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path: root/gnu/services/web.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/services/web.scm')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/services/web.scm b/gnu/services/web.scm
index f85b412159..18278502e4 100644
--- a/gnu/services/web.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/web.scm
@@ -30,18 +30,53 @@
   #:use-module (guix gexp)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
-  #:export (nginx-configuration
+  #:export (<nginx-configuration>
+            nginx-configuration
+            nginx-configuartion-nginx
+            nginx-configuration-log-directory
+            nginx-configuration-run-directory
+            nginx-configuration-server-blocks
+            nginx-configuration-upstream-blocks
+            nginx-configuration-file
+            <nginx-server-configuration>
+            nginx-server-configuration-http-port
+            nginx-server-configuartion-https-port
+            nginx-server-configuration-server-name
+            nginx-server-configuration-root
+            nginx-server-configuration-locations
+            nginx-server-configuration-index
+            nginx-server-configuration-ssl-certificate
+            nginx-server-configuration-ssl-certificate-key
+            nginx-server-configuration-server-tokens?
+            <nginx-upstream-configuration>
+            nginx-upstream-configuration-name
+            nginx-upstream-configuration-servers
+            <nginx-location-configuration>
+            nginx-location-configuration-uri
+            nginx-location-configuration-body
+            <nginx-named-location-configuration>
+            nginx-named-location-configuration-name
+            nginx-named-location-configuration-body
-            nginx-service-type))
+            nginx-service-type
+            fcgiwrap-configuration
+            fcgiwrap-configuration?
+            fcgiwrap-service-type))
 ;;; Commentary:
@@ -110,105 +145,109 @@
 (define (config-domain-strings names)
  "Return a string denoting the nginx config representation of NAMES, a list
 of domain names."
- (string-join
-  (map (match-lambda
+ (map (match-lambda
         ('default "_ ")
-        ((? string? str) (string-append str " ")))
-       names)))
+        ((? string? str) (list str " ")))
+      names))
 (define (config-index-strings names)
  "Return a string denoting the nginx config representation of NAMES, a list
 of index files."
- (string-join
-  (map (match-lambda
-        ((? string? str) (string-append str " ")))
-       names)))
+ (map (match-lambda
+        ((? string? str) (list str " ")))
+      names))
-(define nginx-location-config
+(define emit-nginx-location-config
     (($ <nginx-location-configuration> uri body)
-     (string-append
+     (list
       "      location " uri " {\n"
-      "        " (string-join body "\n    ") "\n"
+      (map (lambda (x) (list "        " x "\n")) body)
       "      }\n"))
     (($ <nginx-named-location-configuration> name body)
-     (string-append
+     (list
       "      location @" name " {\n"
-      "        " (string-join body "\n    ") "\n"
+      (map (lambda (x) (list "        " x "\n")) body)
       "      }\n"))))
-(define (default-nginx-server-config server)
-  (string-append
-   "    server {\n"
-   (if (nginx-server-configuration-http-port server)
-       (string-append "      listen "
-                      (number->string (nginx-server-configuration-http-port server))
-                      ";\n")
-       "")
-   (if (nginx-server-configuration-https-port server)
-       (string-append "      listen "
-                      (number->string (nginx-server-configuration-https-port server))
-                      " ssl;\n")
-       "")
-   "      server_name " (config-domain-strings
-                         (nginx-server-configuration-server-name server))
-                        ";\n"
-   (if (nginx-server-configuration-ssl-certificate server)
-       (let ((certificate (nginx-server-configuration-ssl-certificate server)))
-         ;; lstat fails when the certificate file does not exist: it aborts
-         ;; and lets the user fix their configuration.
