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-rw-r--r--test/regression/2016-04-14-sdiv-2.c (renamed from test/regression/2016-04-14-sdiv-2.c_)5
46 files changed, 2457 insertions, 1424 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 4e679237..42072095 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -19,14 +19,22 @@ env:
     # Check the matrix of:
     #   LLVM  : {2.9, 3.4}
-    #   SOLVERS : {Z3, STP, STP:Z3}
+    #   SOLVERS : {Z3, STP, STP:Z3, metaSMT}
     #   STP_VERSION   : {2.1.0, master}
+    #   METASMT_DEFAULT : {btor, stp, z3}
     #   UCLIBC: {0, klee_uclibc_v1.0.0, klee_0_9_29} // Note ``0`` means disabled
     # with Asserts enabled.
     # COVERAGE set indicated that coverage data should be uplaoded to the server, only ONE job should have COVERAGE set
+    # Test experimental metaSMT support
     # Test experimental Z3 support
@@ -65,18 +73,18 @@ before_install:
     # Set up the locations to get various packages from
     # We assume the Travis image uses Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
-    - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://llvm.org/apt/precise/ llvm-toolchain-precise-3.4 main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list'
-    - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb-src http://llvm.org/apt/precise/ llvm-toolchain-precise-3.4 main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list'
-    - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://llvm.org/apt/precise/ llvm-toolchain-precise-3.5 main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list'
-    - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb-src http://llvm.org/apt/precise/ llvm-toolchain-precise-3.5 main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list'
-    - sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/delcypher:/z3/xUbuntu_12.04/ /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/z3.list"
+    # Needed for Boost
+    - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:boost-latest
     # Needed for CMake
-    - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa
     - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:kalakris/cmake
+    # Needed for LLVM
+    - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:h-rayflood/llvm
     # Needed for new libstdc++ and gcc4.8
     - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test/
-    - wget -O - http://llvm.org/apt/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key|sudo apt-key add -
+    # Needed for Z3
+    - sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/delcypher:/z3/xUbuntu_12.04/ /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/z3.list"
     - wget -O - http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:delcypher:z3/xUbuntu_12.04/Release.key | sudo apt-key add -
+    # Update package information
     - sudo apt-get update
     # Set up out of source build directory
@@ -93,10 +101,6 @@ before_install:
     # Make gcc4.8 the default gcc version
     - sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 20
     - sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 20
-    # Make Clang3.4 the default clang version
-    - sudo apt-get install clang-3.4
-    - sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-3.4 20
-    - sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-3.4 20
     # Install LLVM and the LLVM bitcode compiler we require to build KLEE
     - ${KLEE_SRC}/.travis/install-llvm-and-runtime-compiler.sh
     - ${KLEE_SRC}/.travis/install-tcmalloc.sh
@@ -111,4 +115,4 @@ script:
     - ${KLEE_SRC}/.travis/testing-utils.sh
     - cd ../
     # Build KLEE
-    - ${KLEE_SRC}/.travis/klee.sh
+    - travis_wait 30 ${KLEE_SRC}/.travis/klee.sh
diff --git a/.travis/install-llvm-and-runtime-compiler.sh b/.travis/install-llvm-and-runtime-compiler.sh
index 13a7f140..1068d158 100755
--- a/.travis/install-llvm-and-runtime-compiler.sh
+++ b/.travis/install-llvm-and-runtime-compiler.sh
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ sudo apt-get install -y llvm-${LLVM_VERSION} llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}-dev
 if [ "${LLVM_VERSION}" != "2.9" ]; then
     sudo apt-get install -y llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}-tools clang-${LLVM_VERSION}
+    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-${LLVM_VERSION} 20
+    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-${LLVM_VERSION} 20
     # Get llvm-gcc. We don't bother installing it
     wget http://llvm.org/releases/2.9/llvm-gcc4.2-2.9-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2
diff --git a/.travis/klee.sh b/.travis/klee.sh
index 296e1c83..98dbbc0d 100755
--- a/.travis/klee.sh
+++ b/.travis/klee.sh
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ fi
 SOLVER_LIST=$(echo "${SOLVERS}" | sed 's/:/ /')
 for solver in ${SOLVER_LIST}; do
@@ -63,6 +64,10 @@ for solver in ${SOLVER_LIST}; do
     echo "Z3"
+  metaSMT)
+    echo "metaSMT"
+    KLEE_METASMT_CONFIGURE_OPTION="--with-metasmt=${BUILD_DIR}/metaSMT/build/root --with-metasmt-default-backend=${METASMT_DEFAULT}"
+    ;;
     echo "Unknown solver ${solver}"
     exit 1
@@ -87,6 +92,7 @@ ${KLEE_SRC}/configure --with-llvmsrc=/usr/lib/llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}/build \
             --with-llvmcxx=${KLEE_CXX} \
             ${KLEE_Z3_CONFIGURE_OPTION} \
             ${TCMALLOC_OPTION} \
             CXXFLAGS="${COVERAGE_FLAGS}" \
diff --git a/.travis/metaSMT.sh b/.travis/metaSMT.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7a0d1eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis/metaSMT.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+# Get Boost, Z3, libgmp
+sudo apt-get -y install libboost1.55-dev libz3 libz3-dev libgmp-dev
+# Clone
+git clone git://github.com/hoangmle/metaSMT.git
+cd metaSMT
+git clone git://github.com/agra-uni-bremen/dependencies.git
+# Bootstrap
+export BOOST_ROOT=/usr
+sudo cp dependencies/Z3-2.19/Z3Config.cmake /usr # this is a hack
+./bootstrap.sh -d deps -m RELEASE build -DmetaSMT_ENABLE_TESTS=off --build stp-git-basic --build boolector-1.5.118 --build minisat-git -DZ3_DIR=/usr
+sudo cp deps/boolector-1.5.118/lib/* /usr/lib/ #
+sudo cp deps/minisat-git/lib/* /usr/lib/       # hack
+sudo cp deps/stp-git-basic/lib/* /usr/lib/     #
+# Build
+make -C build install
diff --git a/.travis/solvers.sh b/.travis/solvers.sh
index db717f2d..d64c1077 100755
--- a/.travis/solvers.sh
+++ b/.travis/solvers.sh
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ for solver in ${SOLVER_LIST}; do
     # Should we install libz3-dbg too?
     sudo apt-get -y install libz3 libz3-dev
+  metaSMT)
+    echo "metaSMT"
+    ${KLEE_SRC}/.travis/metaSMT.sh
+    ;;
     echo "Unknown solver ${solver}"
     exit 1
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index aa3ca6b6..ae5312d5 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -132,3 +132,8 @@ USER klee
 # Add KLEE binary directory to PATH
 RUN echo 'export PATH=$PATH:'${BUILD_DIR}'/klee/Release+Asserts/bin' >> /home/klee/.bashrc
+# Link klee to /usr/bin so that it can be used by docker run
+USER root
+RUN for exec in ${BUILD_DIR}/klee/Release+Asserts/bin/* ; do ln -s ${exec} /usr/bin/`basename ${exec}`; done
+USER klee
diff --git a/Makefile.common b/Makefile.common
index 9bc850ba..cf7bdcf7 100644
--- a/Makefile.common
+++ b/Makefile.common
@@ -78,11 +78,5 @@ ifeq ($(ENABLE_UCLIBC),1)
 # For metaSMT
-ifeq ($(ENABLE_METASMT),1)
-  include $(METASMT_ROOT)/share/metaSMT/metaSMT.makefile
-  LD.Flags += -L$(METASMT_ROOT)/lib
-  CXX.Flags := $(filter-out -fno-exceptions,$(CXX.Flags))
-  CXX.Flags += $(metaSMT_INCLUDES)
+include $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/MetaSMT.mk
diff --git a/Makefile.config.in b/Makefile.config.in
index 7d3c05f6..d9572f7d 100644
--- a/Makefile.config.in
+++ b/Makefile.config.in
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ STP_LDFLAGS := @STP_LDFLAGS@
@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ HAVE_SELINUX := @HAVE_SELINUX@
diff --git a/MetaSMT.mk b/MetaSMT.mk
index 94dd398a..817fa663 100644
--- a/MetaSMT.mk
+++ b/MetaSMT.mk
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
 # This file contains common code for linking against MetaSMT
-# FIXME: This is a horribly fragile hack.
-# Instead the detection of what solvers the build of MetaSMT supports should be
-# done by the configure script and then the appropriate compiler flags should
-# be emitted to Makefile.config for consumption here.
+# Consume flags generated by metaSMT here.
 ifeq ($(ENABLE_METASMT),1)
   include $(METASMT_ROOT)/share/metaSMT/metaSMT.makefile
-  LD.Flags += -L$(METASMT_ROOT)/../../deps/Z3-4.1/lib \
-              -L$(METASMT_ROOT)/../../deps/boolector-1.5.118/lib \
-              -L$(METASMT_ROOT)/../../deps/minisat-git/lib/ \
-              -L$(METASMT_ROOT)/../../deps/boost-1_52_0/lib \
-              -L$(METASMT_ROOT)/../../deps/stp-svn/lib
+  LD.Flags += $(metaSMT_LDFLAGS)
+  CXX.Flags += $(metaSMT_CXXFLAGS)
+  CXX.Flags += $(metaSMT_INCLUDES)
   CXX.Flags := $(filter-out -fno-exceptions,$(CXX.Flags))
-  LIBS += -lgomp -lboost_iostreams -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lmetaSMT -lz3 -lstp -lrt -lboolector -lminisat_core
+  CXX.Flags := $(filter-out -fno-rtti,$(CXX.Flags))
+  LIBS += $(metaSMT_LDLIBS)
diff --git a/autoconf/configure.ac b/autoconf/configure.ac
index 2be02321..0fb8f8db 100644
--- a/autoconf/configure.ac
+++ b/autoconf/configure.ac
@@ -604,6 +604,41 @@ AS_IF([test "x$have_tcmalloc" = "xyes"],
 dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl Test for zlib
+dnl **************************************************************************
+        AS_HELP_STRING([--without-zlib], [Ignore presence of zlib and disable it (default=detect)]))
+AS_IF([test "x$with_zlib" != "xno"],
+      AC_CHECK_HEADERS([zlib.h],
+               [have_zlib=yes], [have_zlib=no]),
+      [have_zlib=no])
+AS_IF([test "x$have_zlib" = "xyes"],
+      [
+    AC_SEARCH_LIBS(deflateEnd, z,
+             [
+              AC_SUBST(HAVE_ZLIB, 1)
+              if test "${ac_cv_search_zlib}" != "none required"; then
+             ZLIB_LIB=${ac_cv_search_zlib}
+             AC_SUBST(ZLIB_LIB)
+              fi
+             ],
+             [
+              AC_MSG_WARN([Could not link with zlib])
+              AC_SUBST(HAVE_ZLIB, 0)
+             ],)
+       ],
+      [AS_IF([test "x$with_zlib" = "xyes"],
+         [AC_MSG_ERROR([zlib requested but not found])],
+         [
+          AC_SUBST(HAVE_ZLIB, 0)
+          ])
+dnl **************************************************************************
 dnl Find an install of STP
 dnl **************************************************************************
@@ -742,7 +777,6 @@ dnl **************************************************************************
     [Location of metaSMT installation directory]),,)
 if test X$with_metasmt = X ; then
   AC_MSG_NOTICE([Not using MetaSMT solver backend])
@@ -769,13 +803,51 @@ else
   AC_MSG_NOTICE([Using MetaSMT solver backend])
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl User option to specify the default backend of metaSMT
+dnl **************************************************************************
+  AS_HELP_STRING([--with-metasmt-default-backend],
+    [Default backend of metaSMT (btor|stp|z3, stp if unspecified)]),,)
+if test "X$with_metasmt_default_backend" != X ; then
+  if test "X$ENABLE_METASMT" != X1 ; then
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-metasmt-default-backend requires metaSMT to be enabled])
+  fi
+  if test "$with_metasmt_default_backend" == "btor" ; then
+    AC_MSG_NOTICE([metaSMT uses Boolector as default backend])
+  fi
+  if test "$with_metasmt_default_backend" == "z3" ; then
+    AC_MSG_NOTICE([metaSMT uses Z3 as default backend])
+  fi
+  if test "$with_metasmt_default_backend" == "stp" ; then
+    AC_MSG_NOTICE([metaSMT uses STP as default backend])
+  fi
+  if test "X$METASMT_DEFAULT_BACKEND" == X ; then
+    AC_MSG_NOTICE([$with_metasmt_default_backend unsupported, metaSMT uses STP as default backend])
+  fi
+  if test "X$ENABLE_METASMT" == X1 ; then
+    AC_MSG_NOTICE([No solver specified, metaSMT uses STP as default backend])
+  fi  
 dnl **************************************************************************
 dnl Check at least one solver backend is enabled
 dnl **************************************************************************
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 33893680..f6059789 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -624,6 +624,7 @@ ac_includes_default="\
@@ -632,6 +633,8 @@ ENABLE_Z3
@@ -736,9 +739,11 @@ with_uclibc
@@ -1390,9 +1395,14 @@ Optional Packages:
                           (default [Release+Asserts])
   --without-tcmalloc      Ignore presence of tcmalloc and disable it
+  --without-zlib          Ignore presence of zlib and disable it
+                          (default=detect)
   --with-stp              Location of STP installation directory
   --with-z3               Location of Z3 installation directory
   --with-metasmt          Location of metaSMT installation directory
+  --with-metasmt-default-backend
+                          Default backend of metaSMT (btor|stp|z3, stp if
+                          unspecified)
 Some influential environment variables:
   CC          C compiler command
@@ -5029,6 +5039,119 @@ fi
+# Check whether --with-zlib was given.
+if test "${with_zlib+set}" = set; then :
+  withval=$with_zlib;
+if test "x$with_zlib" != "xno"; then :
+  for ac_header in zlib.h
+do :
+  ac_fn_cxx_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "zlib.h" "ac_cv_header_zlib_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_zlib_h" = xyes; then :
+  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+#define HAVE_ZLIB_H 1
+ have_zlib=yes
+  have_zlib=no
+  have_zlib=no
+if test "x$have_zlib" = "xyes"; then :
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing deflateEnd" >&5
+$as_echo_n "checking for library containing deflateEnd... " >&6; }
+if ${ac_cv_search_deflateEnd+:} false; then :
+  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
+  ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+   Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+char deflateEnd ();
+main ()
+return deflateEnd ();
+  ;
+  return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' z; do
+  if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+    ac_res="none required"
+  else
+    ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+    LIBS="-l$ac_lib  $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+  fi
+  if ac_fn_cxx_try_link "$LINENO"; then :
+  ac_cv_search_deflateEnd=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \
+    conftest$ac_exeext
+  if ${ac_cv_search_deflateEnd+:} false; then :
+  break
+if ${ac_cv_search_deflateEnd+:} false; then :
+  ac_cv_search_deflateEnd=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_deflateEnd" >&5
+$as_echo "$ac_cv_search_deflateEnd" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no; then :
+  test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+              HAVE_ZLIB=1
+              if test "${ac_cv_search_zlib}" != "none required"; then
+             ZLIB_LIB=${ac_cv_search_zlib}
+              fi
+              { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: Could not link with zlib" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: Could not link with zlib" >&2;}
+              HAVE_ZLIB=0
+  if test "x$with_zlib" = "xyes"; then :
+  as_fn_error $? "zlib requested but not found" "$LINENO" 5
+          HAVE_ZLIB=0
 # Check whether --with-stp was given.
@@ -5324,7 +5447,6 @@ if test "${with_metasmt+set}" = set; then :
 if test X$with_metasmt = X ; then
   { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Not using MetaSMT solver backend" >&5
@@ -5384,8 +5506,6 @@ $as_echo "#define ENABLE_METASMT 1" >>confdefs.h
   { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Using MetaSMT solver backend" >&5
 $as_echo "$as_me: Using MetaSMT solver backend" >&6;}
@@ -5394,6 +5514,50 @@ fi
+# Check whether --with-metasmt-default-backend was given.
+if test "${with_metasmt_default_backend+set}" = set; then :
+  withval=$with_metasmt_default_backend;
+if test "X$with_metasmt_default_backend" != X ; then
+  if test "X$ENABLE_METASMT" != X1 ; then
+    as_fn_error $? "--with-metasmt-default-backend requires metaSMT to be enabled" "$LINENO" 5
+  fi
+  if test "$with_metasmt_default_backend" == "btor" ; then
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: metaSMT uses Boolector as default backend" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: metaSMT uses Boolector as default backend" >&6;}
+  fi
+  if test "$with_metasmt_default_backend" == "z3" ; then
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: metaSMT uses Z3 as default backend" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: metaSMT uses Z3 as default backend" >&6;}
+  fi
+  if test "$with_metasmt_default_backend" == "stp" ; then
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: metaSMT uses STP as default backend" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: metaSMT uses STP as default backend" >&6;}
+  fi
+  if test "X$METASMT_DEFAULT_BACKEND" == X ; then
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $with_metasmt_default_backend unsupported, metaSMT uses STP as default backend" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: $with_metasmt_default_backend unsupported, metaSMT uses STP as default backend" >&6;}
+  fi
+  if test "X$ENABLE_METASMT" == X1 ; then
+    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: No solver specified, metaSMT uses STP as default backend" >&5
+$as_echo "$as_me: No solver specified, metaSMT uses STP as default backend" >&6;}
+  fi
 if test "X$ENABLE_STP$ENABLE_Z3$ENABLE_METASMT" == X000 ; then
     as_fn_error $? "At least one solver backend must be enabled, try using --with-stp, --with-z3 or --with-metasmt" "$LINENO" 5
diff --git a/include/klee/Config/config.h.in b/include/klee/Config/config.h.in
index 008b2f90..87d6ee75 100644
--- a/include/klee/Config/config.h.in
+++ b/include/klee/Config/config.h.in
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@
 /* Z3 needs a Z3_context passed to Z3_get_error_msg() */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <zlib.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_ZLIB_H
 /* Define to empty or 'const' depending on how SELinux qualifies its security
    context parameters. */
diff --git a/include/klee/Internal/Support/CompressionStream.h b/include/klee/Internal/Support/CompressionStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fda68d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/klee/Internal/Support/CompressionStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+//===-- CompressionStream.h --------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include "zlib.h"
+namespace klee {
+const size_t BUFSIZE = 128 * 1024;
+class compressed_fd_ostream : public llvm::raw_ostream {
+  int FD;
+  uint8_t buffer[BUFSIZE];
+  z_stream strm;
+  uint64_t pos;
+  /// write_impl - See raw_ostream::write_impl.
+  virtual void write_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size);
+  void write_file(const char *Ptr, size_t Size);
+  virtual uint64_t current_pos() const { return pos; }
+  void flush_compressed_data();
+  void writeFullCompressedData();
+  /// compressed_fd_ostream - Open the specified file for writing. If an error
+  /// occurs, information about the error is put into ErrorInfo, and the stream
+  /// should be immediately destroyed; the string will be empty if no error
+  /// occurred. This allows optional flags to control how the file will be
+  /// opened.
+  compressed_fd_ostream(const char *Filename, std::string &ErrorInfo);
+  ~compressed_fd_ostream();
diff --git a/lib/Basic/CmdLineOptions.cpp b/lib/Basic/CmdLineOptions.cpp
index a0fbda03..20c190a5 100644
--- a/lib/Basic/CmdLineOptions.cpp
+++ b/lib/Basic/CmdLineOptions.cpp
@@ -84,16 +84,30 @@ llvm::cl::list<QueryLoggingSolverType> queryLoggingOptions(
+#define METASMT_DEFAULT_BACKEND_STR "(default = btor)."
+#define METASMT_DEFAULT_BACKEND_STR "(default = z3)."
