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path: root/lib/Solver
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authorDaniel Dunbar <daniel@zuster.org>2009-05-21 04:36:41 +0000
committerDaniel Dunbar <daniel@zuster.org>2009-05-21 04:36:41 +0000
commit6f290d8f9e9d7faac295cb51fc96884a18f4ded4 (patch)
tree46e7d426abc0c9f06ac472ac6f7f9e661b5d78cb /lib/Solver
parenta55960edd4dcd7535526de8d2277642522aa0209 (diff)
Initial KLEE checkin.
 - Lots more tweaks, documentation, and web page content is needed,
   but this should compile & work on OS X & Linux.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/klee/trunk@72205 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Solver')
14 files changed, 3952 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Solver/CachingSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/CachingSolver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..517e133b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/CachingSolver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+//===-- CachingSolver.cpp - Caching expression solver ---------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/Solver.h"
+#include "klee/Constraints.h"
+#include "klee/Expr.h"
+#include "klee/IncompleteSolver.h"
+#include "klee/SolverImpl.h"
+#include "SolverStats.h"
+#include <tr1/unordered_map>
+using namespace klee;
+class CachingSolver : public SolverImpl {
+  ref<Expr> canonicalizeQuery(ref<Expr> originalQuery,
+                              bool &negationUsed);
+  void cacheInsert(const Query& query,
+                   IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity result);
+  bool cacheLookup(const Query& query,
+                   IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity &result);
+  struct CacheEntry {
+    CacheEntry(const ConstraintManager &c, ref<Expr> q)
+      : constraints(c), query(q) {}
+    CacheEntry(const CacheEntry &ce)
+      : constraints(ce.constraints), query(ce.query) {}
+    ConstraintManager constraints;
+    ref<Expr> query;
+    bool operator==(const CacheEntry &b) const {
+      return constraints==b.constraints && *query.get()==*b.query.get();
+    }
+  };
+  struct CacheEntryHash {
+    unsigned operator()(const CacheEntry &ce) const {
+      unsigned result = ce.query.hash();
+      for (ConstraintManager::constraint_iterator it = ce.constraints.begin();
+           it != ce.constraints.end(); ++it)
+        result ^= it->hash();
+      return result;
+    }
+  };
+  typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<CacheEntry, 
+                                  IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity, 
+                                  CacheEntryHash> cache_map;
+  Solver *solver;
+  cache_map cache;
+  CachingSolver(Solver *s) : solver(s) {}
+  ~CachingSolver() { cache.clear(); delete solver; }
+  bool computeValidity(const Query&, Solver::Validity &result);
+  bool computeTruth(const Query&, bool &isValid);
+  bool computeValue(const Query& query, ref<Expr> &result) {
+    return solver->impl->computeValue(query, result);
+  }
+  bool computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
+                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
+                            bool &hasSolution) {
+    return solver->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, 
+                                              hasSolution);
+  }
+/** @returns the canonical version of the given query.  The reference
+    negationUsed is set to true if the original query was negated in
+    the canonicalization process. */
+ref<Expr> CachingSolver::canonicalizeQuery(ref<Expr> originalQuery,
+                                           bool &negationUsed) {
+  ref<Expr> negatedQuery = Expr::createNot(originalQuery);
+  // select the "smaller" query to the be canonical representation
+  if (originalQuery.compare(negatedQuery) < 0) {
+    negationUsed = false;
+    return originalQuery;
+  } else {
+    negationUsed = true;
+    return negatedQuery;
+  }
+/** @returns true on a cache hit, false of a cache miss.  Reference
+    value result only valid on a cache hit. */
+bool CachingSolver::cacheLookup(const Query& query,
+                                IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity &result) {
+  bool negationUsed;
+  ref<Expr> canonicalQuery = canonicalizeQuery(query.expr, negationUsed);
+  CacheEntry ce(query.constraints, canonicalQuery);
+  cache_map::iterator it = cache.find(ce);
+  if (it != cache.end()) {
+    result = (negationUsed ?
+              IncompleteSolver::negatePartialValidity(it->second) :
+              it->second);
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+/// Inserts the given query, result pair into the cache.
+void CachingSolver::cacheInsert(const Query& query,
+                                IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity result) {
+  bool negationUsed;
+  ref<Expr> canonicalQuery = canonicalizeQuery(query.expr, negationUsed);
+  CacheEntry ce(query.constraints, canonicalQuery);
+  IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity cachedResult = 
+    (negationUsed ? IncompleteSolver::negatePartialValidity(result) : result);
+  cache.insert(std::make_pair(ce, cachedResult));
+bool CachingSolver::computeValidity(const Query& query,
+                                    Solver::Validity &result) {
+  IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity cachedResult;
+  bool tmp, cacheHit = cacheLookup(query, cachedResult);
+  if (cacheHit) {
+    ++stats::queryCacheHits;
+    switch(cachedResult) {
+    case IncompleteSolver::MustBeTrue:   
+      result = Solver::True;
+      return true;
+    case IncompleteSolver::MustBeFalse:  
+      result = Solver::False;
+      return true;
+    case IncompleteSolver::TrueOrFalse:  
+      result = Solver::Unknown;
+      return true;
+    case IncompleteSolver::MayBeTrue: {
+      if (!solver->impl->computeTruth(query, tmp))
+        return false;
+      if (tmp) {
+        cacheInsert(query, IncompleteSolver::MustBeTrue);
+        result = Solver::True;
+        return true;
+      } else {
+        cacheInsert(query, IncompleteSolver::TrueOrFalse);
+        result = Solver::Unknown;
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    case IncompleteSolver::MayBeFalse: {
+      if (!solver->impl->computeTruth(query.negateExpr(), tmp))
+        return false;
+      if (tmp) {
+        cacheInsert(query, IncompleteSolver::MustBeFalse);
+        result = Solver::False;
+        return true;
+      } else {
+        cacheInsert(query, IncompleteSolver::TrueOrFalse);
+        result = Solver::Unknown;
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    default: assert(0 && "unreachable");
+    }
+  }
+  ++stats::queryCacheMisses;
+  if (!solver->impl->computeValidity(query, result))
+    return false;
+  switch (result) {
+  case Solver::True: 
+    cachedResult = IncompleteSolver::MustBeTrue; break;
+  case Solver::False: 
+    cachedResult = IncompleteSolver::MustBeFalse; break;
+  default: 
+    cachedResult = IncompleteSolver::TrueOrFalse; break;
+  }
+  cacheInsert(query, cachedResult);
+  return true;
+bool CachingSolver::computeTruth(const Query& query,
+                                 bool &isValid) {
+  IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity cachedResult;
+  bool cacheHit = cacheLookup(query, cachedResult);
+  // a cached result of MayBeTrue forces us to check whether
+  // a False assignment exists.
+  if (cacheHit && cachedResult != IncompleteSolver::MayBeTrue) {
+    ++stats::queryCacheHits;
+    isValid = (cachedResult == IncompleteSolver::MustBeTrue);
+    return true;
+  }
+  ++stats::queryCacheMisses;
+  // cache miss: query solver
+  if (!solver->impl->computeTruth(query, isValid))
+    return false;
+  if (isValid) {
+    cachedResult = IncompleteSolver::MustBeTrue;
+  } else if (cacheHit) {
+    // We know a true assignment exists, and query isn't valid, so
+    // must be TrueOrFalse.
+    assert(cachedResult == IncompleteSolver::MayBeTrue);
+    cachedResult = IncompleteSolver::TrueOrFalse;
+  } else {
+    cachedResult = IncompleteSolver::MayBeFalse;
+  }
+  cacheInsert(query, cachedResult);
+  return true;
+Solver *klee::createCachingSolver(Solver *_solver) {
+  return new Solver(new CachingSolver(_solver));
diff --git a/lib/Solver/CexCachingSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/CexCachingSolver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79bc985d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/CexCachingSolver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+//===-- CexCachingSolver.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/Solver.h"
+#include "klee/Constraints.h"
+#include "klee/Expr.h"
+#include "klee/SolverImpl.h"
+#include "klee/TimerStatIncrementer.h"
+#include "klee/util/Assignment.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprUtil.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprVisitor.h"
+#include "klee/Internal/ADT/MapOfSets.h"
+#include "SolverStats.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+using namespace klee;
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+  cl::opt<bool>
+  DebugCexCacheCheckBinding("debug-cex-cache-check-binding");
+  cl::opt<bool>
+  CexCacheTryAll("cex-cache-try-all",
+                 cl::desc("try substituting all counterexamples before asking STP"),
+                 cl::init(false));
+  cl::opt<bool>
+  CexCacheExperimental("cex-cache-exp", cl::init(false));
+typedef std::set< ref<Expr> > KeyType;
+struct AssignmentLessThan {
+  bool operator()(const Assignment *a, const Assignment *b) {
+    return a->bindings < b->bindings;
+  }
+class CexCachingSolver : public SolverImpl {
+  typedef std::set<Assignment*, AssignmentLessThan> assignmentsTable_ty;
+  Solver *solver;
+  MapOfSets<ref<Expr>, Assignment*> cache;
+  // memo table
+  assignmentsTable_ty assignmentsTable;
+  bool searchForAssignment(KeyType &key, 
+                           Assignment *&result);
+  bool lookupAssignment(const Query& query, Assignment *&result);
+  bool getAssignment(const Query& query, Assignment *&result);
+  CexCachingSolver(Solver *_solver) : solver(_solver) {}
+  ~CexCachingSolver();
+  bool computeTruth(const Query&, bool &isValid);
+  bool computeValidity(const Query&, Solver::Validity &result);
+  bool computeValue(const Query&, ref<Expr> &result);
+  bool computeInitialValues(const Query&,
+                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
+                            bool &hasSolution);
+struct NullAssignment {
+  bool operator()(Assignment *a) const { return !a; }
+struct NonNullAssignment {
+  bool operator()(Assignment *a) const { return a!=0; }
+struct NullOrSatisfyingAssignment {
+  KeyType &key;
+  NullOrSatisfyingAssignment(KeyType &_key) : key(_key) {}
+  bool operator()(Assignment *a) const { 
+    return !a || a->satisfies(key.begin(), key.end()); 
+  }
+bool CexCachingSolver::searchForAssignment(KeyType &key, Assignment *&result) {
+  Assignment * const *lookup = cache.lookup(key);
+  if (lookup) {
+    result = *lookup;
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (CexCacheTryAll) {
+    Assignment **lookup = cache.findSuperset(key, NonNullAssignment());
+    if (!lookup) lookup = cache.findSubset(key, NullAssignment());
+    if (lookup) {
+      result = *lookup;
+      return true;
+    }
+    for (assignmentsTable_ty::iterator it = assignmentsTable.begin(), 
+           ie = assignmentsTable.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      Assignment *a = *it;
+      if (a->satisfies(key.begin(), key.end())) {
+        result = a;
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    // XXX which order? one is sure to be better
+    Assignment **lookup = cache.findSuperset(key, NonNullAssignment());
+    if (!lookup) lookup = cache.findSubset(key, NullOrSatisfyingAssignment(key));
+    if (lookup) {
+      result = *lookup;
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+bool CexCachingSolver::lookupAssignment(const Query &query, 
+                                        Assignment *&result) {
+  KeyType key(query.constraints.begin(), query.constraints.end());
+  ref<Expr> neg = Expr::createNot(query.expr);
+  if (neg.isConstant()) {
+    if (!neg.getConstantValue()) {
+      result = (Assignment*) 0;
+      return true;
+    }
+  } else {
+    key.insert(neg);
+  }
+  return searchForAssignment(key, result);
+bool CexCachingSolver::getAssignment(const Query& query, Assignment *&result) {
+  KeyType key(query.constraints.begin(), query.constraints.end());
+  ref<Expr> neg = Expr::createNot(query.expr);
+  if (neg.isConstant()) {
+    if (!neg.getConstantValue()) {
+      result = (Assignment*) 0;
+      return true;
+    }
+  } else {
+    key.insert(neg);
+  }
+  if (!searchForAssignment(key, result)) {
+    // need to solve
+    std::vector<const Array*> objects;
+    findSymbolicObjects(key.begin(), key.end(), objects);
+    std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > values;
+    bool hasSolution;
+    if (!solver->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, 
+                                            hasSolution))
+      return false;
+    Assignment *binding;
+    if (hasSolution) {
+      binding = new Assignment(objects, values);
+      // memoization
+      std::pair<assignmentsTable_ty::iterator, bool>
+        res = assignmentsTable.insert(binding);
+      if (!res.second) {
+        delete binding;
+        binding = *res.first;
+      }
+      if (DebugCexCacheCheckBinding)
+        assert(binding->satisfies(key.begin(), key.end()));
+    } else {
+      binding = (Assignment*) 0;
+    }
+    result = binding;
+    cache.insert(key, binding);
+  }
+  return true;
+CexCachingSolver::~CexCachingSolver() {
+  cache.clear();
+  delete solver;
+  for (assignmentsTable_ty::iterator it = assignmentsTable.begin(), 
+         ie = assignmentsTable.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    delete *it;
+bool CexCachingSolver::computeValidity(const Query& query,
+                                       Solver::Validity &result) {
+  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::cexCacheTime);
+  Assignment *a;
+  if (!getAssignment(query.withFalse(), a))
+    return false;
+  assert(a && "computeValidity() must have assignment");
+  ref<Expr> q = a->evaluate(query.expr);
+  assert(q.isConstant() && "assignment evaluation did not result in constant");
+  if (q.getConstantValue()) {
+    if (!getAssignment(query, a))
+      return false;
+    result = !a ? Solver::True : Solver::Unknown;
+  } else {
+    if (!getAssignment(query.negateExpr(), a))
+      return false;
+    result = !a ? Solver::False : Solver::Unknown;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool CexCachingSolver::computeTruth(const Query& query,
+                                    bool &isValid) {
+  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::cexCacheTime);
+  // There is a small amount of redundancy here. We only need to know
+  // truth and do not really need to compute an assignment. This means
+  // that we could check the cache to see if we already know that
+  // state ^ query has no assignment. In that case, by the validity of
+  // state, we know that state ^ !query must have an assignment, and
+  // so query cannot be true (valid). This does get hits, but doesn't
+  // really seem to be worth the overhead.
