#!/bin/bash -x # Make sure we exit if there is a failure set -e STP_LOG="$(pwd)/stp-build.log" if [ "${STP_VERSION}" == "UPSTREAM" ]; then git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/stp/stp.git src mkdir build cd build # Disabling building of shared libs is a workaround cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DENABLE_PYTHON_INTERFACE:BOOL=OFF ../src # Don't try to build stp executable, there's an issue with using gcc4.8 with boost libraries built with gcc4.6 set +e # Do not exit if build fails because we need to display the log make libstp CopyPublicHeaders >> "${STP_LOG}" 2>&1 elif [ "${STP_VERSION}" == "r940" ]; then # Building the old "r940" version that for some reason we love so much! git clone git://github.com/stp/stp.git src_build mkdir build # This is actually the install directory cd src_build/ git checkout bc78d1f9f06fc095bd1ddad90eacdd1f05f64dae # r940 # Fixes for GCC # We don't try to fix clang compilation because there too many things that need # fixing and it isn't really r940 anymore if we start doing that git config --global user.name "travis" git config --global user.email "travis@travis.123" git cherry-pick ece1a55fb367bd905078baca38476e35b4df06c3 patch -p1 -i ${KLEE_SRC}/.travis/stp-r940-smtlib2.y.patch # Oh man this project is so broken. The binary build directory is missing mkdir -p bin export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ ./scripts/configure --with-prefix=${BUILD_DIR}/stp/build --with-cryptominisat2 echo "WARNING FORCING GCC TO BE USED TO COMPILE STP" set +e # Do not exit if build fails because we need to display the log make OPTIMIZE=-O2 CFLAGS_M32= install >> "${STP_LOG}" 2>&1 else echo "Unsupported STP_VERSION" exit 1 fi # Only show build output if something went wrong to keep log output short if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Build error" cat "${STP_LOG}" fi