+#define METASMT_DEFAULT_BACKEND_STR "(default = stp)."
 llvm::cl::opt<klee::MetaSMTBackendType> MetaSMTBackend(
-    llvm::cl::desc("Specify the MetaSMT solver backend type (default=STP)."),
+    llvm::cl::desc("Specify the MetaSMT solver backend type " METASMT_DEFAULT_BACKEND_STR),
         clEnumValN(METASMT_BACKEND_STP, "stp", "Use metaSMT with STP"),
         clEnumValN(METASMT_BACKEND_Z3, "z3", "Use metaSMT with Z3"),
         clEnumValN(METASMT_BACKEND_BOOLECTOR, "btor",
                    "Use metaSMT with Boolector"),
-    llvm::cl::init(METASMT_BACKEND_STP));
+    llvm::cl::init(METASMT_DEFAULT_BACKEND));
 #endif /* ENABLE_METASMT */
diff --git a/lib/Core/AddressSpace.cpp b/lib/Core/AddressSpace.cpp
index 25418c13..811e52c3 100644
--- a/lib/Core/AddressSpace.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/AddressSpace.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ bool AddressSpace::resolveOne(const ref<ConstantExpr> &addr,
   if (const MemoryMap::value_type *res = objects.lookup_previous(&hack)) {
     const MemoryObject *mo = res->first;
+    // Check if the provided address is between start and end of the object
+    // [mo->address, mo->address + mo->size) or the object is a 0-sized object.
     if ((mo->size==0 && address==mo->address) ||
         (address - mo->address < mo->size)) {
       result = *res;
diff --git a/lib/Core/ExecutionState.cpp b/lib/Core/ExecutionState.cpp
index 6aeaa833..30d20266 100644
--- a/lib/Core/ExecutionState.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/ExecutionState.cpp
@@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ void ExecutionState::dumpStack(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
       out << ai->getName().str();
       // XXX should go through function
-      ref<Expr> value = sf.locals[sf.kf->getArgRegister(index++)].value; 
-      if (isa<ConstantExpr>(value))
+      ref<Expr> value = sf.locals[sf.kf->getArgRegister(index++)].value;
+      if (value.get() && isa<ConstantExpr>(value))
         out << "=" << value;
     out << ")";
diff --git a/lib/Core/Executor.cpp b/lib/Core/Executor.cpp
index ff346487..d755403f 100644
--- a/lib/Core/Executor.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/Executor.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,10 @@
 #include "llvm/IR/CallSite.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+#include "klee/Internal/Support/CompressionStream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <iomanip>
@@ -158,6 +162,11 @@ namespace {
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+  cl::opt<bool> DebugCompressInstructions(
+      "debug-compress-instructions", cl::init(false),
+      cl::desc("Compress the logged instructions in gzip format."));
@@ -267,6 +276,25 @@ namespace {
            cl::desc("Amount of time to dedicate to seeds, before normal search (default=0 (off))"),
+  cl::list<Executor::TerminateReason>
+  ExitOnErrorType("exit-on-error-type",
+		  cl::desc("Stop execution after reaching a specified condition.  (default=off)"),
+		  cl::values(
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::Abort, "Abort", "The program crashed"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::Assert, "Assert", "An assertion was hit"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::Exec, "Exec", "Trying to execute an unexpected instruction"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::External, "External", "External objects referenced"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::Free, "Free", "Freeing invalid memory"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::Model, "Model", "Memory model limit hit"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::Overflow, "Overflow", "An overflow occurred"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::Ptr, "Ptr", "Pointer error"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::ReadOnly, "ReadOnly", "Write to read-only memory"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::ReportError, "ReportError", "klee_report_error called"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::User, "User", "Wrong klee_* functions invocation"),
+		    clEnumValN(Executor::Unhandled, "Unhandled", "Unhandled instruction hit"),
+		    clEnumValEnd),
+		  cl::ZeroOrMore);
   cl::opt<unsigned int>
                          cl::desc("Stop execution after specified number of instructions (default=0 (off))"),
@@ -298,6 +326,21 @@ namespace klee {
   RNG theRNG;
+const char *Executor::TerminateReasonNames[] = {
+  [ Abort ] = "abort",
+  [ Assert ] = "assert",
+  [ Exec ] = "exec",
+  [ External ] = "external",
+  [ Free ] = "free",
+  [ Model ] = "model",
+  [ Overflow ] = "overflow",
+  [ Ptr ] = "ptr",
+  [ ReadOnly ] = "readonly",
+  [ ReportError ] = "reporterror",
+  [ User ] = "user",
+  [ Unhandled ] = "xxx",
 Executor::Executor(const InterpreterOptions &opts, InterpreterHandler *ih)
     : Interpreter(opts), kmodule(0), interpreterHandler(ih), searcher(0),
       externalDispatcher(new ExternalDispatcher()), statsTracker(0),
@@ -332,6 +375,10 @@ Executor::Executor(const InterpreterOptions &opts, InterpreterHandler *ih)
     std::string debug_file_name =
     std::string ErrorInfo;
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+    if (!DebugCompressInstructions) {
     debugInstFile = new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(debug_file_name.c_str(), ErrorInfo,
@@ -339,6 +386,16 @@ Executor::Executor(const InterpreterOptions &opts, InterpreterHandler *ih)
     debugInstFile =
         new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(debug_file_name.c_str(), ErrorInfo);
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+    } else {
+      debugInstFile = new compressed_fd_ostream(
+          (debug_file_name + ".gz").c_str(), ErrorInfo);
+    }
+    if (ErrorInfo != "") {
+      klee_error("Could not open file %s : %s", debug_file_name.c_str(),
+                 ErrorInfo.c_str());
+    }
@@ -364,7 +421,7 @@ const Module *Executor::setModule(llvm::Module *module,
   kmodule->prepare(opts, interpreterHandler);
-  if (StatsTracker::useStatistics()) {
+  if (StatsTracker::useStatistics() || userSearcherRequiresMD2U()) {
     statsTracker = 
       new StatsTracker(*this,
@@ -539,7 +596,13 @@ void Executor::initializeGlobals(ExecutionState &state) {
       // hack where we check the object file information.
       LLVM_TYPE_Q Type *ty = i->getType()->getElementType();
-      uint64_t size = kmodule->targetData->getTypeStoreSize(ty);
+      uint64_t size = 0;
+      if (ty->isSized()) {
+	size = kmodule->targetData->getTypeStoreSize(ty);
+      } else {
+        klee_warning("Type for %.*s is not sized", (int)i->getName().size(),
+			i->getName().data());
+      }
       // XXX - DWD - hardcode some things until we decide how to fix.
 #ifndef WINDOWS
@@ -553,9 +616,8 @@ void Executor::initializeGlobals(ExecutionState &state) {
       if (size == 0) {
-        llvm::errs() << "Unable to find size for global variable: " 
-                     << i->getName() 
-                     << " (use will result in out of bounds access)\n";
+        klee_warning("Unable to find size for global variable: %.*s (use will result in out of bounds access)",
+			(int)i->getName().size(), i->getName().data());
       MemoryObject *mo = memory->allocate(size, false, true, i);
@@ -642,7 +704,7 @@ void Executor::branch(ExecutionState &state,
     for (unsigned i=1; i<N; ++i) {
       ExecutionState *es = result[theRNG.getInt32() % i];
       ExecutionState *ns = es->branch();
-      addedStates.insert(ns);
+      addedStates.push_back(ns);
       es->ptreeNode->data = 0;
       std::pair<PTree::Node*,PTree::Node*> res = 
@@ -860,7 +922,7 @@ Executor::fork(ExecutionState &current, ref<Expr> condition, bool isInternal) {
     falseState = trueState->branch();
-    addedStates.insert(falseState);
+    addedStates.push_back(falseState);
     if (RandomizeFork && theRNG.getBool())
       std::swap(trueState, falseState);
@@ -1212,8 +1274,10 @@ void Executor::executeCall(ExecutionState &state,
       // ExecutionState::varargs
     case Intrinsic::vastart:  {
       StackFrame &sf = state.stack.back();
-      assert(sf.varargs && 
-             "vastart called in function with no vararg object");
+      // varargs can be zero if no varargs were provided
+      if (!sf.varargs)
+        return;
       // FIXME: This is really specific to the architecture, not the pointer
       // size. This happens to work fir x86-32 and x86-64, however.
@@ -1270,13 +1334,13 @@ void Executor::executeCall(ExecutionState &state,
     KFunction *kf = kmodule->functionMap[f];
     state.pushFrame(state.prevPC, kf);
     state.pc = kf->instructions;
     if (statsTracker)
       statsTracker->framePushed(state, &state.stack[state.stack.size()-2]);
      // TODO: support "byval" parameter attribute
      // TODO: support zeroext, signext, sret attributes
     unsigned callingArgs = arguments.size();
     unsigned funcArgs = f->arg_size();
     if (!f->isVarArg()) {
@@ -1284,68 +1348,76 @@ void Executor::executeCall(ExecutionState &state,
         klee_warning_once(f, "calling %s with extra arguments.", 
       } else if (callingArgs < funcArgs) {
-        terminateStateOnError(state, "calling function with too few arguments", 
-                              "user.err");
+        terminateStateOnError(state, "calling function with too few arguments",
+                              User);
     } else {
       Expr::Width WordSize = Context::get().getPointerWidth();
       if (callingArgs < funcArgs) {
-        terminateStateOnError(state, "calling function with too few arguments", 
-                              "user.err");
+        terminateStateOnError(state, "calling function with too few arguments",
+                              User);
       StackFrame &sf = state.stack.back();
       unsigned size = 0;
+      bool requires16ByteAlignment = false;
       for (unsigned i = funcArgs; i < callingArgs; i++) {
         // FIXME: This is really specific to the architecture, not the pointer
-        // size. This happens to work fir x86-32 and x86-64, however.
+        // size. This happens to work for x86-32 and x86-64, however.
         if (WordSize == Expr::Int32) {
           size += Expr::getMinBytesForWidth(arguments[i]->getWidth());
         } else {
           Expr::Width argWidth = arguments[i]->getWidth();
-          // AMD64-ABI 3.5.7p5: Step 7. Align l->overflow_arg_area upwards to a 16
-          // byte boundary if alignment needed by type exceeds 8 byte boundary.
+          // AMD64-ABI 3.5.7p5: Step 7. Align l->overflow_arg_area upwards to a
+          // 16 byte boundary if alignment needed by type exceeds 8 byte
+          // boundary.
           // Alignment requirements for scalar types is the same as their size
           if (argWidth > Expr::Int64) {
              size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(size, 16);
+             requires16ByteAlignment = true;
           size += llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(argWidth, WordSize) / 8;
-      MemoryObject *mo = sf.varargs = memory->allocate(size, true, false, 
-                                                       state.prevPC->inst);
-      if (!mo) {
+      MemoryObject *mo = sf.varargs =
+          memory->allocate(size, true, false, state.prevPC->inst,
+                           (requires16ByteAlignment ? 16 : 8));
+      if (!mo && size) {
         terminateStateOnExecError(state, "out of memory (varargs)");
-      if ((WordSize == Expr::Int64) && (mo->address & 15)) {
-        // Both 64bit Linux/Glibc and 64bit MacOSX should align to 16 bytes.
-        klee_warning_once(0, "While allocating varargs: malloc did not align to 16 bytes.");
-      }
+      if (mo) {
+        if ((WordSize == Expr::Int64) && (mo->address & 15) &&
+            requires16ByteAlignment) {
+          // Both 64bit Linux/Glibc and 64bit MacOSX should align to 16 bytes.
+          klee_warning_once(
+              0, "While allocating varargs: malloc did not align to 16 bytes.");
+        }
-      ObjectState *os = bindObjectInState(state, mo, true);
-      unsigned offset = 0;
-      for (unsigned i = funcArgs; i < callingArgs; i++) {
-        // FIXME: This is really specific to the architecture, not the pointer
-        // size. This happens to work fir x86-32 and x86-64, however.
-        if (WordSize == Expr::Int32) {
-          os->write(offset, arguments[i]);
-          offset += Expr::getMinBytesForWidth(arguments[i]->getWidth());
-        } else {
-          assert(WordSize == Expr::Int64 && "Unknown word size!");
+        ObjectState *os = bindObjectInState(state, mo, true);
+        unsigned offset = 0;
+        for (unsigned i = funcArgs; i < callingArgs; i++) {
+          // FIXME: This is really specific to the architecture, not the pointer
+          // size. This happens to work for x86-32 and x86-64, however.
+          if (WordSize == Expr::Int32) {
+            os->write(offset, arguments[i]);
+            offset += Expr::getMinBytesForWidth(arguments[i]->getWidth());
+          } else {
+            assert(WordSize == Expr::Int64 && "Unknown word size!");
-          Expr::Width argWidth = arguments[i]->getWidth();
-          if (argWidth > Expr::Int64) {
-             offset = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(offset, 16);
+            Expr::Width argWidth = arguments[i]->getWidth();
+            if (argWidth > Expr::Int64) {
+              offset = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(offset, 16);
+            }
+            os->write(offset, arguments[i]);
+            offset += llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(argWidth, WordSize) / 8;
-          os->write(offset, arguments[i]);
-          offset += llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(argWidth, WordSize) / 8;
@@ -1586,58 +1658,108 @@ void Executor::executeInstruction(ExecutionState &state, KInstruction *ki) {
       transferToBasicBlock(si->getSuccessor(index), si->getParent(), state);
     } else {
-      std::map<BasicBlock*, ref<Expr> > targets;
-      ref<Expr> isDefault = ConstantExpr::alloc(1, Expr::Bool);
-      for (SwitchInst::CaseIt i = si->case_begin(), e = si->case_end();
-           i != e; ++i) {
+      // Handle possible different branch targets
+      // We have the following assumptions:
+      // - each case value is mutual exclusive to all other values including the
+      //   default value
+      // - order of case branches is based on the order of the expressions of
+      //   the scase values, still default is handled last
+      std::vector<BasicBlock *> bbOrder;
+      std::map<BasicBlock *, ref<Expr> > branchTargets;
+      std::map<ref<Expr>, BasicBlock *> expressionOrder;
+      // Iterate through all non-default cases and order them by expressions
+      for (SwitchInst::CaseIt i = si->case_begin(), e = si->case_end(); i != e;
+           ++i) {
         ref<Expr> value = evalConstant(i.getCaseValue());
-      for (unsigned i=1, cases = si->getNumCases(); i<cases; ++i) {
+      for (unsigned i = 1, cases = si->getNumCases(); i < cases; ++i) {
         ref<Expr> value = evalConstant(si->getCaseValue(i));
-        ref<Expr> match = EqExpr::create(cond, value);
-        isDefault = AndExpr::create(isDefault, Expr::createIsZero(match));
+        BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = i.getCaseSuccessor();
+        BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = si->getSuccessor(i);
+        expressionOrder.insert(std::make_pair(value, caseSuccessor));
+      }
+      // Track default branch values
+      ref<Expr> defaultValue = ConstantExpr::alloc(1, Expr::Bool);
+      // iterate through all non-default cases but in order of the expressions
+      for (std::map<ref<Expr>, BasicBlock *>::iterator
+               it = expressionOrder.begin(),
+               itE = expressionOrder.end();
+           it != itE; ++it) {
+        ref<Expr> match = EqExpr::create(cond, it->first);
+        // Make sure that the default value does not contain this target's value
+        defaultValue = AndExpr::create(defaultValue, Expr::createIsZero(match));
+        // Check if control flow could take this case
         bool result;
         bool success = solver->mayBeTrue(state, match, result);
         assert(success && "FIXME: Unhandled solver failure");
         (void) success;
         if (result) {
-          BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = i.getCaseSuccessor();
-          BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = si->getSuccessor(i);
-          std::map<BasicBlock*, ref<Expr> >::iterator it =
-            targets.insert(std::make_pair(caseSuccessor,
-                           ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Expr::Bool))).first;
-          it->second = OrExpr::create(match, it->second);
+          BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = it->second;
+          // Handle the case that a basic block might be the target of multiple
+          // switch cases.
+          // Currently we generate an expression containing all switch-case
+          // values for the same target basic block. We spare us forking too
+          // many times but we generate more complex condition expressions
+          // TODO Add option to allow to choose between those behaviors
+          std::pair<std::map<BasicBlock *, ref<Expr> >::iterator, bool> res =
+              branchTargets.insert(std::make_pair(
+                  caseSuccessor, ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Expr::Bool)));
+          res.first->second = OrExpr::create(match, res.first->second);
+          // Only add basic blocks which have not been target of a branch yet
+          if (res.second) {
+            bbOrder.push_back(caseSuccessor);
+          }
+      // Check if control could take the default case
       bool res;
-      bool success = solver->mayBeTrue(state, isDefault, res);
+      bool success = solver->mayBeTrue(state, defaultValue, res);
       assert(success && "FIXME: Unhandled solver failure");
       (void) success;
-      if (res)
-        targets.insert(std::make_pair(si->getDefaultDest(), isDefault));
+      if (res) {
+        std::pair<std::map<BasicBlock *, ref<Expr> >::iterator, bool> ret =
+            branchTargets.insert(
+                std::make_pair(si->getDefaultDest(), defaultValue));
+        if (ret.second) {
+          bbOrder.push_back(si->getDefaultDest());
+        }
+      }
+      // Fork the current state with each state having one of the possible
+      // successors of this switch
       std::vector< ref<Expr> > conditions;
-      for (std::map<BasicBlock*, ref<Expr> >::iterator it = 
-             targets.begin(), ie = targets.end();
-           it != ie; ++it)
-        conditions.push_back(it->second);
+      for (std::vector<BasicBlock *>::iterator it = bbOrder.begin(),
+                                               ie = bbOrder.end();
+           it != ie; ++it) {
+        conditions.push_back(branchTargets[*it]);
+      }
       std::vector<ExecutionState*> branches;
       branch(state, conditions, branches);
       std::vector<ExecutionState*>::iterator bit = branches.begin();
-      for (std::map<BasicBlock*, ref<Expr> >::iterator it = 
-             targets.begin(), ie = targets.end();
+      for (std::vector<BasicBlock *>::iterator it = bbOrder.begin(),
+                                               ie = bbOrder.end();
            it != ie; ++it) {
         ExecutionState *es = *bit;
         if (es)
-          transferToBasicBlock(it->first, bb, *es);
+          transferToBasicBlock(*it, bb, *es);
@@ -2428,7 +2550,7 @@ void Executor::executeInstruction(ExecutionState &state, KInstruction *ki) {
   case Instruction::InsertElement:
   case Instruction::ShuffleVector:
     terminateStateOnError(state, "XXX vector instructions unhandled",
-                          "xxx.err");
+                          Unhandled);
@@ -2444,9 +2566,9 @@ void Executor::updateStates(ExecutionState *current) {
   states.insert(addedStates.begin(), addedStates.end());
-  for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::iterator
-         it = removedStates.begin(), ie = removedStates.end();
+  for (std::vector<ExecutionState *>::iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
+                                               ie = removedStates.end();
        it != ie; ++it) {
     ExecutionState *es = *it;
     std::set<ExecutionState*>::iterator it2 = states.find(es);
@@ -2531,7 +2653,9 @@ void Executor::checkMemoryUsage() {
     // We need to avoid calling GetTotalMallocUsage() often because it
     // is O(elts on freelist). This is really bad since we start
     // to pummel the freelist once we hit the memory cap.
