#!/bin/sh if ([ "$#" != 1 ] || [ ! -d "$1" ] || [ ! -d "$1/autoconf/m4" ]); then echo "usage: $0 " 1>& 2 exit 1 fi llvm_src_root=$(cd $1; pwd) llvm_m4=$llvm_src_root/autoconf/m4 die () { echo "$@" 1>&2 exit 1 } test -d autoconf && test -f autoconf/configure.ac && cd autoconf test -f configure.ac || die "Can't find 'autoconf' dir; please cd into it first" autoconf --version | egrep '2\.60' > /dev/null if test $? -ne 0 ; then die "Your autoconf was not detected as being 2.60" fi # Patch LLVM_SRC_ROOT in configure.ac sed -e "s#^LLVM_SRC_ROOT=.*#LLVM_SRC_ROOT=\"$llvm_src_root\"#" \ configure.ac > configure.tmp.ac echo "Regenerating aclocal.m4 with aclocal" rm -f aclocal.m4 echo aclocal -I $llvm_m4 -I "$llvm_m4/.." || die "aclocal failed" aclocal -I $llvm_m4 -I "$llvm_m4/.." || die "aclocal failed" echo "Regenerating configure with autoconf 2.60" echo autoconf --warnings=all -o ../configure configure.tmp.ac || die "autoconf failed" autoconf --warnings=all -o ../configure configure.tmp.ac || die "autoconf failed" cp ../configure ../configure.bak sed -e "s#^LLVM_SRC_ROOT=.*#LLVM_SRC_ROOT=\".\"#" \ ../configure.bak > ../configure cd .. echo "Regenerating config.h.in with autoheader" autoheader --warnings=all \ -I autoconf -I autoconf/m4 \ autoconf/configure.tmp.ac || die "autoheader failed" rm -f autoconf/configure.tmp.ac configure.bak exit 0