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path: root/src/nix-env/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/nix-env/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1441 deletions
diff --git a/src/nix-env/ b/src/nix-env/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a80526347..0000000000
--- a/src/nix-env/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1441 +0,0 @@
-#include "profiles.hh"
-#include "names.hh"
-#include "globals.hh"
-#include "misc.hh"
-#include "shared.hh"
-#include "eval.hh"
-#include "get-drvs.hh"
-#include "attr-path.hh"
-#include "common-opts.hh"
-#include "xml-writer.hh"
-#include "store-api.hh"
-#include "user-env.hh"
-#include "util.hh"
-#include "value-to-json.hh"
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-using namespace nix;
-using std::cout;
-typedef enum {
-    srcNixExprDrvs,
-    srcNixExprs,
-    srcStorePaths,
-    srcProfile,
-    srcAttrPath,
-    srcUnknown
-} InstallSourceType;
-struct InstallSourceInfo
-    InstallSourceType type;
-    Path nixExprPath; /* for srcNixExprDrvs, srcNixExprs */
-    Path profile; /* for srcProfile */
-    string systemFilter; /* for srcNixExprDrvs */
-    Bindings autoArgs;
-struct Globals
-    InstallSourceInfo instSource;
-    Path profile;
-    EvalState state;
-    bool dryRun;
-    bool preserveInstalled;
-    bool removeAll;
-    string forceName;
-    bool prebuiltOnly;
-typedef void (* Operation) (Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs);
-void printHelp()
-    showManPage("nix-env");
-static string needArg(Strings::iterator & i,
-    Strings & args, const string & arg)
-    if (i == args.end()) throw UsageError(
-        format("`%1%' requires an argument") % arg);
-    return *i++;
-static bool parseInstallSourceOptions(Globals & globals,
-    Strings::iterator & i, Strings & args, const string & arg)
-    if (arg == "--from-expression" || arg == "-E")
-        globals.instSource.type = srcNixExprs;
-    else if (arg == "--from-profile") {
-        globals.instSource.type = srcProfile;
-        globals.instSource.profile = needArg(i, args, arg);
-    }
-    else if (arg == "--attr" || arg == "-A")
-        globals.instSource.type = srcAttrPath;
-    else return false;
-    return true;
-static bool isNixExpr(const Path & path, struct stat & st)
-    return S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && pathExists(path + "/default.nix"));
-static void getAllExprs(EvalState & state,
-    const Path & path, StringSet & attrs, Value & v)
-    Strings names = readDirectory(path);
-    StringSet namesSorted(names.begin(), names.end());
-    foreach (StringSet::iterator, i, namesSorted) {
-        /* Ignore the manifest.nix used by profiles.  This is
-           necessary to prevent it from showing up in channels (which
-           are implemented using profiles). */
-        if (*i == "manifest.nix") continue;
-        Path path2 = path + "/" + *i;
-        struct stat st;
-        if (stat(path2.c_str(), &st) == -1)
-            continue; // ignore dangling symlinks in ~/.nix-defexpr
-        if (isNixExpr(path2, st) && (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || hasSuffix(path2, ".nix"))) {
-            /* Strip off the `.nix' filename suffix (if applicable),
-               otherwise the attribute cannot be selected with the
-               `-A' option.  Useful if you want to stick a Nix
-               expression directly in ~/.nix-defexpr. */
-            string attrName = *i;
-            if (hasSuffix(attrName, ".nix"))
-                attrName = string(attrName, 0, attrName.size() - 4);
-            if (attrs.find(attrName) != attrs.end()) {
-                printMsg(lvlError, format("warning: name collision in input Nix expressions, skipping `%1%'") % path2);
-                continue;
-            }
-            attrs.insert(attrName);
-            /* Load the expression on demand. */
-            Value & vFun(*state.allocValue());
-            Value & vArg(*state.allocValue());
-            state.getBuiltin("import", vFun);
-            mkString(vArg, path2);
-            mkApp(*state.allocAttr(v, state.symbols.create(attrName)), vFun, vArg);
-        }
-        else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
-            /* `path2' is a directory (with no default.nix in it);
-               recurse into it. */
-            getAllExprs(state, path2, attrs, v);
-    }
-static void loadSourceExpr(EvalState & state, const Path & path, Value & v)
-    struct stat st;
-    if (stat(path.c_str(), &st) == -1)
-        throw SysError(format("getting information about `%1%'") % path);
-    if (isNixExpr(path, st)) {
-        state.evalFile(path, v);
-        return;
-    }
-    /* The path is a directory.  Put the Nix expressions in the
-       directory in a set, with the file name of each expression as
-       the attribute name.  Recurse into subdirectories (but keep the
-       set flat, not nested, to make it easier for a user to have a
-       ~/.nix-defexpr directory that includes some system-wide
-       directory). */
-    if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
-        state.mkAttrs(v, 16);
-        state.mkList(*state.allocAttr(v, state.symbols.create("_combineChannels")), 0);
-        StringSet attrs;
-        getAllExprs(state, path, attrs, v);
-        v.attrs->sort();
-    }
-static void loadDerivations(EvalState & state, Path nixExprPath,
-    string systemFilter, Bindings & autoArgs,
-    const string & pathPrefix, DrvInfos & elems)
-    Value vRoot;
-    loadSourceExpr(state, nixExprPath, vRoot);
-    Value & v(*findAlongAttrPath(state, pathPrefix, autoArgs, vRoot));
-    getDerivations(state, v, pathPrefix, autoArgs, elems, true);
-    /* Filter out all derivations not applicable to the current
-       system. */
-    for (DrvInfos::iterator i = elems.begin(), j; i != elems.end(); i = j) {
-        j = i; j++;
-        if (systemFilter != "*" && i->system != systemFilter)
-            elems.erase(i);
-    }
-static Path getHomeDir()
-    Path homeDir(getEnv("HOME", ""));
-    if (homeDir == "") throw Error("HOME environment variable not set");
-    return homeDir;
-static Path getDefNixExprPath()
-    return getHomeDir() + "/.nix-defexpr";
-static int getPriority(EvalState & state, DrvInfo & drv)
-    return drv.queryMetaInt("priority", 0);
-static int comparePriorities(EvalState & state, DrvInfo & drv1, DrvInfo & drv2)
-    return getPriority(state, drv2) - getPriority(state, drv1);
-// FIXME: this function is rather slow since it checks a single path
-// at a time.