-    unsigned mbs = util::GetTotalMallocUsage() >> 20;
+    unsigned mbs = (util::GetTotalMallocUsage() >> 20) +
+                   (memory->getUsedDeterministicSize() >> 20);
     if (mbs > MaxMemory) {
       if (mbs > MaxMemory + 100) {
         // just guess at how many to kill
@@ -2557,6 +2681,20 @@ void Executor::checkMemoryUsage() {
+void Executor::doDumpStates() {
+  if (!DumpStatesOnHalt || states.empty())
+    return;
+  klee_message("halting execution, dumping remaining states");
+  for (std::set<ExecutionState *>::iterator it = states.begin(),
+                                            ie = states.end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
+    ExecutionState &state = **it;
+    stepInstruction(state); // keep stats rolling
+    terminateStateEarly(state, "Execution halting.");
+  }
+  updateStates(0);
 void Executor::run(ExecutionState &initialState) {
@@ -2577,7 +2715,10 @@ void Executor::run(ExecutionState &initialState) {
     double lastTime, startTime = lastTime = util::getWallTime();
     ExecutionState *lastState = 0;
     while (!seedMap.empty()) {
-      if (haltExecution) goto dump;
+      if (haltExecution) {
+        doDumpStates();
+        return;
+      }
       std::map<ExecutionState*, std::vector<SeedInfo> >::iterator it = 
@@ -2626,13 +2767,16 @@ void Executor::run(ExecutionState &initialState) {
       (*it)->weight = 1.;
-    if (OnlySeed)
-      goto dump;
+    if (OnlySeed) {
+      doDumpStates();
+      return;
+    }
   searcher = constructUserSearcher(*this);
-  searcher->update(0, states, std::set<ExecutionState*>());
+  std::vector<ExecutionState *> newStates(states.begin(), states.end());
+  searcher->update(0, newStates, std::vector<ExecutionState *>());
   while (!states.empty() && !haltExecution) {
     ExecutionState &state = searcher->selectState();
@@ -2649,19 +2793,8 @@ void Executor::run(ExecutionState &initialState) {
   delete searcher;
   searcher = 0;
- dump:
-  if (DumpStatesOnHalt && !states.empty()) {
-    llvm::errs() << "KLEE: halting execution, dumping remaining states\n";
-    for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::iterator
-           it = states.begin(), ie = states.end();
-         it != ie; ++it) {
-      ExecutionState &state = **it;
-      stepInstruction(state); // keep stats rolling
-      terminateStateEarly(state, "Execution halting.");
-    }
-    updateStates(0);
-  }
+  doDumpStates();
 std::string Executor::getAddressInfo(ExecutionState &state, 
@@ -2722,11 +2855,12 @@ void Executor::terminateState(ExecutionState &state) {
-  std::set<ExecutionState*>::iterator it = addedStates.find(&state);
+  std::vector<ExecutionState *>::iterator it =
+      std::find(addedStates.begin(), addedStates.end(), &state);
   if (it==addedStates.end()) {
     state.pc = state.prevPC;
-    removedStates.insert(&state);
+    removedStates.push_back(&state);
   } else {
     // never reached searcher, just delete immediately
     std::map< ExecutionState*, std::vector<SeedInfo> >::iterator it3 = 
@@ -2797,8 +2931,21 @@ const InstructionInfo & Executor::getLastNonKleeInternalInstruction(const Execut
   return *ii;
+bool Executor::shouldExitOn(enum TerminateReason termReason) {
+  std::vector<TerminateReason>::iterator s = ExitOnErrorType.begin();
+  std::vector<TerminateReason>::iterator e = ExitOnErrorType.end();
+  for (; s != e; ++s)
+    if (termReason == *s)
+      return true;
+  return false;
 void Executor::terminateStateOnError(ExecutionState &state,
                                      const llvm::Twine &messaget,
+                                     enum TerminateReason termReason,
                                      const char *suffix,
                                      const llvm::Twine &info) {
   std::string message = messaget.str();
@@ -2831,10 +2978,20 @@ void Executor::terminateStateOnError(ExecutionState &state,
     if (info_str != "")
       msg << "Info: \n" << info_str;
+    std::string suffix_buf;
+    if (!suffix) {
+      suffix_buf = TerminateReasonNames[termReason];
+      suffix_buf += ".err";
+      suffix = suffix_buf.c_str();
+    }
     interpreterHandler->processTestCase(state, msg.str().c_str(), suffix);
+  if (shouldExitOn(termReason))
+    haltExecution = true;
 // XXX shoot me
@@ -2857,7 +3014,7 @@ void Executor::callExternalFunction(ExecutionState &state,
   if (NoExternals && !okExternals.count(function->getName())) {
     llvm::errs() << "KLEE:ERROR: Calling not-OK external function : "
                  << function->getName().str() << "\n";
-    terminateStateOnError(state, "externals disallowed", "user.err");
+    terminateStateOnError(state, "externals disallowed", User);
@@ -2915,13 +3072,13 @@ void Executor::callExternalFunction(ExecutionState &state,
   bool success = externalDispatcher->executeCall(function, target->inst, args);
   if (!success) {
     terminateStateOnError(state, "failed external call: " + function->getName(),
-                          "external.err");
+                          External);
   if (!state.addressSpace.copyInConcretes()) {
     terminateStateOnError(state, "external modified read-only object",
-                          "external.err");
+                          External);
@@ -3075,10 +3232,8 @@ void Executor::executeAlloc(ExecutionState &state,
           ExprPPrinter::printOne(info, "  size expr", size);
           info << "  concretization : " << example << "\n";
           info << "  unbound example: " << tmp << "\n";
-          terminateStateOnError(*hugeSize.second, 
-                                "concretized symbolic size", 
-                                "model.err", 
-                                info.str());
+          terminateStateOnError(*hugeSize.second, "concretized symbolic size",
+                                Model, NULL, info.str());
@@ -3105,14 +3260,10 @@ void Executor::executeFree(ExecutionState &state,
            ie = rl.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
       const MemoryObject *mo = it->first.first;
       if (mo->isLocal) {
-        terminateStateOnError(*it->second, 
-                              "free of alloca", 
-                              "free.err",
+        terminateStateOnError(*it->second, "free of alloca", Free, NULL,
                               getAddressInfo(*it->second, address));
       } else if (mo->isGlobal) {
-        terminateStateOnError(*it->second, 
-                              "free of global", 
-                              "free.err",
+        terminateStateOnError(*it->second, "free of global", Free, NULL,
                               getAddressInfo(*it->second, address));
       } else {
@@ -3147,10 +3298,8 @@ void Executor::resolveExact(ExecutionState &state,
   if (unbound) {
-    terminateStateOnError(*unbound,
-                          "memory error: invalid pointer: " + name,
-                          "ptr.err",
-                          getAddressInfo(*unbound, p));
+    terminateStateOnError(*unbound, "memory error: invalid pointer: " + name,
+                          Ptr, NULL, getAddressInfo(*unbound, p));
@@ -3205,9 +3354,8 @@ void Executor::executeMemoryOperation(ExecutionState &state,
       const ObjectState *os = op.second;
       if (isWrite) {
         if (os->readOnly) {
-          terminateStateOnError(state,
-                                "memory error: object read only",
-                                "readonly.err");
+          terminateStateOnError(state, "memory error: object read only",
+                                ReadOnly);
         } else {
           ObjectState *wos = state.addressSpace.getWriteable(mo, os);
           wos->write(offset, value);
@@ -3249,9 +3397,8 @@ void Executor::executeMemoryOperation(ExecutionState &state,
     if (bound) {
       if (isWrite) {
         if (os->readOnly) {
-          terminateStateOnError(*bound,
-                                "memory error: object read only",
-                                "readonly.err");
+          terminateStateOnError(*bound, "memory error: object read only",
+                                ReadOnly);
         } else {
           ObjectState *wos = bound->addressSpace.getWriteable(mo, os);
           wos->write(mo->getOffsetExpr(address), value);
@@ -3272,10 +3419,8 @@ void Executor::executeMemoryOperation(ExecutionState &state,
     if (incomplete) {
       terminateStateEarly(*unbound, "Query timed out (resolve).");
     } else {
-      terminateStateOnError(*unbound,
-                            "memory error: out of bound pointer",
-                            "ptr.err",
-                            getAddressInfo(*unbound, address));
+      terminateStateOnError(*unbound, "memory error: out of bound pointer", Ptr,
+                            NULL, getAddressInfo(*unbound, address));
@@ -3310,9 +3455,8 @@ void Executor::executeMakeSymbolic(ExecutionState &state,
             std::vector<unsigned char> &values = si.assignment.bindings[array];
             values = std::vector<unsigned char>(mo->size, '\0');
           } else if (!AllowSeedExtension) {
-            terminateStateOnError(state, 
-                                  "ran out of inputs during seeding",
-                                  "user.err");
+            terminateStateOnError(state, "ran out of inputs during seeding",
+                                  User);
         } else {
@@ -3326,9 +3470,7 @@ void Executor::executeMakeSymbolic(ExecutionState &state,
 		<< " vs " << obj->name << "[" << obj->numBytes << "]"
 		<< " in test\n";
-            terminateStateOnError(state,
-                                  msg.str(),
-                                  "user.err");
+            terminateStateOnError(state, msg.str(), User);
           } else {
             std::vector<unsigned char> &values = si.assignment.bindings[array];
@@ -3345,11 +3487,11 @@ void Executor::executeMakeSymbolic(ExecutionState &state,
   } else {
     ObjectState *os = bindObjectInState(state, mo, false);
     if (replayPosition >= replayKTest->numObjects) {
-      terminateStateOnError(state, "replay count mismatch", "user.err");
+      terminateStateOnError(state, "replay count mismatch", User);
     } else {
       KTestObject *obj = &replayKTest->objects[replayPosition++];
       if (obj->numBytes != mo->size) {
-        terminateStateOnError(state, "replay size mismatch", "user.err");
+        terminateStateOnError(state, "replay size mismatch", User);
       } else {
         for (unsigned i=0; i<mo->size; i++)
           os->write8(i, obj->bytes[i]);
@@ -3390,7 +3532,10 @@ void Executor::runFunctionAsMain(Function *f,
     if (++ai!=ae) {
       argvMO = memory->allocate((argc+1+envc+1+1) * NumPtrBytes, false, true,
+      if (!argvMO)
+        klee_error("Could not allocate memory for function arguments");
       if (++ai!=ae) {
@@ -3430,6 +3575,8 @@ void Executor::runFunctionAsMain(Function *f,
         int j, len = strlen(s);
         MemoryObject *arg = memory->allocate(len+1, false, true, state->pc->inst);
+        if (!arg)
+          klee_error("Could not allocate memory for function arguments");
         ObjectState *os = bindObjectInState(*state, arg, false);
         for (j=0; j<len+1; j++)
           os->write8(j, s[j]);
diff --git a/lib/Core/Executor.h b/lib/Core/Executor.h
index 600c7b90..93d1443e 100644
--- a/lib/Core/Executor.h
+++ b/lib/Core/Executor.h
@@ -101,7 +101,24 @@ public:
   typedef std::pair<ExecutionState*,ExecutionState*> StatePair;
+  enum TerminateReason {
+    Abort,
+    Assert,
+    Exec,
+    External,
+    Free,
+    Model,
+    Overflow,
+    Ptr,
+    ReadOnly,
+    ReportError,
+    User,
+    Unhandled
+  };
+  static const char *TerminateReasonNames[];
   class TimerInfo;
   KModule *kmodule;
@@ -122,12 +139,12 @@ private:
   /// instructions step. 
   /// \invariant \ref addedStates is a subset of \ref states. 
   /// \invariant \ref addedStates and \ref removedStates are disjoint.
-  std::set<ExecutionState*> addedStates;
+  std::vector<ExecutionState *> addedStates;
   /// Used to track states that have been removed during the current
   /// instructions step. 
   /// \invariant \ref removedStates is a subset of \ref states. 
   /// \invariant \ref addedStates and \ref removedStates are disjoint.
-  std::set<ExecutionState*> removedStates;
+  std::vector<ExecutionState *> removedStates;
   /// When non-empty the Executor is running in "seed" mode. The
   /// states in this map will be executed in an arbitrary order
@@ -362,6 +379,8 @@ private:
   const InstructionInfo & getLastNonKleeInternalInstruction(const ExecutionState &state,
       llvm::Instruction** lastInstruction);
+  bool shouldExitOn(enum TerminateReason termReason);
   // remove state from queue and delete
   void terminateState(ExecutionState &state);
   // call exit handler and terminate state
@@ -369,10 +388,10 @@ private:
   // call exit handler and terminate state
   void terminateStateOnExit(ExecutionState &state);
   // call error handler and terminate state
-  void terminateStateOnError(ExecutionState &state, 
-                             const llvm::Twine &message,
-                             const char *suffix,
-                             const llvm::Twine &longMessage="");
+  void terminateStateOnError(ExecutionState &state, const llvm::Twine &message,
+                             enum TerminateReason termReason,
+                             const char *suffix = NULL,
+                             const llvm::Twine &longMessage = "");
   // call error handler and terminate state, for execution errors
   // (things that should not be possible, like illegal instruction or
@@ -380,7 +399,7 @@ private:
   void terminateStateOnExecError(ExecutionState &state, 
                                  const llvm::Twine &message,
                                  const llvm::Twine &info="") {
-    terminateStateOnError(state, message, "exec.err", info);
+    terminateStateOnError(state, message, Exec, NULL, info);
   /// bindModuleConstants - Initialize the module constant table.
@@ -412,6 +431,7 @@ private:
                      double maxInstTime);
   void checkMemoryUsage();
   void printDebugInstructions(ExecutionState &state);
+  void doDumpStates();
   Executor(const InterpreterOptions &opts, InterpreterHandler *ie);
diff --git a/lib/Core/ExecutorTimers.cpp b/lib/Core/ExecutorTimers.cpp
index b8ea97c2..f1c45105 100644
--- a/lib/Core/ExecutorTimers.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/ExecutorTimers.cpp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
   ~HaltTimer() {}
   void run() {
-    llvm::errs() << "KLEE: HaltTimer invoked\n";
+    klee_message("HaltTimer invoked");
@@ -179,7 +179,9 @@ void Executor::processTimers(ExecutionState *current,
       dumpStates = 0;
-    if (maxInstTime>0 && current && !removedStates.count(current)) {
+    if (maxInstTime > 0 && current &&
+        std::find(removedStates.begin(), removedStates.end(), current) ==
+            removedStates.end()) {
       if (timerTicks*kSecondsPerTick > maxInstTime) {
         klee_warning("max-instruction-time exceeded: %.2fs",
diff --git a/lib/Core/MemoryManager.cpp b/lib/Core/MemoryManager.cpp
index 7c76d480..f9f4b105 100644
--- a/lib/Core/MemoryManager.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/MemoryManager.cpp
@@ -11,37 +11,135 @@
 #include "Memory.h"
 #include "MemoryManager.h"
-#include "klee/ExecutionState.h"
 #include "klee/Expr.h"
-#include "klee/Solver.h"
 #include "klee/Internal/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
+#include <sys/mman.h>
 using namespace klee;
+namespace {
+llvm::cl::opt<bool> DeterministicAllocation(
+    "allocate-determ",
+    llvm::cl::desc("Allocate memory deterministically(default=off)"),
+    llvm::cl::init(false));
+llvm::cl::opt<unsigned> DeterministicAllocationSize(
+    "allocate-determ-size",
+    llvm::cl::desc(
+        "Preallocated memory for deterministic allocation in MB (default=100)"),
+    llvm::cl::init(100));
+    NullOnZeroMalloc("return-null-on-zero-malloc",
+                     llvm::cl::desc("Returns NULL in case malloc(size) was "
+                                    "called with size 0 (default=off)."),
+                     llvm::cl::init(false));
+llvm::cl::opt<unsigned> RedZoneSpace(
+    "red-zone-space",
+    llvm::cl::desc("Set the amount of free space between allocations. This is "
+                   "important to detect out-of-bound accesses (default=10)."),
+    llvm::cl::init(10));
+llvm::cl::opt<unsigned long long> DeterministicStartAddress(
+    "allocate-determ-start-address",
+    llvm::cl::desc("Start address for deterministic allocation. Has to be page "
+                   "aligned (default=0x7ff30000000)."),
+    llvm::cl::init(0x7ff30000000));
+MemoryManager::MemoryManager(ArrayCache *_arrayCache)
+    : arrayCache(_arrayCache), deterministicSpace(0), nextFreeSlot(0),
+      spaceSize(DeterministicAllocationSize.getValue() * 1024 * 1024) {
+  if (DeterministicAllocation) {
+    // Page boundary
+    void *expectedAddress = (void *)DeterministicStartAddress.getValue();
+    char *newSpace =
+        (char *)mmap(expectedAddress, spaceSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                     MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
-MemoryManager::~MemoryManager() { 
+    if (newSpace == MAP_FAILED) {
+      klee_error("Couldn't mmap() memory for deterministic allocations");
+    }
+    if (expectedAddress != newSpace && expectedAddress != 0) {
+      klee_error("Could not allocate memory deterministically");
+    }
+    klee_message("Deterministic memory allocation starting from %p", newSpace);
+    deterministicSpace = newSpace;
+    nextFreeSlot = newSpace;
+  }
+MemoryManager::~MemoryManager() {
   while (!objects.empty()) {
     MemoryObject *mo = *objects.begin();
-    if (!mo->isFixed)
+    if (!mo->isFixed && !DeterministicAllocation)
       free((void *)mo->address);
     delete mo;
+  if (DeterministicAllocation)
+    munmap(deterministicSpace, spaceSize);
-MemoryObject *MemoryManager::allocate(uint64_t size, bool isLocal, 
+MemoryObject *MemoryManager::allocate(uint64_t size, bool isLocal,
                                       bool isGlobal,
-                                      const llvm::Value *allocSite) {
-  if (size>10*1024*1024)
-    klee_warning_once(0, "Large alloc: %u bytes.  KLEE may run out of memory.", (unsigned) size);
-  uint64_t address = (uint64_t) (unsigned long) malloc((unsigned) size);
+                                      const llvm::Value *allocSite,
+                                      size_t alignment) {
+  if (size > 10 * 1024 * 1024)
+    klee_warning_once(0, "Large alloc: %lu bytes.  KLEE may run out of memory.",
+                      size);
+  // Return NULL if size is zero, this is equal to error during allocation
+  if (NullOnZeroMalloc && size == 0)
+    return 0;
+  if (!llvm::isPowerOf2_64(alignment)) {
+    klee_warning("Only alignment of power of two is supported");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  uint64_t address = 0;
+  if (DeterministicAllocation) {
+    address = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment((uint64_t)nextFreeSlot + alignment - 1,
+                                       alignment);
+    // Handle the case of 0-sized allocations as 1-byte allocations.
+    // This way, we make sure we have this allocation between its own red zones
+    size_t alloc_size = std::max(size, (uint64_t)1);
+    if ((char *)address + alloc_size < deterministicSpace + spaceSize) {
+      nextFreeSlot = (char *)address + alloc_size + RedZoneSpace;
+    } else {
+      klee_warning_once(
+          0,
+          "Couldn't allocate %lu bytes. Not enough deterministic space left.",
+          size);
+      address = 0;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Use malloc for the standard case
+    if (alignment <= 8)
+      address = (uint64_t)malloc(size);
+    else {
+      int res = posix_memalign((void **)&address, alignment, size);
+      if (res < 0) {
+        klee_warning("Allocating aligned memory failed.");
+        address = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
   if (!address)
     return 0;
   MemoryObject *res = new MemoryObject(address, size, isLocal, isGlobal, false,
                                        allocSite, this);
@@ -52,30 +150,31 @@ MemoryObject *MemoryManager::allocate(uint64_t size, bool isLocal,
 MemoryObject *MemoryManager::allocateFixed(uint64_t address, uint64_t size,
                                            const llvm::Value *allocSite) {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-  for (objects_ty::iterator it = objects.begin(), ie = objects.end();
-       it != ie; ++it) {
+  for (objects_ty::iterator it = objects.begin(), ie = objects.end(); it != ie;
+       ++it) {
     MemoryObject *mo = *it;
-    if (address+size > mo->address && address < mo->address+mo->size)
+    if (address + size > mo->address && address < mo->address + mo->size)
       klee_error("Trying to allocate an overlapping object");
-  MemoryObject *res = new MemoryObject(address, size, false, true, true,
-                                       allocSite, this);
+  MemoryObject *res =
+      new MemoryObject(address, size, false, true, true, allocSite, this);
   return res;
-void MemoryManager::deallocate(const MemoryObject *mo) {
-  assert(0);
+void MemoryManager::deallocate(const MemoryObject *mo) { assert(0); }
 void MemoryManager::markFreed(MemoryObject *mo) {
-  if (objects.find(mo) != objects.end())
-  {
-    if (!mo->isFixed)
+  if (objects.find(mo) != objects.end()) {
+    if (!mo->isFixed && !DeterministicAllocation)
       free((void *)mo->address);
+size_t MemoryManager::getUsedDeterministicSize() {
+  return nextFreeSlot - deterministicSpace;
diff --git a/lib/Core/MemoryManager.h b/lib/Core/MemoryManager.h
index 01683443..fc77b476 100644
--- a/lib/Core/MemoryManager.h
+++ b/lib/Core/MemoryManager.h
@@ -14,31 +14,44 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 namespace llvm {
-  class Value;
+class Value;
 namespace klee {
-  class MemoryObject;
-  class ArrayCache;
-  class MemoryManager {
-  private:
-    typedef std::set<MemoryObject*> objects_ty;
-    objects_ty objects;
-    ArrayCache *const arrayCache;
-  public:
-    MemoryManager(ArrayCache *arrayCache) : arrayCache(arrayCache) {}
-    ~MemoryManager();
-    MemoryObject *allocate(uint64_t size, bool isLocal, bool isGlobal,
-                           const llvm::Value *allocSite);
-    MemoryObject *allocateFixed(uint64_t address, uint64_t size,
-                                const llvm::Value *allocSite);
-    void deallocate(const MemoryObject *mo);
-    void markFreed(MemoryObject *mo);
-    ArrayCache *getArrayCache() const { return arrayCache; }
-  };
+class MemoryObject;
+class ArrayCache;
+class MemoryManager {
+  typedef std::set<MemoryObject *> objects_ty;
+  objects_ty objects;
+  ArrayCache *const arrayCache;
+  char *deterministicSpace;
+  char *nextFreeSlot;
+  size_t spaceSize;
+  MemoryManager(ArrayCache *arrayCache);
+  ~MemoryManager();
+  /**
+   * Returns memory object which contains a handle to real virtual process
+   * memory.
