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1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/mplayer2-theora-fix.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/mplayer2-theora-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..982db5f57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/mplayer2-theora-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+Fix libtheora linking issue with modern theora versions.
+Adapted from:
+--- a/libmpcodecs/vd_theora.c
++++ b/libmpcodecs/vd_theora.c
+@@ -39,22 +39,23 @@
+ LIBVD_EXTERN(theora)
+-#include <theora/theora.h>
++#include <theora/theoradec.h>
+ typedef struct theora_struct_st {
+-    theora_state st;
+-    theora_comment cc;
+-    theora_info inf;
++    th_setup_info *tsi;
++    th_dec_ctx    *tctx;
++    th_comment     tc;
++    th_info        ti;
+ } theora_struct_t;
+ /** Convert Theora pixelformat to the corresponding IMGFMT_ */
+-static uint32_t theora_pixelformat2imgfmt(theora_pixelformat fmt){
++static uint32_t theora_pixelformat2imgfmt(th_pixel_fmt fmt){
+     switch(fmt) {
+-       case OC_PF_420: return IMGFMT_YV12;
+-       case OC_PF_422: return IMGFMT_422P;
+-       case OC_PF_444: return IMGFMT_444P;
++       case TH_PF_420: return IMGFMT_YV12;
++       case TH_PF_422: return IMGFMT_422P;
++       case TH_PF_444: return IMGFMT_444P;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@
+     theora_struct_t *context = sh->context;
+     switch(cmd) {
+-        if (*(int*)arg == theora_pixelformat2imgfmt(context->inf.pixelformat))
++        if (*(int*)arg == theora_pixelformat2imgfmt(context->ti.pixel_fmt))
+ 	    return CONTROL_TRUE;
+ 	return CONTROL_FALSE;
+     }
+@@ -88,8 +89,9 @@
+     if (!context)
+         goto err_out;
+-    theora_info_init(&context->inf);
+-    theora_comment_init(&context->cc);
++    th_info_init(&context->ti);
++    th_comment_init(&context->tc);
++    context->tsi = NULL;
+     /* Read all header packets, pass them to theora_decode_header. */
+     for (i = 0; i < THEORA_NUM_HEADER_PACKETS; i++)
+@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@
+             op.b_o_s = 1;
+         }
+-        if ( (errorCode = theora_decode_header (&context->inf, &context->cc, &op)) )
++        if ( (errorCode = th_decode_headerin (&context->ti, &context->tc, &context->tsi, &op)) < 0)
+         {
+             mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_ERR, "Broken Theora header; errorCode=%i!\n", errorCode);
+             goto err_out;
+@@ -117,23 +119,25 @@
+     }
+     /* now init codec */
+-    errorCode = theora_decode_init (&context->st, &context->inf);
+-    if (errorCode)
++    context->tctx = th_decode_alloc (&context->ti, context->tsi);
++    if (!context->tctx)
+     {
+-        mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"Theora decode init failed: %i \n", errorCode);
++        mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"Theora decode init failed\n");
+         goto err_out;
+     }
++    /* free memory used for decoder setup information */
++    th_setup_free(context->tsi);
+-    if(sh->aspect==0.0 && context->inf.aspect_denominator!=0)
++    if(sh->aspect==0.0 && context->ti.aspect_denominator!=0)
+     {
+-       sh->aspect = ((double)context->inf.aspect_numerator * context->inf.width)/
+-          ((double)context->inf.aspect_denominator * context->inf.height);
++       sh->aspect = ((double)context->ti.aspect_numerator * context->ti.frame_width)/
