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path: root/gnu/services
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2 files changed, 168 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/services/configuration.scm b/gnu/services/configuration.scm
index 21cb829382..f23840ee6d 100644
--- a/gnu/services/configuration.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/configuration.scm
@@ -44,10 +44,12 @@
+            define-configuration/no-serialization
+            define-maybe/no-serialization
@@ -107,20 +109,34 @@ does not have a default value" field kind)))
   "Assemble PARTS into a raw (unhygienic) identifier."
   (datum->syntax ctx (symbol-append (syntax->datum parts) ...)))
+(define (define-maybe-helper serialize? syn)
+  (syntax-case syn ()
+    ((_ stem)
+     (with-syntax
+         ((stem?            (id #'stem #'stem #'?))
+          (maybe-stem?      (id #'stem #'maybe- #'stem #'?))
+          (serialize-stem   (id #'stem #'serialize- #'stem))
+          (serialize-maybe-stem (id #'stem #'serialize-maybe- #'stem)))
+       #`(begin
+           (define (maybe-stem? val)
+             (or (eq? val 'disabled) (stem? val)))
+           #,@(if serialize?
+                  (list #'(define (serialize-maybe-stem field-name val)
+                            (if (stem? val)
+                                (serialize-stem field-name val)
+                                "")))
+                  '()))))))
 (define-syntax define-maybe
   (lambda (x)
-    (syntax-case x ()
+    (syntax-case x (no-serialization)
+      ((_ stem (no-serialization))
+       (define-maybe-helper #f #'(_ stem)))
       ((_ stem)
-       (with-syntax
-           ((stem?                (id #'stem #'stem #'?))
-            (maybe-stem?          (id #'stem #'maybe- #'stem #'?))
-            (serialize-stem       (id #'stem #'serialize- #'stem))
-            (serialize-maybe-stem (id #'stem #'serialize-maybe- #'stem)))
-         #'(begin
-             (define (maybe-stem? val)
-               (or (eq? val 'disabled) (stem? val)))
-             (define (serialize-maybe-stem field-name val)
-               (if (stem? val) (serialize-stem field-name val) ""))))))))
+       (define-maybe-helper #t #'(_ stem))))))
+(define-syntax-rule (define-maybe/no-serialization stem)
+  (define-maybe stem (no-serialization)))
 (define (define-configuration-helper serialize? syn)
   (syntax-case syn ()
@@ -207,6 +223,13 @@ does not have a default value" field kind)))
          #t #'(_ stem (field (field-type def ...) doc custom-serializer ...)
+(define-syntax-rule (define-configuration/no-serialization
+                      stem (field (field-type def ...)
+                                  doc custom-serializer ...) ...)
+  (define-configuration stem (field (field-type def ...)
+                                    doc custom-serializer ...) ...
+    (no-serialization)))
 (define (empty-serializer field-name val) "")
 (define serialize-package empty-serializer)
diff --git a/gnu/services/networking.scm b/gnu/services/networking.scm
index 761820ad2e..b78c8ceacc 100644
--- a/gnu/services/networking.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/networking.scm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ;;; Copyright © 2018 Chris Marusich <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2018 Arun Isaac <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2019 Florian Pelz <>
-;;; Copyright © 2019 Maxim Cournoyer <>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2019 Sou Bunnbu <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2019 Alex Griffin <>
 ;;; Copyright © 2020 Brice Waegeneire <>
@@ -111,6 +111,18 @@
+            opendht-configuration
+            opendht-configuration-peer-discovery?
+            opendht-configuration-verbose?
+            opendht-configuration-bootstrap-host
+            opendht-configuration-port
+            opendht-configuration-proxy-server-port
+            opendht-configuration-proxy-server-port-tls
+            opendht-configuration->command-line-arguments
+            opendht-shepherd-service
+            opendht-service-type
@@ -742,6 +754,127 @@ demand.")))
+;;; OpenDHT, the distributed hash table network used by Jami
+(define-maybe/no-serialization number)
+(define-maybe/no-serialization string)
+;;; To generate the documentation of the following configuration record, you
+;;; can evaluate: (configuration->documentation 'opendht-configuration)
+(define-configuration/no-serialization opendht-configuration
+  (opendht
+   (package opendht)
+   "The @code{opendht} package to use.")