+   */
+  MemoryObject *allocate(uint64_t size, bool isLocal, bool isGlobal,
+                         const llvm::Value *allocSite, size_t alignment = 8);
+  MemoryObject *allocateFixed(uint64_t address, uint64_t size,
+                              const llvm::Value *allocSite);
+  void deallocate(const MemoryObject *mo);
+  void markFreed(MemoryObject *mo);
+  ArrayCache *getArrayCache() const { return arrayCache; }
+  /*
+   * Returns the size used by deterministic allocation in bytes
+   */
+  size_t getUsedDeterministicSize();
 } // End klee namespace
diff --git a/lib/Core/Searcher.cpp b/lib/Core/Searcher.cpp
index cbb88727..973057c3 100644
--- a/lib/Core/Searcher.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/Searcher.cpp
@@ -67,13 +67,14 @@ ExecutionState &DFSSearcher::selectState() {
 void DFSSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                         const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                         const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
+                         const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                         const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
-  for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
-         ie = removedStates.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+  for (std::vector<ExecutionState *>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
+                                                     ie = removedStates.end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
     ExecutionState *es = *it;
     if (es == states.back()) {
@@ -101,13 +102,14 @@ ExecutionState &BFSSearcher::selectState() {
 void BFSSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                         const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                         const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
+                         const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                         const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
-  for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
-         ie = removedStates.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+  for (std::vector<ExecutionState *>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
+                                                     ie = removedStates.end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
     ExecutionState *es = *it;
     if (es == states.front()) {
@@ -134,14 +136,16 @@ ExecutionState &RandomSearcher::selectState() {
   return *states[theRNG.getInt32()%states.size()];
-void RandomSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                            const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                            const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
+RandomSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
+                       const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                       const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
-  for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
-         ie = removedStates.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+  for (std::vector<ExecutionState *>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
+                                                     ie = removedStates.end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
     ExecutionState *es = *it;
     bool ok = false;
@@ -224,20 +228,24 @@ double WeightedRandomSearcher::getWeight(ExecutionState *es) {
-void WeightedRandomSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                                    const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                                    const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
-  if (current && updateWeights && !removedStates.count(current))
+void WeightedRandomSearcher::update(
+    ExecutionState *current, const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+    const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
+  if (current && updateWeights &&
+      std::find(removedStates.begin(), removedStates.end(), current) ==
+          removedStates.end())
     states->update(current, getWeight(current));
-  for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it = addedStates.begin(),
-         ie = addedStates.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+  for (std::vector<ExecutionState *>::const_iterator it = addedStates.begin(),
+                                                     ie = addedStates.end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
     ExecutionState *es = *it;
     states->insert(es, getWeight(es));
-  for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
-         ie = removedStates.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+  for (std::vector<ExecutionState *>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
+                                                     ie = removedStates.end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
@@ -277,9 +285,10 @@ ExecutionState &RandomPathSearcher::selectState() {
   return *n->data;
-void RandomPathSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
+RandomPathSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
+                           const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                           const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
 bool RandomPathSearcher::empty() { 
@@ -358,9 +367,9 @@ entry:
-void BumpMergingSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                                 const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                                 const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
+void BumpMergingSearcher::update(
+    ExecutionState *current, const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+    const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
   baseSearcher->update(current, addedStates, removedStates);
@@ -472,18 +481,21 @@ ExecutionState &MergingSearcher::selectState() {
   return selectState();
-void MergingSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                             const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                             const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
+MergingSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
+                        const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                        const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
   if (!removedStates.empty()) {
-    std::set<ExecutionState *> alt = removedStates;
-    for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
-           ie = removedStates.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+    std::vector<ExecutionState *> alt = removedStates;
+    for (std::vector<ExecutionState *>::const_iterator
+             it = removedStates.begin(),
+             ie = removedStates.end();
+         it != ie; ++it) {
       ExecutionState *es = *it;
       std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it2 = statesAtMerge.find(es);
       if (it2 != statesAtMerge.end()) {
-        alt.erase(alt.find(es));
+        alt.erase(std::remove(alt.begin(), alt.end(), es), alt.end());
     baseSearcher->update(current, addedStates, alt);
@@ -529,10 +541,12 @@ ExecutionState &BatchingSearcher::selectState() {
-void BatchingSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                              const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                              const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
-  if (removedStates.count(lastState))
+BatchingSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
+                         const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                         const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
+  if (std::find(removedStates.begin(), removedStates.end(), lastState) !=
+      removedStates.end())
     lastState = 0;
   baseSearcher->update(current, addedStates, removedStates);
@@ -554,20 +568,22 @@ ExecutionState &IterativeDeepeningTimeSearcher::selectState() {
   return res;
-void IterativeDeepeningTimeSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                                            const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                                            const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
+void IterativeDeepeningTimeSearcher::update(
+    ExecutionState *current, const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+    const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
   double elapsed = util::getWallTime() - startTime;
   if (!removedStates.empty()) {
-    std::set<ExecutionState *> alt = removedStates;
-    for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it = removedStates.begin(),
-           ie = removedStates.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
+    std::vector<ExecutionState *> alt = removedStates;
+    for (std::vector<ExecutionState *>::const_iterator
+             it = removedStates.begin(),
+             ie = removedStates.end();
+         it != ie; ++it) {
       ExecutionState *es = *it;
       std::set<ExecutionState*>::const_iterator it2 = pausedStates.find(es);
       if (it2 != pausedStates.end()) {
-        pausedStates.erase(it);
-        alt.erase(alt.find(es));
+        pausedStates.erase(it2);
+        alt.erase(std::remove(alt.begin(), alt.end(), es), alt.end());
     baseSearcher->update(current, addedStates, alt);
@@ -575,7 +591,10 @@ void IterativeDeepeningTimeSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
     baseSearcher->update(current, addedStates, removedStates);
-  if (current && !removedStates.count(current) && elapsed>time) {
+  if (current &&
+      std::find(removedStates.begin(), removedStates.end(), current) ==
+          removedStates.end() &&
+      elapsed > time) {
@@ -583,7 +602,8 @@ void IterativeDeepeningTimeSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
   if (baseSearcher->empty()) {
     time *= 2;
     llvm::errs() << "KLEE: increasing time budget to: " << time << "\n";
-    baseSearcher->update(0, pausedStates, std::set<ExecutionState*>());
+    std::vector<ExecutionState *> ps(pausedStates.begin(), pausedStates.end());
+    baseSearcher->update(0, ps, std::vector<ExecutionState *>());
@@ -607,9 +627,9 @@ ExecutionState &InterleavedSearcher::selectState() {
   return s->selectState();
-void InterleavedSearcher::update(ExecutionState *current,
-                                 const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                                 const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) {
+void InterleavedSearcher::update(
+    ExecutionState *current, const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+    const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) {
   for (std::vector<Searcher*>::const_iterator it = searchers.begin(),
          ie = searchers.end(); it != ie; ++it)
     (*it)->update(current, addedStates, removedStates);
diff --git a/lib/Core/Searcher.h b/lib/Core/Searcher.h
index d866f521..4ede3640 100644
--- a/lib/Core/Searcher.h
+++ b/lib/Core/Searcher.h
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ namespace klee {
     virtual ExecutionState &selectState() = 0;
     virtual void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                        const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                        const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates) = 0;
+                        const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                        const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates) = 0;
     virtual bool empty() = 0;
@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ namespace klee {
     // utility functions
     void addState(ExecutionState *es, ExecutionState *current = 0) {
-      std::set<ExecutionState*> tmp;
-      tmp.insert(es);
-      update(current, tmp, std::set<ExecutionState*>());
+      std::vector<ExecutionState *> tmp;
+      tmp.push_back(es);
+      update(current, tmp, std::vector<ExecutionState *>());
     void removeState(ExecutionState *es, ExecutionState *current = 0) {
-      std::set<ExecutionState*> tmp;
-      tmp.insert(es);
-      update(current, std::set<ExecutionState*>(), tmp);
+      std::vector<ExecutionState *> tmp;
+      tmp.push_back(es);
+      update(current, std::vector<ExecutionState *>(), tmp);
     enum CoreSearchType {
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty() { return states.empty(); }
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "DFSSearcher\n";
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty() { return states.empty(); }
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "BFSSearcher\n";
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty() { return states.empty(); }
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "RandomSearcher\n";
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty();
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "WeightedRandomSearcher::";
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty();
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "RandomPathSearcher\n";
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty() { return baseSearcher->empty() && statesAtMerge.empty(); }
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "MergingSearcher\n";
@@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty() { return baseSearcher->empty() && statesAtMerge.empty(); }
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "BumpMergingSearcher\n";
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty() { return baseSearcher->empty(); }
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "<BatchingSearcher> timeBudget: " << timeBudget
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty() { return baseSearcher->empty() && pausedStates.empty(); }
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "IterativeDeepeningTimeSearcher\n";
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ namespace klee {
     ExecutionState &selectState();
     void update(ExecutionState *current,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &addedStates,
-                const std::set<ExecutionState*> &removedStates);
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &addedStates,
+                const std::vector<ExecutionState *> &removedStates);
     bool empty() { return searchers[0]->empty(); }
     void printName(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
       os << "<InterleavedSearcher> containing "
diff --git a/lib/Core/SpecialFunctionHandler.cpp b/lib/Core/SpecialFunctionHandler.cpp
index 542d7f5b..0ecbdd07 100644
--- a/lib/Core/SpecialFunctionHandler.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/SpecialFunctionHandler.cpp
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleAbort(ExecutionState &state,
                            KInstruction *target,
                            std::vector<ref<Expr> > &arguments) {
   assert(arguments.size()==0 && "invalid number of arguments to abort");
-  executor.terminateStateOnError(state, "abort failure", "abort.err");
+  executor.terminateStateOnError(state, "abort failure", Executor::Abort);
 void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleExit(ExecutionState &state,
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleAssert(ExecutionState &state,
   assert(arguments.size()==3 && "invalid number of arguments to _assert");  
 				 "ASSERTION FAIL: " + readStringAtAddress(state, arguments[0]),
-				 "assert.err");
+				 Executor::Assert);
 void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleAssertFail(ExecutionState &state,
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleAssertFail(ExecutionState &state,
   assert(arguments.size()==4 && "invalid number of arguments to __assert_fail");
 				 "ASSERTION FAIL: " + readStringAtAddress(state, arguments[0]),
-				 "assert.err");
+				 Executor::Assert);
 void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleReportError(ExecutionState &state,
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleReportError(ExecutionState &state,
   // arguments[0], arguments[1] are file, line
 				 readStringAtAddress(state, arguments[2]),
+				 Executor::ReportError,
 				 readStringAtAddress(state, arguments[3]).c_str());
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleAssume(ExecutionState &state,
     } else {
                                      "invalid klee_assume call (provably false)",
-                                     "user.err");
+                                     Executor::User);
   } else {
     executor.addConstraint(state, e);
@@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleSetForking(ExecutionState &state,
   } else {
                                    "klee_set_forking requires a constant arg",
-                                   "user.err");
+                                   Executor::User);
@@ -634,14 +635,14 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleCheckMemoryAccess(ExecutionState &state,
   if (!isa<ConstantExpr>(address) || !isa<ConstantExpr>(size)) {
                                    "check_memory_access requires constant args",
-                                   "user.err");
+				   Executor::User);
   } else {
     ObjectPair op;
     if (!state.addressSpace.resolveOne(cast<ConstantExpr>(address), op)) {
                                      "check_memory_access: memory error",
-                                     "ptr.err",
+				     Executor::Ptr, NULL,
                                      executor.getAddressInfo(state, address));
     } else {
       ref<Expr> chk = 
@@ -650,7 +651,7 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleCheckMemoryAccess(ExecutionState &state,
       if (!chk->isTrue()) {
                                        "check_memory_access: memory error",
-                                       "ptr.err",
+				       Executor::Ptr, NULL,
                                        executor.getAddressInfo(state, address));
@@ -711,9 +712,8 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleMakeSymbolic(ExecutionState &state,
     ExecutionState *s = it->second;
     if (old->readOnly) {
-      executor.terminateStateOnError(*s, 
-                                     "cannot make readonly object symbolic", 
-                                     "user.err");
+      executor.terminateStateOnError(*s, "cannot make readonly object symbolic",
+                                     Executor::User);
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleMakeSymbolic(ExecutionState &state,
     } else {      
                                      "wrong size given to klee_make_symbolic[_name]", 
-                                     "user.err");
+                                     Executor::User);
@@ -757,31 +757,27 @@ void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleMarkGlobal(ExecutionState &state,
 void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleAddOverflow(ExecutionState &state,
                                                KInstruction *target,
                                                std::vector<ref<Expr> > &arguments) {
-  executor.terminateStateOnError(state,
-                                 "overflow on unsigned addition",
-                                 "overflow.err");
+  executor.terminateStateOnError(state, "overflow on unsigned addition",
+                                 Executor::Overflow);
 void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleSubOverflow(ExecutionState &state,
                                                KInstruction *target,
                                                std::vector<ref<Expr> > &arguments) {
-  executor.terminateStateOnError(state,
-                                 "overflow on unsigned subtraction",
-                                 "overflow.err");
+  executor.terminateStateOnError(state, "overflow on unsigned subtraction",
+                                 Executor::Overflow);
 void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleMulOverflow(ExecutionState &state,
                                                KInstruction *target,
                                                std::vector<ref<Expr> > &arguments) {
-  executor.terminateStateOnError(state,
-                                 "overflow on unsigned multiplication",
-                                 "overflow.err");
+  executor.terminateStateOnError(state, "overflow on unsigned multiplication",
+                                 Executor::Overflow);
 void SpecialFunctionHandler::handleDivRemOverflow(ExecutionState &state,
                                                KInstruction *target,
                                                std::vector<ref<Expr> > &arguments) {
-  executor.terminateStateOnError(state,
-                                 "overflow on division or remainder",
-                                 "overflow.err");
+  executor.terminateStateOnError(state, "overflow on division or remainder",
+                                 Executor::Overflow);
diff --git a/lib/Core/StatsTracker.cpp b/lib/Core/StatsTracker.cpp
index 5e77172e..97ed26ea 100644
--- a/lib/Core/StatsTracker.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/StatsTracker.cpp
@@ -86,17 +86,20 @@ namespace {
 		     cl::desc("Approximate number of seconds between stats writes (default=1.0s)"));
+  cl::opt<unsigned> StatsWriteAfterInstructions(
+      "stats-write-after-instructions", cl::init(0),
+      cl::desc("Write statistics after each n instructions, 0 to disable "
+               "(default=0)"));
                       cl::desc("Approximate number of seconds between istats writes (default: 10.0s)"));
-  /*
-  cl::opt<double>
-  BranchCovCountsWriteInterval("branch-cov-counts-write-interval",
-                     cl::desc("Approximate number of seconds between run.branches writes (default: 5.0s)"),
-                     cl::init(5.));
-  */
+  cl::opt<unsigned> IStatsWriteAfterInstructions(
+      "istats-write-after-instructions", cl::init(0),
+      cl::desc("Write istats after each n instructions, 0 to disable "
+               "(default=0)"));
   // XXX I really would like to have dynamic rate control for something like this.
@@ -185,6 +188,18 @@ StatsTracker::StatsTracker(Executor &_executor, std::string _objectFilename,
     updateMinDistToUncovered(_updateMinDistToUncovered) {
+  if (StatsWriteAfterInstructions > 0 && StatsWriteInterval > 0)
+    klee_error("Both options --stats-write-interval and "
+               "--stats-write-after-instructions cannot be enabled at the same "
+               "time.");
+  if (IStatsWriteAfterInstructions > 0 && IStatsWriteInterval > 0)
+    klee_error(
+        "Both options --istats-write-interval and "
+        "--istats-write-after-instructions cannot be enabled at the same "
+        "time.");
   KModule *km = executor.kmodule;
   if (!sys::path::is_absolute(objectFilename)) {
@@ -235,19 +250,22 @@ StatsTracker::StatsTracker(Executor &_executor, std::string _objectFilename,
-    executor.addTimer(new WriteStatsTimer(this), StatsWriteInterval);
+    if (StatsWriteInterval > 0)
+      executor.addTimer(new WriteStatsTimer(this), StatsWriteInterval);
+  }
-    if (updateMinDistToUncovered) {
-      computeReachableUncovered();
-      executor.addTimer(new UpdateReachableTimer(this), UncoveredUpdateInterval);
-    }
+  // Add timer to calculate uncovered instructions if needed by the solver
+  if (updateMinDistToUncovered) {
+    computeReachableUncovered();
+    executor.addTimer(new UpdateReachableTimer(this), UncoveredUpdateInterval);
   if (OutputIStats) {
     istatsFile = executor.interpreterHandler->openOutputFile("run.istats");
     assert(istatsFile && "unable to open istats file");
-    executor.addTimer(new WriteIStatsTimer(this), IStatsWriteInterval);
+    if (IStatsWriteInterval > 0)
+      executor.addTimer(new WriteIStatsTimer(this), IStatsWriteInterval);
@@ -261,8 +279,12 @@ StatsTracker::~StatsTracker() {
 void StatsTracker::done() {
   if (statsFile)
-  if (OutputIStats)
+  if (OutputIStats) {
+    if (updateMinDistToUncovered)
+      computeReachableUncovered();
+  }
 void StatsTracker::stepInstruction(ExecutionState &es) {
@@ -310,6 +332,14 @@ void StatsTracker::stepInstruction(ExecutionState &es) {
+  if (statsFile && StatsWriteAfterInstructions &&
+      stats::instructions % StatsWriteAfterInstructions.getValue() == 0)
+    writeStatsLine();
+  if (istatsFile && IStatsWriteAfterInstructions &&
+      stats::instructions % IStatsWriteAfterInstructions.getValue() == 0)
+    writeIStats();
@@ -327,15 +357,17 @@ void StatsTracker::framePushed(ExecutionState &es, StackFrame *parentFrame) {
       sf.callPathNode = cp;
+  }
-    if (updateMinDistToUncovered) {
-      uint64_t minDistAtRA = 0;
-      if (parentFrame)
-        minDistAtRA = parentFrame->minDistToUncoveredOnReturn;
-      sf.minDistToUncoveredOnReturn = sf.caller ?
