//===-- MemoryManager.h -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.


#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>

namespace llvm {
class Value;

namespace klee {
class MemoryObject;
class ArrayCache;

class MemoryManager {
  typedef std::set<MemoryObject *> objects_ty;
  objects_ty objects;
  ArrayCache *const arrayCache;

  char *deterministicSpace;
  char *nextFreeSlot;
  size_t spaceSize;

  MemoryManager(ArrayCache *arrayCache);

   * Returns memory object which contains a handle to real virtual process
   * memory.
  MemoryObject *allocate(uint64_t size, bool isLocal, bool isGlobal,
                         const llvm::Value *allocSite, size_t alignment = 8);
  MemoryObject *allocateFixed(uint64_t address, uint64_t size,
                              const llvm::Value *allocSite);
  void deallocate(const MemoryObject *mo);
  void markFreed(MemoryObject *mo);
  ArrayCache *getArrayCache() const { return arrayCache; }

   * Returns the size used by deterministic allocation in bytes
  size_t getUsedDeterministicSize();

} // End klee namespace
