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path: root/scripts
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authorCristian Cadar <cristic@cs.stanford.edu>2009-06-05 22:38:53 +0000
committerCristian Cadar <cristic@cs.stanford.edu>2009-06-05 22:38:53 +0000
commit450eae13bfd668ebd938218c0687213fcba8dd13 (patch)
tree0856ef807ece455b448c9458fc60f03997e46969 /scripts
parentf23940669cb73c63560f2ede9ee677c50a8a3e27 (diff)
Moved PrintStats.py to tool/klee-stats/
git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/klee/trunk@72964 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/PrintStats.py b/scripts/PrintStats.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 40994f87..00000000
--- a/scripts/PrintStats.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import division
-import sys
-import os
-def getFile(dir):
-    return os.path.join(dir,'run.stats')
-def getLastRecord(dir):
-    f = open(getFile(dir))
-    try:
-        f.seek(-1024, 2)
-    except IOError:
-        pass # at beginning?
-    for ln in f.read(1024).split('\n')[::-1]:
-        ln = ln.strip()
-        if ln.startswith('(') and ln.endswith(')'):
-            if '(' in ln[1:]:
-                print >>sys.stderr, 'WARNING: corrupted line in file, out of disk space?'
-                ln = ln[ln.index('(',1):]
-            return eval(ln)
-    raise IOError
-class LazyEvalList:
-    def __init__(self, lines):
-        self.lines = lines
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        item = self.lines[index]
-        if isinstance(item,str):
-            item = self.lines[index] = eval(item)
-        return item
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.lines)
-def getMatchedRecord(data,reference,key):
-    refKey = key(reference)
-    lo = 1 # header
-    hi = len(data)-1
-    while lo<hi:
-        mid = (lo+hi)//2
-        if key(data[mid])<=refKey:
-            lo = mid + 1
-        else:
-            hi = mid
-    return data[lo]
-def stripCommonPathPrefix(table, col):
-    paths = map(os.path.normpath, [row[col] for row in table])
-    pathElts = [p.split('/') for p in paths]
-    zipped = zip(*pathElts)
-    idx = 0
-    for idx,elts in enumerate(zipped):
-        if len(set(elts))>1:
-            break
-    paths = ['/'.join(elts[idx:]) for elts in pathElts]
-    for i,row in enumerate(table):
-        table[i] = row[:col] + (paths[i],) + row[col+1:]
-def getKeyIndex(keyName,labels):
-    def normalizedKey(key):
-        if key.endswith("(#)") or key.endswith("(%)") or key.endswith("(s)"):
-            key = key[:-3]
-        return key.lower()
-    keyIndex = None
-    for i,title in enumerate(labels):
-        if normalizedKey(title)==normalizedKey(keyName):
-            keyIndex = i
-            break
-    else:
-        raise ValueError,'invalid keyName to sort by: %s'%`keyName`
-    return keyIndex
-def sortTable(table, labels, keyName, ascending=False):   
-    indices = range(len(table))
-    keyIndex = getKeyIndex(keyName,labels)
-    indices.sort(key = lambda n: table[n][keyIndex])
-    if not ascending:
-        indices.reverse()
-    table[:] = [table[n] for n in indices]
-def printTable(table):
-    def strOrNone(ob):
-        if ob is None:
-            return ''
-        elif isinstance(ob,float):
-            return '%.2f'%ob
-        else:
-            return str(ob)
-    def printRow(row):
-        if row is None:
-            print header
-        else:
-            out.write('|')
-            for j,elt in enumerate(row):
-                if j:
-                    out.write(' %*s |'%(widths[j],elt))
-                else:
-                    out.write(' %-*s |'%(widths[j],elt))
-            out.write('\n')
-    maxLen = max([len(r) for r in table if r])
-    for i,row in enumerate(table):
-        if row:
-            table[i] = row + (None,)*(maxLen-len(row))
-    table = [row and map(strOrNone,row) or None for row in table]
-    tableLens = [map(len,row) for row in table if row]
-    from pprint import pprint
-    widths = map(max, zip(*tableLens))
-    out = sys.stdout
-    header = '-'*(sum(widths) + maxLen*3 + 1)
-    map(printRow, table)
-def main(args):
-    from optparse import OptionParser
-    op = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] directories*",
-                      epilog=
-                      "LEGEND                                                                          " 
-                      "------                                                                          " 
-                      "Instrs:  Number of executed instructions                                        "
-                      "Time:    Total wall time (s)                                                    "
-                      "ICov:    Instruction coverage in the LLVM bitcode (%)                           "
-                      "BCov:    Branch coverage in the LLVM bitcode (%)                                "
-                      "ICount:  Total static instructions in the LLVM bitcode                          "
-                      "Solver:  Time spent in the constraint solver (%)                                "
-                      "States:  Number of currently active states                                      "
-                      "Mem:     Megabytes of memory currently used                                     "
-                      "Queries: Number of queries issued to STP                                        "
-                      "AvgQC:   Average number of query constructs per query                           "
-                      "Tcex:    Time spent in the counterexample caching code (%)                                        "
-                      "Tfork:   Time spent forking (%)                                                 ")
-    op.add_option('', '--print-more', dest='printMore',
-                  action='store_true', default=False,
-                  help='Print extra information (needed when monitoring an ongoing run).')