++          ((double)context->ti.aspect_denominator * context->ti.frame_height);
+     }
+     mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_V,"INFO: Theora video init ok!\n");
+-    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_INFO,"Frame: %dx%d, Picture %dx%d, Offset [%d,%d]\n", context->inf.width, context->inf.height, context->inf.frame_width, context->inf.frame_height, context->inf.offset_x, context->inf.offset_y);
++    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_INFO,"Frame: %dx%d, Picture %dx%d, Offset [%d,%d]\n", context->ti.frame_width, context->ti.frame_height, context->ti.pic_width, context->ti.pic_height, context->ti.pic_x, context->ti.pic_y);
+-    return mpcodecs_config_vo (sh,context->inf.width,context->inf.height,theora_pixelformat2imgfmt(context->inf.pixelformat));
++    return mpcodecs_config_vo (sh,context->ti.frame_width,context->ti.frame_height,theora_pixelformat2imgfmt(context->ti.pixel_fmt));
+ err_out:
+     free(context);
+@@ -150,9 +154,9 @@
+    if (context)
+    {
+-      theora_info_clear(&context->inf);
+-      theora_comment_clear(&context->cc);
+-      theora_clear (&context->st);
++      th_info_clear(&context->ti);
++      th_comment_clear(&context->tc);
++      th_decode_free (context->tctx);
+       free (context);
+    }
+ }
+@@ -165,7 +169,7 @@
+    theora_struct_t *context = sh->context;
+    int errorCode = 0;
+    ogg_packet op;
+-   yuv_buffer yuv;
++   th_ycbcr_buffer ycbcrbuf;
+    mp_image_t* mpi;
+    // no delayed frames
+@@ -177,31 +181,31 @@
+    op.packet = data;
+    op.granulepos = -1;
+-   errorCode = theora_decode_packetin (&context->st, &op);
+-   if (errorCode)
++   errorCode = th_decode_packetin (context->tctx, &op, NULL);
++   if (errorCode < 0)
+    {
+       mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"Theora decode packetin failed: %i \n",
+ 	     errorCode);
+       return NULL;
+    }
+-   errorCode = theora_decode_YUVout (&context->st, &yuv);
+-   if (errorCode)
++   errorCode = th_decode_ycbcr_out (context->tctx, ycbcrbuf);
++   if (errorCode < 0)
+    {
+       mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,"Theora decode YUVout failed: %i \n",
+ 	     errorCode);
+       return NULL;
+    }
+-    mpi = mpcodecs_get_image(sh, MP_IMGTYPE_EXPORT, 0, yuv.y_width, yuv.y_height);
++    mpi = mpcodecs_get_image(sh, MP_IMGTYPE_EXPORT, 0, ycbcrbuf[0].width, ycbcrbuf[0].height);
+     if(!mpi) return NULL;
+-    mpi->planes[0]=yuv.y;
+-    mpi->stride[0]=yuv.y_stride;
+-    mpi->planes[1]=yuv.u;
+-    mpi->stride[1]=yuv.uv_stride;
+-    mpi->planes[2]=yuv.v;
+-    mpi->stride[2]=yuv.uv_stride;
++    mpi->planes[0]=ycbcrbuf[0].data;
++    mpi->stride[0]=ycbcrbuf[0].stride;
++    mpi->planes[1]=ycbcrbuf[1].data;
++    mpi->stride[1]=ycbcrbuf[1].stride;
++    mpi->planes[2]=ycbcrbuf[2].data;
++    mpi->stride[2]=ycbcrbuf[2].stride;
+     return mpi;
+ }
+--- a/libmpdemux/demux_ogg.c
++++ b/libmpdemux/demux_ogg.c
+@@ -49,21 +49,21 @@
+ #endif
+-#include <theora/theora.h>
+-int _ilog (unsigned int); /* defined in many places in theora/lib/ */
++#include <theora/theoradec.h>
+ #endif
+ #define BLOCK_SIZE 4096
+ /* Theora decoder context : we won't be able to interpret granule positions
+- * without using theora_granule_time with the theora_state of the stream.
++ * without using th_granule_time with the th_dec_ctx of the stream.
+  * This is duplicated in `vd_theora.c'; put this in a common header?
