//===-- Memory.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.


#include "klee/Expr.h"

#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"

#include <vector>
#include <string>

namespace llvm {
  class Value;

namespace klee {

class BitArray;
class MemoryManager;
class Solver;

class MemoryObject {
  friend class STPBuilder;

  static int counter;

  unsigned id;
  uint64_t address;
  Array *array;

  /// size in bytes
  unsigned size;
  std::string name;

  bool isLocal;
  bool isGlobal;
  bool isFixed;

  /// true if created by us.
  bool fake_object;
  bool isUserSpecified;

  /// "Location" for which this memory object was allocated. This
  /// should be either the allocating instruction or the global object
  /// it was allocated for (or whatever else makes sense).
  const llvm::Value *allocSite;
  /// A list of boolean expressions the user has requested be true of
  /// a counterexample. Mutable since we play a little fast and loose
  /// with allowing it to be added to during execution (although
  /// should sensibly be only at creation time).
  mutable std::vector< ref<Expr> > cexPreferences;

  MemoryObject(const MemoryObject &b);
  MemoryObject &operator=(const MemoryObject &b);

  // XXX this is just a temp hack, should be removed
  MemoryObject(uint64_t _address) 
    : id(counter++),
      array(new Array("arr" + llvm::utostr(id), this, id)),
      allocSite(0) {

  MemoryObject(uint64_t _address, unsigned _size, 
               bool _isLocal, bool _isGlobal, bool _isFixed,
               const llvm::Value *_allocSite) 
    : id(counter++),
      array(new Array("arr" + llvm::utostr(id), this, _size)),
      allocSite(_allocSite) {


  /// Get an identifying string for this allocation.
  void getAllocInfo(std::string &result) const;

  void setName(std::string name) {
    this->name = name;

  ref<Expr> getBaseExpr() const { 
    return ConstantExpr::create(address, kMachinePointerType);
  ref<Expr> getSizeExpr() const { 
    return ConstantExpr::create(size, kMachinePointerType);
  ref<Expr> getOffsetExpr(ref<Expr> pointer) const {
    return SubExpr::create(pointer, getBaseExpr());
  ref<Expr> getBoundsCheckPointer(ref<Expr> pointer) const {
    return getBoundsCheckOffset(getOffsetExpr(pointer));
  ref<Expr> getBoundsCheckPointer(ref<Expr> pointer, unsigned bytes) const {
    return getBoundsCheckOffset(getOffsetExpr(pointer), bytes);

  ref<Expr> getBoundsCheckOffset(ref<Expr> offset) const {
    if (size==0) {
      return EqExpr::create(offset, ConstantExpr::alloc(0, kMachinePointerType));
    } else {
      return UltExpr::create(offset, getSizeExpr());
  ref<Expr> getBoundsCheckOffset(ref<Expr> offset, unsigned bytes) const {
    if (bytes<=size) {
      return UltExpr::create(offset, 
                             ConstantExpr::alloc(size - bytes + 1, kMachinePointerType));
    } else {
      return ConstantExpr::alloc(0, Expr::Bool);

class ObjectState {
  friend class AddressSpace;
  unsigned copyOnWriteOwner; // exclusively for AddressSpace

  friend class ObjectHolder;
  unsigned refCount;

  const MemoryObject *object;

  uint8_t *concreteStore;
  // XXX cleanup name of flushMask (its backwards or something)
  BitArray *concreteMask;

  // mutable because may need flushed during read of const
  mutable BitArray *flushMask;

  ref<Expr> *knownSymbolics;

  unsigned size;

  // mutable because we may need flush during read of const
  mutable UpdateList updates;

  bool readOnly;

  // initial contents are undefined but concrete, it is the creators
  // responsibility to initialize the object contents appropriate
  ObjectState(const MemoryObject *mo, unsigned size);
  ObjectState(const ObjectState &os);

  const MemoryObject *getObject() const { return object; }

  void setReadOnly(bool ro) { readOnly = ro; }

  // make all bytes are concrete with undefined values
  void makeConcrete();

  void makeSymbolic();

  // make contents all concrete and zero
  void initializeToZero();
  // make contents all concrete and random
  void initializeToRandom();

  ref<Expr> read(ref<Expr> offset, Expr::Width width) const;
  ref<Expr> read(unsigned offset, Expr::Width width) const;
  ref<Expr> read1(unsigned offset) const;
  ref<Expr> read8(unsigned offset) const;
  ref<Expr> read16(unsigned offset) const;
  ref<Expr> read32(unsigned offset) const;
  ref<Expr> read64(unsigned offset) const;

  // return bytes written.
  void write(unsigned offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write(ref<Expr> offset, ref<Expr> value);

  void write8(unsigned offset, uint8_t value);
  void write16(unsigned offset, uint16_t value);
  void write32(unsigned offset, uint32_t value);
  void write64(unsigned offset, uint64_t value);

  ref<Expr> read1(ref<Expr> offset) const;
  ref<Expr> read8(ref<Expr> offset) const;
  ref<Expr> read16(ref<Expr> offset) const;
  ref<Expr> read32(ref<Expr> offset) const;
  ref<Expr> read64(ref<Expr> offset) const;

  void write1(unsigned offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write1(ref<Expr> offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write8(unsigned offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write8(ref<Expr> offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write16(unsigned offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write16(ref<Expr> offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write32(unsigned offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write32(ref<Expr> offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write64(unsigned offset, ref<Expr> value);
  void write64(ref<Expr> offset, ref<Expr> value);

  void fastRangeCheckOffset(ref<Expr> offset, unsigned *base_r, unsigned *size_r) const;
  void flushRangeForRead(unsigned rangeBase, unsigned rangeSize) const;
  void flushRangeForWrite(unsigned rangeBase, unsigned rangeSize);

  bool isByteConcrete(unsigned offset) const;
  bool isByteFlushed(unsigned offset) const;
  bool isByteKnownSymbolic(unsigned offset) const;

  void markByteConcrete(unsigned offset);
  void markByteSymbolic(unsigned offset);
  void markByteFlushed(unsigned offset);
  void markByteUnflushed(unsigned offset);
  void setKnownSymbolic(unsigned offset, Expr *value);

  void print();
} // End klee namespace