+  if (CexCacheExperimental) {
+    Assignment *a;
+    if (lookupAssignment(query.negateExpr(), a) && !a)
+      return false;
+  }
+  Assignment *a;
+  if (!getAssignment(query, a))
+    return false;
+  isValid = !a;
+  return true;
+bool CexCachingSolver::computeValue(const Query& query,
+                                    ref<Expr> &result) {
+  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::cexCacheTime);
+  Assignment *a;
+  if (!getAssignment(query.withFalse(), a))
+    return false;
+  assert(a && "computeValue() must have assignment");
+  result = a->evaluate(query.expr);  
+  assert(result.isConstant() && 
+         "assignment evaluation did not result in constant");
+  return true;
+CexCachingSolver::computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
+                                       const std::vector<const Array*> 
+                                         &objects,
+                                       std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >
+                                         &values,
+                                       bool &hasSolution) {
+  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::cexCacheTime);
+  Assignment *a;
+  if (!getAssignment(query, a))
+    return false;
+  hasSolution = !!a;
+  if (!a)
+    return true;
+  // FIXME: We should use smarter assignment for result so we don't
+  // need redundant copy.
+  values = std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >(objects.size());
+  for (unsigned i=0; i < objects.size(); ++i) {
+    const Array *os = objects[i];
+    Assignment::bindings_ty::iterator it = a->bindings.find(os);
+    if (it == a->bindings.end()) {
+      values[i] = std::vector<unsigned char>(os->size, 0);
+    } else {
+      values[i] = it->second;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+Solver *klee::createCexCachingSolver(Solver *_solver) {
+  return new Solver(new CexCachingSolver(_solver));
diff --git a/lib/Solver/ConstantDivision.cpp b/lib/Solver/ConstantDivision.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8f8f3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/ConstantDivision.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+//===-- ConstantDivision.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "ConstantDivision.h"
+#include "klee/util/Bits.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+namespace klee {
+/* Macros and functions which define the basic bit-level operations 
+ * needed to implement quick division operations.
+ *
+ * Based on Hacker's Delight (2003) by Henry S. Warren, Jr.
+ */
+/* 32 -- number of bits in the integer type on this architecture */
+/* 2^32 -- NUM_BITS=32 requires 64 bits to represent this unsigned value */
+#define TWO_TO_THE_32_U64 (1ULL << 32)
+/* 2e31 -- NUM_BITS=32 requires 64 bits to represent this signed value */
+#define TWO_TO_THE_31_S64 (1LL << 31)
+/* ABS(x) -- positive x */
+#define ABS(x) ( ((x)>0)?x:-(x) ) /* fails if x is the min value of its type */
+/* XSIGN(x) -- -1 if x<0 and 0 otherwise */
+#define XSIGN(x) ( (x) >> 31 )
+/* LOG2_CEIL(x) -- logarithm base 2 of x, rounded up */
+#define LOG2_CEIL(x) ( 32 - ldz(x - 1) )
+/* ones(x) -- counts the number of bits in x with the value 1 */
+static uint32_t ones( register uint32_t x ) {
+  x -= ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
+  x = (((x >> 2) & 0x33333333) + (x & 0x33333333));
+  x = (((x >> 4) + x) & 0x0f0f0f0f);
+  x += (x >> 8);
+  x += (x >> 16);
+  return( x & 0x0000003f );
+/* ldz(x) -- counts the number of leading zeroes in a 32-bit word */
+static uint32_t ldz( register uint32_t x ) {
+  x |= (x >> 1);
+  x |= (x >> 2);
+  x |= (x >> 4);
+  x |= (x >> 8);
+  x |= (x >> 16);
+  return 32 - ones(x);
+/* exp_base_2(n) -- 2^n computed as an integer */
+static uint32_t exp_base_2( register int32_t n ) {
+  register uint32_t x = ~n & (n - 32);
+  x = x >> 31;
+  return( x << n );
+// A simple algorithm: Iterate over all contiguous regions of 1 bits
+// in x starting with the lowest bits.
+// For a particular range where x is 1 for bits [low,high) then:
+//   1) if the range is just one bit, simple add it
+//   2) if the range is more than one bit, replace with an add
+//      of the high bit and a subtract of the low bit. we apply
+//      one useful optimization: if we were going to add the bit
+//      below the one we wish to subtract, we simply change that
+//      add to a subtract instead of subtracting the low bit itself.
+// Obviously we must take care when high==64.
+void ComputeMultConstants64(uint64_t multiplicand, 
+                            uint64_t &add, uint64_t &sub) {
+  uint64_t x = multiplicand;
+  add = sub = 0;
+  while (x) {
+    // Determine rightmost contiguous region of 1s.
+    unsigned low = bits64::indexOfRightmostBit(x);
+    uint64_t lowbit = 1LL << low;
+    uint64_t p = x + lowbit;
+    uint64_t q = bits64::isolateRightmostBit(p);
+    unsigned high = q ? bits64::indexOfSingleBit(q) : 64;
+    if (high==low+1) { // Just one bit...
+      add |= lowbit;
+    } else {
+      // Rewrite as +(1<<high) - (1<<low).
+      // Optimize +(1<<x) - (1<<(x+1)) to -(1<<x).
+      if (low && (add & (lowbit>>1))) {
+        add ^= lowbit>>1;
+        sub ^= lowbit>>1;
+      } else {
+        sub |= lowbit;
+      }
+      if (high!=64)
+        add |= 1LL << high;
+    }
+    x = p ^ q;
+  }
+  assert(multiplicand == add - sub);
+void ComputeUDivConstants32(uint32_t d, uint32_t &mprime, uint32_t &sh1, 
+                            uint32_t &sh2) {
+  int32_t l = LOG2_CEIL( d ); /* signed so l-1 => -1 when l=0 (see sh2) */
+  uint32_t mid = exp_base_2(l) - d;
+  mprime = (TWO_TO_THE_32_U64 * mid / d) + 1;
+  sh1    = std::min( l,   1 );
+  sh2    = std::max( l-1, 0 );
+void ComputeSDivConstants32(int32_t d, int32_t &mprime, int32_t &dsign, 
+                            int32_t &shpost ) {
+  uint64_t abs_d = ABS( (int64_t)d ); /* use 64-bits in case d is INT32_MIN */
+  /* LOG2_CEIL works on 32-bits, so we cast abs_d.  The only possible value
+   * outside the 32-bit rep. is 2^31.  This is special cased to save computer 
+   * time since 64-bit routines would be overkill. */
+  int32_t l = std::max( 1U, LOG2_CEIL((uint32_t)abs_d) );
+  if( abs_d == TWO_TO_THE_31_S64 ) l = 31;
+  uint32_t mid = exp_base_2( l - 1 );
+  uint64_t m = TWO_TO_THE_32_U64 * mid / abs_d + 1ULL;
+  mprime = m - TWO_TO_THE_32_U64; /* implicit cast to 32-bits signed */
+  dsign  = XSIGN( d );
+  shpost = l - 1;
diff --git a/lib/Solver/ConstantDivision.h b/lib/Solver/ConstantDivision.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e3e9c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/ConstantDivision.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+//===-- ConstantDivision.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace klee {
+/// ComputeMultConstants64 - Compute add and sub such that add-sub==x,
+/// while attempting to minimize the number of bits in add and sub
+/// combined.
+void ComputeMultConstants64(uint64_t x, uint64_t &add_out, 
+                            uint64_t &sub_out);
+/// Compute the constants to perform a quicker equivalent of a division of some 
+/// 32-bit unsigned integer n by a known constant d (also a 32-bit unsigned 
+/// integer).  The constants to compute n/d without explicit division will be 
+/// stored in mprime, sh1, and sh2 (unsigned 32-bit integers).
+/// @param d - denominator (divisor)
+/// @param [out] mprime
+/// @param [out] sh1
+/// @param [out] sh2
+void ComputeUDivConstants32(uint32_t d, uint32_t &mprime, uint32_t &sh1, 
+                            uint32_t &sh2);
+/// Compute the constants to perform a quicker equivalent of a division of some 
+/// 32-bit signed integer n by a known constant d (also a 32-bit signed 
+/// integer).  The constants to compute n/d without explicit division will be 
+/// stored in mprime, dsign, and shpost (signed 32-bit integers).
+/// @param d - denominator (divisor)
+/// @param [out] mprime
+/// @param [out] dsign
+/// @param [out] shpost
+void ComputeSDivConstants32(int32_t d, int32_t &mprime, int32_t &dsign, 
+                            int32_t &shpost);
diff --git a/lib/Solver/FastCexSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/FastCexSolver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2bc27c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/FastCexSolver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,959 @@
+//===-- FastCexSolver.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/Solver.h"
+#include "klee/Constraints.h"
+#include "klee/Expr.h"
+#include "klee/IncompleteSolver.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprEvaluator.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprRangeEvaluator.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprVisitor.h"
+// FIXME: Use APInt.
+#include "klee/Internal/Support/IntEvaluation.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace klee;
+//#define LOG
+#ifdef LOG
+std::ostream *theLog;
+      // Hacker's Delight, pgs 58-63
+static uint64_t minOR(uint64_t a, uint64_t b,
+                      uint64_t c, uint64_t d) {
+  uint64_t temp, m = ((uint64_t) 1)<<63;
+  while (m) {
+    if (~a & c & m) {
+      temp = (a | m) & -m;
+      if (temp <= b) { a = temp; break; }
+    } else if (a & ~c & m) {
+      temp = (c | m) & -m;
+      if (temp <= d) { c = temp; break; }
+    }
+    m >>= 1;
+  }
+  return a | c;
+static uint64_t maxOR(uint64_t a, uint64_t b,
+                      uint64_t c, uint64_t d) {
+  uint64_t temp, m = ((uint64_t) 1)<<63;
+  while (m) {
+    if (b & d & m) {
+      temp = (b - m) | (m - 1);
+      if (temp >= a) { b = temp; break; }
+      temp = (d - m) | (m -1);
+      if (temp >= c) { d = temp; break; }
+    }
+    m >>= 1;
+  }
+  return b | d;
+static uint64_t minAND(uint64_t a, uint64_t b,
+                       uint64_t c, uint64_t d) {
+  uint64_t temp, m = ((uint64_t) 1)<<63;
+  while (m) {
+    if (~a & ~c & m) {
+      temp = (a | m) & -m;
+      if (temp <= b) { a = temp; break; }
+      temp = (c | m) & -m;
+      if (temp <= d) { c = temp; break; }
+    }
+    m >>= 1;
+  }
+  return a & c;
+static uint64_t maxAND(uint64_t a, uint64_t b,
+                       uint64_t c, uint64_t d) {
+  uint64_t temp, m = ((uint64_t) 1)<<63;
+  while (m) {
+    if (b & ~d & m) {
+      temp = (b & ~m) | (m - 1);
+      if (temp >= a) { b = temp; break; }
+    } else if (~b & d & m) {
+      temp = (d & ~m) | (m - 1);
+      if (temp >= c) { d = temp; break; }
+    }
+    m >>= 1;
+  }
+  return b & d;
+class ValueRange {
+  uint64_t m_min, m_max;
+  ValueRange() : m_min(1),m_max(0) {}
+  ValueRange(uint64_t value) : m_min(value), m_max(value) {}
+  ValueRange(uint64_t _min, uint64_t _max) : m_min(_min), m_max(_max) {}
+  ValueRange(const ValueRange &b) : m_min(b.m_min), m_max(b.m_max) {}
+  void print(std::ostream &os) const {
+    if (isFixed()) {
+      os << m_min;
+    } else {
+      os << "[" << m_min << "," << m_max << "]";
+    }
+  }
+  bool isEmpty() const { 
+    return m_min>m_max; 
+  }
+  bool contains(uint64_t value) const { 
+    return this->intersects(ValueRange(value)); 
+  }
+  bool intersects(const ValueRange &b) const { 
+    return !this->set_intersection(b).isEmpty(); 
+  }
+  bool isFullRange(unsigned bits) {
+    return m_min==0 && m_max==bits64::maxValueOfNBits(bits);
+  }
+  ValueRange set_intersection(const ValueRange &b) const {
+    return ValueRange(std::max(m_min,b.m_min), std::min(m_max,b.m_max));
+  }
+  ValueRange set_union(const ValueRange &b) const {
+    return ValueRange(std::min(m_min,b.m_min), std::max(m_max,b.m_max));
+  }
+  ValueRange set_difference(const ValueRange &b) const {
+    if (b.isEmpty() || b.m_min > m_max || b.m_max < m_min) { // no intersection
+      return *this;
+    } else if (b.m_min <= m_min && b.m_max >= m_max) { // empty
+      return ValueRange(1,0); 
+    } else if (b.m_min <= m_min) { // one range out
+      // cannot overflow because b.m_max < m_max
+      return ValueRange(b.m_max+1, m_max);
+    } else if (b.m_max >= m_max) {
+      // cannot overflow because b.min > m_min
+      return ValueRange(m_min, b.m_min-1);
+    } else {
+      // two ranges, take bottom
+      return ValueRange(m_min, b.m_min-1);
+    }
+  }
+  ValueRange binaryAnd(const ValueRange &b) const {
+    // XXX
+    assert(!isEmpty() && !b.isEmpty() && "XXX");
+    if (isFixed() && b.isFixed()) {
+      return ValueRange(m_min & b.m_min);
+    } else {
+      return ValueRange(minAND(m_min, m_max, b.m_min, b.m_max),
+                        maxAND(m_min, m_max, b.m_min, b.m_max));
+    }
+  }
+  ValueRange binaryAnd(uint64_t b) const { return binaryAnd(ValueRange(b)); }
+  ValueRange binaryOr(ValueRange b) const {
+    // XXX
+    assert(!isEmpty() && !b.isEmpty() && "XXX");
+    if (isFixed() && b.isFixed()) {
+      return ValueRange(m_min | b.m_min);
+    } else {
+      return ValueRange(minOR(m_min, m_max, b.m_min, b.m_max),
+                        maxOR(m_min, m_max, b.m_min, b.m_max));
+    }
+  }
+  ValueRange binaryOr(uint64_t b) const { return binaryOr(ValueRange(b)); }
+  ValueRange binaryXor(ValueRange b) const {
+    if (isFixed() && b.isFixed()) {
+      return ValueRange(m_min ^ b.m_min);
+    } else {
+      uint64_t t = m_max | b.m_max;
+      while (!bits64::isPowerOfTwo(t))
+        t = bits64::withoutRightmostBit(t);
+      return ValueRange(0, (t<<1)-1);
+    }
+  }
+  ValueRange binaryShiftLeft(unsigned bits) const {
+    return ValueRange(m_min<<bits, m_max<<bits);
+  }
+  ValueRange binaryShiftRight(unsigned bits) const {
+    return ValueRange(m_min>>bits, m_max>>bits);
+  }
+  ValueRange concat(const ValueRange &b, unsigned bits) const {
+    return binaryShiftLeft(bits).binaryOr(b);
+  }
+  ValueRange extract(uint64_t lowBit, uint64_t maxBit) const {
+    return binaryShiftRight(lowBit).binaryAnd(bits64::maxValueOfNBits(maxBit-lowBit));
+  }
+  ValueRange add(const ValueRange &b, unsigned width) const {
+    return ValueRange(0, bits64::maxValueOfNBits(width));
+  }
+  ValueRange sub(const ValueRange &b, unsigned width) const {
+    return ValueRange(0, bits64::maxValueOfNBits(width));
+  }
+  ValueRange mul(const ValueRange &b, unsigned width) const {
+    return ValueRange(0, bits64::maxValueOfNBits(width));
+  }
+  ValueRange udiv(const ValueRange &b, unsigned width) const {
+    return ValueRange(0, bits64::maxValueOfNBits(width));
+  }
+  ValueRange sdiv(const ValueRange &b, unsigned width) const {
+    return ValueRange(0, bits64::maxValueOfNBits(width));
+  }
+  ValueRange urem(const ValueRange &b, unsigned width) const {
+    return ValueRange(0, bits64::maxValueOfNBits(width));
+  }
+  ValueRange srem(const ValueRange &b, unsigned width) const {
+    return ValueRange(0, bits64::maxValueOfNBits(width));
+  }
+  // use min() to get value if true (XXX should we add a method to
+  // make code clearer?)