-    op.add_option('', '--print-all', dest='printAll',
-                  action='store_true', default=False,
-                  help='Print all available information.')
-    op.add_option('','--sort-by', dest='sortBy',
-                  help='key value to sort by, e.g. --sort-by=Instrs')
-    op.add_option('','--ascending', dest='ascending',
-                  action='store_true', default=False,
-                  help='sort in ascending order (default is descending)')
-    op.add_option('','--compare-by', dest='compBy',
-                  help="key value on which to compare runs to the reference one (which is the first one).  E.g., --compare-by=Instrs shows how each run compares to the reference run after executing the same number of instructions as the reference run.  If a run hasn't executed as many instructions as the reference one, we simply print the statistics at the end of that run.")
-    opts,dirs = op.parse_args()
-    actualDirs = []
-    for dir in dirs:
-        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir,'info')):
-            actualDirs.append(dir)
-        else:
-            for root,dirs,_ in os.walk(dir):
-                for d in dirs:
-                    p = os.path.join(root,d)
-                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p,'info')):
-                        actualDirs.append(p)
-    dirs = actualDirs
-    summary = []
-    if (opts.printAll):
-        labels = ('Path','Instrs','Time(s)','ICov(%)','BCov(%)','ICount','Solver(%)', 'States', 'Mem(MB)', 'Queries', 'AvgQC', 'Tcex(%)', 'Tfork(%)')
-    elif (opts.printMore):
-        labels = ('Path','Instrs','Time(s)','ICov(%)','BCov(%)','ICount','Solver(%)', 'States', 'Mem(MB)')
-    else:
-        labels = ('Path','Instrs','Time(s)','ICov(%)','BCov(%)','ICount','Solver(%)')
-    def addRecord(Path,rec):
-        (I,BFull,BPart,BTot,T,St,Mem,QTot,QCon,NObjs,Treal,SCov,SUnc,QT,Ts,Tcex,Tf) = rec
-        Mem=Mem/1024./1024.
-        AvgQC = int(QCon/max(1,QTot))
-        if (opts.printAll):
-            table.append((Path, I, Treal, 100.*SCov/(SCov+SUnc), 100.*(2*BFull+BPart)/(2.*BTot),
-                          SCov+SUnc, 100.*Ts/Treal, St, Mem, QTot, AvgQC, 100.*Tcex/Treal, 100.*Tf/Treal))
-        elif (opts.printMore):
-            table.append((Path, I, Treal, 100.*SCov/(SCov+SUnc), 100.*(2*BFull+BPart)/(2.*BTot),
-                          SCov+SUnc, 100.*Ts/Treal, St, Mem))
-        else:
-            table.append((Path, I, Treal, 100.*SCov/(SCov+SUnc), 100.*(2*BFull+BPart)/(2.*BTot),
-                          SCov+SUnc, 100.*Ts/Treal))
-    def addRow(Path,data):
-        data = tuple(data[:17]) + (None,)*(17-len(data))
-        addRecord(Path,data)
-        if not summary:
-            summary[:] = list(data)
-        else:
-            summary[:] = [(a+b) for a,b in zip(summary,data)]
-    datas = [(dir,LazyEvalList(list(open(getFile(dir))))) for dir in dirs]
-    reference = datas[0][1][-1]
-    table = []    
-    for dir,data in datas:
-        try:
-            if opts.compBy:
-                addRow(dir,getMatchedRecord(data,reference,lambda f: f[getKeyIndex(opts.compBy,labels)-1]))
-            else: 
-                addRow(dir, data[len(data)-1])  #getLastRecord(dir))
-        except IOError:
-            print 'Unable to open: ',dir
-            continue
-    stripCommonPathPrefix(table, 0)
-    if opts.sortBy:
-        sortTable(table, labels, opts.sortBy, opts.ascending)
-    if not table:
-        sys.exit(1)
-    elif len(table)>1:
-        table.append(None)
-        addRecord('Total (%d)'%(len(table)-1,),summary)
-    table[0:0] = [None,labels,None]
-    table.append(None)
-    printTable(table)
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    main(sys.argv)