+  */
+ typedef struct theora_struct_st {
+-    theora_state   st;
+-    theora_comment cc;
+-    theora_info    inf;
++    th_setup_info *tsi;
++    th_dec_ctx    *tctx;
++    th_comment     tc;
++    th_info        ti;
+ } theora_struct_t;
+ #endif
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
+     float   samplerate; /// granulpos 2 time
+     int64_t lastpos;
+     int32_t lastsize;
+-    int     keyframe_frequency_force;
++    int     keyframe_granule_shift;
+     // Logical stream state
+     ogg_stream_state stream;
+@@ -299,11 +299,10 @@
+            have theora_state st, until all header packets were passed to the
+            decoder. */
+         if (!pack->bytes || !(*data&0x80)) {
+-            int keyframe_granule_shift = _ilog(os->keyframe_frequency_force - 1);
+-            int64_t iframemask = (1 << keyframe_granule_shift) - 1;
++            int64_t iframemask = (1 << os->keyframe_granule_shift) - 1;
+             if (pack->granulepos >= 0) {
+-                os->lastpos  = pack->granulepos >> keyframe_granule_shift;
++                os->lastpos  = pack->granulepos >> os->keyframe_granule_shift;
+                 os->lastpos += pack->granulepos & iframemask;
+                 *flags = (pack->granulepos & iframemask) == 0;
+             } else {
+@@ -892,14 +891,15 @@
+         } else if (pack.bytes >= 7 && !strncmp (&pack.packet[1], "theora", 6)) {
+             int errorCode = 0;
+-            theora_info inf;
+-            theora_comment cc;
++            th_info ti;
++            th_comment tc;
++            th_setup_info *tsi = NULL;
+-            theora_info_init (&inf);
+-            theora_comment_init (&cc);
++            th_info_init (&ti);
++            th_comment_init (&tc);
+-            errorCode = theora_decode_header (&inf, &cc, &pack);
+-            if (errorCode) {
++            errorCode = th_decode_headerin(&ti, &tc, &tsi, &pack);
++            if (errorCode < 0) {
+                 mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX, MSGL_ERR,
+                        "Theora header parsing failed: %i \n", errorCode);
+             } else {
+@@ -908,30 +908,32 @@
+                 sh_v->bih = calloc(1, sizeof(*sh_v->bih));
+                 sh_v->bih->biSize        = sizeof(*sh_v->bih);
+                 sh_v->bih->biCompression = sh_v->format = FOURCC_THEORA;
+-                sh_v->fps = ((double)inf.fps_numerator) / (double)inf.fps_denominator;
+-                sh_v->frametime = ((double)inf.fps_denominator) / (double)inf.fps_numerator;
+-                sh_v->disp_w = sh_v->bih->biWidth  = inf.frame_width;
+-                sh_v->disp_h = sh_v->bih->biHeight = inf.frame_height;
++                sh_v->fps = ((double)ti.fps_numerator) / (double)ti.fps_denominator;
++                sh_v->frametime = ((double)ti.fps_denominator) / (double)ti.fps_numerator;
++                sh_v->i_bps  = ti.target_bitrate / 8;
++                sh_v->disp_w = sh_v->bih->biWidth  = ti.frame_width;
++                sh_v->disp_h = sh_v->bih->biHeight = ti.frame_height;
+                 sh_v->bih->biBitCount  = 24;
+                 sh_v->bih->biPlanes    = 3;
+                 sh_v->bih->biSizeImage = ((sh_v->bih->biBitCount / 8) * sh_v->bih->biWidth * sh_v->bih->biHeight);
+                 ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].samplerate               = sh_v->fps;
+                 ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].theora                   = 1;
+-                ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].keyframe_frequency_force = inf.keyframe_frequency_force;
++                ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].keyframe_granule_shift   = ti.keyframe_granule_shift;
+                 ogg_d->subs[ogg_d->num_sub].id                       = n_video;
+                 n_video++;
+                 mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX, MSGL_INFO,
+                        "[Ogg] stream %d: video (Theora v%d.%d.%d), -vid %d\n",
+                        ogg_d->num_sub,
+-                       (int)inf.version_major,
+-                       (int)inf.version_minor,
+-                       (int)inf.version_subminor,
++                       (int)ti.version_major,
++                       (int)ti.version_minor,
++                       (int)ti.version_subminor,
+                        n_video - 1);
+                 if (mp_msg_test(MSGT_HEADER, MSGL_V))
+                     print_video_header(sh_v->bih, MSGL_V);
+             }
+-            theora_comment_clear(&cc);
+-            theora_info_clear(&inf);
++            th_comment_clear(&tc);
++            th_info_clear(&ti);
++            th_setup_free(tsi);
+ #endif /* CONFIG_OGGTHEORA */
+         } else if (pack.bytes >= 4 && !strncmp (&pack.packet[0], "fLaC", 4)) {
+             sh_a = new_sh_audio_aid(demuxer, ogg_d->num_sub, n_audio, NULL);