+  bool isFixed() const { return m_min==m_max; }
+  bool operator==(const ValueRange &b) const { return m_min==b.m_min && m_max==b.m_max; }
+  bool operator!=(const ValueRange &b) const { return !(*this==b); }
+  bool mustEqual(const uint64_t b) const { return m_min==m_max && m_min==b; }
+  bool mayEqual(const uint64_t b) const { return m_min<=b && m_max>=b; }
+  bool mustEqual(const ValueRange &b) const { return isFixed() && b.isFixed() && m_min==b.m_min; }
+  bool mayEqual(const ValueRange &b) const { return this->intersects(b); }
+  uint64_t min() const { 
+    assert(!isEmpty() && "cannot get minimum of empty range");
+    return m_min; 
+  }
+  uint64_t max() const { 
+    assert(!isEmpty() && "cannot get maximum of empty range");
+    return m_max; 
+  }
+  int64_t minSigned(unsigned bits) const {
+    assert((m_min>>bits)==0 && (m_max>>bits)==0 &&
+           "range is outside given number of bits");
+    // if max allows sign bit to be set then it can be smallest value,
+    // otherwise since the range is not empty, min cannot have a sign
+    // bit
+    uint64_t smallest = ((uint64_t) 1 << (bits-1));
+    if (m_max >= smallest) {
+      return ints::sext(smallest, 64, bits);
+    } else {
+      return m_min;
+    }
+  }
+  int64_t maxSigned(unsigned bits) const {
+    assert((m_min>>bits)==0 && (m_max>>bits)==0 &&
+           "range is outside given number of bits");
+    uint64_t smallest = ((uint64_t) 1 << (bits-1));
+    // if max and min have sign bit then max is max, otherwise if only
+    // max has sign bit then max is largest signed integer, otherwise
+    // max is max
+    if (m_min < smallest && m_max >= smallest) {
+      return smallest - 1;
+    } else {
+      return ints::sext(m_max, 64, bits);
+    }
+  }
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ValueRange &vr) {
+  vr.print(os);
+  return os;
+// used to find all memory object ids and the maximum size of any
+// object state that references them (for symbolic size).
+class ObjectFinder : public ExprVisitor {
+  Action visitRead(const ReadExpr &re) {
+    addUpdates(re.updates);
+    return Action::doChildren();
+  }
+  // XXX nice if this information was cached somewhere, used by
+  // independence as well right?
+  void addUpdates(const UpdateList &ul) {
+    for (const UpdateNode *un=ul.head; un; un=un->next) {
+      visit(un->index);
+      visit(un->value);
+    }
+    addObject(*ul.root);
+  }
+  void addObject(const Array& array) {
+    unsigned id = array.id;
+    std::map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator it = results.find(id);
+    // FIXME: Not 64-bit size clean.
+    if (it == results.end()) {
+      results[id] = (unsigned) array.size;      
+    } else {
+      it->second = std::max(it->second, (unsigned) array.size);
+    }
+  }
+  std::map<unsigned, unsigned> results;
+// XXX waste of space, rather have ByteValueRange
+typedef ValueRange CexValueData;
+class CexObjectData {
+  unsigned size;
+  CexValueData *values;
+  CexObjectData(unsigned _size) : size(_size), values(new CexValueData[size]) {
+    for (unsigned i=0; i<size; i++)
+      values[i] = ValueRange(0, 255);
+  }
+class CexRangeEvaluator : public ExprRangeEvaluator<ValueRange> {
+  std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData> &objectValues;
+  CexRangeEvaluator(std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData> &_objectValues) 
+    : objectValues(_objectValues) {}
+  ValueRange getInitialReadRange(const Array &os, ValueRange index) {
+    return ValueRange(0, 255);
+  }
+class CexConstifier : public ExprEvaluator {
+  ref<Expr> getInitialValue(const Array& array, unsigned index) {
+    std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData>::iterator it = 
+      objectValues.find(array.id);
+    assert(it != objectValues.end() && "missing object?");
+    CexObjectData &cod = it->second;
+    if (index >= cod.size) {
+      return ReadExpr::create(UpdateList(&array, true, 0), 
+                              ref<Expr>(index, Expr::Int32));
+    } else {
+      CexValueData &cvd = cod.values[index];
+      assert(cvd.min() == cvd.max() && "value is not fixed");
+      return ref<Expr>(cvd.min(), Expr::Int8);
+    }
+  }
+  std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData> &objectValues;
+  CexConstifier(std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData> &_objectValues) 
+    : objectValues(_objectValues) {}
+class CexData {
+  std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData> objectValues;
+  CexData(ObjectFinder &finder) {
+    for (std::map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator it = finder.results.begin(),
+           ie = finder.results.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      objectValues.insert(std::pair<unsigned, CexObjectData>(it->first, 
+                                                             CexObjectData(it->second)));
+    }
+  }  
+  ~CexData() {
+    for (std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData>::iterator it = objectValues.begin(),
+           ie = objectValues.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+      delete[] it->second.values;
+  }
+  void forceExprToValue(ref<Expr> e, uint64_t value) {
+    forceExprToRange(e, CexValueData(value,value));
+  }
+  void forceExprToRange(ref<Expr> e, CexValueData range) {
+#ifdef LOG
+    //    *theLog << "force: " << e << " to " << range << "\n";
+    switch (e.getKind()) {
+    case Expr::Constant: {
+      // rather a pity if the constant isn't in the range, but how can
+      // we use this?
+      break;
+    }
+      // Special
+    case Expr::NotOptimized: break;
+    case Expr::Read: {
+      ReadExpr *re = static_ref_cast<ReadExpr>(e);
+      const Array *array = re->updates.root;
+      CexObjectData &cod = objectValues.find(array->id)->second;
+      // XXX we need to respect the version here and object state chain
+      if (re->index.isConstant() && 
+          re->index.getConstantValue() < array->size) {
+        CexValueData &cvd = cod.values[re->index.getConstantValue()];
+        CexValueData tmp = cvd.set_intersection(range);
+        if (tmp.isEmpty()) {
+          if (range.isFixed()) // ranges conflict, if new one is fixed use that
+            cvd = range;
+        } else {
+          cvd = tmp;
+        }
+      } else {
+        // XXX        fatal("XXX not implemented");
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Expr::Select: {
+      SelectExpr *se = static_ref_cast<SelectExpr>(e);
+      ValueRange cond = evalRangeForExpr(se->cond);
+      if (cond.isFixed()) {
+        if (cond.min()) {
+          forceExprToRange(se->trueExpr, range);
+        } else {
+          forceExprToRange(se->falseExpr, range);
+        }
+      } else {
+        // XXX imprecise... we have a choice here. One method is to
+        // simply force both sides into the specified range (since the
+        // condition is indetermined). This may lose in two ways, the
+        // first is that the condition chosen may limit further
+        // restrict the range in each of the children, however this is
+        // less of a problem as the range will be a superset of legal
+        // values. The other is if the condition ends up being forced
+        // by some other constraints, then we needlessly forced one
+        // side into the given range.
+        //
+        // The other method would be to force the condition to one
+        // side and force that side into the given range. This loses
+        // when we force the condition to an unsatisfiable value
+        // (either because the condition cannot be that, or the
+        // resulting range given that condition is not in the required
+        // range).
+        // 
+        // Currently we just force both into the range. A hybrid would
+        // be to evaluate the ranges for each of the children... if
+        // one of the ranges happens to already be a subset of the
+        // required range then it may be preferable to force the
+        // condition to that side.
+        forceExprToRange(se->trueExpr, range);
+        forceExprToRange(se->falseExpr, range);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+      // XXX imprecise... the problem here is that extracting bits
+      // loses information about what bits are connected across the
+      // bytes. if a value can be 1 or 256 then either the top or
+      // lower byte is 0, but just extraction loses this information
+      // and will allow neither,one,or both to be 1.
+      //
+      // we can protect against this in a limited fashion by writing
+      // the extraction a byte at a time, then checking the evaluated
+      // value, isolating for that range, and continuing.
+    case Expr::Concat: {
+      ConcatExpr *ce = static_ref_cast<ConcatExpr>(e);
+      if (ce->is2ByteConcat()) {
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(0), range.extract( 8, 16));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(1), range.extract( 0,  8));
+      }
+      else if (ce->is4ByteConcat()) {
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(0), range.extract(24, 32));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(1), range.extract(16, 24));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(2), range.extract( 8, 16));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(3), range.extract( 0,  8));
+      }
+      else if (ce->is8ByteConcat()) {
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(0), range.extract(56, 64));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(1), range.extract(48, 56));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(2), range.extract(40, 48));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(3), range.extract(32, 40));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(4), range.extract(24, 32));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(5), range.extract(16, 24));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(6), range.extract( 8, 16));
+	forceExprToRange(ce->getKid(7), range.extract( 0,  8));
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Expr::Extract: {
+      // XXX
+      break;
+    }
+      // Casting
+      // Simply intersect the output range with the range of all
+      // possible outputs and then truncate to the desired number of
+      // bits. 
+      // For ZExt this simplifies to just intersection with the
+      // possible input range.
+    case Expr::ZExt: {
+      CastExpr *ce = static_ref_cast<CastExpr>(e);
+      unsigned inBits = ce->src.getWidth();
+      ValueRange input = range.set_intersection(ValueRange(0, bits64::maxValueOfNBits(inBits)));
+      forceExprToRange(ce->src, input);
+      break;
+    }
+      // For SExt instead of doing the intersection we just take the output range
+      // minus the impossible values. This is nicer since it is a single interval.
+    case Expr::SExt: {
+      CastExpr *ce = static_ref_cast<CastExpr>(e);
+      unsigned inBits = ce->src.getWidth();
+      unsigned outBits = ce->width;
+      ValueRange output = range.set_difference(ValueRange(1<<(inBits-1),
+                                                          (bits64::maxValueOfNBits(outBits)-
+                                                           bits64::maxValueOfNBits(inBits-1)-1)));
+      ValueRange input = output.binaryAnd(bits64::maxValueOfNBits(inBits));
+      forceExprToRange(ce->src, input);
+      break;
+    }
+      // Binary
+    case Expr::And: {
+      BinaryExpr *be = static_ref_cast<BinaryExpr>(e);
+      if (be->getWidth()==Expr::Bool) {
+        if (range.isFixed()) {
+          ValueRange left = evalRangeForExpr(be->left);
+          ValueRange right = evalRangeForExpr(be->right);
+          if (!range.min()) {
+            if (left.mustEqual(0) || right.mustEqual(0)) {
+              // all is well
+            } else {
+              // XXX heuristic, which order
+              forceExprToValue(be->left, 0);
+              left = evalRangeForExpr(be->left);
+              // see if that worked
+              if (!left.mustEqual(1))
+                forceExprToValue(be->right, 0);
+            }
+          } else {
+            if (!left.mustEqual(1)) forceExprToValue(be->left, 1);
+            if (!right.mustEqual(1)) forceExprToValue(be->right, 1);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        // XXX
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Expr::Or: {
+      BinaryExpr *be = static_ref_cast<BinaryExpr>(e);
+      if (be->getWidth()==Expr::Bool) {
+        if (range.isFixed()) {
+          ValueRange left = evalRangeForExpr(be->left);
+          ValueRange right = evalRangeForExpr(be->right);
+          if (range.min()) {
+            if (left.mustEqual(1) || right.mustEqual(1)) {
+              // all is well
+            } else {
+              // XXX heuristic, which order?
+              // force left to value we need
+              forceExprToValue(be->left, 1);
+              left = evalRangeForExpr(be->left);
+              // see if that worked
+              if (!left.mustEqual(1))
+                forceExprToValue(be->right, 1);
+            }
+          } else {
+            if (!left.mustEqual(0)) forceExprToValue(be->left, 0);
+            if (!right.mustEqual(0)) forceExprToValue(be->right, 0);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        // XXX
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Expr::Xor: break;
+      // Comparison
+    case Expr::Eq: {
+      BinaryExpr *be = static_ref_cast<BinaryExpr>(e);
+      if (range.isFixed()) {
+        if (be->left.isConstant()) {
+          uint64_t value = be->left.getConstantValue();
+          if (range.min()) {
+            forceExprToValue(be->right, value);
+          } else {
+            if (value==0) {
+              forceExprToRange(be->right, 
+                               CexValueData(1,
+                                            ints::sext(1, 
+                                                       be->right.getWidth(),
+                                                       1)));
+            } else {
+              // XXX heuristic / lossy, could be better to pick larger range?
+              forceExprToRange(be->right, CexValueData(0, value-1));
+            }
+          }
+        } else {
+          // XXX what now
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Expr::Ult: {
+      BinaryExpr *be = static_ref_cast<BinaryExpr>(e);
+      // XXX heuristic / lossy, what order if conflict
+      if (range.isFixed()) {
+        ValueRange left = evalRangeForExpr(be->left);
+        ValueRange right = evalRangeForExpr(be->right);
+        uint64_t maxValue = bits64::maxValueOfNBits(be->right.getWidth());
+        // XXX should deal with overflow (can lead to empty range)
+        if (left.isFixed()) {
+          if (range.min()) {
+            forceExprToRange(be->right, CexValueData(left.min()+1, maxValue));
+          } else {
+            forceExprToRange(be->right, CexValueData(0, left.min()));
+          }
+        } else if (right.isFixed()) {
+          if (range.min()) {
+            forceExprToRange(be->left, CexValueData(0, right.min()-1));
+          } else {
+            forceExprToRange(be->left, CexValueData(right.min(), maxValue));
+          }
+        } else {
+          // XXX ???
