dnl ************************************************************************** dnl * Initialize dnl ************************************************************************** AC_INIT([[KLEE]],[[0.01]],[daniel@minormatter.com]) dnl Identify where LLVM source tree is (this is patched by dnl AutoRegen.sh) LLVM_SRC_ROOT=XXX dnl Tell autoconf that the auxilliary files are actually located in dnl the LLVM autoconf directory, not here. AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR($LLVM_SRC_ROOT/autoconf) dnl Tell autoconf that this is an LLVM project being configured dnl This provides the --with-llvmsrc and --with-llvmobj options LLVM_CONFIG_PROJECT("","") dnl Verify that the source directory is valid AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(["Makefile.config.in"]) dnl Configure a common Makefile AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile.config) dnl Configure Doxygen file AC_CONFIG_FILES([docs/doxygen.cfg]) dnl Configure project makefiles dnl List every Makefile that exists within your source tree AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([include/klee/Config/config.h]) AH_TOP([#ifndef KLEE_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define KLEE_CONFIG_CONFIG_H]) AH_BOTTOM([#endif]) dnl FIXME: Make out of tree builds work. AC_LANG([C++]) dnl ************************************************************************** dnl Find the host AC_CANONICAL_TARGET dnl Determine the platform type and cache its value. This helps us configure dnl the System library to the correct build platform. AC_CACHE_CHECK([type of operating system we're going to host on], [klee_cv_os_type], [case $host in *-*-linux*) host_supports_posix_runtime=yes ;; *) host_supports_posix_runtime=no ;; esac]) dnl ************************************************************************** dnl Verify that we can find llvm dnl --with-llvm is a shortcut for setting srcdir and objdir. AC_ARG_WITH(llvm, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-llvm], [Location of LLVM Source and Object code]),,) AC_MSG_CHECKING([llvm source dir]) if test X${with_llvm} != X; then dnl Verify that --with-llvm{src,obj} were not given. if test X${with_llvmsrc} != X; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-llvmsrc cannot be specified when using --with-llvm]) fi if test X${with_llvmobj} != X; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-llvmobj cannot be specified when using --with-llvm]) fi with_llvmsrc=$with_llvm with_llvmobj=$with_llvm fi dnl If one of with_llvmsrc or with_llvmobj was given, we must have both. if (test X${with_llvmsrc} != X || test X${with_llvmobj} != X); then dnl Verify that with_llvmobj was given as well. if test X${with_llvmsrc} = X; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-llvmsrc must be specified when using --with-llvmobj]) fi if test X${with_llvmobj} = X; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-llvmobj must be specified when using --with-llvmsrc]) fi else dnl Otherwise try and use llvm-config to find. llvm_version=`llvm-config --version` if test X${llvm_version} = X; then AC_MSG_ERROR([unable to find llvm, use --with-llvmsrc and --with-llvmobj]) fi with_llvmsrc=`llvm-config --src-root` with_llvmobj=`llvm-config --obj-root` fi dnl Try to validate directories. if test ! -f ${with_llvmsrc}/Makefile.rules; then AC_MSG_ERROR([invalid llvmsrc directory: ${with_llvmsrc}]) fi if test ! -f ${with_llvmobj}/Makefile.config; then AC_MSG_ERROR([invalid llvmobj directory: ${with_llvmobj}]) fi dnl Make the paths absolute. llvm_src=`cd $with_llvmsrc 2> /dev/null; pwd` llvm_obj=`cd $with_llvmobj 2> /dev/null; pwd` AC_MSG_RESULT([$llvm_src]) dnl Report obj dir as well. AC_MSG_CHECKING([llvm obj dir]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$llvm_obj]) AC_SUBST(LLVM_SRC,$llvm_src) AC_SUBST(LLVM_OBJ,$llvm_obj) dnl Determine LLVM version. AC_MSG_CHECKING([llvm package version]) llvm_package_version=`grep PACKAGE_VERSION= $with_llvmsrc/configure | cut -d\' -f 2` AC_MSG_RESULT([$llvm_package_version]) llvm_version_split=`python -c "import re; print('\t'.join(map(str, re.match('([[0-9]]+)[.]