-static bool isPrebuilt(EvalState & state, DrvInfo & elem)
-    Path path = elem.queryOutPath();
-    if (store->isValidPath(path)) return true;
-    PathSet ps = store->querySubstitutablePaths(singleton<PathSet>(path));
-    return ps.find(path) != ps.end();
-static void checkSelectorUse(DrvNames & selectors)
-    /* Check that all selectors have been used. */
-    foreach (DrvNames::iterator, i, selectors)
-        if (i->hits == 0 && i->fullName != "*")
-            throw Error(format("selector `%1%' matches no derivations") % i->fullName);
-static DrvInfos filterBySelector(EvalState & state, const DrvInfos & allElems,
-    const Strings & args, bool newestOnly)
-    DrvNames selectors = drvNamesFromArgs(args);
-    if (selectors.empty())
-        selectors.push_back(DrvName("*"));
-    DrvInfos elems;
-    set<unsigned int> done;
-    foreach (DrvNames::iterator, i, selectors) {
-        typedef list<std::pair<DrvInfo, unsigned int> > Matches;
-        Matches matches;
-        unsigned int n = 0;
-        for (DrvInfos::const_iterator j = allElems.begin();
-             j != allElems.end(); ++j, ++n)
-        {
-            DrvName drvName(j->name);
-            if (i->matches(drvName)) {
-                i->hits++;
-                matches.push_back(std::pair<DrvInfo, unsigned int>(*j, n));
-            }
-        }
-        /* If `newestOnly', if a selector matches multiple derivations
-           with the same name, pick the one matching the current
-           system.  If there are still multiple derivations, pick the
-           one with the highest priority.  If there are still multiple
-           derivations, pick the one with the highest version.
-           Finally, if there are still multiple derivations,
-           arbitrarily pick the first one. */
-        if (newestOnly) {
-            /* Map from package names to derivations. */
-            typedef map<string, std::pair<DrvInfo, unsigned int> > Newest;
-            Newest newest;
-            StringSet multiple;
-            for (Matches::iterator j = matches.begin(); j != matches.end(); ++j) {
-                DrvName drvName(j->;
-                int d = 1;
-                Newest::iterator k = newest.find(;
-                if (k != newest.end()) {
-                    d = j->first.system == k->second.first.system ? 0 :
-                        j->first.system == settings.thisSystem ? 1 :
-                        k->second.first.system == settings.thisSystem ? -1 : 0;
-                    if (d == 0)
-                        d = comparePriorities(state, j->first, k->second.first);
-                    if (d == 0)
-                        d = compareVersions(drvName.version, DrvName(k->;
-                }
-                if (d > 0) {
-                    newest.erase(;
-                    newest.insert(Newest::value_type(, *j));
-                    multiple.erase(j->;
-                } else if (d == 0) {
-                    multiple.insert(j->;
-                }
-            }
-            matches.clear();
-            for (Newest::iterator j = newest.begin(); j != newest.end(); ++j) {
-                if (multiple.find(j-> != multiple.end())
-                    printMsg(lvlInfo,
-                        format("warning: there are multiple derivations named `%1%'; using the first one")
-                        % j->;
-                matches.push_back(j->second);
-            }
-        }
-        /* Insert only those elements in the final list that we
-           haven't inserted before. */
-        for (Matches::iterator j = matches.begin(); j != matches.end(); ++j)
-            if (done.find(j->second) == done.end()) {
-                done.insert(j->second);
-                elems.push_back(j->first);
-            }
-    }
-    checkSelectorUse(selectors);
-    return elems;
-static bool isPath(const string & s)
-    return s.find('/') != string::npos;
-static void queryInstSources(EvalState & state,
-    InstallSourceInfo & instSource, const Strings & args,
-    DrvInfos & elems, bool newestOnly)
-    InstallSourceType type = instSource.type;
-    if (type == srcUnknown && args.size() > 0 && isPath(args.front()))
-        type = srcStorePaths;
-    switch (type) {
-        /* Get the available user environment elements from the
-           derivations specified in a Nix expression, including only
-           those with names matching any of the names in `args'. */
-        case srcUnknown:
-        case srcNixExprDrvs: {
-            /* Load the derivations from the (default or specified)
-               Nix expression. */
-            DrvInfos allElems;
-            loadDerivations(state, instSource.nixExprPath,
-                instSource.systemFilter, instSource.autoArgs, "", allElems);
-            elems = filterBySelector(state, allElems, args, newestOnly);
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Get the available user environment elements from the Nix
-           expressions specified on the command line; these should be
-           functions that take the default Nix expression file as
-           argument, e.g., if the file is `./foo.nix', then the
-           argument `x:' is equivalent to `(x:
-           (import ./foo.nix)' = `(import ./foo.nix).bar'. */
-        case srcNixExprs: {
-            Value vArg;
-            loadSourceExpr(state, instSource.nixExprPath, vArg);
-            foreach (Strings::const_iterator, i, args) {
-                Expr * eFun = state.parseExprFromString(*i, absPath("."));
-                Value vFun, vTmp;
-                state.eval(eFun, vFun);
-                mkApp(vTmp, vFun, vArg);
-                getDerivations(state, vTmp, "", instSource.autoArgs, elems, true);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        /* The available user environment elements are specified as a
-           list of store paths (which may or may not be
-           derivations). */
-        case srcStorePaths: {
-            foreach (Strings::const_iterator, i, args) {
-                Path path = followLinksToStorePath(*i);
-                string name = baseNameOf(path);
-                string::size_type dash = name.find('-');
-                if (dash != string::npos)
-                    name = string(name, dash + 1);
-                DrvInfo elem(state, name, "", "", 0);
-                if (isDerivation(path)) {
-                    elem.setDrvPath(path);
-                    elem.setOutPath(findOutput(derivationFromPath(*store, path), "out"));
-                    if (name.size() >= drvExtension.size() &&
-                        string(name, name.size() - drvExtension.size()) == drvExtension)
-                        name = string(name, 0, name.size() - drvExtension.size());
-                }
-                else elem.setOutPath(path);
-                elems.push_back(elem);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Get the available user environment elements from another
-           user environment.  These are then filtered as in the
-           `srcNixExprDrvs' case. */
-        case srcProfile: {
-            elems = filterBySelector(state,
-                queryInstalled(state, instSource.profile),
-                args, newestOnly);
-            break;
-        }
-        case srcAttrPath: {
-            Value vRoot;
-            loadSourceExpr(state, instSource.nixExprPath, vRoot);
-            foreach (Strings::const_iterator, i, args) {
-                Value & v(*findAlongAttrPath(state, *i, instSource.autoArgs, vRoot));
-                getDerivations(state, v, "", instSource.autoArgs, elems, true);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-static void printMissing(EvalState & state, DrvInfos & elems)
-    PathSet targets;
-    foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, elems) {
-        Path drvPath = i->queryDrvPath();
-        if (drvPath != "")
-            targets.insert(drvPath);
-        else
-            targets.insert(i->queryOutPath());
-    }
-    printMissing(*store, targets);
-static bool keep(DrvInfo & drv)
-    return drv.queryMetaBool("keep", false);
-static void installDerivations(Globals & globals,
-    const Strings & args, const Path & profile)
-    debug(format("installing derivations"));
-    /* Get the set of user environment elements to be installed. */
-    DrvInfos newElems, newElemsTmp;
-    queryInstSources(globals.state, globals.instSource, args, newElemsTmp, true);
-    /* If --prebuilt-only is given, filter out source-only packages. */
-    foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, newElemsTmp)
-        if (!globals.prebuiltOnly || isPrebuilt(globals.state, *i))
-            newElems.push_back(*i);
-    StringSet newNames;
-    for (DrvInfos::iterator i = newElems.begin(); i != newElems.end(); ++i) {
-        /* `forceName' is a hack to get package names right in some
-           one-click installs, namely those where the name used in the
-           path is not the one we want (e.g., `java-front' versus
-           `java-front-0.9pre15899'). */
-        if (globals.forceName != "")
-            i->name = globals.forceName;
-        newNames.insert(DrvName(i->name).name);
-    }
-    while (true) {
-        string lockToken = optimisticLockProfile(profile);
-        DrvInfos allElems(newElems);
-        /* Add in the already installed derivations, unless they have
-           the same name as a to-be-installed element. */
-        if (!globals.removeAll) {
-            DrvInfos installedElems = queryInstalled(globals.state, profile);
-            foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, installedElems) {
-                DrvName drvName(i->name);
-                if (!globals.preserveInstalled &&
-                    newNames.find( != newNames.end() &&
-                    !keep(*i))
-                    printMsg(lvlInfo, format("replacing old `%1%'") % i->name);
-                else
-                    allElems.push_back(*i);
-            }
-            foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, newElems)
-                printMsg(lvlInfo, format("installing `%1%'") % i->name);
-        }
-        printMissing(globals.state, newElems);
-        if (globals.dryRun) return;
-        if (createUserEnv(globals.state, allElems,
-                profile, settings.envKeepDerivations, lockToken)) break;
-    }
-static void opInstall(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ) {
-        string arg = *i++;
-        if (parseInstallSourceOptions(globals, i, opFlags, arg)) ;
-        else if (arg == "--preserve-installed" || arg == "-P")
-            globals.preserveInstalled = true;
-        else if (arg == "--remove-all" || arg == "-r")
-            globals.removeAll = true;
-        else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % arg);
-    }
-    installDerivations(globals, opArgs, globals.profile);
-typedef enum { utLt, utLeq, utEq, utAlways } UpgradeType;
-static void upgradeDerivations(Globals & globals,
-    const Strings & args, UpgradeType upgradeType)
-    debug(format("upgrading derivations"));
-    /* Upgrade works as follows: we take all currently installed
-       derivations, and for any derivation matching any selector, look
-       for a derivation in the input Nix expression that has the same
-       name and a higher version number. */
-    while (true) {
-        string lockToken = optimisticLockProfile(globals.profile);
-        DrvInfos installedElems = queryInstalled(globals.state, globals.profile);
-        /* Fetch all derivations from the input file. */
-        DrvInfos availElems;
-        queryInstSources(globals.state, globals.instSource, args, availElems, false);
-        /* Go through all installed derivations. */
-        DrvInfos newElems;
-        foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, installedElems) {
-            DrvName drvName(i->name);
-            try {
-                if (keep(*i)) {
-                    newElems.push_back(*i);
-                    continue;
-                }
-                /* Find the derivation in the input Nix expression
-                   with the same name that satisfies the version
-                   constraints specified by upgradeType.  If there are
-                   multiple matches, take the one with the highest
-                   priority.  If there are still multiple matches,
-                   take the one with the highest version. */
-                DrvInfos::iterator bestElem = availElems.end();
-                DrvName bestName;
-                foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, j, availElems) {
-                    DrvName newName(j->name);
-                    if ( == {
-                        int d = comparePriorities(globals.state, *i, *j);
-                        if (d == 0) d = compareVersions(drvName.version, newName.version);
-                        if ((upgradeType == utLt && d < 0) ||
-                            (upgradeType == utLeq && d <= 0) ||
-                            (upgradeType == utEq && d == 0) ||
-                            upgradeType == utAlways)
-                        {
-                            int d2 = -1;
-                            if (bestElem != availElems.end()) {
-                                d2 = comparePriorities(globals.state, *bestElem, *j);
-                                if (d2 == 0) d2 = compareVersions(bestName.version, newName.version);
-                            }
-                            if (d2 < 0 && (!globals.prebuiltOnly || isPrebuilt(globals.state, *j))) {
-                                bestElem = j;
-                                bestName = newName;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (bestElem != availElems.end() &&
-                    i->queryOutPath() !=
-                    bestElem->queryOutPath())
-                {
-                    printMsg(lvlInfo,
-                        format("upgrading `%1%' to `%2%'")
-                        % i->name % bestElem->name);
-                    newElems.push_back(*bestElem);
-                } else newElems.push_back(*i);
-            } catch (Error & e) {
-                e.addPrefix(format("while trying to find an upgrade for `%1%':\n") % i->name);
-                throw;
-            }
-        }
-        printMissing(globals.state, newElems);
-        if (globals.dryRun) return;
-        if (createUserEnv(globals.state, newElems,
-                globals.profile, settings.envKeepDerivations, lockToken)) break;
-    }
-static void opUpgrade(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    UpgradeType upgradeType = utLt;
-    for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ) {
-        string arg = *i++;
-        if (parseInstallSourceOptions(globals, i, opFlags, arg)) ;
-        else if (arg == "--lt") upgradeType = utLt;
-        else if (arg == "--leq") upgradeType = utLeq;
-        else if (arg == "--eq") upgradeType = utEq;
-        else if (arg == "--always") upgradeType = utAlways;
-        else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % arg);
-    }
-    upgradeDerivations(globals, opArgs, upgradeType);
-static void setMetaFlag(EvalState & state, DrvInfo & drv,
-    const string & name, const string & value)
-    Value * v = state.allocValue();
-    mkString(*v, value.c_str());
-    drv.setMeta(name, v);
-static void opSetFlag(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    if (opFlags.size() > 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
-    if (opArgs.size() < 2)
-        throw UsageError("not enough arguments to `--set-flag'");
-    Strings::iterator arg = opArgs.begin();
-    string flagName = *arg++;
-    string flagValue = *arg++;
-    DrvNames selectors = drvNamesFromArgs(Strings(arg, opArgs.end()));
-    while (true) {
-        string lockToken = optimisticLockProfile(globals.profile);
-        DrvInfos installedElems = queryInstalled(globals.state, globals.profile);
-        /* Update all matching derivations. */
-        foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, installedElems) {
-            DrvName drvName(i->name);
-            foreach (DrvNames::iterator, j, selectors)
-                if (j->matches(drvName)) {
-                    printMsg(lvlInfo, format("setting flag on `%1%'") % i->name);
-                    j->hits++;
-                    setMetaFlag(globals.state, *i, flagName, flagValue);
-                    break;
-                }
-        }
-        checkSelectorUse(selectors);
-        /* Write the new user environment. */
-        if (createUserEnv(globals.state, installedElems,
-                globals.profile, settings.envKeepDerivations, lockToken)) break;
-    }
-static void opSet(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ) {
-        string arg = *i++;
-        if (parseInstallSourceOptions(globals, i, opFlags, arg)) ;
-        else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % arg);
-    }
-    DrvInfos elems;
-    queryInstSources(globals.state, globals.instSource, opArgs, elems, true);
-    if (elems.size() != 1)
-        throw Error("--set requires exactly one derivation");
-    DrvInfo & drv(elems.front());
-    if (drv.queryDrvPath() != "") {
-        PathSet paths = singleton<PathSet>(drv.queryDrvPath());
-        printMissing(*store, paths);
-        if (globals.dryRun) return;
-        store->buildPaths(paths, ? bmRepair : bmNormal);
-    }
-    else {
-        printMissing(*store, singleton<PathSet>(drv.queryOutPath()));
-        if (globals.dryRun) return;
-        store->ensurePath(drv.queryOutPath());
-    }
-    debug(format("switching to new user environment"));
-    Path generation = createGeneration(globals.profile, drv.queryOutPath());
-    switchLink(globals.profile, generation);
-static void uninstallDerivations(Globals & globals, Strings & selectors,
-    Path & profile)
-    while (true) {
-        string lockToken = optimisticLockProfile(profile);
-        DrvInfos installedElems = queryInstalled(globals.state, profile);
-        DrvInfos newElems;
-        foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, installedElems) {
-            DrvName drvName(i->name);
-            bool found = false;
-            foreach (Strings::iterator, j, selectors)
-                /* !!! the repeated calls to followLinksToStorePath()
-                   are expensive, should pre-compute them. */
-                if ((isPath(*j) && i->queryOutPath() == followLinksToStorePath(*j))
-                    || DrvName(*j).matches(drvName))
-                {
-                    printMsg(lvlInfo, format("uninstalling `%1%'") % i->name);
-                    found = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            if (!found) newElems.push_back(*i);
-        }
-        if (globals.dryRun) return;
-        if (createUserEnv(globals.state, newElems,
-                profile, settings.envKeepDerivations, lockToken)) break;
-    }
-static void opUninstall(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    if (opFlags.size() > 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
-    uninstallDerivations(globals, opArgs, globals.profile);
-static bool cmpChars(char a, char b)
-    return toupper(a) < toupper(b);
-static bool cmpElemByName(const DrvInfo & a, const DrvInfo & b)
-    return lexicographical_compare(
-,, cmpChars);
-typedef list<Strings> Table;
-void printTable(Table & table)
-    unsigned int nrColumns = table.size() > 0 ? table.front().size() : 0;
-    vector<unsigned int> widths;
-    widths.resize(nrColumns);
-    foreach (Table::iterator, i, table) {
-        assert(i->size() == nrColumns);
-        Strings::iterator j;
-        unsigned int column;
-        for (j = i->begin(), column = 0; j != i->end(); ++j, ++column)
-            if (j->size() > widths[column]) widths[column] = j->size();
-    }
-    foreach (Table::iterator, i, table) {
-        Strings::iterator j;
-        unsigned int column;
-        for (j = i->begin(), column = 0; j != i->end(); ++j, ++column) {
-            string s = *j;
-            replace(s.begin(), s.end(), '\n', ' ');
-            cout << s;
-            if (column < nrColumns - 1)
-                cout << string(widths[column] - s.size() + 2, ' ');
-        }
-        cout << std::endl;
-    }
-/* This function compares the version of an element against the
-   versions in the given set of elements.  `cvLess' means that only
-   lower versions are in the set, `cvEqual' means that at most an
-   equal version is in the set, and `cvGreater' means that there is at
-   least one element with a higher version in the set.  `cvUnavail'
-   means that there are no elements with the same name in the set. */
-typedef enum { cvLess, cvEqual, cvGreater, cvUnavail } VersionDiff;
-static VersionDiff compareVersionAgainstSet(
-    const DrvInfo & elem, const DrvInfos & elems, string & version)
-    DrvName name(;
-    VersionDiff diff = cvUnavail;
-    version = "?";
-    for (DrvInfos::const_iterator i = elems.begin(); i != elems.end(); ++i) {
-        DrvName name2(i->name);
-        if ( == {
-            int d = compareVersions(name.version, name2.version);
-            if (d < 0) {
-                diff = cvGreater;
-                version = name2.version;
-            }
-            else if (diff != cvGreater && d == 0) {
-                diff = cvEqual;
-                version = name2.version;
-            }
-            else if (diff != cvGreater && diff != cvEqual && d > 0) {
-                diff = cvLess;
-                if (version == "" || compareVersions(version, name2.version) < 0)
-                    version = name2.version;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return diff;
-static string colorString(const string & s)
-    if (!isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) return s;
-    return "\e[1;31m" + s + "\e[0m";
-static void queryJSON(Globals & globals, vector<DrvInfo> & elems)
-    JSONObject topObj(cout);
-    foreach (vector<DrvInfo>::iterator, i, elems) {
-        topObj.attr(i->attrPath);
-        JSONObject pkgObj(cout);
-        pkgObj.attr("name", i->name);
-        pkgObj.attr("system", i->system);
-        pkgObj.attr("meta");
-        JSONObject metaObj(cout);
-        StringSet metaNames = i->queryMetaNames();
-        foreach (StringSet::iterator, j, metaNames) {
-            metaObj.attr(*j);
-            Value * v = i->queryMeta(*j);
-            if (!v)
-                printMsg(lvlError, format("derivation `%1%' has invalid meta attribute `%2%'") % i->name % *j);
-            else {
-                PathSet context;
-                printValueAsJSON(globals.state, true, *v, cout, context);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-static void opQuery(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    Strings remaining;
-    string attrPath;
-    bool printStatus = false;
-    bool printName = true;
-    bool printAttrPath = false;
-    bool printSystem = false;
-    bool printDrvPath = false;
-    bool printOutPath = false;
-    bool printDescription = false;
-    bool printMeta = false;
-    bool compareVersions = false;
-    bool xmlOutput = false;
-    bool jsonOutput = false;
-    enum { sInstalled, sAvailable } source = sInstalled;
-    settings.readOnlyMode = true; /* makes evaluation a bit faster */
-    for (Strings::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ) {
-        string arg = *i++;
-        if (arg == "--status" || arg == "-s") printStatus = true;
-        else if (arg == "--no-name") printName = false;
-        else if (arg == "--system") printSystem = true;
-        else if (arg == "--description") printDescription = true;
-        else if (arg == "--compare-versions" || arg == "-c") compareVersions = true;
-        else if (arg == "--drv-path") printDrvPath = true;
-        else if (arg == "--out-path") printOutPath = true;
-        else if (arg == "--meta") printMeta = true;
-        else if (arg == "--installed") source = sInstalled;
-        else if (arg == "--available" || arg == "-a") source = sAvailable;
-        else if (arg == "--xml") xmlOutput = true;
-        else if (arg == "--json") jsonOutput = true;
-        else if (arg == "--attr-path" || arg == "-P") printAttrPath = true;
-        else if (arg == "--attr" || arg == "-A")
-            attrPath = needArg(i, args, arg);
-        else if (arg[0] == '-')
-            throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % arg);
-        else remaining.push_back(arg);
-    }
-    /* Obtain derivation information from the specified source. */
-    DrvInfos availElems, installedElems;
-    if (source == sInstalled || compareVersions || printStatus)
-        installedElems = queryInstalled(globals.state, globals.profile);
-    if (source == sAvailable || compareVersions)
-        loadDerivations(globals.state, globals.instSource.nixExprPath,
-            globals.instSource.systemFilter, globals.instSource.autoArgs,
-            attrPath, availElems);
-    DrvInfos elems_ = filterBySelector(globals.state,
-        source == sInstalled ? installedElems : availElems,
-        remaining, false);
-    DrvInfos & otherElems(source == sInstalled ? availElems : installedElems);
-    /* Sort them by name. */
-    /* !!! */
-    vector<DrvInfo> elems;
-    for (DrvInfos::iterator i = elems_.begin(); i != elems_.end(); ++i)
-        elems.push_back(*i);
-    sort(elems.begin(), elems.end(), cmpElemByName);
-    /* We only need to know the installed paths when we are querying
-       the status of the derivation. */
-    PathSet installed; /* installed paths */
-    if (printStatus) {
-        for (DrvInfos::iterator i = installedElems.begin();
-             i != installedElems.end(); ++i)
-            installed.insert(i->queryOutPath());
-    }
-    /* Query which paths have substitutes. */
-    PathSet validPaths, substitutablePaths;
-    if (printStatus || globals.prebuiltOnly) {
-        PathSet paths;
-        foreach (vector<DrvInfo>::iterator, i, elems)
-            try {
-                paths.insert(i->queryOutPath());
-            } catch (AssertionError & e) {
-                printMsg(lvlTalkative, format("skipping derivation named `%1%' which gives an assertion failure") % i->name);
-                i->setFailed();
-            }
-        validPaths = store->queryValidPaths(paths);
-        substitutablePaths = store->querySubstitutablePaths(paths);
-    }
-    /* Print the desired columns, or XML output. */
-    if (jsonOutput) {
-        queryJSON(globals, elems);
-        return;
-    }
-    Table table;
-    std::ostringstream dummy;
-    XMLWriter xml(true, *(xmlOutput ? &cout : &dummy));
-    XMLOpenElement xmlRoot(xml, "items");
-    foreach (vector<DrvInfo>::iterator, i, elems) {
-        try {
-            if (i->hasFailed()) continue;
-            startNest(nest, lvlDebug, format("outputting query result `%1%'") % i->attrPath);
-            if (globals.prebuiltOnly &&
-                validPaths.find(i->queryOutPath()) == validPaths.end() &&
-                substitutablePaths.find(i->queryOutPath()) == substitutablePaths.end())
-                continue;
-            /* For table output. */
-            Strings columns;
-            /* For XML output. */
-            XMLAttrs attrs;
-            if (printStatus) {
-                Path outPath = i->queryOutPath();
-                bool hasSubs = substitutablePaths.find(outPath) != substitutablePaths.end();
-                bool isInstalled = installed.find(outPath) != installed.end();
-                bool isValid = validPaths.find(outPath) != validPaths.end();
-                if (xmlOutput) {
-                    attrs["installed"] = isInstalled ? "1" : "0";
-                    attrs["valid"] = isValid ? "1" : "0";
-                    attrs["substitutable"] = hasSubs ? "1" : "0";
-                } else
-                    columns.push_back(
-                        (string) (isInstalled ? "I" : "-")
-                        + (isValid ? "P" : "-")
-                        + (hasSubs ? "S" : "-"));
-            }
-            if (xmlOutput)
-                attrs["attrPath"] = i->attrPath;
-            else if (printAttrPath)
-                columns.push_back(i->attrPath);
-            if (xmlOutput)
-                attrs["name"] = i->name;
-            else if (printName)
-                columns.push_back(i->name);
-            if (compareVersions) {
-                /* Compare this element against the versions of the
-                   same named packages in either the set of available
-                   elements, or the set of installed elements.  !!!
-                   This is O(N * M), should be O(N * lg M). */
-                string version;
-                VersionDiff diff = compareVersionAgainstSet(*i, otherElems, version);
-                char ch;
-                switch (diff) {
-                    case cvLess: ch = '>'; break;
-                    case cvEqual: ch = '='; break;
-                    case cvGreater: ch = '<'; break;
-                    case cvUnavail: ch = '-'; break;
-                    default: abort();
-                }
-                if (xmlOutput) {
-                    if (diff != cvUnavail) {
-                        attrs["versionDiff"] = ch;
-                        attrs["maxComparedVersion"] = version;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    string column = (string) "" + ch + " " + version;
-                    if (diff == cvGreater) column = colorString(column);
-                    columns.push_back(column);
-                }
-            }
-            if (xmlOutput) {
-                if (i->system != "") attrs["system"] = i->system;
-            }
-            else if (printSystem)
-                columns.push_back(i->system);
-            if (printDrvPath) {
-                string drvPath = i->queryDrvPath();
-                if (xmlOutput) {
-                    if (drvPath != "") attrs["drvPath"] = drvPath;
-                } else
-                    columns.push_back(drvPath == "" ? "-" : drvPath);
-            }
-            if (printOutPath && !xmlOutput) {
-                DrvInfo::Outputs outputs = i->queryOutputs();
-                string s;
-                foreach (DrvInfo::Outputs::iterator, j, outputs) {
-                    if (!s.empty()) s += ';';
-                    if (j->first != "out") { s += j->first; s += "="; }
-                    s += j->second;
-                }
-                columns.push_back(s);
-            }
-            if (printDescription) {
-                string descr = i->queryMetaString("description");
-                if (xmlOutput) {
-                    if (descr != "") attrs["description"] = descr;
-                } else
-                    columns.push_back(descr);
-            }
-            if (xmlOutput) {
-                if (printOutPath || printMeta) {
-                    XMLOpenElement item(xml, "item", attrs);
-                    if (printOutPath) {
-                        DrvInfo::Outputs outputs = i->queryOutputs();
-                        foreach (DrvInfo::Outputs::iterator, j, outputs) {
-                            XMLAttrs attrs2;
-                            attrs2["name"] = j->first;
-                            attrs2["path"] = j->second;
-                            xml.writeEmptyElement("output", attrs2);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (printMeta) {
-                        StringSet metaNames = i->queryMetaNames();
-                        foreach (StringSet::iterator, j, metaNames) {
-                            XMLAttrs attrs2;
-                            attrs2["name"] = *j;
-                            Value * v = i->queryMeta(*j);
-                            if (!v)
-                                printMsg(lvlError, format("derivation `%1%' has invalid meta attribute `%2%'") % i->name % *j);
-                            else {
-                                if (v->type == tString) {
-                                    attrs2["type"] = "string";
-                                    attrs2["value"] = v->string.s;
-                                    xml.writeEmptyElement("meta", attrs2);
-                                } else if (v->type == tInt) {
-                                    attrs2["type"] = "int";
-                                    attrs2["value"] = (format("%1%") % v->integer).str();
-                                    xml.writeEmptyElement("meta", attrs2);
-                                } else if (v->type == tBool) {
-                                    attrs2["type"] = "bool";
-                                    attrs2["value"] = v->boolean ? "true" : "false";
-                                    xml.writeEmptyElement("meta", attrs2);
-                                } else if (v->type == tList) {
-                                    attrs2["type"] = "strings";
-                                    XMLOpenElement m(xml, "meta", attrs2);
-                                    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < v->list.length; ++j) {
-                                        if (v->list.elems[j]->type != tString) continue;
-                                        XMLAttrs attrs3;
-                                        attrs3["value"] = v->list.elems[j]->string.s;
-                                        xml.writeEmptyElement("string", attrs3);
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else
-                    xml.writeEmptyElement("item", attrs);
-            } else
-                table.push_back(columns);
-            cout.flush();
-        } catch (AssertionError & e) {
-            printMsg(lvlTalkative, format("skipping derivation named `%1%' which gives an assertion failure") % i->name);
-        } catch (Error & e) {
-            e.addPrefix(format("while querying the derivation named `%1%':\n") % i->name);
-            throw;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!xmlOutput) printTable(table);
-static void opSwitchProfile(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    if (opFlags.size() > 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
-    if (opArgs.size() != 1)
-        throw UsageError(format("exactly one argument expected"));
-    Path profile = absPath(opArgs.front());
-    Path profileLink = getHomeDir() + "/.nix-profile";
-    switchLink(profileLink, profile);
-static const int prevGen = -2;
-static void switchGeneration(Globals & globals, int dstGen)
-    PathLocks lock;
-    lockProfile(lock, globals.profile);
-    int curGen;
-    Generations gens = findGenerations(globals.profile, curGen);
-    Generation dst;
-    for (Generations::iterator i = gens.begin(); i != gens.end(); ++i)
-        if ((dstGen == prevGen && i->number < curGen) ||
-            (dstGen >= 0 && i->number == dstGen))
-            dst = *i;
-    if (!dst) {
-        if (dstGen == prevGen)
-            throw Error(format("no generation older than the current (%1%) exists")
-                % curGen);
-        else
-            throw Error(format("generation %1% does not exist") % dstGen);
-    }
-    printMsg(lvlInfo, format("switching from generation %1% to %2%")
-        % curGen % dst.number);
-    if (globals.dryRun) return;
-    switchLink(globals.profile, dst.path);
-static void opSwitchGeneration(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    if (opFlags.size() > 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
-    if (opArgs.size() != 1)
-        throw UsageError(format("exactly one argument expected"));
-    int dstGen;
