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2 files changed, 86 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Core/Executor.cpp b/lib/Core/Executor.cpp
index 49cba67f..709eb3a5 100644
--- a/lib/Core/Executor.cpp
+++ b/lib/Core/Executor.cpp
@@ -1609,58 +1609,108 @@ void Executor::executeInstruction(ExecutionState &state, KInstruction *ki) {
       transferToBasicBlock(si->getSuccessor(index), si->getParent(), state);
     } else {
-      std::map<BasicBlock*, ref<Expr> > targets;
-      ref<Expr> isDefault = ConstantExpr::alloc(1, Expr::Bool);
-      for (SwitchInst::CaseIt i = si->case_begin(), e = si->case_end();
-           i != e; ++i) {
+      // Handle possible different branch targets
+      // We have the following assumptions:
+      // - each case value is mutual exclusive to all other values including the
+      //   default value
+      // - order of case branches is based on the order of the expressions of
+      //   the scase values, still default is handled last
+      std::vector<BasicBlock *> bbOrder;
+      std::map<BasicBlock *, ref<Expr> > branchTargets;
+      std::map<ref<Expr>, BasicBlock *> expressionOrder;
+      // Iterate through all non-default cases and order them by expressions
+      for (SwitchInst::CaseIt i = si->case_begin(), e = si->case_end(); i != e;
+           ++i) {
         ref<Expr> value = evalConstant(i.getCaseValue());
-      for (unsigned i=1, cases = si->getNumCases(); i<cases; ++i) {
+      for (unsigned i = 1, cases = si->getNumCases(); i < cases; ++i) {
         ref<Expr> value = evalConstant(si->getCaseValue(i));
-        ref<Expr> match = EqExpr::create(cond, value);
-        isDefault = AndExpr::create(isDefault, Expr::createIsZero(match));
+        BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = i.getCaseSuccessor();
+        BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = si->getSuccessor(i);
+        expressionOrder.insert(std::make_pair(value, caseSuccessor));
+      }
+      // Track default branch values
+      ref<Expr> defaultValue = ConstantExpr::alloc(1, Expr::Bool);
+      // iterate through all non-default cases but in order of the expressions
+      for (std::map<ref<Expr>, BasicBlock *>::iterator
+               it = expressionOrder.begin(),
+               itE = expressionOrder.end();
+           it != itE; ++it) {
+        ref<Expr> match = EqExpr::create(cond, it->first);
+        // Make sure that the default value does not contain this target's value
+        defaultValue = AndExpr::create(defaultValue, Expr::createIsZero(match));
+        // Check if control flow could take this case
         bool result;
         bool success = solver->mayBeTrue(state, match, result);
         assert(success && "FIXME: Unhandled solver failure");
         (void) success;
         if (result) {
-          BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = i.getCaseSuccessor();
-          BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = si->getSuccessor(i);
-          std::map<BasicBlock*, ref<Expr> >::iterator it =
-            targets.insert(std::make_pair(caseSuccessor,
-                           ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Expr::Bool))).first;
-          it->second = OrExpr::create(match, it->second);
+          BasicBlock *caseSuccessor = it->second;
+          // Handle the case that a basic block might be the target of multiple
+          // switch cases.
+          // Currently we generate an expression containing all switch-case
+          // values for the same target basic block. We spare us forking too
+          // many times but we generate more complex condition expressions
+          // TODO Add option to allow to choose between those behaviors
+          std::pair<std::map<BasicBlock *, ref<Expr> >::iterator, bool> res =
+              branchTargets.insert(std::make_pair(
+                  caseSuccessor, ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Expr::Bool)));
+          res.first->second = OrExpr::create(match, res.first->second);
+          // Only add basic blocks which have not been target of a branch yet
+          if (res.second) {
+            bbOrder.push_back(caseSuccessor);
+          }
+      // Check if control could take the default case
       bool res;
-      bool success = solver->mayBeTrue(state, isDefault, res);
+      bool success = solver->mayBeTrue(state, defaultValue, res);
       assert(success && "FIXME: Unhandled solver failure");
       (void) success;
-      if (res)
-        targets.insert(std::make_pair(si->getDefaultDest(), isDefault));
+      if (res) {
+        std::pair<std::map<BasicBlock *, ref<Expr> >::iterator, bool> ret =
+            branchTargets.insert(
+                std::make_pair(si->getDefaultDest(), defaultValue));
+        if (ret.second) {
+          bbOrder.push_back(si->getDefaultDest());
+        }
+      }
+      // Fork the current state with each state having one of the possible
+      // successors of this switch
       std::vector< ref<Expr> > conditions;
-      for (std::map<BasicBlock*, ref<Expr> >::iterator it = 
-             targets.begin(), ie = targets.end();
-           it != ie; ++it)
-        conditions.push_back(it->second);
+      for (std::vector<BasicBlock *>::iterator it = bbOrder.begin(),
+                                               ie = bbOrder.end();
+           it != ie; ++it) {
+        conditions.push_back(branchTargets[*it]);
+      }
       std::vector<ExecutionState*> branches;
       branch(state, conditions, branches);
       std::vector<ExecutionState*>::iterator bit = branches.begin();
-      for (std::map<BasicBlock*, ref<Expr> >::iterator it = 
-             targets.begin(), ie = targets.end();
+      for (std::vector<BasicBlock *>::iterator it = bbOrder.begin(),
+                                               ie = bbOrder.end();
            it != ie; ++it) {
         ExecutionState *es = *bit;
         if (es)
-          transferToBasicBlock(it->first, bb, *es);
+          transferToBasicBlock(*it, bb, *es);
diff --git a/test/Feature/DeterministicSwitch.c b/test/Feature/DeterministicSwitch.c
index 0768576c..b6c186ff 100644
--- a/test/Feature/DeterministicSwitch.c
+++ b/test/Feature/DeterministicSwitch.c
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-// The order cases are generated in LLVM 2.9 is different: tab first then space
-// as one can see in assembly.ll, skip this test for older versions
-// REQUIRES: not-llvm-2.9
 // RUN: %llvmgcc %s -emit-llvm -g -c -o %t.bc
 // RUN: rm -rf %t.klee-out
 // RUN: %klee -debug-print-instructions=all:stderr --output-dir=%t.klee-out --allow-external-sym-calls --switch-type=internal --search=dfs %t.bc >%t.switch.log 2>&1
@@ -18,23 +15,23 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   klee_make_symbolic(&c, sizeof(c), "index");
   switch (c) {
-  case ' ':
-    printf("space\n");
-    break;
   case '\t':
+  case ' ':
+    printf("space\n");
+    break;
   // CHECK-DFS: default
-  // CHECK-DFS: tab
   // CHECK-DFS: space
+  // CHECK-DFS: tab
-  // CHECK-BFS: space
   // CHECK-BFS: tab
+  // CHECK-BFS: space
   // CHECK-BFS: default
   return 0;