//===-- ExecutionState.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include "klee/ExecutionState.h"

#include "klee/Internal/Module/Cell.h"
#include "klee/Internal/Module/InstructionInfoTable.h"
#include "klee/Internal/Module/KInstruction.h"
#include "klee/Internal/Module/KModule.h"

#include "klee/Expr.h"

#include "Memory.h"

#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdarg.h>

using namespace llvm;
using namespace klee;

namespace { 


StackFrame::StackFrame(KInstIterator _caller, KFunction *_kf)
  : caller(_caller), kf(_kf), callPathNode(0), 
    minDistToUncoveredOnReturn(0), varargs(0) {
  locals = new Cell[kf->numRegisters];

StackFrame::StackFrame(const StackFrame &s) 
  : caller(s.caller),
    varargs(s.varargs) {
  locals = new Cell[s.kf->numRegisters];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<s.kf->numRegisters; i++)
    locals[i] = s.locals[i];

StackFrame::~StackFrame() { 
  delete[] locals; 


ExecutionState::ExecutionState(KFunction *kf) 
  : fakeState(false),
    ptreeNode(0) {
  pushFrame(0, kf);

ExecutionState::ExecutionState(const std::vector<ref<Expr> > &assumptions) 
  : fakeState(true),
    ptreeNode(0) {

ExecutionState::~ExecutionState() {
  while (!stack.empty()) popFrame();

ExecutionState *ExecutionState::branch() {

  ExecutionState *falseState = new ExecutionState(*this);
  falseState->coveredNew = false;

  weight *= .5;
  falseState->weight -= weight;

  return falseState;

void ExecutionState::pushFrame(KInstIterator caller, KFunction *kf) {

void ExecutionState::popFrame() {
  StackFrame &sf = stack.back();
  for (std::vector<const MemoryObject*>::iterator it = sf.allocas.begin(), 
         ie = sf.allocas.end(); it != ie; ++it)


std::string ExecutionState::getFnAlias(std::string fn) {
  std::map < std::string, std::string >::iterator it = fnAliases.find(fn);
  if (it != fnAliases.end())
    return it->second;
  else return "";

void ExecutionState::addFnAlias(std::string old_fn, std::string new_fn) {
  fnAliases[old_fn] = new_fn;

void ExecutionState::removeFnAlias(std::string fn) {


std::ostream &klee::operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MemoryMap &mm) {
  os << "{";
  MemoryMap::iterator it = mm.begin();
  MemoryMap::iterator ie = mm.end();
  if (it!=ie) {
    os << "MO" << it->first->id << ":" << it->second;
    for (++it; it!=ie; ++it)
      os << ", MO" << it->first->id << ":" << it->second;
  os << "}";
  return os;

bool ExecutionState::merge(const ExecutionState &b) {
  if (DebugLogStateMerge)
    llvm::cerr << "-- attempting merge of A:" 
               << this << " with B:" << &b << "--\n";
  if (pc != b.pc)
    return false;

  // XXX is it even possible for these to differ? does it matter? probably
  // implies difference in object states?
  if (symbolics!=b.symbolics)
    return false;

    std::vector<StackFrame>::const_iterator itA = stack.begin();
    std::vector<StackFrame>::const_iterator itB = b.stack.begin();
    while (itA!=stack.end() && itB!=b.stack.end()) {
      // XXX vaargs?
      if (itA->caller!=itB->caller || itA->kf!=itB->kf)
        return false;
    if (itA!=stack.end() || itB!=b.stack.end())
      return false;

