//===-- ExternalDispatcher.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include "ExternalDispatcher.h"
#include "klee/Config/Version.h"

#include "llvm/IR/CallSite.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/GenericValue.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"

#include <csetjmp>
#include <csignal>

using namespace llvm;
using namespace klee;


static sigjmp_buf escapeCallJmpBuf;

extern "C" {

static void sigsegv_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *info, void *context) {
  siglongjmp(escapeCallJmpBuf, 1);

namespace klee {

class ExternalDispatcherImpl {
  typedef std::map<const llvm::Instruction *, llvm::Function *> dispatchers_ty;
  dispatchers_ty dispatchers;
  llvm::Function *createDispatcher(llvm::Function *f, llvm::Instruction *i,
                                   llvm::Module *module);
  llvm::ExecutionEngine *executionEngine;
  LLVMContext &ctx;
  std::map<std::string, void *> preboundFunctions;
  bool runProtectedCall(llvm::Function *f, uint64_t *args);
  llvm::Module *singleDispatchModule;
  std::vector<std::string> moduleIDs;
  std::string &getFreshModuleID();
  int lastErrno;

  ExternalDispatcherImpl(llvm::LLVMContext &ctx);
  bool executeCall(llvm::Function *function, llvm::Instruction *i,
                   uint64_t *args);
  void *resolveSymbol(const std::string &name);
  int getLastErrno();
  void setLastErrno(int newErrno);

std::string &ExternalDispatcherImpl::getFreshModuleID() {
  // We store the module IDs because `llvm::Module` constructor takes the
  // module ID as a StringRef so it doesn't own the ID.  Therefore we need to
  // own the ID.
  static uint64_t counter = 0;
  std::string underlyingString;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream ss(underlyingString);
  ss << "ExternalDispatcherModule_" << counter;
  moduleIDs.push_back(ss.str()); // moduleIDs now has a copy
  ++counter;                     // Increment for next call
  return moduleIDs.back();

void *ExternalDispatcherImpl::resolveSymbol(const std::string &name) {

  const char *str = name.c_str();

  // We use this to validate that function names can be resolved so we
  // need to match how the JIT does it. Unfortunately we can't
  // directly access the JIT resolution function
  // JIT::getPointerToNamedFunction so we emulate the important points.

  if (str[0] == 1) // asm specifier, skipped

  void *addr = sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(str);
  if (addr)
    return addr;

  // If it has an asm specifier and starts with an underscore we retry
  // without the underscore. I (DWD) don't know why.
  if (name[0] == 1 && str[0] == '_') {
    addr = sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(str);

  return addr;

ExternalDispatcherImpl::ExternalDispatcherImpl(LLVMContext &ctx)
    : ctx(ctx), lastErrno(0) {
  std::string error;
  singleDispatchModule = new Module(getFreshModuleID(), ctx);
  // The MCJIT JITs whole modules at a time rather than individual functions
  // so we will let it manage the modules.
  // Note that we don't do anything with `singleDispatchModule`. This is just
  // so we can use the EngineBuilder API.
  auto dispatchModuleUniq = std::unique_ptr<Module>(singleDispatchModule);
  executionEngine = EngineBuilder(std::move(dispatchModuleUniq))

  if (!executionEngine) {
    llvm::errs() << "unable to make jit: " << error << "\n";

  // If we have a native target, initialize it to ensure it is linked in and
  // usable by the JIT.

  // from ExecutionEngine::create
  if (executionEngine) {
    // Make sure we can resolve symbols in the program as well. The zero arg
    // to the function tells DynamicLibrary to load the program, not a library.

#ifdef WINDOWS
  preboundFunctions["getpid"] = (void *)(long)getpid;
  preboundFunctions["putchar"] = (void *)(long)putchar;
  preboundFunctions["printf"] = (void *)(long)printf;
  preboundFunctions["fprintf"] = (void *)(long)fprintf;
  preboundFunctions["sprintf"] = (void *)(long)sprintf;

ExternalDispatcherImpl::~ExternalDispatcherImpl() {
  delete executionEngine;
  // NOTE: the `executionEngine` owns all modules so
  // we don't need to delete any of them.

bool ExternalDispatcherImpl::executeCall(Function *f, Instruction *i,
                                         uint64_t *args) {
  dispatchers_ty::iterator it = dispatchers.find(i);
  if (it != dispatchers.end()) {
    // Code already JIT'ed for this
    return runProtectedCall(it->second, args);

  // Code for this not JIT'ed. Do this now.
  Function *dispatcher;
#ifdef WINDOWS
  std::map<std::string, void *>::iterator it2 =

  if (it2 != preboundFunctions.end()) {
    // only bind once
    if (it2->second) {
      executionEngine->addGlobalMapping(f, it2->second);
      it2->second = 0;

  Module *dispatchModule = NULL;
  // The MCJIT generates whole modules at a time so for every call that we
  // haven't made before we need to create a new Module.
  dispatchModule = new Module(getFreshModuleID(), ctx);
  dispatcher = createDispatcher(f, i, dispatchModule);
  dispatchers.insert(std::make_pair(i, dispatcher));