-         (lstat certificate)
-         (string-append "      ssl_certificate " certificate ";\n"))
-       "")
-   (if (nginx-server-configuration-ssl-certificate-key server)
-       (let ((key (nginx-server-configuration-ssl-certificate-key server)))
-         (lstat key)
-         (string-append "      ssl_certificate_key " key ";\n"))
-       "")
-   "      root " (nginx-server-configuration-root server) ";\n"
-   "      index " (config-index-strings (nginx-server-configuration-index server)) ";\n"
-   "      server_tokens " (if (nginx-server-configuration-server-tokens? server)
-                              "on" "off") ";\n"
-   "\n"
-   (string-join
-    (map nginx-location-config (nginx-server-configuration-locations server))
-    "\n")
-   "    }\n"))
+(define (emit-nginx-server-config server)
+  (let ((http-port (nginx-server-configuration-http-port server))
+        (https-port (nginx-server-configuration-https-port server))
+        (server-name (nginx-server-configuration-server-name server))
+        (ssl-certificate (nginx-server-configuration-ssl-certificate server))
+        (ssl-certificate-key
+         (nginx-server-configuration-ssl-certificate-key server))
+        (root (nginx-server-configuration-root server))
+        (index (nginx-server-configuration-index server))
+        (server-tokens? (nginx-server-configuration-server-tokens? server))
+        (locations (nginx-server-configuration-locations server)))
+    (define-syntax-parameter <> (syntax-rules ()))
+    (define-syntax-rule (and/l x tail ...)
+      (let ((x* x))
+        (if x*
+            (syntax-parameterize ((<> (identifier-syntax x*)))
+              (list tail ...))
+            '())))
+    (for-each
+     (match-lambda
+      ((record-key . file)
+       (if (and file (not (file-exists? file)))
+           (error
+            (simple-format
+             #f
+             "~A in the nginx configuration for the server with name \"~A\" does not exist" record-key server-name)))))
+     `(("ssl-certificate"     . ,ssl-certificate)
+       ("ssl-certificate-key" . ,ssl-certificate-key)))
+    (list
+     "    server {\n"
+     (and/l http-port  "      listen " (number->string <>) ";\n")
+     (and/l https-port "      listen " (number->string <>) " ssl;\n")
+     "      server_name " (config-domain-strings server-name) ";\n"
+     (and/l ssl-certificate     "      ssl_certificate " <> ";\n")
+     (and/l ssl-certificate-key "      ssl_certificate_key " <> ";\n")
+     "      root " root ";\n"
+     "      index " (config-index-strings index) ";\n"
+     "      server_tokens " (if server-tokens? "on" "off") ";\n"
+     "\n"
+     (map emit-nginx-location-config locations)
+     "\n"
+     "    }\n")))
-(define (nginx-upstream-config upstream)
-  (string-append
+(define (emit-nginx-upstream-config upstream)
+  (list
    "    upstream " (nginx-upstream-configuration-name upstream) " {\n"
-   (string-concatenate
-    (map (lambda (server)
-           (simple-format #f "      server ~A;\n" server))
-         (nginx-upstream-configuration-servers upstream)))
+   (map (lambda (server)
+          (simple-format #f "      server ~A;\n" server))
+        (nginx-upstream-configuration-servers upstream))
    "    }\n"))
+(define (flatten . lst)
+  "Return a list that recursively concatenates all sub-lists of LST."