+  (peer-discovery?
+   (boolean #false)
+   "Whether to enable the multicast local peer discovery mechanism.")
+  (enable-logging?
+   (boolean #false)
+   "Whether to enable logging messages to syslog.  It is disabled by default
+as it is rather verbose.")
+  (debug?
+   (boolean #false)
+   "Whether to enable debug-level logging messages.  This has no effect if
+logging is disabled.")
+  (bootstrap-host
+   (maybe-string "")
+   "The node host name that is used to make the first connection to the
+network.  A specific port value can be provided by appending the @code{:PORT}
+suffix.  By default, it uses the Jami bootstrap nodes, but any host can be
+specified here.  It's also possible to disable bootstrapping by setting this
+to the @code{'disabled} symbol.")
+  (port
+   (maybe-number 4222)
+   "The UDP port to bind to.  When set to @code{'disabled}, an available port
+is automatically selected.")
+  (proxy-server-port
+   (maybe-number 'disabled)
+   "Spawn a proxy server listening on the specified port.")
+  (proxy-server-port-tls
+   (maybe-number 'disabled)
+   "Spawn a proxy server listening to TLS connections on the specified
+(define %opendht-accounts
+  ;; User account and groups for Tor.
+  (list (user-group (name "opendht") (system? #t))
+        (user-account
+         (name "opendht")
+         (group "opendht")
+         (system? #t)
+         (comment "OpenDHT daemon user")
+         (home-directory "/var/empty")
+         (shell (file-append shadow "/sbin/nologin")))))
+(define (opendht-configuration->command-line-arguments config)
+  "Derive the command line arguments used to launch the OpenDHT daemon from
+CONFIG, an <opendht-configuration> object."
+  (match-record config <opendht-configuration>
+    (opendht bootstrap-host enable-logging? port debug? peer-discovery?
+             proxy-server-port proxy-server-port-tls)
+    (let ((dhtnode #~(string-append #$opendht:tools "/bin/dhtnode")))
+      `(,dhtnode
+        "--service"                     ;non-forking mode
+        ,@(if (string? bootstrap-host)
+              (list "--bootstrap" bootstrap-host))
+        ,@(if enable-logging?
+              (list "--syslog")
+              '())
+        ,@(if (number? port)
+              (list "--port" (number->string port))
+              '())
+        ,@(if debug?
+              (list "--verbose")
+              '())
+        ,@(if peer-discovery?
+              (list "--peer-discovery")
+              '())
+        ,@(if (number? proxy-server-port)
+              (list "--proxyserver" (number->string proxy-server-port))
+              '())
+        ,@(if (number? proxy-server-port-tls)
+              (list "--proxyserverssl" (number->string proxy-server-port-tls))
+              '())))))
+(define (opendht-shepherd-service config)
+  "Return a <shepherd-service> running OpenDHT."
+  (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
+                          '((gnu build shepherd)
+                            (gnu system file-systems)))
+    (shepherd-service
+     (documentation "Run an OpenDHT node.")
+     (provision '(opendht dhtnode dhtproxy))
+     (requirement '(networking syslogd))
+     (modules '((gnu build shepherd)
+                (gnu system file-systems)))
+     (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor/container
+               (list #$@(opendht-configuration->command-line-arguments config))
+               #:mappings (list (file-system-mapping
+                                 (source "/dev/log") ;for syslog
+                                 (target source)))
+               #:user "opendht"
+               #:group "opendht"))
+     (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))
+(define opendht-service-type
+  (service-type
+   (name 'opendht)
+   (default-value (opendht-configuration))
+   (extensions
+    (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type
+                             (compose list opendht-shepherd-service))
+          (service-extension account-service-type
+                             (const %opendht-accounts))))
+   (description "Run the OpenDHT @command{dhtnode} command that allows
+participating in the distributed hash table based OpenDHT network.  The
+service can be configured to act as a proxy to the distributed network, which
+can be useful for portable devices where minimizing energy consumption is
+paramount.  OpenDHT was originally based on Kademlia and adapted for
+applications in communication.  It is used by Jami, for example.")))
 ;;; Tor.