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path: root/utils/hacks/TreeGraphs/TreeGraph.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/hacks/TreeGraphs/TreeGraph.py')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/hacks/TreeGraphs/TreeGraph.py b/utils/hacks/TreeGraphs/TreeGraph.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..28bd9fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/hacks/TreeGraphs/TreeGraph.py
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+from __future__ import division
+import sys
+from types import GeneratorType
+import DumpTreeStream
+from Graphics.Canvas import PdfCanvas
+from Graphics.Geometry import vec2
+import os, time
+import math, os, random
+def generator_fold(it):
+    """generator_fold(it) -> iterator
+    Given _it_, return a new iterator over the elements of _it_,
+    (recursively) folding in any elements whenever an iterator
+    result happens to also be a generator. This simplifies the
+    writing of iterators over recursive data structures.
+    """
+    for res in it:
+        if isinstance(res,GeneratorType):
+            for res in generator_fold(res):
+                yield res
+        else:
+            yield res
+def drawTree(a, b, maxDepth, sizes, depth=0):
+    yield (a, b)
+    if depth<maxDepth:
+        height = sizes[depth]
+        yield drawTree(b, vec2.add(b, (-height,height)),
+                       maxDepth, sizes, depth+1)
+        yield drawTree(b, vec2.add(b, (+height,height)),
+                       maxDepth, sizes, depth+1)
+def makeTreeGraph(output, symPath, count, shuffle=False):
+    random.seed(10)
+    c = PdfCanvas(output, basePos=(0,0), baseScale=(72*5,72*5),
+                  pageSize=(72*10,72*10))
+    c.startDrawing()
+    c.setColor(1,1,1)
+    c.drawFilledCircle((0,0),.9)
+    c.setColor(0,0,0)
+    c.setLineWidth(5)
+    c.drawOutlineCircle((0,0),.9)
+    c.setLineWidth(1)
+#    c.setColor(.2,.6,.3)
+    N = 8
+    sizes = [.5**(i+1) for i in range(N)]
+    res = drawTree((0.,-.9), (0.,-.5), N, [1.3*s/sum(sizes) for s in sizes])
+#    [c.drawLine(a,b) for a,b in generator_fold(res)]
+    def mapIt(center, radius, spanAngle, (x,y)):
+        a = vec2.sub(center,(0,radius))
+        b = vec2.add(center,vec2.fromangle(math.pi*.5 + 2*x*spanAngle, radius))
+        return vec2.lerp(a, b, y)
+    m = lambda pt: mapIt((0,0),.9,math.pi*.7, pt)
+    toBox = lambda pt: vec2.div(vec2.add(pt,(0.,.9)),
+                                      (2*1.3,1.7))
+    def lm((x,y)):
+        x,y = toBox((x,y))
+        N = 100
+        return m((x,1-math.log(1+(1-y**4),2)))
+        return m((x,(N**(1+y)-N)/(N**2-N)))
+        return m((x,y))
+#    c.drawOutlineBox((-.5,0),(.5,1))
+    #[c.drawLine(lm(a),lm(b)) for a,b in generator_fold(res)]
+    spanAngle = math.pi*.9
+    zeroRad = vec2.length(vec2.sub(vec2.fromangle(math.pi*3/2,.9),
+                                   vec2.fromangle(math.pi*.5 + spanAngle,.9)))
+    oneRad = .9
+    if 0:
+        for i in range(N):
+            t = i/(N-1)
+            c.drawOutlineCircle(vec2.add((0.,-.9), (0.,t*.9)),
+                                zeroRad + (oneRad-zeroRad)*t)
+    def getTreePos(depth, maxDepth, index, ranges=None, depthOrder=None):
+        isoT = depth/(maxDepth-1)
+        isoCent = vec2.add((0.,-.9),(0.,isoT*.9))
+        isoRadius = zeroRad + (oneRad-zeroRad)*isoT        
+        total = 2**(depth+1)
+        #        isoSpanAngle = math.pi*.5 - vec2.toangle(vec2.sub(vec2.fromangle(math.pi*.5 + spanAngle,.9),
+        #                                             isoCent))
+        isoSpanAngle = math.pi*.1 + (math.pi*.7 - math.pi*.1)*isoT
+        if ranges:
+            min,max = ranges
+            if max[depth]==min[depth]:
+                x = 0.