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Expr::Ule: {
+      BinaryExpr *be = static_ref_cast<BinaryExpr>(e);
+      // XXX heuristic / lossy, what order if conflict
+      if (range.isFixed()) {
+        ValueRange left = evalRangeForExpr(be->left);
+        ValueRange right = evalRangeForExpr(be->right);
+        // XXX should deal with overflow (can lead to empty range)
+        uint64_t maxValue = bits64::maxValueOfNBits(be->right.getWidth());
+        if (left.isFixed()) {
+          if (range.min()) {
+            forceExprToRange(be->right, CexValueData(left.min(), maxValue));
+          } else {
+            forceExprToRange(be->right, CexValueData(0, left.min()-1));
+          }
+        } else if (right.isFixed()) {
+          if (range.min()) {
+            forceExprToRange(be->left, CexValueData(0, right.min()));
+          } else {
+            forceExprToRange(be->left, CexValueData(right.min()+1, maxValue));
+          }
+        } else {
+          // XXX ???
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Expr::Ne:
+    case Expr::Ugt:
+    case Expr::Uge:
+    case Expr::Sgt:
+    case Expr::Sge:
+      assert(0 && "invalid expressions (uncanonicalized");
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  void fixValues() {
+    for (std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData>::iterator it = objectValues.begin(),
+           ie = objectValues.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      CexObjectData &cod = it->second;
+      for (unsigned i=0; i<cod.size; i++) {
+        CexValueData &cvd = cod.values[i];
+        cvd = CexValueData(cvd.min() + (cvd.max()-cvd.min())/2);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ValueRange evalRangeForExpr(ref<Expr> &e) {
+    CexRangeEvaluator ce(objectValues);
+    return ce.evaluate(e);
+  }
+  bool exprMustBeValue(ref<Expr> e, uint64_t value) {
+    CexConstifier cc(objectValues);
+    ref<Expr> v = cc.visit(e);
+    if (!v.isConstant()) return false;
+    // XXX reenable once all reads and vars are fixed
+    //    assert(v.isConstant() && "not all values have been fixed");
+    return v.getConstantValue()==value;
+  }
+/* *** */
+class FastCexSolver : public IncompleteSolver {
+  FastCexSolver();
+  ~FastCexSolver();
+  IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity computeTruth(const Query&);  
+  bool computeValue(const Query&, ref<Expr> &result);
+  bool computeInitialValues(const Query&,
+                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
+                            bool &hasSolution);
+FastCexSolver::FastCexSolver() { }
+FastCexSolver::~FastCexSolver() { }
+FastCexSolver::computeTruth(const Query& query) {
+#ifdef LOG
+  std::ostringstream log;
+  theLog = &log;
+  //  log << "------ start FastCexSolver::mustBeTrue ------\n";
+  log << "-- QUERY --\n";
+  unsigned i=0;
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    log << "    C" << i++ << ": " << *it << ", \n";
+  log << "    Q : " << query.expr << "\n";
+  ObjectFinder of;
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    of.visit(*it);
+  of.visit(query.expr);
+  CexData cd(of);
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    cd.forceExprToValue(*it, 1);
+  cd.forceExprToValue(query.expr, 0);
+#ifdef LOG
+  log << " -- ranges --\n";
+  for (std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData>::iterator it = objectValues.begin(),
+         ie = objectValues.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+    CexObjectData &cod = it->second;
+    log << "    arr" << it->first << "[" << cod.size << "] = [";
+    unsigned continueFrom=cod.size-1;
+    for (; continueFrom>0; continueFrom--)
+      if (cod.values[continueFrom-1]!=cod.values[continueFrom])
+        break;
+    for (unsigned i=0; i<cod.size; i++) {
+      log << cod.values[i];
+      if (i<cod.size-1) {
+        log << ", ";
+        if (i==continueFrom) {
+          log << "...";
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    log << "]\n";
+  }
+  // this could be done lazily of course
+  cd.fixValues();
+#ifdef LOG
+  log << " -- fixed values --\n";
+  for (std::map<unsigned, CexObjectData>::iterator it = objectValues.begin(),
+         ie = objectValues.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+    CexObjectData &cod = it->second;
+    log << "    arr" << it->first << "[" << cod.size << "] = [";
+    unsigned continueFrom=cod.size-1;
+    for (; continueFrom>0; continueFrom--)
+      if (cod.values[continueFrom-1]!=cod.values[continueFrom])
+        break;
+    for (unsigned i=0; i<cod.size; i++) {
+      log << cod.values[i];
+      if (i<cod.size-1) {
+        log << ", ";
+        if (i==continueFrom) {
+          log << "...";
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    log << "]\n";
+  }
+  // check the result
+  bool isGood = true;
+  if (!cd.exprMustBeValue(query.expr, 0)) isGood = false;
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    if (!cd.exprMustBeValue(*it, 1)) 
+      isGood = false;
+#ifdef LOG
+  log << " -- evaluating result --\n";
+  i=0;
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+    bool res = cd.exprMustBeValue(*it, 1);
+    log << "    C" << i++ << ": " << (res?"true":"false") << "\n";
+  }
+  log << "    Q : " 
+      << (cd.exprMustBeValue(query.expr, 0)?"true":"false") << "\n";
+  log << "\n\n";
+  return isGood ? IncompleteSolver::MayBeFalse : IncompleteSolver::None;
+bool FastCexSolver::computeValue(const Query& query, ref<Expr> &result) {
+  ObjectFinder of;
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    of.visit(*it);
+  of.visit(query.expr);
+  CexData cd(of);
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    cd.forceExprToValue(*it, 1);
+  // this could be done lazily of course
+  cd.fixValues();
+  // check the result
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    if (!cd.exprMustBeValue(*it, 1))
+      return false;
+  CexConstifier cc(cd.objectValues);
+  ref<Expr> value = cc.visit(query.expr);
+  if (value.isConstant()) {
+    result = value;
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    return false;
+  }
+FastCexSolver::computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
+                                    const std::vector<const Array*>
+                                      &objects,
+                                    std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >
+                                      &values,
+                                    bool &hasSolution) {
+  ObjectFinder of;
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    of.visit(*it);
+  of.visit(query.expr);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i != objects.size(); ++i)
+    of.addObject(*objects[i]);
+  CexData cd(of);
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    cd.forceExprToValue(*it, 1);
+  cd.forceExprToValue(query.expr, 0);
+  // this could be done lazily of course
+  cd.fixValues();
+  // check the result
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    if (!cd.exprMustBeValue(*it, 1))
+      return false;
+  if (!cd.exprMustBeValue(query.expr, 0))
+    return false;
+  hasSolution = true;
+  CexConstifier cc(cd.objectValues);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i != objects.size(); ++i) {
+    const Array *array = objects[i];
+    std::vector<unsigned char> data;
+    data.reserve(array->size);
+    for (unsigned i=0; i < array->size; i++) {
+      ref<Expr> value =
+        cc.visit(ReadExpr::create(UpdateList(array, true, 0),
+                                  ConstantExpr::create(i,
+                                                       kMachinePointerType)));
+      if (value.isConstant()) {
+        data.push_back(value.getConstantValue());
+      } else {
+        // FIXME: When does this happen?
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    values.push_back(data);
+  }
+  return true;
+Solver *klee::createFastCexSolver(Solver *s) {
+  return new Solver(new StagedSolverImpl(new FastCexSolver(), s));
diff --git a/lib/Solver/IncompleteSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/IncompleteSolver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f473f70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/IncompleteSolver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+//===-- IncompleteSolver.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/IncompleteSolver.h"
+#include "klee/Constraints.h"
+using namespace klee;
+using namespace llvm;
+IncompleteSolver::negatePartialValidity(PartialValidity pv) {
+  switch(pv) {
+    case MustBeTrue:  return MustBeFalse;
+    case MustBeFalse: return MustBeTrue;
+    case MayBeTrue:   return MayBeFalse;
+    case MayBeFalse:  return MayBeTrue;
+    case TrueOrFalse: return TrueOrFalse;
+    default: assert(0 && "invalid partial validity");  
+  }
+IncompleteSolver::computeValidity(const Query& query) {
+  PartialValidity trueResult = computeTruth(query);
+  if (trueResult == MustBeTrue) {
+    return MustBeTrue;
+  } else {
+    PartialValidity falseResult = computeTruth(query.negateExpr());
+    if (falseResult == MustBeTrue) {
+      return MustBeFalse;
+    } else {
+      bool trueCorrect = trueResult != None,
+        falseCorrect = falseResult != None;
+      if (trueCorrect && falseCorrect) {
+        return TrueOrFalse;
+      } else if (trueCorrect) { // ==> trueResult == MayBeFalse
+        return MayBeFalse;
+      } else if (falseCorrect) { // ==> falseResult == MayBeFalse
+        return MayBeTrue;
+      } else {
+        return None;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+StagedSolverImpl::StagedSolverImpl(IncompleteSolver *_primary, 
+                                   Solver *_secondary) 
+  : primary(_primary),
+    secondary(_secondary) {
+StagedSolverImpl::~StagedSolverImpl() {
+  delete primary;
+  delete secondary;
+bool StagedSolverImpl::computeTruth(const Query& query, bool &isValid) {
+  IncompleteSolver::PartialValidity trueResult = primary->computeTruth(query); 
+  if (trueResult != IncompleteSolver::None) {
+    isValid = (trueResult == IncompleteSolver::MustBeTrue);
+    return true;
+  } 
+  return secondary->impl->computeTruth(query, isValid);
+bool StagedSolverImpl::computeValidity(const Query& query,
+                                       Solver::Validity &result) {
+  bool tmp;
+  switch(primary->computeValidity(query)) {
+  case IncompleteSolver::MustBeTrue: 
+    result = Solver::True;
+    break;
+  case IncompleteSolver::MustBeFalse: 
+    result = Solver::False;
+    break;
+  case IncompleteSolver::TrueOrFalse: 
+    result = Solver::Unknown;
+    break;
+  case IncompleteSolver::MayBeTrue:
+    if (!secondary->impl->computeTruth(query, tmp))
+      return false;
+    result = tmp ? Solver::True : Solver::Unknown;
+    break;
+  case IncompleteSolver::MayBeFalse:
+    if (!secondary->impl->computeTruth(query.negateExpr(), tmp))
+      return false;
+    result = tmp ? Solver::False : Solver::Unknown;
+    break;
+  default:
+    if (!secondary->impl->computeValidity(query, result))
+      return false;
+    break;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool StagedSolverImpl::computeValue(const Query& query,
+                                    ref<Expr> &result) {
+  if (primary->computeValue(query, result))
+    return true;
+  return secondary->impl->computeValue(query, result);
+StagedSolverImpl::computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
+                                       const std::vector<const Array*> 
+                                         &objects,
+                                       std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >
+                                         &values,
+                                       bool &hasSolution) {
+  if (primary->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, hasSolution))
+    return true;
+  return secondary->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values,
+                                               hasSolution);
diff --git a/lib/Solver/IndependentSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/IndependentSolver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c966aff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/IndependentSolver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+//===-- IndependentSolver.cpp ---------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/Solver.h"
+#include "klee/Expr.h"
+#include "klee/Constraints.h"
+#include "klee/SolverImpl.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprUtil.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Streams.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace klee;
+using namespace llvm;
+template<class T>
+class DenseSet {
+  typedef std::set<T> set_ty;
+  set_ty s;
+  DenseSet() {}
+  void add(T x) {
+    s.insert(x);
+  }
+  void add(T start, T end) {
+    for (; start<end; start++)
+      s.insert(start);
+  }
+  // returns true iff set is changed by addition
+  bool add(const DenseSet &b) {
+    bool modified = false;
+    for (typename set_ty::const_iterator it = b.s.begin(), ie = b.s.end(); 
+         it != ie; ++it) {
+      if (modified || !s.count(*it)) {
+        modified = true;
+        s.insert(*it);
+      }
+    }
+    return modified;
+  }
+  bool intersects(const DenseSet &b) {
+    for (typename set_ty::iterator it = s.begin(), ie = s.end(); 
+         it != ie; ++it)
+      if (b.s.count(*it))
+        return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  void print(std::ostream &os) const {
+    bool first = true;
+    os << "{";
+    for (typename set_ty::iterator it = s.begin(), ie = s.end(); 
+         it != ie; ++it) {
+      if (first) {
+        first = false;
+      } else {
+        os << ",";
+      }
+      os << *it;
+    }
+    os << "}";
+  }
+template<class T>
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const DenseSet<T> &dis) {
+  dis.print(os);
+  return os;
+class IndependentElementSet {
+  typedef std::map<const Array*, DenseSet<unsigned> > elements_ty;
+  elements_ty elements;
+  std::set<const Array*> wholeObjects;
+  IndependentElementSet() {}
+  IndependentElementSet(ref<Expr> e) {
+    std::vector< ref<ReadExpr> > reads;
+    findReads(e, /* visitUpdates= */ true, reads);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i != reads.size(); ++i) {
+      ReadExpr *re = reads[i].get();
+      if (re->updates.isRooted) {
+        const Array *array = re->updates.root;
+        if (!wholeObjects.count(array)) {
+          if (re->index.isConstant()) {
+            DenseSet<unsigned> &dis = elements[array];
+            dis.add((unsigned) re->index.getConstantValue());
+          } else {
+            elements_ty::iterator it2 = elements.find(array);
+            if (it2!=elements.end())
+              elements.erase(it2);
+            wholeObjects.insert(array);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  IndependentElementSet(const IndependentElementSet &ies) : 
+    elements(ies.elements),
+    wholeObjects(ies.wholeObjects) {}    
+  IndependentElementSet &operator=(const IndependentElementSet &ies) {
+    elements = ies.elements;
+    wholeObjects = ies.wholeObjects;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void print(std::ostream &os) const {
+    os << "{";
+    bool first = true;
+    for (std::set<const Array*>::iterator it = wholeObjects.begin(), 
+           ie = wholeObjects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      const Array *array = *it;
+      if (first) {
+        first = false;
+      } else {
+        os << ", ";
+      }
+      os << "MO" << array->id;
+    }
+    for (elements_ty::const_iterator it = elements.begin(), ie = elements.end();
+         it != ie; ++it) {
+      const Array *array = it->first;
+      const DenseSet<unsigned> &dis = it->second;
+      if (first) {
+        first = false;
+      } else {
+        os << ", ";
+      }
+      os << "MO" << array->id << " : " << dis;
+    }
+    os << "}";
+  }
+  // more efficient when this is the smaller set
+  bool intersects(const IndependentElementSet &b) {
+    for (std::set<const Array*>::iterator it = wholeObjects.begin(), 
+           ie = wholeObjects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      const Array *array = *it;
+      if (b.wholeObjects.count(array) || 
+          b.elements.find(array) != b.elements.end())
+        return true;
+    }
+    for (elements_ty::iterator it = elements.begin(), ie = elements.end();
+         it != ie; ++it) {
+      const Array *array = it->first;
+      if (b.wholeObjects.count(array))
+        return true;
+      elements_ty::const_iterator it2 = b.elements.find(array);
+      if (it2 != b.elements.end()) {
+        if (it->second.intersects(it2->second))
+          return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  // returns true iff set is changed by addition
+  bool add(const IndependentElementSet &b) {
+    bool modified = false;
+    for (std::set<const Array*>::const_iterator it = b.wholeObjects.begin(), 
+           ie = b.wholeObjects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      const Array *array = *it;
+      elements_ty::iterator it2 = elements.find(array);
+      if (it2!=elements.end()) {
+        modified = true;
+        elements.erase(it2);
+        wholeObjects.insert(array);
+      } else {
+        if (!wholeObjects.count(array)) {
+          modified = true;
+          wholeObjects.insert(array);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    for (elements_ty::const_iterator it = b.elements.begin(), 
+           ie = b.elements.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      const Array *array = it->first;
+      if (!wholeObjects.count(array)) {
+        elements_ty::iterator it2 = elements.find(array);
+        if (it2==elements.end()) {
+          modified = true;
+          elements.insert(*it);
+        } else {
+          if (it2->second.add(it->second))
+            modified = true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return modified;
+  }
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const IndependentElementSet &ies) {
+  ies.print(os);
+  return os;
+IndependentElementSet getIndependentConstraints(const Query& query,
+                                                std::vector< ref<Expr> > &result) {
+  IndependentElementSet eltsClosure(query.expr);
+  std::vector< std::pair<ref<Expr>, IndependentElementSet> > worklist;
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    worklist.push_back(std::make_pair(*it, IndependentElementSet(*it)));
+  // XXX This should be more efficient (in terms of low level copy stuff).