  std::set< ref<Expr> > aConstraints(constraints.begin(), constraints.end());
  std::set< ref<Expr> > bConstraints(b.constraints.begin(), 
  std::set< ref<Expr> > commonConstraints, aSuffix, bSuffix;
  std::set_intersection(aConstraints.begin(), aConstraints.end(),
                        bConstraints.begin(), bConstraints.end(),
                        std::inserter(commonConstraints, commonConstraints.begin()));
  std::set_difference(aConstraints.begin(), aConstraints.end(),
                      commonConstraints.begin(), commonConstraints.end(),
                      std::inserter(aSuffix, aSuffix.end()));
  std::set_difference(bConstraints.begin(), bConstraints.end(),
                      commonConstraints.begin(), commonConstraints.end(),
                      std::inserter(bSuffix, bSuffix.end()));
  if (DebugLogStateMerge) {
    llvm::cerr << "\tconstraint prefix: [";
    for (std::set< ref<Expr> >::iterator it = commonConstraints.begin(), 
           ie = commonConstraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
      llvm::cerr << *it << ", ";
    llvm::cerr << "]\n";
    llvm::cerr << "\tA suffix: [";
    for (std::set< ref<Expr> >::iterator it = aSuffix.begin(), 
           ie = aSuffix.end(); it != ie; ++it)
      llvm::cerr << *it << ", ";
    llvm::cerr << "]\n";
    llvm::cerr << "\tB suffix: [";
    for (std::set< ref<Expr> >::iterator it = bSuffix.begin(), 
           ie = bSuffix.end(); it != ie; ++it)
      llvm::cerr << *it << ", ";
    llvm::cerr << "]\n";

  // We cannot merge if addresses would resolve differently in the
  // states. This means:
  // 1. Any objects created since the branch in either object must
  // have been free'd.
  // 2. We cannot have free'd any pre-existing object in one state
  // and not the other

  if (DebugLogStateMerge) {
    llvm::cerr << "\tchecking object states\n";
    llvm::cerr << "A: " << addressSpace.objects << "\n";
    llvm::cerr << "B: " << b.addressSpace.objects << "\n";
  std::set<const MemoryObject*> mutated;
  MemoryMap::iterator ai = addressSpace.objects.begin();
  MemoryMap::iterator bi = b.addressSpace.objects.begin();
  MemoryMap::iterator ae = addressSpace.objects.end();
  MemoryMap::iterator be = b.addressSpace.objects.end();
  for (; ai!=ae && bi!=be; ++ai, ++bi) {
    if (ai->first != bi->first) {
      if (DebugLogStateMerge) {
        if (ai->first < bi->first) {
          llvm::cerr << "\t\tB misses binding for: " << ai->first->id << "\n";
        } else {
          llvm::cerr << "\t\tA misses binding for: " << bi->first->id << "\n";
      return false;
    if (ai->second != bi->second) {
      if (DebugLogStateMerge)
        llvm::cerr << "\t\tmutated: " << ai->first->id << "\n";
  if (ai!=ae || bi!=be) {
    if (DebugLogStateMerge)
      llvm::cerr << "\t\tmappings differ\n";
    return false;
  // merge stack

  ref<Expr> inA = ConstantExpr::alloc(1, Expr::Bool);
  ref<Expr> inB = ConstantExpr::alloc(1, Expr::Bool);
  for (std::set< ref<Expr> >::iterator it = aSuffix.begin(), 
         ie = aSuffix.end(); it != ie; ++it)
    inA = AndExpr::create(inA, *it);
  for (std::set< ref<Expr> >::iterator it = bSuffix.begin(), 
         ie = bSuffix.end(); it != ie; ++it)
    inB = AndExpr::create(inB, *it);

  // XXX should we have a preference as to which predicate to use?
  // it seems like it can make a difference, even though logically
  // they must contradict each other and so inA => !inB

  std::vector<StackFrame>::iterator itA = stack.begin();
  std::vector<StackFrame>::const_iterator itB = b.stack.begin();
  for (; itA!=stack.end(); ++itA, ++itB) {
    StackFrame &af = *itA;
    const StackFrame &bf = *itB;
    for (unsigned i=0; i<af.kf->numRegisters; i++) {
      ref<Expr> &av = af.locals[i].value;
      const ref<Expr> &bv = bf.locals[i].value;
      if (av.isNull() || bv.isNull()) {
        // if one is null then by implication (we are at same pc)
        // we cannot reuse this local, so just ignore
      } else {
        av = SelectExpr::create(inA, av, bv);

  for (std::set<const MemoryObject*>::iterator it = mutated.begin(), 
         ie = mutated.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
    const MemoryObject *mo = *it;
    const ObjectState *os = addressSpace.findObject(mo);
    const ObjectState *otherOS = b.addressSpace.findObject(mo);
    assert(os && !os->readOnly && 
           "objects mutated but not writable in merging state");