+            else:
+                x = (index - min[depth])/(max[depth]-min[depth])
+        elif depthOrder:
+            idx = depthOrder[depth].index(index)
+            x = idx/(len(depthOrder[depth])-1)
+        else:
+            x = index/(total-1)
+        return vec2.add(isoCent,vec2.fromangle(math.pi*.5 + (2*x-1)*isoSpanAngle, isoRadius))
+    treeData = DumpTreeStream.getTreeStream(symPath)
+    treeDataItems = treeData.items()
+    treeDataItems.sort()
+    N = max([len(p) for _,p in treeDataItems])
+#    N = min(20,N)
+    minDepthIndex = [2**(i+1) for i in range(N)]
+    maxDepthIndex = [0 for i in range(N)]
+    depthIndices = [set() for i in range(N+2)]
+    for id,path in treeDataItems:
+        depth = -1
+        index = 0
+        for p in path[:N]:
+            depth += 1
+            index = index*2 + (p=='1')
+            depthIndices[depth].add(index)
+            if 1:
+                low = index*2
+                hi = index*2+1
+                mid = index*2 + .5
+                M = 5
+                for x in range(depth+1,min(N,depth+M)):
+                    t = (x-(depth+1))/(M-1)
+                    depthIndices[x].add(low + (mid-low)*t)
+                    depthIndices[x].add(hi + (mid-hi)*t)
+                    low *= 2
+                    hi *= 2 + 1
+                    mid = mid*2 + .5
+            else:
+                depthIndices[depth+1].add(index*2)
+                depthIndices[depth+1].add(index*2+1)
+                depthIndices[depth+2].add(index*2*2)
+                depthIndices[depth+2].add(index*4+3)
+            minDepthIndex[depth] = min(index,minDepthIndex[depth])
+            maxDepthIndex[depth] = max(index,maxDepthIndex[depth])
+    if 0:
+        for d in range(1,N)[::-1]:
+            minDepthIndex[d] = min(minDepthIndex[d-1]*2,minDepthIndex[d])
+            maxDepthIndex[d] = max(maxDepthIndex[d-1]*2,maxDepthIndex[d])
+    for d in range(N):
+        depthIndices[d] = list(depthIndices[d])
+        depthIndices[d].sort()
+    def drawPoints(list):
+        for pt in list:
+            c.drawPoint(pt)
+    def catmullRom1((p0,p1,p2,p3), t):
+        return (0.5 * ((        2*p1            ) +
+                       (  -p0        +   p2     ) * t +
+                       ( 2*p0 - 5*p1 + 4*p2 - p3) * t*t +
+                       (  -p0 + 3*p1 - 3*p2 + p3) * t*t*t))
+    def catmullRom2((p0,p1,p2,p3), t):
+        return (catmullRom1((p0[0],p1[0],p2[0],p3[0]),t),
+                catmullRom1((p0[1],p1[1],p2[1],p3[1]),t))
+    c.setLineWidth(2)
+#    c.setColor(.2,.6,.3)
+    lines = set()
+    segments = set()
+    segments2 = dict()
+    allPoints = set()
+    side = set()
+    paths = []
+    paths_to_draw = treeDataItems
+    if shuffle:
+        paths_to_draw = list(treeDataItems)
+        random.shuffle(paths_to_draw)
+    for id,path in paths_to_draw[:count]:
+        depth = -1
+        index = 0
+        pts = [(0.,-.9)]
+        for p in path[:N]:
+            depth += 1
+            index = index*2 + (p=='1')
+            pts.append(getTreePos(depth,N,index,None,depthIndices))
+            #            pts.append(getTreePos(depth,N,index,(minDepthIndex,maxDepthIndex)))
+        allPoints |= set(pts)
+        if len(pts)>3:
+            paths.append(pts)
+            for i in range(0,len(pts)-1):
+                p0 = pts[max(0,i-1)]
+                p1 = pts[i]
+                p2 = pts[min(len(pts)-1,i+1)]
+                p3 = pts[min(len(pts)-1,i+2)]
+                #segments[(p1,p2)] = segments.get((p1,p2),[]) + [(p0,p1)]
+                if (p1,p2) not in side:
