#===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# # # The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine # # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. # #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# # # This file provides multiple methods to detect LLVM. # # * llvm-config executable. This method is portable across LLVM build systems # (i.e. works if LLVM was built with autoconf/Makefile or with CMake). # # * find_package(LLVM CONFIG). This method only works if LLVM was built with # CMake or with LLVM >= 3.5 when built with the autoconf/Makefile build system # This method relies on the `LLVMConfig.cmake` file generated to be generated # by LLVM's build system. # #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# option(USE_CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_LLVM "Use find_package(LLVM CONFIG) to find LLVM" OFF) if (USE_CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_LLVM) find_package(LLVM CONFIG REQUIRED) # Provide function to map LLVM components to libraries. function(klee_get_llvm_libs output_var) if (${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.5") llvm_map_components_to_libraries(${output_var} ${ARGN}) else() llvm_map_components_to_libnames(${output_var} ${ARGN}) endif() set(${output_var} ${${output_var}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # HACK: This information is not exported so just pretend its OFF for now. set(LLVM_ENABLE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN OFF) else() # Use the llvm-config binary to get the information needed. # Try to detect it in the user's environment. The user can # force a particular binary by passing `-DLLVM_CONFIG_BINARY=/path/to/llvm-config` # to CMake. find_program(LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY NAMES llvm-config) message(STATUS "LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY: ${LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY}") if (NOT LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to find llvm-config.\n" "Try passing -DLLVM_CONFIG_BINARY=/path/to/llvm-config to cmake") endif() function(_run_llvm_config output_var) set(_command "${LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY}" ${ARGN}) execute_process(COMMAND ${_command} RESULT_VARIABLE _exit_code OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${output_var} OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if (NOT ("${_exit_code}" EQUAL "0")) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed running ${_command}") endif() set(${output_var} ${${output_var}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Get LLVM version _run_llvm_config(LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION "--version") # Try x.y.z patern set(_llvm_version_regex "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(svn)?$") if ("${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}" MATCHES "${_llvm_version_regex}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${_llvm_version_regex}" "\\1" LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR "${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${_llvm_version_regex}" "\\2" LLVM_VERSION_MINOR "${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${_llvm_version_regex}" "\\3" LLVM_VERSION_PATCH "${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}") else() # try x.y pattern set(_llvm_version_regex "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(svn)?$") if ("${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}" MATCHES "${_llvm_version_regex}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${_llvm_version_regex}" "\\1" LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR "${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${_llvm_version_regex}" "\\2" LLVM_VERSION_MINOR "${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}") set(LLVM_VERSION_PATCH 0) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to parse LLVM version from \"${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}\"") endif() endif() set(LLVM_DEFINITIONS "") _run_llvm_config(_llvm_cpp_flags "--cppflags") string_to_list("${_llvm_cpp_flags}" _llvm_cpp_flags_list) foreach (flag ${_llvm_cpp_flags_list}) # Filter out -I flags by only looking for -D flags. if ("${flag}" MATCHES "^-D" AND NOT ("${flag}" STREQUAL "-D_DEBUG")) list(APPEND LLVM_DEFINITIONS "${flag}") endif() endforeach() set(LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS ON) set(LLVM_ENABLE_EH ON) set(LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI ON) set(LLVM_ENABLE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN OFF) _run_llvm_config(_llvm_cxx_flags "--cxxflags") string_to_list("${_llvm_cxx_flags}" _llvm_cxx_flags_list) foreach (flag ${_llvm_cxx_flags_list}) if ("${flag}" STREQUAL "-DNDEBUG") # Note we don't rely on `llvm-config --build-mode` because # that seems broken when LLVM is built with CMake. set(LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS OFF) elseif ("${flag}" STREQUAL "-fno-exceptions") set(LLVM_ENABLE_EH OFF) elseif ("${flag}" STREQUAL "-fno-rtti") set(LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI OFF) elseif ("${flag}" STREQUAL "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden") set(LLVM_ENABLE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN ON) endif() endforeach() set(LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS "") foreach (flag ${_llvm_cpp_flags_list}) # Filter out -D flags by only looking for -I flags. if ("${flag}" MATCHES "^-I") string(REGEX REPLACE "^-I(.+)$" "\\1" _include_dir "${flag}") list(APPEND LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS "${_include_dir}") endif() endforeach() _run_llvm_config(LLVM_LIBRARY_DIRS "--libdir") _run_llvm_config(LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR "--bindir") _run_llvm_config(TARGET_TRIPLE "--host-target") # Provide function to map LLVM components to libraries. function(klee_get_llvm_libs OUTPUT_VAR) _run_llvm_config(_llvm_libs "--libfiles" ${ARGN}) string_to_list("${_llvm_libs}" _llvm_libs_list) # Now find the system libs that are needed. if (${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.5") # For LLVM 3.4 and older system libraries # appeared in the output of `--ldflags`. _run_llvm_config(_system_libs "--ldflags") # TODO: Filter out `-L` flag. else() _run_llvm_config(_system_libs "--system-libs") endif() string_to_list("${_system_libs}" _system_libs_list) # Create an imported target for each LLVM library # if it doesn't already exist. We need to do this # so we can tell CMake that these libraries depend # on the necessary libraries so that CMake # can get the link order right. set(targets_to_return "") set(created_targets "") foreach (llvm_lib ${_llvm_libs_list}) get_filename_component(llvm_lib_file_name "${llvm_lib}" NAME) string(REGEX REPLACE "^(lib)?(LLVM[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\..+$" "\\2" target_name "${llvm_lib_file_name}") list(APPEND targets_to_return "${target_name}") if (NOT TARGET "${target_name}") # DEBUG: message(STATUS "Creating imported target \"${target_name}\"" " for \"${llvm_lib}\"") list(APPEND created_targets "${target_name}") set(import_library_type "STATIC") if ("${llvm_lib_file_name}" MATCHES "(so|dylib|dll)$") set(import_library_type "SHARED") endif() # Create an imported target for the library add_library("${target_name}" "${import_library_type}" IMPORTED GLOBAL) set_property(TARGET "${target_name}" PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION "${llvm_lib}" ) endif() endforeach() # Now state the dependencies of the created imported targets which we # assume to be for each imported target the libraries which appear after # the library in `{_llvm_libs_list}` and then finally the system libs. # It is **essential** that we do this otherwise CMake will get the # link order of the imported targets wrong. list(LENGTH targets_to_return length_targets_to_return) if ("${length_targets_to_return}" GREATER 0) math(EXPR targets_to_return_last_index "${length_targets_to_return} -1") foreach (llvm_target_lib ${created_targets}) # DEBUG: message(STATUS "Adding deps for target ${llvm_target_lib}") # Find position in `targets_to_return` list(FIND targets_to_return "${llvm_target_lib}" position) if ("${position}" EQUAL "-1") message(FATAL_ERROR "couldn't find \"${llvm_target_lib}\" in list of targets") endif() if ("${position}" LESS "${targets_to_return_last_index}") math(EXPR position_plus_one "${position} + 1") foreach (index RANGE ${position_plus_one} ${targets_to_return_last_index}) # Get the target for this index list(GET targets_to_return ${index} target_for_index) # DEBUG: message(STATUS "${llvm_target_libs} depends on ${target_for_index}") set_property(TARGET "${llvm_target_lib}" APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${target_for_index}" ) endforeach() endif() # Now finally add the system library dependencies. These must be last. set_property(TARGET "${target_name}" APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${_system_libs_list}" ) endforeach() endif() set(${OUTPUT_VAR} ${targets_to_return} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() endif()