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path: root/gnu/packages/patches
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-deterministic-manual.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-deterministic-manual.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d90aa740e..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-deterministic-manual.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Sort the ecode list in the gnt-cluster manual for deterministic results.
-Submitted upstream: <>.
-diff --git a/lib/build/ b/lib/build/
---- a/lib/build/
-+++ b/lib/build/
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ CV_ECODES_DOC = "ecodes"
- # pylint: disable=W0621
- CV_ECODES_DOC_LIST = [(name, doc) for (_, name, doc) in constants.CV_ALL_ECODES]
-+  CV_ECODES_DOC: sorted(CV_ECODES_DOC_LIST, key=lambda tup: tup[0]),
-   }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-drbd-compat.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-drbd-compat.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 32f46bc7ed..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-drbd-compat.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-This patch adds support for newer versions of DRBD.
-Submitted upstream: <>.
-diff --git a/lib/storage/ b/lib/storage/
---- a/lib/storage/
-+++ b/lib/storage/
-@@ -315,6 +315,13 @@ class DRBD8Dev(base.BlockDev):
-     """
-     return self._show_info_cls.GetDevInfo(self._GetShowData(minor))
-+  @staticmethod
-+  def _NeedsLocalSyncerParams():
-+    # For DRBD >= 8.4, syncer init must be done after local, not in net.
-+    info = DRBD8.GetProcInfo()
-+    version = info.GetVersion()
-+    return version["k_minor"] >= 4
-   def _MatchesLocal(self, info):
-     """Test if our local config matches with an existing device.
-@@ -397,6 +404,20 @@ class DRBD8Dev(base.BlockDev):
-         base.ThrowError("drbd%d: can't attach local disk: %s",
-                         minor, result.output)
-+    def _WaitForMinorSyncParams():
-+      """Call _SetMinorSyncParams and raise RetryAgain on errors.
-+      """
-+      if self._SetMinorSyncParams(minor, self.params):
-+        raise utils.RetryAgain()
-+    if self._NeedsLocalSyncerParams():
-+      # Retry because disk config for DRBD resource may be still uninitialized.
-+      try:
-+        utils.Retry(_WaitForMinorSyncParams, 1.0, 5.0)
-+      except utils.RetryTimeout as e:
-+        base.ThrowError("drbd%d: can't set the synchronization parameters: %s" %
-+                        (minor, utils.CommaJoin(e.args[0])))
-   def _AssembleNet(self, minor, net_info, dual_pri=False, hmac=None,
-                    secret=None):
-     """Configure the network part of the device.
-@@ -432,21 +453,24 @@ class DRBD8Dev(base.BlockDev):
-     # sync speed only after setting up both sides can race with DRBD
-     # connecting, hence we set it here before telling DRBD anything
-     # about its peer.
--    sync_errors = self._SetMinorSyncParams(minor, self.params)
--    if sync_errors:
--      base.ThrowError("drbd%d: can't set the synchronization parameters: %s" %
--                      (minor, utils.CommaJoin(sync_errors)))
-+    if not self._NeedsLocalSyncerParams():
-+      sync_errors = self._SetMinorSyncParams(minor, self.params)
-+      if sync_errors:
-+        base.ThrowError("drbd%d: can't set the synchronization parameters: %s" %
-+                        (minor, utils.CommaJoin(sync_errors)))
-     family = self._GetNetFamily(minor, lhost, rhost)
--    cmd = self._cmd_gen.GenNetInitCmd(minor, family, lhost, lport,
-+    cmds = self._cmd_gen.GenNetInitCmds(minor, family, lhost, lport,
-                                       rhost, rport, protocol,
-                                       dual_pri, hmac, secret, self.params)
--    result = utils.RunCmd(cmd)
--    if result.failed:
--      base.ThrowError("drbd%d: can't setup network: %s - %s",
--                      minor, result.fail_reason, result.output)
-+    for cmd in cmds:
-+      result = utils.RunCmd(cmd)
-+      if result.failed:
-+        base.ThrowError("drbd%d: can't setup network: %s - %s",
-+                         minor, result.fail_reason, result.output)
-     def _CheckNetworkConfig():
-       info = self._GetShowInfo(minor)
-@@ -463,19 +487,20 @@ class DRBD8Dev(base.BlockDev):
-       base.ThrowError("drbd%d: timeout while configuring network", minor)
-     # Once the assembly is over, try to set the synchronization parameters
--    try:
--      # The minor may not have been set yet, requiring us to set it at least
--      # temporarily
--      old_minor = self.minor
--      self._SetFromMinor(minor)
--      sync_errors = self.SetSyncParams(self.params)
--      if sync_errors:
--        base.ThrowError("drbd%d: can't set the synchronization parameters: %s" %
--                        (self.minor, utils.CommaJoin(sync_errors)))
--    finally:
--      # Undo the change, regardless of whether it will have to be done again
--      # soon
--      self._SetFromMinor(old_minor)
-+    if not self._NeedsLocalSyncerParams():
-+      try:
-+        # The minor may not have been set yet, requiring us to set it at least
-+        # temporarily
-+        old_minor = self.minor
-+        self._SetFromMinor(minor)
-+        sync_errors = self.SetSyncParams(self.params)
-+        if sync_errors:
-+          base.ThrowError("drbd%d: can't set the synchronization parameters: %s" %
-+                          (self.minor, utils.CommaJoin(sync_errors)))
-+      finally:
-+        # Undo the change, regardless of whether it will have to be done again
-+        # soon
-+        self._SetFromMinor(old_minor)
-   @staticmethod
-   def _GetNetFamily(minor, lhost, rhost):
-diff --git a/lib/storage/ b/lib/storage/
---- a/lib/storage/
-+++ b/lib/storage/
-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class BaseDRBDCmdGenerator(object):
-   def GenLocalInitCmds(self, minor, data_dev, meta_dev, size_mb, params):
-     raise NotImplementedError
--  def GenNetInitCmd(self, minor, family, lhost, lport, rhost, rport, protocol,
-+  def GenNetInitCmds(self, minor, family, lhost, lport, rhost, rport, protocol,
-                     dual_pri, hmac, secret, params):
-     raise NotImplementedError
-@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class DRBD83CmdGenerator(BaseDRBDCmdGenerator):
-     return [args]
--  def GenNetInitCmd(self, minor, family, lhost, lport, rhost, rport, protocol,
-+  def GenNetInitCmds(self, minor, family, lhost, lport, rhost, rport, protocol,
-                     dual_pri, hmac, secret, params):
-     args = ["drbdsetup", self._DevPath(minor), "net",
-             "%s:%s:%s" % (family, lhost, lport),
-@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class DRBD83CmdGenerator(BaseDRBDCmdGenerator):
-     if params[constants.LDP_NET_CUSTOM]:
-       args.extend(shlex.split(params[constants.LDP_NET_CUSTOM]))
--    return args
-+    return [args]
-   def GenSyncParamsCmd(self, minor, params):
-     args = ["drbdsetup", self._DevPath(minor), "syncer"]
-@@ -345,8 +345,14 @@ class DRBD84CmdGenerator(BaseDRBDCmdGenerator):
-     return cmds
--  def GenNetInitCmd(self, minor, family, lhost, lport, rhost, rport, protocol,
-+  def GenNetInitCmds(self, minor, family, lhost, lport, rhost, rport, protocol,
-                     dual_pri, hmac, secret, params):
-+    cmds = []
-+    cmds.append(["drbdsetup", "new-resource", self._GetResource(minor)])
-+    cmds.append(["drbdsetup", "new-minor", self._GetResource(minor),
-+                 str(minor), "0"])
-     args = ["drbdsetup", "connect", self._GetResource(minor),
-             "%s:%s:%s" % (family, lhost, lport),
-             "%s:%s:%s" % (family, rhost, rport),
-@@ -362,7 +368,8 @@ class DRBD84CmdGenerator(BaseDRBDCmdGenerator):
-     if params[constants.LDP_NET_CUSTOM]:
-       args.extend(shlex.split(params[constants.LDP_NET_CUSTOM]))
--    return args
-+    cmds.append(args)
-+    return cmds
-   def GenSyncParamsCmd(self, minor, params):
-     args = ["drbdsetup", "disk-options", minor]
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-os-disk-size.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-os-disk-size.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b1d7615c..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ganeti-os-disk-size.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-This exposes information about disk sizes to OS install scripts.  instance-guix
-uses this if available to determine the size of the VM image.
-Submitted upstream:
-diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
---- a/lib/
-+++ b/lib/
-@@ -4305,6 +4305,7 @@ def OSEnvironment(instance, inst_os, debug=0):
-     uri = _CalculateDeviceURI(instance, disk, real_disk)
-     result["DISK_%d_ACCESS" % idx] = disk.mode
-     result["DISK_%d_UUID" % idx] = disk.uuid
-+    result["DISK_%d_SIZE" % idx] = str(disk.size)
-     if real_disk.dev_path:
-       result["DISK_%d_PATH" % idx] = real_disk.dev_path
-     if uri: