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authorTimotej Kapus <tk1713@ic.ac.uk>2018-05-25 17:20:34 +0100
committerMartinNowack <martin.nowack@gmail.com>2019-04-04 20:37:41 +0100
commit56edf12a40cdb2658701485528d80a4324abe827 (patch)
parente0d530a61ba458d68bbb086b2b6df675dea5a6dd (diff)
Change the .stats format into sqlite3
Improves querying of the .stats file, reduces its size, speeds up reads and
writes and has better defined fail behaviour.
6 files changed, 196 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Core/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/Core/CMakeLists.txt
index 83a6e001..4d0ec635 100644
--- a/lib/Core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lib/Core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ set(LLVM_COMPONENTS
 klee_get_llvm_libs(LLVM_LIBS ${LLVM_COMPONENTS})
-target_link_libraries(kleeCore PUBLIC ${LLVM_LIBS})
+target_link_libraries(kleeCore PUBLIC ${LLVM_LIBS} sqlite3)
 target_link_libraries(kleeCore PRIVATE
diff --git a/lib/Core/StatsTracker.cpp b/lib/Core/StatsTracker.cpp
index dac18370..4b557df2 100644
--- a/lib/Core/StatsTracker.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/StatsTracker.cpp
@@ -80,6 +80,13 @@ cl::opt<unsigned> StatsWriteAfterInstructions(
         "Write statistics after each n instructions, 0 to disable (default=0)"),
+cl::opt<unsigned> CommitEvery(
+    "stats-commit-after", cl::init(0),
+     cl::desc("Commit the statistics every N writes. Setting to 0 commits every "
+         "write in interval mode (default) or every 1000 writes in write after "
+         "N instructions (default=0)"),
+     cl::cat(StatsCat));
 cl::opt<std::string> IStatsWriteInterval(
     "istats-write-interval", cl::init("10s"),
@@ -197,6 +204,13 @@ StatsTracker::StatsTracker(Executor &_executor, std::string _objectFilename,
   KModule *km = executor.kmodule.get();
+  if(CommitEvery > 0) {
+      commitEvery = CommitEvery.getValue();
+  } else {
+      commitEvery = StatsWriteInterval > 0 ? 1 : 1000;
+  }
   if (!sys::path::is_absolute(objectFilename)) {
     SmallString<128> current(objectFilename);
@@ -234,15 +248,17 @@ StatsTracker::StatsTracker(Executor &_executor, std::string _objectFilename,
   if (OutputStats) {
-    statsFile = executor.interpreterHandler->openOutputFile("run.stats");
-    if (statsFile) {
+    if(sqlite3_open(executor.interpreterHandler->getOutputFilename("run.stats").c_str(), &statsFile)){
+       std::stringstream error_s;
+       error_s << "Can't open database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(statsFile);
+       sqlite3_close(statsFile);
+       klee_error("%s", error_s.str().c_str());
+    } else {
       if (statsWriteInterval)
         executor.addTimer(new WriteStatsTimer(this), statsWriteInterval);
-    } else {
-      klee_error("Unable to open statistics trace file (run.stats).");
@@ -263,6 +279,13 @@ StatsTracker::StatsTracker(Executor &_executor, std::string _objectFilename,
+StatsTracker::~StatsTracker() {
+  char *zErrMsg;
+  sqlite3_exec(statsFile, "END TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, &zErrMsg);
+  sqlite3_finalize(insertStmt);
+  sqlite3_close(statsFile);
 void StatsTracker::done() {
   if (statsFile)
@@ -390,31 +413,92 @@ void StatsTracker::markBranchVisited(ExecutionState *visitedTrue,
 void StatsTracker::writeStatsHeader() {
-  *statsFile << "('Instructions',"
-             << "'FullBranches',"
-             << "'PartialBranches',"
-             << "'NumBranches',"
-             << "'UserTime',"
-             << "'NumStates',"
-             << "'MallocUsage',"
-             << "'NumQueries',"
-             << "'NumQueryConstructs',"
-             << "'NumObjects',"
-             << "'WallTime',"
-             << "'CoveredInstructions',"
-             << "'UncoveredInstructions',"
-             << "'QueryTime',"
-             << "'SolverTime',"
-             << "'CexCacheTime',"
-             << "'ForkTime',"
-             << "'ResolveTime',"
-             << "'QueryCexCacheMisses',"
-             << "'QueryCexCacheHits',"
+  std::stringstream create,  insert;
+  create << "CREATE TABLE stats ";
+  create     << "(Instructions int,"
+             << "FullBranches int,"
+             << "PartialBranches int,"
+             << "NumBranches int,"
+             << "UserTime int,"
+             << "NumStates int,"
+             << "MallocUsage int,"
+             << "NumQueries int,"
+             << "NumQueryConstructs int,"
+             << "NumObjects int,"
+             << "WallTime int,"
+             << "CoveredInstructions int,"
+             << "UncoveredInstructions int,"
+             << "QueryTime int,"
+             << "SolverTime int,"
+             << "CexCacheTime int,"
+             << "ForkTime int,"
+             << "ResolveTime int,"
+             << "QueryCexCacheMisses int,"
+	     << "ArrayHashTime int,"
+             << "QueryCexCacheHits int"
+             << ")";
+       char *zErrMsg = 0;
+       if(sqlite3_exec(statsFile, create.str().c_str(), NULL, NULL, &zErrMsg)) {
+         klee_error("ERROR creating table: %s", zErrMsg);
+         return;
+       }
+       insert << "INSERT INTO stats ( "
+              << "Instructions ,"
+              << "FullBranches ,"
+              << "PartialBranches ,"
+              << "NumBranches ,"
+              << "UserTime ,"
+              << "NumStates ,"
+              << "MallocUsage ,"
+              << "NumQueries ,"
+              << "NumQueryConstructs ,"
+              << "NumObjects ,"
+              << "WallTime ,"
+              << "CoveredInstructions ,"
+              << "UncoveredInstructions ,"
+              << "QueryTime ,"
+              << "SolverTime ,"
+              << "CexCacheTime ,"
+              << "ForkTime ,"
+              << "ResolveTime ,"
+              << "QueryCexCacheMisses ,"
-	     << "'ArrayHashTime',"
+              << "ArrayHashTime,"
-             << ")\n";
-  statsFile->flush();
+              << "QueryCexCacheHits "
+              << ") VALUES ( "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "?, "
+              << "? "
+              << ")";
+    if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(statsFile, insert.str().c_str(), -1, &insertStmt, 0)) {
+        klee_error("Cannot create prepared statement! %s", sqlite3_errmsg(statsFile));
+        return;
+    }
+    sqlite3_exec(statsFile, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF", NULL, NULL, &zErrMsg);
+    sqlite3_exec(statsFile, "BEGIN TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, &zErrMsg);
 time::Span StatsTracker::elapsed() {
@@ -422,31 +506,37 @@ time::Span StatsTracker::elapsed() {
 void StatsTracker::writeStatsLine() {
-  *statsFile << "(" << stats::instructions
-             << "," << fullBranches
-             << "," << partialBranches
-             << "," << numBranches
-             << "," << time::getUserTime().toSeconds()
-             << "," << executor.states.size()
-             << "," << util::GetTotalMallocUsage() + executor.memory->getUsedDeterministicSize()
-             << "," << stats::queries
-             << "," << stats::queryConstructs
-             << "," << 0 // was numObjects
-             << "," << elapsed().toSeconds()
-             << "," << stats::coveredInstructions
-             << "," << stats::uncoveredInstructions
-             << "," << time::microseconds(stats::queryTime).toSeconds()
-             << "," << time::microseconds(stats::solverTime).toSeconds()
-             << "," << time::microseconds(stats::cexCacheTime).toSeconds()
-             << "," << time::microseconds(stats::forkTime).toSeconds()
-             << "," << time::microseconds(stats::resolveTime).toSeconds()
-             << "," << stats::queryCexCacheMisses
-             << "," << stats::queryCexCacheHits
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 1, stats::instructions);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 2, fullBranches);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 3, partialBranches);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 4, numBranches);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 5, time::getUserTime().toMicroseconds());
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 6, executor.states.size());
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 7, util::GetTotalMallocUsage() + executor.memory->getUsedDeterministicSize());
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 8, stats::queries);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 9, stats::queryConstructs);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 10, 0);  // was numObjects
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 11, elapsed().toMicroseconds());
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 12, stats::coveredInstructions);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 13, stats::uncoveredInstructions);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 14, stats::queryTime);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 15, stats::solverTime);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 16, stats::cexCacheTime);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 17, stats::forkTime);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 18, stats::resolveTime);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 19, stats::queryCexCacheMisses);
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 20, stats::queryCexCacheHits);
-             << "," << time::microseconds(stats::arrayHashTime).toSeconds()
+             sqlite3_bind_int64(insertStmt, 21, stats::arrayHashTime);
-             << ")\n";
-  statsFile->flush();
+             sqlite3_step(insertStmt);
+             sqlite3_reset(insertStmt);
+             if(writeCount % commitEvery == 0 ) {
+               char *zErrMsg = 0;
+               sqlite3_exec(statsFile, "END TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, &zErrMsg);
+               sqlite3_exec(statsFile, "BEGIN TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, &zErrMsg);
+             }
+             writeCount++;
 void StatsTracker::updateStateStatistics(uint64_t addend) {
diff --git a/lib/Core/StatsTracker.h b/lib/Core/StatsTracker.h
index 88e4cf30..f09f7638 100644
--- a/lib/Core/StatsTracker.h
+++ b/lib/Core/StatsTracker.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <set>
+#include <sqlite3.h>
 namespace llvm {
   class BranchInst;
@@ -38,7 +39,11 @@ namespace klee {
     Executor &executor;
     std::string objectFilename;
-    std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_fd_ostream> statsFile, istatsFile;
+    std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_fd_ostream> istatsFile;
+    sqlite3 *statsFile;
+    sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt;
+    unsigned writeCount;
+    unsigned commitEvery;
     time::Point startWallTime;
     unsigned numBranches;
@@ -61,7 +66,7 @@ namespace klee {
     StatsTracker(Executor &_executor, std::string _objectFilename,
                  bool _updateMinDistToUncovered);
-    ~StatsTracker() = default;
+    ~StatsTracker();
     // called after a new StackFrame has been pushed (for callpath tracing)
     void framePushed(ExecutionState &es, StackFrame *parentFrame);
diff --git a/scripts/build/p-klee-linux-ubuntu-16.04.inc b/scripts/build/p-klee-linux-ubuntu-16.04.inc
index b4ba3f33..40582be5 100644
--- a/scripts/build/p-klee-linux-ubuntu-16.04.inc
+++ b/scripts/build/p-klee-linux-ubuntu-16.04.inc
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ install_build_dependencies_klee() {
+    libsqlite3-dev
     python-pip #for lit
     python-setuptools #for lit
     python-wheel #for lit
+    python3-pip
   if [[ $(to_bool "${COVERAGE}") -eq 1 ]]; then
@@ -18,4 +20,5 @@ install_build_dependencies_klee() {
   apt -y --no-install-recommends install "${dependencies[@]}"
   pip install lit
+  pip3 install tabulate --user
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/regression/2017-03-23-early-exit-log-stats.c b/test/regression/2017-03-23-early-exit-log-stats.c
index 4de3aa3d..3a76b9f8 100644
--- a/test/regression/2017-03-23-early-exit-log-stats.c
+++ b/test/regression/2017-03-23-early-exit-log-stats.c
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 // RUN: %clang %s -emit-llvm -g %O0opt -c -o %t.bc
 // RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
 // Delay writing instructions so that we ensure on exit that flush happens
-// RUN: not %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out -exit-on-error -stats-write-interval=0 -stats-write-after-instructions=999999 %t.bc 2> %t.log
+// RUN: not %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out -exit-on-error -stats-write-interval=0 -stats-write-after-instructions=999999 -stats-commit-after=1 %t.bc 2> %t.log
+// RUN: klee-stats -to-csv %t.klee-out > %t.stats.csv
 // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-KLEE -input-file=%t.log %s
-// RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-STATS -input-file=%t.klee-out/run.stats %s
+// RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-STATS -input-file=%t.stats.csv %s
 #include "klee/klee.h"
 #include <stdlib.h>
 int main(){
@@ -17,6 +18,6 @@ int main(){
   return 0;
 // First check we find a line with the expected format
-// CHECK-STATS:{{^\('Instructions'}}
+// CHECK-STATS:{{^Instructions}}
 // Now check that we eventually get a line where a non zero amount of instructions were executed
-// CHECK-STATS:{{^\([ ]*([1-9]|([1-9]+)[0-9])}}
+// CHECK-STATS:{{^\([ ]*[1-9]|([1-9]+)[0-9]}}
diff --git a/tools/klee-stats/klee-stats b/tools/klee-stats/klee-stats
index 7989459f..ebe48753 100755
--- a/tools/klee-stats/klee-stats
+++ b/tools/klee-stats/klee-stats
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import os
 import re
 import sys
 import argparse
+import sqlite3
 from operator import itemgetter
@@ -65,14 +66,27 @@ def getLogFile(path):
 class LazyEvalList:
     """Store all the lines in run.stats and eval() when needed."""
-    def __init__(self, lines):
+    def __init__(self, fileName):
         # The first line in the records contains headers.
-        self.lines = lines[1:]
+      #  self.lines = lines[1:]
+      self.conn = sqlite3.connect(fileName);
+      self.c = self.conn.cursor()
+      self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM stats ORDER BY Instructions DESC LIMIT 1")
+      self.lines = self.c.fetchone()
+    def aggregateRecords(self):
+        memC = self.conn.cursor()
+        memC.execute("SELECT max(MallocUsage) / 1024 / 1024, avg(MallocUsage) / 1024 / 1024 from stats")
+        maxMem, avgMem = memC.fetchone()
+        stateC = self.conn.cursor()
+        stateC.execute("SELECT max(NumStates), avg(NumStates) from stats")
+        maxStates, avgStates = stateC.fetchone()
+        return (maxMem, avgMem, maxStates, avgStates)
     def __getitem__(self, index):
-        if isinstance(self.lines[index], str):
-            self.lines[index] = eval(self.lines[index])
-        return self.lines[index]
+        return self.lines
     def __len__(self):
         return len(self.lines)
@@ -92,23 +106,6 @@ def getMatchedRecordIndex(records, column, target):
     return lo
-def aggregateRecords(records):
-    # index for memUsage and stateCount in run.stats
-    memIndex = 6
-    stateIndex = 5
-    # maximum and average memory usage
-    memValues = list(map(itemgetter(memIndex), records))
-    maxMem = max(memValues) / 1024 / 1024
-    avgMem = sum(memValues) / len(memValues) / 1024 / 1024
-    # maximum and average number of states
-    stateValues = list(map(itemgetter(stateIndex), records))
-    maxStates = max(stateValues)
-    avgStates = sum(stateValues) / len(stateValues)
-    return (maxMem, avgMem, maxStates, avgStates)
 def stripCommonPathPrefix(paths):
     paths = map(os.path.normpath, paths)
@@ -296,6 +293,9 @@ def main():
                         type=isPositiveInt, default='10', metavar='n',
                         help='Sample a data point every n lines for a '
                         'run.stats (default: 10)')
+    parser.add_argument('-to-csv',
+                          action='store_true', dest='toCsv',
+                          help='Dump run.stats to STDOUT in CSV format')
     # argument group for controlling output verboseness
     pControl = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
@@ -343,6 +343,7 @@ def main():
     args = parser.parse_args()
     # get print controls
     pr = 'NONE'
     if args.pAll:
@@ -359,7 +360,21 @@ def main():
         print('no klee output dir found', file=sys.stderr)
     # read contents from every run.stats file into LazyEvalList
-    data = [LazyEvalList(list(open(getLogFile(d)))) for d in dirs]
+    data = [LazyEvalList(getLogFile(d)) for d in dirs]
+    if args.toCsv:
+        import csv
+        data = data[0]
+        c = data.conn.cursor()
+        sql3_cursor = c.execute("SELECT * FROM stats")
+        csv_out = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
+        # write header                        
+        csv_out.writerow([d[0] for d in sql3_cursor.description])
+        # write data                          
+        for result in sql3_cursor:
+          csv_out.writerow(result)
+        return
     if len(data) > 1:
         dirs = stripCommonPathPrefix(dirs)
     # attach the stripped path
@@ -392,12 +407,12 @@ def main():
         if args.compBy:
             matchIndex = getMatchedRecordIndex(
                 records, itemgetter(compIndex), refValue)
-            stats = aggregateRecords(LazyEvalList(records[:matchIndex + 1]))
+            stats = recrods.aggregateRecords() # aggregateRecords(LazyEvalList(records[:matchIndex + 1]))
             row.extend(getRow(records[matchIndex], stats, pr))
-            stats = aggregateRecords(records)
+            stats = records.aggregateRecords()
             row.extend(getRow(records[-1], stats, pr))