+  bool done = false;
+  do {
+    done = true;
+    std::vector< std::pair<ref<Expr>, IndependentElementSet> > newWorklist;
+    for (std::vector< std::pair<ref<Expr>, IndependentElementSet> >::iterator
+           it = worklist.begin(), ie = worklist.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      if (it->second.intersects(eltsClosure)) {
+        if (eltsClosure.add(it->second))
+          done = false;
+        result.push_back(it->first);
+      } else {
+        newWorklist.push_back(*it);
+      }
+    }
+    worklist.swap(newWorklist);
+  } while (!done);
+  if (0) {
+    std::set< ref<Expr> > reqset(result.begin(), result.end());
+    llvm::cerr << "--\n";
+    llvm::cerr << "Q: " << query.expr << "\n";
+    llvm::cerr << "\telts: " << IndependentElementSet(query.expr) << "\n";
+    int i = 0;
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      llvm::cerr << "C" << i++ << ": " << *it;
+      llvm::cerr << " " << (reqset.count(*it) ? "(required)" : "(independent)") << "\n";
+      llvm::cerr << "\telts: " << IndependentElementSet(*it) << "\n";
+    }
+    llvm::cerr << "elts closure: " << eltsClosure << "\n";
+  }
+  return eltsClosure;
+class IndependentSolver : public SolverImpl {
+  Solver *solver;
+  IndependentSolver(Solver *_solver) 
+    : solver(_solver) {}
+  ~IndependentSolver() { delete solver; }
+  bool computeTruth(const Query&, bool &isValid);
+  bool computeValidity(const Query&, Solver::Validity &result);
+  bool computeValue(const Query&, ref<Expr> &result);
+  bool computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
+                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
+                            bool &hasSolution) {
+    return solver->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values,
+                                              hasSolution);
+  }
+bool IndependentSolver::computeValidity(const Query& query,
+                                        Solver::Validity &result) {
+  std::vector< ref<Expr> > required;
+  IndependentElementSet eltsClosure =
+    getIndependentConstraints(query, required);
+  ConstraintManager tmp(required);
+  return solver->impl->computeValidity(Query(tmp, query.expr), 
+                                       result);
+bool IndependentSolver::computeTruth(const Query& query, bool &isValid) {
+  std::vector< ref<Expr> > required;
+  IndependentElementSet eltsClosure = 
+    getIndependentConstraints(query, required);
+  ConstraintManager tmp(required);
+  return solver->impl->computeTruth(Query(tmp, query.expr), 
+                                    isValid);
+bool IndependentSolver::computeValue(const Query& query, ref<Expr> &result) {
+  std::vector< ref<Expr> > required;
+  IndependentElementSet eltsClosure = 
+    getIndependentConstraints(query, required);
+  ConstraintManager tmp(required);
+  return solver->impl->computeValue(Query(tmp, query.expr), result);
+Solver *klee::createIndependentSolver(Solver *s) {
+  return new Solver(new IndependentSolver(s));
diff --git a/lib/Solver/Makefile b/lib/Solver/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..11d3d330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#===-- lib/Solver/Makefile ---------------------------------*- Makefile -*--===#
+#                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
diff --git a/lib/Solver/PCLoggingSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/PCLoggingSolver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b787acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/PCLoggingSolver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+//===-- PCLoggingSolver.cpp -----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/Solver.h"
+// FIXME: This should not be here.
+#include "klee/ExecutionState.h"
+#include "klee/Expr.h"
+#include "klee/SolverImpl.h"
+#include "klee/Statistics.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprPPrinter.h"
+#include "klee/Internal/Support/QueryLog.h"
+#include "klee/Internal/System/Time.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace klee;
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace klee::util;
+class PCLoggingSolver : public SolverImpl {
+  Solver *solver;
+  std::ofstream os;
+  ExprPPrinter *printer;
+  unsigned queryCount;
+  double startTime;
+  void startQuery(const Query& query, const char *typeName) {
+    Statistic *S = theStatisticManager->getStatisticByName("Instructions");
+    uint64_t instructions = S ? S->getValue() : 0;
+    os << "# Query " << queryCount++ << " -- "
+       << "Type: " << typeName << ", "
+       << "Instructions: " << instructions << "\n";
+    printer->printQuery(os, query.constraints, query.expr);
+    startTime = getWallTime();
+  }
+  void finishQuery(bool success) {
+    double delta = getWallTime() - startTime;
+    os << "#   " << (success ? "OK" : "FAIL") << " -- "
+       << "Elapsed: " << delta << "\n";
+  }
+  PCLoggingSolver(Solver *_solver, std::string path) 
+  : solver(_solver),
+    os(path.c_str(), std::ios::trunc),
+    printer(ExprPPrinter::create(os)),
+    queryCount(0) {
+  }                                                      
+  ~PCLoggingSolver() {
+    delete printer;
+    delete solver;
+  }
+  bool computeTruth(const Query& query, bool &isValid) {
+    startQuery(query, "Truth");
+    bool success = solver->impl->computeTruth(query, isValid);
+    finishQuery(success);
+    if (success)
+      os << "#   Is Valid: " << (isValid ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
+    os << "\n";
+    return success;
+  }
+  bool computeValidity(const Query& query, Solver::Validity &result) {
+    startQuery(query, "Validity");
+    bool success = solver->impl->computeValidity(query, result);
+    finishQuery(success);
+    if (success)
+      os << "#   Validity: " << result << "\n";
+    os << "\n";
+    return success;
+  }
+  bool computeValue(const Query& query, ref<Expr> &result) {
+    startQuery(query, "Value");
+    bool success = solver->impl->computeValue(query, result);
+    finishQuery(success);
+    if (success)
+      os << "#   Result: " << result << "\n";
+    os << "\n";
+    return success;
+  }
+  bool computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
+                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
+                            bool &hasSolution) {
+    // FIXME: Add objects to output.
+    startQuery(query, "InitialValues");
+    bool success = solver->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, 
+                                                      values, hasSolution);
+    finishQuery(success);
+    if (success) {
+      os << "#   Solvable: " << (hasSolution ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
+      if (hasSolution) {
+        std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >::iterator
+          values_it = values.begin();
+        for (std::vector<const Array*>::const_iterator i = objects.begin(),
+               e = objects.end(); i != e; ++i, ++values_it) {
+          const Array *array = *i;
+          std::vector<unsigned char> &data = *values_it;
+          os << "#     arr" << array->id << " = [";
+          for (unsigned j = 0; j < array->size; j++) {
+            os << (int) data[j];
+            if (j+1 < array->size)
+              os << ",";
+          }
+          os << "]\n";
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    os << "\n";
+    return success;
+  }
+Solver *klee::createPCLoggingSolver(Solver *_solver, std::string path) {
+  return new Solver(new PCLoggingSolver(_solver, path));
diff --git a/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.cpp b/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33aee035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+//===-- STPBuilder.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "STPBuilder.h"
+#include "klee/Expr.h"
+#include "klee/Solver.h"
+#include "klee/util/Bits.h"
+#include "ConstantDivision.h"
+#include "SolverStats.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#define vc_bvBoolExtract IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+// unclear return
+#define vc_bvLeftShiftExpr IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+#define vc_bvRightShiftExpr IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+// bad refcnt'ng
+#define vc_bvVar32LeftShiftExpr IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+#define vc_bvVar32RightShiftExpr IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+#define vc_bvVar32DivByPowOfTwoExpr IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+#define vc_bvCreateMemoryArray IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+#define vc_bvReadMemoryArray IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+#define vc_bvWriteToMemoryArray IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+#include <algorithm> // max, min
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace klee;
+namespace {
+  llvm::cl::opt<bool>
+  UseConstructHash("use-construct-hash", 
+                   llvm::cl::desc("Use hash-consing during STP query construction."),
+                   llvm::cl::init(true));
+STPBuilder::STPBuilder(::VC _vc, bool _optimizeDivides) 
+  : vc(_vc), optimizeDivides(_optimizeDivides)
+  tempVars[0] = buildVar("__tmpInt8", 8);
+  tempVars[1] = buildVar("__tmpInt16", 16);
+  tempVars[2] = buildVar("__tmpInt32", 32);
+  tempVars[3] = buildVar("__tmpInt64", 64);
+STPBuilder::~STPBuilder() {
+/* Warning: be careful about what c_interface functions you use. Some of
+   them look like they cons memory but in fact don't, which is bad when
+   you call vc_DeleteExpr on them. */
+::VCExpr STPBuilder::buildVar(const char *name, unsigned width) {
+  // XXX don't rebuild if this stuff cons's
+  ::Type t = (width==1) ? vc_boolType(vc) : vc_bvType(vc, width);
+  ::VCExpr res = vc_varExpr(vc, (char*) name, t);
+  vc_DeleteExpr(t);
+  return res;
+::VCExpr STPBuilder::buildArray(const char *name, unsigned indexWidth, unsigned valueWidth) {
+  // XXX don't rebuild if this stuff cons's
+  ::Type t1 = vc_bvType(vc, indexWidth);
+  ::Type t2 = vc_bvType(vc, valueWidth);
+  ::Type t = vc_arrayType(vc, t1, t2);
+  ::VCExpr res = vc_varExpr(vc, (char*) name, t);
+  vc_DeleteExpr(t);
+  vc_DeleteExpr(t2);
+  vc_DeleteExpr(t1);
+  return res;
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::getTempVar(Expr::Width w) {
+  switch (w) {
+  case Expr::Int8: return tempVars[0];
+  case Expr::Int16: return tempVars[1];
+  case Expr::Int32: return tempVars[2];
+  case Expr::Int64: return tempVars[3];
+  default:
+    assert(0 && "invalid type");
+  }
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::getTrue() {
+  return vc_trueExpr(vc);
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::getFalse() {
+  return vc_falseExpr(vc);
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvOne(unsigned width) {
+  return bvConst32(width, 1);
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvZero(unsigned width) {
+  return bvConst32(width, 0);
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvMinusOne(unsigned width) {
+  return bvConst64(width, (int64_t) -1);
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvConst32(unsigned width, uint32_t value) {
+  return vc_bvConstExprFromInt(vc, width, value);
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvConst64(unsigned width, uint64_t value) {
+  return vc_bvConstExprFromLL(vc, width, value);
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvBoolExtract(ExprHandle expr, int bit) {
+  return vc_eqExpr(vc, bvExtract(expr, bit, bit), bvOne(1));
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvExtract(ExprHandle expr, unsigned top, unsigned bottom) {
+  return vc_bvExtract(vc, expr, top, bottom);
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::eqExpr(ExprHandle a, ExprHandle b) {
+  return vc_eqExpr(vc, a, b);
+// logical right shift
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvRightShift(ExprHandle expr, unsigned amount, unsigned shiftBits) {
+  unsigned width = vc_getBVLength(vc, expr);
+  unsigned shift = amount & ((1<<shiftBits) - 1);
+  if (shift==0) {
+    return expr;
+  } else if (shift>=width) {
+    return bvZero(width);
+  } else {
+    return vc_bvConcatExpr(vc,
+                           bvZero(shift),
+                           bvExtract(expr, width - 1, shift));
+  }
+// logical left shift
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvLeftShift(ExprHandle expr, unsigned amount, unsigned shiftBits) {
+  unsigned width = vc_getBVLength(vc, expr);
+  unsigned shift = amount & ((1<<shiftBits) - 1);
+  if (shift==0) {
+    return expr;
+  } else if (shift>=width) {
+    return bvZero(width);
+  } else {
+    // stp shift does "expr @ [0 x s]" which we then have to extract,
+    // rolling our own gives slightly smaller exprs
+    return vc_bvConcatExpr(vc, 
+                           bvExtract(expr, width - shift - 1, 0),
+                           bvZero(shift));
+  }
+// left shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvVarLeftShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle amount, unsigned width) {
+  ExprHandle res = bvZero(width);
+  int shiftBits = getShiftBits( width );
+  //get the shift amount (looking only at the bits appropriate for the given width)
+  ExprHandle shift = vc_bvExtract( vc, amount, shiftBits - 1, 0 ); 
+  //construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
+  for( int i=width-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
+    res = vc_iteExpr(vc,
+                     eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits, i)),
+                     bvLeftShift(expr, i, shiftBits),
+                     res);
+  }
+  return res;
+// logical right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvVarRightShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle amount, unsigned width) {
+  ExprHandle res = bvZero(width);
+  int shiftBits = getShiftBits( width );
+  //get the shift amount (looking only at the bits appropriate for the given width)
+  ExprHandle shift = vc_bvExtract( vc, amount, shiftBits - 1, 0 ); 
+  //construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
+  for( int i=width-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
+    res = vc_iteExpr(vc,
+                     eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits, i)),
+                     bvRightShift(expr, i, shiftBits),
+                     res);
+  }
+  return res;
+// arithmetic right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvVarArithRightShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle amount, unsigned width) {
+  int shiftBits = getShiftBits( width );
+  //get the shift amount (looking only at the bits appropriate for the given width)
+  ExprHandle shift = vc_bvExtract( vc, amount, shiftBits - 1, 0 );
+  //get the sign bit to fill with
+  ExprHandle signedBool = bvBoolExtract(expr, width-1);
+  //start with the result if shifting by width-1
+  ExprHandle res = constructAShrByConstant(expr, width-1, signedBool, shiftBits);
+  //construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
+  // XXX more efficient to move the ite on the sign outside all exprs?