([[0-9]]+)(svn)?', \"$llvm_package_version\").groups())))"` AC_MSG_CHECKING([llvm version major]) llvm_version_major=`echo "$llvm_version_split" | cut -f 1` AC_MSG_RESULT([$llvm_version_major]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([llvm version minor]) llvm_version_minor=`echo "$llvm_version_split" | cut -f 2` AC_MSG_RESULT([$llvm_version_minor]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([llvm is release version]) llvm_version_svn=`echo "$llvm_version_split" | cut -f 3` if test "$llvm_version_svn" == "svn"; then llvm_is_release=0 else llvm_is_release=1 fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$llvm_is_release]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR, $llvm_version_major, [LLVM major version number]) AC_SUBST(LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR,$llvm_version_major) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LLVM_VERSION_MINOR, $llvm_version_minor, [LLVM minor version number]) AC_SUBST(LLVM_VERSION_MINOR,$llvm_version_minor) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LLVM_IS_RELEASE, $llvm_is_release, [LLVM version is release (instead of development)]) AC_SUBST(LLVM_IS_RELEASE,$llvm_is_release) dnl LLVM <= 2.6 requires RTTI. if test $llvm_version_major -eq 2 -a $llvm_version_minor -le 6 ; then requires_rtti=1 else requires_rtti=0 fi AC_SUBST(REQUIRES_RTTI,$requires_rtti) AC_ARG_WITH(llvm-build-mode, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-llvm-build-mode], [LLVM build mode (e.g. Debug or Release, default autodetect)]),,[with_llvm_build_mode=check]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([llvm build mode]) if test X${with_llvm_build_mode} = Xcheck ; then llvm_configs="`echo $llvm_obj/*/bin/llvm-config`" dnl This will be true if the user has exactly 1 build mode built if test -x "$llvm_configs" ; then llvm_build_mode="`$llvm_configs --build-mode`" else AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not autodetect build mode]) fi else llvm_configs="`echo $llvm_obj/*/bin/llvm-config`" if test -x "$llvm_obj/$with_llvm_build_mode/bin/llvm-config" ; then llvm_build_mode=$with_llvm_build_mode else AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid build mode: $llvm_build_mode]) fi fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$llvm_build_mode]) AC_SUBST(LLVM_BUILD_MODE,$llvm_build_mode) dnl ************************************************************************** dnl User option to enable uClibc support. AC_ARG_WITH(uclibc, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-uclibc], [Enable use of the klee uclibc at the given path]),,) dnl If uclibc wasn't given, check for a uclibc in the current dnl directory. if (test X${with_uclibc} = X && test -d uclibc); then with_uclibc=uclibc fi dnl Validate uclibc if given. AC_MSG_CHECKING([uclibc]) if (test X${with_uclibc} != X); then if test ! -d ${with_uclibc}; then AC_MSG_ERROR([invalid uclibc directory: ${with_uclibc}]) fi dnl Make the path absolute with_uclibc=`cd $with_uclibc 2> /dev/null; pwd` AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_uclibc]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(KLEE_UCLIBC, "$with_uclibc", [Path to KLEE's uClibc]) AC_SUBST(KLEE_UCLIBC) if test X${with_uclibc} != X ; then AC_SUBST(ENABLE_UCLIBC,[[1]]) else AC_SUBST(ENABLE_UCLIBC,[[0]]) fi dnl ************************************************************************** dnl User option to enable the POSIX runtime AC_ARG_ENABLE(posix-runtime, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-posix-runtime], [Enable the POSIX runtime]), ,enableval=default) AC_MSG_CHECKING([POSIX runtime]) if test ${enableval} = "default" ; then if test X${with_uclibc} != X; then enableval=$host_supports_posix_runtime if test ${enableval} = "yes"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([default (enabled)]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([default (disabled, unsupported target)]) fi else enableval="no" AC_MSG_RESULT([default (disabled, no uclibc)]) fi else if test ${enableval} = "yes" ; then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi fi if test ${enableval} = "yes" ; then AC_SUBST(ENABLE_POSIX_RUNTIME,[[1]]) else AC_SUBST(ENABLE_POSIX_RUNTIME,[[0]]) fi dnl ************************************************************************** dnl User option to select runtime version AC_ARG_WITH(runtime, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-runtime], [Select build configuration for runtime libraries (default [Release+Asserts])]),, withval=default) if