+                    segments.add((p0,p1,p2,p3))
+                    side.add((p1,p2))
+#                drawPoints((b,vec2.add(b,vec2.mulN(vec2.normalizeOrZero(vec2.sub(b,a)),l*.4)),
+#                              cx,cx))
+#        c.drawLineStrip(pts)
+#        for a,b in zip(pts,pts[1:]):
+#            lines.add((a,b))
+    for a,b in lines:
+        c.drawLine(a,b)
+    for (p1,p2),extra in segments2.items():
+        a,b = zip(*extra)
+        a = vec2.divN(reduce(vec2.add, a),len(a))
+        b = vec2.divN(reduce(vec2.add, b),len(b))
+        c.drawLineStrip([catmullRom2((a,p1,p2,b),x/10.) for x in range(10+1)])
+    if 1:
+        side = set()
+        nPaths = []
+        for path in paths:
+            path = list(path)
+            path = [(0.,-.9)] + path
+            depth = 0
+            while len(path)>3 and (path[1],path[2]) in side:
+                depth += 1
+                path = path[1:]
+            nPaths.append((depth,path))
+            side |= set(zip(path,path[1:]))
+#        for path in nPaths:
+#            c.drawLineStrip(path)
+        for depth,path in nPaths:
+            ppts = []
+            for i in range(1,len(path)-1):
+                p0 = path[max(0,i-1)]
+                p1 = path[i]
+                p2 = path[min(len(path)-1,i+1)]
+                p3 = path[min(len(path)-1,i+2)]
+                for x in range(10):
+                    ppts.append(catmullRom2((p0,p1,p2,p3),x/10.))
+                #ppts.append(p1)
+            ppts.append(path[-1])
+            if 1:
+                up = []
+                down = []
+                ref = path[0]
+                for i,pt in enumerate(ppts):
+                    ref = ppts[min(len(ppts)-1,i+1)]
+                    vec = vec2.sub(pt,ref)
+                    l = vec2.length(vec)
+                    if l<.000001:
+                        vec = (1.,0.)
+                    else:
+                        vec = vec2.rotate90(vec2.divN(vec,l))
+                    width = .001 * (1. - (depth + i/20.)/N)
+                    up.append(vec2.add(pt, vec2.mulN(vec, width)))
+                    down.append(vec2.add(pt, vec2.mulN(vec, -width)))
+                    ref = pt
+#                c.drawLineStrip(up)
+#                c.drawLineStrip(down)
+                c.drawFilledPolygon(down + up[::-1])
+            else:
+                c.drawLineStrip(ppts)
+#        print len(paths),sum(map(len,paths))
+#        print len(nPaths),sum(map(len,nPaths))
+    else:
+        for P in segments:
+            c.drawLineStrip([catmullRom2(P,x/10.) for x in range(10+1)])
+    if 0:
+        c.setPointSize(10)
+        c.drawPoints(allPoints)
+    if 0:
+        N = 20
+        for i in range(N+1):        
+            t = 2*i/N - 1
+            c.drawLine(m((t,0)), m((t,1)))
+    c.endDrawing()
+def main():
+    from optparse import OptionParser
+    op = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] <tree-stream-path> <output-path>")
+    op.add_option('','--count', dest='count', type=int, default=-1,
+                  help="number of distinct paths to draw")
+    op.add_option('','--shuffle', dest='shuffle', action='store_true',
+                  default=False)
+    opts,args = op.parse_args()
+    if len(args) != 2:
+        parser.error('invalid number of arguments')
+    symPath,output = args
+    makeTreeGraph(output, symPath, opts.count, opts.shuffle)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    try:
+        main()
+    except:
+        import sys,traceback
+        traceback.print_exc(file= sys.__stdout__)
+        sys.__stdout__.flush()