+  // XXX more efficient to sign extend, right shift, then extract lower bits?
+  for( int i=width-2; i>=0; i-- ) {
+    res = vc_iteExpr(vc,
+                     eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits,i)),
+                     constructAShrByConstant(expr, 
+                                             i, 
+                                             signedBool, 
+                                             shiftBits),
+                     res);
+  }
+  return res;
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::constructAShrByConstant(ExprHandle expr,
+                                               unsigned amount,
+                                               ExprHandle isSigned, 
+                                               unsigned shiftBits) {
+  unsigned width = vc_getBVLength(vc, expr);
+  unsigned shift = amount & ((1<<shiftBits) - 1);
+  if (shift==0) {
+    return expr;
+  } else if (shift>=width-1) {
+    return vc_iteExpr(vc, isSigned, bvMinusOne(width), bvZero(width));
+  } else {
+    return vc_iteExpr(vc,
+                      isSigned,
+                      ExprHandle(vc_bvConcatExpr(vc,
+                                                 bvMinusOne(shift),
+                                                 bvExtract(expr, width - 1, shift))),
+                      bvRightShift(expr, shift, shiftBits));
+  }
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::constructMulByConstant(ExprHandle expr, unsigned width, uint64_t x) {
+  unsigned shiftBits = getShiftBits(width);
+  uint64_t add, sub;
+  ExprHandle res = 0;
+  // expr*x == expr*(add-sub) == expr*add - expr*sub
+  ComputeMultConstants64(x, add, sub);
+  // legal, these would overflow completely
+  add = bits64::truncateToNBits(add, width);
+  sub = bits64::truncateToNBits(sub, width);
+  for (int j=63; j>=0; j--) {
+    uint64_t bit = 1LL << j;
+    if ((add&bit) || (sub&bit)) {
+      assert(!((add&bit) && (sub&bit)) && "invalid mult constants");
+      ExprHandle op = bvLeftShift(expr, j, shiftBits);
+      if (add&bit) {
+        if (res) {
+          res = vc_bvPlusExpr(vc, width, res, op);
+        } else {
+          res = op;
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (res) {
+          res = vc_bvMinusExpr(vc, width, res, op);
+        } else {
+          res = vc_bvUMinusExpr(vc, op);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!res) 
+    res = bvZero(width);
+  return res;
+ * Compute the 32-bit unsigned integer division of n by a divisor d based on 
+ * the constants derived from the constant divisor d.
+ *
+ * Returns n/d without doing explicit division.  The cost is 2 adds, 3 shifts, 
+ * and a (64-bit) multiply.
+ *
+ * @param n      numerator (dividend) as an expression
+ * @param width  number of bits used to represent the value
+ * @param d      the divisor
+ *
+ * @return n/d without doing explicit division
+ */
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::constructUDivByConstant(ExprHandle expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d) {
+  assert(width==32 && "can only compute udiv constants for 32-bit division");
+  // Compute the constants needed to compute n/d for constant d w/o
+  // division by d.
+  uint32_t mprime, sh1, sh2;
+  ComputeUDivConstants32(d, mprime, sh1, sh2);
+  ExprHandle expr_sh1    = bvConst32( 32, sh1);
+  ExprHandle expr_sh2    = bvConst32( 32, sh2);
+  // t1  = MULUH(mprime, n) = ( (uint64_t)mprime * (uint64_t)n ) >> 32
+  ExprHandle expr_n_64   = vc_bvConcatExpr( vc, bvZero(32), expr_n ); //extend to 64 bits
+  ExprHandle t1_64bits   = constructMulByConstant( expr_n_64, 64, (uint64_t)mprime );
+  ExprHandle t1          = vc_bvExtract( vc, t1_64bits, 63, 32 ); //upper 32 bits
+  // n/d = (((n - t1) >> sh1) + t1) >> sh2;
+  ExprHandle n_minus_t1  = vc_bvMinusExpr( vc, width, expr_n, t1 );
+  ExprHandle shift_sh1   = bvVarRightShift( n_minus_t1, expr_sh1, 32 );
+  ExprHandle plus_t1     = vc_bvPlusExpr( vc, width, shift_sh1, t1 );
+  ExprHandle res         = bvVarRightShift( plus_t1, expr_sh2, 32 );
+  return res;
+ * Compute the 32-bitnsigned integer division of n by a divisor d based on 
+ * the constants derived from the constant divisor d.
+ *
+ * Returns n/d without doing explicit division.  The cost is 3 adds, 3 shifts, 
+ * a (64-bit) multiply, and an XOR.
+ *
+ * @param n      numerator (dividend) as an expression
+ * @param width  number of bits used to represent the value
+ * @param d      the divisor
+ *
+ * @return n/d without doing explicit division
+ */
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::constructSDivByConstant(ExprHandle expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d) {
+  assert(width==32 && "can only compute udiv constants for 32-bit division");
+  // Compute the constants needed to compute n/d for constant d w/o division by d.
+  int32_t mprime, dsign, shpost;
+  ComputeSDivConstants32(d, mprime, dsign, shpost);
+  ExprHandle expr_dsign   = bvConst32( 32, dsign);
+  ExprHandle expr_shpost  = bvConst32( 32, shpost);
+  // q0 = n + MULSH( mprime, n ) = n + (( (int64_t)mprime * (int64_t)n ) >> 32)
+  int64_t mprime_64     = (int64_t)mprime;
+  ExprHandle expr_n_64    = vc_bvSignExtend( vc, expr_n, 64 );
+  ExprHandle mult_64      = constructMulByConstant( expr_n_64, 64, mprime_64 );
+  ExprHandle mulsh        = vc_bvExtract( vc, mult_64, 63, 32 ); //upper 32-bits
+  ExprHandle n_plus_mulsh = vc_bvPlusExpr( vc, width, expr_n, mulsh );
+  // Improved variable arithmetic right shift: sign extend, shift,
+  // extract.
+  ExprHandle extend_npm   = vc_bvSignExtend( vc, n_plus_mulsh, 64 );
+  ExprHandle shift_npm    = bvVarRightShift( extend_npm, expr_shpost, 64 );
+  ExprHandle shift_shpost = vc_bvExtract( vc, shift_npm, 31, 0 ); //lower 32-bits
+  // XSIGN(n) is -1 if n is negative, positive one otherwise
+  ExprHandle is_signed    = bvBoolExtract( expr_n, 31 );
+  ExprHandle neg_one      = bvMinusOne(32);
+  ExprHandle xsign_of_n   = vc_iteExpr( vc, is_signed, neg_one, bvZero(32) );
+  // q0 = (n_plus_mulsh >> shpost) - XSIGN(n)
+  ExprHandle q0           = vc_bvMinusExpr( vc, width, shift_shpost, xsign_of_n );
+  // n/d = (q0 ^ dsign) - dsign
+  ExprHandle q0_xor_dsign = vc_bvXorExpr( vc, q0, expr_dsign );
+  ExprHandle res          = vc_bvMinusExpr( vc, width, q0_xor_dsign, expr_dsign );
+  return res;
+::VCExpr STPBuilder::getInitialArray(const Array *root) {
+  if (root->stpInitialArray) {
+    return root->stpInitialArray;
+  } else {
+    char buf[32];
+    sprintf(buf, "arr%d", root->id);
+    root->stpInitialArray = buildArray(buf, 32, 8);
+    return root->stpInitialArray;
+  }
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::getInitialRead(const Array *root, unsigned index) {
+  return vc_readExpr(vc, getInitialArray(root), bvConst32(32, index));
+::VCExpr STPBuilder::getArrayForUpdate(const Array *root, 
+                                       const UpdateNode *un) {
+  if (!un) {
+    return getInitialArray(root);
+  } else {
+    // FIXME: This really needs to be non-recursive.
+    if (!un->stpArray)
+      un->stpArray = vc_writeExpr(vc,
+                                  getArrayForUpdate(root, un->next),
+                                  construct(un->index, 0),
+                                  construct(un->value, 0));
+    return un->stpArray;
+  }
+/** if *width_out!=1 then result is a bitvector,
+    otherwise it is a bool */
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::construct(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out) {
+  if (!UseConstructHash || e.isConstant()) {
+    return constructActual(e, width_out);
+  } else {
+    ExprHashMap< std::pair<ExprHandle, unsigned> >::iterator it = 
+      constructed.find(e);
+    if (it!=constructed.end()) {
+      if (width_out)
+        *width_out = it->second.second;
+      return it->second.first;
+    } else {
+      int width;
+      if (!width_out) width_out = &width;
+      ExprHandle res = constructActual(e, width_out);
+      constructed.insert(std::make_pair(e, std::make_pair(res, *width_out)));
+      return res;
+    }
+  }
+/** if *width_out!=1 then result is a bitvector,
+    otherwise it is a bool */
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::constructActual(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out) {
+  int width;
+  if (!width_out) width_out = &width;
+  ++stats::queryConstructs;
+  switch(e.getKind()) {
+  case Expr::Constant: {
+    uint64_t asUInt64 = e.getConstantValue();
+    *width_out = e.getWidth();
+    if (*width_out > 64)
+      assert(0 && "constructActual: width > 64");
+    if (*width_out == 1)
+      return asUInt64 ? getTrue() : getFalse();
+    else if (*width_out <= 32) 
+      return bvConst32(*width_out, asUInt64);
+    else return bvConst64(*width_out, asUInt64);
+  }
+  // Special
+  case Expr::NotOptimized: {
+    NotOptimizedExpr *noe = static_ref_cast<NotOptimizedExpr>(e);
+    return construct(noe->src, width_out);
+  }
+  case Expr::Read: {
+    ReadExpr *re = static_ref_cast<ReadExpr>(e);
+    *width_out = 8;
+    return vc_readExpr(vc,
+                       getArrayForUpdate(re->updates.root, re->updates.head),
+                       construct(re->index, 0));
+  }
+  case Expr::Select: {
+    SelectExpr *se = static_ref_cast<SelectExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle cond = construct(se->cond, 0);
+    ExprHandle tExpr = construct(se->trueExpr, width_out);
+    ExprHandle fExpr = construct(se->falseExpr, width_out);
+    return vc_iteExpr(vc, cond, tExpr, fExpr);
+  }
+  case Expr::Concat: {
+    ConcatExpr *ce = static_ref_cast<ConcatExpr>(e);
+    unsigned numKids = ce->getNumKids();
+    ExprHandle res = construct(ce->getKid(numKids-1), 0);
+    for (int i=numKids-2; i>=0; i--) {
+      res = vc_bvConcatExpr(vc, construct(ce->getKid(i), 0), res);
+    }
+    *width_out = ce->getWidth();
+    return res;
+  }
+  case Expr::Extract: {
+    ExtractExpr *ee = static_ref_cast<ExtractExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle src = construct(ee->expr, width_out);    
+    *width_out = ee->getWidth();
+    if (*width_out==1) {
+      return bvBoolExtract(src, 0);
+    } else {
+      return vc_bvExtract(vc, src, ee->offset + *width_out - 1, ee->offset);
+    }
+  }
+    // Casting
+  case Expr::ZExt: {
+    int srcWidth;
+    CastExpr *ce = static_ref_cast<CastExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle src = construct(ce->src, &srcWidth);
+    *width_out = ce->getWidth();
+    if (srcWidth==1) {
+      return vc_iteExpr(vc, src, bvOne(*width_out), bvZero(*width_out));
+    } else {
+      return vc_bvConcatExpr(vc, bvZero(*width_out-srcWidth), src);
+    }
+  }
+  case Expr::SExt: {
+    int srcWidth;
+    CastExpr *ce = static_ref_cast<CastExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle src = construct(ce->src, &srcWidth);
+    *width_out = ce->getWidth();
+    if (srcWidth==1) {
+      return vc_iteExpr(vc, src, bvMinusOne(*width_out), bvZero(*width_out));
+    } else {
+      return vc_bvSignExtend(vc, src, *width_out);
+    }
+  }
+    // Arithmetic
+  case Expr::Add: {
+    AddExpr *ae = static_ref_cast<AddExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(ae->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(ae->right, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized add");
+    return vc_bvPlusExpr(vc, *width_out, left, right);
+  }
+  case Expr::Sub: {
+    SubExpr *se = static_ref_cast<SubExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(se->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(se->right, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized sub");
+    return vc_bvMinusExpr(vc, *width_out, left, right);
+  } 
+  case Expr::Mul: {
+    MulExpr *me = static_ref_cast<MulExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(me->right, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized mul");
+    if (me->left.isConstant()) {
+      return constructMulByConstant(right, *width_out, me->left.getConstantValue());
+    } else {
+      ExprHandle left = construct(me->left, width_out);
+      return vc_bvMultExpr(vc, *width_out, left, right);
+    }
+  }
+  case Expr::UDiv: {
+    UDivExpr *de = static_ref_cast<UDivExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(de->left, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized udiv");
+    if (de->right.isConstant()) {
+      uint64_t divisor = de->right.getConstantValue();
+      if (bits64::isPowerOfTwo(divisor)) {
+        return bvRightShift(left,
+                            bits64::indexOfSingleBit(divisor),
+                            getShiftBits(*width_out));
+      } else if (optimizeDivides) {
+        if (*width_out == 32) //only works for 32-bit division
+          return constructUDivByConstant( left, *width_out, (uint32_t)divisor );
+      }
+    } 
+    ExprHandle right = construct(de->right, width_out);
+    return vc_bvDivExpr(vc, *width_out, left, right);
+  }
+  case Expr::SDiv: {
+    SDivExpr *de = static_ref_cast<SDivExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(de->left, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized sdiv");
+    if (de->right.isConstant()) {
+      uint64_t divisor = de->right.getConstantValue();
+      if (optimizeDivides) {
+	if (*width_out == 32) //only works for 32-bit division
+	  return constructSDivByConstant( left, *width_out, divisor);
+      }
+    } 
+    // XXX need to test for proper handling of sign, not sure I
+    // trust STP
+    ExprHandle right = construct(de->right, width_out);
+    return vc_sbvDivExpr(vc, *width_out, left, right);
+  }
+  case Expr::URem: {
+    URemExpr *de = static_ref_cast<URemExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(de->left, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized urem");
+    if (de->right.isConstant()) {
+      uint64_t divisor = de->right.getConstantValue();
+      if (bits64::isPowerOfTwo(divisor)) {
+        unsigned bits = bits64::indexOfSingleBit(divisor);
+        // special case for modding by 1 or else we bvExtract -1:0
+        if (bits == 0) {
+          return bvZero(*width_out);
+        } else {
+          return vc_bvConcatExpr(vc,
+                                 bvZero(*width_out - bits),
+                                 bvExtract(left, bits - 1, 0));
+        }
+      }
+      //use fast division to compute modulo without explicit division for constant divisor
+      if (optimizeDivides) {
+	if (*width_out == 32) { //only works for 32-bit division
+	  ExprHandle quotient = constructUDivByConstant( left, *width_out, (uint32_t)divisor );
+	  ExprHandle quot_times_divisor = constructMulByConstant( quotient, *width_out, divisor );
+          ExprHandle rem = vc_bvMinusExpr( vc, *width_out, left, quot_times_divisor );
+	  return rem;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    ExprHandle right = construct(de->right, width_out);
+    return vc_bvModExpr(vc, *width_out, left, right);
+  }
+  case Expr::SRem: {
+    SRemExpr *de = static_ref_cast<SRemExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(de->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(de->right, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized srem");
+#if 0 //not faster per first benchmark
+    if (optimizeDivides) {
+      if (ConstantExpr *cre = de->right->asConstant()) {
+	uint64_t divisor = cre->asUInt64;
+	//use fast division to compute modulo without explicit division for constant divisor
+      	if( *width_out == 32 ) { //only works for 32-bit division
+	  ExprHandle quotient = constructSDivByConstant( left, *width_out, divisor );
+	  ExprHandle quot_times_divisor = constructMulByConstant( quotient, *width_out, divisor );
+	  ExprHandle rem = vc_bvMinusExpr( vc, *width_out, left, quot_times_divisor );
+	  return rem;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    // XXX implement my fast path and test for proper handling of sign
+    return vc_sbvModExpr(vc, *width_out, left, right);
+  }
+    // Binary
+  case Expr::And: {
+    AndExpr *ae = static_ref_cast<AndExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(ae->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(ae->right, width_out);
+    if (*width_out==1) {
+      return vc_andExpr(vc, left, right);
+    } else {
+      return vc_bvAndExpr(vc, left, right);
+    }
+  }
+  case Expr::Or: {
+    OrExpr *oe = static_ref_cast<OrExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(oe->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(oe->right, width_out);
+    if (*width_out==1) {
+      return vc_orExpr(vc, left, right);
+    } else {
+      return vc_bvOrExpr(vc, left, right);
+    }
+  }
+  case Expr::Xor: {
+    XorExpr *xe = static_ref_cast<XorExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(xe->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(xe->right, width_out);
+    if (*width_out==1) {
+      // XXX check for most efficient?
+      return vc_iteExpr(vc, left, 
+                        ExprHandle(vc_notExpr(vc, right)), right);
+    } else {
+      return vc_bvXorExpr(vc, left, right);
+    }
+  }
+  case Expr::Shl: {
+    ShlExpr *se = static_ref_cast<ShlExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(se->left, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized shl");
+    if (se->right.isConstant()) {
+      return bvLeftShift(left, se->right.getConstantValue(), getShiftBits(*width_out));
+    } else {
+      int shiftWidth;
+      ExprHandle amount = construct(se->right, &shiftWidth);
+      return bvVarLeftShift( left, amount, *width_out );
+    }
+  }
+  case Expr::LShr: {
+    LShrExpr *lse = static_ref_cast<LShrExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(lse->left, width_out);
+    unsigned shiftBits = getShiftBits(*width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized lshr");
+    if (lse->right.isConstant()) {
+      return bvRightShift(left, (unsigned) lse->right.getConstantValue(), shiftBits);
+    } else {
+      int shiftWidth;
+      ExprHandle amount = construct(lse->right, &shiftWidth);
+      return bvVarRightShift( left, amount, *width_out );
+    }
+  }
+  case Expr::AShr: {
+    AShrExpr *ase = static_ref_cast<AShrExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(ase->left, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized ashr");
+    if (ase->right.isConstant()) {
+      unsigned shift = (unsigned) ase->right.getConstantValue();
+      ExprHandle signedBool = bvBoolExtract(left, *width_out-1);
+      return constructAShrByConstant(left, shift, signedBool, getShiftBits(*width_out));
+    } else {
+      int shiftWidth;
+      ExprHandle amount = construct(ase->right, &shiftWidth);
+      return bvVarArithRightShift( left, amount, *width_out );
+    }
+  }
+    // Comparison
+  case Expr::Eq: {
+    EqExpr *ee = static_ref_cast<EqExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(ee->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(ee->right, width_out);
+    if (*width_out==1) {
+      if (ee->left.isConstant()) {
+        assert(!ee->left.getConstantValue() && "uncanonicalized eq");
+        return vc_notExpr(vc, right);
+      } else {
+        return vc_iffExpr(vc, left, right);
+      }
+    } else {
+      *width_out = 1;
+      return vc_eqExpr(vc, left, right);
+    }
+  }
+  case Expr::Ult: {
+    UltExpr *ue = static_ref_cast<UltExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(ue->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(ue->right, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized ult");
+    *width_out = 1;
+    return vc_bvLtExpr(vc, left, right);
+  }
+  case Expr::Ule: {
+    UleExpr *ue = static_ref_cast<UleExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(ue->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(ue->right, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized ule");
+    *width_out = 1;
+    return vc_bvLeExpr(vc, left, right);
+  }
+  case Expr::Slt: {
+    SltExpr *se = static_ref_cast<SltExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(se->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(se->right, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized slt");
+    *width_out = 1;
+    return vc_sbvLtExpr(vc, left, right);
+  }
+  case Expr::Sle: {
+    SleExpr *se = static_ref_cast<SleExpr>(e);
+    ExprHandle left = construct(se->left, width_out);
+    ExprHandle right = construct(se->right, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out!=1 && "uncanonicalized sle");
+    *width_out = 1;
+    return vc_sbvLeExpr(vc, left, right);
+  }
+    // unused due to canonicalization
+#if 0
+  case Expr::Ne:
+  case Expr::Ugt:
+  case Expr::Uge:
+  case Expr::Sgt:
+  case Expr::Sge:
+  default: 
+    assert(0 && "unhandled Expr type");
+    return vc_trueExpr(vc);
+  }
diff --git a/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.h b/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6382bc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+//===-- STPBuilder.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef __UTIL_STPBUILDER_H__
+#define __UTIL_STPBUILDER_H__
+#include "klee/util/ExprHashMap.h"
+#include "klee/Config/config.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#define Expr VCExpr
+#include "stp/c_interface.h"
+#include "stp/stplog.h"
+#undef Expr
+namespace klee {
+  class ExprHolder {
+    friend class ExprHandle;
+    ::VCExpr expr;
+    unsigned count;
+  public:
+    ExprHolder(const ::VCExpr _expr) : expr(_expr), count(0) {}
+    ~ExprHolder() { 
+      if (expr) vc_DeleteExpr(expr); 
+    }
+  };
+  class ExprHandle {
+    ExprHolder *H;
+  public:
+    ExprHandle() : H(new ExprHolder(0)) { H->count++; }
+    ExprHandle(::VCExpr _expr) : H(new ExprHolder(_expr)) { H->count++; }
+    ExprHandle(const ExprHandle &b) : H(b.H) { H->count++; }
+    ~ExprHandle() { if (--H->count == 0) delete H; }
+    ExprHandle &operator=(const ExprHandle &b) {
+      if (--H->count == 0) delete H;
+      H = b.H;
+      H->count++;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    operator bool () { return H->expr; }
+    operator ::VCExpr () { return H->expr; }
+  };
+class STPBuilder {
+  ::VC vc;
+  ExprHandle tempVars[4];
+  ExprHashMap< std::pair<ExprHandle, unsigned> > constructed;
+  /// optimizeDivides - Rewrite division and reminders by constants
+  /// into multiplies and shifts. STP should probably handle this for
+  /// use.
+  bool optimizeDivides;
+  unsigned getShiftBits(unsigned amount) {
+    return (amount == 64) ? 6 : 5;
+  }
+  ExprHandle bvOne(unsigned width);
+  ExprHandle bvZero(unsigned width);
+  ExprHandle bvMinusOne(unsigned width);
+  ExprHandle bvConst32(unsigned width, uint32_t value);
+  ExprHandle bvConst64(unsigned width, uint64_t value);
+  ExprHandle bvBoolExtract(ExprHandle expr, int bit);
+  ExprHandle bvExtract(ExprHandle expr, unsigned top, unsigned bottom);
+  ExprHandle eqExpr(ExprHandle a, ExprHandle b);
+  //logical left and right shift (not arithmetic)
+  ExprHandle bvLeftShift(ExprHandle expr, unsigned shift, unsigned shiftBits);
+  ExprHandle bvRightShift(ExprHandle expr, unsigned amount, unsigned shiftBits);
+  ExprHandle bvVarLeftShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle amount, unsigned width);
+  ExprHandle bvVarRightShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle amount, unsigned width);
+  ExprHandle bvVarArithRightShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle amount, unsigned width);
+  ExprHandle constructAShrByConstant(ExprHandle expr, unsigned shift, 
+                                     ExprHandle isSigned, unsigned shiftBits);
+  ExprHandle constructMulByConstant(ExprHandle expr, unsigned width, uint64_t x);
+  ExprHandle constructUDivByConstant(ExprHandle expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d);
+  ExprHandle constructSDivByConstant(ExprHandle expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d);
+  ::VCExpr getInitialArray(const Array *os);
+  ::VCExpr getArrayForUpdate(const Array *root, const UpdateNode *un);
+  ExprHandle constructActual(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out);
+  ExprHandle construct(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out);
+  ::VCExpr buildVar(const char *name, unsigned width);
+  ::VCExpr buildArray(const char *name, unsigned indexWidth, unsigned valueWidth);
+  STPBuilder(::VC _vc, bool _optimizeDivides=true);
+  ~STPBuilder();
+  ExprHandle getTrue();
+  ExprHandle getFalse();
+  ExprHandle getTempVar(Expr::Width w);
+  ExprHandle getInitialRead(const Array *os, unsigned index);
+  ExprHandle construct(ref<Expr> e) { 
+    ExprHandle res = construct(e, 0);
+    constructed.clear();
+    return res;
+  }
diff --git a/lib/Solver/Solver.cpp b/lib/Solver/Solver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24d3ef86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/Solver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+//===-- Solver.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/Solver.h"
+#include "klee/SolverImpl.h"
+#include "SolverStats.h"
+#include "STPBuilder.h"
+#include "klee/Constraints.h"
+#include "klee/Expr.h"
+#include "klee/TimerStatIncrementer.h"
+#include "klee/util/Assignment.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprPPrinter.h"
+#include "klee/util/ExprUtil.h"
+#include "klee/Internal/Support/Timer.h"
+#define vc_bvBoolExtract IAMTHESPAWNOFSATAN
+#include <cassert>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <sys/ipc.h>
+#include <sys/shm.h>
+using namespace klee;
+const char *Solver::validity_to_str(Validity v) {
+  switch (v) {
+  default:    return "Unknown";
+  case True:  return "True";
+  case False: return "False";
+  }
+Solver::~Solver() { 
+  delete impl; 
+SolverImpl::~SolverImpl() {
+bool Solver::evaluate(const Query& query, Validity &result) {
+  assert(query.expr.getWidth() == Expr::Bool && "Invalid expression type!");
+  // Maintain invariants implementation expect.
+  if (query.expr.isConstant()) {
+    result = query.expr.getConstantValue() ? True : False;
+    return true;
+  }
+  return impl->computeValidity(query, result);
+bool SolverImpl::computeValidity(const Query& query, Solver::Validity &result) {
+  bool isTrue, isFalse;
+  if (!computeTruth(query, isTrue))
+    return false;
+  if (isTrue) {
+    result = Solver::True;
+  } else {
+    if (!computeTruth(query.negateExpr(), isFalse))
+      return false;
+    result = isFalse ? Solver::False : Solver::Unknown;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool Solver::mustBeTrue(const Query& query, bool &result) {
+  assert(query.expr.getWidth() == Expr::Bool && "Invalid expression type!");
+  // Maintain invariants implementation expect.
+  if (query.expr.isConstant()) {
+    result = query.expr.getConstantValue() ? true : false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  return impl->computeTruth(query, result);
+bool Solver::mustBeFalse(const Query& query, bool &result) {
+  return mustBeTrue(query.negateExpr(), result);
+bool Solver::mayBeTrue(const Query& query, bool &result) {
+  bool res;
+  if (!mustBeFalse(query, res))
+    return false;
+  result = !res;
+  return true;
+bool Solver::mayBeFalse(const Query& query, bool &result) {
+  bool res;
+  if (!mustBeTrue(query, res))
+    return false;
+  result = !res;
+  return true;
+bool Solver::getValue(const Query& query, ref<Expr> &result) {
+  // Maintain invariants implementation expect.
+  if (query.expr.isConstant()) {
+    result = query.expr;
+    return true;
+  }
+  return impl->computeValue(query, result);
+Solver::getInitialValues(const Query& query,
+                         const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                         std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values) {
+  bool hasSolution;
+  bool success =
+    impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, hasSolution);
+  // FIXME: Propogate this out.
+  if (!hasSolution)
+    return false;
+  return success;
+std::pair< ref<Expr>, ref<Expr> > Solver::getRange(const Query& query) {
+  ref<Expr> e = query.expr;
+  Expr::Width width = e.getWidth();
+  uint64_t min, max;
+  if (width==1) {
+    Solver::Validity result;
+    if (!evaluate(query, result))
+      assert(0 && "computeValidity failed");
+    switch (result) {
+    case Solver::True: 
+      min = max = 1; break;
+    case Solver::False: 
+      min = max = 0; break;
+    default:
+      min = 0, max = 1; break;
+    }
+  } else if (e.isConstant()) {
+    min = max = e.getConstantValue();
+  } else {
+    // binary search for # of useful bits
+    uint64_t lo=0, hi=width, mid, bits=0;
+    while (lo<hi) {
+      mid = (lo+hi)/2;
+      bool res;
+      bool success = 
+        mustBeTrue(query.withExpr(
+                     EqExpr::create(LShrExpr::create(e,
+                                                     ConstantExpr::create(mid, 
+                                                                          width)),
+                                    ConstantExpr::create(0, width))),
+                   res);
+      assert(success && "FIXME: Unhandled solver failure");
+      if (res) {
+        hi = mid;
+      } else {
+        lo = mid+1;
+      }
+      bits = lo;
+    }
+    // could binary search for training zeros and offset
+    // min max but unlikely to be very useful
+    // check common case
+    bool res = false;
+    bool success = 
+      mayBeTrue(query.withExpr(EqExpr::create(e, ConstantExpr::create(0, 
+                                                                      width))), 
+                res);
+    assert(success && "FIXME: Unhandled solver failure");      
+    if (res) {
+      min = 0;
+    } else {
+      // binary search for min
+      lo=0, hi=bits64::maxValueOfNBits(bits);
+      while (lo<hi) {
+        mid = (lo+hi)/2;
+        bool res = false;
+        bool success = 
+          mayBeTrue(query.withExpr(UleExpr::create(e, 
+                                                   ConstantExpr::create(mid, 
+                                                                        width))),
+                    res);
+        assert(success && "FIXME: Unhandled solver failure");      
+        if (res) {
+          hi = mid;
+        } else {
+          lo = mid+1;
+        }
+      }
+      min = lo;
+    }
+    // binary search for max
+    lo=min, hi=bits64::maxValueOfNBits(bits);
+    while (lo<hi) {
+      mid = (lo+hi)/2;
+      bool res;
+      bool success = 
+        mustBeTrue(query.withExpr(UleExpr::create(e, 
+                                                  ConstantExpr::create(mid, 
+                                                                       width))),
+                   res);
+      assert(success && "FIXME: Unhandled solver failure");      
+      if (res) {
+        hi = mid;
+      } else {
+        lo = mid+1;
+      }
+    }
+    max = lo;
+  }
+  return std::make_pair(ConstantExpr::create(min, width),
+                        ConstantExpr::create(max, width));
+class ValidatingSolver : public SolverImpl {
+  Solver *solver, *oracle;
+  ValidatingSolver(Solver *_solver, Solver *_oracle) 
+    : solver(_solver), oracle(_oracle) {}
+  ~ValidatingSolver() { delete solver; }
+  bool computeValidity(const Query&, Solver::Validity &result);
+  bool computeTruth(const Query&, bool &isValid);
+  bool computeValue(const Query&, ref<Expr> &result);
+  bool computeInitialValues(const Query&,
+                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
+                            bool &hasSolution);
+bool ValidatingSolver::computeTruth(const Query& query,
+                                    bool &isValid) {
+  bool answer;
+  if (!solver->impl->computeTruth(query, isValid))
+    return false;
+  if (!oracle->impl->computeTruth(query, answer))
+    return false;
+  if (isValid != answer)
+    assert(0 && "invalid solver result (computeTruth)");
+  return true;
+bool ValidatingSolver::computeValidity(const Query& query,
+                                       Solver::Validity &result) {
+  Solver::Validity answer;
+  if (!solver->impl->computeValidity(query, result))
+    return false;
+  if (!oracle->impl->computeValidity(query, answer))
+    return false;
+  if (result != answer)
+    assert(0 && "invalid solver result (computeValidity)");
+  return true;
+bool ValidatingSolver::computeValue(const Query& query,
+                                    ref<Expr> &result) {  
+  bool answer;
+  if (!solver->impl->computeValue(query, result))
+    return false;
+  // We don't want to compare, but just make sure this is a legal
+  // solution.
+  if (!oracle->impl->computeTruth(query.withExpr(NeExpr::create(query.expr, 
+                                                                result)),
+                                  answer))
+    return false;
+  if (answer)
+    assert(0 && "invalid solver result (computeValue)");
+  return true;
+ValidatingSolver::computeInitialValues(const Query& query,
+                                       const std::vector<const Array*>
+                                         &objects,
+                                       std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >
+                                         &values,
+                                       bool &hasSolution) {
+  bool answer;
+  if (!solver->impl->computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, 
+                                          hasSolution))
+    return false;
+  if (hasSolution) {
+    // Assert the bindings as constraints, and verify that the
+    // conjunction of the actual constraints is satisfiable.
+    std::vector< ref<Expr> > bindings;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i != values.size(); ++i) {
+      const Array *array = objects[i];
+      for (unsigned j=0; j<array->size; j++) {
+        unsigned char value = values[i][j];
+        bindings.push_back(EqExpr::create(ReadExpr::create(UpdateList(array,
+                                                                      true, 0),
+                                                           ref<Expr>(j, Expr::Int32)),
+                                          ref<Expr>(value, Expr::Int8)));
+      }
+    }
+    ConstraintManager tmp(bindings);
+    ref<Expr> constraints = Expr::createNot(query.expr);
+    for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+           ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+      constraints = AndExpr::create(constraints, *it);
+    if (!oracle->impl->computeTruth(Query(tmp, constraints), answer))
+      return false;
+    if (!answer)
+      assert(0 && "invalid solver result (computeInitialValues)");
+  } else {
+    if (!oracle->impl->computeTruth(query, answer))
+      return false;
+    if (!answer)
+      assert(0 && "invalid solver result (computeInitialValues)");    
+  }
+  return true;
+Solver *klee::createValidatingSolver(Solver *s, Solver *oracle) {
+  return new Solver(new ValidatingSolver(s, oracle));
+class STPSolverImpl : public SolverImpl {
+  /// The solver we are part of, for access to public information.
+  STPSolver *solver;
+  VC vc;
+  STPBuilder *builder;
+  double timeout;
+  bool useForkedSTP;
+  STPSolverImpl(STPSolver *_solver, bool _useForkedSTP);
+  ~STPSolverImpl();
+  char *getConstraintLog(const Query&);
+  void setTimeout(double _timeout) { timeout = _timeout; }
+  bool computeTruth(const Query&, bool &isValid);
+  bool computeValue(const Query&, ref<Expr> &result);
+  bool computeInitialValues(const Query&,
+                            const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                            std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
+                            bool &hasSolution);
+static unsigned char *shared_memory_ptr;
+static const unsigned shared_memory_size = 1<<20;
+static int shared_memory_id;
+static void stp_error_handler(const char* err_msg) {
+  fprintf(stderr, "error: STP Error: %s\n", err_msg);
+  abort();
+STPSolverImpl::STPSolverImpl(STPSolver *_solver, bool _useForkedSTP) 
+  : solver(_solver),
+    vc(vc_createValidityChecker()),
+    builder(new STPBuilder(vc)),
+    timeout(0.0),
+    useForkedSTP(_useForkedSTP)
+  assert(vc && "unable to create validity checker");
+  assert(builder && "unable to create STPBuilder");
+  vc_registerErrorHandler(::stp_error_handler);
+  if (useForkedSTP) {
+    shared_memory_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, shared_memory_size, IPC_CREAT | 0700);
+    assert(shared_memory_id>=0 && "shmget failed");
+    shared_memory_ptr = (unsigned char*) shmat(shared_memory_id, NULL, 0);
+    assert(shared_memory_ptr!=(void*)-1 && "shmat failed");
+    shmctl(shared_memory_id, IPC_RMID, NULL);
+  }
+STPSolverImpl::~STPSolverImpl() {
+  delete builder;
+  vc_Destroy(vc);
+STPSolver::STPSolver(bool useForkedSTP) 
+  : Solver(new STPSolverImpl(this, useForkedSTP))
+char *STPSolver::getConstraintLog(const Query &query) {
+  return static_cast<STPSolverImpl*>(impl)->getConstraintLog(query);  
+void STPSolver::setTimeout(double timeout) {
+  static_cast<STPSolverImpl*>(impl)->setTimeout(timeout);
+char *STPSolverImpl::getConstraintLog(const Query &query) {
+  vc_push(vc);
+  for (std::vector< ref<Expr> >::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    vc_assertFormula(vc, builder->construct(*it));
+  assert(query.expr == ref<Expr>(0, Expr::Bool) &&
+         "Unexpected expression in query!");
+  char *buffer;
+  unsigned long length;
+  vc_printQueryStateToBuffer(vc, builder->getFalse(), 
+                             &buffer, &length, false);
+  vc_pop(vc);
+  return buffer;
+bool STPSolverImpl::computeTruth(const Query& query,
+                                 bool &isValid) {
+  std::vector<const Array*> objects;
+  std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > values;
+  bool hasSolution;
+  if (!computeInitialValues(query, objects, values, hasSolution))
+    return false;
+  isValid = !hasSolution;
+  return true;
+bool STPSolverImpl::computeValue(const Query& query,
+                                 ref<Expr> &result) {
+  std::vector<const Array*> objects;
+  std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > values;
+  bool hasSolution;
+  // Find the object used in the expression, and compute an assignment
+  // for them.
+  findSymbolicObjects(query.expr, objects);
+  if (!computeInitialValues(query.withFalse(), objects, values, hasSolution))
+    return false;
+  assert(hasSolution && "state has invalid constraint set");
+  // Evaluate the expression with the computed assignment.
+  Assignment a(objects, values);
+  result = a.evaluate(query.expr);
+  return true;
+static void runAndGetCex(::VC vc, STPBuilder *builder, ::VCExpr q,
+                   const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                   std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > &values,
+                   bool &hasSolution) {
+  // XXX I want to be able to timeout here, safely
+  hasSolution = !vc_query(vc, q);
+  if (hasSolution) {
+    values.reserve(objects.size());
+    for (std::vector<const Array*>::const_iterator
+           it = objects.begin(), ie = objects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+      const Array *array = *it;
+      std::vector<unsigned char> data;
+      data.reserve(array->size);
+      for (unsigned offset = 0; offset < array->size; offset++) {
+        ExprHandle counter = 
+          vc_getCounterExample(vc, builder->getInitialRead(array, offset));
+        unsigned char val = getBVUnsigned(counter);
+        data.push_back(val);
+      }
+      values.push_back(data);
+    }
+  }
+static void stpTimeoutHandler(int x) {
+  _exit(52);
+static bool runAndGetCexForked(::VC vc, 
+                               STPBuilder *builder,
+                               ::VCExpr q,
+                               const std::vector<const Array*> &objects,
+                               std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >
+                                 &values,
+                               bool &hasSolution,
+                               double timeout) {
+  unsigned char *pos = shared_memory_ptr;
+  unsigned sum = 0;
+  for (std::vector<const Array*>::const_iterator
+         it = objects.begin(), ie = objects.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    sum += (*it)->size;
+  assert(sum<shared_memory_size && "not enough shared memory for counterexample");
+  fflush(stdout);
+  fflush(stderr);
+  int pid = fork();
+  if (pid==-1) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "error: fork failed (for STP)");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (pid == 0) {
+    if (timeout) {
+      ::alarm(0); /* Turn off alarm so we can safely set signal handler */
+      ::signal(SIGALRM, stpTimeoutHandler);
+      ::alarm(std::max(1, (int)timeout));
+    }    
+    unsigned res = vc_query(vc, q);
+    if (!res) {
+      for (std::vector<const Array*>::const_iterator
+             it = objects.begin(), ie = objects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+        const Array *array = *it;
+        for (unsigned offset = 0; offset < array->size; offset++) {
+          ExprHandle counter = 
+            vc_getCounterExample(vc, builder->getInitialRead(array, offset));
+          *pos++ = getBVUnsigned(counter);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    _exit(res);
+  } else {
+    int status;
+    int res = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+    if (res<0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "error: waitpid() for STP failed");
+      return false;
+    }
+    // From timed_run.py: It appears that linux at least will on
+    // "occasion" return a status when the process was terminated by a
+    // signal, so test signal first.
+    if (WIFSIGNALED(status) || !WIFEXITED(status)) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "error: STP did not return successfully");
+      return false;
+    }
+    int exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+    if (exitcode==0) {
+      hasSolution = true;
+    } else if (exitcode==1) {
+      hasSolution = false;
+    } else if (exitcode==52) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "error: STP timed out");
+      return false;
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr, "error: STP did not return a recognized code");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (hasSolution) {
+      values = std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> >(objects.size());
+      unsigned i=0;
+      for (std::vector<const Array*>::const_iterator
+             it = objects.begin(), ie = objects.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+        const Array *array = *it;
+        std::vector<unsigned char> &data = values[i++];
+        data.insert(data.begin(), pos, pos + array->size);
+        pos += array->size;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+STPSolverImpl::computeInitialValues(const Query &query,
+                                    const std::vector<const Array*> 
+                                      &objects,
+                                    std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > 
+                                      &values,
+                                    bool &hasSolution) {
+  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::queryTime);
+  vc_push(vc);
+  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(), 
+         ie = query.constraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
+    vc_assertFormula(vc, builder->construct(*it));
+  ++stats::queries;
+  ++stats::queryCounterexamples;
+  ExprHandle stp_e = builder->construct(query.expr);
+  bool success;
+  if (useForkedSTP) {
+    success = runAndGetCexForked(vc, builder, stp_e, objects, values, 
+                                 hasSolution, timeout);
+  } else {
+    runAndGetCex(vc, builder, stp_e, objects, values, hasSolution);
+    success = true;
+  }
+  if (success) {
+    if (hasSolution)
+      ++stats::queriesInvalid;
+    else
+      ++stats::queriesValid;
+  }
+  vc_pop(vc);
+  return success;
diff --git a/lib/Solver/SolverStats.cpp b/lib/Solver/SolverStats.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d48792a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/SolverStats.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//===-- SolverStats.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "SolverStats.h"
+using namespace klee;
+Statistic stats::cexCacheTime("CexCacheTime", "CCtime");
+Statistic stats::queries("Queries", "Q");
+Statistic stats::queriesInvalid("QueriesInvalid", "Qiv");
+Statistic stats::queriesValid("QueriesValid", "Qv");
+Statistic stats::queryCacheHits("QueryCacheHits", "QChits") ;
+Statistic stats::queryCacheMisses("QueryCacheMisses", "QCmisses");
+Statistic stats::queryConstructTime("QueryConstructTime", "QBtime") ;
+Statistic stats::queryConstructs("QueriesConstructs", "QB");
+Statistic stats::queryCounterexamples("QueriesCEX", "Qcex");
+Statistic stats::queryTime("QueryTime", "Qtime");
diff --git a/lib/Solver/SolverStats.h b/lib/Solver/SolverStats.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fee7699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Solver/SolverStats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//===-- SolverStats.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/Statistic.h"
+namespace klee {
+namespace stats {
+  extern Statistic cexCacheTime;
+  extern Statistic queries;
+  extern Statistic queriesInvalid;
+  extern Statistic queriesValid;
+  extern Statistic queryCacheHits;
+  extern Statistic queryCacheMisses;
+  extern Statistic queryConstructTime;
+  extern Statistic queryConstructs;
+  extern Statistic queryCounterexamples;
+  extern Statistic queryTime;