date-time.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-date-time.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4e7925aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-date-time.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/libdispatch/derror.c
++++ b/libdispatch/derror.c
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
+ #endif
+ /* Tell the user the version of netCDF. */
+-static const char nc_libvers[] = PACKAGE_VERSION " of "__DATE__" "__TIME__" $";
++static const char nc_libvers[] = PACKAGE_VERSION" $";
+ /**
+ \defgroup lib_version Library Version
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-tst_h_par.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-tst_h_par.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac14a4c0a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/netcdf-tst_h_par.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From a83702834938b23cc2e843589aa223e2024a7e6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Orion Poplawski <>
+Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2016 11:48:01 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Add missing #include "err_macros.h" to tst_h_par.c
+ h5_test/tst_h_par.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/h5_test/tst_h_par.c b/h5_test/tst_h_par.c
+index c3da7f4..a419d55 100644
+--- a/h5_test/tst_h_par.c
++++ b/h5_test/tst_h_par.c
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+    $Id: tst_h_par.c,v 1.15 2010/05/25 13:53:04 ed Exp $
+ */
+ #include <nc_tests.h>
++#include "err_macros.h"
+ #include <hdf5.h>
+ /* Defining USE_MPE causes the MPE trace library to be used (and you
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/vtk-mesa-10.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/vtk-mesa-10.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bc60af68c4..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/vtk-mesa-10.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Fix build against new mesa.  See:
-Description: fixes FTBFS against new libjpeg-turbo
-Author: Ondřej Surý <>
-Reviewed-By: Anton Gladky <>
-Last-Update: 2014-10-22
-Index: vtk6-6.1.0+dfsg2/Rendering/OpenGL/vtkOpenGL.h
---- vtk6-6.1.0+dfsg2.orig/Rendering/OpenGL/vtkOpenGL.h
-+++ vtk6-6.1.0+dfsg2/Rendering/OpenGL/vtkOpenGL.h
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- // To prevent gl.h to include glext.h provided by the system
- #if defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(VTK_USE_CARBON) || defined(VTK_USE_COCOA))
- # include <OpenGL/gl.h> // Include OpenGL API.
- #else
-Index: vtk6-6.1.0+dfsg2/Rendering/OpenGL/vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx
---- vtk6-6.1.0+dfsg2.orig/Rendering/OpenGL/vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx
-+++ vtk6-6.1.0+dfsg2/Rendering/OpenGL/vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- // define GLX_GLXEXT_LEGACY to prevent glx.h to include glxext.h provided by
- // the system
- #include "GL/glx.h"
- #include "vtkgl.h"