(theory BitVector_ArraysEx

 :written_by {Clark Barrett}
 :date {May 7, 2007}
:sorts_description {
    All sort symbols of the form BitVec[m],
    where m is a numeral greater than 0.

    All sort symbols of the form Array[m:n],
    where m and n are numerals with m > 0 and n > 0.

:funs_description {
    All functions from the theory Fixed_Size_Bitvectors.

:funs_description {
    All function symbols with arity of the form

      (select Array[m:n] BitVec[m] BitVec[n])

    - m,n are numerals
    - m > 0, n > 0

:funs_description {
    All function symbols with arity of the form

      (store Array[m:n] BitVec[m] BitVec[n] Array[m:n])

    - m,n are numerals
    - m > 0, n > 0

:preds_description {
    All predicates from the theory Fixed_Size_Bitvectors.

 "This is a theory containing an infinite number of copies of the theory of
  functional arrays with extensionality: one for each pair of bitvector sorts.
  It can be formally defined as the union of the SMT-LIB theory
  Fixed_Size_Bitvectors and an infinite number of variants of the SMT-LIB
  theory ArraysEx: one for each distinct signature morphism mapping the sort Index
  to BitVec[m] and the sort Element to Bitvec[n] where m and n range over all
  positive numerals.  In each of the copies of ArraysEx, the sort Array is
  renamed to Array[m:n] and each copy of ArraysEx contributes exactly one select
  function and one store function to the infinite polymorphic family of select
  and store functions described above.

 "As in the theory Fixed_Size_Bitvectors, this theory does not
  provide a value for the formal attributes :sorts, :funs, and :preds because
  there are an infinite number of them.  See the notes in theory
  Fixed_Size_Bitvectors for details.

  If for i=1,2, T_i is an SMT-LIB theory with sorts S_i, function symbols F_i,
  predicate symbols P_i, and axioms A_i, by \"union\" of T_1 and T_2 
  we mean the theory T with sorts S_1 U S_2, function symbols F_1 U F_2,
  predicate symbols P_1 U P_2, and axioms A_1 U A_2 (where U stands for set
  theoretic union).

  The theory T is a well-defined SMT-LIB theory whenever S_1, S_2, F_1, F_2, 
  P_1, P_2 are all pairwise disjoint, as is the case for the component theories
  considered here. 