    ObjectState *wos = addressSpace.getWriteable(mo, os);
    for (unsigned i=0; i<mo->size; i++) {
      ref<Expr> av = wos->read8(i);
      ref<Expr> bv = otherOS->read8(i);
      wos->write(i, SelectExpr::create(inA, av, bv));

  constraints = ConstraintManager();
  for (std::set< ref<Expr> >::iterator it = commonConstraints.begin(), 
         ie = commonConstraints.end(); it != ie; ++it)
  constraints.addConstraint(OrExpr::create(inA, inB));

  return true;


   Used for tainting: create a clone of os that we can revirt to with
   the behavior that all constraints are preserved, but writes are 
   discarded.  When we revirt it will be at the same address.
ObjectState *ExecutionState::cloneObject(ObjectState *os, 
                                         MemoryObject *mo) {
  MemoryMap::iterator it = shadowObjects.find(mo);
  if (it != shadowObjects.end())
    assert(0 && "Cannot exist already!");

  llvm::cerr << "DRE: Inserting a cloned object: " << mo << "\n";
  shadowObjects = shadowObjects.replace(std::make_pair(mo, os));
  os = new ObjectState(*os);
  addressSpace.bindObject(mo, os);
  return os;


ExecutionTraceEvent::ExecutionTraceEvent(ExecutionState& state, 
                                         KInstruction* ki)
  : consecutiveCount(1) 
  file = ki->info->file;
  line = ki->info->line;
  funcName = state.stack.back().kf->function->getName();
  stackDepth = state.stack.size();

bool ExecutionTraceEvent::ignoreMe() const {
  // ignore all events occurring in certain pesky uclibc files:
  if (file.find("libc/stdio/") != std::string::npos) {
    return true;

  return false;

void ExecutionTraceEvent::print(std::ostream &os) const {
  os << ' ';
  os << ' ' << file << ':' << line << ':' << funcName;
  if (consecutiveCount > 1)
    os << " (" << consecutiveCount << "x)\n";
    os << '\n';

bool ExecutionTraceEventEquals(ExecutionTraceEvent* e1, ExecutionTraceEvent* e2) {
  // first see if their base class members are identical:
  if (!((e1->file == e2->file) &&
        (e1->line == e2->line) &&
        (e1->funcName == e2->funcName)))
    return false;

  // fairly ugly, but i'm no OOP master, so this is the way i'm
  // doing it for now ... lemme know if there's a cleaner way:
  BranchTraceEvent* be1 = dynamic_cast<BranchTraceEvent*>(e1);
  BranchTraceEvent* be2 = dynamic_cast<BranchTraceEvent*>(e2);
  if (be1 && be2) {
    return ((be1->trueTaken == be2->trueTaken) &&
            (be1->canForkGoBothWays == be2->canForkGoBothWays));

  // don't tolerate duplicates in anything else:
  return false;

void BranchTraceEvent::printDetails(std::ostream &os) const {
  os << "BRANCH " << (trueTaken ? "T" : "F") << ' ' <<
        (canForkGoBothWays ? "2-way" : "1-way");

void ExecutionTraceManager::addEvent(ExecutionTraceEvent* evt) {
  // don't trace anything before __user_main, except for global events
  if (!hasSeenUserMain) {
    if (evt->funcName == "__user_main") {
      hasSeenUserMain = true;
    else if (evt->funcName != "global_def") {

  // custom ignore events:
  if (evt->ignoreMe())

  if (events.size() > 0) {
    // compress consecutive duplicates:
    ExecutionTraceEvent* last = events.back();
    if (ExecutionTraceEventEquals(last, evt)) {


void ExecutionTraceManager::printAllEvents(std::ostream &os) const {
  for (unsigned i = 0; i != events.size(); ++i)