-    if (!string2Int(opArgs.front(), dstGen))
-        throw UsageError(format("expected a generation number"));
-    switchGeneration(globals, dstGen);
-static void opRollback(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    if (opFlags.size() > 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
-    if (opArgs.size() != 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("no arguments expected"));
-    switchGeneration(globals, prevGen);
-static void opListGenerations(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    if (opFlags.size() > 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
-    if (opArgs.size() != 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("no arguments expected"));
-    PathLocks lock;
-    lockProfile(lock, globals.profile);
-    int curGen;
-    Generations gens = findGenerations(globals.profile, curGen);
-    for (Generations::iterator i = gens.begin(); i != gens.end(); ++i) {
-        tm t;
-        if (!localtime_r(&i->creationTime, &t)) throw Error("cannot convert time");
-        cout << format("%|4|   %|4|-%|02|-%|02| %|02|:%|02|:%|02|   %||\n")
-            % i->number
-            % (t.tm_year + 1900) % (t.tm_mon + 1) % t.tm_mday
-            % t.tm_hour % t.tm_min % t.tm_sec
-            % (i->number == curGen ? "(current)" : "");
-    }
-static void deleteGeneration2(Globals & globals, unsigned int gen)
-    if (globals.dryRun)
-        printMsg(lvlInfo, format("would remove generation %1%") % gen);
-    else {
-        printMsg(lvlInfo, format("removing generation %1%") % gen);
-        deleteGeneration(globals.profile, gen);
-    }
-static void opDeleteGenerations(Globals & globals,
-    Strings args, Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
-    if (opFlags.size() > 0)
-        throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % opFlags.front());
-    PathLocks lock;
-    lockProfile(lock, globals.profile);
-    int curGen;
-    Generations gens = findGenerations(globals.profile, curGen);
-    for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) {
-        if (*i == "old") {
-            for (Generations::iterator j = gens.begin(); j != gens.end(); ++j)
-                if (j->number != curGen)
-                    deleteGeneration2(globals, j->number);
-        } else if (i->size() >= 2 && tolower(*i->rbegin()) == 'd') {
-            time_t curTime = time(NULL);
-            time_t oldTime;
-            string strDays = string(*i, 0, i->size() - 1);
-            int days;
-            if (!string2Int(strDays, days) || days < 1)
-                throw UsageError(format("invalid number of days specifier `%1%'") % *i);
-            oldTime = curTime - days * 24 * 3600;
-            for (Generations::iterator j = gens.begin(); j != gens.end(); ++j) {
-                if (j->number == curGen) continue;
-                if (j->creationTime < oldTime)
-                    deleteGeneration2(globals, j->number);
-            }
-        } else {
-            int n;
-            if (!string2Int(*i, n) || n < 0)
-                throw UsageError(format("invalid generation specifier `%1%'")  % *i);
-            bool found = false;
-            for (Generations::iterator j = gens.begin(); j != gens.end(); ++j) {
-                if (j->number == n) {
-                    deleteGeneration2(globals, j->number);
-                    found = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (!found)
-                printMsg(lvlError, format("generation %1% does not exist") % n);
-        }
-    }
-void run(Strings args)
-    Strings opFlags, opArgs, remaining;
-    Operation op = 0;
-    Globals globals;
-    globals.instSource.type = srcUnknown;
-    globals.instSource.nixExprPath = getDefNixExprPath();
-    globals.instSource.systemFilter = "*";
-    globals.dryRun = false;
-    globals.preserveInstalled = false;
-    globals.removeAll = false;
-    globals.prebuiltOnly = false;
-    for (Strings::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ) {
-        string arg = *i++;
-        Operation oldOp = op;
-        if (arg == "--install" || arg == "-i")
-            op = opInstall;
-        else if (parseOptionArg(arg, i, args.end(),
-                     globals.state, globals.instSource.autoArgs))
-            ;
-        else if (parseSearchPathArg(arg, i, args.end(), globals.state))
-            ;
-        else if (arg == "--force-name") // undocumented flag for nix-install-package
-            globals.forceName = needArg(i, args, arg);
-        else if (arg == "--uninstall" || arg == "-e")
-            op = opUninstall;
-        else if (arg == "--upgrade" || arg == "-u")
-            op = opUpgrade;
-        else if (arg == "--set-flag")
-            op = opSetFlag;
-        else if (arg == "--set")
-            op = opSet;
-        else if (arg == "--query" || arg == "-q")
-            op = opQuery;
-        else if (arg == "--profile" || arg == "-p")
-            globals.profile = absPath(needArg(i, args, arg));
-        else if (arg == "--file" || arg == "-f")
-            globals.instSource.nixExprPath = lookupFileArg(globals.state, needArg(i, args, arg));
-        else if (arg == "--switch-profile" || arg == "-S")
-            op = opSwitchProfile;
-        else if (arg == "--switch-generation" || arg == "-G")
-            op = opSwitchGeneration;
-        else if (arg == "--rollback")
-            op = opRollback;
-        else if (arg == "--list-generations")
-            op = opListGenerations;
-        else if (arg == "--delete-generations")
-            op = opDeleteGenerations;
-        else if (arg == "--dry-run") {
-            printMsg(lvlInfo, "(dry run; not doing anything)");
-            globals.dryRun = true;
-        }
-        else if (arg == "--system-filter")
-            globals.instSource.systemFilter = needArg(i, args, arg);
-        else if (arg == "--prebuilt-only" || arg == "-b")
-            globals.prebuiltOnly = true;
-        else if (arg == "--repair")
-   = true;
-        else {
-            remaining.push_back(arg);
-            if (arg[0] == '-') {
-                opFlags.push_back(arg);
-                if (arg == "--from-profile") { /* !!! hack */
-                    if (i != args.end()) opFlags.push_back(*i++);
-                }
-            } else opArgs.push_back(arg);
-        }
-        if (oldOp && oldOp != op)
-            throw UsageError("only one operation may be specified");
-    }
-    if (!op) throw UsageError("no operation specified");
-    if (globals.profile == "")
-        globals.profile = getEnv("NIX_PROFILE", "");
-    if (globals.profile == "") {
-        Path profileLink = getHomeDir() + "/.nix-profile";
-        globals.profile = pathExists(profileLink)
-            ? absPath(readLink(profileLink), dirOf(profileLink))
-            : canonPath(settings.nixStateDir + "/profiles/default");
-    }
-    store = openStore();
-    op(globals, remaining, opFlags, opArgs);
-    globals.state.printStats();
-string programId = "nix-env";