test X"${withval}" = Xdefault; then with_runtime=Release+Asserts fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([runtime configuration]) if test X${with_runtime} = XRelease; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Release]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_ENABLE_OPTIMIZED,[[1]]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS,[[1]]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_DEBUG_SYMBOLS,[[]]) elif test X${with_runtime} = XRelease+Asserts; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Release+Asserts]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_ENABLE_OPTIMIZED,[[1]]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS,[[0]]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_DEBUG_SYMBOLS,[[]]) elif test X${with_runtime} = XDebug; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Debug]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_ENABLE_OPTIMIZED,[[0]]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS,[[1]]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_DEBUG_SYMBOLS,[[1]]) elif test X${with_runtime} = XDebug+Asserts; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Debug+Asserts]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_ENABLE_OPTIMIZED,[[0]]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS,[[0]]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_DEBUG_SYMBOLS,[[1]]) else AC_MSG_ERROR([invalid configuration: ${with_runtime}]) fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION, "$with_runtime", [Configuration for runtime libraries]) AC_SUBST(RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION) dnl ************************************************************************** dnl See if we should support __ctype_b_loc externals. dnl FIXME: Do the proper test if we continue to need this. case $host in *-*-linux*) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_CTYPE_EXTERNALS, 1, [Does the platform use __ctype_b_loc, etc.]) esac dnl ************************************************************************** dnl Checks for header files. dnl NOTE: This is mostly just to force autoconf to make CFLAGS defines dnl for us. AC_LANG_PUSH([C]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/acl.h]) AC_LANG_POP([C]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([selinux/selinux.h], AC_SUBST(HAVE_SELINUX, 1), AC_SUBST(HAVE_SELINUX, 0)) dnl ************************************************************************** dnl Find an install of STP dnl ************************************************************************** AC_ARG_WITH(stp, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-stp], [Location of STP installation directory]),, [AC_MSG_ERROR([The --with-stp= argument is mandatory where is the path \ to the root of your STP install])]) #Check for empty argument if test "X$with_stp" = X ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ cannot be empty in --with-stp=]) else stp_root=`(cd $with_stp && pwd) 2> /dev/null` #Check for bad path if test "X$stp_root" = X ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot access path $with_stp passed to --with-stp]) fi old_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$stp_root/include" AC_CHECK_HEADER(stp/c_interface.h,, [ AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to use stp/c_interface.h header]) ]) CPPFLAGS="$old_CPPFLAGS" AC_CHECK_LIB(stp, vc_setInterfaceFlags,, [ AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to link with libstp]) ], -L$stp_root/lib) AC_SUBST(STP_ROOT,$stp_root) fi dnl ************************************************************************** dnl * Check for dejagnu dnl ************************************************************************** AC_PATH_PROG(RUNTEST, [runtest]) dnl ************************************************************************** dnl * Create the output files dnl ************************************************************************** dnl Do special configuration of Makefiles AC_CONFIG_MAKEFILE(Makefile) AC_CONFIG_MAKEFILE(Makefile.common) AC_CONFIG_MAKEFILE(lib/Makefile) AC_CONFIG_MAKEFILE(runtime/Makefile) AC_CONFIG_MAKEFILE(test/Makefile) AC_CONFIG_MAKEFILE(test/Makefile.tests) AC_CONFIG_MAKEFILE(tools/Makefile) AC_CONFIG_MAKEFILE(unittests/Makefile) dnl This must be last AC_OUTPUT