-        computeMinDistToUncovered(sf.caller, minDistAtRA) : 0;
-    }
+  if (updateMinDistToUncovered) {
+    StackFrame &sf = es.stack.back();
+    uint64_t minDistAtRA = 0;
+    if (parentFrame)
+      minDistAtRA = parentFrame->minDistToUncoveredOnReturn;
+    sf.minDistToUncoveredOnReturn =
+        sf.caller ? computeMinDistToUncovered(sf.caller, minDistAtRA) : 0;
@@ -406,7 +438,7 @@ void StatsTracker::writeStatsLine() {
              << "," << numBranches
              << "," << util::getUserTime()
              << "," << executor.states.size()
-             << "," << util::GetTotalMallocUsage()
+             << "," << util::GetTotalMallocUsage() + executor.memory->getUsedDeterministicSize()
              << "," << stats::queries
              << "," << stats::queryConstructs
              << "," << 0 // was numObjects
diff --git a/lib/Solver/CoreSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/CoreSolver.cpp
index 94bb3a5e..66328f30 100644
--- a/lib/Solver/CoreSolver.cpp
+++ b/lib/Solver/CoreSolver.cpp
@@ -15,14 +15,9 @@
-#include <metaSMT/frontend/Array.hpp>
+#include <metaSMT/DirectSolver_Context.hpp>
 #include <metaSMT/backend/Z3_Backend.hpp>
 #include <metaSMT/backend/Boolector.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/backend/MiniSAT.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/DirectSolver_Context.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/support/run_algorithm.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/API/Stack.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/API/Group.hpp>
 #define Expr VCExpr
 #define Type VCType
diff --git a/lib/Solver/Makefile b/lib/Solver/Makefile
index a44b4f6e..715f4b2d 100755
--- a/lib/Solver/Makefile
+++ b/lib/Solver/Makefile
@@ -16,11 +16,5 @@ NO_INSTALL=1
 include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
-ifeq ($(ENABLE_METASMT),1)
-  include $(METASMT_ROOT)/share/metaSMT/metaSMT.makefile
-  CXX.Flags := $(filter-out -fno-exceptions,$(CXX.Flags))
-  CXX.Flags := $(filter-out -fno-rtti,$(CXX.Flags))
-  CXX.Flags += $(metaSMT_CXXFLAGS)
-  CXX.Flags += $(metaSMT_INCLUDES)
+include $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/MetaSMT.mk
diff --git a/lib/Solver/MetaSMTBuilder.h b/lib/Solver/MetaSMTBuilder.h
index 9e1f9a62..ad26f2ed 100644
--- a/lib/Solver/MetaSMTBuilder.h
+++ b/lib/Solver/MetaSMTBuilder.h
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
  * MetaSMTBuilder.h
@@ -32,336 +31,357 @@
 #include <metaSMT/frontend/Logic.hpp>
 #include <metaSMT/frontend/QF_BV.hpp>
 #include <metaSMT/frontend/Array.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/support/default_visitation_unrolling_limit.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/support/run_algorithm.hpp>
-#define Expr VCExpr
-#define STP STP_Backend
-#include <metaSMT/backend/STP.hpp>
-#undef Expr
-#undef STP
-#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
 using namespace metaSMT;
 using namespace metaSMT::logic::QF_BV;
 namespace {
-  llvm::cl::opt<bool>
-  UseConstructHashMetaSMT("use-construct-hash-metasmt", 
-                   llvm::cl::desc("Use hash-consing during metaSMT query construction."),
-                   llvm::cl::init(true));
+llvm::cl::opt<bool> UseConstructHashMetaSMT(
+    "use-construct-hash-metasmt",
+    llvm::cl::desc("Use hash-consing during metaSMT query construction."),
+    llvm::cl::init(true));
 namespace klee {
-typedef metaSMT::logic::Predicate<proto::terminal<metaSMT::logic::tag::true_tag>::type  > const MetaSMTConstTrue;
-typedef metaSMT::logic::Predicate<proto::terminal<metaSMT::logic::tag::false_tag>::type  > const MetaSMTConstFalse;
+typedef metaSMT::logic::Predicate<proto::terminal<
+    metaSMT::logic::tag::true_tag>::type> const MetaSMTConstTrue;
+typedef metaSMT::logic::Predicate<proto::terminal<
+    metaSMT::logic::tag::false_tag>::type> const MetaSMTConstFalse;
 typedef metaSMT::logic::Array::array MetaSMTArray;
-template<typename SolverContext>
-class MetaSMTBuilder;
+template <typename SolverContext> class MetaSMTBuilder;
+template <typename SolverContext>
+class MetaSMTArrayExprHash
+    : public ArrayExprHash<typename SolverContext::result_type> {
+  friend class MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>;
-template<typename SolverContext>
-class MetaSMTArrayExprHash : public ArrayExprHash< typename SolverContext::result_type > {
-    friend class MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>;
-    MetaSMTArrayExprHash() {};
-    virtual ~MetaSMTArrayExprHash() {};
+  MetaSMTArrayExprHash(){};
+  virtual ~MetaSMTArrayExprHash(){};
 static const bool mimic_stp = true;
-template<typename SolverContext>
-class MetaSMTBuilder {
+template <typename SolverContext> class MetaSMTBuilder {
+  MetaSMTBuilder(SolverContext &solver, bool optimizeDivides)
+      : _solver(solver), _optimizeDivides(optimizeDivides){};
+  virtual ~MetaSMTBuilder(){};
+  typename SolverContext::result_type construct(ref<Expr> e);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type getInitialRead(const Array *root,
+                                                     unsigned index);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type getTrue() {
+    return (evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::True));
+  }
+  typename SolverContext::result_type getFalse() {
+    return (evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::False));
+  }
+  typename SolverContext::result_type bvOne(unsigned width) {
+    return bvZExtConst(width, 1);
+  }
+  typename SolverContext::result_type bvZero(unsigned width) {
+    return bvZExtConst(width, 0);
+  }
+  typename SolverContext::result_type bvMinusOne(unsigned width) {
+    return bvSExtConst(width, (int64_t)-1);
+  }
+  typename SolverContext::result_type bvConst32(unsigned width,
+                                                uint32_t value) {
+    return (evaluate(_solver, bvuint(value, width)));
+  }
+  typename SolverContext::result_type bvConst64(unsigned width,
+                                                uint64_t value) {
+    return (evaluate(_solver, bvuint(value, width)));
+  }
+  typename SolverContext::result_type bvZExtConst(unsigned width,
+                                                  uint64_t value);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type bvSExtConst(unsigned width,
+                                                  uint64_t value);
+  // logical left and right shift (not arithmetic)
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  bvLeftShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width,
+              unsigned shift);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  bvRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width,
+               unsigned shift);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  bvVarLeftShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr,
+                 typename SolverContext::result_type shift, unsigned width);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  bvVarRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr,
+                  typename SolverContext::result_type shift, unsigned width);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  bvVarArithRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr,
+                       typename SolverContext::result_type shift,
+                       unsigned width);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type getArrayForUpdate(const Array *root,
+                                                        const UpdateNode *un);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type getInitialArray(const Array *root);
+  MetaSMTArray buildArray(unsigned elem_width, unsigned index_width);
-    MetaSMTBuilder(SolverContext& solver, bool optimizeDivides) : _solver(solver), _optimizeDivides(optimizeDivides) { };
-    virtual ~MetaSMTBuilder() {};
-    typename SolverContext::result_type construct(ref<Expr> e);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type getInitialRead(const Array *root, unsigned index);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type getTrue() {
-        return(evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::True));        
-    }
-    typename SolverContext::result_type getFalse() {        
-        return(evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::False));        
-    }
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvOne(unsigned width) {
-        return bvZExtConst(width, 1);
-    }
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvZero(unsigned width) {
-        return bvZExtConst(width, 0);
-    }
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvMinusOne(unsigned width) {
-        return bvSExtConst(width, (int64_t) -1);
-    }
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvConst32(unsigned width, uint32_t value) {
-        return(evaluate(_solver, bvuint(value, width)));
-    }
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvConst64(unsigned width, uint64_t value) {
-         return(evaluate(_solver, bvuint(value, width)));
-    }
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvZExtConst(unsigned width, uint64_t value);    
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvSExtConst(unsigned width, uint64_t value);
-    //logical left and right shift (not arithmetic)
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvLeftShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned shift, unsigned shiftBits);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned amount, unsigned shiftBits);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvVarLeftShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, typename SolverContext::result_type amount, unsigned width);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvVarRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, typename SolverContext::result_type amount, unsigned width);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvVarArithRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, typename SolverContext::result_type amount, unsigned width);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type getArrayForUpdate(const Array *root, const UpdateNode *un);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type getInitialArray(const Array *root);
-    MetaSMTArray buildArray(unsigned elem_width, unsigned index_width);
-    typedef ExprHashMap< std::pair<typename SolverContext::result_type, unsigned> >  MetaSMTExprHashMap;
-    typedef typename MetaSMTExprHashMap::iterator MetaSMTExprHashMapIter;
-    typedef typename MetaSMTExprHashMap::const_iterator MetaSMTExprHashMapConstIter;    
-    SolverContext&  _solver;
-    bool _optimizeDivides;
-    MetaSMTArrayExprHash<SolverContext>  _arr_hash;
-    MetaSMTExprHashMap                   _constructed;
-    typename SolverContext::result_type constructActual(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type construct(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvBoolExtract(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, int bit);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type bvExtract(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned top, unsigned bottom);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type eqExpr(typename SolverContext::result_type a, typename SolverContext::result_type b);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type constructAShrByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned shift, 
-                                                                typename SolverContext::result_type isSigned, unsigned shiftBits);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type constructMulByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, uint64_t x);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type constructUDivByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type constructSDivByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d);
-    unsigned getShiftBits(unsigned amount) {
-        unsigned bits = 1;
-        amount--;
-        while (amount >>= 1) {
-            bits++;
-        }
-        return(bits);
-    }
+  typedef ExprHashMap<std::pair<typename SolverContext::result_type, unsigned> >
+      MetaSMTExprHashMap;
+  typedef typename MetaSMTExprHashMap::iterator MetaSMTExprHashMapIter;
+  typedef typename MetaSMTExprHashMap::const_iterator
+      MetaSMTExprHashMapConstIter;
+  SolverContext &_solver;
+  bool _optimizeDivides;
+  MetaSMTArrayExprHash<SolverContext> _arr_hash;
+  MetaSMTExprHashMap _constructed;
+  typename SolverContext::result_type constructActual(ref<Expr> e,
+                                                      int *width_out);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type construct(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  bvBoolExtract(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, int bit);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  bvExtract(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned top,
+            unsigned bottom);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  eqExpr(typename SolverContext::result_type a,
+         typename SolverContext::result_type b);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  constructAShrByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr,
+                          unsigned width, unsigned shift,
+                          typename SolverContext::result_type isSigned);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  constructMulByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr,
+                         unsigned width, uint64_t x);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  constructUDivByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n,
+                          unsigned width, uint64_t d);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type
+  constructSDivByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n,
+                          unsigned width, uint64_t d);
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::getArrayForUpdate(const Array *root, const UpdateNode *un) {
-    if (!un) {
-        return(getInitialArray(root));
-    }
-    else {
-        typename SolverContext::result_type un_expr;
-        bool hashed = _arr_hash.lookupUpdateNodeExpr(un, un_expr);
-        if (!hashed) {
-            un_expr = evaluate(_solver,
-                               metaSMT::logic::Array::store(getArrayForUpdate(root, un->next),
-                                                            construct(un->index, 0),
-                                                            construct(un->value, 0)));
-            _arr_hash.hashUpdateNodeExpr(un, un_expr);
-        }
-        return(un_expr);
-    }
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::getArrayForUpdate(const Array *root,
+                                                 const UpdateNode *un) {
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::getInitialArray(const Array *root)
-    assert(root);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type array_expr;
-    bool hashed = _arr_hash.lookupArrayExpr(root, array_expr);
+  if (!un) {
+    return (getInitialArray(root));
+  } else {
+    typename SolverContext::result_type un_expr;
+    bool hashed = _arr_hash.lookupUpdateNodeExpr(un, un_expr);
     if (!hashed) {
+      un_expr = evaluate(_solver,
+                         metaSMT::logic::Array::store(
+                             getArrayForUpdate(root, un->next),
+                             construct(un->index, 0), construct(un->value, 0)));
+      _arr_hash.hashUpdateNodeExpr(un, un_expr);
+    }
+    return (un_expr);
+  }
-        array_expr = evaluate(_solver, buildArray(root->getRange(), root->getDomain()));
-        if (root->isConstantArray()) {    
-            for (unsigned i = 0, e = root->size; i != e; ++i) {
-                 typename SolverContext::result_type tmp =
-                            evaluate(_solver, 
-                                     metaSMT::logic::Array::store(array_expr,
-                                                                  construct(ConstantExpr::alloc(i, root->getDomain()), 0),
-                                                                  construct(root->constantValues[i], 0)));
-                array_expr = tmp;
-            }
-        }
-        _arr_hash.hashArrayExpr(root, array_expr);
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::getInitialArray(const Array *root) {
+  assert(root);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type array_expr;
+  bool hashed = _arr_hash.lookupArrayExpr(root, array_expr);
+  if (!hashed) {
+    array_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, buildArray(root->getRange(), root->getDomain()));
+    if (root->isConstantArray()) {
+      for (unsigned i = 0, e = root->size; i != e; ++i) {
+        typename SolverContext::result_type tmp = evaluate(
+            _solver,
+            metaSMT::logic::Array::store(
+                array_expr,
+                construct(ConstantExpr::alloc(i, root->getDomain()), 0),
+                construct(root->constantValues[i], 0)));
+        array_expr = tmp;
+      }
+    _arr_hash.hashArrayExpr(root, array_expr);
+  }
-    return(array_expr);
+  return (array_expr);
-template<typename SolverContext>
-MetaSMTArray MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::buildArray(unsigned elem_width, unsigned index_width) {
-    return(metaSMT::logic::Array::new_array(elem_width, index_width));
+template <typename SolverContext>
+MetaSMTArray MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::buildArray(unsigned elem_width,
+                                                       unsigned index_width) {
+  return (metaSMT::logic::Array::new_array(elem_width, index_width));
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::getInitialRead(const Array *root, unsigned index) {
-    assert(root); 
-    assert(false);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type array_exp = getInitialArray(root);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res = evaluate(
-                        _solver,
-                        metaSMT::logic::Array::select(array_exp, bvuint(index, root->getDomain())));    
-    return(res);
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::getInitialRead(const Array *root,
+                                              unsigned index) {
+  assert(root);
+  assert(false);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type array_exp = getInitialArray(root);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res =
+      evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Array::select(
+                            array_exp, bvuint(index, root->getDomain())));
+  return (res);
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvZExtConst(unsigned width, uint64_t value) {
-template<typename SolverContext>  
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvZExtConst(unsigned width, uint64_t value) {
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res;
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res;
-    if (width <= 64) {
-        res = bvConst64(width, value);
-    }
-    else {
-        typename SolverContext::result_type expr = bvConst64(64, value);
-        typename SolverContext::result_type zero = bvConst64(64, 0);
+  if (width <= 64) {
+    res = bvConst64(width, value);
+  } else {
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr = bvConst64(64, value);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type zero = bvConst64(64, 0);
-        for (width -= 64; width > 64; width -= 64) {
-             expr = evaluate(_solver, concat(zero, expr));  
-        }
-        res = evaluate(_solver, concat(bvConst64(width, 0), expr));  
+    for (width -= 64; width > 64; width -= 64) {
+      expr = evaluate(_solver, concat(zero, expr));
+    res = evaluate(_solver, concat(bvConst64(width, 0), expr));
+  }
-    return(res); 
+  return (res);
-template<typename SolverContext>  
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvSExtConst(unsigned width, uint64_t value) {
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvSExtConst(unsigned width, uint64_t value) {
   typename SolverContext::result_type res;
   if (width <= 64) {
-      res = bvConst64(width, value); 
-  }
-  else {            
-      // ToDo Reconsider -- note differences in STP and metaSMT for sign_extend arguments
-      res = evaluate(_solver, sign_extend(width - 64, bvConst64(64, value)));		     
+    res = bvConst64(width, value);
+  } else {
+    // ToDo Reconsider -- note differences in STP and metaSMT for sign_extend
+    // arguments
+    res = evaluate(_solver, sign_extend(width - 64, bvConst64(64, value)));
-  return(res); 
+  return (res);
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvBoolExtract(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, int bit) {
-    return(evaluate(_solver,
-                    metaSMT::logic::equal(extract(bit, bit, expr),
-                                          bvOne(1))));
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr, int bit) {
+  return (evaluate(_solver,
+                   metaSMT::logic::equal(extract(bit, bit, expr), bvOne(1))));
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvExtract(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned top, unsigned bottom) {    
-    return(evaluate(_solver, extract(top, bottom, expr)));
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvExtract(
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned top, unsigned bottom) {
+  return (evaluate(_solver, extract(top, bottom, expr)));
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::eqExpr(typename SolverContext::result_type a, typename SolverContext::result_type b) {    
-    return(evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::equal(a, b)));
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::eqExpr(typename SolverContext::result_type a,
+                                      typename SolverContext::result_type b) {
+  return (evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::equal(a, b)));
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructAShrByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned amount,
-                                                                                           typename SolverContext::result_type isSigned, unsigned shiftBits) {
-    unsigned shift = amount & ((1 << shiftBits) - 1);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res;
-    if (shift == 0) {
-        res = expr;
-    }
-    else if (shift >= width) {
-        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(isSigned, bvMinusOne(width), bvZero(width)));
-    }
-    else {
-        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(isSigned,
-                                                    concat(bvMinusOne(shift), bvExtract(expr, width - 1, shift)),
-                                                    bvRightShift(expr, width, shift, shiftBits)));
-    }
-    return(res);
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned shift,
+    typename SolverContext::result_type isSigned) {
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res;
+  if (shift == 0) {
+    res = expr;
+  } else if (shift >= width) {
+    res = bvZero(width);
+  } else {
+    res = evaluate(
+        _solver,
+        metaSMT::logic::Ite(isSigned, concat(bvMinusOne(shift),
+                                             bvExtract(expr, width - 1, shift)),
+                            bvRightShift(expr, width, shift)));
+  }
+  return (res);
 // width is the width of expr; x -- number of bits to shift with
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructMulByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, uint64_t x) {
-    unsigned shiftBits = getShiftBits(width);
-    uint64_t add, sub;
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res;
-    bool first = true;
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, uint64_t x) {
-    // expr*x == expr*(add-sub) == expr*add - expr*sub
-    ComputeMultConstants64(x, add, sub);
+  uint64_t add, sub;
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res;
+  bool first = true;
-    // legal, these would overflow completely
-    add = bits64::truncateToNBits(add, width);
-    sub = bits64::truncateToNBits(sub, width);
-    for (int j = 63; j >= 0; j--) {
-        uint64_t bit = 1LL << j;
+  // expr*x == expr*(add-sub) == expr*add - expr*sub
+  ComputeMultConstants64(x, add, sub);
-        if ((add & bit) || (sub & bit)) {
-            assert(!((add & bit) && (sub & bit)) && "invalid mult constants");
+  // legal, these would overflow completely
+  add = bits64::truncateToNBits(add, width);
+  sub = bits64::truncateToNBits(sub, width);
-            typename SolverContext::result_type op = bvLeftShift(expr, width, j, shiftBits);
+  for (int j = 63; j >= 0; j--) {
+    uint64_t bit = 1LL << j;
-            if (add & bit) {
-                if (!first) {
-                    res = evaluate(_solver, bvadd(res, op));
-                } else {
-                    res = op;
-                    first = false;
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (!first) {
-                    res = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(res, op));                    
-                } else {
-                     // To reconsider: vc_bvUMinusExpr in STP
-                    res = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(bvZero(width), op));
-                    first = false;
-                }
-            }
+    if ((add & bit) || (sub & bit)) {
+      assert(!((add & bit) && (sub & bit)) && "invalid mult constants");
+      typename SolverContext::result_type op = bvLeftShift(expr, width, j);
+      if (add & bit) {
+        if (!first) {
+          res = evaluate(_solver, bvadd(res, op));
+        } else {
+          res = op;
+          first = false;
+      } else {
+        if (!first) {
+          res = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(res, op));
+        } else {
+          // To reconsider: vc_bvUMinusExpr in STP
+          res = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(bvZero(width), op));
+          first = false;
+        }
+      }
-    if (first) { 
-        res = bvZero(width);
-    }
+  }
-    return(res);
+  if (first) {
+    res = bvZero(width);
+  }
+  return (res);
- * Compute the 32-bit unsigned integer division of n by a divisor d based on 
+ * Compute the 32-bit unsigned integer division of n by a divisor d based on
  * the constants derived from the constant divisor d.
- * Returns n/d without doing explicit division.  The cost is 2 adds, 3 shifts, 
+ * Returns n/d without doing explicit division.  The cost is 2 adds, 3 shifts,
  * and a (64-bit) multiply.
  * @param expr_n numerator (dividend) n as an expression
@@ -370,36 +390,46 @@ typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructMulB
  * @return n/d without doing explicit division
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructUDivByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d) {
-    assert(width == 32 && "can only compute udiv constants for 32-bit division");
-    // Compute the constants needed to compute n/d for constant d without division by d.
-    uint32_t mprime, sh1, sh2;
-    ComputeUDivConstants32(d, mprime, sh1, sh2);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type expr_sh1 = bvConst32(32, sh1);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type expr_sh2 = bvConst32(32, sh2);
-    // t1  = MULUH(mprime, n) = ( (uint64_t)mprime * (uint64_t)n ) >> 32
-    typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n_64 = evaluate(_solver, concat(bvZero(32), expr_n)); //extend to 64 bits
-    typename SolverContext::result_type t1_64bits = constructMulByConstant(expr_n_64, 64, (uint64_t)mprime);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type t1        = bvExtract(t1_64bits, 63, 32); //upper 32 bits
-    // n/d = (((n - t1) >> sh1) + t1) >> sh2;
-    typename SolverContext::result_type n_minus_t1 = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(expr_n, t1));   
-    typename SolverContext::result_type shift_sh1  = bvVarRightShift(n_minus_t1, expr_sh1, 32);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type plus_t1    = evaluate(_solver, bvadd(shift_sh1, t1));    
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res        = bvVarRightShift(plus_t1, expr_sh2, 32);
-    return(res);
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d) {
+  assert(width == 32 && "can only compute udiv constants for 32-bit division");
+  // Compute the constants needed to compute n/d for constant d without division
+  // by d.
+  uint32_t mprime, sh1, sh2;
+  ComputeUDivConstants32(d, mprime, sh1, sh2);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type expr_sh1 = bvConst32(32, sh1);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type expr_sh2 = bvConst32(32, sh2);
+  // t1  = MULUH(mprime, n) = ( (uint64_t)mprime * (uint64_t)n ) >> 32
+  typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n_64 =
+      evaluate(_solver, concat(bvZero(32), expr_n)); // extend to 64 bits
+  typename SolverContext::result_type t1_64bits =
+      constructMulByConstant(expr_n_64, 64, (uint64_t)mprime);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type t1 =
+      bvExtract(t1_64bits, 63, 32); // upper 32 bits
+  // n/d = (((n - t1) >> sh1) + t1) >> sh2;
+  typename SolverContext::result_type n_minus_t1 =
+      evaluate(_solver, bvsub(expr_n, t1));
+  typename SolverContext::result_type shift_sh1 =
+      bvVarRightShift(n_minus_t1, expr_sh1, 32);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type plus_t1 =
+      evaluate(_solver, bvadd(shift_sh1, t1));
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res =
+      bvVarRightShift(plus_t1, expr_sh2, 32);
+  return (res);
- * Compute the 32-bitnsigned integer division of n by a divisor d based on 
+ * Compute the 32-bitnsigned integer division of n by a divisor d based on
  * the constants derived from the constant divisor d.
- * Returns n/d without doing explicit division.  The cost is 3 adds, 3 shifts, 
+ * Returns n/d without doing explicit division.  The cost is 3 adds, 3 shifts,
  * a (64-bit) multiply, and an XOR.
  * @param n      numerator (dividend) as an expression
@@ -408,519 +438,549 @@ typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructUDiv
  * @return n/d without doing explicit division
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructSDivByConstant(typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d) {
-    assert(width == 32 && "can only compute udiv constants for 32-bit division");
-    // Compute the constants needed to compute n/d for constant d w/o division by d.
-    int32_t mprime, dsign, shpost;
-    ComputeSDivConstants32(d, mprime, dsign, shpost);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type expr_dsign  = bvConst32(32, dsign);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type expr_shpost = bvConst32(32, shpost);
-    // q0 = n + MULSH( mprime, n ) = n + (( (int64_t)mprime * (int64_t)n ) >> 32)
-    int64_t mprime_64     = (int64_t)mprime;
-    // ToDo Reconsider -- note differences in STP and metaSMT for sign_extend arguments
-    typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n_64    = evaluate(_solver, sign_extend(64 - width, expr_n));    
-    typename SolverContext::result_type mult_64      = constructMulByConstant(expr_n_64, 64, mprime_64);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type mulsh        = bvExtract(mult_64, 63, 32); //upper 32-bits    
-    typename SolverContext::result_type n_plus_mulsh = evaluate(_solver, bvadd(expr_n, mulsh));
-    // Improved variable arithmetic right shift: sign extend, shift, extract.
-    typename SolverContext::result_type extend_npm   = evaluate(_solver, sign_extend(64 - width, n_plus_mulsh));    
-    typename SolverContext::result_type shift_npm    = bvVarRightShift(extend_npm, expr_shpost, 64);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type shift_shpost = bvExtract(shift_npm, 31, 0); //lower 32-bits
-    /////////////
-    // XSIGN(n) is -1 if n is negative, positive one otherwise
-    typename SolverContext::result_type is_signed    = bvBoolExtract(expr_n, 31);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type neg_one      = bvMinusOne(32);
-    typename SolverContext::result_type xsign_of_n   = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(is_signed, neg_one, bvZero(32)));    
-    // q0 = (n_plus_mulsh >> shpost) - XSIGN(n)
-    typename SolverContext::result_type q0           = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(shift_shpost, xsign_of_n));    
-    // n/d = (q0 ^ dsign) - dsign
-    typename SolverContext::result_type q0_xor_dsign = evaluate(_solver, bvxor(q0, expr_dsign));    
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res          = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(q0_xor_dsign, expr_dsign));    
-    return(res);
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n, unsigned width, uint64_t d) {
+  assert(width == 32 && "can only compute udiv constants for 32-bit division");
+  // Compute the constants needed to compute n/d for constant d w/o division by
+  // d.
+  int32_t mprime, dsign, shpost;
+  ComputeSDivConstants32(d, mprime, dsign, shpost);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type expr_dsign = bvConst32(32, dsign);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type expr_shpost = bvConst32(64, shpost);
+  // q0 = n + MULSH( mprime, n ) = n + (( (int64_t)mprime * (int64_t)n ) >> 32)
+  int64_t mprime_64 = (int64_t)mprime;
+  // ToDo Reconsider -- note differences in STP and metaSMT for sign_extend
+  // arguments
+  typename SolverContext::result_type expr_n_64 =
+      evaluate(_solver, sign_extend(64 - width, expr_n));
+  typename SolverContext::result_type mult_64 =
+      constructMulByConstant(expr_n_64, 64, mprime_64);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type mulsh =
+      bvExtract(mult_64, 63, 32); // upper 32-bits
+  typename SolverContext::result_type n_plus_mulsh =
+      evaluate(_solver, bvadd(expr_n, mulsh));
+  // Improved variable arithmetic right shift: sign extend, shift, extract.