  // Force the JIT execution engine to go ahead and build the function. This
  // ensures that any errors or assertions in the compilation process will
  // trigger crashes instead of being caught as aborts in the external
  // function.
  if (dispatcher) {
    // The dispatchModule is now ready so tell MCJIT to generate the code for
    // it.
    auto dispatchModuleUniq = std::unique_ptr<Module>(dispatchModule);
        std::move(dispatchModuleUniq)); // MCJIT takes ownership
    // Force code generation
    uint64_t fnAddr =
    assert(fnAddr && "failed to get function address");
  } else {
    // MCJIT didn't take ownership of the module so delete it.
    delete dispatchModule;
  return runProtectedCall(dispatcher, args);

// FIXME: This is not reentrant.
static uint64_t *gTheArgsP;
bool ExternalDispatcherImpl::runProtectedCall(Function *f, uint64_t *args) {
  struct sigaction segvAction, segvActionOld;
  bool res;

  if (!f)
    return false;

  std::vector<GenericValue> gvArgs;
  gTheArgsP = args;

  segvAction.sa_handler = nullptr;
  sigaddset(&(segvAction.sa_mask), SIGSEGV);
  segvAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  segvAction.sa_sigaction = ::sigsegv_handler;
  sigaction(SIGSEGV, &segvAction, &segvActionOld);

  if (sigsetjmp(escapeCallJmpBuf, 1)) {
    res = false;
  } else {
    errno = lastErrno;
    executionEngine->runFunction(f, gvArgs);
    // Explicitly acquire errno information
    lastErrno = errno;
    res = true;

  sigaction(SIGSEGV, &segvActionOld, nullptr);
  return res;

// FIXME: This might have been relevant for the old JIT but the MCJIT
// has a completly different implementation so this comment below is
// likely irrelevant and misleading.
// For performance purposes we construct the stub in such a way that the
// arguments pointer is passed through the static global variable gTheArgsP in
// this file. This is done so that the stub function prototype trivially matches
// the special cases that the JIT knows how to directly call. If this is not
// done, then the jit will end up generating a nullary stub just to call our
// stub, for every single function call.
Function *ExternalDispatcherImpl::createDispatcher(Function *target,
                                                   Instruction *inst,
                                                   Module *module) {
  if (!resolveSymbol(target->getName().str()))
    return 0;

  const CallBase &cs = cast<CallBase>(*inst);
  const CallSite cs(inst->getOpcode() == Instruction::Call
                        ? CallSite(cast<CallInst>(inst))
                        : CallSite(cast<InvokeInst>(inst)));

  Value **args = new Value *[cs.arg_size()];

  std::vector<Type *> nullary;

  // MCJIT functions need unique names, or wrong function can be called.
  // The module identifier is included because for the MCJIT we need
  // unique function names across all `llvm::Modules`s.
  std::string fnName =
      "dispatcher_" + target->getName().str() + module->getModuleIdentifier();
  Function *dispatcher =
      Function::Create(FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(ctx), nullary, false),
                       GlobalVariable::ExternalLinkage, fnName, module);

  BasicBlock *dBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx, "entry", dispatcher);

  llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(dBB);
  // Get a Value* for &gTheArgsP, as an i64**.
  auto argI64sp = Builder.CreateIntToPtr(
      ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(ctx), (uintptr_t)(void *)&gTheArgsP),
  auto argI64s = Builder.CreateLoad(
      argI64sp->getType()->getPointerElementType(), argI64sp, "args");

  // Get the target function type.
  FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(

  // Each argument will be passed by writing it into gTheArgsP[i].
  unsigned i = 0, idx = 2;
  for (auto ai = cs.arg_begin(), ae = cs.arg_end(); ai != ae; ++ai, ++i) {
    // Determine the type the argument will be passed as. This accommodates for
    // the corresponding code in Executor.cpp for handling calls to bitcasted
    // functions.
    auto argTy =
        (i < FTy->getNumParams() ? FTy->getParamType(i) : (*ai)->getType());
    auto argI64p =
        Builder.CreateGEP(argI64s->getType()->getPointerElementType(), argI64s,
                          ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(ctx), idx));

    auto argp = Builder.CreateBitCast(argI64p, PointerType::getUnqual(argTy));
    args[i] =
        Builder.CreateLoad(argp->getType()->getPointerElementType(), argp);

    unsigned argSize = argTy->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
    idx += ((!!argSize ? argSize : 64) + 63) / 64;

  auto dispatchTarget = module->getOrInsertFunction(target->getName(), FTy,
  auto result = Builder.CreateCall(dispatchTarget,
                                   llvm::ArrayRef<Value *>(args, args + i));
  if (result->getType() != Type::getVoidTy(ctx)) {
    auto resp = Builder.CreateBitCast(
        argI64s, PointerType::getUnqual(result->getType()));
    Builder.CreateStore(result, resp);


  delete[] args;

  return dispatcher;

int ExternalDispatcherImpl::getLastErrno() { return lastErrno; }
void ExternalDispatcherImpl::setLastErrno(int newErrno) {
  lastErrno = newErrno;

ExternalDispatcher::ExternalDispatcher(llvm::LLVMContext &ctx)
    : impl(new ExternalDispatcherImpl(ctx)) {}

ExternalDispatcher::~ExternalDispatcher() { delete impl; }

bool ExternalDispatcher::executeCall(llvm::Function *function,
                                     llvm::Instruction *i, uint64_t *args) {
  return impl->executeCall(function, i, args);

void *ExternalDispatcher::resolveSymbol(const std::string &name) {
  return impl->resolveSymbol(name);

int ExternalDispatcher::getLastErrno() { return impl->getLastErrno(); }
void ExternalDispatcher::setLastErrno(int newErrno) {