+  (define (flatten1 head out)
+    (if (list? head)
+        (fold-right flatten1 out head)
+        (cons head out)))
+  (fold-right flatten1 '() lst))
 (define (default-nginx-config nginx log-directory run-directory server-list upstream-list)
-  (mixed-text-file "nginx.conf"
-               "user nginx nginx;\n"
-               "pid " run-directory "/pid;\n"
-               "error_log " log-directory "/error.log info;\n"
-               "http {\n"
-               "    client_body_temp_path " run-directory "/client_body_temp;\n"
-               "    proxy_temp_path " run-directory "/proxy_temp;\n"
-               "    fastcgi_temp_path " run-directory "/fastcgi_temp;\n"
-               "    uwsgi_temp_path " run-directory "/uwsgi_temp;\n"
-               "    scgi_temp_path " run-directory "/scgi_temp;\n"
-               "    access_log " log-directory "/access.log;\n"
-               "    include " nginx "/share/nginx/conf/mime.types;\n"
-               "\n"
-               (string-join
-                (filter (lambda (section) (not (null? section)))
-                        (map nginx-upstream-config upstream-list))
-                "\n")
-               "\n"
-               (let ((http (map default-nginx-server-config server-list)))
-                 (do ((http http (cdr http))
-                      (block "" (string-append (car http) "\n" block )))
-                     ((null? http) block)))
-               "}\n"
-               "events {}\n"))
+  (apply mixed-text-file "nginx.conf"
+         (flatten
+          "user nginx nginx;\n"
+          "pid " run-directory "/pid;\n"
+          "error_log " log-directory "/error.log info;\n"
+          "http {\n"
+          "    client_body_temp_path " run-directory "/client_body_temp;\n"
+          "    proxy_temp_path " run-directory "/proxy_temp;\n"
+          "    fastcgi_temp_path " run-directory "/fastcgi_temp;\n"
+          "    uwsgi_temp_path " run-directory "/uwsgi_temp;\n"
+          "    scgi_temp_path " run-directory "/scgi_temp;\n"
+          "    access_log " log-directory "/access.log;\n"
+          "    include " nginx "/share/nginx/conf/mime.types;\n"
+          "\n"
+          (map emit-nginx-upstream-config upstream-list)
+          (map emit-nginx-server-config server-list)
+          "}\n"
+          "events {}\n")))
 (define %nginx-accounts
   (list (user-group (name "nginx") (system? #t))
@@ -285,23 +324,58 @@ of index files."
                             (inherit config)
                               (append (nginx-configuration-server-blocks config)
-                              servers)))))))
+                              servers)))))
+                (default-value
+                  (nginx-configuration))))
+(define-record-type* <fcgiwrap-configuration> fcgiwrap-configuration
+  make-fcgiwrap-configuration
+  fcgiwrap-configuration?
+  (package       fcgiwrap-configuration-package ;<package>
+                 (default fcgiwrap))
+  (socket        fcgiwrap-configuration-socket
+                 (default "tcp:"))
+  (user          fcgiwrap-configuration-user
+                 (default "fcgiwrap"))
+  (group         fcgiwrap-configuration-group
+                 (default "fcgiwrap")))
-(define* (nginx-service #:key (nginx nginx)
-                        (log-directory "/var/log/nginx")
-                        (run-directory "/var/run/nginx")
-                        (server-list '())
-                        (upstream-list '())
-                        (config-file #f))
-  "Return a service that runs NGINX, the nginx web server.
+(define fcgiwrap-accounts
+  (match-lambda
+    (($ <fcgiwrap-configuration> package socket user group)
+     (filter identity
+             (list
+              (and (equal? group "fcgiwrap")
+                   (user-group
+                    (name "fcgiwrap")
+                    (system? #t)))
+              (and (equal? user "fcgiwrap")
+                   (user-account
+                    (name "fcgiwrap")
+                    (group group)
+                    (system? #t)
+                    (comment "Fcgiwrap Daemon")
+                    (home-directory "/var/empty")
+                    (shell (file-append shadow "/sbin/nologin")))))))))
-The nginx daemon loads its runtime configuration from CONFIG-FILE, stores log
-files in LOG-DIRECTORY, and stores temporary runtime files in RUN-DIRECTORY."
-  (service nginx-service-type
-           (nginx-configuration
-            (nginx nginx)
-            (log-directory log-directory)
-            (run-directory run-directory)
-            (server-blocks server-list)
-            (upstream-blocks upstream-list)
-            (file config-file))))
+(define fcgiwrap-shepherd-service
+  (match-lambda
+    (($ <fcgiwrap-configuration> package socket user group)
+     (list (shepherd-service
+            (provision '(fcgiwrap))
+            (documentation "Run the fcgiwrap daemon.")
+            (requirement '(networking))
+            (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+                      '(#$(file-append package "/sbin/fcgiwrap")
+			  "-s" #$socket)
+		      #:user #$user #:group #$group))
+            (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))))
+(define fcgiwrap-service-type
+  (service-type (name 'fcgiwrap)
+                (extensions
+                 (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type
+                                          fcgiwrap-shepherd-service)
+		       (service-extension account-service-type
+                                          fcgiwrap-accounts)))
+                (default-value (fcgiwrap-configuration))))