+  typename SolverContext::result_type extend_npm =
+      evaluate(_solver, sign_extend(64 - width, n_plus_mulsh));
+  typename SolverContext::result_type shift_npm =
+      bvVarRightShift(extend_npm, expr_shpost, 64);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type shift_shpost =
+      bvExtract(shift_npm, 31, 0); // lower 32-bits
+  /////////////
+  // XSIGN(n) is -1 if n is negative, positive one otherwise
+  typename SolverContext::result_type is_signed = bvBoolExtract(expr_n, 31);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type neg_one = bvMinusOne(32);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type xsign_of_n =
+      evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(is_signed, neg_one, bvZero(32)));
+  // q0 = (n_plus_mulsh >> shpost) - XSIGN(n)
+  typename SolverContext::result_type q0 =
+      evaluate(_solver, bvsub(shift_shpost, xsign_of_n));
+  // n/d = (q0 ^ dsign) - dsign
+  typename SolverContext::result_type q0_xor_dsign =
+      evaluate(_solver, bvxor(q0, expr_dsign));
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res =
+      evaluate(_solver, bvsub(q0_xor_dsign, expr_dsign));
+  return (res);
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvLeftShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned amount, unsigned shiftBits) {
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res;    
-    unsigned shift = amount & ((1 << shiftBits) - 1);
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvLeftShift(
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned shift) {
-    if (shift == 0) {
-        res = expr;
-    }
-    else if (shift >= width) {
-        res = bvZero(width);
-    }
-    else {
-        // stp shift does "expr @ [0 x s]" which we then have to extract,
-        // rolling our own gives slightly smaller exprs
-        res = evaluate(_solver, concat(extract(width - shift - 1, 0, expr),
-                                       bvZero(shift)));
-    }
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res;
-    return(res);
+  if (shift == 0) {
+    res = expr;
+  } else if (shift >= width) {
+    res = bvZero(width);
+  } else {
+    // stp shift does "expr @ [0 x s]" which we then have to extract,
+    // rolling our own gives slightly smaller exprs
+    res = evaluate(_solver,
+                   concat(extract(width - shift - 1, 0, expr), bvZero(shift)));
+  }
+  return (res);
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned amount, unsigned shiftBits) {
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res;    
-    unsigned shift = amount & ((1 << shiftBits) - 1);
-    if (shift == 0) {
-        res = expr;
-    } 
-    else if (shift >= width) {
-        res = bvZero(width);
-    }
-    else {
-        res = evaluate(_solver, concat(bvZero(shift),
-                                       extract(width - 1, shift, expr)));        
-    }
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvRightShift(
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr, unsigned width, unsigned shift) {
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res;
+  if (shift == 0) {
+    res = expr;
+  } else if (shift >= width) {
+    res = bvZero(width);
+  } else {
+    res = evaluate(_solver,
+                   concat(bvZero(shift), extract(width - 1, shift, expr)));
+  }
-    return(res);
+  return (res);
 // left shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvVarLeftShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, typename SolverContext::result_type amount, unsigned width) {
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res =  bvZero(width);
-    int shiftBits = getShiftBits(width);
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr,
+    typename SolverContext::result_type shift, unsigned width) {
+  assert(_solver.get_bv_width(expr) == width);
+  assert(_solver.get_bv_width(shift) == width);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res = bvZero(width);
+  // construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift
+  // amount
+  for (int i = width - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+    res = evaluate(_solver,
+                   metaSMT::logic::Ite(eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(width, i)),
+                                       bvLeftShift(expr, width, i), res));
+  }
-    //get the shift amount (looking only at the bits appropriate for the given width)
-    typename SolverContext::result_type shift = evaluate(_solver, extract(shiftBits - 1, 0, amount));    
+  // If overshifting, shift to zero
+  res = evaluate(_solver,
+                 metaSMT::logic::Ite(bvult(shift, bvConst32(width, width)), res,
+                                     bvZero(width)));
-    //construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
-    for(int i = width - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits, i)),
-                                                    bvLeftShift(expr, width, i, shiftBits),
-                                                    res));
-    }
-    // If overshifting, shift to zero    
-    res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(bvult(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits, width)),
-                                                res,
-                                                bvZero(width)));                                                
-    return(res);
+  return (res);
-// logical right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvVarRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, typename SolverContext::result_type amount, unsigned width) {
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res = bvZero(width);
-    int shiftBits = getShiftBits(width);
-    //get the shift amount (looking only at the bits appropriate for the given width)
-    typename SolverContext::result_type shift = bvExtract(amount, shiftBits - 1, 0);
-    //construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
-    for (int i = width - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits, i)),
-                                                    bvRightShift(expr, width, i, shiftBits),
-                                                    res));
-         // ToDo Reconsider widht to provide to bvRightShift
-    }
-    // If overshifting, shift to zero
-    res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(bvult(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits, width)),
-                                                res,
-                                                bvZero(width)));                                                
+// logical right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified
+// width
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr,
+    typename SolverContext::result_type shift, unsigned width) {
+  assert(_solver.get_bv_width(expr) == width);
+  assert(_solver.get_bv_width(shift) == width);
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res = bvZero(width);
+  // construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift
+  // amount
+  for (int i = width - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+    res = evaluate(_solver,
+                   metaSMT::logic::Ite(eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(width, i)),
+                                       bvRightShift(expr, width, i), res));
+    // ToDo Reconsider widht to provide to bvRightShift
+  }
+  // If overshifting, shift to zero
+  res = evaluate(_solver,
+                 metaSMT::logic::Ite(bvult(shift, bvConst32(width, width)), res,
+                                     bvZero(width)));
-    return(res);
+  return (res);
-// arithmetic right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::bvVarArithRightShift(typename SolverContext::result_type expr, typename SolverContext::result_type amount, unsigned width) {
-    int shiftBits = getShiftBits(width);
+// arithmetic right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified
+// width
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+    typename SolverContext::result_type expr,
+    typename SolverContext::result_type shift, unsigned width) {
+  assert(_solver.get_bv_width(expr) == width);
+  assert(_solver.get_bv_width(shift) == width);
+  // get the sign bit to fill with
+  typename SolverContext::result_type signedBool =
+      bvBoolExtract(expr, width - 1);
+  // start with the result if shifting by width-1
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res =
+      constructAShrByConstant(expr, width, width - 1, signedBool);
+  // construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift
+  // amount
+  // XXX more efficient to move the ite on the sign outside all exprs?
+  // XXX more efficient to sign extend, right shift, then extract lower bits?
+  for (int i = width - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+    res = evaluate(
+        _solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(
+                     eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(width, i)),
+                     constructAShrByConstant(expr, width, i, signedBool), res));
+  }
-    //get the shift amount (looking only at the bits appropriate for the given width)
-    typename SolverContext::result_type shift = bvExtract(amount, shiftBits - 1, 0);
-    //get the sign bit to fill with
-    typename SolverContext::result_type signedBool = bvBoolExtract(expr, width - 1);
-    //start with the result if shifting by width-1
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res =  constructAShrByConstant(expr, width, width - 1, signedBool, shiftBits);
-    // construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
-    // XXX more efficient to move the ite on the sign outside all exprs?
-    // XXX more efficient to sign extend, right shift, then extract lower bits?
-    for (int i = width - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
-        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits,i)),
-                                                    constructAShrByConstant(expr, width, i, signedBool, shiftBits),
-                                                    res));
-    }
-    // If overshifting, shift to zero
-    res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(bvult(shift, bvConst32(shiftBits, width)),
-                                                res,
-                                                bvZero(width)));      
+  // If overshifting, shift to zero
+  res = evaluate(_solver,
+                 metaSMT::logic::Ite(bvult(shift, bvConst32(width, width)), res,
+                                     bvZero(width)));
-    return(res);
+  return (res);
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::construct(ref<Expr> e) {
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res = construct(e, 0);
-    _constructed.clear();
-    return res;
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::construct(ref<Expr> e) {
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res = construct(e, 0);
+  _constructed.clear();
+  return res;
 /** if *width_out!=1 then result is a bitvector,
     otherwise it is a bool */
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::construct(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out) {
-    if (!UseConstructHashMetaSMT || isa<ConstantExpr>(e)) {
-        return(constructActual(e, width_out));
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::construct(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out) {
+  if (!UseConstructHashMetaSMT || isa<ConstantExpr>(e)) {
+    return (constructActual(e, width_out));
+  } else {
+    MetaSMTExprHashMapIter it = _constructed.find(e);
+    if (it != _constructed.end()) {
+      if (width_out) {
+        *width_out = it->second.second;
+      }
+      return it->second.first;
     } else {
-        MetaSMTExprHashMapIter it = _constructed.find(e);
-        if (it != _constructed.end()) {
-            if (width_out) {
-                *width_out = it->second.second;
-            }
-            return it->second.first;
-        } else {
-            int width = 0;
-            if (!width_out) {
-                 width_out = &width;
-            }
-            typename SolverContext::result_type res = constructActual(e, width_out);
-            _constructed.insert(std::make_pair(e, std::make_pair(res, *width_out)));
-            return res;
-        }
+      int width = 0;
+      if (!width_out) {
+        width_out = &width;
+      }
+      typename SolverContext::result_type res = constructActual(e, width_out);
+      _constructed.insert(std::make_pair(e, std::make_pair(res, *width_out)));
+      return res;
+  }
-template<typename SolverContext>
-typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructActual(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out)  {
+template <typename SolverContext>
+typename SolverContext::result_type
+MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructActual(ref<Expr> e, int *width_out) {
-    typename SolverContext::result_type res;
-    int width = 0;
-    if (!width_out) { 
-        // assert(false);
-        width_out = &width;
+  typename SolverContext::result_type res;
+  int width = 0;
+  if (!width_out) {
+    // assert(false);
+    width_out = &width;
+  }
+  ++stats::queryConstructs;
+  //     llvm::errs() << "Constructing expression ";
+  //     ExprPPrinter::printSingleExpr(llvm::errs(), e);
+  //     llvm::errs() << "\n";
+  switch (e->getKind()) {
+  case Expr::Constant: {
+    ConstantExpr *coe = cast<ConstantExpr>(e);
+    assert(coe);
+    unsigned coe_width = coe->getWidth();
+    *width_out = coe_width;
+    // Coerce to bool if necessary.
+    if (coe_width == 1) {
+      res = (coe->isTrue()) ? getTrue() : getFalse();
+    } else if (coe_width <= 32) {
+      res = bvConst32(coe_width, coe->getZExtValue(32));
+    } else if (coe_width <= 64) {
+      res = bvConst64(coe_width, coe->getZExtValue());
+    } else {
+      ref<ConstantExpr> tmp = coe;
+      res = bvConst64(64, tmp->Extract(0, 64)->getZExtValue());
+      while (tmp->getWidth() > 64) {
+        tmp = tmp->Extract(64, tmp->getWidth() - 64);
+        unsigned min_width = std::min(64U, tmp->getWidth());
+        res = evaluate(_solver,
+                       concat(bvConst64(min_width, tmp->Extract(0, min_width)
+                                                       ->getZExtValue()),
+                              res));
+      }
-    ++stats::queryConstructs;
-//     llvm::errs() << "Constructing expression ";
-//     ExprPPrinter::printSingleExpr(llvm::errs(), e);
-//     llvm::errs() << "\n";
-    switch (e->getKind()) {
-        case Expr::Constant:
-        {
-            ConstantExpr *coe = cast<ConstantExpr>(e);
-            assert(coe);
-            unsigned coe_width = coe->getWidth();
-            *width_out = coe_width;
-            // Coerce to bool if necessary.
-            if (coe_width == 1) {
-                res = (coe->isTrue()) ? getTrue() : getFalse();
-            }
-            else if (coe_width <= 32) {
-                 res = bvConst32(coe_width, coe->getZExtValue(32));
-            }
-            else if (coe_width <= 64) {
-                 res = bvConst64(coe_width, coe->getZExtValue());
-            }
-            else {
-                 ref<ConstantExpr> tmp = coe;
-                 res = bvConst64(64, tmp->Extract(0, 64)->getZExtValue());
-                 while (tmp->getWidth() > 64) {
-                     tmp = tmp->Extract(64, tmp->getWidth() -  64);
-                     unsigned min_width = std::min(64U, tmp->getWidth());
-                     res = evaluate(_solver,
-                                    concat(bvConst64(min_width, tmp->Extract(0, min_width)->getZExtValue()),
-                                           res));
-                 }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
+    break;
+  }
-        case Expr::NotOptimized:
-        { 
-            NotOptimizedExpr *noe = cast<NotOptimizedExpr>(e);
-            assert(noe);
-            res = construct(noe->src, width_out);
-            break;
-        }
-        case Expr::Select: 
-        {
-            SelectExpr *se = cast<SelectExpr>(e);
-            assert(se);
-            res = evaluate(_solver, 
-                           metaSMT::logic::Ite(construct(se->cond, 0), 
-                                               construct(se->trueExpr, width_out),
-                                               construct(se->falseExpr, width_out)));
-            break;
-        }
+  case Expr::NotOptimized: {
+    NotOptimizedExpr *noe = cast<NotOptimizedExpr>(e);
+    assert(noe);
+    res = construct(noe->src, width_out);
+    break;
+  }
-        case Expr::Read:
-        {
-            ReadExpr *re = cast<ReadExpr>(e);
-            assert(re && re->updates.root);
-            *width_out = re->updates.root->getRange();
-            // FixMe call method of Array
-            res = evaluate(_solver, 
-                           metaSMT::logic::Array::select(
-                                  getArrayForUpdate(re->updates.root, re->updates.head),
-                                  construct(re->index, 0)));
-            break;
-        }
+  case Expr::Select: {
+    SelectExpr *se = cast<SelectExpr>(e);
+    assert(se);
+    res = evaluate(_solver,
+                   metaSMT::logic::Ite(construct(se->cond, 0),
+                                       construct(se->trueExpr, width_out),
+                                       construct(se->falseExpr, width_out)));
+    break;
+  }
-        case Expr::Concat:
-        {
-            ConcatExpr *ce = cast<ConcatExpr>(e);
-            assert(ce);
-            *width_out = ce->getWidth();
-            unsigned numKids = ce->getNumKids();
-            if (numKids > 0) {
-                res = evaluate(_solver, construct(ce->getKid(numKids-1), 0));
-                for (int i = numKids - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
-                    res = evaluate(_solver, concat(construct(ce->getKid(i), 0), res));
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
+  case Expr::Read: {
+    ReadExpr *re = cast<ReadExpr>(e);
+    assert(re && re->updates.root);
+    *width_out = re->updates.root->getRange();
+    // FixMe call method of Array
+    res = evaluate(_solver,
+                   metaSMT::logic::Array::select(
+                       getArrayForUpdate(re->updates.root, re->updates.head),
+                       construct(re->index, 0)));
+    break;
+  }
-        case Expr::Extract:
-        {
-            ExtractExpr *ee = cast<ExtractExpr>(e);
-            assert(ee);
-            // ToDo spare evaluate?
-            typename SolverContext::result_type child = evaluate(_solver, construct(ee->expr, width_out));
+  case Expr::Concat: {
+    ConcatExpr *ce = cast<ConcatExpr>(e);
+    assert(ce);
+    *width_out = ce->getWidth();
+    unsigned numKids = ce->getNumKids();
+    if (numKids > 0) {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, construct(ce->getKid(numKids - 1), 0));
+      for (int i = numKids - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+        res = evaluate(_solver, concat(construct(ce->getKid(i), 0), res));
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  }
-            unsigned ee_width = ee->getWidth();
-            *width_out = ee_width;
+  case Expr::Extract: {
+    ExtractExpr *ee = cast<ExtractExpr>(e);
+    assert(ee);
+    // ToDo spare evaluate?
+    typename SolverContext::result_type child =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ee->expr, width_out));
-            if (ee_width == 1) {
-                res = bvBoolExtract(child, ee->offset);
-            }
-            else {
-                res = evaluate(_solver,
-                               extract(ee->offset + ee_width - 1, ee->offset, child));
-            }
-            break;
-        }
+    unsigned ee_width = ee->getWidth();
+    *width_out = ee_width;
-        case Expr::ZExt:
-        {
-            CastExpr *ce = cast<CastExpr>(e);
-            assert(ce);
+    if (ee_width == 1) {
+      res = bvBoolExtract(child, ee->offset);
+    } else {
+      res = evaluate(_solver,
+                     extract(ee->offset + ee_width - 1, ee->offset, child));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
-            int child_width = 0;
-            typename SolverContext::result_type child = evaluate(_solver, construct(ce->src, &child_width));
+  case Expr::ZExt: {
+    CastExpr *ce = cast<CastExpr>(e);
+    assert(ce);
-            unsigned ce_width = ce->getWidth();
-            *width_out = ce_width;
+    int child_width = 0;
+    typename SolverContext::result_type child =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ce->src, &child_width));
-            if (child_width == 1) {
-                res = evaluate(_solver, 
-                               metaSMT::logic::Ite(child, bvOne(ce_width), bvZero(ce_width)));			                       
-            }
-            else {
-                res = evaluate(_solver, zero_extend(ce_width - child_width, child));
-            }
+    unsigned ce_width = ce->getWidth();
+    *width_out = ce_width;
-            // ToDo calculate how many zeros to add
-            // Note: STP and metaSMT differ in the prototype arguments;
-            // STP requires the width of the resulting bv;
-            // whereas metaSMT (and Z3) require the width of the zero vector that is to be appended
-            // res = evaluate(_solver, zero_extend(ce_width, construct(ce->src)));
-            break;	  
-        }
-        case Expr::SExt:
-        {
-            CastExpr *ce = cast<CastExpr>(e);
-            assert(ce);
-            int child_width = 0;
-            typename SolverContext::result_type child = evaluate(_solver, construct(ce->src, &child_width));
-            unsigned ce_width = ce->getWidth();
-            *width_out = ce_width;
-            if (child_width == 1) {
-                res = evaluate(_solver, 
-                               metaSMT::logic::Ite(child, bvMinusOne(ce_width), bvZero(ce_width)));
-            }
-            else {
-                // ToDo ce_width - child_width? It is only ce_width in STPBuilder
-                res = evaluate(_solver, sign_extend(ce_width - child_width, child));
-            }
+    if (child_width == 1) {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(child, bvOne(ce_width),
+                                                  bvZero(ce_width)));
+    } else {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, zero_extend(ce_width - child_width, child));
+    }
-            break;
-        }
-        case Expr::Add:
-        {
-            AddExpr *ae = cast<AddExpr>(e);
-            assert(ae);	    
-            res = evaluate(_solver, bvadd(construct(ae->left, width_out), construct(ae->right, width_out)));
-            assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized add");
-            break;	  
-        }  
-        case Expr::Sub:  
-        {
-            SubExpr *se = cast<SubExpr>(e);
-            assert(se);	    
-            res = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(construct(se->left, width_out), construct(se->right, width_out))); 
-            assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized sub");
-            break;	  
-        }  
-        case Expr::Mul:
-        { 
-            MulExpr *me = cast<MulExpr>(e);
-            assert(me);
-            typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(me->right, width_out));
-            assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized mul");
-            ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(me->left);
-            if (CE && (CE->getWidth() <= 64)) {	        		
-                res = constructMulByConstant(right_expr, *width_out, CE->getZExtValue());		
-            }
-            else {
-                res = evaluate(_solver, bvmul(construct(me->left, width_out), right_expr));	     
-            }
-            break;
-        }
+    // ToDo calculate how many zeros to add
+    // Note: STP and metaSMT differ in the prototype arguments;
+    // STP requires the width of the resulting bv;
+    // whereas metaSMT (and Z3) require the width of the zero vector that is to
+    // be appended
+    // res = evaluate(_solver, zero_extend(ce_width, construct(ce->src)));
-        case Expr::UDiv:
-        {
-            UDivExpr *de = cast<UDivExpr>(e);
-            assert(de);
-            typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = construct(de->left, width_out);
-            assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized udiv");
-            bool construct_both = true;
-            ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(de->right);
-            if (CE && (CE->getWidth() <= 64)) {
-                uint64_t divisor = CE->getZExtValue();
-                if (bits64::isPowerOfTwo(divisor)) {
-                    res = bvRightShift(left_expr, *width_out, bits64::indexOfSingleBit(divisor), getShiftBits(*width_out));
-                    construct_both = false;
-                }
-                else if (_optimizeDivides) {
-                    if (*width_out == 32) { //only works for 32-bit division
-                        res = constructUDivByConstant(left_expr, *width_out, (uint32_t) divisor);
-                        construct_both = false;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
+    break;
+  }
-            if (construct_both) {	    
-                res = evaluate(_solver, bvudiv(left_expr, construct(de->right, width_out))); 
-            }
-            break;
-        }
+  case Expr::SExt: {
+    CastExpr *ce = cast<CastExpr>(e);
+    assert(ce);
-        case Expr::SDiv:
-        {
-            SDivExpr *de = cast<SDivExpr>(e);
-            assert(de);
+    int child_width = 0;
+    typename SolverContext::result_type child =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ce->src, &child_width));
-            typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = construct(de->left, width_out);
-            assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized sdiv");
+    unsigned ce_width = ce->getWidth();
+    *width_out = ce_width;
-            ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(de->right);
-            if (CE && _optimizeDivides && (*width_out == 32)) {
-                res = constructSDivByConstant(left_expr, *width_out, CE->getZExtValue(32));
-            }
-            else {
-                res = evaluate(_solver, bvsdiv(left_expr, construct(de->right, width_out))); 
-            }
-            break;
+    if (child_width == 1) {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Ite(child, bvMinusOne(ce_width),
+                                                  bvZero(ce_width)));
+    } else {
+      // ToDo ce_width - child_width? It is only ce_width in STPBuilder
+      res = evaluate(_solver, sign_extend(ce_width - child_width, child));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Add: {
+    AddExpr *ae = cast<AddExpr>(e);
+    assert(ae);
+    res = evaluate(_solver, bvadd(construct(ae->left, width_out),
+                                  construct(ae->right, width_out)));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized add");
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Sub: {
+    SubExpr *se = cast<SubExpr>(e);
+    assert(se);
+    res = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(construct(se->left, width_out),
+                                  construct(se->right, width_out)));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized sub");
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Mul: {
+    MulExpr *me = cast<MulExpr>(e);
+    assert(me);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(me->right, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized mul");
+    ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(me->left);
+    if (CE && (CE->getWidth() <= 64)) {
+      res = constructMulByConstant(right_expr, *width_out, CE->getZExtValue());
+    } else {
+      res =
+          evaluate(_solver, bvmul(construct(me->left, width_out), right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::UDiv: {
+    UDivExpr *de = cast<UDivExpr>(e);
+    assert(de);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        construct(de->left, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized udiv");
+    bool construct_both = true;
+    ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(de->right);
+    if (CE && (CE->getWidth() <= 64)) {
+      uint64_t divisor = CE->getZExtValue();
+      if (bits64::isPowerOfTwo(divisor)) {
+        res = bvRightShift(left_expr, *width_out,
+                           bits64::indexOfSingleBit(divisor));
+        construct_both = false;
+      } else if (_optimizeDivides) {
+        if (*width_out == 32) { // only works for 32-bit division
+          res =
+              constructUDivByConstant(left_expr, *width_out, (uint32_t)divisor);
+          construct_both = false;
+      }
+    }
-        case Expr::URem:
-        {
-            URemExpr *de = cast<URemExpr>(e);
-            assert(de);
+    if (construct_both) {
+      res =
+          evaluate(_solver, bvudiv(left_expr, construct(de->right, width_out)));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
-            typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = construct(de->left, width_out);
-            assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized urem");
-            bool construct_both = true;
-            ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(de->right);
-            if (CE && (CE->getWidth() <= 64)) {
-                uint64_t divisor = CE->getZExtValue();
-                if (bits64::isPowerOfTwo(divisor)) {
-                    unsigned bits = bits64::indexOfSingleBit(divisor);		  
-                    // special case for modding by 1 or else we bvExtract -1:0
-                    if (bits == 0) {
-                        res = bvZero(*width_out);
-                        construct_both = false;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        res = evaluate(_solver, concat(bvZero(*width_out - bits), 
-                                                       bvExtract(left_expr, bits - 1, 0)));
-                        construct_both = false;
-                    }
-                }
+  case Expr::SDiv: {
+    SDivExpr *de = cast<SDivExpr>(e);
+    assert(de);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        construct(de->left, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized sdiv");
+    bool optimized = false;
+    ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(de->right);
+    if (CE && _optimizeDivides && (*width_out == 32)) {
+      llvm::APInt divisor = CE->getAPValue();
+      if (divisor != llvm::APInt(CE->getWidth(), 1, false /*unsigned*/) &&
+          divisor != llvm::APInt(CE->getWidth(), -1, true /*signed*/)) {
+        res = constructSDivByConstant(left_expr, *width_out,
+                                      CE->getZExtValue(32));
+        optimized = true;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!optimized) {
+      res =
+          evaluate(_solver, bvsdiv(left_expr, construct(de->right, width_out)));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
-                // Use fast division to compute modulo without explicit division for constant divisor.
-                if (_optimizeDivides && *width_out == 32) { //only works for 32-bit division
-                    typename SolverContext::result_type quotient = constructUDivByConstant(left_expr, *width_out, (uint32_t) divisor);
-                    typename SolverContext::result_type quot_times_divisor = constructMulByConstant(quotient, *width_out, divisor);
-                    res = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(left_expr, quot_times_divisor));                    
-                    construct_both = false;
-                }
-            }
-            if (construct_both) {
-                res = evaluate(_solver, bvurem(left_expr, construct(de->right, width_out)));	      
-            }
-            break;  
+  case Expr::URem: {
+    URemExpr *de = cast<URemExpr>(e);
+    assert(de);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        construct(de->left, width_out);
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized urem");
+    bool construct_both = true;
+    ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(de->right);
+    if (CE && (CE->getWidth() <= 64)) {
+      uint64_t divisor = CE->getZExtValue();
+      if (bits64::isPowerOfTwo(divisor)) {
+        unsigned bits = bits64::indexOfSingleBit(divisor);
+        // special case for modding by 1 or else we bvExtract -1:0
+        if (bits == 0) {
+          res = bvZero(*width_out);
+          construct_both = false;
+        } else {
+          res = evaluate(_solver, concat(bvZero(*width_out - bits),
+                                         bvExtract(left_expr, bits - 1, 0)));
+          construct_both = false;
+      }
+      // Use fast division to compute modulo without explicit division for
+      // constant divisor.
+      if (_optimizeDivides &&
+          *width_out == 32) { // only works for 32-bit division
+        typename SolverContext::result_type quotient =
+            constructUDivByConstant(left_expr, *width_out, (uint32_t)divisor);
+        typename SolverContext::result_type quot_times_divisor =
+            constructMulByConstant(quotient, *width_out, divisor);
+        res = evaluate(_solver, bvsub(left_expr, quot_times_divisor));
+        construct_both = false;
+      }
+    }
-        case Expr::SRem:
-        {
-            SRemExpr *de = cast<SRemExpr>(e);
-            assert(de);
-            typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(de->left, width_out));
-            typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(de->right, width_out));
-            assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized srem");
-            bool construct_both = true;
-#if 0 //not faster per first benchmark
+    if (construct_both) {
+      res =
+          evaluate(_solver, bvurem(left_expr, construct(de->right, width_out)));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::SRem: {
+    SRemExpr *de = cast<SRemExpr>(e);
+    assert(de);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(de->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(de->right, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized srem");
+    bool construct_both = true;
+#if 0 // not faster per first benchmark
             if (_optimizeDivides) {
                 if (ConstantExpr *cre = de->right->asConstant()) {
@@ -935,257 +995,259 @@ typename SolverContext::result_type MetaSMTBuilder<SolverContext>::constructActu
-            if (construct_both) {     
-                res = evaluate(_solver, bvsrem(left_expr, right_expr));
-            }
-            break;
-        }
+    if (construct_both) {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, bvsrem(left_expr, right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
-        case Expr::Not:
-        {
-            NotExpr *ne = cast<NotExpr>(e);
-            assert(ne);
-            typename SolverContext::result_type child = evaluate(_solver, construct(ne->expr, width_out));
-            if (*width_out == 1) {
-                res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Not(child));
-            }
-            else {                
-                res = evaluate(_solver, bvnot(child));
-            }    
-            break;	  
-        }
-        case Expr::And:
-        {
-            AndExpr *ae = cast<AndExpr>(e);
-	    assert(ae);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ae->left, width_out));
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ae->right, width_out));
-	    if (*width_out == 1) {
-	        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::And(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    }
-	    else {
-	        res = evaluate(_solver, bvand(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    }
-	    break;	  
-	}
-	case Expr::Or:
-	{
-	    OrExpr *oe = cast<OrExpr>(e);
-	    assert(oe);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(oe->left, width_out));
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(oe->right, width_out));
-	    if (*width_out == 1) {
-	        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Or(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    }
-	    else {
-	        res = evaluate(_solver, bvor(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    }
-	    break;	  
-	}
-	case Expr::Xor:
-	{
-	    XorExpr *xe = cast<XorExpr>(e);
-	    assert(xe);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(xe->left, width_out));
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(xe->right, width_out));
-	    if (*width_out == 1) {
-	        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Xor(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    }
-	    else {
-	        res = evaluate(_solver, bvxor(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    }
-	    break;	  
-	}
-	case Expr::Shl:  
-	{	    
-	    ShlExpr *se = cast<ShlExpr>(e);
-	    assert(se);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(se->left, width_out));
-	    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized shl");
-	    if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(se->right)) {
-	        res =  bvLeftShift(left_expr, *width_out, (unsigned) CE->getLimitedValue(), getShiftBits(*width_out));
-            }
-            else {
-                int shiftWidth = 0;
-		typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(se->right, &shiftWidth));
-		res = mimic_stp ? bvVarLeftShift(left_expr, right_expr, *width_out) : 
-		                  evaluate(_solver, bvshl(left_expr, right_expr));	      
-	    }    
-	    break;	  
-	}
-	case Expr::LShr:
-	{
-	    LShrExpr *lse = cast<LShrExpr>(e);
-	    assert(lse);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(lse->left, width_out));	    
-	    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized lshr");
-	    if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(lse->right)) {
-	        res =  bvRightShift(left_expr, *width_out, (unsigned) CE->getLimitedValue(), getShiftBits(*width_out));
-	    }
-	    else {
-                int shiftWidth = 0;
-		typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(lse->right, &shiftWidth));
-		res = mimic_stp ? bvVarRightShift(left_expr, right_expr, *width_out) :
-				  evaluate(_solver, bvshr(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    }
-	    break;	  
-	}
-	case Expr::AShr:  
-	{
-	    AShrExpr *ase = cast<AShrExpr>(e);
-	    assert(ase);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ase->left, width_out));	    
-	    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized ashr");
-	    if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(ase->right)) {
-	        unsigned shift = (unsigned) CE->getLimitedValue();
-                typename SolverContext::result_type signedBool = bvBoolExtract(left_expr, *width_out - 1);
-		res = constructAShrByConstant(left_expr, *width_out, shift, signedBool, getShiftBits(*width_out));	      
-	    }
-	    else {
-                int shiftWidth = 0;
-		typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ase->right, &shiftWidth));
-		res = mimic_stp ? bvVarArithRightShift(left_expr, right_expr, *width_out) :
-		                  evaluate(_solver, bvashr(left_expr, right_expr)); 
-	    }    
-	    break;	  
-	}
-	case Expr::Eq: 
-	{
-	     EqExpr *ee = cast<EqExpr>(e);
-	     assert(ee);
-    	     typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ee->left, width_out));
-	     typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ee->right, width_out));
-	     if (*width_out==1) {
-	         if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(ee->left)) {
-		     if (CE->isTrue()) {
-		         res = right_expr;  
-		     }
-		     else {
-		         res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Not(right_expr));
-		     }
-		 }
-		 else {
-		     res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::equal(left_expr, right_expr));
-		 }
-	     } // end of *width_out == 1
-	     else {
-	         *width_out = 1;
-	         res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::equal(left_expr, right_expr));
-	     }
-	     break;
-	}
-	case Expr::Ult:
-	{
-	    UltExpr *ue = cast<UltExpr>(e);
-	    assert(ue);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ue->left, width_out));
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ue->right, width_out));	    
-	    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized ult");
-	    *width_out = 1;    
-	    res = evaluate(_solver, bvult(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    break;	  
-	}
-	case Expr::Ule:
-	{
-	    UleExpr *ue = cast<UleExpr>(e);
-	    assert(ue);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ue->left, width_out));
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(ue->right, width_out));	
-	    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized ule");
-	    *width_out = 1;    
-	    res = evaluate(_solver, bvule(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    break;	  
-	}
-	case Expr::Slt:
-	{
-	    SltExpr *se = cast<SltExpr>(e);
-	    assert(se);
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(se->left, width_out));
-	    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(se->right, width_out));	
-	    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized slt");
-	    *width_out = 1;
-	    res = evaluate(_solver, bvslt(left_expr, right_expr));
-	    break;	  
-	}
-        case Expr::Sle:
-        {
-            SleExpr *se = cast<SleExpr>(e);
-            assert(se);
-            typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(se->left, width_out));
-            typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr = evaluate(_solver, construct(se->right, width_out));	
-            assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized sle");
-            *width_out = 1;    
-            res = evaluate(_solver, bvsle(left_expr, right_expr));
-            break;	  
+  case Expr::Not: {
+    NotExpr *ne = cast<NotExpr>(e);
+    assert(ne);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type child =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ne->expr, width_out));
+    if (*width_out == 1) {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Not(child));
+    } else {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, bvnot(child));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::And: {
+    AndExpr *ae = cast<AndExpr>(e);
+    assert(ae);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ae->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ae->right, width_out));
+    if (*width_out == 1) {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::And(left_expr, right_expr));
+    } else {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, bvand(left_expr, right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Or: {
+    OrExpr *oe = cast<OrExpr>(e);
+    assert(oe);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(oe->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(oe->right, width_out));
+    if (*width_out == 1) {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Or(left_expr, right_expr));
+    } else {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, bvor(left_expr, right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Xor: {
+    XorExpr *xe = cast<XorExpr>(e);
+    assert(xe);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(xe->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(xe->right, width_out));
+    if (*width_out == 1) {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Xor(left_expr, right_expr));
+    } else {
+      res = evaluate(_solver, bvxor(left_expr, right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Shl: {
+    ShlExpr *se = cast<ShlExpr>(e);
+    assert(se);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(se->left, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized shl");
+    if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(se->right)) {
+      res = bvLeftShift(left_expr, *width_out, (unsigned)CE->getLimitedValue());
+    } else {
+      int shiftWidth = 0;
+      typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+          evaluate(_solver, construct(se->right, &shiftWidth));
+      res = mimic_stp ? bvVarLeftShift(left_expr, right_expr, *width_out)
+                      : evaluate(_solver, bvshl(left_expr, right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::LShr: {
+    LShrExpr *lse = cast<LShrExpr>(e);
+    assert(lse);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(lse->left, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized lshr");
+    if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(lse->right)) {
+      res =
+          bvRightShift(left_expr, *width_out, (unsigned)CE->getLimitedValue());
+    } else {
+      int shiftWidth = 0;
+      typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+          evaluate(_solver, construct(lse->right, &shiftWidth));
+      res = mimic_stp ? bvVarRightShift(left_expr, right_expr, *width_out)
+                      : evaluate(_solver, bvshr(left_expr, right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::AShr: {
+    AShrExpr *ase = cast<AShrExpr>(e);
+    assert(ase);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ase->left, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized ashr");
+    if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(ase->right)) {
+      unsigned shift = (unsigned)CE->getLimitedValue();
+      typename SolverContext::result_type signedBool =
+          bvBoolExtract(left_expr, *width_out - 1);
+      res = constructAShrByConstant(left_expr, *width_out, shift, signedBool);
+    } else {
+      int shiftWidth = 0;
+      typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+          evaluate(_solver, construct(ase->right, &shiftWidth));
+      res = mimic_stp ? bvVarArithRightShift(left_expr, right_expr, *width_out)
+                      : evaluate(_solver, bvashr(left_expr, right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Eq: {
+    EqExpr *ee = cast<EqExpr>(e);
+    assert(ee);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ee->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ee->right, width_out));
+    if (*width_out == 1) {
+      if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(ee->left)) {
+        if (CE->isTrue()) {
+          res = right_expr;
+        } else {
+          res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::Not(right_expr));
-        // unused due to canonicalization
+      } else {
+        res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::equal(left_expr, right_expr));
+      }
+    } // end of *width_out == 1
+    else {
+      *width_out = 1;
+      res = evaluate(_solver, metaSMT::logic::equal(left_expr, right_expr));
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Ult: {
+    UltExpr *ue = cast<UltExpr>(e);
+    assert(ue);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ue->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ue->right, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized ult");
+    *width_out = 1;
+    res = evaluate(_solver, bvult(left_expr, right_expr));
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Ule: {
+    UleExpr *ue = cast<UleExpr>(e);
+    assert(ue);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ue->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(ue->right, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized ule");
+    *width_out = 1;
+    res = evaluate(_solver, bvule(left_expr, right_expr));
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Slt: {
+    SltExpr *se = cast<SltExpr>(e);
+    assert(se);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(se->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(se->right, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized slt");
+    *width_out = 1;
+    res = evaluate(_solver, bvslt(left_expr, right_expr));
+    break;
+  }
+  case Expr::Sle: {
+    SleExpr *se = cast<SleExpr>(e);
+    assert(se);
+    typename SolverContext::result_type left_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(se->left, width_out));
+    typename SolverContext::result_type right_expr =
+        evaluate(_solver, construct(se->right, width_out));
+    assert(*width_out != 1 && "uncanonicalized sle");
+    *width_out = 1;
+    res = evaluate(_solver, bvsle(left_expr, right_expr));
+    break;
+  }
+// unused due to canonicalization
 #if 0
         case Expr::Ne:
         case Expr::Ugt:
         case Expr::Uge:
         case Expr::Sgt:
         case Expr::Sge:
-        default:
-             assert(false);
-             break;      
-    };
-    return res;
+  default:
+    assert(false);
+    break;
+  };
+  return res;
-}  /* end of namespace klee */
+} /* end of namespace klee */
 #endif /* ENABLE_METASMT */
diff --git a/lib/Solver/MetaSMTSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/MetaSMTSolver.cpp
index c4f6a5d0..411c07b1 100644
--- a/lib/Solver/MetaSMTSolver.cpp
+++ b/lib/Solver/MetaSMTSolver.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "MetaSMTBuilder.h"
 #include "klee/Constraints.h"
+#include "klee/Internal/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
 #include "klee/Solver.h"
 #include "klee/SolverImpl.h"
 #include "klee/util/Assignment.h"
@@ -19,11 +20,15 @@
 #include <metaSMT/DirectSolver_Context.hpp>
 #include <metaSMT/backend/Z3_Backend.hpp>
 #include <metaSMT/backend/Boolector.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/backend/MiniSAT.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/support/run_algorithm.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/API/Stack.hpp>
-#include <metaSMT/API/Group.hpp>
+#define Expr VCExpr
+#define Type VCType
+#define STP STP_Backend
+#include <metaSMT/backend/STP.hpp>
+#undef Expr
+#undef Type
+#undef STP
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <signal.h>
@@ -277,7 +282,7 @@ MetaSMTSolverImpl<SolverContext>::runAndGetCexForked(
   int pid = fork();
   if (pid == -1) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "error: fork failed (for metaSMT)");
+    klee_warning("fork failed (for metaSMT)");
     return (SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_FORK_FAILED);
@@ -384,7 +389,7 @@ MetaSMTSolverImpl<SolverContext>::runAndGetCexForked(
     } while (res < 0 && errno == EINTR);
     if (res < 0) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "error: waitpid() for metaSMT failed");
+      klee_warning("waitpid() for metaSMT failed");
       return (SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_WAITPID_FAILED);
@@ -404,10 +409,10 @@ MetaSMTSolverImpl<SolverContext>::runAndGetCexForked(
     } else if (exitcode == 1) {
       hasSolution = false;
     } else if (exitcode == 52) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "error: metaSMT timed out");
+      klee_warning("metaSMT timed out");
       return (SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_TIMEOUT);
     } else {
-      fprintf(stderr, "error: metaSMT did not return a recognized code");
+      klee_warning("metaSMT did not return a recognized code");
diff --git a/lib/Solver/QueryLoggingSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/QueryLoggingSolver.cpp
index f93bec3c..a858a7d7 100644
--- a/lib/Solver/QueryLoggingSolver.cpp
+++ b/lib/Solver/QueryLoggingSolver.cpp
@@ -7,8 +7,13 @@
 #include "QueryLoggingSolver.h"
+#include "klee/Config/config.h"
 #include "klee/Internal/System/Time.h"
 #include "klee/Statistics.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+#include "klee/Internal/Support/CompressionStream.h"
+#include "klee/Internal/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
@@ -20,30 +25,50 @@ namespace {
 llvm::cl::opt<bool> DumpPartialQueryiesEarly(
     "log-partial-queries-early", llvm::cl::init(false),
     llvm::cl::desc("Log queries before calling the solver (default=off)"));
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+llvm::cl::opt<bool> CreateCompressedQueryLog(
+    "compress-query-log", llvm::cl::init(false),
+    llvm::cl::desc("Compress query log files (default=off)"));
 QueryLoggingSolver::QueryLoggingSolver(Solver *_solver, std::string path,
                                        const std::string &commentSign,
                                        int queryTimeToLog)
-    : solver(_solver),
+    : solver(_solver), os(0), BufferString(""), logBuffer(BufferString),
+      queryCount(0), minQueryTimeToLog(queryTimeToLog), startTime(0.0f),
+      lastQueryTime(0.0f), queryCommentSign(commentSign) {
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+  if (!CreateCompressedQueryLog) {
-      os(path.c_str(), ErrorInfo, llvm::sys::fs::OpenFlags::F_Text),
+    os = new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(path.c_str(), ErrorInfo,
+                                  llvm::sys::fs::OpenFlags::F_Text);
-      os(path.c_str(), ErrorInfo),
+    os = new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(path.c_str(), ErrorInfo);
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+  } else {
+    os = new compressed_fd_ostream((path + ".gz").c_str(), ErrorInfo);
+  }
+  if (ErrorInfo != "") {
+    klee_error("Could not open file %s : %s", path.c_str(), ErrorInfo.c_str());
+  }
-      BufferString(""), logBuffer(BufferString), queryCount(0),
-      minQueryTimeToLog(queryTimeToLog), startTime(0.0f), lastQueryTime(0.0f),
-      queryCommentSign(commentSign) {
   assert(0 != solver);
-QueryLoggingSolver::~QueryLoggingSolver() { delete solver; }
+QueryLoggingSolver::~QueryLoggingSolver() {
+  delete solver;
+  delete os;
 void QueryLoggingSolver::flushBufferConditionally(bool writeToFile) {
   if (writeToFile) {
-    os << logBuffer.str();
-    os.flush();
+    *os << logBuffer.str();
+    os->flush();
   // prepare the buffer for reuse
   BufferString = "";
diff --git a/lib/Solver/QueryLoggingSolver.h b/lib/Solver/QueryLoggingSolver.h
index bb266c67..7ac783d1 100644
--- a/lib/Solver/QueryLoggingSolver.h
+++ b/lib/Solver/QueryLoggingSolver.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class QueryLoggingSolver : public SolverImpl {
   Solver *solver;
   std::string ErrorInfo;
-  llvm::raw_fd_ostream os;
+  llvm::raw_ostream *os;
   // @brief Buffer used by logBuffer
   std::string BufferString;
   // @brief buffer to store logs before flushing to file
diff --git a/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.cpp b/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.cpp
index 307ae0fb..8ec35762 100644
--- a/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.cpp
+++ b/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.cpp
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvExtract(ExprHandle expr, unsigned top, unsigned bottom)
   return vc_bvExtract(vc, expr, top, bottom);
 ExprHandle STPBuilder::eqExpr(ExprHandle a, ExprHandle b) {
+  assert((vc_getBVLength(vc, a) == vc_getBVLength(vc, b)) && "a and b should be same type");
   return vc_eqExpr(vc, a, b);
@@ -187,76 +188,93 @@ ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvLeftShift(ExprHandle expr, unsigned shift) {
+ExprHandle STPBuilder::extractPartialShiftValue(ExprHandle shift,
+                                                unsigned width,
+                                                unsigned &shiftBits) {
+  // Assuming width is power of 2
+  llvm::APInt sw(32, width);
+  shiftBits = sw.getActiveBits();
+  // get the shift amount (looking only at the bits appropriate for the given
+  // width)
+  return vc_bvExtract(vc, shift, shiftBits - 1, 0);
 // left shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
 ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvVarLeftShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle shift) {
   unsigned width = vc_getBVLength(vc, expr);
   ExprHandle res = bvZero(width);
-  //construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
-  for( int i=width-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
-    res = vc_iteExpr(vc,
-                     eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(width, i)),
-                     bvLeftShift(expr, i),
-                     res);
+  unsigned shiftBits = 0;
+  ExprHandle shift_ext = extractPartialShiftValue(shift, width, shiftBits);
+  // construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift
+  // amount
+  for (int i = width - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+    res = vc_iteExpr(vc, eqExpr(shift_ext, bvConst32(shiftBits, i)),
+                     bvLeftShift(expr, i), res);
   // If overshifting, shift to zero
-  ExprHandle ex = vc_bvLtExpr(vc, shift, bvConst32(vc_getBVLength(vc,shift), width));
+  ExprHandle ex =
+      vc_bvLtExpr(vc, shift, bvConst32(vc_getBVLength(vc, shift), width));
   res = vc_iteExpr(vc, ex, res, bvZero(width));
   return res;
-// logical right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
+// logical right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified
+// width
 ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvVarRightShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle shift) {
   unsigned width = vc_getBVLength(vc, expr);
   ExprHandle res = bvZero(width);
-  //construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
-  for( int i=width-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
-    res = vc_iteExpr(vc,
-                     eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(width, i)),
-                     bvRightShift(expr, i),
-                     res);
+  unsigned shiftBits = 0;
+  ExprHandle shift_ext = extractPartialShiftValue(shift, width, shiftBits);
+  // construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift
+  // amount
+  for (int i = width - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+    res = vc_iteExpr(vc, eqExpr(shift_ext, bvConst32(shiftBits, i)),
+                     bvRightShift(expr, i), res);
   // If overshifting, shift to zero
-  ExprHandle ex = vc_bvLtExpr(vc, shift, bvConst32(vc_getBVLength(vc,shift), width));
-  res = vc_iteExpr(vc,
-                   ex,
-                   res,
-                   bvZero(width));
+  // If overshifting, shift to zero
+  ExprHandle ex =
+      vc_bvLtExpr(vc, shift, bvConst32(vc_getBVLength(vc, shift), width));
+  res = vc_iteExpr(vc, ex, res, bvZero(width));
   return res;
-// arithmetic right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified width
+// arithmetic right shift by a variable amount on an expression of the specified
+// width
 ExprHandle STPBuilder::bvVarArithRightShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle shift) {
   unsigned width = vc_getBVLength(vc, expr);
-  //get the sign bit to fill with
-  ExprHandle signedBool = bvBoolExtract(expr, width-1);
+  unsigned shiftBits = 0;
+  ExprHandle shift_ext = extractPartialShiftValue(shift, width, shiftBits);
-  //start with the result if shifting by width-1
-  ExprHandle res = constructAShrByConstant(expr, width-1, signedBool);
+  // get the sign bit to fill with
+  ExprHandle signedBool = bvBoolExtract(expr, width - 1);
-  //construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift amount
+  // start with the result if shifting by width-1
+  ExprHandle res = constructAShrByConstant(expr, width - 1, signedBool);
+  // construct a big if-then-elif-elif-... with one case per possible shift
+  // amount
   // XXX more efficient to move the ite on the sign outside all exprs?
   // XXX more efficient to sign extend, right shift, then extract lower bits?
-  for( int i=width-2; i>=0; i-- ) {
-    res = vc_iteExpr(vc,
-                     eqExpr(shift, bvConst32(width,i)),
-                     constructAShrByConstant(expr, 
-                                             i, 
-                                             signedBool),
-                     res);
+  for (int i = width - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+    res = vc_iteExpr(vc, eqExpr(shift_ext, bvConst32(shiftBits, i)),
+                     constructAShrByConstant(expr, i, signedBool), res);
   // If overshifting, shift to zero
-  ExprHandle ex = vc_bvLtExpr(vc, shift, bvConst32(vc_getBVLength(vc,shift), width));
-  res = vc_iteExpr(vc,
-                   ex,
-                   res,
-                   bvZero(width));
+  ExprHandle ex =
+      vc_bvLtExpr(vc, shift, bvConst32(vc_getBVLength(vc, shift), width));
+  res = vc_iteExpr(vc, ex, res, bvZero(width));
   return res;
diff --git a/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.h b/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.h
index 3b17ccf1..5be34029 100644
--- a/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.h
+++ b/lib/Solver/STPBuilder.h
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ private:
   ExprHandle bvVarLeftShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle shift);
   ExprHandle bvVarRightShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle shift);
   ExprHandle bvVarArithRightShift(ExprHandle expr, ExprHandle shift);
+  ExprHandle extractPartialShiftValue(ExprHandle shift, unsigned width,
+                                      unsigned &shiftBits);
   ExprHandle constructAShrByConstant(ExprHandle expr, unsigned shift, 
                                      ExprHandle isSigned);
diff --git a/lib/Solver/STPSolver.cpp b/lib/Solver/STPSolver.cpp
index 5c49521e..e1d41eba 100644
--- a/lib/Solver/STPSolver.cpp
+++ b/lib/Solver/STPSolver.cpp
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ STPSolverImpl::STPSolverImpl(bool _useForkedSTP, bool _optimizeDivides)
   // we restore the old behaviour.
   vc_setInterfaceFlags(vc, EXPRDELETE, 0);
+  make_division_total(vc);
   if (useForkedSTP) {
@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ runAndGetCexForked(::VC vc, STPBuilder *builder, ::VCExpr q,
   int pid = fork();
   if (pid == -1) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fork failed (for STP)");
+    klee_warning("fork failed (for STP)");
     if (!IgnoreSolverFailures)
     return SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_FORK_FAILED;
@@ -264,7 +266,7 @@ runAndGetCexForked(::VC vc, STPBuilder *builder, ::VCExpr q,
     } while (res < 0 && errno == EINTR);
     if (res < 0) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: waitpid() for STP failed");
+      klee_warning("waitpid() for STP failed");
       if (!IgnoreSolverFailures)
@@ -274,8 +276,8 @@ runAndGetCexForked(::VC vc, STPBuilder *builder, ::VCExpr q,
     // "occasion" return a status when the process was terminated by a
     // signal, so test signal first.
     if (WIFSIGNALED(status) || !WIFEXITED(status)) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: STP did not return successfully.  Most likely "
-                      "you forgot to run 'ulimit -s unlimited'\n");
+      klee_warning("STP did not return successfully.  Most likely you forgot "
+                   "to run 'ulimit -s unlimited'");
       if (!IgnoreSolverFailures) {
@@ -288,11 +290,11 @@ runAndGetCexForked(::VC vc, STPBuilder *builder, ::VCExpr q,
     } else if (exitcode == 1) {
       hasSolution = false;
     } else if (exitcode == 52) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "error: STP timed out");
+      klee_warning("STP timed out");
       // mark that a timeout occurred
       return SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_TIMEOUT;
     } else {
-      fprintf(stderr, "error: STP did not return a recognized code");
+      klee_warning("STP did not return a recognized code");
       if (!IgnoreSolverFailures)
diff --git a/lib/Support/CompressionStream.cpp b/lib/Support/CompressionStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb208edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Support/CompressionStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+//===-- CompressionStream.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "klee/Config/config.h"
+#include "klee/Config/Version.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+#include "klee/Internal/Support/CompressionStream.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/system_error.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+namespace klee {
+compressed_fd_ostream::compressed_fd_ostream(const char *Filename,
+                                             std::string &ErrorInfo)
+    : llvm::raw_ostream(), pos(0) {
+  ErrorInfo = "";
+  // Open file in binary mode
+  llvm::error_code EC =
+      llvm::sys::fs::openFileForWrite(Filename, FD, llvm::sys::fs::F_Binary);
+  if (EC) {
+    ErrorInfo = EC.message();
+    FD = -1;
+  }
+  FD = ::open(Filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+  if (FD < 0) {
+    ErrorInfo = "Could not open file.";
+    FD = -1;
+  }
+  // Initialize the compression library
+  strm.zalloc = 0;
+  strm.zfree = 0;
+  strm.next_out = buffer;
+  strm.avail_out = BUFSIZE;
+  deflateInit2(&strm, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, 15 | 16,
+               8 /* memory usage default, 0 smalles, 9 highest*/,
+               Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
+void compressed_fd_ostream::writeFullCompressedData() {
+  // Check if no space available and write the buffer
+  if (strm.avail_out == 0) {
+    write_file(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer), BUFSIZE);
+    strm.next_out = buffer;
+    strm.avail_out = BUFSIZE;
+  }
+void compressed_fd_ostream::flush_compressed_data() {
+  // flush data from the raw buffer
+  flush();
+  // write the remaining data
+  int deflate_res = Z_OK;
+  while (deflate_res == Z_OK) {
+    // Check if no space available and write the buffer
+    writeFullCompressedData();
+    deflate_res = deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH);
+  }
+  assert(deflate_res == Z_STREAM_END);
+  write_file(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer), BUFSIZE - strm.avail_out);
+compressed_fd_ostream::~compressed_fd_ostream() {
+  if (FD >= 0) {
+    // write the remaining data
+    flush_compressed_data();
+    close(FD);
+  }
+  deflateEnd(&strm);
+void compressed_fd_ostream::write_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size) {
+  strm.next_in =
+      const_cast<unsigned char *>(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(Ptr));
+  strm.avail_in = Size;
+  // Check if there is still data to compress
+  while (strm.avail_in != 0) {
+    // compress data
+    int res = deflate(&strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+    assert(res == Z_OK);
+    writeFullCompressedData();
+  }
+void compressed_fd_ostream::write_file(const char *Ptr, size_t Size) {
+  pos += Size;
+  assert(FD >= 0 && "File already closed");
+  do {
+    ssize_t ret = ::write(FD, Ptr, Size);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+      if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
+        continue;
+      assert(0 && "Could not write to file");
+      break;
+    }
+    Ptr += ret;
+    Size -= ret;
+  } while (Size > 0);
diff --git a/lib/Support/MemoryUsage.cpp b/lib/Support/MemoryUsage.cpp
index a9f4026d..d141593a 100644
--- a/lib/Support/MemoryUsage.cpp
+++ b/lib/Support/MemoryUsage.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ using namespace klee;
 size_t util::GetTotalMallocUsage() {
-  uint64_t value;
+  size_t value = 0;
       "generic.current_allocated_bytes", &value);
   return value;
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ size_t util::GetTotalMallocUsage() {
   // does not include mmap()'ed memory in mi.uordblks
   // but other implementations (e.g. tcmalloc) do.
 #if defined(__GLIBC__)
-  return mi.uordblks + mi.hblkhd;
+  return (size_t)(unsigned)mi.uordblks + (unsigned)mi.hblkhd;
-  return mi.uordblks;
+  return (unsigned)mi.uordblks;
diff --git a/runtime/POSIX/stubs.c b/runtime/POSIX/stubs.c
index 99e2e768..b4f31bf7 100644
--- a/runtime/POSIX/stubs.c
+++ b/runtime/POSIX/stubs.c
@@ -174,10 +174,15 @@ time_t time(time_t *t) {
 clock_t times(struct tms *buf) {
   /* Fake */
-  buf->tms_utime = 0;
-  buf->tms_stime = 0;
-  buf->tms_cutime = 0;
-  buf->tms_cstime = 0;
+  if (!buf)
+    klee_warning("returning 0\n");
+  else {
+    klee_warning("setting all times to 0 and returning 0\n");
+    buf->tms_utime = 0;
+    buf->tms_stime = 0;
+    buf->tms_cutime = 0;
+    buf->tms_cstime = 0;
+  }
   return 0;
diff --git a/test/Feature/CompressedExprLogging.c b/test/Feature/CompressedExprLogging.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2a07d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Feature/CompressedExprLogging.c
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// RUN: %llvmgcc %s -emit-llvm -g -O0 -c -o %t1.bc
+// We disable the cex-cache to eliminate nondeterminism across different
+// solvers, in particular when counting the number of queries in the last two
+// commands
+// RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out %t.klee-out2
+// RUN: %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out --use-cex-cache=false --use-query-log=all:pc %t1.bc
+// RUN: %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out2 --use-cex-cache=false --compress-query-log --use-query-log=all:pc %t1.bc
+// RUN: gunzip -d %t.klee-out2/all-queries.pc.gz
+// RUN: diff %t.klee-out/all-queries.pc %t.klee-out/all-queries.pc
+#include <assert.h>
+int constantArr[16] = {1 << 0,  1 << 1,  1 << 2,  1 << 3, 1 << 4,  1 << 5,
+                       1 << 6,  1 << 7,  1 << 8,  1 << 9, 1 << 10, 1 << 11,
+                       1 << 12, 1 << 13, 1 << 14, 1 << 15};
+int main() {
+  char buf[4];
+  klee_make_symbolic(buf, sizeof buf);
+  buf[1] = 'a';
+  constantArr[klee_range(0, 16, "idx.0")] = buf[0];
+  // Use this to trigger an interior update list usage.
+  int y = constantArr[klee_range(0, 16, "idx.1")];
+  constantArr[klee_range(0, 16, "idx.2")] = buf[3];
+  buf[klee_range(0, 4, "idx.3")] = 0;
+  klee_assume(buf[0] == 'h');
+  int x = *((int *)buf);
+  klee_assume(x > 2);
+  klee_assume(x == constantArr[12]);
+  klee_assume(y != (1 << 5));
+  assert(0);
+  return 0;
diff --git a/test/Feature/DeterministicSwitch.c b/test/Feature/DeterministicSwitch.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6c186ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Feature/DeterministicSwitch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// RUN: %llvmgcc %s -emit-llvm -g -c -o %t.bc
+// RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
+// RUN: %klee -debug-print-instructions=all:stderr --output-dir=%t.klee-out --allow-external-sym-calls --switch-type=internal --search=dfs %t.bc >%t.switch.log 2>&1
+// RUN: FileCheck %s -input-file=%t.switch.log -check-prefix=CHECK-DFS
+// RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
+// RUN: %klee -debug-print-instructions=all:stderr --output-dir=%t.klee-out --allow-external-sym-calls --switch-type=internal --search=bfs %t.bc >%t.switch.log 2>&1
+// RUN: FileCheck %s -input-file=%t.switch.log -check-prefix=CHECK-BFS
+#include "klee/klee.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  char c;
+  klee_make_symbolic(&c, sizeof(c), "index");
+  switch (c) {
+  case '\t':
+    printf("tab\n");
+    break;
+  case ' ':
+    printf("space\n");
+    break;
+  default:
+    printf("default\n");
+    break;
+  }
+  // CHECK-DFS: default
+  // CHECK-DFS: space
+  // CHECK-DFS: tab
+  // CHECK-BFS: tab
+  // CHECK-BFS: space
+  // CHECK-BFS: default
+  return 0;
diff --git a/test/Feature/ExitOnErrorType.c b/test/Feature/ExitOnErrorType.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a68a92e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Feature/ExitOnErrorType.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// RUN: %llvmgcc %s -g -emit-llvm -O0 -c -o %t1.bc
+// RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
+// RUN: %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out -exit-on-error-type Assert %t1.bc 2>&1
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <klee/klee.h>
+int main() {
+  assert(klee_int("assert"));
+  while (1) {
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/test/Feature/NonSizedGlobals.c b/test/Feature/NonSizedGlobals.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b98f7bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Feature/NonSizedGlobals.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// RUN: %llvmgcc %s -emit-llvm -g -c -o %t1.bc
+// RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
+// RUN: %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out --exit-on-error %t1.bc
+struct X;
+extern struct X Y;
+void *ptr = &Y;
+int main()
+	return 0;
diff --git a/test/regression/2016-04-14-sdiv-2.c_ b/test/regression/2016-04-14-sdiv-2.c
index 88a5fca3..974036ee 100644
--- a/test/regression/2016-04-14-sdiv-2.c_
+++ b/test/regression/2016-04-14-sdiv-2.c
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-// XFAIL: *
 // RUN: %llvmgcc %s -emit-llvm -g -O0 -c -o %t.bc
 // RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
 // RUN: %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out -exit-on-error -solver-optimize-divides=true %t.bc >%t1.log
 // RUN: grep "m is 2" %t1.log
 #include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "klee/klee.h"
 int main(void)
diff --git a/test/regression/2016-06-28-div-zero-bug.c b/test/regression/2016-06-28-div-zero-bug.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11689aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regression/2016-06-28-div-zero-bug.c
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// RUN: %llvmgcc %s -emit-llvm -g -O0 -c -o %t.bc
+// RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
+// RUN: %klee --output-dir=%t.klee-out --use-cex-cache=false %t.bc >%t1.log
+// This bug is triggered when using STP up to an including 2.1.0
+// See https://github.com/klee/klee/issues/308
+// and https://github.com/stp/stp/issues/206
+int b, a, g;
+int *c = &b, *d = &b, *f = &a;
+int safe_div(short p1, int p2) { 
+  return p2 == 0 ? p1 : p2; 
+int main() {
+  klee_make_symbolic(&b, sizeof b);
+  if (safe_div(*c, 0))
+    *f = (int)&b % *c;
+  safe_div(a && g, *d);
diff --git a/tools/kleaver/Makefile b/tools/kleaver/Makefile
index 1631dda6..a2250fe0 100644
--- a/tools/kleaver/Makefile
+++ b/tools/kleaver/Makefile
@@ -32,3 +32,7 @@ include $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/MetaSMT.mk
 ifeq ($(HAVE_TCMALLOC),1)
+ifeq ($(HAVE_ZLIB),1)
+  LIBS += -lz
diff --git a/tools/klee/Makefile b/tools/klee/Makefile
index 676507e0..8d50403f 100644
--- a/tools/klee/Makefile
+++ b/tools/klee/Makefile
@@ -33,3 +33,7 @@ include $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/MetaSMT.mk
 ifeq ($(HAVE_TCMALLOC),1)
+ifeq ($(HAVE_ZLIB),1)
+  LIBS += -lz
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/klee/main.cpp b/tools/klee/main.cpp
index 7fe64c72..3e469a6e 100644
--- a/tools/klee/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/klee/main.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 #include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Errno.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
 #include "llvm/Bitcode/ReaderWriter.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
@@ -1430,7 +1431,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
     if (RunInDir != "") {
       int res = chdir(RunInDir.c_str());
       if (res < 0) {
-        klee_error("Unable to change directory to: %s", RunInDir.c_str());
+        klee_error("Unable to change directory to: %s - %s", RunInDir.c_str(),
+                   sys::StrError(errno).c_str());
@@ -1492,7 +1494,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
     if (RunInDir != "") {
       int res = chdir(RunInDir.c_str());
       if (res < 0) {
-        klee_error("Unable to change directory to: %s", RunInDir.c_str());
+        klee_error("Unable to change directory to: %s - %s", RunInDir.c_str(),
+                   sys::StrError(errno).c_str());
     interpreter->runFunctionAsMain(mainFn, pArgc, pArgv, pEnvp);